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Self-Learning Module for Grade 11

Statistics and Probability


LESSON 1: RANDOM VARIABLE (Discrete and Continuous)

In the study of basic probability, you have learned that an experiment is any
activity which can be done repeatedly under similar condition. The set of all possible
outcomes of an experiment is called the sample space. You have also learned how
to mathematically list the possible outcome of a given experiment. In tossing a coin,
for instance, the possible outcomes are turning up a head or a tail.

This module will help you understand the process of illustrating random
variables as well as distinguishing between discrete and continuous random
variables. God bless and enjoy learning.

This Self - learning Kit (SLK) will help you understand the concepts on
Random Variables. As you go through this lesson, think of the following questions:
How will you distinguish random variables as to discrete or continuous? To find the
answer, perform each activity.

Before studying this module, take this pre - test to find out how much
you already know about the topic covered. Shade the letter of the correct

1. Discrete variable is from qualities that can be

A. Measured C. Both A and B
B. Counted D. none of these

` 2. Continuous variable is from qualities that can be

A. Measured C. Both A and B
B. Counted D. none of these
3. Which of the following is NOT a continuous variable?
A. A person’s height each year
B. A person’s weight on each birthday
C. Number of Cars finished in a factory each day
D. The volume of water in a swimming pool
4. Which of these is NOT a discrete variable?
A. The number of students absent in a class
B. The number of death per year attributed to lung cancer
C. The average amount of electricity consumed per household
per month
D. The number of people who drive through a red light each
hour during rush hour

5. The number of avocado produced by an avocado tree

year is a continuous variable
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. Cannot be determined

Well, what do you think about the pre-test? Do you think you did well?
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on the last part of this
module to find out.
If all your answers are correct, excellent! This shows that you already
know much about the topic. But you may still study this module to check what
you already know. Who knows, you might learn a few more new things as
If you got a low score, it’s ok. This module was made to help you
understand important concepts about random variable that you can apply in
your daily life. If you study this module carefully, you will learn the answers to
all the items in the test and a lot more! Are you ready? Let’s begin your

1. Illustrate random variable (Discrete or Continuous).

​(M 11/12 SP IIIa – 1)
2. Distinguish between a discrete and a continuous random variable.
​(M11/12 SP IIIa – 2)
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Illustrate random variable; and

2. Classify random variables as discrete or continuous.

Procedure/Learning Experience

Complete the following table. The first one is done for you.
Experiment Number X Possible Value of X
Two cards are drawn Sum of the numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
from a deck. on the cards 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Roll a pair of dice Sum of the number of
dots on the top faces
Toss a pair of coin Number of tosses until
repeatedly the coin lands head
Height of individuals Height of your father

This time, you need to reflect on the following questions because it will
help you to understand the appropriate way on illustrating and classifying a
random variable. Answer the following questions:
1. How do you find the activity/?

2. Where you able to complete the table? If yes, how? If no, why?

3. If a random variable takes on values on continuous scale it is

continuous random variable but if a random variable takes on outcomes
that are countable then it is discrete random variable. Now, Will you be
able to classify those experiment as discrete or continuous? If yes,
how? If no, why?

4. In your own words how will you differentiate between discrete and
continuous random variables?

A ​Random Variable​ is a numerical quantity that is derived from the

outcomes of random experiments.
There are two types of random variables, the ​discrete ​and ​continuous
random variables

Types of Random Variables

​ Discrete variable
A ​A Continuous variable
Is a numerical value associated with Has infinite numerical values
the desired outcomes. It is also either associated with any interval
a finite or infinite number of values on the number line system
but countable such as whole numbers without any gaps or breaks.

For example: For example:

- The number of daily - Height
admissions in a hospital - Weight
- The number of male athletes - Skull Circumference

Table 1. Examples of Random Variables

Experiment Number X Possible Values of X
1. Flip a pair of Number of heads in 4 flips of a
0, 1, 2, 3, 4
coin coin
2. Flip a pair of Number of tosses until the coin
coin lands tails 1, 2, 3, 4, …
3. Set of Integers from 2 to 6 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
4. Set of real
Real numbers from 2 to 6 2 ​<​ x ​<​ 6

From the example in the table above, Examples 1, 2, and 3 are all discrete
while example 4 is continuous.

This time, it’s your turn to shine. Answer the following as directed.
A. Classify as discrete or continuous random variable.
1. The speed of a bus
2. The number of voters favoring a candidate
3. The temperature in Quezon at noon time
4. The number of gold medals won by Quezon delegates in Regional
Sports Competition
5. The amount of paint used in repainting a building

B. Answer the following.

1. Ten children were asked to solve the Rubik’s cube. The time it took for
them to complete the puzzle is summarized in the table below.
Time (in min) Less than1 1-2 2-3 Greater
than 3
Number of 2 4 3 1
Classify what type of variable is shown.

2. Suppose that five cards are drawn from a deck, one at a time, without
replacement. Let X = the number of times a king is drawn from this
experiment. What are the possible values of X? Does the experiment
represent a discrete or a continuous random variable?
Look back and reflect on what you have done, then answer the
following questions.

1. How do you know whether a random variable is continuous or discrete?

2. What is the difference between continuous and discrete random


You are now ready to take another chance to know where you are so
far. With your effort and determination I believe you can do it once again.
Good Luck.

1. Which of the following best describe variable that can

be counted?
A. Discrete C. Nominal
B. Measured D. Qualitative

` 2. Which of the following best describe variable that can be

A. Discrete C. Nominal
B. Continuous D. Qualitative

3. Which of the following is a NOT continuous variable?

A. A person’s weight each year
B. A person’s height on each birthday
C. Number of bicycle finished in a factory each day
D. The amount of water in a pale

4. Which of the following is NOT a discrete variable?

A. The number of students present in a class
B. The number of death per year attributed to kidney
C. The average amount of water consumed per household
per month
D. The number of patients in a hospital each day

5. The number of coconut produced by a coconut tree each

month is a continuous variable
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. Cannot be determined

LESSON 2: Possible Values of Random Variable

We first learned about the notion of variables in the introduction of

Algebra, and we know from our Algebra lessons that a variable is a
placeholder for real number values that can be assigned to it. Some examples
of variables includes X = number of heads or Y = number of cell phones or Z =
running time to movies.
If three coins are tossed, what numbers can be assigned for the
frequency of heads that will occur? If three cards are drawn from a deck, what
number can be assigned for the frequency of face cards that will occur? These
questions may be answered using random variables which you will learn in
this module.
This Self-Learning Kit (SLK) for Statistics and Probability will help you
understand the process on how to find the possible values of random
variables. This module has pre-test and post-test for you to track your
progress as you go on with the lesson. The pre-test will determine your prior
knowledge of the lesson while the post-test will measure your learning after
you work with this module. Read carefully the situations and examples given
for you to understand the lesson well.

Before studying this module, take this pre - test to find out how much
you already know about the topic covered. Shade the letter of the correct
1. If two coins are tossed, which is NOT a possible value of the
random variable for the number of heads?
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D.
2. Which of the following is NOT a true statement?
A. The value of a random variable could be zero.
B. Random variables can only have one value.
C. The probability of all the value of a random variable could be zero.
D. The sum of all the probabilities in a probability distribution is
always equal to one.
3. You decided to conduct a survey of families with two children.
are interested in counting the number of boys (out of 2 children)
each family. Is this a random variable? If it is, what are the possible
A. Yes, it is a random variable and its value can be 1 or 2.
B. Yes, it is a random variable and its value can be 0, 1 or 2.
C. Yes, it is a random variable and its value can be 2 or 4.
D. No, it is not a random variable since it is not random.

4. In a local community, a couples were asked the questions “Are

you satisfied with the work of the current president?” If the
husband and the wife both said “yes”, the response is written as
YY. If the husband said yes and the wife said “no”, the response
is YN. Let X = the number of “yes” responses. , what are the
possible values of the random variables?
A. 0, 1, 2 B. 1, 2, 3 C. 2, 3, 4 D. 1, 1, 2

5. A quantity resulting from an experiment by chance, can assume

different values is called
A. Random Experiment C. Random Variable
B. Random Sample D. Random process

How did you find the pre-test? Have you got the correct answers? If
yes, Very Good! But, if you failed to get it right don’t be hesitant to learn new
concepts because it only indicates that you need to ponder yourself by
exploring this module. By that, you will acquire the proper way on how to deal
with those situations. The next time you encounter those scenarios, things
would be easy for you.
Be focused on the details that will be presented and will be discussed in
this module in order for you to take into the proper procedure in answering
those problems.
Let us now discuss this Lesson.

1. Find the possible values of a random variable. ​(M11SP IIIa – 3)

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. find the possible values of a random variables.

Procedure/Learning Experience
Read and analyze the given situation below.
Let D represent the defective cell phone and N represents the non –
defective cell phone. If we let X be the random variable representing the
number of defective cell phones, show the values of the random variable X?
Complete the table below to show the values of the random variable.
Value of the Random Variable X
Possible Outcomes
(number of defective cell phones)

This time, you need to reflect on the following questions because it will
help you to understand the appropriate way on finding the possible values of a
random variable. Answer the following questions:
1. How do you find the activity?
2. Were you able to complete the table? If yes, how? If no, why?
3. Will you be able to find the values of the random variable? If
yes, how? If no, why?
4. In your own words how will you describe a random variable?
How do you find the possible values of a random variable?

A ​Random Variable is a numerical quantity that is derived from the

outcomes of random experiments.
The random variable in the activity above is a discrete random variable
because the set of possible outcomes is countable. The possible values of
random variable X are 0, 1, 2, and 3.
Example 1. Suppose three coins are tossed. Let Y be the random variable
representing the number of tails that occur. Find the values of the random
variable Y.
Steps Solution
1. Determine the The sample space for this experiment is:
sample space. Let S = {TTT, TTH, THT, HTT,
H represent head HHT, HTH, THH, HHH}
and T represent tail.
2. Count the number of
tails in each outcome Possible Value of the Random
in the sample space Outcomes variable Y (Number of
and assign this tails)
number to this TTT 3
outcome. TTH 2

So, the possible values of the random variable Y are 0, 1, 2, and 3.

Example 2.
Two balls are drawn in succession without replacement from a box containing
5 red balls and 6 blue balls. Let Z be the random variable representing the
number of blue balls. Find the values of the random variable Z.
Steps Solution
1. Determine the The sample space for this
sample space. Let experiment is:
B represent the blue S = {RR, RB, BR, BB}
ball and R represent
the red ball.
2. Count the number of
blue balls in each Possible Value of the
outcome in the sample Outcomes Random
space and assign this variable Z
number to this (Number of
outcome. blue balls)
RR 0
RB 1
BR 1
BB 2

So, the possible values of the random variable Z are 0, 1 and 2.

This time, it’s your turn to shine. Answer the problem below.
The households of a local community were surveyed about the number
of occupants who are working. It was found out that 25 households have one
occupant working, 18 have two occupants working, 12 have three occupants
working, and 5 have four occupants working. Let X be the number of
occupants working from a randomly selected household. What are the
possible values for the random variable?

This time, it’s your turn to shine. Answer the following as directed.

1. How do you find the values of a random variables?

2. How is this variable, as described in Algebra, similar to a random
variable? How do they differ?

You are now ready to take another chance to know where you are so far. With
your effort and determination I believe you can do it once again. Good Luck.

1. If two coins are tossed, which is not a possible value of the

random variable for the number of tails?
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3

2. Which of the following is a true statement?

A. The value of a random variable could not be zero.
B. Random variables can only have one value.
C. The probability of all the value of a random variable could
be Zero.
D. The sum of all the probabilities in a probability distribution is
not equal to one.

3. You decide to conduct a survey of families with two children. You

are interested in counting the number of girls (out of 2 children)
in each family. Is this a random variable and if it is, what are the
possible values?
A. Yes, it is a random variable and its value can be 1 or 2.
B. Yes, it is a random variable and its value can be 0, 1 or 2.
C. Yes, it is a random variable and its value can be 2 or 4.
D. No, it is not a random variable since it is not random.

4. In a local community, a couples were asked the questions “Are

you satisfied with the work of the current president?” If
husband and the wife both said “yes”, the response is written as
YY. If the husband said yes and the wife said “no”, the response
is YN. Let X = the number of “yes” responses. , what are the
possible values of the random variables?
A. 0, 1, 2 B. 1, 2, 3 C. 2, 3, 4 D. 1, 1, 2

5. A set of numerical values assigned to a sample space is

A​. ​Random Experiment C. Random Variable
B. Random Sample D. Random process

LESSON 3: Constructing Probability Distribution

You have learned that the likelihood of winning in a lotto draw, number
of winnings in a gamble, number of heads that comes out in a toss of a coin
and other game of chance can be estimated using probability. But do you
know that it is not only for game of chance? We also use this in business,
economics, and engineering and other real-life situations.
In this self -learning module, the concept of probability distribution for a
discrete random variable will be introduced. Some decisions are made by
assigning probabilities to all possible outcomes pertaining to the situation.
When we draw conclusion from data, we usually state them in terms of

This Self-Learning Kit module is designed to help the students in

understanding the concepts of probability distribution and its corresponding
histogram. This will serve as your guide to better understand the topics in
Statistics and Probability. A pre-test is given in this module before the
self-learning kit proper to determine a student’s baseline knowledge or level of
preparedness for their course of study. Enjoy learning in this module as you
go over with discussion and examples if you have not yet mastered a concept.

Before starting with the lesson of this module, answer the following
questions first. This will determine what you already know about the topic.
Direction:​ Shade the circle that corresponds to the letter of your answer.

1. What is the sum of the probabilities of all

values of the
random variable?
A. ∑(P (X)) = 0 C. ∑(P (X)) = 1

B. ∑(P (X)) = 1/10 D. ∑(P (X)) = 10

2.If two balls are drawn in succession without replacement

an urn containing 5 red balls and 6 blue balls. If the value
of the random variable represents the number of blue balls.
How many outcomes are possible ?
A.2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8
3.Which of the following cannot be the value of probability of
random variable ?
A. 1.01 B. 0 C. 1/4 D. 1/2

4.Which of the following can serve as the values of a

distribution ?
A. P(1) = 0.42, P2) = 0.31, P(3)= 0.37
C. P(1) = 9/14, P2) = 4/14, P(3)= 1/14
B. P(1) = 0.08, P2) = 0.12, P(3)= 1.03
D. P(1) = 10/33, P2) = 12/33, P(3)= 10/33

5. If P(X)= 6x , what are the possible values of X for it to be a

probability distribution?
A.0,2,3 B.1,2,3 C. 2,3,4 D.1,1,2

Well, what can you say about the pre-test ? Do you think you did well ?
To find out if your answer is correct, compare your answers on the Answer
Key ​(This can be found at the end of the chapter).

1. Illustrates a probability distribution for a discrete random variable and

its properties. ​(M11/12SP-IIIa-4)
2. Constructs the probability mass function of a discrete random
variable and its corresponding histogram. ​(M11/12SP-IIIa-5)
3. Computes probabilities corresponding to a given random variable.

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. find the value of the random variable that represents in the given
2. construct a probability distribution and its corresponding histogram for
the random variables described in the situation.
3. determine whether the distribution represents a probability distribution.

Procedure/Learning Experience

Number of Defective Computer

In a computer laboratory, the teacher wants to find out if there is a
defective computer. Supposed three computers are tested at random, she
asks one of her CSS students to list all the possible outcomes, such that D
represents the defective computer and N represents the non-defective
computer. Let X be the random variable for the number of defective
computers. Find the value of the random variable X.

a. List the sample space in the given experiment. Let D represent the
defective computer and N represent the non-defective computer. Count the
number of defective computers in each outcome in the sample space and
assign this number to this outcome. For instance , if you list NND the
number of defective computer is 1.

Value of the Random Variable X

Possible Outcomes
(number of defective computers)

b. Assign probability values P(X) to each value of the random variable

Number of Defective Computers X Probability P(X)
c. Construct a histogram for a probability distribution. Remember that a
histogram is a bar graph. Plot the values of the random variable along the
horizontal axis, then plot the probabilities along the vertical axis.

This time, you need to reflect on the following questions. Answer the
following questions:

1. How did you find the activity?

2. How many outcomes did you obtained?
3. What are the values of the random variable?
4. How will you find the probability to each value of a random variable?
5. In the preceding probability distributions, what do you notice about the
probability of each value of the random variable?
6. What is the sum of the probabilities of all values of the random variable?

A ​random variable is a set whose elements are the numbers assigned

to the outcomes of an experiment. It is usually denoted by uppercase letters
such as X, whose elements are denoted by lower case letters x​1, ​x​2​, x​3 and so

Probability distribution of a discrete random variable specifies the

probability of each possible value of the random variable. The distribution
functions of discrete random variables are concentrated as a mass for a
particular value, and generally known as Probability Mass Function.

Properties of discrete probability distribution

1. The probability of each value of the random variable must be between
​ ​ P(X) ​<​ 1.
or equal to 0 and 1. In symbol 0 <

2. The sum of all the probabilities of all values of the random variable
must be equal to 1. In symbol, we write it as Σ P(X) = 1

Probability Histogram

We can represent a probability distribution graphically by constructing a

type of bar graph called a probability histogram. This is constructed by
displaying the possible distinct values of the random variable along a
horizontal axis. Above each value x of the random variable, we draw
vertical bar having height equal to the probability P(x).

Ex. 1. Number of Green Balls

Write the probability distribution of a random variable Y representing
the number of green balls when 2 balls are drawn in succession without
replacement from a jar containing 4 red and 5 green balls. Construct a
histogram for this probability distribution.
Steps Solution
a.Determine the sample space. Let R The sample space for this
represent the red ball and G represent experiment is:
the green ball. S= { RR, RG, GR, GG}
b.Count the number of green balls in
each outcome in the sample space and Possible Value of the
assign this number to this outcome. Outcomes Random Variable Y
(No. Of Green
RR 0
RG 1
GR 1
GG 2

c.Assign probability values P(Y) to each

value of the random variable. Number of Probability P(Y)
-There are 4 possible outcomes, if no Green Balls Y
green ball occurs once, the probability
that we shall assign to the random
variable 0 is ¼ 0 1/4
-If 1 green ball occurs two times, the
probability that we shall assign to the
random variable 1 is 2/4 or ½. 1 2/4 or ½
-If 2 green balls occur once, the
probability that we shall assign to the
random variable 1 is ¼. 2 ¼

Construct a histogram for this probability distribution. A histogram is a
bar graph. To construct a histogram for a probability distribution, follow these
Plot the values of the random variable along the horizontal axis.

a) In plotting the probabilities along the vertical axis, you can change
fractions to decimals (ex. ¼=0.25 and ½= 0.5)

Ex. 2.Write the probability mass function of the random variable X defined by
the outcomes of rolling a fair die and construct its corresponding histogram.

a)Since a die is fair, each of the 6 outcomes has a probability 1/6 or

approxiamtely 0.17, thus, the probability mass function is:
X 1 2 3 4 5 6
P(X) 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6

b) Histogram
Ex. 3.Let X be a random variable giving the number of girls in a randomly
selected three-child family. Assuming that boys and girls are equally likely ,
construct the probability distribution of X and its corresponding histogram.

Possible Outcomes Value of the Random Variable

(No. of Girls)
No. of Girls 0 1 2 3
Probability P(X) 1/8 or 0.125 3/8 or 0.375 3/8 or 0.375 1/8 or 0.125

Σ P(X)= 1/8 +3/8 + 3/8 + 1/8 = 8/8 =1


X 1 5 7 8 9
P(X) 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3

Σ P(X)= 1/3 + 1/3 +1/3 +1/3 +1/3=5/3

This is not a probability distribution because Σ P(X) ≠ 1

X 1 3 5 7
P(X) 0.35 0.25 0.28 0.12

Σ P(X)= 0.35 + 0.25 + 0.28 + 0.12 =1
This is a probability distribution because Σ P(X) = 1
Use the procedure that you have learned to solve the following
problems involving probability distribution of a discrete random variable.

A. Construct the probability distribution for the random variables described in

each of the following situations .Draw the corresponding histogram for each
probability distribution.

1. In a National Achievement Test, suppose three test booklets are tested at

random. Let D represent the defective test booklet and let N represent the
non-defective test booklet. Let X be the random variable representing the
number of non-defective test booklets.

2. An experiment consists of asking three Grade 10 students at random if they

prefer to choose Academic track or TVL track in the senior high school. Use A
for Academic and T for TVL. Let Y represent the random variable representing
the number of TVL track responses.

3. Suppose that a coin is to be tossed four times, and let X represent the
number of tails that occur.

4.Using the sample space for rolling two dice , construct a probability
distribution for the random variable X representing the sum of the numbers
that appear.

B. Determine whether the distribution represents a probability distribution.

Explain your answer.
X 1 5 7 8
P(X) 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/8

X 0 2 3 4 6
P(X) 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/3 1/6

X 1 3 5 7
P(X) 0.35 0.25 0.22 0.12

4. P(1)= 0.42, P(2)= 0.31, P(3)= 0.37

5. P(1)= 10/33, P(2)= 1/3, P(3)= 12/33

Have you finished answering? Compare your answer to the Answer Key
(This can be found at the end of the chapter).

Look back and reflect on what you have done, then answer the
following questions.
1. Why should the sum of the probabilities in a probability distribution
always equal to 1?

2. What is the shape of most probability distributions? Why do you think so ?

You are now ready to take another chance to know where you are so far. With
your effort and determination I believe you can do it once again. Good Luck.
Direction: ​Shade the circle that corresponds to the letter of your answer.

1.What is the sum of the probabilities of all values of the

random variable?
A P(X) = 1 C. P(X) = 0

B P(X) = 1/10 D. P(X) = 10

2.If two balls are drawn in succession without

replacement from an urn containing 3 red balls and 5 blue
balls. If the value of the random variable represents the
number of red balls. How many outcomes are possible ?

A.8 B. 6 C. 4 D. 3

3.Which of the following cannot be the value of probability

of the random variable ?
A. 1.01 B. 0 C. 1/4 D. ½
4.Which of the following can serve as the values of a probability
distribution ?
A. P(1) = 0.42, P2) = 0.31, P(3)= 0.37
C. P(1) = 9/14, P2) = 5/14, P(3)= 1/14
B. P(1) = 0.08, P2) = 0.12, P(3)= 0.83
D. P(1) = 10/33, P2) = 1/3, P(3)= 12/33

5.If P(X)= X8 , what are the possible values of X for it to be a

probability distribution?
A.0,2,3,4 B.0,1,2,3 C. 1,3,4 D.1,2,3

LESSON 4: Illustrating and Calculating Mean and Variance of

Discrete Random Variable

If you took an examination, do you sometimes think of where would be

your score lie? Would it be below or above the average score? Afterwards,
you would like also to know how far you are from the average score. Finally,
you would ask yourself what is the meaning of those locations from the center
or mean of the probability distribution? If your interest caught by these
questions, this learning module is design for you.
In this module, you will understand the process on how to illustrate the
mean and variance of a discrete random variable. Similarly, calculating the
mean and the variance of a discrete random variable will be discussed. You
may find this module as piece of good fortune in acquiring brand new
This Self-Learning Kit (SLK) for Statistics and Probability will enable the
learner to understand the concept on how mean and variance of discrete
random variable are illustrated. Moreover, process on calculating the mean
and variance of discrete random variable will be presented. Pre-Test and
Post- Test are prepared for you to be able to monitor your personal
development while you go on course of the study. The Pre-test will display
how much you already know about the lesson. On the other hand, the post-
test will estimate or assess the extent of learning after you deal with this

Before studying this module, take this pre- test to find out what you
already know about the topics covered. Please shade the letter of the correct

1. ​The appropriate formula in finding the mean of

discrete random variable is
A. E (x) = μx = ∑ x ·p (x) C.

E (x) = μx = ∑ x − p (x)

B. E (x) = μx = ∑ x + p (x) D. E (x) = μx = ∑ x ·p (x)

2.​ ​What formula is used to find the variance of discrete random

A. σ x2 = ∑ (x + μ) ·p(x) ; for all possible values of x

B. σ x2 = ∑ (x − μ) ·p(x) ; for all possible values of x

C. σ x2 = ∑ x·p(x) ; for all possible values of x

D. σ x2 = ∑ (P (x) + μ) ·x ; for all possible values of x
3.​ ​Which statement is true about the standard deviation of a
discrete random variable?
A. It deals about the average or center of location
of the probability distribution.
B. It is obtained by multiplying the x values and its corresponding
C. It is the square root of the variance of discrete random
D. It is the summation of the product of the square of the
difference of x and its probability.

4. In a recent Barangay Basketball League, each

player went to free throws 2 times. The number of free throws
made by each
player is described by the following probability
Number of free
0 0.20
1 0.45
2 0.35
What is the mean of the probability distribution?
A. 1.00 B. 1.15 C. 2.00 D. 2.25

5. The number of qualified voters living in

household on a randomly selected subdivision block is
described by the following probability distribution.

Number of qualified voter/s, x 1 2 3 4

Probability, P(X) 0.25 0.50 0.15 0.10

What is the variance and standard deviation respectively of the probability

A. ​0.99 and 0.50 C.​0.80 and 0.79
B. ​0.89 and 0.62 D. 0.79 and 0.89
How did you find the pre-test? Have you got the correct answers? If
yes, Very Good! But, if you failed to get it right don’t be hesitant to learn
new concepts because it only indicates that you need to ponder yourself by
exploring this module. By that, you will acquire the proper way on how to
deal with those situations. The next time you encounter those scenarios,
things would be easy for you.
Be focused on the details that will be presented and will be
discussed in this module in order for you to take into the proper procedure
in answering those problems.
​Let us now discuss the Lesson 4.

1. illustrates the mean and variance of a discrete Random

variable ​(M11/12SP-IIIb-1)
2. calculates the mean and the variance of a discrete random variable

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. learn concepts of mean and variance of discrete random variable

2. solve for the mean and variance of discrete random variable
3. interpret the values obtained.

Procedure/Learning Experience

Illustrating and Calculating the Mean and Variance

of Discrete Random Variable
Read and analyze the situation given below:
Mr. Cresente Umali, a Mathematics teacher, regularly gives a
formative assessment composed 5 multiple choice items. After the
assessment, he used to check the probability distribution of the
correct responses and the data is presented below:
Test Item Probability ,
0 0.03
1 0.05
2 0.12
3 0.30
4 0.28
5 0.22

Based on the data above, observe, analyze and answer the following
1. Is the probability of x lies between 0 and 1?_____________________

2. What is the sum of all probabilities of x?_______________________

3. Is there a negative probability? Is it possible to have a negative

4. What is the average or mean of the probabilities of discrete random
5. What are the variance and the standard deviation of the probability
distribution from the data above?_______________________________

This time, you need to reflect on the following questions because it will
help you to understand the appropriate way on illustrating and calculating the
mean, variance and standard deviation of a discrete random variable. Answer
the following questions:
1. How did you find the given activity?
2. Were you able to get the correct answer for each question? If yes, Very
Good! If not, which question/s you find difficult?
3. What mathematical skills help you to answer all 5 questions?
4. Do you think the concepts that you will acquire in this module would be
helpful to solve real-life problems?

The ​Expected or mean value of a discrete random variable x​, denoted

by ​x,​ is computed by first multiplying each possible x value by the probability
of observing that value and then adding the resulting quantities. Symbolically,

E (x) = ∑ xP (x) .

Using the given data, multiply each x value by its probability and add the
results to get μ x​.
Test Item, Probability ,
x·P (X)
x P (X)

0 0.03 0
1 0.05 0.05
2 0.12 0.24
3 0.30 0.90
4 0.28 1.12
5 0.22 1.10
E (x) = μx = ∑ x·P (X) = 3.41

So, it indicates that the expected value or mean of the random variable
is ​3.41.
For question 5, you will need to understand the process on computing
the variance and the standard deviation of the discrete random variable. In
order to compute those, always remember this;

The ​Variance of a Discrete Random Variable X​, denoted by σ x2 i​ s

computed by first subtracting the mean from each possible x value to obtain
the deviations, then squaring each deviation and multiplying the result by the
probability of the corresponding x value, and then finally adding these
quantities. In symbol,

The ​Standard Deviation​ of x, denoted by σ x , is the square root of the

Variance. In symbol,
From the data generated.
Test Probability
Item, x P (X)
x·P (X) x − μ (x − μ)2 2
(x − μ) ·P (X)

0 0.03 0 -3.41 11.6281 0.3488

1 0.05 0.05 -2.41 5.8081 0.2904
2 0.12 0.24 -1.41 1.9881 0.2386
3 0.30 0.90 -0.41 0.1681 0.0504
4 0.28 1.12 0.59 0.3481 0.0975
5 0.22 1.10 1.59 2.5281 0.5562
μx = ∑ x·P (X) = 3.41 ∑(x − μ) ·P (X) = 1.5819

The Variance is ​1.5819​, and

​ .26
The Standard Deviation is √1.5819 , and it is equivalent​ to σ = 1
Therefore, the correct answers for question 5 are ​1.5819​ and ​1.26
For uniformity of the answers, expected value or mean and standard
deviation are both expressed into two decimal places while variance is up to
four decimal places to lessen rounding error.
Let us take this example,
Suppose that a coin is tossed twice so that the sample space is S =
{​𝐻𝐻​, ​𝑇𝐻​, ​𝐻𝑇​, ​𝑇𝑇​}. Let X represents the “number of heads that can come up”,
Based on the prepared discrete probability distributions of the random variable
Outcome or Sample Point HH HT TH TT
X 2 1 1 0
Illustrate and calculate the mean, variance and standard deviation.

Applying the concepts from the activity given above, let us complete the
table below.
2 2
x P (X) x·P (X) x− μ (x − μ) (x − μ) ·P (X)
0 ¼ or 0.25 0 -1 1 0.25
1 ½ or 0.5 0.5 0 0 0
2 ¼ or 0.25 0.5 1 1 0.25

μx = ∑ x·P (X) = 1 ∑(x − μ) ·P (X) = 0.50

The expected value or mean is ​1​.

The Variance is ​0.50​, and
​ .71.
The Standard Deviation is √0.5 0, and it is equivalent​ to σ = 0

We have seen that the Expected value E(x) is just the average or mean
(µ) of random variable x. It’s sometimes called a “weighted average” because
more frequent values of X are weighted more highly in the average. It’s also
how we expect X to behave on-average over the long run. The mean of a
random variable X is a measure of the central location of the distribution of X.
If we are summarizing features of the distribution of X, it is clear that location
is not the only relevant feature. The second most vital feature is the spread of
the distribution.

If values of X is closer to its mean, μ​X are

​ very likely and values further
away from μ​X have
​ very small probability, then the distribution of X will be
closely concentrated around μ​X​. In this case, the spread of the distribution of X
is small. On the other hand, if values of X take some distance from its mean μ​X
are likely, the spread of the distribution of X will be large.

These ideas head to the most significant measure of spread, the

variance, and a closely related measure, the standard deviation.

You, as a student have met the concepts of variance and standard

deviation when summarizing data. These were the sample variance and the
sample standard deviation. The difference here is that we are referring to
properties of the distribution of a discrete random variable.

Again, the variance of a discrete random variable X is defined by

where the sum is taken over all values of x for which P(x) > 0 but less than 1.
So, the variance of X is the weighted average of the squared deviations from
the mean μ, where the weights are given by the probability function P(x) of X.

The standard deviation of X is defined to be the square root of the

variance of X. That is,

Because of this definition, the variance of X is often denoted by ​σ2​​ x​.

In another way around, the standard deviation is the more tangible of
the two measures, since it is in the same units as X. For example, if X is a
random variable measuring lengths in ft, then the standard deviation is in feet
(ft), while the variance is in square ft (ft​2​).

Unlike the mean, there is no simple direct interpretation of the variance

or standard deviation. The variance is parallel to the moment of inertia in
physics, but that is not necessarily widely understood by students. What is
important to understand is that, in relative terms:
a small standard deviation (or variance) means that the distribution of
the random variable is concentrated narrowly around the mean
a large standard deviation (or variance) means that the distribution is
spread out, with some chance of observing values at some distance
from the mean.
Remember that the variance cannot be negative, because it is an average
of squared quantities. This is appropriate, as a negative spread for a
distribution does not make sense. Hence, variance is greater than 0 and
standard deviation also greater than 0 always.

This time, it’s your turn to shine. Answer the following problems.
1. The number of shoes sold per day at a retail store is shown in the table
below. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation of this

X 19 20 21 22 23

P(X) 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1

2. Suppose that a coin is to be tossed four times, and let X represents “the
number of TAILS that can come up”. Find the mean, variance, and
standard deviation of this distribution.

X 10 11 12 13 14
P(X) 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1
3. The number of patients seen in the Emergency Room in any given hour
is a random variable represented by x. The probability distribution for x

Compute for the mean, variance and standard deviation.

To verify whether you able to get the correct answer you may refer on
Answer Key provided.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the

moments that take our breath away and by the chances we bravely face.

Please write your own thoughts here.

In order to determine your learning in this module, answer the following.

Please shade the letter of the correct answer.

1. Let X be a random variable defining number of

students getting 95 above grade. Find the expected value
of X from the given table.

X 0 1 2 3
P(X) 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.3
A. 1.3 B. 1.8 C. 1.9 D. 2.3

2. A Grade 11 – HUMMS researcher surveyed the households in

Brgy Quipot, Tiaong Quezon. The random variable X
represents the number of college graduates in the households.
The probability distribution of X is shown below.
X 0 1 2
P(X) 0.25 0.5 0.25

Find the values of variance and standard deviation.

A. 0.3 and 0.51 respectively
B. 0.4 and 0.61 respectively
C. 0.5 and 0.71 respectively
D. 0.6 and 0.81 respectively

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the

interpretation of the values of variance and standard

A. A small value of variance or standard deviation indicates

that the distribution of the discrete random variable is closer
about the mean.
B. A large value of variance or standard deviation indicates
that the distribution of the discrete random variable is closer
about the mean.
C. A small value of variance or standard deviation indicates
that the distribution of the discrete random variable takes
some distance from the mean.
D. All of the above.

4. In 50 items test, Miss Santos, a mathematics teacher

claimed that most of the students’ scores lie closer to 40. In
this situation, score of 40 is considered as,
A. Variance
B. Standard Deviation
C. Expected Value or Mean
D. Median

5. Which of the following statement describes variance of a

discrete random variable?
A. It is a small value of variance or standard deviation
indicates that the distribution of the discrete random
variable is closer about the mean.
B. It is the product of mean and the square of the
probability distribution of a discrete random variables.
C. It is obtained by getting the summation 0f the product
of the square of the difference between the value of X
and the expected value times its corresponding
D. All of the above

LESSON 5: Interpreting the Mean and Standard Deviation of

Discrete Random Variable

Are you interested in buying lotto tickets? How about making a bet in a
roulette wheel or taking a chance in raffle tickets? Do you want to know how
much gain will you have if you will win in games of chance or how much
money will be wasted if you lost on a bet? Are you planning to invest money in
a life insurance company? If you had thought of the following questions this
module is for you.
In this module, you will learn how to compute the probability or the
chance of winning and losing. You will apply the formula for the expected
mean to solve real life problems involving mean and variance of probability
distributions. Good luck and happy learning​☺​.

This Self-Learning Kit (SLK) for Statistics and Probability will help you
understand the application of mean and variance of probability distribution. This
module has pre-test and post-test for you to track your progress as you go on with
the lesson. The pre-test will determine your prior knowledge of the lesson while the
post-test will measure your learning after you work with this module. Read carefully
the situations and examples given for you to understand the lesson well.

Before studying this module, take this simple test to determine what you
already know about the topic covered. Please shade the letter of the correct

1. You buy one ₱500.00 raffle ticket for a prize of new

car (Toyota Wigo) valued at ₱675, 000.00. Two
thousand tickets are sold. If X
denotes the net gain from the purchase of a randomly selected
ticket, which of the following tables of values shows the
probability distribution of X?
x 674,500 -500
1 1999
P(x) 2000 2000
x 675,000 -500
1 1999
P(x) 2000 2000
​A. C.

x 674,500 500
1 1999
P(x) 2000 2000
x 675,000 500
1 1999
P(x) 2000 2000

B. D.

2. What is the mean or the expected value of ​item number 1?
(Refer to​ problem number 1)
A. - 162.5 B. -162.25 C. 162.25
D. 162.5

3. One thousand tickets are sold for ₱10.00 each. One

ticket will win ₱2,000.00, two tickets will win
₱1,000.00 each and four
tickets will win ₱500.00 each. What is the probability of winning
any amount in the purchase of one ticket?
1 2 5 7
A. 1000 B. 1000 C. 1000 D. 1000

4. A roulette wheel in a fiesta carnival has the

numbers 1 through 50. If you bet ₱5.00, you will have
a chance to win a kitchen
utensil worth ₱200.00. How much the organizer will earn if 100
games will be played?
A. ₱2,000.00 B. ₱3,000.00 C. ₱4,000.00 D. ₱5,000.00
5. A life insurance company will sell a ₱500,000.00
five-year term life insurance policy exclusive for police
enforcers for a premium
of ₱1,000.00. Find the expected value to the company of a single
policy if a police enforcer has a 99.95% chance of surviving five
A. ₱550.00 B. ₱650.00 C. ₱750.00 D. ₱850.00
Well, what do you think about the pre-test? Do you think you did well?
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on the last part of this
module to find out.
If all your answers are correct, excellent! This shows that you already
know much about the topic. But you may still study this module to check what
you already know. Who knows, you might learn a few more new things as
If you got a low score, it’s ok. This module was made to help you
understand important concepts about mean or expected value of discrete
random variable that you can apply in your daily life. If you study this module
carefully, you will learn the answers to all the items in the test and a lot more!
Are you ready? Let’s begin your journey.

1. Interprets the mean and variance of a discrete random variable.

2. Solves problems involving mean and variance of probability
distributions. ​(M11/12SP-IIIb-4)

At the end of this module, the learner should be able to:

1. understand the concept of mean or expected value of discrete random

2. solve real life problems involving mean of probability distributions of a
discrete random variable.
3. interpret the mean of a discrete random variable in relation to real life

Procedure/Learning Experience


Read the conversation below and answer the questions that follow.
1. If you are Cardo, would you buy a raffle ticket? Why?
2. How would you describe Romulo as a friend?
3. If Cardo decided to buy one ticket, what is the probability that he would win
the prize if 500 tickets were sold? ________ What is the probability that Cardo
will lose the bet?_________
4. How much money will Cardo gain if he wins the prize? _______. How much
money will be wasted if he will not win the prize? ____________________
5. If you were Cardo, will you buy a ticket? __________________________.

This time, you need to reflect on the following questions because it will
help you to understand the concept of the mean and variance of a discrete
random variable. Your honest answer would be a big help for the success of
your journey on this module.
1. How do you find the activity?
2. Were you able to answer all five questions? If yes, what helped you to
answer each question? If no, why were you not able to answer those
3. Have you experienced a situation where you need to decide to take a
chance? If yes, reflect on the factors which affect your decision.
4. What mathematical concepts or skills will help Cardo make his decision?
How important these concepts/skills for Cardo to decide and choose the best
5. Do games of chance really help individuals with financial problems?

Mean or Expected Value and Standard Deviation of a Discrete Random


Expected value is exactly what you might think, it means intuitively: the return
you can expect for some kind of action. It informs about what to expect in an
experiment "in the long run", after many trials.
In the study of probability distribution the mean of possible values of a discrete
random variable, given by their respective probabilities, is known as the
expected value, usually represented by E (x) or μX . To compute for the mean
of a discrete random variable, we use the formula

E (x) = μx = ∑ [xi ·P (xi )]

where xi is the value of the random variable for outcome i , μx is the mean of
random variable X, and P (xi ) is the probability that the random variable will be
outcome i .
Senior citizens of a particular barangay organize a Christmas raffle bonanza.
One thousand raffle tickets are sold for ​₱50.00 each. Each one has an equal
chance of winning. The first prize is a 32-inch LED TV worth ₱10,000.00, the
second prize is an electric oven worth ₱5,000.00 and the third prize is a
grocery pack worth ₱2,500.00. Let X denotes the net gain from the purchase
of one ticket.
a. Construct the probability distribution of X.
b. Find the probability of winning any amount in the purchase of one ticket.
c. Find the expected value of X, then interpret.

a. If a ticket is selected as the first prize winner, the net gain to the purchaser
is ₱10,000.00 less the ₱50.00 that was paid for the ticket, hence x1 = 10,000 –
50 = 9950. There is one such ticket, so the probability of gaining 9950 is one
out of one thousand tickets or 1000 which is equal to 0.001. If it is selected as
the second prize winner, the net gain to the purchaser is ₱5,000.00 less the
₱50.00, hence x2 ​= 5,000 – 50 = 4950 with a probability of 1000 or 0.001. If it
is selected as the third prize winner, the net gain to the purchaser is ₱2,500.00
less the ₱50.00, hence x3 ​= 2,500 – 50 = 2450 with a probability of 1000 or
0.001. But if the ticket was not selected to win the prize, the purchaser lost
₱50.00 that was paid for the ticket, hence x4 ​= – 50 with a probability of 997
out of 1000 tickets or 1000 which is equal to 0.997.

Below is the probability distribution:

xi 9950 4950 2450 -50
P (xi ) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.997

b. If we let W denote the event that a ticket is selected to win one of the
prizes. Using the table
The probability of winning the first prize is 0.001.
The probability of winning the second prize is 0.001.
The probability of winning the third prize is 0.001.

Hence P (W ) = 0.001 + 0.001 + 0.001 = 0.003

c. Using the formula of expected value or mean.

E (x) = 9950 (0.001) + 4950 (0.001) + 2450 (0.001) + (− 50)(0.997)
E (x) = − 32.50
The ​negative value means one loses money on the average. In particular, if
someone were to buy tickets repeatedly, and although he would win now and
then, on average he would lose thirty two pesos and fifty cents per ticket

You may now go back to the problem of Cardo and apply what you have
learned from example 1.

To answer item number 3: If Cardo decided to buy one ticket, what is the
probability that he would win the prize if 500 tickets were sold? What is the
probability that Cardo will lose the bet?

You need to compute for the probability of the two events. Cardo will have 500
or 0.002 chance to win the prize and 500 or 0.998 chance to lose it. It is also
clear that he will gain ₱15,000.00 less ₱100.00 or ₱14,900.00 if he wins the
prize and his ₱100.00 will be wasted if he will lose the prize.
The concept of expected value is also applicable to the insurance industry, as
illustrated by the example below.

A life insurance company will sell a ₱250,000.00 one-year

term life insurance policy for members of armed forces of the
Philippines for a premium of ₱200.00. Find the expected value to the company
of a single policy if a member of the armed forces police has a 99% chance of
surviving one year?

Let X denotes the net gain to the company from the sale of one policy. There
are two possibilities: the insured person lives the whole year or the injured
person dies before the year is finished. Applying the “income minus expenses”
principle, in the first case the value of X = 200 – 0; in the latter case it is 200 –
250,000 = - 249,800. Since the probability in the first case is 99.98% or 0.9998
and in the latter case is 1 – 0.9998 = 0.0002, the probability distribution for X

x 200 -249,800
P (x) 0.9998 0.0002
E (X) = ∑ xP (x) = 200 (0.9998) + (− 249, 800) (0.0002)

E (x) = 150


Sometimes the company may lose a large amount of money on a policy, but
typically gains ₱200.00, which by the computation of E(X) gives a net of
₱150.00 on the average per policy sold.


Use the formula you have learned to solve the following real life problems
(games of chance) involving mean and variance of a discrete random variable.
Use the back of this page or a separate sheet of paper for your computations,
use of ​calculator​ would be a help. Enjoy and happy working ☺​.

Game of Chance 1. (Raffle Tickets)

Two thousand tickets are sold for ₱20.00 each. One ticket will win ₱10,000.00,
two tickets will win ₱5,000.00 each and three tickets will win ₱1,000.00 each.
Let X denotes the net gain from the purchase of a randomly selected ticket.

a. Construct the probability distribution of X.

b. Find the probability of winning any amount in the purchase of one ticket.

c. Find the expected value of X, then interpret.

Game of Chance 2. (A roulette wheel)

A roulette wheel in a fiesta carnival has the numbers 1 through 30. If you bet
₱5.00 you will have a chance to win a prepaid load worth ₱100.00. Find the
expectation if you play a bet.

Game of Chance 3. (Lottery)

A lotto works by picking 6 numbers from 1- 42 (Combinations of numbers from

1-42 taken 6 at a time produce 5,245,786 number combinations). A ticket
costs ₱24.00 to play the lottery. If you win today, you would win 5 million
pesos after taxes. If you play the lottery today, what would be your expected
winnings or losses?

Take It or Leave It 4. (Body Parts Insurance Investment)

An insurance company will sell a ₱500,000.00 one-year term legs insurance

policy for ramp models for a premium of ₱500.00. Find the expected value to
the company of a single policy if a model has a 99.96% chance of being
uninjured in one year?

Compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on the last part of
this module. Did you get all items correct? Great! If you did, you learned the
lesson well. If you were not able to get the correct answer, review your

Please share your thoughts here.

You are now ready to take another chance to know where you are so far. With
your effort and determination I believe you can do it once again. Good Luck.

Direction:​ Solve the following real life problems.

1. One thousand tickets are sold for ₱50.00 each.
One ticket will win ₱10,000.00, two tickets will win
₱5,000.00 each and three
tickets will win ₱1,000.00 each. If X denotes the net gain from the
purchase of a randomly selected ticket, which of the following
tables of values shows the probability distribution of X?
x 10,000 5,000 1,000 -50
1 2 3 994
P(x) 1000 1000 1000 1000


x 10,000 5,000 1,000 -50

1 2 3 1
P(x) 999 998 997 999


x 9,950 4,950 950 -50

1 2 3 994
P(x) 1000 1000 1000 1000


x 9.950 4,950 1,000 -50

1 2 3 1
P(x) 999 998 997 999


2. What is the mean or the expected value of ​item

number 1? ​
(Refer to problem number 1)
A. - 25 B. - 27 C. 25 D. 27

3. You buy three ₱1,000.00 raffle tickets for a prize of

a new 20- passenger Sarao jeepney valued at
₱800, 000.00. Two thousand
tickets are sold. What is the probability of winning the prize in the
purchase of three tickets?
1 2 3 4
A. 2000 B. 2000 C. 2000 D. 2000

4. A roulette wheel in an amusement park has the numbers 1

through 60. If you bet ₱100.00 you will have a chance to
win a
cellular phone worth 5,000.00. How much the organizer will earn
if 100 games will be played?
A. ₱50,000.00 C. ₱150,000.00
B. ₱100, 000.00 D. ₱200,000.00

5. A life insurance company will sell a 1 million three-year term

insurance policy exclusive in a particular risk group
for a
premium of ₱2,000.00. Find the expected value to the company
of a single policy if a person in this risk group has a 99.95%
chance of surviving three years?
A. ₱1,500.00 C. ₱1,800.00
B. ₱1,690.00 D. ₱1,950.00

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