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Properties of Eco- friendly material &technology Ÿ What is mean by eco - friendly technology?
Eco - friendly technologies involved making use of alternative energy source
which is abundant to generate renewable energy , reducing the amount of
resource which is limited used through the conventional like fossil fuel.

Ÿ The eco-friendly building material are those that provide appropriate service
and life span with minimum maintenance, while minimizing the extraction of
raw materials, the pollution from, and energy consumed by manufacturing
and use, and that have the maximum potential for reuse or resource
Ÿ To study the minimal impact on the local
Ÿ To analyze new methods of work and
manufacture that are less harmful to
Ÿ To study great longevity and cost effective
Ÿ Comparative study between conventional and
eco-friendly building materials using
sustainability measures.
Eco –Friendly Building Materials & Construction Techniques SOURCES OF MATERIALS
Ÿ The eco-friendly building materials represents a response from the building sector
(a) Renewable Source : The rapid renewable
intended to reduce the environmental cost of making and using buildings.
resources such as woods, teak, timbre etc.
Ÿ In the construction industry, selection of sustainable structural materials during the design
(b) Reuse of waste : By recycling/ reusing the
phase leads to move towards more sustainable construction.
salvage products like door, windows etc or
Ÿ Therefore, there is a need to select more eco-friendly building materials to be used in
agricultural / industrial waste like baggase board
Material / Product selection criteria:
Resource Efficiency: natural/renewable, resource efficient manufacturing
process, locally available, refurbished/ remanufactured, reusable/recyclable and
Indoor Air Quality: IAQ is enhanced by utilizing materials of low or non-
toxic, minimal chemical emission, moisture resistant and healthfully maintained.
Energy Efficiency: Those materials are preferred that require the minimal
amount of energy at the time of construction of the concrete.
Water Conservation: Materials that help us and conserve water in
landscaped areas are preferred to be used or even help reduce water
consumption in building materials.
Affordability: Affordability can be considered when building product life-
cycle costs are comparable to conventional materials or as a whole, are within a
project-defined percentage of the overall budget.

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