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Linear Control Chapter 1

Title: Speed Control of Separately excited DC motor using Linear Controller

Objective: to obtain the desired rated speed avoiding Overshoot and with minimum settling
DC motor is widely used in the industry due to its dynamic speed characteristics and better
efficiency. We will see the step response of DC motor with or without controller. Here in this
chapter, we will analyse the effect of state feed back controller to improve the steady state
accuracy and settling time by subsequent margin
Let us consider the dynamic model of DC motor and speed control will be provided by fixes
permanent magnet by adjusting armature voltage

Dynamical equations of DC machine are defined


Parameter used for dc motor are depicted below:

Parameters Expression Units

𝑒𝑎 (t) Armature voltage
𝑖𝑎 (t) Armature current Amper
𝑒𝑏 (t) Back emf Volt
Ra Armature resistance 7.72 Ohm
L Armature inductance 0.16273 Henry
J Moment of inertia 0.1 kg.m2/s
b Viscous friction 0.003 Nms
ω Angular velocity Rad/s Radian/ second
Kt Torque coefficient 0.9 Nm/Amper
Ke Back emf coefficient 0.9 Vs/rad

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So, our state space dynamic for DC motor will be as of

𝑥1= 𝜔(𝑡) and 𝑢 = v(𝑡)

𝑥̇1 = 𝑥2

𝑥̇2 = – 51.2𝑥1 −47.47𝑥2 + 55.31𝑢

𝑦 = 𝑥1
With all above consideration lets take a simple dc motor without any controller.

Fig: DC motor Simulink Model without controller with step input

Corresponding Response will be as:

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I. Settling time (Ts) are 5 second

II. Steady state error: 5 percent


In the above plot we observe that our dc motor was not able to achieve desired speed even at
steady state. Morever the settling time with 2% tollereance is also high (Ts =6 second). So
There is need of Controller to control the desired specification.

At first we will implement State Feedback Controller which is a Linear Controller with
Ackerman command.

Design Criteria :

▪ Settling time less than 2 seconds

▪ Overshoot less than 5%
▪ Steady-stage error less than 1%

Controllability Check:

Whether the given system is controllable or not can be determined by checking the rank of the
controllability matrix … [𝐵 𝐴𝐵 𝐴2 𝐵.]. The MATLAB command ‘ctrb’ constructs the
controllability matrix given matrices A and B. Additionally, the command rank determines the
rank of a given matrix.

sys_order = order(sys)

sys_rank = rank(ctrb(A,B)

sys_order = 2

sys_rank =2

So here, we observed that system rank= system order so our system is controllable.

Controller Design:

In order to achieve 0% tolerance and 1 second settling time, let us choose pole at
𝑝1= -5+i and 𝑝2= -5-i

Now using Ackerman command to determine Kc matrix to provide state feedback control.

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From the state-space equations as mentioned, we see that substituting the state-feedback
law u = r- 𝑲𝑪 x for u leads
so, our state space equation will be as

𝑥̇ = 𝐴𝑥 + 𝐵𝑢

SF Control law -

𝑢 = −𝐾𝑥; 𝐾 = [𝑘1 𝑘2]

Closed-Loop dynamics:

𝑥̇ = (𝐴 − 𝐵𝐾)𝑥

𝑥̇ = 𝐴𝐶𝐿 .𝑥

𝐴𝐶𝐿 = 𝐴 − 𝐵𝐾

Close loop characteristic equation, Ø𝑐(𝑠) = 𝑠𝑛 + 𝛼1𝑠𝑛−1 + ⋯ + 𝛼𝑛

Ackerman Formula:

K = [0 0 1]𝑀c−1.Ø𝑐(A)

Corresponding MATLAB code will be :

clear all;
% Motor Parameters

% Matrix Parammeter
A = [-b/J K/J ;
-K/La -Ra/La];
B = [0 ;
C = [1 0];
D = 0;
sys = ss(A,B,C,D);

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% chosen pole
p1 = -5 + 1i;
p2 = -5 - 1i;
% Ackerman Command
Kc = acker(A,B,[p1 p2])
Nbar = rscale(sys,Kc)

Obtained Value of Kc in the MATLAB are as below:

Our DC motor Plant with state FB Controller are depicted as below:

Corresponding output wave form is obtained in scope as below:

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I. Settling time (Ts) are 1.6 second

II. No overshoot or undershoot


From the above plot we can see that we are able to reduce the settling time as speed of our
system improved. Moreover, there no steady state error which was there in the system
without controller.
In this method of speed control, we also may have overshoot or undershoot if we chance the
desired characteristics to meet certain criteria, which make the system non robust
Also, in the system with state feedback controller, we are not able to get desired performance
due to internal non linearity present in the DC motor which forces me to go for non linear
control strategy.

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Non-Linear Control Chapter 2

Title: Speed control of separately excited DC motor using Non-Liner control strategy.

Objective: To obtain the desired rated speed with robust performance in nonlinear
parametric variation

Abstract: Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is a robust nonlinear control method which has
insensibility against to external disturbing effects and parametric variations of system. At the
same time, it also provides an excellent performance on tracking. The basic theory regarding
SMC is presented. The SMC design which is implemented is the speed control of the DC motor
is analysed. The controller is implemented in simulation using MATLAB. The step response
and signal tracking test unit are carried out.

Introduction: DC motor will have electrical parameters changes as the temperature increase,
current, and voltage fluctuations, time- varying loading conditions, driving and operating
conditions. These changes are making the DC motor characteristics as non-linear. Therefore,
the non-linear control method is required. Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is one controller that
can handle plant nonlinearity conditions. The advantages of SMC are robustness, ability to deal
with non-linear systems, time-varying systems, it can be designed for fast dynamic responses
and good abilities over the wide let us implement a sliding mode controller for the
DC motor:

Parameter used for dc motor are depicted below:

Parameters Expression Units

𝑒𝑎 (t) Armature voltage
𝑖𝑎 (t) Armature current Amper
𝑒𝑏 (t) Back emf Volt
Ra Armature resistance 7.72 Ohm
L Armature inductance 0.16273 Henry
J Moment of inertia 0.1 kg.m2/s
b Viscous friction 0.003 Nms
ω Angular velocity Rad/s Radian/ second
Kt Torque coefficient 0.9 Nm/Amper
Ke Back emf coefficient 0.9 Vs/rad

With reference to Chapter 1 we have following state space equation for the DC motor:

𝑥1= 𝜔(𝑡) and 𝑢 = v(𝑡)

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𝑥̇1 = 𝑥2

𝑥̇2 = – 51.2𝑥1 −47.47𝑥2 + 55.31𝑢

𝑦 = 𝑥1

Controller Design:

(a) Methodology:

The SMC works by bringing the state from the system to the sliding surface and then to the
central point, as illustrated in figures below, which are showing the switching of the
control signal tracking the sliding surface to the origin. Sliding surface is a condition where
the switching function (s) is zero (s = 0). On the top and bottom of the sliding surface,
there is a limiting switching value, ± Δ. If a state x (t) is x (t)> Δ then switching will be
off, otherwise if x (t) <- Δ then switching will be on. System reaches sliding surface by
making transition between stable and unstable trajectories and error converge to zero in
sliding surface. The aim of the SMC is that the output of the system is to track to the desired
reference and to produce control signals which make minimum tracking error.

The control signal in the SMC consists of two parts, namely in reaching mode and sliding

U𝑆𝑀𝐶(𝑡) = 𝑢𝑒𝑞 + 𝑢𝑠𝑤

𝑢𝑠𝑤 = K 𝑠𝑔𝑛(𝑠)

where K > 0 is selected sufficiently large. The larger value of

K, the faster the trajectory converges to the sliding surface.

SMC has the disadvantage of switching from discontinuous control. There are many
methods to reduce chattering. One can consider pseudo sliding with smooth control action.

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𝑢_𝑠𝑤 = 𝐾
|𝑠| + δ
where δ is a small tuning scalar called as tuning parameter to reduce chattering.

(b) Sliding Mode Controller Design:

Sliding Function:
𝑠 = K𝑒 + 𝑒̇ = K(𝜔𝑟 − 𝜔) + (𝜔̇𝑟 − 𝜔̇)
𝑠̇ = K(𝜔̇𝑟 − 𝜔̇ ) + (𝜔̈𝑟 − 𝜔̈ )

where 𝜔𝑟 is the speed reference and K > 0 is performance parameter which

guaranteed the stability of the system.
On sliding surface,
𝑠 = 0 → 𝑠̇ = 0
Now, to obtain equivalent control law using system equations-

K(𝜔̇𝑟 − 𝜔̇ ) + 𝜔̈𝑟 − ( −47.47𝑥2 – 52.2 𝑥1 + 55.31𝑢) = 0

Or, K(𝜔̇𝑟 − 𝜔̇ ) + 𝜔̈𝑟 + 47.47 𝜔̇ + 52.2𝜔 -55.31𝑢 = 0
Since the derivative of reference signal of set point is zero, the equation becomes-
55.31𝑢 = 52.2𝜔 + (47.47 − K)𝜔̇
Or, 𝑢_𝑒𝑞 = 55.31 (52.2ω + (47.47 − K)ω̇)

Therefore, the final controller signal for SMC is –

1 𝑠
𝑈𝑠𝑚𝑐 = (52.2ω + (47.47 − K)ω̇) + 𝐾
55.31 |𝑠| + δ

So, lets us take our DC motor with Sliding mode controller

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DC motor Plant is as below:

Corresponding Output of scope are as below:

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I. Settling time (Ts)=1.15 second

II. Steady state error are zero without any overshoot or undershoot


From the above scope output we can observe that Settling time has been reduced drastically
as compared to plant without any controller. Here settling time of response to steady state
value significantly low compared to that of state feedback control strategy. Moreover, in the
system without controller we were not able to achieve our desired value of speed as there was
offset error which is completely eliminated in the sliding mode control strategy without any
overshoot and we can conclude that sliding mode control strategy is robust
control strategy with nonlinear parametric variation like temperature, ohmic loss

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Comparative Analysis Chapter 3

Title: Speed tracking and control for separately excited DC motor.

Objective: Comparative study of speed tracking for separately excited DC motor with
variation in load and parameter with following configuration;

a) Without controller
b) With Linear Control Strategy (State Feedback Method)
c) With Nonlinear control Strategy (Sliding Mode Method)

SMC is a robust nonlinear control method which has insensibility against to external
disturbing effects and parametric variations of system. According to obtained results,
the output of SMC based system converges quickly to the reference value and the
system gives the fastest response when changing of load occurs.

As we have already seen in the previous chapter, lets us compare the response and accuracy
of the all 3-system configuration

Plant Configuration Settling Time (Ts) Steady State Accuracy

Without Controller 5 second 99.5 percent with some offset

With State Feedback 1.58 second Almost 100 percent
With Sliding Mode 1 second 100 percent

So, from the above tabulation, we can observe that State feedback controller improve the
system performance by the significant amount but it doesn’t satisfy the performance criteria
and there is further scope of improvement, which is well provided by the sliding mode

To better visualize the importance of Sliding Mode controller let us take a speed tracking
problem, where we will see how accurately our sliding Mode controller maintain the
robustness of system and maintain the superior performance

In order to compare the performance characteristics, let us take all the configuration on the
same scope as depicted below:

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Corresponding Combined output of scope are attached below:

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In the above plot we can say that Sliding mode control Provide better speed tracking response
which almost follow the desired speed curve once it achieves desired speed.

Here, the this plots, we can see that state feedback controller change its characteristics with
variation of parameter and may result in overshoot whereas sliding mode controller maintain
its robust performance while speed tracking and speed control

From the above-mentioned speed tracking characteristics of different configuration of DC

motor, following conclusion can be made:

Without controller:

when a DC motor plant without any controller was allowed to track its refence speed, it
shows very slow and sluggish behaviour because of large settling time. It also has offset error
so that it could never achieve its desired speed even in the steady state. Due to change in
speed demand, the system could not be even able to track the speed because of slow response.

With State Feedback:

When the DC model plant was implemented with state feedback controller, certain parameter
was achieved like settling time has improved to a significant proportion so that system was
able to track the speed change response with a small delay. Since, state feed back control
strategy is linear controller it has certain limitation which was encountered in the speed
tracking. In the second comparison waveform, we observed that output of state feedback
controller has overshoot, which is never desirable in the system performance.

Apart from these all, state feedback could not handle the internal nonlinearities like
temperature variation, armature saturation, ohmic loss, current, and voltage fluctuations,
time- varying loading conditions, driving and operating conditions. These changes make the
DC motor characteristics as non-linear which arises the issue of robustness.

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With Sliding Mode controller:

Since, SCM is non-linear control strategy, it has robust performance to the parametric
variation that we could not control in the state feedback. As we have already seen the settling
time of the SCM is as low as 1 second, it provides fast and dynamic response in speed in
speed tracking and it follow the desired speed curve all through without any delay. Sliding
Mode control strategy prevent chance of overshoot an undershoot which we can conclude
from our waveform.


After comparing both linear and non-linear controller, sliding mode controller have better
performance as it takes care of internal non linearity of linear system like DC motor. It
provides fast and dynamic response characteristics which can track the desired speed without
any lag once it achieves desired speed.
It maintain the robustness of the system with time varying parameters, operating condition
variation, non-linearity in the system which was not possible with the state we
can conclude that Sliding Mode controller have robust and better reference tracking
performance as compared to state feedback

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