Leadership Style & There Should Have Been A Reward System

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1. The new President of the company changed the working

pattern of the organization to which people were not very
much accustomed to, It was very different from the previous
2. There was a lack of coordination among the departments as
well as well as even individuals. The deadline which they set for
themselves to launch the product was too close and to achieve
the target, the of coordination that there should have been was
not present.
3. As given in the case only, Merz did not trust her own team
members that they would be able to deliver the product In time
and also doubted their efficiency.
4. Threat of competitors was there. That was the main reason
why Beaumount was hired as the competitors who had deep
pockets were also about to launch the similar kind of product.
So tackling them was also a major issue.
5. There was a lack of team work and was individualism. The
departments were concerned about their work and not of
1. Beaumount should have tried to resolve the conflicts if he
had got to know as it happened in organization only.
2. Beaumount should have followed transformational
leadership style & There should have been a reward system
for the employees and the team leaders who worked
diligently and boost up the morale of organization.
3. The leaders different departments should have come
together and build an environment of trust and should to
organize meeting time to time or on a regular interval so
that if anyone had any doubts, they could clear it instead of
having any mis-conception.
4. Proper training should have been given to the employees
instead of distrust.
The soft-ware which was being developed by Deepak
Mukherjee should have been developed in USA only so as to
avoid hindrances in the communication and maintain a
proper flow.

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