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Experiment No.

: 2 Date: 05/02/2022
Name: Abhishek Manoj Sutaria
SAP ID: 60002180003
Class: BE EXTC-1 E1-3

Aim: To study power consumption in WSN for different states.

Tools Required:

Objective: To understand the usage of power consumption in different states of duty cycle.


The major constraint of sensor nodes is that they employ batteries and when they are deployed in large
numbers and unattended, it will be difficult to recharge the batteries. So, the protocols or algorithms for
sensors and sensor networks must minimize power consumption. Energy consumption of a sensor in a
wireless sensor network varies not only with the protocols being used but also the state of the duty cycle
in which the sensor node is working. Duty cycle describes the state of the mote at different times. The
states of the motes can be configured according to the application and can be programmed according to
the requirement. In general, the states of duty cycle are sleep, idle, and active; wherein the active state,
the mote can do data acquisition, data processing, and/or data transmission. These states can be defined
and the time period for each state or when a mote has to transfer from one state to another can be

Sleep state:
In the sleep state mote will turn off its radio (Chipcon CC2420 radio). In the sleep state if any messages
which are intended to the mote arrives it cannot receive those messages and it leads to power loss. In
order to eliminate this unwanted power loss, a mote has to go in to sleep state according to a schedule
and the information about that schedule should be available for its neighbours or there should be a
mechanism of sending a beacon signal to its neighbours indicating its wakeup period so that they can
send the data if there is anything to send.
Idle state:
In general, during idle state no sensors will be active and the mote will not be sensing any values, but
the radio of the mote is turned on such that it can listen and if some node is trying to send any request
for data transfer, then the mote can go to active state.
Active state:
Mote will turn on all its peripherals, sensors, radio etc. in the active state. In this state, a mote can do
data acquisition, processing, data transmission, i.e. it can sense parameters from its surroundings,
process those data, send data transfer request to any node or it can receive data from any node depending
up on its coverage and connectivity.
Data acquisition:
During the data acquisition state of the mote, it switches on all its sensors to collect the values from
surroundings. In this state, we can program the mote as per our requirements whether to keep radio in
ON or OFF state.
Data processing:
Sensors collect huge data from its surroundings and some of this data may be redundant. Most probably
little amount of data will be of use and hence, there is no point in transmitting all this data thereby
causing the wastage of power. In order to overcome this problem, sensors do processing on the sensed

Semester: ___/ . E/ EXTC Page No.:

Subject: DECL802 Wireless Networks Laboratory
data which they have to transmit or on the data which they have received from its neighbours. So in
data processing state, a mote can turn of its radio and sensors such that only the processing can be taken
Data transmission:
When the mote is in data transmission state, then the radio of the mote is switched on to transmit the
data which has been processed to the receiver node. In this state, we can turn off the sensors.

➢ Go to
➢ Create login if not done before
➢ Go to computer science tab
➢ Go to Wireless Sensor Network Remote Triggered Lab (Wireless Remote Sensing,
Experimentation, Monitoring and Administration Lab)
➢ Select Duty Cycle vs. Power Consumption
➢ Go to simulator
➢ Observe the power consumption in one minute for different states.
➢ Note your result in the observation table
Sr. States Time in Power consumption in percentage
No. minutes
1 Sleep 1 2%
2 Active Data Acquisition 1 12%
3 Active Data Processing 1 17%
4 Active Data Transmission 1 20%

Semester: ___/ . E/ EXTC Page No.:

Subject: DECL802 Wireless Networks Laboratory
1) Power Consumption in Sleep State

2) Power Consumption in active Data acquisition state

Semester: ___/ . E/ EXTC Page No.:

Subject: DECL802 Wireless Networks Laboratory
3) Power Consumption in Active Data Processing state

4) Power Consumption in Active Data Transmission State

Semester: ___/ . E/ EXTC Page No.:

Subject: DECL802 Wireless Networks Laboratory
Therefore, we have successfully performed the experiment in the Virtual Lab over a period of 1 Minute
for every state and concluded that-
1. Least power in consumed when the mote is in sleep state
2. Power consumption is maximum when the mote is the active data transmission state.

Semester: ___/ . E/ EXTC Page No.:

Subject: DECL802 Wireless Networks Laboratory

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