American History Till 7

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History_of_US (II)

# Geography_of_America_America

The United States is the name of two of the seven continents of the world. One is called North
America and the other South America. Both continents are located in the western hemisphere on
the globe.

The continent north of the equator is called #North_America and the other south of the equator is
called #South_America. These two continents have a total of 35 countries and several islands.

The plural form for these two American continents is #americas or Americas. The United States is
sometimes referred to as the "United States" or "United States".

The United States is named after the Italian sailor Amigo Vespucci. This man said for the first time
that America is not India but a #new_world, which Europeans do not know. Amigo had traveled the
land several times in the five years since Columbus's voyage.

In addition to English, Spanish, French and Portuguese are spoken on both continents of the United
States. Areas where Spanish and Portuguese are spoken are combined to speak # Latin_America.
(Green and pink area on the map).

The term # Central_America is used for the area between the two continents, except North and
South America.

Continent america

# Atlantic Ocean to the east of

And to the west is the #Ocean_Ocean or Pacific Ocean.

History_of_US (Third)
Initially, the two parts of the United States were considered a continent with two subcontinents.
But then the United States was divided into two continents, North and South America.

# North_America

The continent includes the United States or the United States, Canada, and Mexico, as well as other
smaller countries and adjacent islands. It is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the east
by the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by the continent of South America and the Caribbean Sea, and
on the west by the Pacific Ocean.

# South_America

The continent of South America has twelve countries and some smaller countries. Argentina,
Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Suriname and Venezuela,
as well as the Falkland Islands (UK), French Guiana (France), Georgia Islands and Southern Sandwich.

Brazil is the largest country by area and population, and Uruguay the smallest. Half of the
continent's population is made up of Brazilians. Argentina has a strong economy, while Guyana and
Bolivia have weak economies. The Amazon River and the Amazon jungle are located on this
continent. The continent has given the world vegetables like tomatoes and potatoes.

Spain and Portugal occupied the continent in the 17th century. That is why the culture here is
deeply influenced by Spanish and Portuguese culture. Even today Portuguese / Portuguese is
spoken in Brazil and Spanish in other countries. In addition, France, the Netherlands and the United
Kingdom have also ruled a few territories. In addition to a large number of European nations and
Africans, Native Americans live in the Amazon rainforest.

# Central_America

The region connecting the two continents is called Central America. Central America includes
Belize, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Bonduras, Nicaragua and Panama.

# Latin_America

Latin America refers to the countries of North and South America where Portuguese, French and
Spanish are spoken. Because these languages are derived from Latin, the regions of the United
States ruled by Portugal, France, and Spain are called Latin America. It includes more than 20

History_of_US (Fourth)


Initially, North America and South America were recognized as one continent, consisting of two

The two continents are connected by the #Khaknay_Panama (located in Central America).

Isthmus - A strip of land that connects large regions or continents - English: Isthmus]

#Panama_Country is an intercontinental country located on the Panama Canal. Where the

#Canana_Panama, which connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, divides the country into two, as
well as the continent of North and South America.

The Panama Canal is one of the most important sea lanes in the world. Through which ships can
travel between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.

The French plan to dig the canal in 1880 was unsuccessful. Then, in 1904, the United States began
work on the project. The canal was opened in 1914. 27,500 workers lost their lives while jumping
the 77 km long canal.

To begin construction of the canal, the United States supported Panama's independence movement
and separated Panama from Colombia, as the Colombian government was reluctant to allow the
United States to build the canal. The canal was controlled by the United States until December 31,

About 15,000 ships pass through the Panama Canal annually. The canal is also considered one of
the Seven Wonders of the Modern World

History_of_US (fifth)

# Red_Indians / Native Americans

In 1498, Christopher Columbus set sail for Spain in a Spanish ship. But he arrived in the United
States by mistake and a new world was discovered.

Columbus mistakenly thought of the natives as Indians and named them Red Indians because of
their red color because Columbus knew that the color of Indians was wheat. That is why this area is
still called West Indies. It was not until his death (1506) that Columbus learned that he was
somewhere else, not in India.

The United States is named after #Amerigo_Waspochi, who for the first time (after Columbus'
death) stated that this place is not India but a #new_world.

Traces of three civilizations (Maya, Aztec and Akna) have been found in the United States. American
civilizations have evolved after the civilizations of Asia and Africa. American civilizations were not so
advanced. By the time the Europeans arrived, the Maya civilization was gone.

The Red Indians spoke about 300 languages. They did not know how to use wheels and they used
wooden weapons. And they did not see the horse, the camel, the hen. In addition to cannons and
ammunition, they were also afraid of horses.

There were two local kingdoms. First Empire (Mexico) In 1519, 600 Spanish troops easily captured
with the help of 13 horses and seven cannons. When the Red Indians first saw the horse, they
considered the rider and the horse to be the same animal, so they were terrified to see the horse.

The second indigenous kingdom in South America was conquered in 1532 by 200 Spanish soldiers (a
few horses and cannons). In the hands of the victorious army came gold in abundance. The victors
inflicted heavy blows on the locals.

Following the Pope's decision, the territory of South America (now Brazil) was annexed by Portugal.
But the Portuguese could not find gold here. The Portuguese ruled Brazil until 1822.

Europeans also brought with them measles and smallpox. These new diseases killed half of the local
There were few plants on American soil that no one outside the American continent had ever seen.

These include potatoes, tomatoes, corn / millet, cocoa (chocolate), tobacco, peanuts and rubber.

There are still Red Indians in many parts of the United States who speak their native languages at

History_America (sixth)

# American_Colones

After Columbus, a British ship named Ron Henry Hudson arrived here in 1610, with the arrival of
European immigrants. Europeans of the Protestant religion emigrated to the "New World" for
freedom of religion and politics in the United States.

Britain, Spain and France began to establish their colonies here. Spain was mostly interested in
South and Central America and France only wanted to achieve trade goals. That's why Britain
stepped into North America. From 1610 to 1733, British colonies were established in (North)

By snatching settlements from other European powers, 13 # British_colonies were established in

the eastern region of North America (see map). There were also French settlements on American

In the eighteenth century, these colonies began to prosper. Big cities (Boston, Philadelphia) were
built, shopping malls, shipping, etc. developed. The British in the New World (USA) felt that Britain
was giving them too little power to make their own decisions. The British governor had the power to
veto any law.

The goods made in the colonies could only be sold to the British and could only be loaded on British

The colonies had no representation in the English Parliament, although they were paying some
taxes (such as tea and newspaper taxes).

The British, on the other hand, believed that their control over the American colonies was crucial, as
the British defense protected the (contradictory) colonies from the threat of France.
History_America (7th)


In the second half of the eighteenth century, the resentment of the American colonies towards
Britain increased day by day.

Britain and France competed for seven years, from 1756 to 1763. The seven-year wars were fought
in Europe, India, North America and the sea. In all these wars, Britain and its allies have been

The effect of France's defeats in these wars was that the threat of France was averted from the
heads of the American colonies. The colonies no longer needed British defense, so they did not
want to pay more taxes to Britain.

The UK was forced to abolish all taxes, except for tea. But even the colonies did not approve of this


In 1773, a taxed tea ship arrived at the port of Boston, and a few people poured all the tea into the
sea in the dark of night. The incident signaled that the colonies were now in a mode of action
against Britain. The event is known as the Boston Tea Party.

The following year the colonies took another step against Britain. They first formed an alliance in
1774 to compete with Britain. The #first_congress of the colonies was held in Philadelphia. This was
followed by minor skirmishes between the British and the colonies. Which soon took the form of a
regular war.

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