Activity 1 - Chapter 1

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Explain the following questions in not more than two sentences.

An answer beyond the

required number of sentences will be marked as zero. Please strictly follow the
instruction. Any form of submission will be accepted as long as readable.
1. If Dr. Jose P. Rizal is a mirror, what will be the reflection you want to see?
 I want to see reflection about how Keep personal life away from work While we do
not live in such tumultuous times as Rizal's, it is important to keep distractions
away from every workday. Rizal was so focused on the work that he did not allow
loved ones or even his own preferences or emotions come in the way.

2. What characteristic of Dr, Jose P. Rizal is worth emulating?

 At his Philosophy and Letters course, all of his marks are excellent but with Medicine
his marks are somewhat not impressive because as he says his professors
discriminated the Filipinos and they are also bias.It is already a proved that these
Spaniards are power hunger that they wanted to control all the Filipinos and make
them do whatever they wanted. Because of these instances Jose Rizal decided to
continue his medicine course at Universidad de Madrid where he also took his
doctorate of the said course. At an early age, Rizal possessed curiosity about his
environment which I think is lack in this generation because as we all know children
are now super into gadgets that sometimes they are playing with it the whole day
without noticing it.And because of these gadgets or technologies we have right now,
is the reason why children of today set aside their studies not unlike Rizal. Rizal also
has the love for books where he learns new things like his magic tricks. And again
because of internet, children are lazy to scan their books because with they are just
one click away from the answer they needed.

3. What is the thing inside your bag that you can compare to Dr. Jose P. Rizal and why?
 Ballpen, it symbolizes it to him when he was expressing the situation of the
Philippines under the Spaniards

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