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If I were to place a significant object in a time capsule, it would be a bracelet which I

got from one of my best friends, because it reminds me of the day that I realise that she will
be there, for me, whenever I need her and she will support me no matter what.

I think that the best way to preserve your cultural heritage is to share it with others.
The cultural heritage of a nation has a very high value and is unique. For examples, in our
country, we are very open to foreigners and, we like to tell them about our traditions because
they represent our country and in this way we cand preserve them.


If someone is your ancesnstors you are his descendant

Compound words

Hyphenated word : tailor- made holidays, consumer-driven, high-minded, great-great uncle,


Joined without a hyphen : runaway, snakebites,

Two separate words :Travel company, upstairs room, social history

General nouns Personal nouns Verb Adjective Adverb

preservation To preserve preserved
settlement settler To settle settling
excitement To excite Excited/ excitidly
fight Fighter To fight fighting


 Considerably/far/much/a lot/a great deal

 Very much+ comparative
 More and more
 A bit/slightly/a little
 Just /quite/easily
 Not nearly/ nowhere near

it is a great deal less entertaining to visit a museam than a tematic park

p67 review


Constanța, one of the largest cities in Romania, is situated on the western shore of the
Black Sea and is the largest port in Romania and one of largest in Europe. In summer,
the city is filled with tourists who come to enjoy its beaches, parks and lakes, not to mention
the fresh breeze.

Historical buildings can be admired in Ovidiu Square, including the National History and
Archaeology Museum and a statue of the Roman poet Ovid, who was exiled in Tomis by the
Emperor Augustus.

Sited on Constanța’s seafront, the casino building is an architectural pearl. Just before World
War II, it served as a residence for the Russian imperial family during their visit to Constanța.
Considered a symbol of the city, the casino is one of the most iconic buildings in Romania.

Opposite to the majestic casino building lies the aquarium, the first one of its kind in the
country. More than 100 species of aquatic flora and fauna are displayed throughout its
exhibitions, from fishes living in the Danube Delta’s waters to eye-catching exotic species.

Lovers of modern sculpture can instead visit the lon Jalea Museum which preserves the
sculptures of the artist lon Jalea, one of Romania's greatest contemporary sculptors. The Art
Museum displays the paintings of Romania's most important artists. For enthusiasts of marine
history, the Romanian Maritime Museum offers interesting records from ancient times to the
present day.

I hope I have convinced you that Constanta is worth a 1-day visit, and it has so much more to
offer than a lazy afternoon on the beach.
I choose to talk about Christmas in England and Romania because it is my favourite
On Christmas Day, in England, some families watch the Queen's Speech, a tradition
started in 1932 and, then in the evening they have the Christmas dinner. The starter is usually
prawns or smoked salmon the main course is turkey or a goose stuffed with bread sauce and
accompanied by potatoes, vegetables and graves, followed by a fruit pudding. On the other
hand, in Romania, we do not have Queen's speech, but we also have the Christmas dinner but
with other dishes. For example, we have cabbage rolls, sausages or other pork specialities and
for the Deseret, we have sponge bread
In the U.K, Boxing Day is celebrated on the twenty-sixth of December and, it is a
public holiday when people offer gifts to the poor. In Romania we don't have this custom and
on the 26 th of december we stay with our families and celebrate this wonderfull holiday.

While in romania when we are with our familis or friends and we celebrate something
is it common to clink glasses when you are visiting Hungary, you might be surprised to find
out that people don’t clink glasses at the bar. This historical tradition comes from 1848, when
Austria defeated the Hungarian revolution and celebrated by clinking glasses. As a result,
Hungarians decided not to clink glasses for 150 years.

On New Year’s Eve romanians celebrate with fireworks, while in South Africa is a different
kind of tradition. To ring in the new year, people throw their furniture out the window into the
streets below. This tradition is monitored by police forces to make sure nobody gets hurt.


The hard sell

If +present simple or continuos + future simple imperative +may or can or might – for
situations that are possible in the present or future

Ex: If there are great sales on BF I would consider buying a new tv

If I have all the money I need until my birthday I would consider buying a computer.

If I go to the supermarket, I would buy some sweets

If+past simple or continuos +would could might + infinitive

Imaginary situations things that are not true in the present

If that happend to me
If I had more free time

if I meet someone famous

ex If I had a lot of money I would travel around the world

if+ past perfect simple or continous + would could might have + infinitive

for regrets and imaginary situation in the past

If I had known about the sales I would have gone shopping

If I had had more free time I would have gone to my grandma

If you had saved more, you wouldn’t be in need of money now

Combination of type 3 and 2 mixed conditional that shows imaginary situation in the past
with consecuences in the present


I adore the smell of gingerbread baking the mix of spices and, sticky sweet honey which is so
warming. This smell reminds me of winter holidays and also my grandma because she cooks
this for Christmas every year.

To wake me up if I am feeling drowsy, I will choose the scent of vanilla because I think it has
a rich taste and smell which, makes me feel more energized and happy.

I would choose the cinnamon scent because when I feel lonely, I make a cinnamon tea, I am
dressing in something cosy and, I watch something on Netflix to feel better.

I will choose the lavender scent because I heard that at pharmacy exist lavender oil which
helps you to relax and sleep if you put some drops on your pillow. And for example my
grandma used to used this oil and she actually said that it works for her.

Conditional clauses

Advanced features

1. Alternatives to if
 Unless
 As long as
 Even if
 Provided that
 In the event of
 Otherwise
 In case
 Suppose
 What if

2. The formal stile. Inversion

 If I had known my friend was payed to convince me to buy the lipstick I would have
been very angry. Had I known…
 Were Tim my sun, …
 Should you require more information, do not hesitate to contact me.
 If + (should) happen to - for slight possibility
Ex: If you happen to go to the supermarket,
 If+ will/would - for polite request
Ex: if you would be so kind to take a seat the doctor will receive you immediately

A friend forgot to lock out of a social networking site on your laptop .

If someone happens to remain logged in to their social media account on my device I

would find myself in quite a dilemma because of the urge to swipe through their feed
and see who they are, to reveal their true identity.

You found a wallet with a considerable sum of money.

In case I found a wallet with a considerable sum of money in it I would try myself to
find the person who lost it and return the object intact, otherwise I would have to go to the

Test: revision

– wishes - conditional sentances

- Word formation with negative prefixes (53)

- Vocabulary - ex4/ pg 53
Ex 6/ pg 71


I think an tour guide would be is very usefull beacuse you can find out a lot of
inteesting things about what attraction you see and you learn something from your
vacantion not only to take a picture.

Reported speech

Reported statements go a tense back when you report statements

Must- had to

Other changes such us here -there, yesterday-the day before, today- that day,
tomorrow -the following day, las week- the previest week



Reported questions

1. Yes/no questions
Ex: “was he terrified”- the host(subject) asked lady gaga if Bradley Cooper had been

2. Wh questions
What do you think Bradley?- Lady Gaga asked Bradley what he thought.


I think the best time to visit Constanta is during the summer because it is hot outside
and tourists can take a walk around the city or go to the beach.
The seafront is the most beloved promenade for both Constanta residents and
tourists. The magic atmosphere, created by the sea, complemented by many of the symbols of
the city that are on this route attracts lovers of outdoor walks. The Casino, the Aquarium, the
Genoese Lighthouse are just some of the attractions of this area.

Ovidiu Square has always been the soul of Constanța. The statue of the poet Ovid
dominates the square, while other symbols speak about the history of these places: the
Roman Mosaic, the History Museum, the Great Carol Mosque and the Palace of the
National Bank.

The city's central park has an important outdoor collection of monuments from the
old Tomis fortress. The large amphorae, together with the map of the ancient settlements,
make the connection between the old and the new city.

If you want to go to a peacefull place you can go to Vadu and take a walk on the wild beach. I
think is a peacefull place suitable for families with kids .

In my point of view i think the only traps there are here are maybe the expensive restaurants
where the food isn t that good .

You should plan to spend around lei 239 per day on your vacation, which is the average daily
price based on the expenses of other visitors. Past travelers have spent, on average, lei 84 on
meals for one day. Also you should book a room at the hotels in mamaia, beacuse they have
pretty good services and they are near the sea. The average hotel price in Mamaia for a
couple is lei


Shopping Trends
-slow decline-
-sudden rise-
-reach the level of
-moderate growth-
-suficiently high
-a period of relative stablility-
-boost something to the peak of
-grow substancialy
The shopping trends had a sudden rise, because of the Black Friday discounts and I
suppose everybody had bought at least one object. Also, I think that because of the pandemic,
online shopping for Christmas presents had a moderate growth. After all this holidays, in
January, I presume that will be a slow decline, because everybody already bought what they
wanted and then will be a period of relative stability.

You could grow up and learn how to take care of yourself.

You have to socialize with new people and meet new people and I think that will help
you develop your communication skills.

23 decembrie 2020

For maria I thought she would like the harry potter series of books because we
watched recently the films and she said that she wants to buy these books.

In the New year's Eve, I was at my best friend, Sara. When I arrived at her
house, she was talking to her parents, because she already made all the preparations.
Her parents left and, we waited for our friends to come. Fifteen minutes later, when
they arrived, we had already started to play a game. We had a beautiful party and all of
our friends enjoyed it.

Things about martihn luther king why celebrate who was him.

Why We Celebrate Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Jr. was one of America's greatest leaders. He felt that
everyone, Black or White, should have equal rights. The right to work and make an
honest living, the right to vote, the right to a good education, and the right to use all
public places. He was a very influential leader, one who will always be remembered
and honored in his country. This is possible because in 1983, President Ronald
Reagan(reigăn) signed a bill declaring that beginning in 1986, the third Monday of
every January would be celebrated as a national holiday known as Martin Luther
King’s Day.

On January 15, 1929, Martin Luther King. was born in Atlanta Georgia. Martin
was always taught to treat other people with respect and to settle disagreements with
love instead of hate. When Martin was very young, he noticed that some people did
not treat others with respect. He saw that White and Black people were treated
differently. Martin, his family, and Black friends could not drink out of the same
drinking fountains or use the same public restroom as White people.

Martin was a very good student and entered college when he was only 15 years
old. He decided to become a minister like his father and grandfather.
In 1963, Martin led the biggest and most famous march of all - the March on
Washington. Thousands of people attended the civil rights march and listened to
Martin's speech. In his speech, Martin told the people about his dream. He said, "I
have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be
judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character". Many people
agreed with Martin and were willing to change the laws, but some were not. Martin
was arrested many times and had to spend time in jail. The people thought that if he
was in jail, he could not give speeches and encourage people to change laws that
would help the Black people. Although Martin always tried to inspire people to protest
in peace, some of his followers did not listen and protested with fighting and violence.
In 1964, Martin was given $54,000 for winning the Nobel Peace Prize.
On April 4, 1968, Martin luther King went to Memphis, Tennessee to lead a
march for Black garbage workers who wanted the same pay as White garbage
workers. While Martin was standing on the balcony of his hotel room, he was shot and
killed by James Earl Ray, a man who did not want Blacks to have the same rights as


a blessing in disguise
People fail to understand that.......
WHAT PEOPLE FAIL TO DO IS understand that ......

Why We Celebrate Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of
January. It celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King, an
influential American civil rights leader. He is most well-known for his campaigns
to end racial segregation on public transport and for racial equality in the United

Martin Luther King was an important civil rights activist. He was a leader in the
movement to end racial segregation in the United States. His most famous address was
the "I Have A Dream" speech. He was an advocate of non-violent protest and became
the youngest man to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He was assassinated in 1968.
In 1968, shortly after Martin Luther King died, a campaign was started for his
birthday to become a holiday to honor him. After the first bill was introduced, trade
unions lead the campaign for the federal holiday. It was endorsed in 1976. Following
support from the musician Stevie Wonder with his single "Happy Birthday" and a
petition with six million signatures, the bill became law in 1983. Martin Luther King
Day was first observed in 1986


I am confused
I am satisfied
I feel disappointed
I am commited
I am worried

I am confused about the situation of the pandemics because nobody knows exactly
what is happening and when it will be done.

I am satisfied with how I developed myself in the last moths because I feel like I
gained more confidence.

I feel disappointed because some people who seemed to be my friends turned out liars.

I am worried about the global changes that are happening right now.

I am committed to helping my parents and grandma as much as i can


think about 3 things that might help someone achieve a goal and 3 things that might be a
If u want to achive your goals I think you will need to know exactly what u want to do
and maybe doing a list of them would help you.

Motivate yourself with rewards.

If you plan rewards to dole out to yourself once you’ve achieved mini milestones, you’ll have
an additional incentive to persevere aside from the big goal in and of itself. A milestone might
take the form of reaching a certain number of followers on a social media account, getting up
at 4 a.m. for the first consecutive week or saving an additional $1,000, $5,000 or $10,000.
You might treat yourself to your favorite dessert, a spa treatment, new recreational gear or just
a lazy day off. Whatever the case, make sure your reward system is enticing enough to
motivate you to work hard, but modest enough to be sustainable in the long run.
Find people to help you.

No matter how driven you are, you’d be foolish to think you can achieve success single-
handedly. Even if someone else isn’t aiding you directly, it’s helpful to establish a few
individuals whom you can emulate, who will inspire you to persevere or hold you

The fear of messing up all u have done

I think talking to your friends and family might help you to make your plans for the
future because they know who you are and what you like the most to do and can give
you advices, for example about what career would fit you the best. And after all
friends and family are there always for you and they support you no matter what.

And attending careers events at college would also help you because you can talk with
people who practice that careers and they can tell you how really that careers are.

Means of expressing future

-Present simple The train leaves the platform at 5 p.m. next Monday.- for timetables,

-Present continuous I am seeing the dentist on Friday. – for a fixed arrangements

- Going to future I am going to take a walk later today. – just a plan nothing for sure for

-Future Simple I will have tuna salad and lemonade. – for a spontaneous decision, on the
spot decision

He will make a talented chef- for predictions

-Future continuous This time next week I will be travelling to Bucharest. For an action in

-Future perfect simple By the time I finish highschool I will have learned two foreign
languages (voi fi invatat)
- Future perfect continuous By the time I finish Highshool I will have been studying in the
same class for for years.( sa fi invatat)

In temporal clauses and if clauses we never use future tenses but present tenses

When, until, by the time, as soon as, after, before, if, provided, unless, in case, -
present tenses

Eg. By the time he is 18 he will have already travelled around the world.
When she gets home will set off(start a journey)
Unless he arrives on time will go without him.

You have recently had a class discussion regarding the media’s influence on people’s lives
and how it shapes attitudes. Do you think mass media has a positive or negative effect?

Your teacher has asked you to express your opinion in a 2 minute talk. Give relevant
arguments to support your views.

Media plays very a important role and has influence in virtually every aspect of our lives. It is
considered as the best source to know about the happenings of world. Newspaper, magazine,
radio, television and internet are the different types of media. It greatly affects our lives
because media has the power to influence our thoughts. This influence is sometimes positive
and sometimes negative.

Positive efects

Earth has become a global village due to media. We can know about any part of the world
within minutes through television and internet. Media is the best way to spread knowledge,
information and news from one part of the world to the other.

Media educates the people to know about their basic rights and how to use them. It is also a
link between the government and people because all the policies and activities of government
are conveyed through media.

Education programs help the people to learn anything through internet, television and radio.
Children can develop their skills and intellect by watching these programs because audio and
visual media makes it quite easy to understand.
Advertisements help us to know the different products in the market and we can easily
make our choices according to our needs.

Negative effects :

Media is the most influential one for the people to resort violence. Studies have suggested that
the exposure to violence on television, movies and video games make the children more
aggressive, fearful, less trusting and more accepting of violence. This does not mean that they
will start bringing weapons in the school but they will be more aggressive and less trusting
towards their friends, teachers and siblings.

Also media influence teenegers self-esteem, because in social media they saw a lot of people
who post their beautiful life and perfect, which is fake bcs their life don’t look like that
everyday and also a lot of influential people photoshop their pictures and their bodies don’t
really look like that in real life.And that things makes teengers to loose their self esteem and
they will try to look like that people which is like imposible.


hw 107 – 109

Think of ways to nudge people in order to - stop buying pre-packed and processed

"The problem with highly processed foods is, they are usually
loaded with sugar for taste or added fats, for mouth feel,"
"The cookies, chips, snack cakes that we all know and think of as
'processed foods' would be ones that are not so healthy for us, as well as sugar-
sweetened beverages and highly processed meats such as sausage
According to experts, the key to an overall healthy diet is to
limit your intake of "ultra-processed" 
Start slowly. "If you eat a significant amount of highly processed foods, try taking
small steps toward a less processed diet," if you slowly ease into a less-processed
eating plan, your likelihood of continuing your wholesome new habits increases."
 Supplement your meals with fresh foods. Try adding a banana or apple at breakfast
or as a snack, or a vegetable at lunch. "Ultimately, half of your plate at lunch and
dinner should be fruits and vegetables," King said. "Simply adding a freshly prepared
salad to an otherwise not-so-fresh meal makes it better for your body ... and more
Fewer sugar-sweetened beverages, more water. If you get tired of water, King
recommends carbonated water or adding fruit to water for flavor.
Limit or avoid processed meats. Meats such as bacon, ham, hot dogs and sausage
have been linked to increased risk of colorectal cancer.

Use substitutes for highly processed snacks and foods. Instead of potato

chips, try nonfat popcorn, which is whole grain and a good source of fiber and still gives the
crunch you're looking for. You can also replace sugar-sweetened cereal with unsweetened
oatmeal and add fruit for flavor.

Don't be fooled by the advertising. If you see sugar-modified food, such as

sugar-free yogurt, be wary. "These foods may have artificial ingredients -- such as the
artificial colors or other chemical additives,

declutter their flats and adopt a minimalist lifestyle

  Put a Disposal Plan in Place. Before you begin, investigate selling, recycling, donating
and give away options for the items you choose to remove. The more prepared you are for
the task, the simpler it will be… and the more likely you will be to follow through. 

. Stop the Flow of Stuff Coming In. Decluttering is a waste of time if you simply replace
the old stuff with new. You’ll need to begin by slowing the flow of things entering your
home. Determine today to buy less. Trust me, you won’t regret it. The freedom from desire
to acquire is a beautiful thing.

Remove at Least One Item a Day. The process does not have to be a mad frenzy that
disrupts your entire household. Over the years, my home has become quite minimalist by
simply choosing one item a day to get rid of. This gradual process began to change the way
I think about stuff. Eventually, it became a way of life rather than just a crash diet of stuff.

Do Not Over-Equip Your Home. A home does not need enough linen, crockery, cutlery,
or pantry supplies to serve as a hotel. Be realistic about your true needs. In the rare event
an unusually large number of guests arrive on your doorstep, you can always borrow from
friends, family or neighbors.

Do Not Be Afraid to Let Go. The urge to hold on to items you think you might need
someday can be eliminated simply by being realistic about what need really is. Many items
in our homes may be useful, but they are not particularly necessary to our happiness, well-
being, or the functionality of our homes. Seek to understand the difference.

Decide to Not Keep Things out of Guilt or Obligation. Your home should only contain
the things you love or use. Don’t let incorrect thinking or other people dictate what you
should keep or give away. Remember, if the items are yours, it is your choice to decide
what to do with them.

Excessive material possessions have enormous negative impacts on our bodies

& souls. Severe clutter can impact your physical health. (Think fire escapes and hygiene
issues.) Even mild clutter can impact your mental & spiritual health. Minimalism is the path
to counteracting these negatives.

When you hold your possessions so dear, you lose track of yourself. Whether
it is a necklace, a sports car, a stamp collection, a lucky rabbit’s foot, or a pair of shoes — it is
dangerous to rely on a material object for your happiness. Material objects are physical things
and as such are subject to all sorts of tragedy — getting lost, destroyed, or stolen — to name a

run a marathon for charity purposes

We all know how hard it can be to stay motivated to run when the rain is bouncing off the
pavement and temperatures are dropping, it’s tempting to give training a miss or even
consider pulling out of your race. However, if a charity is relying on you, you won’t want to
let them down. This will give you extra motivation to brave the elements as well as achieving
your goals on race day.

You may have your own personal reasons for wanting to support a particular charity. If you, a
family member or friend has been affected by a particular disease or illness then running to
raise funds for a charity will help you feel like you are doing your bit for a cause that is close
to your heart.

People are often motivated by the memory of a loved one, and you might even be able to
encourage other friends or family members to get up and running for the same charity.
Improve your health & wellbeing

Whether you are running to shift a few extra pounds, boost your overall fitness levels, tone up
for summer, clear your mind or just need a hobby, running the Brighton Half Marathon is a
great opportunity to reach your goal, whatever that may be. Motivation and support are key to
achieving our goals, so run for charity to give you the best chance of succeeding!

Formal letter

Dear sir/madame Dear mr smit

Yours faithfully Your sincerilly
Advanced vocabulary, complex structure

The person with who I consider I have a special connection is my best friend.
At first, I didn't think that we would be such good friends, but we get on like a house on fire.
I feel like I can tell her about anything and, I know she wouldn't judge me. We had ups and
downs in our friendship, but because we were on the same wavelength, we managed to go
over them easily.

I am so glad that I met my best friend, and I can't imagine my life without her
because I feel like she is my half.



Dear Sir or Madam,

Regarding your concern about the number of plastic water bottles thrown away
by students, I have been asked to write you a letter, to meet stricter government regulations.

First of all, we could encourage students to carry their reusable bottles of

water instead of buying single-use plastic ones. Also, I think they have to be sure that their
recipients are environmental-friendly alternatives, such as reusable bottles from glass or

Then, the college council will have to approve the installation of fountains
throughout the building so that students will be able to refill, with water, their bottles.

Moreover, I think, if it is possible, we could invite some plastic reduction

experts to school and, they could talk to the students about the consequences of using plastic
bottles. They also could teach students the importance of recycling and how to keep our
planet alive as much as possible.

Also, the little shop located inside the high school should stop providing
plastic bottles of water and, instead, they could sell reuseable ones, for example, glass bottles.

It is clear that single-use plastic bottles are not the only problem of damage to
the planet and, we could also think of some substitutes for plastic straws or plastic bags.

I hope that my ideas helped, and you will consider them.

I am a person who

 never GIVES UP even when things get really tough

 is always COMING UP with great ideas

 works well UNDER pressure

 works best IN COLLABORATION WITH others

 gets ANXIOUS ABOUT disruptions to your routine

St Patrick

Around the world, Canada, New York, Irland


St. Patrick’s Day is one of the most celebrated annual festivals in the world. While the biggest
celebrations happen in Dublin, there are plenty of other St. Patrick’s Day parties to check out
around the globe. 

1. Chicago, USA

For more than 50 years, the Windy City has celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a truly
unique tradition: by coloring the Chicago River with an environmentally-safe, bright green
dye. On the day before St. Patrick’s Day in Chicago, more than 400,000 spectators gather
along the river at 9 a.m. to watch the body of water change hues. Then, even larger crowds
gather for the city’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which features troops of Irish step dancers.

St. Patrick’s Day is Celebrated also in Canada

Irish emigrants, who left Ireland for Canada in the middle of the 19th century, brought their
St. Patrick’s Day traditions with them as they crossed the seas to settle abroad.
Populous Canadian cities such as Toronto, Montréal, and Vancouver all host St. Patrick’s Day
parades and festivals that attract celebrants from all backgrounds. At Niagara Falls on the
evening of March 17th, the famous waterfall will be illuminated green in honor of the holiday.
St. Patrick’s Day is a provincial holiday in the Canadian provinces of Newfoundland and
Labrador—two of the only places outside Ireland where March 17 is a public holiday.

Montserrat is the only country in the world where St Patrick’s Day is actually a public holiday.
The tiny island nation celebrates their independence after colonization in the 17th century.
Many of the island’s inhabitants have Irish ancestry, and St Patrick’s Day is celebrated as part
of a week of independence festivities.


Argentina is one of the most surprising countries that celebrate St Patrick’s Day. Buenos Aires
is home to the largest St Patrick’s Day celebration in South America. A number of festivals
and events take place across the city, including a party in the city center.


Ok so maybe this one isn’t so surprising since the United Kingdom is Ireland’s closest
neighbor, and England, Scotland, and Wales are home to many Irishmen.  Many cities hold
parades, the biggest one being in Birmingham, and the third biggest parade in the world after
Dublin and New York.

As St Patrick’s Day draws near you’ll notice signs appearing in many pubs across the country,
advertising St Patrick’s Day parties and specials. Irish Whiskey’s and Guinness will be the
drink of choice, sometimes even with green dye in it!


Tokyo has put on a St Patrick’s Day parade since 1992, and it has only grown bigger. While it
was started out by Irish expats as a way to introduce Irish culture to Japanese people, it has
now caught on and become a mixture of Irish and Japanese costumes and dress-up.


Given the large amount of Irishmen who immigrated to Australia, it’s perhaps not so surprising
that it’s another place where St Patrick’s Day celebrations are in abundance. Expect it to be
much like the UK, with pubs and restaurants offering traditional Irish fare and drinks, and
planned parties across the country from Perth to Sydney.

St Patrick’s Day celebrations have taken place in Zagreb for several years now, including
concerts and even a parade. While it may be on a smaller scale than other places, it’s definitely
catching on!


In Mumbai, the Gateway of India is turned green for St Patrick’s Day. India loves to celebrate,
and St Patrick’s Day comes not long after the Holi festival, which celebrates spring and love.
Irish pubs around the country are busy on St Patricks Day too!


Moscow also began holding a St Patricks Day parade in 1992. St Petersberg also has a music
and dance festival, and pubs across the country have caught on to St Patrick’s Day

These are just a few of the countries that celebrate St Patrick’s Day across the world, as in
reality, anywhere you can find an Irish pub (which is almost anywhere!) will be having some
kind of celebration!


Pro: Working closely with famous designers and influential brands

Pro: Travel the world, be in exclusive and exotic locations
Con: Constantly under pressure
Con: Low starting pay, overtime, menial tasks, heavy lifting

Participle Clauses
-ing/past participle
Eg. There is a beautiful chandellier hanging down the ceiling, (replacing a relative clause)


After taking the medicine you will feel better.

Having decided to study law,..

Seen from the distance the Colosseum is impressive.

Expresing reason, condition and result.

Part 4 1 hundred seventeen plus review

Vibrant personality and can put their customers at ease

Sitting in the salon’s ‘hot-seat’ can be intimidating for many people, so a good hairdresser
should have the social skills to put their clients at ease and be able to help their clients relax
by engaging them in conversation, while not being pushy and picking up on any social cues
from their clients. To provide good service as well as a good haircut, hairdressers need to be
confident, outgoing and able to easily relate to people. Good hairdressers should also be good
listeners and be genuinely interested in what their clients have to say.

I think that those people need someone’s help to dress properly for different occasions
because maybe they don’t know what kind of clothes they need to wear for their type of body
or they find it hard to match their clothes to look good. For example, I think that celebrities
need someone’s help to choose their outfits because someone who is specialized in fashion
knows better what type of clothes you need to wear in certain situations.

Trying things on is the stuff of nightmares.

Maybe they find hard to stay hours to find the perfect item with the perfect size and then they
need to go to the dressing room to try on their item. Also it could be the fact that when you go
shopping there's no in-between: you either get pounced on by a sales representatives the
second you walk in the store (and can practically see the dollar signs in their eyes), or you
have to find someone there who has who has no zest for life (like it's your fault they're folding
t-shirts on a Friday night). 

Nowadays I think people put too much emphasis on personal appearance and

It would not be an understatement to say that it would be impossible to survive in the

contemporary world without an attractive appearance and fashion sense. People usually judge
each other according to their external beauty instead of internal worth. It may seem unfair but
it is how the society works.
In the past, Clothing used to be strictly limited to the means of basic needs. As long as they
were not bare naked, it did not matter so much to people. However, as the society gained
significant improvement on its economy and financial situations, clothing has become an

And all u see are people who wore only designer clothes and they judge other for what they

What Is Style?

Style refers to a person’s particular way of expressing themselves—whether that’s through

clothing, writing style, or a style of architecture. In the fashion world, “style” is usually
shorthand for “personal style,” or the way an individual expresses themselves through
aesthetic choices such as their clothing, accessories, hairstyle, and the way they put an outfit

What Is Fashion?

Fashion is the dominant style within a given culture at a certain time. Fashion has to do with
new trends: It refers to popular ways of dressing during a specific era. The fashion industry
deals with the prevailing styles of the present. Fashion houses host fashion shows to highlight
clothing that expresses a vision for the future of fashion. Fashion bloggers, editors, and
influencers then respond to that vision with their own ideas, and retailers use all that
information to sell clothes to the public. A major part of fashion is the way the latest trends
are disseminated, whether via social media or in fashion magazines like Vogue.

Very often we hear about fashion and style almost as if they were synonyms, but in reality,
they are not. Fashion must please everyone, but we only have to satisfy our style, this we can
do through the creativity that distinguishes us. Everyone is creative in their own way, and we
also express this creativity in the banalest way, for example when we decide what to wear in
the morning.


hate to be curtailed =

to be well-off
I didn't want the hassle


Reassure- reassuring

Resist-resistable, resistance, iresistable, resistibly

SURPRISE - surprising (ly), (un)surprised

Shoothe- soothing/ soothed
Anticipate- anticipation, anticipated
Power- powerful, powerfuly, impower, impowering
Centre- central
Predict- PREDICT - (un) predictable, predictibly, prediction

The future in the past

Was going + infinitive-unfulfilled intention

I was going to call u but i forgot

I was going to make a cake but i ran out of flour

Would+infinitive- Smth that did not actually happen

Was about +past part

Was supposed to do smth

Three shops were to have opened but due the lockdown the owners decided to postone their

I was planning to call you when i left my house but my mother called me.

Homework: What's the best type of music for studying/ exercising/ a party/ a ringtone?

Studying: I heard that a lot of people listen to classical music when they study but I don’t like
classical music so I listen other types of music depending on my mood or when i have to do
something important I usually stop it and do the homework quietly.
And for examples I chose Juice WRLD
Let Me Know Billie Eilish – Bellyache
star shopping from lil peep

Exercising: For exercising, I think the best type of music is hip hop or maybe pop because I
think it gives you a boost of energy because it’s rhythmic. You could find a lot of remixes on
youtube or others music platforms but personally I like to listent my favourite songs.
lil peep xtentacion falling down

A party: I think the best types of music for a party are hip-hop , rap or pop music because
everybody likes these types of music sicko mode from travis Scott tyga taste
mgk wild boy

A ringtone : Phones usually come with more standard ringtones, but personally, I like to set as
a ringtone one of my favourite songs.
For example: everybody dies in their nightmares for xTentacion
Home- the fridge buzzes
- The clock tiking
- The door creaking
- the water dripping after we use the shower
school- whisper, creak


1 What do you like about the culture and traditions in your country? What do you dislike?

I like the fact that in our country, during every celebration, we meet with all of our
relatives and we have a great time. Also, in general, I think all the traditions are about
bringing people together.

I dislike the idea that during celebrations like easter or christmas the old people say it’s
a sin to take a shower and i simply don’t understand why.

2. What customs did you enjoy when travelling abroad?

When I was in Scotland, I liked that people were very polite and they said
thank you or sorry a lot.
3. Do you think "when in Rome do as the Romans do" is always good advice? Why

I do believe it's a respectful thing to do as the Romans do. It means that when
in a situation that what you consider ‘normal’ isn't to others, you should adapt to their
norms and values.

I. 1-b

II. 1-b

III. 1-corn
IV. 1-met
V. 1-production
10- experiences
VI. 1-for
VII. 1-c
VIII. Everything we do makes a difference one way or another, positive or negative.
One thing always leads to another, and the ripple effect of every single action
changes the future.

nervousness -nervous

contentment - content

plenty - plentifull

congratulations - congratulatory

custom- customary

acid= aicidic

poison- poisonos

tribe- tribal

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