D. J. Sanghvi College Of Engineering: And Noise Parameters (Z = 50 Ω) At 4 Ghz And Verify Same Using Software

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D. J.

Sanghvi College of Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
SEM: VIII Subject Code: ECL801 RF Design Laboratory

Experiment No.: 6
Name: Dhruvil Mehta
SAP ID: 60002180029
Class: BE EXTC E1-3

AIM: To plot different noise figure circles on Smith Chart of the transistor for given scattering
and noise parameters (Z0 = 50 Ω) at 4 GHz and verify same using software.
S11 : 0.522∟169° S12 : 0.049∟25° S21 : 1.681∟26° S22: 0.839∟-67°

Fmin: 2.5dB Γopt: 0.475∟26° RN: 3.5Ω

Noise Figure Requirement:

F1 : 2.7dB F2 : 3dB F3 : 3.5dB

SOFTWARE: Ansoft Designer SV


Besides stability and gain, another important design consideration for a

microwave amplifier is its noise figure. In receiver applications especially it is
often required to have a preamplifier with as low a noise figure as possible since,
the first stage of a receiver front end has the dominant effect on the noise
performance of the overall system. Generally it is not possible to obtain both
minimum noise figure and maximum gain for an amplifier, so some sort of
compromise must be made. This can be done by using constant-gain circles and
circles of constant noise figure to select a usable trade-off between noise figure
and gain.
The noise figure of a two-port amplifier can be expressed as

where the following definitions apply:

YS = GS + j BS = source admittance presented to transistor.
Yopt = optimum source admittance that results in minimum noise figure.
Fmin = minimum noise figure of transistor, attained when Y S = Yopt.
RN = equivalent noise resistance of transistor.
GS = real part of source admittance.

For a fixed noise figure F we can show that this result defines a circle in the ΓS
plane. First define the noise figure parameter, N, as
D. J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
SEM: VIII Subject Code: ECL801 RF Design Laboratory
which is a constant for a given noise figure and set of noise parameters.

This result defines circles of constant noise figure with centers at

and radii of

D. J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
SEM: VIII Subject Code: ECL801 RF Design Laboratory
D. J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
SEM: VIII Subject Code: ECL801 RF Design Laboratory
D. J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
SEM: VIII Subject Code: ECL801 RF Design Laboratory

Circuit Diagram:
D. J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
SEM: VIII Subject Code: ECL801 RF Design Laboratory

In the above figure, the reason that there is only a single point plotted in the entire smith
chart is that since we have plotted the smith chart without giving any required Fnoise,
the smith chart is plotted for the value of Fmin, and since F= Fmin, the radius of the noise
figure circle is 0, and hence only a dot which is the centre of the Fmin noise circle.
D. J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
SEM: VIII Subject Code: ECL801 RF Design Laboratory

1) For the given scattering and noise parameters calculate N, CF, RF.
2) Plot the circles for given noise figures on Smith Chart.
3) Simulate the circuit in Ansoft Designer and verify the above results.


Parameter Calculated Simulated

F1: 2.7dB 2.7 dB
N= 0.0907
CF = 0.435∟166° 0.443∟166.846°
RF = 0.256 0.257
F2: 3 dB 3 dB
N= 0.234
CF = 0.384∟166° 0.375∟166.162°
RF = 0.393 0.396
F3: 3.5 dB 3.5 dB
N= 0.436
CF = 0.317∟166° 0.311∟166.484°
RF = 0.53 0.531


Therefore, we have successfully plotted all the given Noise Circles on the Smith chart as
well simulated for the same on Ansoft Software and obtained the same results for each

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