Lesson Plan Unit 11 Reading Grade 11

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Truong Chinh High school

Lesson Plan – Grade 11B17

Teaching date: Saturday, 5th March 2022
Teaching time: 1 period (45 minutes)
Intern student: Nguyen Ngoc Minh Hieu
Instructor: Ms. Tran Minh Nguyet
Business/Materials Lesson Objectives
Textbook, unit 11, reading text p.124-126, After learning this lesson, students will be able to:
Powerpoint slides - define and explain words and phrases related to
A handout including a vocab list, Quizlet sources of energy by learning essential lexical items
links and other in-class tasks in the glossary.
Internet connectivity - explain meaning of new lexical items in context.
- understand advantages and disadvantages of
alternative sources of energy by reading for specific
information in the reading passage and answering
comprehension questions.
- implement some phrases into daily communication.

● Warm-up (5 mins)
Scrambled Sentence
- Several sentences from a part of the future reading are scrambled. Teacher asks students to close
their textbook and invites students in groups of 4 to put the sentences in the correct order.
1. Because power demand is increasing very rapidly, fossil fuels will be exhausted within
a relatively short time.
2. However, such reserves are limited.
3. Therefore, people must develop and use alternative sources of energy..
4. At present, most of our energy comes from fossil fuels (oil, coal, and
natural gas).
Key: 4 – 2 – 1 – 3
At present, most of our energy comes from fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas).
However, such reserves are limited.
Because power demand is increasing very rapidly, fossil fuels will be exhausted within a relatively
short time.
Therefore, people must develop and use alternative sources of energy.
- After students assemble the scrambled sentences in order and there is a class consensus on the
correct order, teacher asks students what they think the reading will be about.
● Presenting new words (10 mins)
1. fossil fuels
Techniques: picture showing
2. energy
Techniques: picture showing
3. alternative
Truong Chinh High school

Techniques: picture showing, providing an example; giving an oral definition

4. reserve
Techniques: picture showing, giving an oral definition
5. exhausted (a)
Techniques: picture showing, giving an oral definition, giving the derivatives
6. nuclear
Techniques: picture showing
7. geothermal heat
Techniques: picture showing, giving an oral definition
8. release
Techniques: giving an oral definition, providing an example
9. plentiful
Techniques: giving a definition, providing an example, giving the derivatives
10. unlimited
Techniques: giving a definition, providing an example, giving the derivatives, synonyms
11. potential
Techniques: giving a definition, providing an example, picture showing
12. to make use of
Techniques: giving a definition, providing an example, picture showing

Each word must contain spelling, stress, key transcription, word-class
● Giving guiding questions
Teacher talk: Now, you have just learned that our fossil fuels will be exhausted in the near future
because power demand is increasing very rapidly.To solve this problem, people need to develop and
use ????( Students: alternative sources of energy) Good, now you will read the rest of the passage to
find out the information about other alternative sources of energy.
❑ R ❑ W ❑ L ❑ S
Task 1: In-group Jig-saw reading (5 mins)
Read the passage individually in groups of 4. Each student will be in charge of one paragraph.
After 2 minutes of reading individually, each student will share what they've read with the other
members in their group.
- Before reading, teacher asks each group to nominate a group leader. Teacher asks each leader to
raise their hands to check whether they have followed the instruction.
- The group leader will decide the paragraph for each member to read.
- Teacher will go around to check whether all members are joining the task. In this stage, teacher
is also a facilitator who helps students to overcome linguistic difficulties.
Task 2: Answer the questions provided in textbooks (10 mins)

Sources of energy Advantage(s) Disadvantage(s)

Nuclear power It’s unlimited. It can be very dangerous.

Solar energy It’s not only plentiful and It’s only possible
infinite but also clean and safe. during the day time.
Truong Chinh High school

Water power It’s clean and unlimited It’s expensive

Wind power It’s clean and unlimited There’s no wind energy

when there is no wind.

Geothermal heat It’s available It’s available only in

a few places.

Students work in pairs. Students take turn to ask and answer questions.
Task 3: (5 mins)
Teaching new languages
This activity will develop students' ability to guess and explain meaning of new vocabulary in context.
- Teacher talk: "Now I will deal with some items that have not been discussed before."
- "Now look at paragraph 2, what word means "able to be used"? - AVAILABLE
- "Now look at paragraph 3, what word means "unluckily; as a result of bad luck"? –
- "What word in paragraph 2 means "big in size or amount"?" – LARGE
- Teacher can give students some hints about the word such as word-class or provide some possible
words for students to choose from.
- After each answer, teacher gives one more example of the word.
Post-reading (10 mins) ❑ R ❑ W ❑ L ❑ S

Complete the summary of the reading passage by filling each blank

with a suitable word from the box.

We need energy to live and work. Our major source of (1)_______ is oil. Oil is (2)_____ kind of fossil
fuel. The amount of fossil (3)______ in the world is (4)_______ Therefore, we must save it, and at the
same time, we must find new sources of energy. Geothermal heat and nuclear power are
(5)_________sources of energy. They can give us electricity. Other alternative (6)________are the sun,
waves and water. These sources are not only (7)____________and available but also clean and safe for
the (8)____________ People should develop and use them more and more in the future.
1.energy; 2.one; 3. fuels; 4.limited; 5. alternative; 6.sources; 7.unlimited; 8. environment

Teacher provides some multiple-choice questions for students to practice language items they have

1. ______is produced from the heat stored in the earth's core.

a. Geothermal energy b. Nuclear energy
Truong Chinh High school

c. Solar energy d. Water energy

2. Increased consumption will lead to faster ...... of our natural resources.
a. exhaust b. exhausting c. exhaustion d. exhaustive
3. We should develop such ...... sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy.
a. tradition b. alternative c. revolutionary d. surprising
4. Oil, coal and natural gas are ______ fuels made from decayed material from animal or plants.
a. unleaded b. smokeless c. solid d. fossil
5. Solar energy is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe.
a. boundless b. unlimited c. uncountable d. inflexible

Assessment ❑ R ❑ W ❑ L ❑ S
In-class assessment:
- Formative assessment: Not only will students with high participation be granted plus points but
also reserved students showing their progress. Each correct answer will be granted one plus
- Summative assessment: In the next lesson, students who can articulate what they've read in
extensive reading activities will also get plus points.

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