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Nottingham also known as “Queen of the Midlands“ is a city in the middle of England. It is the largest
city of Nottinghamshire county. It has 75 km2 (seventy-five square kilometers) area and more than
320 000 (threehunderedtwentytousand) people live there. The city lies along the River Trent.
Nottingham is a popular tourist destination. It is famed for the legend of Robin Hood. Nottingham
was created in the 6th century as a small Anglo-Saxon village called Snotta inga ham (ham=village,
inga=belonging to, snotta was a man). So its name meant the village owned by Snotta.


Nottingham is often called the cultural capital of England, there are several historical, architectual
and cultural attractions. But it's also a modern city, because it has many shopping malls, cinemas,
clubs, festivals and hotels.


Old Market Square is the largest square in the UK

St Mary’s Church is the oldest church in Nottingham, built in the 15th century

Nottingham Cathedral is the largest religious building in the city

Nottingham Castle is a medieval castle on top of cliffs called "Castle Rock„. The first castle was built
in 1067 by Normans and it had a wooden structure. It became famous by the legend of a Robin Hood.
Next to the castle stands a bronze Robin Hood Statue. Under the castle there are several caves and
tunnels. Now it´s home of a museum and an art gallery.


Nottingham Playhouse, Theatre Royal are the two largest theatres in Nottingham

Galleries of Justice Museum in the past it was a court and a prison

Nottingham Trent University, University of Nottingham are the two biggest universities in the city

Wollaton Hall is an Elizabethan country house built in the 16th century, standing on a small hill in
Wollaton Park. The house is now home of the Nottingham Natural History Museum.


Goose Fair is the most popular festival in Nottingham

Nottingham’s Wheel is a ferris wheel in Old Markets Square, since 2008

Victoria center is the first shopping center in the city, next to the shopping center there is an old
clock tower.

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem is the oldest pub in England, it was established before 1189 AD

City of Caves is a network of caves carved out of sandstone, it is a popular tourist attraction

Nottingham Arboretum is the oldest park in Nottingham

Wollaton Park is the home of Wollaton Hall, with a deer park. It is regularly used for large outdoor
events such as rock concerts, sport events and festivals.

Sherwood Forest is a royal forest in Nottingham, famous by the legend of Robin Hood. The area has
been wooded since the end of the Ice Age. Today the forest is home to hundreds of birds, insects,
plants and trees, including the most famous tree, the Major Oak. According to local folktales, it was
Robin Hood's hideout where he slept. The tree is between 800 and 1000 years old. The Major Oak is
the biggest oak tree in Britain, it weights 23 tons.

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