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If the span of the beam is extended beyond its
supports, such type of beam is known as an
overhanging beam. For over-hanging beams, the
bending moment is positive between the supports
and negative for the overhanging portion. This
clearly indicates that, at some point, the bending
moment is zero while changing its sign from
positive to negative or vice-versa. This point is
known as the ‘’Point of Contraflexure’’ or ‘’Point
of Inflexion’’

Example: Drawn the SFD & BMD for the

overhanging beam with the given loading.

Calculating the reactions by using the equilibrium
Taking moments of all the forces about point A we
ΣΜA = 0
RB x 8 – 4 x 10 x 10/2 = 0
RB x 8 = 200
or RB = 25KN

Now adding all the forces vertically we get,

ΣVy = 0
RA + RB – 4 x 10 = 0
RA + 25 – 4 x 10 = 0
RA = 40 – 25 = 15
or RA = 15KN


Shear force at any point between A & B at a distance
of x from point A is given by;
Fx = + RA – 4(x) (1)
At A, x = 0
FA = +15 – 4(0) = +15KN
At B, x = 8m
FB = +15 – 4(8) = +15 – 32 = -17KN
[SF varies by a straight line between A & B, as evident from eq 1.]
Since the value of shear force is positive at A and
negative at point B which clearly indicates that, the SF
changes its sign from positive to negative from A to B
and there exists a point between A & B where the
value of Shear Force is zero. This point can be located
by substituting the value of Fx = 0 in eq 1.
0 = + RA – 4(x)
0 = +15 – 4x
or 4x = 15
or x = 15/4 = 3.75m or x = 3.75m
Hence Shear Force is 0 at a distance of 3.75m from
point A.

Shear force at any point between B & C at a distance of

x from point A is given by;
Fx = + RA + RB – 4(x) (2)
At B, x = 8m
FB = +15 + 25 – 4(8) = +8KN
At C, x = 10m
FC = +15 + 25 – 4(10) = 0
[SF varies by a straight line between B & C, as evident from eq 2.]


The Bending Moment at any point between A & B at a
distance of x from point A is given by;
Mx = RA (x) – 4(x)(x/2) = 15x – 4x²/2 (3)
At A, x = 0
MA = 15 x 0 – 4 x 0 = 0

At B, x = 8m
MB = 15 x 8 – 4 x 8²/2 = - 8 KNm

The maximum bending moment will occur at point D,

where the shear force changes its sign from positive
to negative. i.e. at the ‘’Point of Contraflecture’’

At D, x = 3.75m
MD = 15 x 3.75 – 4 x 3.75²/2 = 28.125 KNm

The Bending Moment at any point between B & C at a

distance of x from point A is given by;
Mx = RA (x) – 4(x)(x/2) + RB (x – 8)
= 15x – 4x²/2 – 25 (x – 8) (4)
At B, x = 8m
MB = 15 x 8 – 4 x 8²/2 + 25 (8 – 8) = - 8 KNm

At C, x = 10
MC = 15 x 10 – 4 x 10²/2 + 25 (10 – 8) = 0

MA = 0
MD = 28.12 KNm Negative Parabolic Curve
MB = - 8 KNm (Evident from eq 3 & eq 4)
MC = 0

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