Declaration and Covenant To Be Signed by The Candidate: Date: 27-Dec-2021 Place: Signature of Candidate

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I declare and covenant that:

     I have read, understood and I am fully aware of all the rules of Admissions, cancellation & rules for refund etc. for Admission under CAP
Round/ Institute Level/ against vacant seats after Cap Round for the current year and after understanding this rule, I have filled this form of
application for admission for the current academic year. The information given by me in this application form is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I have not been debarred from appearing at any examination held by any Government constituted or statutory
examination authority of India. I fully understand that the offer of a course or branch of Engineering / Technology / MBA will be made to be
depending of my inter - se merit and availability of a seat at the time of scrutiny of my application.
I understand that no other documents,
other than those attached to the application form will be entertained for the purpose of claims/ concessions etc. in connection with my
admission. I hereby agree to confirm to any rules, acts and laws enforced by Government and institute authorities and I hereby undertake
that so long as I am a student of this institute, I will do nothing either inside or outside the college campus which may result in disciplinary
action against me under the rule, acts and laws laid down by Government/ AICTE / MSBTE / SPPU / DTE / College authorities.
I fully
understand and agree that the Principal of the institute, will have the right to expel/ or rusticate me and /or cancel my admission from the
college for any infringement of the rules of Conduct and Discipline by the Government / AICTE / MSBTE / SPPU/ DTE / College
authorities(if any).
I also agree that all rules framed from time to time by the Government / AICTE / MSBTE / SPPU / DTE / College
authorities or by any concerned authorities under any concerned statute of the state of Maharashtra shall be binding upon me, and I shall
not be entitled to any other amount either by way of compensation, Interest or otherwise. Ragging Act: Ragging of any kind, stated under
the Ragging Act is offence. Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets, or propagates within or outside any Educational
Institute, shall, on conviction, be punished as per Ragging Prohibition Act.

Date :  27-Dec-2021

Place : Signature of Candidate


I declare that, the particulars furnished by my son/daughter/ward in this application form are correct to the best of my knowledge and
belief. Also I hereby declare that I have read, understood and I am fully aware of rules of admission, cancellation and refund of fees etc. for
the current year and after understanding these rules, we are taking the admission. I understand and abide myself to pay on behalf of my
son/daughter /ward such fees, charges etc. which Government of Maharashtra / AICTE / SPPU MSBTE / DTE / College authorities may levy
from time to time by due date, and in the event of the failure in my part and/or on the part of my son/ daughter/ward, the Principal of the
institute may take such action against my son daughter/ward as he may deem fit.
I hereby confirm that it is obligatory on our part to abide by
all the rules of Zeal Education Society. I confirm all declaration and covenants agreed to by my ward as above. I will sign the requisite
agreement bond as prescribed by the Government (In Case of Minor only).

Date :  27-Dec-2021

Place : Signature of Candidate


(Regarding acceptance of Fees structure to be given by the parent/ Legal Guardian)

In lieu of ZES's Zeal Institutes of Business Administration,Computer Application & Research, considering the application of
S/o, D/o Mr./Mrs. SANJAY DUDHATRA Residing at (Address):
for admission to Class FY Branch Master of Computer
I,Mr./ Mrs. SANJAY DUDHATRA further agree and undertake that if the fees (Tuition + Development) and other charges / fees
decided by the Fees Regulating Authority are more than the ad hoc/interim fees for the current academic year, then I will pay the difference
to the institute on demand. I shall pay the fees and other charges decided by Fees Regulating Authority for the subsequent Academic years
in time.

Date :  27-Dec-2021

Place : Signature of Parent / Guardian

(Regarding attendance of the student)

I, Mr./Ms. DUDHATRA KANGANA SANJAY   S/o, D/o   Mr./Mrs. SANJAY DUDHATRA Studying in Class FY Branch Master of
Computer Application here by undertake:

1. I have been informed that if my attendance is below 75% in Theory lectures and 100% in Practical, I will be detained from appearing for
the Savitribai Phule Pune University / MSBTE examination of the semester and will have to take readmission in next academic year.

2. I will attend the class as to satisfy the requirement of attendance as per the Rules & Regulations of Savitribai Phule Pune University /
MSBTE, else I will be detained.

Date :  27-Dec-2021

Place :
Signature of Candidate


(Against Sexual Harassment)

I, Mr./Ms. DUDHATRA KANGANA SANJAY   S/o, D/o Mr./Mrs. SANJAY DUDHATRA having been admitted to Class FY Branch Master
of Computer Application in ZES's Zeal Institutes of Business Administration,Computer Application & Research, have read and
understood The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 of the Parliament,
Government of India.

I have carefully read and understood the provisions contained in the said act/Laws.
I am fully aware of the penal and administrative action that can be taken against me if I am found guilty as per the above Act/Laws and other
I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that I will not indulge in any behavior or act that amounts to violation of the above mentioned Ordinance
and Laws.
I hereby solemnly affirm that, if found guilty of violation of the provisions contained in the above mentioned Ordinance and Laws, I am liable for
punishment according the Regulations of the University / MSBTE , without prejudice to any other criminal action that may be taken against me
under any penal law for the time being in force.
I hereby declare that I have not been expelled or debarred from admission in any institution in the country on account of being found guilty of,
abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote sexual harassment; and further affirm that, in case the declaration is found to be untrue, I am
aware that my admission is liable to be cancelled.

Declared this on Date :  27-Dec-2021 DUDHATRA KANGANA SANJAY

Name and Signature of Student


We undersigned Mr./Mrs. SANJAY DUDHATRA Father / Mother/ Parent/ Guardian of DUDHATRA KANGANA SANJAY
of Class FY
Branch Master of Computer Application my ward DUDHATRA KANGANA SANJAY having been admitted to ZES's Zeal Institutes of
Business Administration,Computer Application & Research . I am / we are fully aware of the following regulations and norms of the
Institute and hereby undertake to strictly abide by the same.

I shall attend the college right from the first day of the term as per the Timetable.
Minimum attendance is required as per Savitribai Phule Pune University / Maharashtra Board of Technical Education is 75% for granting term.
It goes without saying that I would attend all the theory and practical classes sincerely and regularly without fail for achieving excellence in
academics. I know that no special consideration is given on medical grounds.
I shall not get involved in any kind of RAGGING and antisocial activities. I am fully aware that ragging is an offence punished as per the law,
resulting in imprisonment and / or heavy penalty. If I found involved in any such activity directly or indirectly, I shall not only be expelled from the
Institution, but the matter will be reported to the appropriate authorities, for further action.
I am required compulsorily to submit all Academic work (assignment, tests, project, etc.) in every subject with full preparation, for granting of my
I shall complete all assignments after thorough preparation; I shall neither copy the same from others nor show others to copy my assignment.
I shall read and follow all the instruction given by the Institute from time to time through its various modes of communication like Notice Boards,
SMS, E-mail,Institute's Website, Announcement Systems, ERP or Oral Communication, etc.
I shall strictly maintain punctuality while attending all the Theory and Practical Classes. In case required short / long leave, I shall take prior
permission of Guardian Faculty Member (GFM) / Head of Department (HOD) / Principal.
I shall put-on my college I-Card on every day without fail.
I shall participate in all curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular, social, cultural and adventure activities at my own risk.
In case of any unfortunate event, accident, any type of fatal casualty, Institution / Management / Faculty / Staff will not be held responsible
under any circumstances. I understand that any breach of the above rules, regulations and norms may result in disciplinary action and
even non-granting of my Academic term.
I understand that, any admission secured as reserved category candidate given against quota reserved for backward class category is purely
provisional and can be cancelled if the caste certificate is cancelled / rejected / invalidated by the any Govt. Authority or admission authority
and also subject to submission of Caste Validity Certificate and / Non Cream Layer Certificate (if applicable).
I understand that, any admission secured as a reserved category candidate, I am liable to submit the Scholarship / Free-ship of any other
concession form the within the stipulated time period decided by concern Government Authority. In case I haven't submitted the same I will pay
full applicable fees to institute within time, without asking for any reason.
Also, I am aware that for getting benefit of government scholarship/Freeship/EBC etc., It is mandatory for me to appear for final examinations of
both semesters.
As per Savitribai Phule Pune University/MSBTE, I will complete my course within course duration plus two years.
As per Maharashtra Government GR. if I am failed/YD/GAP of two years within course duration, then I am not eligible to get the benefit of
Government Scholarship/Freeship/EBC, etc. hence; I will pay Institute full fees as per Open Category. I am giving consent for disclose/sharing
of my personal information I data to the respective Government Authority/Office as per need.
I am also made aware of the fact that the Management of ZES's Zeal Institutes of Business Administration,Computer Application &
Research has submitted the proposal for increase in fees / fixation of fees to Fees Regulating Authority (FRA), Mumbai and the decision of the
respected authority is yet to be declared. I hereby promise to pay the additional amount of fees immediately, in case of upward revision in fee
rates being declared by the Competent Authority.
I have read all the rules and regulations of the college regarding Discipline and Code of Conduct which are in force made applicable by the
Management of Zeal Education Society, Pune and I promise to abide by the same.

          I Agree with the contents of Undertaking signed by my ward.

Student's Full Name & Signature

Full Name & Signature of the Parent's / Guardian's
Date :  27-Dec-2021     Place :  

    I, Mr./Ms. DUDHATRA KANGANA SANJAY S/o, D/o Mr./Mrs. SANJAY DUDHATRA Class FY Branch Master of Computer Application
having been admitted to ZES's Zeal Institutes of Business Administration,Computer Application & Research.


    I, Mr./Mrs. SANJAY DUDHATRA Father/ Mother / Parent / Guardian of DUDHATRA KANGANA SANJAY
Class FY Branch Master of
Computer Application my ward having been admitted to ZES's Zeal Institutes of Business Administration,Computer Application &
Research .

We here by solemnly aver and undertake that:

a. I/ My ward will not indulge in any behavior or act that may be constituted as ragging under clause 3 of the regulations.
b. I/My Ward will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or omission that may be Constituted as ragging under
clause 3 Of the UGC Act- F.1-16/2009 (CPP-Il) dated 21.10.2009

We hereby affirm that, if found guilty of ragging, I am liable for punishment is according to clause 9.1 of the regulations, without prejudice to any
other criminal action that may be taken against me/my ward under any penal law or any law for the time being force.
We hereby declare that I have not been expelled or debarred from admission in any institution in the country on account of being found guilty
of, abetting or being part of conspiracy to promote, ragging; and future affirm that, in case the declaration is found to be untrue, I am aware that
My/ My Ward's admission is liable to be Cancelled.

I undertake that I have filed/i will file online Antiragging Affidavit on and

Anti Ragging undertaking Reference No. : - _________________________________

Signature of Father / Mother / Parent / Guardian

Signature of Student
Declared this on Date :  27-Dec-2021

For Office Use Only

Signature with Date

Signature with Date

Form Checked By (Name) : Fees Checked By A/C (Name) :

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