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455 East 57th Street #6C, New York, NY 10022

H 212.826.0676 M 917.282.2103

A asenior doera and trusted advisor to CEOs and their leadership teams. Has 20+
years of experience in strategy, business development, branding and communicatio
ns. Draws on strong academic background (including JD and MBA) and track record
of increased responsibility and success to launch, revitalize or extend abrandsa
into new categories and geographies.
Experience includes 6 years as CMO for two global law firms, 5 years as the lead
strategist for two global branding consultancies, 10 years in advertising in in
creasingly senior roles on both the agency and the client side, and teaching bus
iness strategy and marketing courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels. H
as managed global teams from <10 to >100 and operating budgets of <$5 million to
>$50 million.
An accessible and collaborative leader, a builder of high performance service de
livery teams, and a creative thinker regarding strategies and programs to enhanc
e reputation and accelerate profitable business growth.
Pace University (NYC) Adjunct Marketing Professor
From 9/09
Teaching academic year 2009-2010 at both the graduate and undergraduate levels:
(1) International Marketing, (2) Marketing Strategy and Decision-Making Skills,
and (3) Marketing Management
Consultant (NYC) Marketing Strategist & Business Planner
From 8/08
Launched own consulting business to provide strategy, annual business planning,
message platform development, competitor analysis and marketing audits to small
and mid-size businesses, including law firms, accounting firms, a publisher of c
orporate work/life balance newsletter, an online asales findera and an internati
onal clothing manufacturer.
o For a 140 lawyer firm, developing business strategy to rebuild a practice foll
owing the departure of all of the lawyers in the practice group
o For Pace Law School, assessed marketing infrastructure and recommended brandin
g strategies and tactics to improve the schoolas US News & World Report rankings
, recruit higher caliber students, attract employers of law school graduates, an
d increase alumni support
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP (NYC) Chief Marketing Officer
6/06 a" 8/08
Led all Business Development, PR and Communications strategies and programs to m
arket the firmas 700+ lawyers in 14 centers for capital markets, finance, energy
and technology
o Stabilized a department in afluxa and shifted focus to more practice-centric t
han office-centric initiatives (following two mergers); integrated a stand alone
Business Intelligence group and took PR function in-house; recruited and integr
ated 25+ new hires and experienced minimal turnover
o Introduced first quarterly reporting system to evaluate ROI on all marketing i
nitiatives and to use results as the basis for planning the next yearas initiati
o Led first formal business planning by practice group; set clearer criteria for
establishing client teams and metrics for evaluating their success in support o
f taking more clients over $10M within 3 years; coached lawyers on how to presen
t themselves and the firmas capabilities/credentials
o Persuaded partners to embrace the value of areal lifea client data and hired t
hird party researcher (BTI) to customize and field independent client satisfacti
on study
o Shifted PR strategy from reactive (in the trades) to proactive (in the busines
s press) which led to a +70% increase in media coverage, with +80% increase in t
op tier thought-leader coverage, within one year
o Oversaw development of over 700 collateral pieces in 2007 a" up +30% from 2006
; led agency in development of new brand strategy and visual and verbal executio
n that launched April 2008
o Legal Marketing Association recognized us with two aFirst Prize 2008 Your Hono
r Awardsa for media relations and for internal communications program to roll ou
t InterAction database and an aHonorable Mentiona in 2009 for the new aIdentitya
launched in 2008
o Reported to Chairman; responsible for staff of 45 and budget of $15M+
White & Case LLP (NYC) Chief Marketing Officer
8/02 a" 2/06
Envisioned and built coherent and cohesive global functions for practice develop
ment, client relationship management, online marketing, database development, ev
ent planning, internal and external communications, media relations and creative
services functions to support aone firma in 25 countries/35 offices
o Led development and implementation of new branding (logo, tagline, look & feel
) and new website (quadrupled visits from 30K to 120K per month)
o Guided PR for a more strategic focus on placement of interviews and bylined ar
ticles and positioning lawyers as thought-leaders (awarded Legal Marketing Assoc
iationas First prize for overall media relations program in 2005)
o Personally interviewed (and filmed) the GCs at 10+ of the firmas top clients f
or their perspective on the aideala client-law firm relationship which was used
as the linchpin for the firmas largest partner retreat
o Evaluated acoachesa and introduced specific programs for business development
training in addition to personally working with partners one on one
o Reported to Managing Partner; oversaw staff of 50 in NY and 130 globally
Addison Branding and Communications (NYC) Director-Brand Strategy
9/01 a" 8/02
o Developed new brand strategy capability for this Wall Street based agency know
n primarily for Annual Reports (hired 9/10/01 -- opportunities significantly lim
ited after 9/11/01)
o Developed positioning for new financial services brand of Sharia compliant pro
ducts for American Muslims
o Reported to the Managing Director
a Taught graduate level Business Strategy at Prattas School of Art & Design Wint
er 2002 (while at Addison)
Landor Associates (NYC/Hong Kong) Director of Brand Identity
11/97 a" 8/01
Pitched, won and led corporate and consumer branding projects to better differen
tiate clients and their offerings from competition. Served as key client contact
and strategic leader on all projects.
o Led multidisciplinary teams of researchers, designers, writers and production
personnel to develop brand strategies (vision, values, positioning, personality)
and then strategically relevant and compelling logos, names, taglines, website
interface designs, collateral systems, message platforms, and systems to manage
and evolve new identities over time
o Led strategy efforts to: reposition the NYSE to better compete against the ris
ing Nasdaq; reposition Hong Kong to mitigate increasingly negative perceptions a
ssociated with its handover back to China; extend Gerber into OTC category by ba
lancing asofta baby food equities with new clinical and authoritative equities;
develop and validate new positioning concepts through quantitative research acro
ss residential consumer, small/medium business and large enterprise targets for
the merger of Bell Atlantic and GTE (Verizon); develop business and brand strate
gies for the Australian law firm Mallesons Stephen Jaques to enter Asia and comp
ete against U.K. and U.S. firms while maintaining healthy growth at home
o Also led naming of Delta-Air France alliance; tagline exploratory for Avon; gl
obal package design for Xerox athruputa products; equity research to assess the
"stretchability" of BET beyond aurban/youth/music"
o Reported to the Managing Director
Dunkina Donuts (Boston) Director of Advertising
11/96 a" 10/97
o Oversaw $50M budget for advertising programs for new record breaking product l
aunches (Bagels, Coolatta) and first new ad campaign in 15+ years (post aFred th
e Bakera)
o Led cross-functional team (category management, research, operations, product
development, field services, franchisees, promotions, retail services) to develo
p and sell in to franchisees a $10M integrated marketing event to reposition bra
nd as aAmericaas Neighborhood Coffee AndaShopa instead of aAmericaas Donut Shopa
Foote Cone & Belding (NYC) VP, Management Director; Account Director
2/94 a"10/96
o Helped win and then led new TV, Radio and Print campaign development for Plant
ers Nuts (including new low fat line extension)
o Tapped by Agencyas President to jumpstart New Business Department
o Led strategic and creative development of award winning adult and kids TV and
Radio campaigns for Life Savers Candy, Life Savers Holes, Breath Savers, and new
product introductions of Gummi Savers and Stick*Free Gum
o Repositioned 100 year old Nabisco Shredded Wheat with Effie winning campaign
BBDO Worldwide (NYC) Account Supervisor
11/89 a" 2/91
o Managed ongoing creative, media and new product development for Lever Brothers
a Caress Body Bar, Sunlight Dishwashing and Dishwasher products, and Mrs. Butter
worthas Pancake Syrup
Campbell-Mithun-Esty (NYC) Account Supervisor; AE
5/88 a" 10/89
o Supervised teen, mom and educator campaigns for Tampax Tampons that included T
V and Print for base brand and several new product extensions
Grey Advertising (NYC) Account Executive; Assistant AE
6/86 a" 3/88
o Trained on Procter & Gambleas Jif Peanut Butter, Downy Fabric Softener and Cri
sco Shortening brands
Better Business Bureau (NYC) General Counsel; Staff Counsel
9/79 a" 1/85
o Counseled companies to correct deceptive advertising and sales practices
o Launched arbitration programs for companies and trade associations, including
U.S., European and Japanese auto manufacturers, US moving & storage companies an
d NYC drycleaners
o Master of Business Administration; Fordham University, New York, NY
o Juris Doctor; Washington University, St. Louis, MO (Admitted to practice law i
n NY)
o Bachelor of Arts; Union College, Schenectady, NY
o aTime to Assess: Who Is Your Real Competition?a February 2009; aHow to
Get the Most From Todayas Law Firm CMO,a, August 2008; aLaw Firm Market
ing: The Glass is Half Full,a The National Law Journal, January 2006
o Adventure travel on all 7 continents (including photographing penguins in Anta
rctica, polar bears in the Arctic, blue-footed boobies in the Galapagos, lions i
n Botswana and tigers in India; hot-air ballooning over the Serengeti; trekking
with sherpas in Nepal; helicoptering over one of the seven natural wonders of th
e world, Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe; cruising the Nile; sleeping under the stars
in the Gobi desert; caring for elephants as a volunteer in Thailand; training w
ith chefs in Paris); skiing; photography; studying for certification as ahealth
coacha with Institute for Integrative Nutrition

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