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Drop Everything and Read

Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life.

-- Mortimer Adler
Second graders Ho Min-Kyung and Lee So-ri sit quietly on the floor, sharing a quilt and
Jan Brett's The Mitten. Nearby, classmate Kim Gun-Whee sprawls on a rug, giggling
occasionally as he reads a dilapidated copy of Laura Numeroff's Dogs Don't Wear
Sneakers. The whole room, in fact, is a mass of children and books. Even the teacher
seems to be in on the action as she sits at her desk with the latest Grisham novel. What's
happening in this classroom? These children and their teacher are enjoying D. E. A. R.
time, a fresh method of turning kids "on" to independent reading.

What is D. E. A. R.?
Drop Everything And Read time, better known as D. E. A. R. time, is a time regularly set aside
in the classroom schedule for both students and their teachers to "drop everything and read.."
D. E. A. R. time conveniently accommodates a variety of student interests and ability levels,
since each student selects for himself or herself the book or books he or she wishes to read. D.
E. A. R. is not intended to be . . .

• a substitute for other language arts instruction -- D. E. A. R. supplements the regular

reading program by encouraging independent reading, but it does not replace guided

• an extra activity that gets plugged into the schedule when another lesson finishes early
or dropped from the schedule when a lesson runs longer than expected or a fire drill
interrupts class. D. E. A. R. time is "dear." It is an important part of the daily or weekly
classroom schedule. It is scheduled for the same time each day or week so students
recognize that D. E. A. R. time is a priority and so that they can look forward to this
special period.

• a time for students to select books. When D. E. A. R. becomes a regular part of the
classroom schedule, each student should bring a book from home or select a book from
the classroom library before D. E. A. R. time begins. When D. E. A. R. time arrives, every
student should be prepared to pull out immediately a pre-selected book and begin to

• a graded activity. D. E. A. R. time has one purpose: getting students excited about
reading. Although book reports and reading quizzes may serve a purpose in direct
reading instruction, they should never infringe upon D. E. A. R. time. If students want to
tell about the books they have read (and many will), they may write recommendations for
their books and post these on a bulletin board in the class library center, or add an
evaluation for the book to a classroom database.

• a teacher's escape from teaching. D. E. A. R. time should be quality time, but not
necessarily a large quantity of time. Ten minutes a day for younger students or two
fifteen- or twenty-minute periods each week for older students is ample. Remember, the
goal of D. E. A. R. is to encourage students to read independently. Give them class time
to begin a work, to get interested in the story, then let them finish it at home!

Making D. E. A. R. work for you . . .

• Build a large classroom library -- include books from a variety of genres and books
written at various reading levels. Children surrounded by books are more likely to read

• Develop a literature-rich classroom environment. Create comfortable areas for

reading; put a large rug, bean bag chairs, large pillows, child-size rockers, and so forth in
the library area. Make sure reading area is well-lit. Display prominently posters about
various books. Hang student-created book mobiles around reading area. Let students
take turns "advertising" their favorite books. For younger students, purchase stuffed
animals related to favorite stories -- Winnie the Pooh, Clifford, Arthur, Paddington Bear,
etc. Set up a file system through which students can share their comments on the books
they've read with the class. Read excerpts from various books aloud to class; show
students the book from which you are reading, and let them know that the book is
available in the class library. In general, let students see that you place a priority on

• Expose children to a variety of genres. Some children think they don't like reading
because they haven't liked the selection of literature to which they've been exposed.
Present nonfiction titles including biographies, autobiographies, historical works, and
scientific works. Present a range of fiction including adventure, fantasy, mystery, science
fiction, historical fiction, and general selections. Present poetry and humor. Help students
understand that books, like ice cream, come in a myriad of flavors. . . . There's
something for everyone!

• Teach students how to find books in the library. Teach all students how to find
fictional works according to the author's name and how to look for books in card catalog
or database. Teach older students how to use the Dewey Decimal system.

• Enlist parental support. Ask parents to take their child to the library regularly, to buy
books for their child, and to donate books their child has outgrown to the school for
others to enjoy. Encourage them to discuss the book their child is reading with the child
and to let the child see them reading.

• Set aside regular times in the class schedule for reading. If D. E. A. R. time is set to
begin at 2:15 every Tuesday and Thursday, then it should begin at 2:15 every Tuesday
and Thursday, except in the case of life or death emergencies.

• Make sure every child has a book to read before D. E. A. R. begins. A good way to
do this is to hold a book check right before recess or lunch. Any child who does not have
a book at book check should take a few moments to select one from the class library so
that he or she is ready to read when D. E. A. R. begins.

• Allow children a high degree of control over their reading selections. You may
choose to disallow some series of books because of objectionable content, but try not to
limit genre or reading level. Whether the child selects an easy book that he or she can
read for pure enjoyment or a hard book that poses a special challenge does not matter.
All that matters is that the child learns to enjoy reading.

• If a child begins reading a work in D. E. A. R. time, only to discover that he or she

intensely dislikes the chosen book, let the student choose another book.
Sometimes, it may take a student a chapter or two to get interested in a book, so you

• might encourage the child to keep reading (or even begin reading at a later point in the
book) and at least give the book a chance. A few students may also try to take
advantage of this option, and it may occasionally be necessary to make these students
choose a book and stick with it. As a general rule, though, avoid requiring a child to read
for pleasure a book he or she does not find pleasurable.

• Purchase some sturdy portable cassette players and a selection of books with
accompanying tapes (or narrate popular stories onto cassettes). Let children with
major reading problems listen to the story and follow along in the books. While they may
not be reading independently, they are still making associations between words and
meaning, and they will enjoy getting the author's message from the book.

• Do not make students report on their reading. Encourage them to share their favorite
books with other students, but don't demand that they share. Remember, D. E. A. R.
time is supposed to be fun! -- not another academic exercise.

• Always read with your students during D. E. A. R. time. Remember, students are
watching your example. D. E. A. R. is not the time to grade spelling tests or prepare for
math class. It's a time to show students that reading is fun!

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