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=P, “oe bed Fr. ED! INDONESIA SURAT KETERANGAN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Nomor = Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini menerangkan bahwa: (068% /E01-EDIV/KP.210/03/2021 This is to certify that: Nugraha Buana Putra NIK. 8009198 Benar pemah bekerja pada PT EDI Indonesia sejak tanggal 31 Juli 2009 dan terakhit bertugas sebagai Account Manager, Terhitung mulai tanggal 11 Maret 2021 yang bersangkutan telah_menyelesaikan ‘masa tugas dari pekerjaanya Atas segala kontribusi dan dedikasi yang telah diberikan kepada Perusahaan selama bekerja, disampaikan penghargaan dan terima Kasih serta berharap agar yang bersangkutan memperoleh Keberhasilan diwaktu mendatang. Jakarta, 10 Maret 2021 PT EDI INDONESIA Has served PT EDI Indonesia since July 31", 2009 and his last position was Account. Manager. As the end of his service, he resigned from the Company since March 11", 2021. For all his contribution and dedication rendered during his tenure mentioned above to the Company, we wished to convey our sincere appreciation and wish his all the success and best of luck in the future.

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