Business Research Methods-1

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Business Research

Composed by :-
(UGC –NET 2017)
Topic Covered
Unit 2
•Research Process – An overview
•Problem identification and definition
•Selection of basic research methods
•Field study
•Laboratory Study
•Survey method
•Observational method
•Existing data based research
Research Process – An Overview
The research process starts with doubts, dilemma , inquisitiveness and curiosity , occurring in the
mind of
A researcher /sponsoring authority and ends with research output in the form of a report .

•Problem formulation
•Review of literature
•Formulate hypothesis
•Research design
•Data collection
•Data processing
•Data analysis
•Interpreting the findings
•Writing the research report
Problem identification and definition
Formulation of research problem : A research begins with a problem which needs solution .

Such a perception on the part of researcher originates from

• General interest encouraged by the study of literature in the specific field .

• Intellectual pursuit and ideas develop from exploratory research .
•Practical concern for finding out practical solution to the problem.
•Evaluation of a programme.
•Requirement of a sponsoring authority .

 The formulation of a research problem involves some basic steps:

- Identify
the problem and purpose of study
- Review of literature
- State and formulate the problem clearly
- Formulate the research question / hypothesis
- Determine the information need - objective

The review of literature
• Is designed to identify the related The literature review must address three areas :
research to set the current research
project within conceptual and • Topic or problem area
theoretical context.
• Theory area
• Should relate not only to research
areas but also to the hypothesis , • Methodology
definitions , methodology and
data analysis that follow. A good literature review has the following
• Should summarise the results of Characteristics.
previous studies that have
reported relationship among the •Through and complete
variables included in the proposed •Logical
research. •Recent
•Original research
•Primary sources
Selection of basic research methods
Research methods
• Research methods or techniques, refer to the
methods the researchers use in performing
research operations . In other words , all those
methods which are used by the researchers in Research methodology
performing research operations • Research methodology is the structural process of
research . It is the theoretical and philosophical
assumptions underpinning the method for the
• research method is a strategy of enquiry which research design.
moves from underlying philosophical
assumptions to research design and data
collection it influences the way in which
researcher collect data.

Sources of data
• Once the research design is finalized the next task of the researcher to collect
accurate and reliable data from different sources to achieve research objectives.
• Information from different sources may be categorised into two broad sources or
I. Primary sources – the primary sources data are original work of research or raw
data without analysis or interpretation. Data collected specifically for the study .
Example- interview survey, field work and experimentation.
II. Secondary sources – secondary data are those which have already been collected
by someone else and which have already been passed through a statistical
process that is a researcher would have to decide which short of data he/she
would be using for his/her study.
Example- bibliography, dictionaries , encyclopaedia of history journal , articles ,
monographs , newspaper , magazine , textbooks.

Primary Data
• Research methods for collecting primary data may be grouped as :-

Qualitative research method

•Qualitative research methods are designed to help researchers
understand people , social and cultural context in which they live.

Quantitative research method

•quantitative research is the systematic and scientific investigation of
quantitative properties of phenomena and their inter-relationship.

Qualitative research method Quantitative research method
Observation Survey Research method

Case study & In-depth

Interview Field Study

The Focus group Experiment

Qualitative Research Method

• Qualitative research is characterized by an emphasis on describing ,understanding and

explaining complex phenomena.
• Qualitative research methods are valuable in conducting initial exploration to develop theories.
It investigates the why and how of decision-making as compared to what , where and when of
quantitative research.
• The data used to gather that information using less structured research instruments .
• The results provide much more detail on behavior , attitude and motivation.
• Research can usually not be replicated or repeated giving it low reliability.
• The analysis of result is much more subjective.
• It is also called as interpretive research , naturalistic research , phenomenological research or
descriptive research.

Common qualitative methods usually adopted in practice are.
• Participant observation – appropriate for collecting data on a
naturally-occurring behaviour in the usual context.
• Complete participation
• Participant as observer
• Complete observation
• Case study or in- depth interviews- optimal for collecting
data on individuals personal histories perspectives and experiences
particularly when sensitive topics are being explored .

• A greater insight into a particular problem may be obtained from knowledgeable
person through an informal and free flowing conversation and also from the
secondary data analysis to formulate the problem and clarify the concept not
developed conclusive evidence.
Observation means
• Seeing the purpose
• Collecting fact which are in direct knowledge
• Essentially selective- only relevant things are taken into account
• Acquiring knowledge with sense organs
Observation is primary method of collecting information by human mechanical ,
electrical and electronic means , the researcher may or may not have direct
contact or communication with people whose behavior is been recorded.

Collection of data through observation involves visual observation, listening, reading,
smelling and touching.
The observer participant relationship
The relationship may be viewed from three perspective
• Direct observation and indirect observation
• Presence of observer known or unknown to the participant
• Role played by the observer
Reliability of observation depends on three factors
• Techniques and tools used
• Observed situations
• Quality of observer
Qualitative Research Method
• Case study- it is a method of intensively studying the phenomenon over time within its
natural setting in one or a few sites . The method of data collection employed are
interviews observations precoder document and secondary data
• In depth interview- In-depth interview or unstructured and direct way of obtaining
information on one to one basis these are personal interviews in which a single
respondent is prepared by a highly skilled interviewer to uncover underlying motivation
belief attitude and feeling on the on the topic.
• Focus group – It is an interview conducted by a trained moderator with a small group of
The main purpose a Focus group is to become wise and to gain insight by listening to a
group of people about issues of interest to the research a It consists of 8 to 12 members
and should be homogenous in terms of demographic and socio economic characteristics
of common characteristics to avoid conflict among group members on side issues.

Quantitative Research Method
Types of quantitative research methods
• Survey research - mail ,telephone , face to face
interview , on-line etc
• Field study - observing well defined events
• Experiments

Survey research method
• Survey research (participant communication) is a research method involving the use of
standardized questionnaire or interview schedules to collect data about people and their
preferences thoughts and behaviors in a systematic manner .The survey method can be used
for descriptive , exploratory or explanatory research.
• this method is best suited for studies that have individual people as a unit of analysis .
• In survey research questionnaire is a major research instrument consisting of a set of
questions intended to capture responses from respondent in a standardized manner.
• Questionnaires may be
On line or Web survey

Field study
• Field study involves a range of well defined methods such as
informal interviews , direct observation , participation in life of
a group , collective discussions, analysis of personal documents
produced within the group , self analysis results from the
activities undertaken and life histories.
• Field research is a type of research in which the researcher
directly observes subject of research in natural setting. It is the
method of data collection aimed at understanding , observing
and interacting with people in natural setting.

• An experiment is a ‘trial or special observation made to confirm or disprove something doubtful,
especially one under conditions determined by the experimenter and an act or operation undertaken in
order to discover some unknown principle or effect to test , establish or illustrate some suggested or
known truth‘.
• Thus , experiments are studies involving intervention by the researcher beyond that is required for
• The variable that can be manipulated , changed or altered by the experimenter independently of any
other variable is called an independent variable.
• The independent variable is hypothesized to have the casual influence on another variable called
dependent variable measured on the test units, which are individuals , organisation or other entities
such as consumer , stores , sales , profits, market share or geographical areas , etc
• Laboratory study or experiment is conducted with the help inputs collected from the field using suitable
models or through sociological and psychological experiment.

Laboratory research
• It is conducted in laboratory under controlled conditions. This is the best
method for inferring causalities measurement are more precise and can
easily be replicated , it lacks realism and has limited generality.

Existing data based research
• Researcher often analyse data that they did not collect . Existing
data, such as census of all kind , Reports of organised /
unorganised sectors , Business reports , Reserve bank of India
Bulletins , Internet materials , government publications , Past
survey reports , Research reports of Universities and Institutions ,
Journals , Magazines etc.
• There are two general approaches for analyzing existing data :
a.Research question
b.The data

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