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First Step - 

Draw a Squared Framework for Spongebob

While Spongebob does take on a cube-like shape on the show, here we're drawing him looking straight-on, and as such - we don't need to account for
depth with this look. Still though, Spongebob's shape isn't exactly a perfect square/rectangle. His top part (the sponge) actually tapers off nearing his
shirt and pants. So then, yes the square guide will be helpful, but still - you'll need to deviate inside it as you go on to sketch his lower half.
Here's how to draw Spongebob's head - err -- sponge!...


Something cool with this particular character, is the randomness involved in two parts - the curvy perimeter of the sponge, and the greenish 'sponge
holes' that come near the very end. If you look at a picture of Spongebob, you'll see that there are relatively few greenish spots - but sometimes they
can change in shape and number between images. With the curvy lines, I went a little bit 'freestyle' in the way I drew them. Looking at a picture
though - you can get yours looking closer to 'bang-on'.
And - now that the core part of Spongebob's complete, it's on to the rest of him... his limbs and any remaining details.
Here's how to draw the rest of Spongebob...

Second Step - How to Draw Spongebob's Limbs. The only real tricky part in my opinion, would be the hands. Practice off to the side a
few times until you. The only real tricky part in my opinion, would be the hands. Practice off to the side a few times until you
One of the neat things about drawing Spongebob like this - straight on, and with a fairly generic, content expression, is that it's easy to make some
subtle changes next time through - having already drawn him in a fairly basic way. An example of this would be when you draw his mouth so that it's
open. His cheeks would 'raise up' when he has a big smile, and you'd want to draw two arcs at either end of his mouth - each one slightly
overlapping his lower outer eye.
And now - let's take a look at what Spongebob looks like completed...

First Step - Here's a Simple Guideline for Drawing Squidward

Squidward is actually a fairly straight-forward character to draw. He's composed of a simple shape layout - and even his
head specifically, can be broken down into a couple shapes - resembling that of a skull.
Below, I've marked off key points to help you progress with this character...

The grey horizontal lines are important in that they mark off those areas where A - his arms connect, and B - where his 'four
squiddish legs' connect. Looking at a reference picture of the character, this is easy enough to do.
OK then. Framework in hand, let's draw!!!!!!!!!!

Second Step - How to Draw Squidward, 1 2 3 - GO!

Not much changes with respect to how to draw this character - in relation to others. Beginning with the eyes and central
areas of his face, and working your way outward (and then down the body) from there, drawing him becomes all the more
understandable - and doable.
Step by step, this is how it unfolds...


First Step - A Unique and Simple Framework to Draw an Angel

Keeping things symmetrical and simple, draw yourself an angel framework similar to the one I've illustrated in the examples.
Notice the use of two horizontal lines - one to form a cross over the face - the other, mapping out the horizontal position of
her forearms.
Here's how to sketch a nice-looking framework...
First Step - A Unique and Simple Framework to Draw an Angel
Keeping things symmetrical and simple, draw yourself an angel framework similar to the one I've illustrated in the examples.
Notice the use of two horizontal lines - one to form a cross over the face - the other, mapping out the horizontal position of
her forearms.
Here's how to sketch a nice-looking framework...

The blue vertically-aligned ovals that you see beneath the head circle are actually the angel's hands as they come
together in a praying position. This is not to imply that your angel's hands should look ovular, but it does help to guide you as
you draw them - however you intend them to look.

Second Step - Draw the Upper Portion

As I mentioned up top... in this lesson - sequence is of the essence. This cartoon angel's arms are set in front of the rest of
her body. So, it only makes sense that we draw this part first. After, sketching in the lines (those that aren't obstructed!) in
and around her torso will be much easier.
In three parts, here's how to sketch her upper half...


Final Step - Draw in Her Body, Feet, Halo and Wings

In one final phase of this cartoon angel drawing lesson, move on down to draw in her dress and feet. Again, similar to the
Cartoon Princess from before, the dress of your angel can be simplified as one shape. And not necessarily a triangle... here
the dress/gown is more ovular and curvy in nature.
And after that - give your cartoon angel a halo and a pair of wings, just like this...
cartoon to draw
First Step - The Structure for a Cartoon Bluebird...
First thing then - go ahead and map out/visualize the form that your soon-to-be bird will take on. Really, it's quite easy to do -
as the entire shape is based around a couple circles.
Here it is...

Of course - you may wish to take a different route. See if you can change the structure to best suit the 'look' you're going
OK, let's draw now...

Second Step - How to Draw a Twitter Bird

Drawing this cute little bird is much the same with any other animal, with respect to the order by which we go about it. The
eyes and beak - at a 3/4 view as it's seen here... is an excellent starting point as you get an immediate feel for the path your
drawing will take.
Step by step... here's how it comes to be...


Looking at the finished version - you can see that it's pretty generic. You can do all sorts of little things to change yours up.
For example... change the feathers to be more curved and less pointy.... give your bird more of a neck and a smaller head...
smaller eyes... add some details for feathers... lots of ideas come to mind!
And that's that. I hope you enjoyed this lesson. :-)
how to draw a

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