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DU MA in Psychology

Topic:‐ PSY MA

1) Out of the following cues, which cues are binocular?[Question ID = 5312]

1. Object size and linear perspective [Option ID = 21245]
2. Retinal disparity and convergence [Option ID = 21246]
3. Interposition and texture gradient [Option ID = 21247]
4. Accommodation and motion parallax [Option ID = 21248]

Correct Answer :‐
Retinal disparity and convergence [Option ID = 21246]

2) Your alarm clock makes a faint clicking sound a couple of seconds before the alarm goes off. At first, the click by itself
does not awaken you, but the alarm does. After a week or so, you awaken when you hear the click. Here 'click' is
the[Question ID = 5313]
1. Unconditioned stimulus [Option ID = 21249]
2. Conditioned stimulus [Option ID = 21250]
3. Unconditioned response [Option ID = 21251]
4. Conditioned response [Option ID = 21252]

Correct Answer :‐
Conditioned stimulus [Option ID = 21250]

3) In intergroup‐relations, often small trivial positive acts towards members of minority groups are made to deflect
accusations of prejudice and discrimination. This is known as[Question ID = 5314]
1. Social facilitation [Option ID = 21253]
2. Social dominance [Option ID = 21254]
3. Tokenism [Option ID = 21255]
4. Minority influence [Option ID = 21256]

Correct Answer :‐
Tokenism [Option ID = 21255]

4) The psychological phenomena that allows people to convince themselves that an event turned out the way they
predicted it before its occurrence, is called[Question ID = 5315]
1. Rationalization [Option ID = 21257]
2. Foresight bias [Option ID = 21258]
3. Introjection [Option ID = 21259]
4. Hindsight bias [Option ID = 21260]

Correct Answer :‐
Hindsight bias [Option ID = 21260]

5) The arousal produced by one stimulus can increase a person’s emotional reaction to another stimulus. This is
called[Question ID = 5316]
1. Excitation transfer [Option ID = 21261]
2. Incompatible responses [Option ID = 21262]
3. Emotional aggression [Option ID = 21263]
4. Indirect aggression [Option ID = 21264]

Correct Answer :‐
Excitation transfer [Option ID = 21261]

6) ___________ occurs when last items in a list of information are recalled more efficiently than items in the middle of the
list.[Question ID = 5317]
1. Primacy effect [Option ID = 21265]
2. Recency effect [Option ID = 21266]
3. Flynn effect [Option ID = 21267]
4. Halo effect [Option ID = 21268]

Correct Answer :‐
Recency effect [Option ID = 21266]

7) Which of these brain areas is considered most important for regulating hunger and satiety?[Question ID = 5318]
1. Hypothalamus [Option ID = 21269]
2. Hippocampus [Option ID = 21270]
3. Amygdala [Option ID = 21271]
4. Thalamus [Option ID = 21272]

Correct Answer :‐
Hypothalamus [Option ID = 21269]

8) A person who cheats on his/her spouse argues that “everyone cheats on their spouses.” Which of Freud’s defense
mechanisms might be responsible for this action?[Question ID = 5319]
1. Repression [Option ID = 21273]
2. Displacement [Option ID = 21274]
3. Denial [Option ID = 21275]
4. Projection [Option ID = 21276]

Correct Answer :‐
Projection [Option ID = 21276]

9) Implicit Association Test (IAT) is a reaction time test mostly used to measure ________[Question ID = 5320]
1. Covert negative attitudes [Option ID = 21277]
2. Cognitive dissonance [Option ID = 21278]
3. Attitude change [Option ID = 21279]
4. Causal attribution [Option ID = 21280]

Correct Answer :‐
Covert negative attitudes [Option ID = 21277]

10) The phenomenon of ___________is explained by the opponent‐process theory of colour perception.[Question ID =
1. Colour blindness [Option ID = 21281]
2. Colour afterimage [Option ID = 21282]
3. Dark adaptation [Option ID = 21283]
4. Light adaptation [Option ID = 21284]

Correct Answer :‐
Colour afterimage [Option ID = 21282]

11) According to Kohlberg's Morality theory, in ____________ stage, morality of an action is based on the consequences.
Actions that get rewarded are right and those that earn punishment are wrong.[Question ID = 5322]
1. Pre‐conventional [Option ID = 21285]
2. Conventional [Option ID = 21286]
3. Post‐conventional [Option ID = 21287]
4. Formal‐conventional [Option ID = 21288]

Correct Answer :‐
Pre‐conventional [Option ID = 21285]

12) According to Maslow, the need higher than self‐actualization is[Question ID = 5323]
1. Mindfulness [Option ID = 21289]
2. Creativity [Option ID = 21290]
3. Aesthetics [Option ID = 21291]
4. Transcendence [Option ID = 21292]

Correct Answer :‐
Transcendence [Option ID = 21292]

13) Which action would you classify being close to the concept of Active Bystandership given by Ervin Staub?[Question ID =
1. Clicking a selfie with the victim [Option ID = 21293]
2. Witnessing a racial attack and feeling sorry for the victim [Option ID = 21294]
3. Witnessing a racial attack and then intervening in that situation [Option ID = 21295]
4. Posting on the internet about the incident for the sake of entertainment [Option ID = 21296]

Correct Answer :‐
Witnessing a racial attack and then intervening in that situation [Option ID = 21295]

14) The conflict of having to choose between risky back surgery or living with the pain is an example of
________[Question ID = 5325]
1. Approach‐approach conflict [Option ID = 21297]
2. Approach‐ avoidance conflict [Option ID = 21298]
3. Avoidance‐avoidance conflict [Option ID = 21299]
4. Multiple approach‐avoidance conflict [Option ID = 21300]

Correct Answer :‐
Avoidance‐avoidance conflict [Option ID = 21299]

15) ____________occurs when people within a group feel it is more important to maintain group harmony rather than
critically evaluate facts when making decisions, often with dire consequences.[Question ID = 5326]
1. Groupthink [Option ID = 21301]
2. Conformity [Option ID = 21302]
3. Compliance [Option ID = 21303]
4. Obedience [Option ID = 21304]

Correct Answer :‐
Groupthink [Option ID = 21301]

16) A cognitive bias in which we tend to assume that an individual with one positive characteristic also possesses other
(even unrelated) positive characteristics, is called[Question ID = 5327]
1. Halo effect [Option ID = 21305]
2. Primacy effect [Option ID = 21306]
3. Reciprocal liking [Option ID = 21307]
4. Contrast effect [Option ID = 21308]

Correct Answer :‐
Halo effect [Option ID = 21305]

17) The match between individual and organizational expectations is called[Question ID = 5328]
1. Performance management [Option ID = 21309]
2. Psychological contract [Option ID = 21310]
3. Person organization fit [Option ID = 21311]
4. Person job fit [Option ID = 21312]

Correct Answer :‐
Psychological contract [Option ID = 21310]

18) ___________ is the tendency to overestimate that our own judgments, feelings and behavioral choices are shared by
everyone else and people agree to our attitudes, beliefs etc.[Question ID = 5329]
1. Evaluation apprehension [Option ID = 21313]
2. Fundamental attribution error [Option ID = 21314]
3. False consensus effect [Option ID = 21315]
4. Social dominance orientation [Option ID = 21316]

Correct Answer :‐
False consensus effect [Option ID = 21315]

19) The attachment style of individual desiring proximity but afraid of being close is called[Question ID = 5330]
1. Secure [Option ID = 21317]
2. Avoidant [Option ID = 21318]
3. Anxious [Option ID = 21319]
4. Fearful [Option ID = 21320]

Correct Answer :‐
Avoidant [Option ID = 21318]

20) ___________ entails reciprocal helping and kin selection as two forms of helping behavior.[Question ID = 5331]
1. Arousal‐ Cost‐Reward Model [Option ID = 21321]
2. Empathy‐Altruism Hypothesis [Option ID = 21322]
3. Negative State Relief Model [Option ID = 21323]
4. Evolutionary Perspective [Option ID = 21324]

Correct Answer :‐
Evolutionary Perspective [Option ID = 21324]

21) When you form a memory of an event, you link it to the way you thought about it at the time. When you try to recall
the event, a cue is most effective if it resembles the links you formed at the time of storage. This is called
__________[Question ID = 5332]
1. Depth processing [Option ID = 21325]
2. Elaboration [Option ID = 21326]
3. Encoding specificity [Option ID = 21327]
4. Context encoding [Option ID = 21328]

Correct Answer :‐
Encoding specificity [Option ID = 21327]

22) In a negotiation between two countries, both countries refuse to comply and agree because they want to only get their
demands met at any cost. At this time, the mediator says that the countries should focus on the second most preferable
solution to the situation, what is this known as?[Question ID = 5333]
1. Broad arbitration of negotiation [Option ID = 21329]
2. Best alternative to a negotiable solution [Option ID = 21330]
3. Brief arbitrative offering to a negotiable solution [Option ID = 21331]
4. Big solutions to conflict outcomes [Option ID = 21332]

Correct Answer :‐
Best alternative to a negotiable solution [Option ID = 21330]

23) Which of the following characteristics is more associated with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) rather
than Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?[Question ID = 5334]
1. Intrusive thoughts about contamination [Option ID = 21333]
2. Rigid ideas and high need of control [Option ID = 21334]
3. Ritualistic behavior [Option ID = 21335]
4. Anxiety [Option ID = 21336]

Correct Answer :‐
Rigid ideas and high need of control [Option ID = 21334]

24) In one of the experiments conducted in social psychology, it was found that in a particular test that was said to be
diagnostic of one’s intellectual abilities, the black and white participants differed significantly. The black participants
performed poorly in comparison to the white participants. However when the same test was presented as non‐diagnostic of
intellectual abilities both the black and white participants did equally well. This phenomenon resulted due to which of the
following?[Question ID = 5335]
1. Out‐group homogeneity bias [Option ID = 21337]
2. Stereotype threat [Option ID = 21338]
3. Self categorization [Option ID = 21339]
4. Social dominance orientation [Option ID = 21340]

Correct Answer :‐
Stereotype threat [Option ID = 21338]

25) According to Structuralism, __________ are the elements of ideas that are retrospective in nature such as a memory
of a past experience.[Question ID = 5336]
1. Sensations [Option ID = 21341]
2. Images [Option ID = 21342]
3. Affective states [Option ID = 21343]
4. Thoughts [Option ID = 21344]

Correct Answer :‐
Images [Option ID = 21342]

26) Perceiving a form in its absence would be an example of _______. Firmly believing that one is transforming into that
form would be an example of _______.[Question ID = 5337]
1. Hallucination; Delusion [Option ID = 21345]
2. Delusion; Hallucination [Option ID = 21346]
3. Illusion; Delusion [Option ID = 21347]
4. Subliminal perception; Illusion [Option ID = 21348]

Correct Answer :‐
Hallucination; Delusion [Option ID = 21345]

27) Which of the following best explains the phenomena that world is a fair and predictable place where good things
happen to good people and bad things to bad people or people get what they deserve?[Question ID = 5338]
1. Ethnocentrism [Option ID = 21349]
2. Cognitive algebra [Option ID = 21350]
3. Illusion of control [Option ID = 21351]
4. Just world hypothesis [Option ID = 21352]

Correct Answer :‐
Just world hypothesis [Option ID = 21352]

28) Data retrieved from available public records and used as evidence is called[Question ID = 5339]
1. Ethnographic data [Option ID = 21353]
2. Archival data [Option ID = 21354]
3. Diary data [Option ID = 21355]
4. Observation data [Option ID = 21356]

Correct Answer :‐
Archival data [Option ID = 21354]

29) ______________ is a non‐parametric measure of correlation, which works with ordinal level data[Question ID = 5340]
1. Pearson's product moment [Option ID = 21357]
2. Point‐biserial [Option ID = 21358]
3. Tetrachoric [Option ID = 21359]
4. Spearman's rank order [Option ID = 21360]

Correct Answer :‐
Spearman's rank order [Option ID = 21360]

30) Which of the following is not the example of duct glands?[Question ID = 5341]
1. Tear glands [Option ID = 21361]
2. Salivary glands [Option ID = 21362]
3. Sweat glands [Option ID = 21363]
4. Thyroid gland [Option ID = 21364]
Correct Answer :‐
Thyroid gland [Option ID = 21364]

31) Half the distance between first and third quartile in a distribution is called[Question ID = 5342]
1. Quartile deviation [Option ID = 21365]
2. Inter‐quartile range [Option ID = 21366]
3. Semi‐interquartile range [Option ID = 21367]
4. Standard deviation [Option ID = 21368]

Correct Answer :‐
Semi‐interquartile range [Option ID = 21367]

32) Three mountains task was used by Piaget to study ______ in children.[Question ID = 5343]
1. Centration [Option ID = 21369]
2. Conservation [Option ID = 21370]
3. Egocentrism [Option ID = 21371]
4. Reversibility [Option ID = 21372]

Correct Answer :‐
Egocentrism [Option ID = 21371]

33) A set of medical records classifies patients as “chronic”, “acute” or “not yet classified”. What level of measurement is
being used?[Question ID = 5344]
1. Nominal [Option ID = 21373]
2. Ordinal [Option ID = 21374]
3. Interval [Option ID = 21375]
4. Ratio [Option ID = 21376]

Correct Answer :‐
Nominal [Option ID = 21373]

34) The investment of energy in an action or image that will gratify an instinct is called an instinctual ____[Question ID =
1. Libido [Option ID = 21377]
2. Object‐choice [Option ID = 21378]
3. Object‐cathexis [Option ID = 21379]
4. Both b and c [Option ID = 21380]

Correct Answer :‐
Both b and c [Option ID = 21380]

35) ___________ is the area in the sampling distribution, where if the result falls within it, null hypothesis is considered
false.[Question ID = 5346]
1. Region of acceptance [Option ID = 21381]
2. Region of rejection [Option ID = 21382]
3. Critical region [Option ID = 21383]
4. Region of ambiguity [Option ID = 21384]

Correct Answer :‐
Region of rejection [Option ID = 21382]

36) When a client relates to the therapist in ways that resemble how he/she would relate to other loved figures in their
personal life, is called[Question ID = 5347]
1. Counter transference [Option ID = 21385]
2. Catharsis [Option ID = 21386]
3. Free association [Option ID = 21387]
4. Transference [Option ID = 21388]

Correct Answer :‐
Transference [Option ID = 21388]

37) The _______________ is a non‐parametric version of one‐way ANOVA.[Question ID = 5348]

1. Mann‐Whitney U test [Option ID = 21389]
2. Wilcoxon Sign Rank test [Option ID = 21390]
3. Sign Rank test [Option ID = 21391]
4. Kruskal‐Wallis test [Option ID = 21392]

Correct Answer :‐
Kruskal‐Wallis test [Option ID = 21392]

38) Deindividuation refers to which of the following?[Question ID = 5349]

1. Antisocial acts [Option ID = 21393]
2. Disobedience [Option ID = 21394]
3. Anonymity [Option ID = 21395]
4. Group Aggression [Option ID = 21396]

Correct Answer :‐
Anonymity [Option ID = 21395]

39) ___________ involves correlating the test scores with scores on a related external criterion at a given point of time.
[Question ID = 5350]
1. Content validity [Option ID = 21397]
2. Construct validity [Option ID = 21398]
3. Discriminant validity [Option ID = 21399]
4. Concurrent validity [Option ID = 21400]

Correct Answer :‐
Concurrent validity [Option ID = 21400]

40) The bodies’ daily fluctuations in response to the cycle of dark and light that affect blood pressure, pulse rate,
metabolism etc is called[Question ID = 5351]
1. Circadian rhythm [Option ID = 21401]
2. Manifest content [Option ID = 21402]
3. Activation synthesis [Option ID = 21403]
4. None of the above [Option ID = 21404]

Correct Answer :‐
Circadian rhythm [Option ID = 21401]

41) When presenting two‐sided messages, one of the ways of attempting to persuade people of your side, is to give them a
weakened version of the opposing argument and let the audience devise counter‐arguments to the weakened version. This
is referred to as[Question ID = 5352]
1. Reactance [Option ID = 21405]
2. Forewarning [Option ID = 21406]
3. Trivialization [Option ID = 21407]
4. Inoculation [Option ID = 21408]

Correct Answer :‐
Inoculation [Option ID = 21408]

42) The increment or decrement in the differences of the two stimuli values which can be detected 50 percent of time by
an observer is known as[Question ID = 5353]
1. Direct replication [Option ID = 21409]
2. Difference threshold [Option ID = 21410]
3. Differential transfer [Option ID = 21411]
4. Age‐equivalent norm [Option ID = 21412]

Correct Answer :‐
Difference threshold [Option ID = 21410]

43) Empty chair is a technique used in ___________[Question ID = 5354]

1. Gestalt therapy [Option ID = 21413]
2. Transactional analysis [Option ID = 21414]
3. Play therapy [Option ID = 21415]
4. Humanistic therapy [Option ID = 21416]

Correct Answer :‐
Gestalt therapy [Option ID = 21413]

44) Detecting the presence of a signal on a trial where only noise occurred is known as[Question ID = 5355]
1. False alarm [Option ID = 21417]
2. Hit [Option ID = 21418]
3. Miss [Option ID = 21419]
4. Correct rejection [Option ID = 21420]

Correct Answer :‐
False alarm [Option ID = 21417]

45) ________________ is the reliability which can be estimated by having a sample of test independently graded by two
or more examiners.[Question ID = 5356]
1. Scorer reliability [Option ID = 21421]
2. Alternate‐form reliability [Option ID = 21422]
3. Test‐retest reliability [Option ID = 21423]
4. Split‐half reliability [Option ID = 21424]

Correct Answer :‐
Scorer reliability [Option ID = 21421]

46) ________ is a Gestalt principle that assumes a direct correspondence between brain processes and what is being
experienced.[Question ID = 5357]
1. Isomorphism [Option ID = 21425]
2. Equipotentiality [Option ID = 21426]
3. Interposition [Option ID = 21427]
4. Interactionism [Option ID = 21428]

Correct Answer :‐
Isomorphism [Option ID = 21425]

47) ________________ measures the co‐ordination of hand, arm and leg movement in performing a task.[Question ID =
1. Motor Dexterity test [Option ID = 21429]
2. Porteous maze test [Option ID = 21430]
3. Mirror drawing test [Option ID = 21431]
4. Differential aptitude test [Option ID = 21432]

Correct Answer :‐
Motor Dexterity test [Option ID = 21429]

48) In classical conditioning if a behavior undergoes extinction, and then a delay ensues with no exposure to either the CS
or the UCS. What will probably happen?[Question ID = 5359]
1. Stimulus generalization [Option ID = 21433]
2. Consolidation [Option ID = 21434]
3. Spontaneous recovery [Option ID = 21435]
4. Stimulus discrimination [Option ID = 21436]

Correct Answer :‐
Spontaneous recovery [Option ID = 21435]

49) Extraversion is typically characterized by ______and introversion by ______[Question ID = 5360]

1. Outward orientation, inward orientation [Option ID = 21437]
2. Low sociability, high sociability [Option ID = 21438]
3. Private self, public self [Option ID = 21439]
4. Learning by introspection, learning by experimentation [Option ID = 21440]

Correct Answer :‐
Outward orientation, inward orientation [Option ID = 21437]

50) Non‐normal distribution that is closely bunched in the centre and peaked is[Question ID = 5361]
1. Platykurtic distribution [Option ID = 21441]
2. Leptokurtic distribution [Option ID = 21442]
3. Bi‐modal distribution [Option ID = 21443]
4. Mesokurtic distribution [Option ID = 21444]

Correct Answer :‐
Leptokurtic distribution [Option ID = 21442]

51) The form of energy by which the life instinct performs their work is called[Question ID = 5362]
1. Libido [Option ID = 21445]
2. Id [Option ID = 21446]
3. Primary process [Option ID = 21447]
4. Secondary process [Option ID = 21448]

Correct Answer :‐
Libido [Option ID = 21445]

52) Which one of these is NOT a theory to explain intergroup relations, violent conflicts and riots?[Question ID = 5363]
1. Theory of planned action [Option ID = 21449]
2. Norm violation [Option ID = 21450]
3. Relative deprivation theory [Option ID = 21451]
4. Realistic conflict theory [Option ID = 21452]

Correct Answer :‐
Theory of planned action [Option ID = 21449]

53) _______ is a mechanism by which the individual learns to cope with frustrations by redirecting negative emotions from
its original source to a less threatening one.[Question ID = 5364]
1. Displacement [Option ID = 21453]
2. Projection [Option ID = 21454]
3. Rationalization [Option ID = 21455]
4. Fixation [Option ID = 21456]

Correct Answer :‐
Displacement [Option ID = 21453]
54) A client comes into the office and narrates to you about experiencing excessive fear, restlessness, muscle tension and
having headaches almost every day. She also tells you she has difficulty in sleeping and is unable to concentrate at work.
The above description characterizes:[Question ID = 5365]
1. Major Depressive Disorder [Option ID = 21457]
2. Generalised Anxiety Disorder [Option ID = 21458]
3. Social Phobia [Option ID = 21459]
4. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [Option ID = 21460]

Correct Answer :‐
Generalised Anxiety Disorder [Option ID = 21458]

55) Research where pre‐existing and non‐manipulated variables are measured for differences or correlation is
called[Question ID = 5366]
1. Post facto research [Option ID = 21461]
2. Naturalistic experiment [Option ID = 21462]
3. Observational research [Option ID = 21463]
4. Time‐series research [Option ID = 21464]

Correct Answer :‐
Post facto research [Option ID = 21461]

56) According to NEO PI‐R test of personality, the facets of aesthetics are coming under _______ domains of personality.
[Question ID = 5367]
1. Agreeableness [Option ID = 21465]
2. Extraversion [Option ID = 21466]
3. Openness to experience [Option ID = 21467]
4. Conscientiousness [Option ID = 21468]

Correct Answer :‐
Openness to experience [Option ID = 21467]

57) What is NOT a core tenet in person‐centered therapy?[Question ID = 5368]

1. Compliance [Option ID = 21469]
2. Empathy [Option ID = 21470]
3. Congruence [Option ID = 21471]
4. Acceptance [Option ID = 21472]

Correct Answer :‐
Compliance [Option ID = 21469]

58) According to the Allport’s trait theory of personality, a set of dominant characteristics that make up the core of a
person’s personality is called[Question ID = 5369]
1. Source trait [Option ID = 21473]
2. Secondary trait [Option ID = 21474]
3. Cardinal trait [Option ID = 21475]
4. Central trait [Option ID = 21476]

Correct Answer :‐
Cardinal trait [Option ID = 21475]

59) Attachment avoidance is related with the parent child relationship that involves[Question ID = 5370]
1. Primary caregiver is not present in the time of need [Option ID = 21477]
2. Distancing oneself from partner in relationship [Option ID = 21478]
3. Being anxious in relationship [Option ID = 21479]
4. All of the above [Option ID = 21480]

Correct Answer :‐
All of the above [Option ID = 21480]

60) If one part of the _______ lobe is destroyed, the person will not be able to see half of the object[Question ID = 5371]
1. Frontal [Option ID = 21481]
2. Occipital [Option ID = 21482]
3. Temporal [Option ID = 21483]
4. Parietal [Option ID = 21484]

Correct Answer :‐
Occipital [Option ID = 21482]

61) ___________ approach to personality believes in the inherent goodness of individuals and optimization of human
potential[Question ID = 5372]
1. Existentialist [Option ID = 21485]
2. Phenomenological [Option ID = 21486]
3. Humanistic [Option ID = 21487]
4. Neo‐freudian [Option ID = 21488]
Correct Answer :‐
Humanistic [Option ID = 21487]

62) Which of the following areas of the brain is NOT involved in controlling movements of the body[Question ID = 5373]
1. Primary [Option ID = 21489]
2. Secondary [Option ID = 21490]
3. Supplementary [Option ID = 21491]
4. Tertiary [Option ID = 21492]

Correct Answer :‐
Tertiary [Option ID = 21492]

63) ________is the area of the brain that is responsible for language production and damage to this area results in
productive aphasia[Question ID = 5374]
1. Wernicke's area [Option ID = 21493]
2. Cerebellum [Option ID = 21494]
3. Islets of langerhans [Option ID = 21495]
4. Broca's area [Option ID = 21496]

Correct Answer :‐
Broca's area [Option ID = 21496]

64) Man apprehends the nature of woman by virtue of his[Question ID = 5375]

1. Persona [Option ID = 21497]
2. Anima [Option ID = 21498]
3. Animus [Option ID = 21499]
4. Shadow [Option ID = 21500]

Correct Answer :‐
Anima [Option ID = 21498]

65) If a cold spot is stimulated, you will feel a sensation of cold, even if the stimulus is something hot. This phenomenon is
called[Question ID = 5376]
1. Cold adaptation [Option ID = 21501]
2. Double pain [Option ID = 21502]
3. Paradoxical cold [Option ID = 21503]
4. Hot adaptation [Option ID = 21504]

Correct Answer :‐
Paradoxical cold [Option ID = 21503]

66) Which of the following sets of personality disorders have the most similar core features?[Question ID = 5377]
1. Narcissistic; schizotypal [Option ID = 21505]
2. Borderline; obsessive‐compulsive [Option ID = 21506]
3. Avoidant; obsessive‐compulsive [Option ID = 21507]
4. Antisocial; avoidant [Option ID = 21508]

Correct Answer :‐
Avoidant; obsessive‐compulsive [Option ID = 21507]

67) The scientist–practitioner model (1949), also called the __________, is a training model for educational programs that
provide trainee therapists with a foundation in both research and scientific practice.[Question ID = 5378]
1. Boulder model [Option ID = 21509]
2. Perma model [Option ID = 21510]
3. Clinical Science model [Option ID = 21511]
4. Glaser’s Training model [Option ID = 21512]

Correct Answer :‐
Boulder model [Option ID = 21509]

68) A therapist encourages their clients to embrace their thoughts and feelings rather than resisting or feeling guilty for
them, working on aspects such as ‘cognitive diffusion’ and ‘psychological flexibility’. Which of the therapeutic tradition
aligns with this orientation?[Question ID = 5379]
1. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy [Option ID = 21513]
2. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy [Option ID = 21514]
3. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy [Option ID = 21515]
4. Gestalt Therapy [Option ID = 21516]

Correct Answer :‐
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy [Option ID = 21515]

69) The sense that registers the movement and position of the limbs is called[Question ID = 5380]
1. Auditory [Option ID = 21517]
2. Visual [Option ID = 21518]
3. Somasthetic [Option ID = 21519]
4. Kinesthetic [Option ID = 21520]

Correct Answer :‐
Kinesthetic [Option ID = 21520]

70) A therapist is using systematic desensitization to treat a client who has been experiencing a phobia of snakes. The first
step to address in the anxiety hierarchy includes[Question ID = 5381]
1. Asking the client to hold a snake [Option ID = 21521]
2. Asking the client to look at a picture of a snake [Option ID = 21522]
3. Asking the client to avoid thinking about snakes [Option ID = 21523]
4. Asking the client to hold a dummy snake [Option ID = 21524]

Correct Answer :‐
Asking the client to look at a picture of a snake [Option ID = 21522]

71) Approach that focuses on common and usually measurable factors on which all individuals differ is[Question ID = 5382]
1. Idiographic [Option ID = 21525]
2. Inductive [Option ID = 21526]
3. Nomothetic [Option ID = 21527]
4. Epistemological [Option ID = 21528]

Correct Answer :‐
Nomothetic [Option ID = 21527]

72) According to Piaget, which is the correct order of emergence of the following abilities?

A. Transitive inference

B. Deferred imitation

C. Pretend play

D. Abstract thinking

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

[Question ID = 5383]
1. B, C, A, D

[Option ID = 21529]
2. D, A, C, B

[Option ID = 21530]
3. A, C, D, B

[Option ID = 21531]
4. A, D, C, B

[Option ID = 21532]

Correct Answer :‐
B, C, A, D

[Option ID = 21529]

73) The concept of ________in Whorfian hypothesis suggests that language determines the way people think and that
people with different languages think differently. This is called[Question ID = 5384]
1. Algorithm [Option ID = 21533]
2. Linguistic specificity [Option ID = 21534]
3. Linguistic relativity [Option ID = 21535]
4. Linguistic dissonance [Option ID = 21536]

Correct Answer :‐
Linguistic relativity [Option ID = 21535]

74) Which technique measures blood flow to different areas of the brain?[Question ID = 5385]
1. EEG [Option ID = 21537]
2. TMS [Option ID = 21538]
3. fMRI [Option ID = 21539]
4. a and c [Option ID = 21540]

Correct Answer :‐
fMRI [Option ID = 21539]

75) The method called catharsis or the ‘talking cure’ was originally given by[Question ID = 5386]
1. Sigmund Freud [Option ID = 21541]
2. Ernest Jones [Option ID = 21542]
3. Anna Freud [Option ID = 21543]
4. Joseph Breuer [Option ID = 21544]
Correct Answer :‐
Joseph Breuer [Option ID = 21544]

76) Job enlargement is a technique for _______loading of the job[Question ID = 5387]

1. Vertical [Option ID = 21545]
2. Horizontal [Option ID = 21546]
3. Lateral [Option ID = 21547]
4. Diagonal [Option ID = 21548]

Correct Answer :‐
Horizontal [Option ID = 21546]

77) The most common cause of severe intellectual and emotional impairment in older individuals is[Question ID = 5388]
1. Parkinson’s disease [Option ID = 21549]
2. Multiple sclerosis [Option ID = 21550]
3. Alzheimer’s disease [Option ID = 21551]
4. Senile psychosis [Option ID = 21552]

Correct Answer :‐
Alzheimer’s disease [Option ID = 21551]

78) The sentence “Colorful blue ideas jump furiously” has correct _______ but incorrect ________[Question ID = 5389]
1. Morphemes; phonemes [Option ID = 21553]
2. Phonemes; morphemes [Option ID = 21554]
3. Semantics; syntax [Option ID = 21555]
4. Syntax; semantics [Option ID = 21556]

Correct Answer :‐
Syntax; semantics [Option ID = 21556]

79) According to Rene Descartes, the mind is __________________, but it is capable of thought and other cognitive
processes.[Question ID = 5390]
1. Material [Option ID = 21557]
2. Non material [Option ID = 21558]
3. Organic [Option ID = 21559]
4. Corporeal [Option ID = 21560]

Correct Answer :‐
Non material [Option ID = 21558]

80) The correct sequence of different stages of psycho‐sexual development is[Question ID = 5391]
1. Anal, Oral, Phallic, Genital, Latency [Option ID = 21561]
2. Anal, Phallic, Oral, Genital, Latency [Option ID = 21562]
3. Oral, Anal, Latency, Phallic, Genital [Option ID = 21563]
4. Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital [Option ID = 21564]

Correct Answer :‐
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital [Option ID = 21564]

81) Condition where there is homogeneity of variance among treatment variables and the variances of their differences
are also similar, is called[Question ID = 5392]
1. Sphericity [Option ID = 21565]
2. Normality [Option ID = 21566]
3. Singularity [Option ID = 21567]
4. Homoscedasticity [Option ID = 21568]

Correct Answer :‐
Sphericity [Option ID = 21565]

82) The child’s effort to master a complex and new task is generally supported in a flexible and contingent manner by
parents and teachers. This process is called[Question ID = 5393]
1. Scaffolding [Option ID = 21569]
2. Social influence [Option ID = 21570]
3. Social mediation [Option ID = 21571]
4. Social referencing [Option ID = 21572]

Correct Answer :‐
Scaffolding [Option ID = 21569]

83) According to Hans Selye’s model, a general set of changes that the body goes through in response to a stressor, is
known as[Question ID = 5394]
1. General Adaptation Syndrome [Option ID = 21573]
2. Trans‐theoretical model [Option ID = 21574]
3. Allostatic load [Option ID = 21575]
4. Homeostatic response [Option ID = 21576]
Correct Answer :‐
General Adaptation Syndrome [Option ID = 21573]

84) Albert Ellis’s ABCDE Model stands for:[Question ID = 5395]

1. A‐ Activating Event, B – Belief System ,C – Consequences, D – Disputing ,E – (New) Effect [Option ID = 21577]
2. A‐ Action,B – Belief System ,C – Consequences, D – Disputing ,E – (New) Effect [Option ID = 21578]
3. A‐ Activating Event, B – Brain Teaser, C – Consequences, D – Disputing, E – (New) Effect [Option ID = 21579]
4. A‐ Activating Event , B – Belief System ,C – Care taking, D – Disputing ,E – (New) Effect [Option ID = 21580]

Correct Answer :‐
A‐ Activating Event, B – Belief System ,C – Consequences, D – Disputing ,E – (New) Effect [Option ID = 21577]

85) In Existential approach to counseling the client is _________[Question ID = 5396]

1. Passive in therapy [Option ID = 21581]
2. Resolving error in thinking [Option ID = 21582]
3. Looking for meaning in life [Option ID = 21583]
4. Addressing unconscious conflicts [Option ID = 21584]

Correct Answer :‐
Looking for meaning in life [Option ID = 21583]

86) We can predict the changes in the operation of the universe because we understand the order, regularity with which
its parts function. This is called[Question ID = 5397]
1. Determinism [Option ID = 21585]
2. Functionalism [Option ID = 21586]
3. Reductionism [Option ID = 21587]
4. Dynamism [Option ID = 21588]

Correct Answer :‐
Determinism [Option ID = 21585]

87) Restatement of the feelings or emotions to clarify the client’s focus, by the therapist is known as[Question ID = 5398]
1. Paraphrasing [Option ID = 21589]
2. Reflection [Option ID = 21590]
3. Active listening [Option ID = 21591]
4. Parroting [Option ID = 21592]

Correct Answer :‐
Reflection [Option ID = 21590]

88) Wolfgang Köhler provided evidence of _________ learning.[Question ID = 5399]

1. Trial and error [Option ID = 21593]
2. Latent [Option ID = 21594]
3. Insight [Option ID = 21595]
4. Creative [Option ID = 21596]

Correct Answer :‐
Insight [Option ID = 21595]

89) The process of assimilating ideas into the body of existing knowledge through creative synthesis, is known as[Question
ID = 5400]
1. Association [Option ID = 21597]
2. Perception [Option ID = 21598]
3. Construction [Option ID = 21599]
4. Apperception [Option ID = 21600]

Correct Answer :‐
Apperception [Option ID = 21600]

90) The sleep stage lasting for approximately 5 minutes, marking the transition from sleep to wakefulness is called[Question
ID = 5401]
1. REM sleep [Option ID = 21601]
2. Hypnogogic sleep [Option ID = 21602]
3. Sleep spindles [Option ID = 21603]
4. Non‐REM sleep [Option ID = 21604]

Correct Answer :‐
Hypnogogic sleep [Option ID = 21602]

91) The first step in developing a training program includes[Question ID = 5402]

1. Choosing the training method [Option ID = 21605]
2. Designing the training program [Option ID = 21606]
3. Evaluating the training program [Option ID = 21607]
4. Training need analysis [Option ID = 21608]
Correct Answer :‐
Training need analysis [Option ID = 21608]

92) According to _____________ theory of emotions, autonomic arousal determines the intensity of an emotion but does
not determine which emotion occurs. We identify an emotion on the basis of how we perceive the situation.[Question ID =
1. James‐ Lange [Option ID = 21609]
2. Cannon‐Bard [Option ID = 21610]
3. Schachter and Singer [Option ID = 21611]
4. Solomon and Schachter [Option ID = 21612]

Correct Answer :‐
Schachter and Singer [Option ID = 21611]

93) ___________ explains why people reduce their output when they feel unfairly treated.[Question ID = 5404]
1. Herzberg’s theory [Option ID = 21613]
2. Equity theory [Option ID = 21614]
3. Goal setting theory [Option ID = 21615]
4. Expectancy theory [Option ID = 21616]

Correct Answer :‐
Equity theory [Option ID = 21614]

94) The pursuit of knowledge through the observation of nature and the attribution of all knowledge to experience is
called[Question ID = 5405]
1. Rationalism [Option ID = 21617]
2. Logical positivism [Option ID = 21618]
3. Empiricism [Option ID = 21619]
4. Structuralism [Option ID = 21620]

Correct Answer :‐
Empiricism [Option ID = 21619]

95) According to Allen and Meyer,_____________ involves commitment based on the costs that the employee associates
with leaving the organization.[Question ID = 5406]
1. Affective commitment [Option ID = 21621]
2. Normative commitment [Option ID = 21622]
3. Continuance commitment [Option ID = 21623]
4. Intrinsic commitment [Option ID = 21624]

Correct Answer :‐
Continuance commitment [Option ID = 21623]

96) __________is a large bundle of nerve fibers that connect corresponding parts of one side of the brain with those of
the other[Question ID = 5407]
1. Corpus callosum [Option ID = 21625]
2. Medulla oblongata [Option ID = 21626]
3. Cerebellum [Option ID = 21627]
4. Ventricles [Option ID = 21628]

Correct Answer :‐
Corpus callosum [Option ID = 21625]

97) Often people publically make prior attributions for any anticipated failure or poor performance in a forthcoming event.
This strategy of self presentation is called[Question ID = 5408]
1. Self handicapping [Option ID = 21629]
2. Self affirmation [Option ID = 21630]
3. Self fulfilling prophecy [Option ID = 21631]
4. Self verification [Option ID = 21632]

Correct Answer :‐
Self handicapping [Option ID = 21629]

98) Psychologists in the area of __________ focus on man‐machine interaction, physical fatigue, strain and workplace
design.[Question ID = 5409]
1. Personnel psychology [Option ID = 21633]
2. Training in development [Option ID = 21634]
3. Ergonomics [Option ID = 21635]
4. Industrial relations [Option ID = 21636]

Correct Answer :‐
Ergonomics [Option ID = 21635]

99) Geert Hofstede's, ___________ dimension characterizes tolerance for ambiguity.[Question ID = 5410]
1. Individualism [Option ID = 21637]
2. Power distance [Option ID = 21638]
3. Uncertainty avoidance [Option ID = 21639]
4. Masculinity [Option ID = 21640]

Correct Answer :‐
Uncertainty avoidance [Option ID = 21639]

100) _________ is the delay in reaction time between congruent and incongruent stimuli.[Question ID = 5411]
1. Zeigarnik effect [Option ID = 21641]
2. Von Restorff effect [Option ID = 21642]
3. Space effect [Option ID = 21643]
4. Stroop effect [Option ID = 21644]

Correct Answer :‐
Stroop effect [Option ID = 21644]

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