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On the origin of the stability of graphene oxide

membranes in water
Che-Ning Yeh1, Kalyan Raidongia1, Jiaojing Shao1,2†, Quan-Hong Yang2,3 and Jiaxing Huang1*

Graphene oxide (GO) films are known to be highly stable in water and this property has made their use in membrane
applications in solution possible. However, this state of affairs is somewhat counterintuitive because GO sheets become
negatively charged on hydration and the membrane should disintegrate owing to electrostatic repulsion. We have now
discovered a long-overlooked reason behind this apparent contradiction. Our findings show that neat GO membranes do,
indeed, readily disintegrate in water, but the films become stable if they are crosslinked by multivalent cationic metal
contaminants. Such metal contaminants can be introduced unintentionally during the synthesis and processing of GO,
most notably on filtration with anodized aluminium oxide filter discs that corrode to release significant amounts of
aluminium ions. This finding has wide implications in interpreting the processing–structure–property relationships of GO
and other lamellar membranes. We also discuss strategies to avoid and mitigate metal contamination and demonstrate
that this effect can be exploited to synthesize new membrane materials.

raphene oxide (GO) sheets are the oxidative exfoliation membranes are denoted as GO (AAO) and GO (Teflon), respect-
product of graphite and readily disperse in water because of ively. As the AAO discs have a smoother surface than Teflon filter
the ionized oxygen-containing functional groups attached paper, the resulting GO (AAO) does appear smoother than GO
to their basal plane1–6. On filtration, the sheets restack to form (Teflon) (Fig. 1a,b). However, neither cross-sectional scanning elec-
paper-like membranes with extraordinary mechanical properties tron microscopy (SEM) images (Fig. 1a,b, insets) nor X-ray diffrac-
that have attracted significant interest1,7–10. The extraordinary stab- tion (XRD) patterns (Fig. 1c) show any apparent difference in their
ility of GO films in water is known1,7 and is a prerequisite for their lamellar ordering. The interlayer spacings of GO (AAO) and GO
membrane application in solution. However, this is counterintuitive (Teflon) membranes are found to be 8.04 and 8.05 Å, respectively.
because GO sheets become negatively charged on hydration11 and The diffraction peak of GO (Teflon) is actually slightly sharper
should overcome van der Waals attraction or hydrogen bonding than that of GO (AAO). Therefore, contrary to common specu-
to separate from each other. In fact, redispersion of GO films in lation, the lamellar structures of GO membranes obtained from
water has also been reported occasionally12,13, and the need to rougher Teflon filter papers are actually as ordered as those obtained
ensure their integrity in water-based membrane applications has from smoother AAO discs.
been discussed14–18. Although the two types of GO membranes have very similar
Before GO membranes can be deployed in solution-based appli- microstructures, we discovered that they have drastically different
cations, there must be consensus about whether these films are mechanical properties and stability in water. As shown in typical
stable in water, and why. In the studies reported here, we have stress–strain curves obtained from tensile tests (Fig. 1d), GO
found that neat GO membranes indeed readily disintegrate in (AAO) is much stronger and stiffer than GO (Teflon). The
water. It is the multivalent cationic metal contaminants introduced average tensile strength and Young’s modulus of GO (AAO) were
during synthesis and processing that are responsible for their measured to be 100.5 ± 19.2 MPa and 26.2 ± 4.6 GPa, respectively,
stability. In particular, the most commonly used porous anodized significantly higher than those of GO (Teflon), which has an
aluminium oxide (AAO) filter discs can corrode to release a signifi- average tensile strength of 86.9 ± 8.9 MPa and Young’s modulus
cant amount of Al3+ during filtration of the acidic GO dispersion, of 7.6 ± 1.1 GPa. Remarkably, switching filter discs from Teflon to
which very effectively crosslinks the GO sheets and significantly AAO resulted in more than a 340% enhancement of the stiffness
strengthens the resulting membranes. of the resulting GO membranes. The most striking difference
between the two types of GO is their stability in water. Figure 1e
Results and discussion shows that GO (Teflon) film disintegrates immediately on hydration
AAO discs are the most commonly used filters for preparing mem- without any mechanical agitation, and is completely redispersed
branes of many nanomaterials, especially two-dimensional (2D) after one day. In contrast, the GO (AAO) film remains intact in
materials. Presumably, this is because of their flat surface and rigid- water (Fig. 1f ), as found previously1,7.
ity, which are believed to promote a tighter packing of the sheets The two types of GO have nearly identical lamellar ordering,
under vacuum filtration, leading to stronger membranes than and therefore the significantly higher stiffness and water stability
those made with flexible and rough polymeric filter papers. of GO (AAO) suggest an additional strengthening mechanism
However, Fig. 1 shows that GO membranes prepared by filtration other than the van der Waals attraction or hydrogen bonding
using AAO or polymeric filter papers, such as Teflon, actually that holds the sheets together. As the synthesis of GO relies on
have very similar microstructures. Here, the two types of GO the use of concentrated mineral acid19, and GO is hard to wash

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA. 2 Key Laboratory for Green Chemical
Technology of Ministry of Education, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China. 3 Collaborative Innovation
Center of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tianjin 300072, China. †Present address: School of Materials and Metallurgy, Guizhou University, Guiyang,
Guizhou 550025, China. * e-mail:


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a c d
GO (Teflon) GO (Teflon)


Intensity (a.u.)

Stress (MPa)

1 cm 60
b GO (Teflon)


5 10 15 20 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
1 cm 2θ Strain (%)

0 min 30 min 2h 1 day

e GO (Teflon)

f GO (AAO)

Figure 1 | GO membranes obtained from AAO and Teflon filters have similar microstructures but drastically different mechanical properties and stability
in water. a,b, Photos showing surface morphologies of GO (AAO) (a) and GO (Teflon) (b) paper. Inset: corresponding cross-sectional SEM images (scale
bar, 2 μm). c,d, XRD patterns of the two GO papers show similar interlayer spacing (c); however, tensile tests (d) reveal a significant difference in their
mechanical properties. e,f, Additionally, GO (Teflon) readily disintegrates in water (e), whereas GO (AAO) remains intact (f). Thick GO membranes of
18–20 μm were used in these experiments to exemplify the rapid disintegration of GO films in water. The photos in e and f were taken after the solutions
had been stirred with a lab spatula, except for the one showing GO (Teflon) in water for 30 minutes.

because of its ease of gelation20, GO dispersion is often acidic. We We also prepared Al-free GO films using cellulose nitrate (GO
hypothesized that the AAO discs might be etched by acid to (CN)) filter paper. The resulting films have similarly weak mechan-
release Al3+, which can very effectively crosslink the sheets and ical properties as those of GO (Teflon) and also disintegrate in water
strengthen the final membrane, as is common with divalent metal (Supplementary Fig. 1). Supplementary Figure 2 includes a comp-
ions21. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was employed to lementary set of side-view photos to contrast the stability of neat
see if the GO (AAO) membrane was contaminated by Al GO and GO (AAO) membranes in water. Their responses to stirring
(Fig. 2a). The Al 2p spectra were collected during depth profiling are shown in Supplementary Movies 1 and 2. GO films made by
up to 100 nm of a nominal etching depth into the film from both other methods, such as air–water interfacial assembly22, also disin-
sides (Fig. 2b,c), and clearly revealed the presence of Al. The calcu- tegrate in water. In previous studies that reported the extraordinary
lated Al/C atomic ratio started from around 4.5% on the AAO- stability of GO membranes in water, the samples were obtained by
contacting bottom side, and gradually decreased through this 18 filtration using AAO1,7, but in studies that reported the dissolution
μm thick film to around 1% on the top side. It is remarkable that of GO films in water, the samples were made with polymeric
the GO (AAO) membrane was contaminated with Al throughout filters12,13. These prior observations collectively support our findings
its tens of thousands of layers. This indicates that Al3+ was released that the stability of GO papers in water can be attributed to the
to the entire dispersion during vacuum filtration, and contami- unexpected contaminants acting as crosslinkers.
nation was not caused by contact transfer from AAO. Filtration of Al2O3 is amphoteric23,24, so an AAO disc can be corroded in
GO sheets, as well as that of other 2D materials with high aspect water at all pH values. Figure 3a shows the effect of pH values
ratios, tends to be self-limiting and extremely slow, and therefore (pH = 1–11) on AAO corrosion. AAO discs were soaked in solutions
GO sheets at the bottom side of the film (that is, the filter cake) for one day, and the concentration of released Al in the supernatant
would have had a longer exposure to Al3+, which leads to a higher was measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Al content. In contrast, XPS depth profiling of GO obtained from (ICP-MS). Three zones of corrosion behaviour can be identified
Teflon filter paper did not detect any Al (Fig. 2e). in the highly acidic (pH < 4), near neutral (4 < pH < 8) and highly


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a b c

Counts s–1
Counts s–1
4,000 1,800

3,000 1,600

2,000 1,400
80 80
60 ) 60 )
m m
40 (n 40 (n
h h
20 pt 20 pt
Bottom De De
68 72 76 80 68 72 76 80
Binding energy (eV) Binding energy (eV)

d e 1,800

Counts s–1
Bottom Top
Al/C ratio


60 )
40 (n
0.010 20 pt
20 40 60 80 100 100 80 60 40 20 De
68 72 76 80
Depth (nm) Binding energy (eV)

Figure 2 | GO membrane obtained from the AAO filter is contaminated with Al. a, Photo showing an 18 μm thick GO membrane detached from an AAO
filter disc. b,c, Sets of Al 2p spectra measured during XPS depth profiling of GO (AAO) from the bottom side (b) and from the top side (c). d, Al/C ratio as
a function of etching depth from both sides of the GO (AAO). e, Depth profiling of GO (Teflon) from the bottom side suggests that no Al is present.

a 100 b
GO (AAO, pH = 3)
Al3+ Al(OH)4–

Concentration (ppm)

60 c
GO (AAO, pH = 5.5)


20 GO (AAO, pH = 8.5)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
pH 0 min 30 min 2h

Figure 3 | Effect of pH on the corrosion of AAO and the stability of the corresponding GO membranes in water. a, Concentration of released Al as a
function of pH after one day. b–d, Photos of GO (AAO) prepared from GO solutions at pH = 3, pH = 5.5 and pH = 8.5 before and after being soaked in water
for 30 minutes and two hours, respectively. Photos in b–d were taken after the solutions had been stirred with a lab spatula.

basic (pH > 8) solutions, which released Al3+, Al(OH)3 and stable in water because of Al3+ crosslinking (Fig. 3b). Although
Al(OH)4−, respectively24,25. The corrosion of AAO is faster in the films obtained from near neutral (pH = 5.5, Fig. 3c) and basic
acidic and basic zones, releasing 10–90 ppm of Al after one day. solutions (pH = 8.5, Fig. 3d) are contaminated with Al, they can
In the near neutral zone, the released Al is less than 3 ppm. As still disintegrate in water, probably because of the inability of
filtration of GO typically takes days, the range of Al concentrations neutral Al(OH)3 and the anionic Al(OH)4− to crosslink the nega-
displayed in Fig. 3a should be representative of the level of Al tively charged sheets. All the GO films can be ultrasonically redis-
released during filtration. There is a strong dependence of the persed in water. Using a table-top sonicator, the GO film obtained
property of the final thin film on the pH values of the dispersion. at pH = 8.5 can be redispersed after less than ten minutes to yield
GO (AAO) obtained from an acidic dispersion (pH = 3) is highly single-layer dispersions (Supplementary Fig. 3a). In contrast, the


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film obtained at pH = 3 was barely dispersed. A large fraction of a b

heavily aggregated and stacked flakes was found in its supernatant
(Supplementary Fig. 3b).
These new insights about the released Al3+ have wide impli- i
cations because AAO discs are the most commonly used filter for ii
preparing membranes of many nanomaterials, especially 2D
materials. The amphoteric nature of Al2O3 is well known23,24 and
corrosion of AAO in aqueous solution has also been found26, yet
surprisingly there has been insufficient awareness of its impact on 3 mm 3 mm
the final thin-film properties. Corrosion of AAO is most relevant
to 2D materials because they tend to block the pores, which drasti- c d
cally slows down the filtration and increases the exposure time to
released Al, leading to a nontrivial level of contamination. Being a
trivalent cation, Al3+, or its hydrated form, is highly effective at floc-
culating negatively charged colloids27 and subsequently crosslinks
the sheets in the dried state. As GO dispersion is usually acidic, it
is very likely that GO films filtered with AAO are already partially
crosslinked by the Al3+, which could cause misinterpretation of
the measured modulus and strength of GO films, especially for 2 µm 3 µm
those intentionally modified with other crosslinking agents. For
example, it is well known that GO paper can be strengthened by
crosslinking with divalent metal ions21. However, in the original e

report only a modest, around 10%, increase in overall stiffness was

observed after crosslinking21. In contrast, in our work even partial

Intensity (a.u.)
Al3+ contamination resulted in a more than 340% enhancement
of the membrane stiffness (see Fig. 1d as an example). This conflict
can now be explained well by the current findings because the GO


membranes used in the earlier work were obtained with an AAO

filter. Therefore, the ‘unmodified’ GO papers were probably

already crosslinked by Al3+, which led to only a modest stiffness
difference between unmodified and ‘crosslinked’ GO papers. In
fact, the moduli measured from GO (AAO) and GO (Teflon) 30 40 50 60 70
films (Fig. 1d) are close to the upper and lower boundaries of 2θ
reported values for GO films obtained with different filtrating
papers or with thin-film processing techniques1,21,22,28, respectively. Figure 4 | Cation-stabilized GO films can swell in water and function as a
This implies that the variation in reported moduli values of GO structural template for chemical reactions. The chemical reactions are
films obtained with different filter papers could be, at least partially, confined between the layers and, therefore, a topochemical transform from
attributed to different degrees of crosslinking by unintentionally GO to inorganic membranes can be achieved after carbon removal.
introduced contaminants. In another area, AAO-released Al3+ is a,b, The photos show a GO (AAO) paper loaded with Zn(NO3)2 (a) and the
probably responsible for the formation of continuous, ultrathin, resulting ZnO membrane after annealing in air (b). Annealing was done in
few-layer GO membranes on AAO, which have been used for gas- two steps: (i), at 150 °C for two hours to produce ZnO; (ii), at 500 °C for
transport studies in recent reports8–10. This brings up a new perspec- another four hours to decompose GO. c,d, SEM images that show the edge
tive as to whether Al3+ can contribute to regulate molecular (c) and cross-section (d) of the resulting ZnO membrane. e, XRD pattern of
transport through the interlayer spacing in GO membranes. the ZnO product.
The interlayer Al3+ ions can be removed from GO films by ionic
exchange with hydrochloric acid (H+) or other monovalent cations other materials through templated syntheses in aqueous reactions.
such as Na+ and Li+, after which the film readily disintegrates in As a proof-of-concept, a hydrated GO film was first immersed in
water (Supplementary Fig. 4a,c,d). XPS detected no Al after the 0.1 M Zn(NO3)2 solution (Fig. 4a), and then subjected to a two-
exchange (Supplementary Fig. 4b). The removal of Al3+ can also step annealing treatment in air at 150 °C and 500 °C to form ZnO
be accelerated by soaking the contaminated GO films in a solution and decompose GO sheets, respectively. The final product was a
of a metal-chelating agent, such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. macroscopically sized, continuous, free-standing, white ZnO mem-
However, one can take advantage of this crosslinking effect and brane, which resembled the original shape of the GO film (Fig. 4b).
intentionally treat a clean GO film with Al3+ to make it water SEM images of edge and cross-sectional views revealed that the ZnO
stable (Supplementary Fig. 5a). The Al3+-strengthened film can membrane also has a lamellar structure with a layer thickness
swell to expand its interlayer spacing. The results of XRD studies around tens of nanometres. The XRD pattern of the ZnO product
(Supplementary Fig. 5b) confirmed that a neat GO film obtained is consistent with that of the wurtzite hexagonal structure (JCPDS
with a Teflon paper loses its lamellar ordering on hydration. After 36-1451). This experiment demonstrates the potential of swollen
Al3+ treatment, it maintained the lamellar ordering, which is GO films for the templated synthesis of new 2D materials and
reflected by a new broad XRD peak. The interlayer spacing lamellar structures with macroscopic dimensions.
expanded from 7.76 to 17.63 Å. Drying this Al3+-crosslinked film
shrank the interlayer spacing to around 8.5 Å, which was reversed Conclusions
to 15.44 Å on rehydration. The final swollen film had a more- Our work has identified the long-overlooked reason for the stability
defined, narrower XRD peak, which indicates an improved of GO membranes in water. In addition to Al3+ released from an
alignment of the GO sheets, probably because of the capillary AAO filter disc, other multivalent metal cations, such as Mn2+, a
pressure exerted during the drying step. Such water-swollen films by-product from GO synthesis19, can also strengthen the membrane
provide a new opportunity to fabricate lamellar membranes of (Supplementary Fig. 6). This work is yet another reminder that GO


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This work was primarily funded by the National Science Foundation (DMR-CAREER
out on an Omicron ESCA Probe XPS spectrometer (Thermo Scientific ESCALAB
0955612) and the Office of Naval Research (ONRN000141310556). C-N.Y. acknowledges
250Xi). Depth profiling was performed by Ar-ion etching of GO membranes to
3M for a graduate fellowship, and the International Institute for Nanotechnology at
expose a fresh surface for collecting spectra. The nominal etching depth was
Northwestern University for a Ryan Fellowship. J.S. acknowledges the China Scholarship
increased stepwise from 20, 40, 60, 80 to 100 nm.
Council for an exchange student fellowship. J.H. acknowledges the John Simon
Guggenheim Memorial Foundation for a Guggenheim Fellowship. Q-H.Y. thanks the
Received 22 July 2014; accepted 20 November 2014; National Basic Research Program of China (2014CB932403) and National Natural Science
published online 5 January 2015 Foundation of China (No. 51372167) for support. The work made use of experimental
facilities at the Quantitative Bioelemental Imaging Center (QBIC) supported by the
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