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LAWYER - Would you like to take a glass of tea or water?

CLIENT – I’m fine, No thanks Sir

LAWYER - I am going to ask you a few questions about the situation to get some information
about the background. I may take some notes while you talk, please don’t worry. Everything we
talk is confidential under client-attorney privilege communication.
LAWYER- Okay… Miss Madhu, if you are ready, shall we begin?
CLIENT - Yes Sir, we can
LAWYER - You already told to my supervisor on the phone about your detail. I would be grateful
if you could just take me through it once again for record.
CLIENT - My name is Madhu Kumari, from Haryana. And I’m a Teacher by profession.
LAWYER - Have you worked with a lawyer before? Or have you worked with another lawyer on
this specific matter already?
CLIENT - No Sir, this is my first meeting with any lawyer.
LAWYER- Can you specifically tell why you have come here and how can I help you?
CLIENT - Sir, to be direct, I want you to help me get divorce from my husband’
LAWYER - Can you share why you want to pursue this matter?
CLIENT- Sir, I’m completely exhausted by my husband, I want peace and security for me and my
LAWYER- Could you walk me through your case in details?
CLIENT- We had entered into arrange marriage. My husband was not comfortable leading a rural
life in the village with extended family. So when he got selected as a doctor in Noida after two
year of marriage, we moved to Delhi. There were some temperamental differences between me
and my wife as well between my wife and my parents.
He used to disrespect my guests visiting us and does not even talk to them. He was indulged in
some gambling activities and always come late in midnight which terrifies me. After getting drunk
he also used to scream and shout accusing me of having extra marital affairs. He even made an
attempt to strangulate me with his hands.
LAWYER - Can you tell me something about intimate relation between you?
CLIENT- He also used to avoid physical relations. Though I tried to make him understand the
needs to maintain the intimate relation between us, he did not pay any heed to it.
LAWYER - Are your children with you now?
CLIENT – That night after trying to strangulate me while I was sleeping, he left house without
informing anybody. Next day his parents took away our sons and since they are never allowed
returned to me.
LAWYER- What are you most concerned about now?
CLIENT – I’m very concerned about Safety for my sons, He also accused me of having illicit
relationship with another man and alcoholic. This adversely affected my reputation in the society,
so much so that I even thought of committing suicide.
LAWYER- What is your main goal for your case?
CLIENT – To get divorce from my Husband and have custody of my sons.
LAWYER- Don’t worry, we will make sure you get what you and wants. As according to my
understanding of facts your case we can seek divorce on the ground of cruelty and desertion
under Hindu Marriage age. And once we take this matter to court, I hope you understand the
implication it will have in your family life, Divorce is a very big step in life.
Do you want to give it a second thought? Or Is there any doubt or additional information or
documents that I should have?
CLIENT – So far No, Sir. I’m ready for whatever coming ahead.
LAWYER - O.K. Mrs. Madhu, thank for sincere and honest sharing. Marriage can be suffocating
and unbearable once it become toxic and hostile. You have come to right place we will try our
best to help you what deserve. Let us meet next week and discuss all the available legal remedies
in detail.
LAWYER - Hope you don’t mind getting follow up call or email from us in next few days.
CLIENT - No Sir, I will be glad to receive it.
LAWYER - Thank you, Mrs. Madhu, take good care of your mental and physical health in this

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