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Gajab Exams Sanjal

Exams Papers From Nursery to 10

Second Terminal Examination
Class :- K.G. Subject :- Mathematics F.M.:- 100
Time :- 3hrs. P.M.:- 40

Name: ____________________________________________________ Roll No.: _____________

Attempt ALL the questions:

1. Write down Eleven to Twenty. 10

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

2. Write in numerals. 10

Zero = Seven = Ten =

Fifteen = Twenty = Thirty =

Twenty five = Forty one = Forty eight =

Fifty =

3. Write on words (number name). 10

6 = ______________________ 11 = ______________________

4 = ______________________ 14 = ______________________

8 = ______________________ 18 = ______________________

0 = ______________________ 5 = ______________________

3 = ______________________ 20 = ______________________

4. What comes after? 6

5 ____ 10 ____ 21 ____ 33 ____

45 ____ 35 ____ 99 ____

5. What comes before? 6

____ 4 ____ 7 ____ 11

____ 13 ____ 18 ____ 15

6. What comes between? 6

5 ____ 7 12 ____ 14 16 ____ 18

25 ____ 27 33 ____ 35 45 ____ 47

7. Write the missing numbers: 6

8 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 15

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 22

8. Fill in the box with > or < signs: 9

8 > 5 18 25 4 6 10 8

10 5 12 16 3 7 27 34

12 6 38 18
9. Match the number names with numerals: 7

Seven 19

Nine 13

Thirteen 9

Nineteen 7

Twenty-two 20

Zero 22

Twenty 0

10. Add (+) 12

3 + 4 = ______ 4 + 4 = ______ 3 + 5 = ______

7 + 0 = ______ 2 + 2 = ______ 8 + 1 = ______

11. Subtract (-) 12

6 − 4 = ______ 8 − 4 = ______ 4 − 4 = ______

2 − 0 = ______ 9 − 5 = ______ 8 − 2 = ______

12. Fill in the blanks. 6

3 more than 4 is __________ .

3 more than 6 is __________ .

4 more than 4 is __________ .

6 more than 1 is __________ .

2 more than 2 is __________ .

2 more than 5 is __________ .



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