Building Trust and Honest Work Relationship: Resolving Conflict

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• Building trust and honest work relationship

It is vital for team members and employees to develop trust,

Merz and Fogel are required to communicate more openly than they normally would in
everyday life. It is important to have an honest work relationship and an honest work
environment on all ends of the team. As Fogel met frequently with O’Brien, Gerson and
Mukherjee to brainstorm about solutions regarding the problems they were facing with the
product, they failed to share that information promptly with the rest of the team and leaving
that information as a burden for themselves and other group members.
aggressive deadlines as laid down by the company, it resulted into non-compliance of the same on
the part of the employees. This issue could be done away with if the Corporation establishes a
parallel development in place and supervises the same carefully so as to take care of the non-
compliance issue. Further, since the working atmosphere was full of mistrust and impatience, it
would had been only beneficial on the part of MediSys to have a more transparent system in the
Organization such that it clears the misconceptions of the employees towards the working of the
same thereby building an atmosphere of trust and establishing synergy in the work culture.

• Effective communication with team members

Beaumont’s vision and strategic process of promoting his employees to share
information and feelings between each other is to be updated, and he is recommended to
have scheduled weekly meetings, with his presence and the managers presence to discuss
updates, and issues, which in turn will develop total trust between team members. Effective
communication also allows team members to understand their roles and the roles of
everyone else on the team. Merz feeling the need to blow the whistle on Fogel can be
avoided if they communicate with each other before going to department heads.
Developing new set of strategies
Due to the restriction in time of the product launch, the groups dysfunctional state
leaves the actions to restructured and revamped. There needs to be a new set of strategies
in place to tackle this workplace challenges faced by the managers of the departments.
The first action that shall take place should be a sit-down meeting with the Executive
committee and the Design and Engineering department, discussion the delays with the
software designing in India, and countermeasures that can be taken place to avoid further
delays, while same time improving the current communication methods with the overseas
department. . The software developed in the overseas was also a cause of concern which could be
perhaps sorted out if MediSys relies more upon the internal software development and usage. Also,
enhancing the modular design in the Organization would help continue with the cross-functional
team work smoothly and the benefits could be in turn reaped by the customers who could keep
getting customized products matching their expectations.

Clarity on company’s vision and goal

the president himself needs to clearly restate the company’s common

goal and communication requirements with the entire department and ensure dialogue
between each department and raise the awareness of the projects strategies and
expectations. Beaumont should encourage the team and executive leaders to find a
common ground on the visions and goals.

Resolving conflict
The third issue that should be discussed is the conflict between Fogel and Merz,
and establishes ground rules between the two employees on finding a solution on both
their concerns, and allowing them to have an open channel of communication between
the two members, rather than hearing form the grape vine. Personal experience has
displayed the rumors or issues heard from a third party is taken more offensively, and
information that is pertinent to the product or project shall come directly from the source
and not an outsider, in this case O’Brien during their personal meetings.

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