The Pittston Dispatch 05-29-2011

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F-18 fighter Unsatisfied

fly-over set with EPA
Parade features Pittston residents
Navy Lt. Jason upset with report
Harding, WA grad on cancer cluster.
>> PAGE 3 >> PAGE 6

Sunday, May 29, 2011 WILKES-BARRE, PA $1.00


Ed Ackerman, optimist

Remember to remember
I’d seen the names of my old In my house, ham salad always
friends Billy Kause and Ronnie meant a party. I didn’t grasp
Urbanski on The Wall – offi- until years later that, aside from
cially, the Vietnam Veterans being pretty tasty, ham salad
Memorial in Washington, D.C. was the cheapest way to feed a
– several times before, so why crowd.
did I get such a lump in my Billy, not very big physically,
throat this time? That’s the was a gifted athlete. He dazzled
question I asked myself – and everyone at the Pittston pool
my wife – when we visited The with his diving. We thought he
Wall the week before last. I could do anything. He was
touched Billy’s name and when The names of William R. (Billy) Kause, left, and Ronald M. (Ronnie) Urbanski on The Wall in Wash- tough as nails and that descrip-
I tried to say something I could ington, D.C. tion applied to Ronnie as well.
not. It was the same with Ron- Ronnie would have been an
nie’s healing – like last Saturday’s brother, killed in the Battle of Wall. My heart goes out to their athlete too but couldn’t be both-
Mary Kay was attending the flag raising ceremony at the the Bulge in World War II. My moms and dads who had to ered. He was too busy being
American Urological Associ- hunting cabin Al and Dale dad was fighting in the Pacific endure twice the pain. cool, in the way that Elvis was
ation Convention in the nation’s belonged to (see page one and when his brother got killed and War claims the young and cool, the way James Dean was
capital and I jumped at the pages 32, 33) – but it’s a slow did not know it until he came like the 25,000 names on The cool. Most of us wanted to be
chance to tag along. I love process. home in 1945, for the first time Wall 20 years old or younger, him but our parents wouldn’t
Washington, especially the Since Dale’s death I’ve been in five years. I often wonder if Billy Kause and Ronnie Urban- let us.
monuments, although they thinking quite a bit about peo- Edward were anything like my ski were just kids when they Billy and Ronnie are just two
always destroy me emotionally. ple who die in war. Some I dad. I hope so. That would died – Billy 19 and Ronnie 20. I of the 58,267 names on The
None more than The Wall. And know, like Billy and Ronnie. make me feel a little closer to remember them as younger Wall, and that number is just a
never more than this last visit. And some I know by name only him. than that. fraction of the estimated 1.2
I believe it has a lot to do like First Lt. Jeffrey DePrimo, My dad had a second brother My earliest recollection of million Americans who have
with the death of my friend who was killed three years ago killed in World War II but I can Billy involves seventh grade died serving their country.
Albert Kridlo’s son Dale in in Afghanistan. never remember if it were El- and ham salad. He invited me When will this stop? As Bob
Afghanistan last November. One in the latter category – mer or Rudolph. One of them to his birthday party and when I Dylan sang, “The answer, my
Dale’s death is still an open the ones I know by name only – died in a car crash, the other in walked in and saw a big bowl friend, is blowin’ in the wind?”
wound for my friend, and there- has my own name, Edward battle. There are names of 38 of ham salad on the table I All we can do is remember.
fore for me. There’s been some Ackerman. He was my father’s such brothers inscribed on The knew this kid was just like me. And remember to remember.

VOL. 65, NO. 16

Remembering Jeff DePrimo ..........................3 Matters of Faith ...............................................10 Town News ......................................................39

Sunday Sitdown ...............................................4 Editorial /Letters .............................................14 Sports ..............................................................46

Grant for Library ..............................................5 Nutrition............................................................15 Obituaries .........................................................61
Cancer Cluster Meeting ..................................6 Peeking into the Past......................................17 Weddings.................................................Social 1
Local Chatter ....................................................8 Dale’s Dream ...................................................32 Birthdays................................................Social 3

Call Karen Fiscus at 970-7291


Advertising deadline is Thursday at 3 P.M.

M E M O R I A L D AY 2 0 11

DePrimo marched in ’07 West Pittston/Exeter parade

Events Monday will feature an F-18 fly-over by West Pittston Navy pilot
By Jack Smiles
Associate Editor

hree years ago the Exeter/
West Pittston Memorial
Day parade took on a spe-
cial significance – just 10 days
earlier the Garden Village Na-
tional Guard Armory had lost
one of her own.
Jeffery DePrimo, a first lieu-
tenant with Delta Company
109th Infantry Division 1st Bat-
talion of the Pennsylvania Na-
tional Guard, was killed on May
19, 2008 while
serving in Af-
West Wyoming when the vehi-
parade cov- cle in which he
erage, page 7. was riding was
Dale Kridlo hit with an im-
provised explo-
flag raising sive device.
ceremony, For the 2008
pages 32, 33. parade Ameri-
Dupont Boro can flags and
Memorial Day purple ribbons
lined Wyoming
parade info, and Susque-
page 40 hanna avenues
in remem-
brance of De-
Primo, who Navy Lieutenant Jason Harding, a West Pittston native and
Wyoming Area graduate, with the F-18 fighter jet which he will fly
had marched in the parade the over the West Pittston/Exeter Memorial Day Parade.
year before he was killed. Mem-
bers of DePrimo’s unit, Delta
composed by DePrimo. Navy Lieutenant Jason Hard-
Company, 109th Infantry Divi-
May is a tough month around ing, a West Pittston native and
sion, will march in the annual
here. The year before DePrimo Wyoming Area graduate, will fly
West Pittston/Exeter parade to-
was killed, Army 1st Lt. Thomas up from Virginia to fly over the
Joseph Hromisin, also of Pitt- parade in an F-18 fighter jet.
DePrimo, 35 when he died,
ston, was critically wounded in Harding, a 2004 graduate of
was survived by his mother, He-
May. Villanova University, is current-
len Ann DePrimo of Pittston, fa-
On the anniversary of DePri- ly a Navy pilot with the VFA-103
ther Joseph DePrimo of Ran-
mo’s death on Thursday, May 19, “Jolly Rogers” flying FA-18F
som, sisters Danielle DePrimo
30 of the men in his unit and their Super Hornets. He has been in-
of Wilkes-Barre and Jodi Cala-
families visited DePrimo’s volved in two-combat deploy-
bro of Exeter.
mother. ments aboard the USS Dwight
Over the past three years De-
First Lt. Jeffrey DePrimo as he marched in the 2007 West Pittston/
The West Pittston/Exeter Me- D. Eisenhower. He has flown 63
Primo’s memory has been kept
Exeter Memorial Day Parade. morial Day Parade is tomorrow combat missions over Afghanis-
FILE PHOTO BY TONY CALLAIO Monday, May 30, beginning at tan. He is an instructor pilot with
The West Pittston American
11:30 a.m. at the corners of Lin- the VFA-106 “Gladiators” flying
Legion Post was named for him
worn path in his family. Motiva- Heart after being wounded in den Street and Wyoming Avenue FA-18A-D Hornets as well as
and a foundation and scholarship
ted by the 9/11 attacks, DePrimo Germany. in West Pittston. FA-18E/F Super Hornets.
for a local high school senior
joined the National Guard in Like his grandfather DePrimo The parade will march down In addition, Harding has
were created in his name.
2003 at age 31, following a fam- won the Combat Action Badge Wyoming Avenue and conclude logged over 1,000 hours in an
DePrimo grew up in Pittston
ily tradition. and Purple Heart. at the St. Cecilia’s Church park- FA-18 A-F and has 312 Carrier
and graduated from Seton Ca-
Both his grandfathers served An accomplished guitarist, ing lot for a brief ceremony. landings.
tholic High School. He took a
in World War II, Frank DePrimo DePrimo owned 13 guitars and The speaker is John Lem- He is the son of Larry and Ann
rather unusual path to the mili-
in the Pacific and Joe Gitkos in could play classical and rock. In mond, a retired Navy Master Harding and brother of Josh
tary which included a bachelor’s
Europe, where he fought on D- 2002 his band Mantra, a trio of Chief. Harding. He is married to Lt.
degree in music from Marywood
Paci Band and the Ceol-Mor Kristen Andersen, serving as a

University. Day and earned a Bronze Star classic guitarists, released a CD

with oak leaf cluster and Purple of instrumental guitar music Bag Pipes will participate. Navy Nurse.
But the military was a well-

Lisa Lewis: She’s a 19th Century woman

Her book, ‘The Fashionable Victorians,’ will be out in 2012
With Jack Smiles I took a year and half to re-
search running a catering busi-

isa Lewis lives in West ness. I catered afternoon tea par-
Pittston with John Tho- ties all over Pennsylvania, New
mas Grant who is also her York and New Jersey. I did that
business partner in The Passion for three years.
Project. Pennsylvania was the last state
She was born in Wilkes-Barre where you could sell food for
and lived there until the flood of profit made out of your kitchen.
1972, when her family moved to Then they passed regulations
the Pittston area. She graduated where you had to install a com-
from Pittston Area in 1982. She mercial kitchen.
graduated from LCCC with a de- I looked into that and it would
gree in commercial art. have been $20,000 to put an ad-
Eventually she carved out a dition on my house to install ev-
business niche for herself as The erything they required. I wasn’t
Victoriana Lady, reenacting a in that neighborhood with four
Victorian era woman and con- children.
ducting programs on Victorian I was devastated. I thought that
era fashions, accessories, eti- was the end of things. But then I
quette and manners. Visit said, I’m not giving this up. to Right around this time John
learn more. Dziak of the Pittston Historical
Schiffer Books is publishing Society and his wife came to one
her book, The Fashionable Vic- of my programs for the West Pitt-
torians, in 2012. ston Historical Society.
She has four children: Megan, He approached me after and
Robbie, Aaron and Naomi. asked me to play Esther Tinsley
The Victoriana Lady, Lisa Lewis, of West Pittston as a young girl in a documentary
Were you interested in histo- film about the Pittston Hospital
ry as a child? and Esther Tinsley, Haven on the
Yes, my ancestors came here We had been evacuated and were of pieces so I thought, I’m going remember their mother wearing Hill.
late in the1850s. My grandmoth- living with relatives. I remember to start a tea society. Because corsets and the big hats and she I was honored. She was the on-
er and two great aunts lived into afterwards the muddy, dirty Queen Victoria started the insti- pulled their pictures out. ly female hospital administrator
their 80s, early 90s. I spent a lot mess and how awful everything tution of afternoon 4 o’clock tea I said, oh yeah, any excuse to in the country. Women didn’t
of time with them growing up. I smelled. time and I have a Victorian break out my collection. even have the vote yet.
was fascinated with their old Later we moved to the Pittston house. (Laughs). I found I really loved reenact-
photographs. area So I sent out 30 invitations to I said I’ll bring a few things ing and I got more calls to do my
I found out my great-great- friends, moms at school and peo- and do a little program. They programs, the Victorian fash-
great grandfather was in Union What did you do after col- ple I hadn’t seen in years. I was loved it. ions, accessories, the history and
Army in the Civil War, that lege? shocked when I got 26 letters the etiquette. I decided that was
sparked my interest. I read any- When I got out I didn’t know back. So for two hours every How did your passion turn really my passion. I decided to
thing I could get my hands on what I wanted to do. I took a job month we got together. into a business? go strictly in that direction. I was
about the 19th century. I had a at Design Systems in Wilkes- Somebody there at the birth- still going to the same venues,
wonderful sixth grade reading Barre, but it wasn’t what I want- Was the tea idea the genesis day party knew somebody at the but I wasn’t bringing the food.
teacher, Mrs. Feldman, in the ed to do. for The Victoriana Lady? Times Leader. Mary Therese They would have it catered and I
Wilkes-Barre Dana Street I had this passion for history It was. It was great. We had Biebel came to my house. was strictly the entertainment.
School. She really challenged and the Victorian era and I al- these two hours to connect with- I was dressed in a Victorian I have quite a wonderful col-
my love of history. ways wanted to write a book. So out the kids around. What hap- outfit and we put on a tea. lection. And I’m happy to be able
here I am today. Better late then pened was my daughter Megan’s She did the interview and I to get out and show other people.
What do you remember of never. Sometimes things just piano teacher, Linda Schroeder, talked about the party and what I
the ’72 Flood? evolve asked me to help do a surprise had been doing and I don’t think How did the collection start
We lived in South Wilkes- birthday party for her mother. the newspaper was on my porch and where do you find stuff?
Barre. I remember we were up Talk about that evolution. Her mother’s sisters were com- 10 minutes and my phone was It started when I was 15. I went
on 309 at the Acme Super Mar- In 2002 I was raising young ing in from out of town and they ringing off the hook. to my first estate sale with a
ket getting groceries. It was children and my friends were al- were all well into their 80s. People calling asking me to do friend’s mother. I bought a pair of
jammed. Everybody in town was so young mothers and it seemed I told her I’d bake everything birthday parties for their grand- lace gloves and a beaded hand-
up there. we never had time to get togeth- homemade and I’d set the table. mothers, their little girls, would I bag and I was hooked. I tell ev-
I remember the siren going er. I couldn’t bear one more Tup- She asked me would it be too entertain for the red hat society? erybody it’s a sickness, but a
off. It was such an awful sound. perware or Pampered Chef party. much to for me to wear one of my And that’s how it started. good one (Laughs.)
My mother said that’s when we I was interested in Victorian Victorian outfits.

would know the dike had broken. history and I had inherited a lot She said her mother and aunts What was the next step?
Sen. Casey presents $48,000 grant to library


By Jack Smiles Casey also talked about his
Associate Editor memories of using libraries
when he was a kid and quipped,
In town Friday to announce a “Had I spent more time in them I
$48,000 Community Facilities would have gotten better
grant for the Pittston Memorial grades.”
Library, Senator Bob Casey said Casey acknowledged that
libraries are special places. State Rep. Mike Carroll, State
“We often say we are honored Senator John Yudichak and for-
to be somewhere and it can mer State Rep. Tom Tigue
sound trite, but today I’m really helped with securing the grant.
feeling that,” Casey said. The grant comes from the U.
The Senator quoted from the S. Department of Agriculture’s
David McCulloch book about Rural Development program.
John Adams, the second presi- Tom Williams, the Pennsylvania
dent of the Unites States, noting, Rural Development State Direc-
“On April 24, 1800, Pres. John tor, explained Pittston is eligible
Adams approved legislation that for rural status because the city’s
appropriated $5,000 to pur- population is under 20,000.
chase." Library director Anne Hogya
Acknowledging the govern- said the library will provide
ment must cut spending, he said some matching money and the
small grants for libraries are in- total will be spent on non-fiction
vestments which help communi- books, large-print books, com-
ties in many ways and should be puters, bookcases, carpeting fur-
continued. niture and other equipment. Senator Casey, Pittston Library Director Anne Hogya and Tom Williams of the USDA

Happy hour Friday to support

Liam’s Lighthouse Foundation
Liam’s Lighthouse Founda- resources. tion was founded in honor and
tion will host their second annual Liam’s Lighthouse Founda- memory of a brave little boy
happy hour on Saturday, June 4, tion aims at raising much needed named Liam. He has inspired his
from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at funds for continued education of mother, Michelle Schulze, and
The Red Mill, 340 South Main physicians and research to devel- others to make a difference in the
Street in Pittston. A $10 donation op safer and more effective treat- world of Histiocytosis and con-
will be asked by the Foundation ment methods and ultimately a tinue the fight he no longer could
at the door. cure. Liam’s Lighthouse is also against this horrific disease.
Specially priced domestic dedicated to bringing awareness To learn more about Liam or
draft beer selections will be fea- to the community about the im- Liam’s Lighthouse , or to make a
tured as the special at this event. portance of becoming a blood donation to this worthwhile
The Foundation’s 3rd Annual and bone marrow donor. cause, visit www.liamslighthou-
Golf Tournament will be held Liam’s Lighthouse Founda- Liam Christopher Schulze, 1-2-08 to 9-9-09
the following day, Sunday, June
5, at Sand Springs Country Club,
10 Club House Drive in Drums. NOW OPEN
Donations from both events go
(formerly of Illusionz) welcomes you to:
directly to Liam’s Lighthouse, a
501 (c)(3) non-profit, tax-ex-
empt organization, that was es-
tablished to create and provide
OPEN HOUSE TODAY • 1:00-2:30PM Buying or selling a
home can be one

47 Lincoln Ave.,
of the most

educational material and aware- offering:

transactions you
will make. You will
expect to work with
a Realtor who will
West Wyoming $129,000
ness about Hemophagocytic Fantastic Ranch in West Wyoming,
take time to listen
to your needs. Call
2 bedrooms on main level, 1 1/2
me, I can help.

Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) in-

OPEN HOUSE, 3/6, 1-2:30 pm. Robert Vanston 840-0152. Historic, 144 year old home MULTI-FAMILY: Robert Vanston 840-0152. Built as a 3 unit that can legally Robert Vanston 840-0152. Being sold with the home next door. All modern
baths, new replacement windows
full of character and charm. Hardwood on first, replacement windows, brick fireplace, be used as a 2 unit. Can also rent out the house next door for around $750
enclosed patio, large corner lot, tile in the kitchen, large rooms. DIR: Rte. 6 to light in and very move in condition, big lot with large trees and next to a stream.
878-7752 Factoryville, left onto College Ave., through town, home on the left just oast the school.
which in itself will pay almost the whole mortgage. Also has a huge lot and a
2 car garage and the interior is truly modern. Excellent investment value.
Sub-division away from additional property would be highest and best use.

throughout. Finished basement

cluding Histiocytic Disorders, 5 FOILS has large family room & extra room

set up as 3rd bedroom. Large
and to distribute unbiased, fac- yard, carport, driveway. GREAT
tual information to physicians, With this coupon. exp. 6/5/11
Call Judy Cerra for your
hospitals, and the community re- Walk-ins Welcome MULTI-FAMILY: Robert Vanston 840-0152. Good rents and occupied! Could
also be converted back to a 9 room single should one be so inclined. Large
Beki Kosydar-Krantz 815-7545. Motivated Seller. Bring your offers!! Some
recent updates. House is being sold as-is. Home in rear is also being sold,
appointment 903-5846
DIR: Wyoming Avenue to Wyoming.
Sun., 3/6, 1-2:30pm Judy Cerra 903-5846. Fantastic Ranch. 2 bedrooms main
level, 1 1/2 baths, New Replacement Windows. Finished basement. Large
Marcella Rivenburg 498-7341. Wonderfully kept home in desirable
Parkland area. Large living room w/gas fireplace,3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths.

garding this disease.

rooms, new electric, new wall to wall, recent paint and separate utilities. Close to buy both for $80,000. Why not consider buying both & having an rental right yard, carport, driveway. DIR: Wyoming Ave to Wyoming, R on Dennison, go

• Men • Women • Children • Cuts • Colors town for all your conveniences. Why not have you mortgage paid by the tenant? next door that will pay your mortgage?
Right on Dennison, go over tracks,
over tracks, R at cemetery, L of Washington, R on Watson, L of Lincoln.

• Perms • Highlighting • Hair Extensions right at cemetery, left on Washington,

The focus of the foundation is right on Watson, Left on Lincoln.
• Japanese Hair Straightening
also to bring families affected by • Waxing • Creative Formal Styling

HLH/Histiocytosis together and

offer support through a variety of
104 S. Township Blvd.
Pittston By-Pass • Pittston 655-PERM 655-7376 Sun., 2/27, 1-2:30pm. Judy Cerra 903-5846. Beautiful 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath
home, over sized closets, original oak floors throughout. Partially finished
basement, fenced backyard, storage shed. Newer roof and furnace. DIR:
Judy Cerra 903-5846. 3 bedroom, Spacious Eat in Kitchen,
large level yard, with 3 car detached garage included. Family
Judy Cerra - 903-5846 Harmony Hills. Large foyer, great room
with fireplace, spacious kitchen. In Law apartment attchd., heated
IG pool w/BBQ area
Tammy Serafini 499-4118. Beautiful home set on 2 acres of land, very big
rooms and lots and lots of big closets. Basement is insulated and studded out
to be finished. Lots of extras in this house.....Come and see!!!

Dr. Samuel Lesko, Director of Research Marie Manganiello of Pittston makes her Pittston resident Mary Rucco asks a Pittston resident Richard Terpak asks a
and Medical Director at the Northeast point concerning the existence of pos- question during the cancer cluster in- question during the cancer cluster in-
Regional Cancer Institute in Scranton, sible localized cancer clusters in Pitt- formation session Tuesday night. formation session Tuesday night.
explains the complex relationship of ston neighborhoods during the informa- PHOTOS BY BILL TARUTIS
diet, lifestyle, genetics, and environ- tion session Tuesday night.
ment with the incidence of cancer.

EPA: The Butler didn’t do it

Residents not convinced at ‘cancer cluster’ meeting; legislators want more testing
By Jack Smiles
Associate editor

n April Chris Menichini and his father
Chuck from Carroll Street in Pittston
went public with their belief that there
was a cancer cluster in their neighborhood
and that it was likely caused by emissions
from the notorious Butler Mine Tunnel
which runs under the neighborhood.
Television news and the daily papers re-
ported their story and the publicity
prompted state agencies to have a cooper-
ative public session at the Pittston Area
Middle School on Tuesday.
Before the public meeting The Environ-
mental Protection Agency (EPA), the De-
partment of Health and the Bureau of
Abandoned Mine Reclamation manned
tables displaying information and maps.
Dennis Palladino, of Hughestown, was
there with the Bureau of Abandoned
Mine Reclamation. He had a display of
mine maps and helped people locate their
homes on the maps. “We’re getting a lot of
questions,” he said, “but everybody’s been
After the meeting, though, many of the
residents were more frustrated than nice.
Steve Valenti, of Broad Street in Pitt-
ston Township, was one. Valenti lost his Pittston residents Jeanne Zinkavich, left, Mina Hontz, and Lisa Skutack review mine maps with Robert Lewis of PA DEP North-
wife Josephine to lymphoma at age 54 in east Field Operations Tuesday night at the Martin L. Mattei Middle School.
2009. Valenti came to the meeting curious
about where the tunnel runs, having heard
it runs under his backyard. property, but is within 1/4 mile. have to keep after them.” Though the meeting focused on the
“I never did get a complete, straight an- George Boone, 71, of 41 Mill, who has Bill and Mina Hontz, the Menichinis’ cancer incidence in the Mill/Carroll
swer,” he said. “The whole thing was a his arm bandaged where he receives dial- neighbors at 196 Carroll, do not have can- streets area, residents from other sections
dog and pony show, they had their format ysis as a treatment for kidney cancer, cer, but they came in support of Menichi- of the area were there. Gloria Migatulski,
and that’s what they stuck to. Maybe if came to the school. He couldn’t stay for ni. They have been living in the neighbor- of Curtis Street, lost her husband Robert
they used the time they spent telling the the meeting, but did look at the maps. He hood for 30 years. “We’re here to learn to cancer at age 63 three years ago. Curtis
people there’s no problem looking into the has lived on Mill for 18 years and has been how soon the driveway is going to cave in Street is not above the direct line of the
problem, they’d have a solution by now.” battling cancer for 11. “I hope something again,” Mina said, “and to be there for tunnel, but it is within 1/2 mile of the But-

The map provided by EPA shows the comes out of it,” he said. “I hope they do Chuck. He’s four years older than me. Is
tunnel does not likely run under Valenti’s something. There’s something there, you this what I have to look forward to?”
See BUTLER, Page 30
M E M O R I A L D AY 2 0 11

Parade grand marshal Napkora: ‘It’s my duty’

Wyoming/West Wyoming Memorial Day Parade starts at 9:15 a.m.
By Jack Smiles in the Army Reserves for 23 that,” Napkora said. “I said I’d do up at 8:45. Nam, Gulf War, Operation Des-
Associate Editor years until age 60. it because I feel it’s my duty to After the parade there will be a ert Shield and Desert Storm.
In 1989 he was deployed with participate. It’s an honor.” short program at the Wyoming After the ceremony , the West
Frank Napkora of West the reserves in Honduras build- Memorial Day events begin Cemetery ending with a rifle sa- Wyoming American Legion and
Wyoming is the grand marshal ing a mountain road with the en- with a ceremony at the War lute by American Legion Post West Wyoming Borough will
of the Wyoming/West Wyoming gineers. Monument in front of the VFW 904 West Wyoming. cosponsor a cookout under the
Memorial Day parade. In 1991 he was called for Des- in Wyoming Post 396 at 8 a.m. The guest ceremonial speaker pavilion at Dailey Park.
Napkora, 79, was drafted into ert Storm at age 59, but the war and at 8:30, a service at the War is Master Gunnery Sergeant There will also be an after par-
the Army in 1955. With a chuck- ended while he was in training. Memorial at 8th street and Shoe- Frank Carden, USMC Reserve ty at the Wyoming VFW.
le he said, “I received my greet- Napkora said his next door maker Avenue in West Wyom- Retired. He is a veteran of Viet-
ings from President Harry Tru- neighbor Richard Yarosavich, ing.
man.” who is the Commander of The The Wyoming/West Wyoming
He did basic training at Fort
Dix, New Jersey and was as-
signed to Fort Benning, Georgia.
West Wyoming American Le-
gion Post, asked him to be the pa-
rade grand marshal.
parade starts tomorrow at 9:15
a.m. at Dailey Memorial Park on
Shoemaker Avenue in West
After two years active he stayed “I didn’t expect anything like Wyoming. Marchers should line
Historic Denison House opens today for season MEMORIAL DAY POTS
The 1790 Denison House, 35 shop in the back of the lot with The guides welcome ques- $4.00 & UP
Denison Street, Forty Fort, offi- items that are moderately priced. tions.
cially opens its summer season
today, Sunday, May 29, and will
Visitors will learn much about
Colonel Denison and his family Tomatoes, Peppers,
be open every Sunday through
September 25 from 1 to 4 p.m.
of seven children. The docents
teach Wyoming Valley history
Flowers & Other Veggies
Price is $4 for adults, $2 for chil- through much of the furniture in- • Clean Ups • Trees
dren under 12 and children under cluding the historic capitulation • Mulch • Lawns • Pavers (570) 655-1990
5 are free. Costumed docents or surrender table dating back to • Retaining Walls • Concrete
interpreters will guide you the massacre of July 3, 1778. 457-1840 Tunkhannock Ave., W. Pittston
through the 1790 Denison House
with a good tour of the upstairs
and downstairs. There is a gift
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LOCAL CHATTER What are you chattin’ about? Call 602-0177 or email and let us know.

Schall inducted into Alpha Epsilon Delta

Jonathan Schall of Wyoming

Misericordia announces
was recently inducted into Al-
pha Epsilon Delta, the national
honor society for health pre-pro-

valedictorians for 2011

fessionals at The University of
Scranton. Schall is a sophomore
at the Jesuit University.
Happy Birthday-
Happy birthday wishes go to Misericordia University
Angelina Russo of Pittston, announced four class vale-
who celebrated her birthday on dictorians for 2011. It is the
May 25 first time in the history of
George Matrone of Duryea, Misericordia that four stu-
celebated his 96th birthday on dents represented the grad- Nick Mozal
May 27. uating class as valedictor-
Marty Reddington of Pitt- ians. Misericordia Universi-
ston celebrated on May 27. ty Class of 2011 valedictor- second in his class, he received
Anthony Gorey of Hughes- ians, seated from left, the Faculty Award for Academic
town will celebrate on May 31. Megan McClary of Sayre, Achievement. He also received
Vincent Gatto of Hughes- PA.; Molly Sullivan of Gap, the Jerry Zaslow Memorial
town will celebrate on June 1. PA.; Stevie Dorbad of Exe- Award, which is awarded to the
Nicholas Lieback of Dallas ter, PA.; and standing, Molly graduate who demonstrated out-
will celebrate on June 1 Correll of Bethlehem, PA., standing academic achievement
Sierra Gorey of Hughestown pose for a picture before re- in addition to well-rounded ac-
will celebrate on June 2. ceiving their diplomas on tivity within the law school
Jeffrey Gavlick of Suscon Saturday, May 21. Each stu- community, and the TASA Prize
will celebrate on June 3. dent graduated with a 4.0 for Outstanding Performance in
grade point average. the Field of Evidence.
Anniversary Wishes- Dorbad is the daughter of Matthew Kelly of West
Happy anniversary wishes go Susan Dorbad of Exeter, PA. Wyoming received a BS degree
to Mayor Paul and Claire Hind- Stevie graduated with a Master’s degree in physical therapy. She has secured employment with in Physics during commence-
marsh who will celebrate on NovaCare Rehabilitation in Plains Township, PA. ment ceremonies at Clarion Uni-
June 1. versity, Saturday, May 8 in Wal-
Leonard (Moon) and Claire do S. Tippin Gymnasium.
Copp will celebrate on June 1. tional Spanish Honor Society
and the Phi Beta Kappa Liberal Robert J. Dzieciol of Avoca
New Arrivals- Arts Honor Society. She was received a BSME degree in Me-
awarded the Betty Shema Mor- chanical Engineering within the
A girl was born to Patricia
ris Scholarship in her senior College of Engineering & Math-
and Arthur Bobbouine of Pitt-
year. ematical Sciences during May
ston on May 11
Lia is the daughter of Michael commencement ceremonies at
A girl was born to Danielle
and Jackie Scalzo, Hughes- the University of Vermont.
Owens of Old Forge on May 17
A girl was born to Crystal town. Her grandparents are To-
Dean’s List-
and Francis Williams of Du- ny and Ann Berto, Pittston and
Cataldo and the late Christine Brian Warabak, Glendale,
ryea on May 17 Pittston Township has been
A boy way born to Angela Scalzo of Hughestown.
Mary Dumas, a resident of named to the Dean’s List at Penn
and Robert Bejeski of Duryea College of Technology for the
on May 19 West Pittston, PA, was among
Matthew Finn the class of more than 555 grad- spring semester. He has attained
A boy was born to Brigid Dean’s List five of his six se-
Walsh and Waylon Scott of Lia Scalzo uate students at Nazareth Col-
lege who received master’s and mesters. Brian is currently com-
Pittston on May 19 of his past four semesters. pleting an internship in the Al-
A girl was born to Danielle Matt was a 2006 graduated of head football coach. doctoral degrees during the Col-
lege’s 84th Commencement Ex- lentown area and will be enter-
Herwing and Mark Murphy Wyoming Area High School. Lia Scalzo, Hughestown is a
ercises held on Sunday, May 8, ing his senior year at Penn Col-
on May 20 Matt is he son of Carla and recent Cum Laude Latin Honor
2011. Dumas received a MSE lege in the fall, majoring in
Barry Finn, formerly of West graduate of Temple University
Recent Grad- degree in Inclusive Education. electronic engineering.
Pittston. Matt has a brother Paul where she was awarded her
On May 19, Nick Mozal, son Kenndra Warabak is cur-
Matthew D. Finn graduated who is a PhD candidate in Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
of Nick and Debbie Mozal of rently completing her final in-
from Lock Haven University on Chemistry at Temple University with a double minor in Public
Exeter, graduated summa cum ternship with the Environmental
May 7, 2011 with a Bachelor of in Philadelphia. Health and Latin American
laude from the Temple Universi- Protection Agency in Philadel-
Science Degree in Sports Ad- Matt plans to continue his Studies. Lia attained the Distin-
ty Beasley School of law. phia and will be receiving her
ministration and a Minor and education, working toward a guished Scholar’s List every se-
Nick also received three grad- Bachelors degree in Public

Certification in Coaching. Masters in Education and even- mester and was recently induct-
uation awards. For graduating Health from Temple University
Matt made Dean’s List in each tually would like to become a ed into the Sigma Delta Pi Na-
in August.
Final Mass today at St. John the Baptist, Exeter


By Eileen Cipriani parish. In the early 1900s parish-
Dispatch Correspondent ioners from Wyoming petitioned
then Bishop Hoban to allow
After 106 years in existence St them to form a new parish. This
John the Baptist Church, new parish was St Joseph’s in
Schooley Avenue in Exeter, will Wyoming.
shutter its doors for good today St John the Baptist, St Ceci-
after a final 2 p.m. Mass. lia’s and St Anthony’s will join
After the Mass long-time par- together to form St Barbara’s
ishioners Leona Gutowski and Parish at the St. Anthony’s site.
Anthony Faltyn will lock the On June 4 a closing service
doors for the final time. Follow- will be held at St Cecilia’s and
ing the Mass parishioners will June 5 at St Anthony’s. The con-
walk in a procession with the solidation of the Exeter Church-
Blessed Sacrament to St. Antho- es will take place on Sunday,
ny’s for a short prayer service June 12. There will be a special
and Benediction of the Blessed Mass at 10:30 a.m. to inaugurate
Sacrament. the new Parish name of St. Bar-
Afterwards everyone is invited bara in Exeter.
to St. Anthony’s Parish Center to After the special celebration, a
socialize, and refreshments will social with refreshments will be
be served. held at St. Anthony’s Center and
Founded by Polish immigrants Pavilion. St. Anthony’s Church
the church was the sight of thou- will be the main Church in Exe-
sands of baptisms, weddings and ter and St. Cecilia Church will be
funerals. Prior to the construc- a worship site.
tion the church on Schooley Ave-
nue, Polish Catholics walked to
Duryea to worship says long
time parishioner Barbara Pazd- The final Mass will be
ziorko. Many of the earlier par- celebrated today at St.
ishioners were from Wyoming John the Baptist church,
Schooley St., Exeter.
and most worked in the local
coal mining industry.
St. John’s also spun off a new PHOTO BY JACK SMILES

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Mass Monday on St. Marello’s Feast Day

Most Reverend John M. Sanctuary is handicapped ac-
Dougherty, D.D., retired auxilia-
ry Bishop of Scranton, will be
the principal celebrant and ho-
Strawberry Festival next Saturday cessible.
Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Worship
milist for Monday evening’s
Mass on the occasion of the The Session and Deacons of the First United open rain or shine from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The
Feast of St. Joseph Marello, Presbyterian Church of West Pittston are plan- public is invited to come and do a little shopping FIRST UNITED
ning their annual Strawberry Festival and mini at the flea market, have some lunch and top it all METHODIST CHURCH
Founder of the Congregation of
the Oblates of St. Joseph. Flea Market on Saturday, June 4, in the cour- off with some cake, strawberries and ice cream West Pittston
The solemn Mass is slated for tyard of the church. The church is located on the provided by the Deacons. Sunday, May 29 - 10 a.m. Wor-
Monday, May 30, at 7:00 p.m. in corner of Exeter Avenue and Warren Street. Tickets for the strawberries and ice cream ship; 11:15 a.m. Sunday School;
the Oblates of St. Joseph Semi- The Flea Market and Strawberry Festival will cost $5 and are available at the door. Monday, May 30 - Memorial
nary Chapel, Route 315, Laflin. Day
Concelebrating with Bishop Wednesday, June 1- 5 p.m.
Dougherty will be the Oblate strings and wings; 7 p.m. choir,
priests serving in the Pittston and METHODIST
June 2, Ascension Thursday, is St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Weight Watchers
Hazleton areas. 905 Foote Ave., Duryea
a Holy Day of Obligation. St. 100 Rock Street, Hughestown, Friday, June 3 - Pizza sale
Following the Mass, an out- Pastor Michael Shambora
Monica’s Parish, Wyoming and will present their Strawberry So-
door reception will be held on Service: Sunday 9:45 a.m.
West Wyoming, will have the cial on June 15 from 4:30 to 6:30
the seminary grounds, hosted by FIRST PRESBYTERIAN
following Masses: Wednesday p.m. Shortcake, beverage dona-
the Josephite-Marellian Lay As- CORPUS CHRISTI PARISH CHURCH
Evening for the Vigil, Mass will tion is $5. Take outs are 4 to 4:30.
sociation. All are welcome to Holy Redeemer, Harding 14 Broad Street Pittston
be a 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph’s site Additional menu of wimpies,
participate in the Mass and enjoy Immaculate Conception, West Sunday Worship 9:15 a.m.
in Wyoming. hot dogs and salads, will be
the reception that will follow. Pittston with Rev. William N. Lukesh.
Thursday Masses will be at available.
St. Joseph Marello (1844- The Corpus Christi Youth
OLOS site in West Wyoming in
1895) was born in Turin, Italy Choir will be singing the nation-
the morning at 8:30 a.m. and in FIRST UNITED
and lived most of his boyhood BUS TRIP al anthem at SWB Yankee Stadi-
the evening at 7:00 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN
years in nearby Asti. He was or- A fall Doo Wop Cavalcade um in Moosic on Sunday, July
dained a priest for the Diocese of Bus Trip to American Music 24, for the 1:05 p.m. game, SWB West Pittston
Asti in 1868. Ten years later he PIZZA SALE Theater in Lancaster is planned Yankees vs. Syracuse Chiefs. It The Session of the First United
founded the Congregation of the The First United Methodist for Saturday, September 24, at 2 is also “Kids Run Day.” Follow- Presbyterian Church of West
Oblates of St. Joseph and shortly Church of West Pittston will p.m. Reservations must be made ing the game all children 12 and Pittston announces the following
thereafter was named Bishop of hold their final pizza sale until by Wednesday, June 1. under are invited to run the schedule:
Acqui, a neighboring diocese in the fall on Friday, June 3. Pizzas There will be a stop for the fa- bases. Sunday, May 29 - 9:30 a.m.
the Piedmont region of Italy. can be ordered baked or un- mous smorgasbord at Shady Ma- To reserve your seat, please Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Wor-
St. Joseph Marello died on baked, with or without onions. ple following show. take a form (found in the vesti- ship,11:40 a.m. Choir rehearsal
May 30, 1895, in Savona, Italy. Cost for a tray of pizza is $10. Cost is $94 which includes bus bules of the churches) fill it out Monday, May 30- 8 p.m. Alco-
He was beatified by Blessed Toppings of sweet red peppers, seat, show ticket, dinner, bus and return it to the rectory. holics Anonymous Big Book
John Paul II in 1993 in his native pepperoni or sausage can be add- driver tip, all taxes and tips. A meets in kitchen
city of Asti and was canonized ed for $1.50 each. $50 deposit is required when Wednesday, June 1- Noon, 7
by the same Pontiff in 2001 in St. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous
Specialty pizzas, broccoli and making reservation and balance
Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City. tomato and garlic are $13 per is due by August 1. Pittston Thursday, June 2 - 6:30 p.m.
In the USA, the Oblates of St. tray. They also are offering a veg- For additional information or Rev. James H. Breese, pastor, set up for Strawberry Festival
Joseph have two provinces of PA etable pizza for $12 that includes to make a reservation call 603- First Baptist Church, Water &mini flea market.
& CA. They are also working in tomatoes, onions broccoli, red 1915; leave a message if no an- Street, Pittston Saturday, June 4 - 10:30 a.m.
Italy, Poland, Mexico, Peru, Bra- peppers and mushrooms, no swer. Trip is being sponsored by Sunday 9:30 a.m. Worship and Overeaters Anonymous, 11 a.m.
zil, Bolivia, Philippines, India, cheese. the United Methodist Church praise service/Children’s Sunday - 5 p.m. Strawberry Festival and
Nigeria, and most recently Aus- Orders may be called in to the Pittston. school, adult/teen Sunday school Mini-Flea Market.
tralia. church office at 655-1083 or An- immediately following service. The First United Presbyterian
dy Griglock at 654-9075. Wed. 7:15 p.m. Bible Study: Church is located at the corner of
BENNETT PRESBYTERIAN The Tabernacle Exeter Avenue and Warren
PATRIOTIC CONCERT For more information, please Street. The Sanctuary is hand-
501 Bennett Street, Luzerne
The congregation of the Lang- FLEA MARKE Everyone is welcome. The contact the church at 654-0283. icapped accessible and child care
cliffe Presbyterian Church, 1001 Moosic United Methodist church is handicap accessible. is available during Worship
Main St., Avoca, will host a pa- Church, 609 Main Street, Moos- Further information may be
triotic concert tonight, Sunday, FIRST CONGREGATIONAL
ic is holding a flea market and obtained by calling the church UCC
May 29, at 6:00 p.m. Various lo- GLENDALE GOSPEL
craft show on Saturday, June 4, 288-7361 CHURCH
cal artists will perform as well as from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Vendors are 500 Luzerne Avenue
bagpipers. Refreshments will be wanted for 12 x 12 space only West Pittston 105 Church Drive
served following the concert. $15. For more information or to BETHEL UNITED First Congregational UCC, Glendale/Pittston Township
The public is invited to this METHODIST 500 Luzerne Avenue, West Pitt- Sunday Service 10:45 a.m.
reserve a spot call 457-6286 or
celebration of our heroes both 457-3217. If no answer please Main St., Avoca ston PA

past and present. leave a message. Rain date for 11:15 a.m. Worship Pastor: the Rev. Wayne
event Saturday, June 18. Shontz, Jr.
See FAITH, Page 11


School/Nursery is provided for Mass. All are welcome to partic- New officers for 2011-14 term are invited to participate in this
young children during worship. ipate. will be elected at this meeting night of prayer and reparation for
The Langcliffe Church is Tune into Catholic Radio 750 and will be officially installed by sin.
Continued from Page 10
pleased to continue with our care AM. The radio studio is located the Oblate Provincial at the La- Check out more information
packages for soldiers. To date in the seminary building and is bor Day St. Joseph the Worker about the seminary and the Ob-
HARDING CHURCH OF over 40 packages have been sent broadcast daily from dawn to Mass in September. lates of St. Joseph locally and
CHRIST to our soldiers serving our coun- dusk. For more information Monthly Vocation Holy Hour, worldwide by turning to their
RR 1 Box 187A, Falls try overseas. about this station, contact Ed this Thursday, June 2, at 7:00 website: www.oblates-stjo-
Sunday services: 10:00 a.m. Niewinski at 287-4670. p.m. in the seminary chapel. Ho-
Sunday School and 11:00 a.m. Annual Triduum and Feast of ly Hour includes exposition of
Church Service. MOOSIC ALLIANCE St. Joseph Marello, Founder of the Blessed Sacrament, rosary,
Call 388-6534 www.harding- CHURCH OUR LADY OF
the Oblates of St. Joseph, is be- Scriptural readings, sermon, 608 Rocky Glen Road, Moosic MT. CARMEL
ing held this Memorial Day general intercessions and Bene- ST. ROCCOS
Pastor: Doug Jensen 457-6020 weekend from May 27-30 in the diction. All are welcome to join The parish office will be
HOLY MOTHER OF seminary chapel. The Triduum us for this important hour of
Saturday Evening Bible Study closed on Monday, May 30, due
SORROWS PNCC (May 27-29) will include Mass prayer for an increase of priestly
at 6:00 p.m. to the holiday. Our priests will be
212 Wyoming Avenue, Dupont every evening at 7:00 p.m., fol- and religious vocations in the
Saturday Evening Worship at available for emergencies.
Fr. Zbigniew Dawid, Pastor lowed by special prayers to St. Church.
7:00 p.m. As of Friday, June 3, St. Rocco
Sunday Masses Joseph Marello. Blue Army First Friday Vigil
Sunday Morning Sunday parish office will be transferred
8:00 a.m. Traditional Mass Preaching this year’s Triduum is scheduled for Friday, June 3,
School for all ages at 9:30 a.m. to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel rec-
10:30 a.m. Traditional High will be Father Mariusz Beczek, beginning with confessions at
Sunday Morning Worship at tory. All calls should be directed
Mass OSJ, a native of Poland and cur- 8:00 p.m., followed by Mass at
10:45 a.m. to 654-6902
Daily Masses rently serving the Oblate CA 8:45 p.m. and devotions to the
Prayer Meeting, Wednesdays We would like to take this op-
Monday, Memorial Day Mass province as rector of the theolo- Sacred Heart of Jesus and the
at 7:00 p.m. gate in Oxnard, CA. The Feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary. All
at cemetery at 9:00 a.m. Celebrate Recovery Ministry,
Tuesday thru Saturday Masses St. Joseph Marello will be cele- See FAITH, Page 12
Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. brated tomorrow, Monday, May
at9:00 a.m.
June 19 - Father’s Day Mass at 30 (Memorial Day) with a so-
8:00 a.m. followed with break- OBLATES OF ST. JOSEPH lemn Mass at 7:00 p.m., cele-
brated by Bishop John M.
Fred Mecadon
fast on the hall for all Dads and Highway 315, Pittston REALTOR ASSOCIATE, SRES
their family. Please register with Masses are held daily in the Dougherty, D.D., retired Auxil-

the coupon in the Church bulle- seminary chapel at 7:00 a.m. iary Bishop of Scranton. Oblate
tin, so we can have a count of all (Monday – Friday) and on Sat- Fathers will serve as concele-
attending this special day. urday mornings at 8:00 a.m. brants and an outdoor reception
will follow on the seminary
There are no weekend Masses.
Confessions are heard daily grounds, hosted by the laity of Realty, Inc.
INKERMAN from 9:00 a.m. – noon and from the Josephite-Marellian Associ- 1550 Highway 315, Suite 100
PRESBYTERIAN ation. The public is invited to this
3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702-7194
Main St., Inkerman Office hours are Monday – special celebration honoring the
Services: Sundays, 8:30 a.m. Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Oblate Founder. Call Me If You Are Buying Or Selling... Or Just Call Me.
evenings and weekends by ap- The final meeting of the social
year for the Josephite-Marellian I Can Answer Your Real Estate Questions.
LANGCLIFFE pointment. Office phone num-
ber is 654-7542. Laity will be held this Wednes- OFFICE (570) 829-6200
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH day, June 1, following the 7:00
Every Wednesday evening FAX (570) 829-6878
Main Street Avoca p.m. Mass/Novena to St. Joseph. CELL (570) 817-5792
Sunday Worship at 11:15 Mass is celebrated at 7:00 pm in
conjunction with the Novena to FREDMECVERIZON.NET
The Langcliffe Presbyterian
Church of Avoca is pleased to St. Joseph & St. Joseph Marello.
welcome new interim pastor Novena prayers and the blessing
Rev. Barbara Shaw Jenkins. of the first-class relic of St. Jo-
The Langcliffe Church is seph Marello, Founder of the
handicap accessible and Sunday Oblates of Saint Joseph Congre-
gation, immediately follow the

Commitment • Service • Closings

Kim Reilly, REALTOR
OFFICE (570) 829-6200
FAX (570) 829-6878
CELL (570) 466-3338

Realty, Inc.
1550 Highway 315,
Suite 100
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Faith Pittston Regional Youth
Group meetings Oblate Semina-
ry Sunday 6:30 p.m. Call 654-
The Ministry Schedule is post-
ed on the parish webpage. In ad-
dition, preference forms for July
The Rosary will be recited
each day in May before the first
augurate the new Parish name of
St. Barbara in Exeter, which will
consist of St. Anthony’s Church
Continued from Page 11
7542 for more information. through September, 2011 have There will be an 8:30 a.m. and St. Cecilia’s Church. After
been mailed to all active minis- mass celebrated at the Cemetery the special celebration a social
portunity to thank Frances Fas- ters. You are requested to return Chapel on Memorial Day, May with refreshments will be held at
ciana for all of the years of ser- OUR LADY OF THE the forms as soon as possible. 30. The Rectory Office will be St. Anthony’s Center and Pavil-
vice and dedication to St. Rocco EUCHARIST PARISH
An invitation is extended to all closed on Monday, May 30 in ob- ion. Mark your calendar.
Parish. We wish her well. 535 N Main Street , Pittston, parishioners who might be inter- servance of the Memorial Day St. Anthony’s Church will be
Memorial Day Services - May PA 18640 ested in serving our parish as an Holiday. the main Church in Exeter, St.
29 the rosary will be recited at 3 Mass Schedule: Altar Server, Lector, Cantor, and Mark your calendar for the Sa- Cecilia Church will be a worship
p.m. at St. Rocco Cemetery. If it Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m. Eucharistic Ministers. You will cred Heart “Picnics of Picnics” site.
rains, the rosary will be in St. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 find a form in the back of the to be held on August 4, 5 and 6. Beginning the weekend of
Rocco Church. On Monday May a.m. Church for this purpose or call June 18-19 the new Mass sched-
30 the Oblate Fathers will conce- Daily Mass: 8:00 a.m. the parish office and leave a ule will take place for Saint Bar-
lebrate Mass at 10 a.m. in St. Sacrament of Reconciliation message. ST. ANTHONY’S bara’s Parish Community. Satur-
Rocco Cemetery which will be (Confessions) The Pittston Catholic Youth Memorial Avenue, Exeter day, Vigil Mass: St. Anthony’s
offered for our loved ones. Saturday from 3:30 p.m. to Group meets on Sunday eve- Today Sunday, May 29, St. Church at 4:30 p.m.; St. Cecilia’s
Thursday Holy Day of Obliga- 3:45 p.m. and by appointment nings from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Anthony’s Parish welcomes the Church at 6pm. Sunday Masses:
tion, The Ascension. Masses at This Monday, May 30, 2011, is the Oblates of St. Joseph Semi- parishioners of St. John the Bap- St. Anthony’s Church at 7:30 and
Mt. Carmel will be on Wednes- Memorial Day. Masses will be nary. Please check out their web- tist Church in Exeter to St. An- 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. St. Ceci-
day, June 1 (vigil) at 5:30 and at offered in each of our parish site at http://www.pittstoncath- thony’s Church. lia’s Church at 9 a.m.
St. Rocco Church at 7 p.m. On cemeteries at 9:00 a.m. The par- A special Mass will be cele- Next Sunday, St. Anthony’s
Thursday, June 2, Masses will be ish office will be closed on Mon- The address for the parish brated at 2 p.m. at St. John the welcomes the members of the
at Mt. Carmel Church at 7:30 day. webpage is: www.eucharist-pitt- Baptist Church. After the Mass, Wyoming Area Graduation
and 11 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Thursday of this week is As- a procession with the Blessed Class of 2011. Parishioners pray
Holy hour is held every Tues- cension Thursday and a Holy On the first Friday of each Sacrament will take place. A that Patron Saint, St. Anthony,
day evening at 7 p.m. in Mt. Car- Day of Obligation. Masses will month Communion is brought to short prayer service with the will assist and guide them in the
mel Church. All are welcome. be celebrated on Wednesday af- those who are unable to partici- Benediction of the Blessed Sac- new challenges of their future
St. Joseph Altar and Rosary ternoon at 4:00 p.m. and on pate in Sunday Mass because of rament will follow the proces- years.
Society will conclude the season Thursday in the morning at 8:00 age or health. The Sacrament of sion. The Feast of St. Anthony of
with a meeting on June 16 at 6:30 a.m. and in the evening at 7:00 the Anointing of the Sick is cele- After Benediction, everyone is Padua will be celebrated on Sat-
p.m. The meeting will include a p.m. brated with anyone seriously ill, invited to St. Anthony’s Parish urday, June 11, with a special So-
catered buffet at a cost of 412 per Friday of this week is First Fri- anticipating a serious operation, Center to socialize, and refresh- lemn Mass at 11 a.m. St. Antho-
person. Members and their day. Mass will be celebrated at or quite elderly. Please notify the ments will be served. The parish- ny’s Bread will be blessed and
guests who would like to attend 8:00 a.m. Mass will also be cele- parish office of anyone desiring ioners of St. Anthony’s cordially distributed after the Mass.
must call Diane Charge at 655- brated at 11:00 a.m. at The An- these Sacraments, as well as any- invite the members of St. John The Triduum, three days of
5652 no later than June 6. thracite Apartments. one in the hospital or a nursing the Baptist Church and St. An- prayer, in preparation for the
Mt Carmel/St. Rocco Golf Registration for Vacation Bi- home. thony’s Church and St. Cecilia’s Feast will be celebrated on June
Tournament will be held on Sun- ble School can be submitted on- Church to participate in this very 8, 9, and 10, with three Masses
day, June 12 at the Wilkes-Barre line at special ceremony, to pray togeth- each day, at 7 and 11 a.m., and 7
Municipal Golf Course in Bear shake-it-up-cafe/PittstonCathol- PRINCE OF PEACE PARISH er, to worship God together, and p.m. with special prayers.
Creek. Registration forms are icChurches. There are forms for Old Forge to share friendship with each
available at the rectory and back both participants in Grades PK-5 St. Mary’s Church, Lawrence other.
of St. Rocco’s/ Mt Carmel and volunteers, Grade 6 to adult. Street, Saturday Vigil 4 p.m. On Memorial Day, May 30, a ST. JOHN THE
Church. Volunteers should check youth Sunday, Mass 8 and 10 a.m. special Mass will be celebrated EVANGELIST PARISH
Mt. Carmel Church Summer or adult on the form. Online reg- St. Lawrence’s Church, Main at 9:30 a.m. for all Veterans Liv- COMMUNITY
Picnic will be held on July 15, 16, istration for participants closes Street, Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m. ing and Deceased sponsored by Pittston
and 17 on the parish grounds. on June 25, 2011. Sunday Mass 11:15 a.m. American Legion. Anyone who All parents anticipating Bap-
Live entertainment nightly, raf- Parish Meetings: wishes to have a loved one re- tism of their first child are re-
fles for cash prizes, specialty Tuesday, May 31, at 8:30 a.m. membered at this Mass, please, quired to attend baptismal in-
baskets and games for the whole – Scripture Study SACRED HEART OF JESUS sign the form located at the en-
family. Also, you can win a 2011 Tuesday, May 31, at 7:00 p.m. Lackawanna Ave., Dupont trance of the Church and mark See FAITH, Page 13
Chevy Malibu or 420,000 being – Scripture Study The weekly mass schedule is living or deceased.
chanced off on the last night of Thursday, June 2, at 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at 7:00 The consolidation of the Exe-
the picnic. Tickets can be ob- – Prayer Shawl Ministry a.m., Saturday at 7:30 a.m. and ter churches will take place on
tained by calling the rectory at The Parish Mass Intention 4:00 p.m. and Sunday at 8:30 Sunday, June 12. There will be a
654-6902. Tickets are 420 each Book is open through August 30, a.m. and 10:30 a.m. special Mass at 10:30 a.m. to in-
only 2,000 are being sold. Seller 2011. Please call or come into the
of the winning ticket receives office with your Mass Intention
$500. Requests. Tues. 8-11
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St. Mary’s Assumption School closing Mass Thursday


The year 2011 will be the last
for Saint Mary’s Assumption
School in Pittston. The school
has been a center of learning for
youth in the Greater Pittston area
since 1868.
The school began in the sacris-
ty of the church on wooden
benches taught by Henry Bau-
meister. His descendents still at-
tend the school today.
A first wooden school build-
ing was built in 1890 on the cor-
ner of Church and Sand streets.
In 1924, construction of a new
school building, behind the orig-
inal building, began and remains
today as Saint Mary’s Assump-
tion School.
Generations of families have
attended Saint Mary’s. Many
new families have realized the
value of an education at Saint
Mary’s. Many teams have played
in the gym, Halloween Bonanzas are closed on June 15, 2011, it ty will be celebrated. Members the open house call 654- 8313. row, Cindy Terrana, Jennifer
have been held on the site and will be the first time since before of the school community will Pictured are the 2010-2011fac- Snyder, Wendy Dunbar, Lisa
graduating classes have passed the Civil War that there will not participate. A reception will fol- ulty and staff of St. Mary’s As- Kelly, Jerry Renfer, Mary Jane
through the doors. be a Catholic school in the city of low from 6:30 until 9:30 with an sumption School, Pittston. First Kozick, Any Layaou, Larry
Saint Mary’s Assumption Pittston. open house and refreshments at row, Anne Powers, Elaine Hughes, Melissa Skutack, Mau-
School has been a part of many On Thursday, June 2, at 5:30 the school. Waugh, Ann Marie Walsh, Mau- reen Capitano and Karen Mel-
families’ lives in the Greater p.m. a Mass to rejoice in the All friends and alumni of Saint reen Conlon, Karen Conlon, vin. Absent from photo, Mi-
Pittston Area. years of education that Saint Ma- Mary’s and their family mem- Evelyn Owens, Elizabeth Nar- chelle Pinto, Sharon Bosco and
When the doors of St. Mary ry’s has brought to the communi- bers are invited. To respond to diello and Joan Dowd. Second Yvonne Gordon.

Faith The Free Health Clinic is open

every Wednesday from 5:30 in
the former Seton Catholic High
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Pastor - John Castellani
Organist - Marcia Colleran
Tuesday June 14 at 6:30 p.m.
Gifts from the heart package
miss out on the bamboo blast.
Last Sunday was the last day of

Continued from Page 12

School, and on first come first Acolyte - Brooke Cherney “Panda Mania, Where is GOD
serve basis. 9:30 a.m. Service today. wild about you” is the theme for See FAITH, Page 18
struction. The next session will Pediatric Health Clinic is open Monday, June 13, Church this year Vacation Bible School
be held Tuesday, June 7, in the
parish center 7:30 to 8:30.
on the first and third Wednesday
of the month. Registration is
Council meets at 6:30 p.m., August 1-5. You don’t want to
Congratulations to Monsignor
John J. Bendik on his 44th anni-
held in the Seton building from LAW
4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Bring your By

versary of priestly ordination on Dominick P.
child’s immunizations records. Pannunzio, Esq.
Friday, May 27. Greater Pittston Kids Closet is A federal appeals court has upheld a New
The Parish Office will be open Wednesday from 9 to 11 Hampshire law that requires schools to set aside
closed on Monday, May 30, in time daily for students to voluntarily recite the

a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. and on Pledge of Allegiance. The ruling is the second
observance of Memorial Day Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. by a federal appeals court this year sustaining
teacher-led recitations amid challenges over
and will reopen on Tuesday, May The Closet accepts donations the inclusion of the words “under God” in the
Pledge. A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of
31, at 9 a.m. new and gently used. For infor-
Appeals for the 1st Circuit, in Boston, ruled that
A Bazaar volunteer meeting mation call the parish office.
the New Hampshire requirement does not vio-
late the First Amendment’s prohibition against
will be held on Monday, June 20, The Pittston Catholic Youth government establishment of religion or other
provisions of the U.S. Constitution.
at 7 p.m. in the parish hall. Group will meet on Sunday eve- ***

The Texas Open Beaches Act was passed in
Altar and Rosary Society nings at the Oblates of St. Joseph 1959, but the law follows a tradition dating
meeting will be held on Wednes- Seminary, Laflin at 6:30 p.m.
back to the days when Texas was part of Mex-
ico. Though a private landowner technically
day, June 1, in the church hall. The group is under the direction owns the patch of beach in front of his house
and yard, a public easement gives the public
Rosary at 1:30 followed by the
of Father Phil, Father Paul and the right to enjoy the sand between the water
and the vegetation line, where the grass begins,
meeting at 2 p.m. Refreshments Jeff McCabe. For more informa- even if that line moves. It’s a popular law - so
provided. New members wel- tion call Father Paul 654-7542 or popular that last year it was enshrined as part
of the Texas state constitution. But the Texas
come email osjseminary@com- Supreme Court ruled that when beach erosion

is fast - the “avulsive” erosion caused by a hur-
The Greater Pittston Food ricane - then the state doesn’t automatically
Pantry is sponsored by the Care recover its easement.
and Concern Committee of St. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinna-
ti has found that racial tension and incidents at
John the Evangelist Parish. If a school in Tennessee were such that banning
displays of the Confederate flag was a reason-
you are in need of food please 9 Wood St., Pittston able way to prevent disruption and violence.

call 654-9923. Distribution of Serving in the House of the Brought to you as a paid public service by
the Law Offices of Dominick P. Pannunzio,
food is by appointment only. Lord this morning. Paid for by Team Patriot.
294 Main Street, Dupont, 655-5541

Little Miss Library

TV news report
really stunk
A committee of the Wyoming Free Library has se-
lected Abigail Decker, 7, daughter of Elizabeth
Decker, of Wyoming, as the first Little Miss Library.
Candidates submitted a picture and a short essay
The lead item on a local TV channel’s on "Why I Love the Library."
news on Thursday was about a sewer Abigail wrote in her essay, "I am so lucky to have a
problem on Carroll Street in Pittston. library in my town with lots and lots of good books to
After workers there pumped concrete read."
grout into boreholes to backfill mine Runners up were Eleana Parra and Abby Tirva.
voids under the notoriously unstable area, Each of the girls will receive a Barnes & Noble gift
some of that concrete wound up in a lat- certificate. Abigail will ride in the Wyoming-West
eral line to a Carroll Street residence. Wyoming Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May
The line was blocked and raw sewage 30.
backed up in the basement of the home.
The situation stunk, pun intended, but Your Space welcomes items from readers. To sub-
in our opinion the TV reporting stunk mit an item drop it off at the main desk, mail it to Your
even worse. Space, Sunday Dispatch, 109 New Street, Pittston Pa
The report was tantamount to calling 18640, or email to
the city and the contractor incompetent
fools and was in no way justifiable as a
lead news item.
In fact pumping grout to fill mine voids
is inexact work, even with the help of
camera monitoring.
Maybe the TV news station should con-
sider doing a story about that.
The blocking of the lateral was an un-
derstandable mistake by a city and con-
tractor trying to tackle the good and nec-
essary work of stabilizing the area and the
Chipolis fiancé, family extend thanks for sympathy
mistake was quickly fixed.
City manager Joe Moskovitz was not A few weeks ago, our son, Matthew was tragically killed in a lik and the Olive Garden for the gathering after the cremorial
happy about the report, especially as a motorcycle accident. Our hearts were hurled into an abyss of services; to all the valuable support staff members and teachers
lead news item. sadness that is unimaginable. Your heartfelt condolences and from the Wyoming Area Secondary Center, JFK, Montgomery
He said by the time the report aired the spontaneous support from the community helped us to bear our Avenue, SJD, 10th Street and especially Miss Murtha’s and Miss
problem already had been fixed. pain and sorrow and let us know what a difference our son made Mazzitelli’s 6th grade classes who made sympathy cards for our
That info was not included in the TV to so many lives. younger son, Christopher.
report. Words or deeds can never express what your thoughts and And thanks to the West Pittston Little League for keeping my
prayers and especially your compassionate embraces meant to son’s memory alive with the banner that will hang forever along
us. From the bottom of our hearts we would like to thank each with the hats that bear his initials for the remainder of the season,
We love a parade and every one of you. Our appreciation and special thanks go out
to Geisinger Hospital Trauma Center for keeping our son com-
Ted Harris and his baseball team who will respectfully carry my
son’s #26 on their uniforms for their season; to Megan Barney
fortable, their ICU unit nurses, who truly are saints and the repre- and the staff at Subway in Pittston who worked with my son and
sentative from Gift of Life who was so empathetic and guided us set up a donation collection for his future daughter; also the Peter
In fact, we love all three of our local
through the most difficult time. J. Adonizio Funeral Home for their compassion and respect to us
Memorial Day parades which will unfold
Also thanks to the Wyoming Area School Board and adminis- and our son, Matthew; and lastly to our family and friends, the
today in Dupont, West Pittson/Exeter and
trators who allowed Matt Crake, president of the West Pittston community, his friends and classmates who took time to be with
Wyoming/West Wyoming.
Rams, his officers and friends to organize the vigil; the Parent us and Cathryn to extend your sincerest condolences.
We urge you to get out and line the
Association and football alumni; Corpus Christi Parish for their Thank you all,
streets in those towns tomorrow and
spiritual support, along with their staff who helped to set up and Stephen, Gina, Christopher Chipolis and Cathryn Gly-
watch officials, organizations, bands liv-
serve the contributions from Michael’s Restaurant, Chelse Gaw- cenfer
ing heroes march to honor our deceased
heroes. If you have a flag display it at your
Even if you don’t live in one of the pa- City council candidate predicts interesting summer
rade towns you can still pick a nearby one
At the May 18 city council meeting I asked how much longer I UGI is planning utility work for Wood, Center, Church and
and go.
have to walk around the barricade in front of the former Wayne’s Stark Streets. This should make for a very interesting summer.
If you go to Dupont seek out parade
World Building at 30 South Main Street. The answer was the end The treasurer’s office reports cash on hand as of April, 2011 is
grand marshal Dupont’s own Edward J.
of June. $1,952,292.61.
Strucke and thank him for his service in
The city bought the building in December 2010. In February To all my supporters in my house-to-house effort to gain a seat
the Navy in World War II.
city council authorized $10,112 to stabilize the building. On May on Pittston City Council I wish to express my sincere apprecia-
As time passes our old WWII soldiers
10, the Redevelopment Authority asked for a grant of $2,850.00 tion and thank you.
fade away. We should cherish and thank
for emergency stabilization and another grant of $3,800 to shore Frank Sheperis
them while we still have them.
up the same building. Pittston
We could never honor them enough
with 100 parades, 1,000 wreaths and one

million flags.
More letters appear on page 15
Meals on Wheels appreciates letter carriers NUTRITION


The Meals On Wheels wishes
to thank all of the volunteers that
who gave us 358 man hours for
this one day collection.
sters local 401 and CWA local
participated in the Letter Carri- Groups helping us were: Unit- Without all of their help we Mary R. Ehret, MS, RD, LDN
Penn State Cooperative Extension
ers Food Drive held on May 14 ed Methodist Church of West would never have met our goal of

Memorial Day picnics

and give a great big thank you to Pittston, Verizon Bell Pioneers, having all of the food properly
the mail carriers, who collected First Presbyterian Church, West stored in our facility.
all the food in addition to their Pittston, Second Presbyterian We want to thank all of the
regular work schedule. Church, Pittston, United Way of people of Greater Pittston Area Memorial Day officially marks the beginning of summer! Many of
We collected over 20,500 Wyoming Valley, Boy Scout who gave us food, the mail carri- us are planning social get-togethers with family and friends or maybe
pounds which will go a long way Troops 352 West Pittston,285 ers who worked so hard in bring- just a quiet day in the backyard.
to meeting our needs for the Duryea, Stand Tall Against ing the food to us and the volun- Memorial Day also marks the beginning of planting gardens as it is
coming year. While the food col- Drugs and Alcohol Pittston Area teers, who helped us all day in beyond the May 15 frost free deadline. For this holiday there isn’t
lected was less than we collected High School, Corpus Christi Ca- sorting and storing that food. much local produce available. We might find asparagus ready to pur-
last year we are most apprecia- tholic Church, West Pittston, Anthony Dombroski chase at some markets, however, we need to be just a bit more patient
tive of what the community con- Jacqueline’s and Knights of Co- Drive Volunteer to taste that locally grown vine ripe tomatoes or that crisp freshly
tributed. lumbus, King’s College Stu- Coordinator picked green pepper.
In addition to the mail carriers dents, Valley Masonic Lodge In the world of nutrition publications, the beginning of summer is
we had a total of 93 volunteers #449, IBEW local 163, Team- the best time of year for plant based diets. Plant based diets is another
way of saying make half of your lunch and dinner plates filled with
Says voters were right about Working Families slate non starchy vegetables. To begin, look at your lunch and or dinner
plates. Draw an imaginary vertical line down the middle. Then on
one half, divide it into two equal parts. It is recommended by numer-
Those who have their hands in elected representatives cannot cavage and Salvatore Licata, re- ous published research that adults fill the large section with non star-
the cookie jar, should not be in serve two masters. Many times gardless of what they say, will chy vegetables and the two other equal sections with lean meats and
charge of the cookies. Fortunate- over the years, at the state, coun- not be able to serve two masters starchy foods. This is called the plate method. You may even want to
ly, a majority of Luzerne County ty and school district level tax- and should not be elected in No- use one of your picnic paper plates and actually draw lines. Then, on
voters seem to agree with that payers have been sold out by vember. This could be our best the side add 8 ounces of skim milk and 1/2 cup of fruit.
statement. Seven of the eleven elected officials who reward chance to finally get the account- Summer picnics are a great way to introduce new recipes including
members of the county employ- government employees with able government we deserve. local produce or plant based foods. Penn State Extension has a pro-
ee ticket deceptively called the overly generous budget busting We taxpayers own the cookie duce marketing guide which introduces the proper cooking and stor-
“Working Families for Better contracts. jar and fill it with our cookies. It age of many Pennsylvania grown produce. (Call our office at 825-
Government” team were reject- Our new County Council must is the job of the government 1701 for your copy.) New recipes and or just making something new
ed by county voters for good rea- be obligated to county taxpayers, union leadership to drain as may be a concern with some families. Picnics may be just the time to
son. not tax takers in the government many cookies from that jar as introduce more plant based recipes. Sharing new recipes with friends
“Working Families” in this unions. Taxpayers can further they can for the benefit of its and family really helps to get positive feedback even if you think no
case, I believe, refers to govern- improve their chances of fair rep- members with no regard to affor- one in your family will eat it.
ment employee families and resentation by rejecting the four dability. We cannot allow that to If you are not a plant based recipe kind of cook and need a bit of a
“Better Government” means remaining candidates from the happen any longer. Vote accord- nudge, realize that the current research shows a variety of plant based
bigger more expensive govern- county employee union ticket in ingly in November. foods included spices, reduces oxidative stress and inflammation.
ment, which we taxpayers abso- the upcoming general election. George R. Race Both oxidative stress and inflammation are related to Heart Disease
lutely cannot afford. I believe Jane Walsh Waitkus, Linda Exeter and Cancer. Two devastating diseases that we hope to avoid in our
most voters understand that McClosky Houk, Theresa Mor- families lives. So how do we begin? Look for recipes that include non
starchy vegetables. Throughout the summer, this column will high-
Says Exeter poll workers unfairly treated light local produce and non starchy vegetable recipes.
Try this recipe as strawberries are at a great price. The walnuts in
the salad may aid in reducing inflammation in the body.
Ed note: this letter pertains to the town, who have the time to county and its citizens. Strawberry Walnut Salad
an allegation that poll workers come out and work on election Also, thank you to the woman Dressing
put out a tip jar during the pri- day and would never do anything who thought it was necessary to 2 tablespoon sesame seeds ¼ cup white wine vinegar
mary election at one Exeter poll- illegal. report this after it was removed 1 tablespoon poppy seeds ¼ teaspoon sweet paprika
ing place A gentleman who spoke on a when she objected to it being 1/2 cup granulated sugar substitute ¼ teaspoon Worcestershire
I just couldn’t let this go any radio show thinks Mr. Piazza is there. sauce
longer. The workers at Exeter doing an awesome job. I beg to She said it was wrong, so the 1/3 cup olive oil
Borough are being chastised un- differ. If he was doing his job this judge of elections removed it and Salad
fairly. would never have gotten out of said it wouldn’t be there any- 10 ounce package of mixed salad greens, washed and rinsed- or
First of all the workers obvi- hand. It goes back to courthouse more. But, you had to try and from a farmer’s market
ously didn’t know the tip jars politics. Look the other way. make our town look bad by call- 1 quart fresh strawberries, cleaned, hulled and sliced
were illegal or it wouldn’t have To single out normal everyday ing the courthouse. 1/4 cup chopped walnuts
been there. good citizens who are only guilty Sounds more like you were 1. Place sesame seeds, poppy seeds, sugar substitute, oil, vinegar,
Where are our courthouse of- of being lax in making sure that trying to cause a problem than do paprika and Worcestershire sauce in a glass jar with a lid. Shake well
ficials? Mr. Piazza is in charge tip jars are legal is disgusting, es- what’s right. They corrected the to mix. Chill for one hour.
and he had to find out from a res- pecially when we still have two problem, but you needed to 2. In large salad bowl, arrange the salad greens, strawberries and
ident of the town. judges who have violated some make it public. nuts. About 10-15 minutes before serving, toss with dressing and
Those tip jars have been there of the juveniles in our county and Thanks for keeping Exeter and chill.
for as long as I can remember are still walking the streets and Luzerne County in the limelight.
and no one ever told those work- laughing at us while they and I hope you’re just as kind when Mary R. Ehret, M.S., R.D., L.D.N., is with Penn State Cooperative
ers that it was illegal. their families are making sure something good is done.

Extension, Luzerne County, 16 Luzerne Ave., West Pittston, Pa., 18643.

So who is at fault here? that they don’t lose the millions Jenny Stuart (570) 825-1701/602-0600. Fax (570) 825-1709.
These are regular residents in of dollars they stole from this Exeter
Victoriana teas. There was only one other
tea room in the area and they
were often booked. I knew the
Jenkins man tabbed
for state commission
Continued from Page 4
owner Joe Matteo and I ap-
proached him about doing teas.
Estate sales, auctions, antique That led to other events like the
shops, years ago flea markets Last Luncheon on the Titanic.
and thrift stores, but not so much
anymore. Since eBay, it’s diffi-

Governor nominates Bill Lewis
cult to just happen upon things.
Now a lot of my items come
Cemetery photography, col-
lecting antiques, reading
for Museum Commission
from donations. During my
By Jack Smiles
shows I’ll explain this was donat- Last book read. Associate Editor
ed by so and so in honor of their The Crimson Petal and the
family. I get a lot of calls from White by Michel Faber
people who offer me things be- When Bill Lewis was in kin-
cause no one in their family dergarten he could recite Presi-
Favorite moves. dents of the United States in
wants them or they don’t have Somewhere in Time, Age of
any heirs and they don’t want chronological order. “They
Innocence, Jane Eyre, Little took me around to the older
them thrown away. Women, of course the Titanic.
I treasure those pieces because students. Look what he can do.
The older version, A Night to Obnoxious stuff like that,” he
not only do I take them out on my Remember and the new one.
traveling museum show, but they said with a laugh.
will be included in my book, so But there is nothing obnox-
Favorite saying.
they will be remembered. ious about Lewis’s love and
A tea party is a spa for the soul
My mother used to roll her knowledge of history, a love
eyes and say what are you going which has landed him on a
Lisa Lewis Dinner guests.
to do with all this stuff. Well, nomination to the Pennsylvania
Of course, Queen Victoria is
now I’m writing a book, so it’s all Historical and Museum Com-
number one. One of my relatives,
come to pass. was already taken so I went with mission, or PHMC.
like my grandfather Samuel J.
Victoriana Lady because Victor- Lewis, from Jenkins Town-
Martin. The Unsinkable Molly
Describe the book. iana encompasses everything ship, was one of nine Penn-
It’s a hardcover large format that has to do with the era. I sylvanians nominated to serve
book with lots of pictures, de- didn’t want to be limited to fash- Victoriana Lady Schedule on the commission by Gov. Bill Lewis
scriptions and text. It covers ions. I talk about the history, June 18 at 1:00 p.m.: Victor- Tom Corbett. The nominations
fashion and accessories of the what life was like. I have an Ellis ian Fashions Program, Central require confirmation by the
Victorian Era when Queen Vic- Island program, a program for Penn Doll Collector’s Confer- state Senate. Archives, the State Museum of
toria was Queen from1837-1901. children. ence, Mechanicsburg. “I’m kind of limbo until it’s Pennsylvania, the Bureau of
She set the standards for the day June 19 from 2- 4 p.m.: The formal,” Lewis said. Historic Sites and Museums,
for fashion, etiquette, manners. What’s the Passion Project? Last Luncheon on the Titanic. Lewis is well-qualified. He the Pennsylvania Trails of His-
It also encompasses Edwardian I set up a Victorian Mourning The exact menu that was served is a past president and board tory, the Bureau for Historic
Era. Things didn’t change over- facebook page because one of to first class, antique artifacts, member of the Luzerne County Preservation and the Bureau of
night when Queen died. Fashion my programs is about the two- and hear stories from a Titanic Historical Society, an officer of Management Services.
evolved. year mourning period required survivor’s daughter. The Steg- the Wyoming Commerative Lewis said the PHMC bud-
I’m proud that it’s the first of ladies in the Victorian Age. I maier Mansion B&B, 304 S. Society and a Son of the get has taken a hit and is prob-
hardcover book in the genre. also enjoyed cemetery photogra- Franklin St. Wilkes-Barre, PA American Revolution. He’s the ably about one-quarter of what
phy. (by reservation only call Lisa at author of a booklet on the his- it was 10 years ago.
How as the internet helped To me they are like outdoor 570-655-8392.) tory of the Wyoming Monu- “We have to try and change
the Victoriana Lady? museums. My family is buried in July 16 from 2- 4 p.m.: A ment history and a monograph that,” he said, “not only to pre-
I’ve been all over the East Hollenback. In college one of my Magical Tea with Damian the on Wilkes-Barre mayors. serve history, but to encourage
Coast. I’ve done shows in Geor- projects was cemetery photos. Magician. The Stegmaier Man- He was on the board of the tourism.”
gia, North Carolina, Connecti- Though facebook, a mutual sion B&B, 304 S. Franklin St. American Red Cross and Asked if he had particular
cut, and New York, New Jersey. I friend introduced me to John. Wilkes-Barre. (By reservation planned the closing of the Red areas of interest he said, “One
love it. It’s a privilege to share the John was working on a Civil War only call Lisa @570-655-8392) Cross Museum including reas- concern is protecting and pre-
history of our ancestors. book and he needed a Victorian July 22 at 6:00 p.m.: Titanic signment of the artifacts. serving what we have. And to
In Georgia I did a program for consultant. Memories Program, Sugar’s Tea The PHMC meets formally make the museum in Harris-
the Ladies Tea Guild. I spoke at I was a fan of his cemetery Room, 1250 Wyoming Avenue four times a year, but there is burg the best possible.”
the Grand Wisteria Bed and photography, but didn’t know Forty Fort. more to its mission than that. Lewis was born and raised in
Breakfast. I did a program in who he was. We realized we had August 6: Victorian Fashions “There’s lots of extra work,” Wilkes-Barre. He has lived in
South Carolina at King’s Inn in a lot in common, became friends Program Gettysburg. (Private Lewis said. “There are state- Jenkins Township since 1995.
Summerville about and hour and then realized we couldn’t Birthday Party) wide marker dedications, mu- He and his wife, Dr. Mary
from Charleston where they had live without each other. September 16: 7:00 p.m. Vic- seums across the state. The Ellen Judge Lewis, are the par-
a Victorian festival. The Passion Project is a histor- torian Mourning Fashions and PHMC operates the state mu- ents of four children: William
In Connecticut I did a Victor- ical entertainment company. It Traditions, Sleepy Hollow Cem- seums, like Eckely, the Anthra- V. Lewis, III, a student at Holy
ian bridal program. They found encompasses The Victoriana La- etery, NY cite Museum, Washington Redeemer High School; and
me through my website or face- dy, my book, his books, a gallery September 24: Victorian Crossing, and William Penn Thomas M. Lewis, Ann C. Le-
book. show he has coming up and his- Fashion Program, Victorian home.” wis, and Mary Madeline Le-
torical events at the Stegmaier Street Fair, Ocean Grove, NJ Created in 1945, the PHMC wis, all students at St. Mary’s
How did you come up with Mansion. September 25: Victorian is responsible for the collec- Assumption School, Pittston.
the name Victoriana Lady? ∝ Fashion Program, Historic West tion, conservation and interpre- Lewis is the Vice President
When I set up the business I How did you get involved Side, Elmira, NY tation of the state’s historic of the Merrill Lynch Wealth

had to have a name and a domain with the Stegmaier Mansion? heritage, which it accomplishes Management Wilkes-Barre of-
for the website. Victorian Lady I missed catering afternoon through the Pennsylvania State fice.
In ’48, workers told to denounce Communism


Why did Memorial
Day of 1948 hold an
Peeking 1966 to September 1967. The citation
read, “Chief Warrant Officer Ford,
through his untiring efforts and profes-
Fagotti, Jeff McGlynn, Al Michalec
and Tony Darbenzio took the record in
the 440 yard rely and Brian Delaney,
even greater reason
for area residents to
visit area cemeteries,
into the past sional ability, consistently obtained
outstanding results, was quick to grasp
new problems and to find ways to solve
Joe Aruscavage, Tom Long and Mark
Murphy set a district record in the two
mile relay.
pause and pay tribute to those problems.” His extensive knowl-
With Judy Minsavage edge has contributed to the efforts of the
our brave veterans?
US mission in Vietnam.” 1988 – 23 Years Ago
Rocky Glen Park celebrated Nestle What did Bill Timlin, Stan Waleski,
1948 – 63 Years Ago 1958 – 53 Years Ago Candy Day by giving out one case of Tom and Terry McMahon, Jack
Leo T. Hall, of West Pittston and Rose Marie Bella of Dupont took the Nestle’s Crunch Candy Bars every hour. McCarthy, “Peach” Walsh, Tom Al-
seaman in the U.S. Navy stationed “first phase” of the Singer Sewing Com- The park also offered free Bonomo lardyce, the McAndrew brothers, Pat
aboard the battleship New Jersey, re- pany’s National Dressmaking Cham- Turkish Taffy to the first 350 families. Sammon, Jim and Bob Berlew, Mike
ceived the American Campaign Medal pionship winning out over 35 local com- Bonomo’s Turkish Taffy first appeared and Eddy Farrell, Matt Zaleski, Steve
for his extended service in 1944 and petitors. Her dress was on its way to as a nickel bar after World War II, ac- O’Boyle and the Blaskiewicz brothers
1945. President Franklin D. Roosevelt New Jersey to complete for the grand cording to Tico have in common? They all played bas-
authorized the American Campaign prize of $125,000. The company also Bonomo described the treat as “not ketball in Avoca where the game was
Medal on November 6 1942. Thomas had a Young Homemakers Division in really a taffy but what is technically king. Many outstanding players started
Hudson Jones designed the medal; which Rosemary Amico of Pittston was known as a short nougat. Nor is it Turk- at the Avoca American Legion under the
Adolph A. Wienman designed the re- judged a winner. ish. It was not a family recipe and the Jolly Boys.
verse side. It can be viewed at Gayle Ishley, Doreen Krafjak, Lynn name we chose, ‘Turkish Taffy,’ just Around 1963 a group of softball- Stephens, Carol Stopak, Patsy Hu- reflected clever marketing,” he said. playing veterans acquired a building on
The New Jersey was built at the Phila- dock, Jean Martin, Charlene Makar, Main Street and transformed it into a
delphia Naval Shipyard, and launched Maureen Flannery, Sally Shento, Ma- gymnasium. Using the words from a
December 7, 1942- just a year after the rie Kmush, Doroth Bullock, Betsy 1978 – 33 Years Ago victory song they used to sing after their
Pearl Harbor Attack. The battleship Ash, Carol Posluszny, Claire Fedak, Frank Alu, of Pittston and graduate games, they called themselves the Jolly
opened as an educational museum and a Carol Fedak, Marlene Strobel, Mar- of King’s College, became the first Boys.
tribute to the brave sailors who served sha Steinberg, Cathy Nichols, Patsy King’s student to participate in the Some of the original members were
on her during her long and distinguished Dent, Carol Mushok, Bonnie Buck- Washington Center for Learning Al- Mike Finan, John “Pop” Clifford,
career on October 2001 at the Philadel- man and Janet Irvin were known as the ternatives in Washington D.C. He also Tony Blaskiewicz, Pat Lavelle, Joe
phia Naval Shipyard. Sammy Tremont Hi-Hat Steppers. served as a congressional intern in the Goul, Charle Farrell, Tom McMullen,
It wasn’t a party at the American The dancers won the Scranton Home office of the Hon. Michael T. Blouin Ray McAndrew, Jim McAndrew, Bob
Party Favor Company on North Main Talent Show and were on their way to from Iowa. According to the Nolan, Jim O’Malley, Jerry Allardyce
Street that attracted the attention of New York for an appearance on Ted website “The Washington Center was and “Danksy” Williams.
police, but a dispute between the owners Mack’s Amateur Hour. founded in the fall of 1975, has grown
of the company and the District 50 CIO from a program of 51 students from a
(Congress of Industrial Organization) handful of colleges to a global network Answer
1968 – 43 Years Ago of thousands of students and hundreds Forty-one veterans of World War II
Union representing its employees. Pitt-
ston Mayor John Allardyce ordered Julia Olszewski announced that the of universities.” William Burke, the were buried in Pittston area cemeteries
those involved to meet to achieve an Polish Women’s Alliance Group 267 founder, created the center to cultivate by Memorial Day 1948, the majority of
agreement, but owner Sam Rosenthal Dupont would mark the fiftieth anni- and promote leadership among young them returned from foreign graves
refused stating the union refused to versary of their founding with a cele- Americans. In its 35th year, the Center throughout 1947.
renounce Communism in accordance bration. The year also saw the 70th anni- is the largest academic internship pro- The list is as follows:
with government regulations. Taft-Har- versary of the parent organization. gram in the country and in the world. Pittston – West Pittston: Patsy DiAm-
tley Labor Manager Relations Act of Membership in The Polish Women’s Just $1000 short of their goal, Maria brose, John J. Doyle, Patrick F. Drury,
1947 targeted Communists within the Alliance of America exceeded 100,000, Capolarella, Angelo Marcino, Atty. Thomas Allan Evans, Joseph Fitzsim-
labor movement requiring union officers making it the largest Polish Women’s Joseph Augello, Thomas Sewatsky, mons, Edward J. Ford, Basil Frushon,
to sign affidavits affirming they were organization in the world. Stefania Jerry Mullarkey, Louis Marino, Ge- Eugene F. Gibbons, William Howley,
not members of the Communist Party. Chmielinska, a Chicago seamstress, orge DeGerolamo, Jean Campbell and James Jordan, William Maskers, Antho-
Several attempts were made to quell the founded the PWAA on May 22, 1898. Frank Lena, members of the Pittston ny Montante, Thomas Naysmith, Albert
altercations, but police confirmed the Bill Hagan, Joseph Cortegerone, Bicentennial Horizons Committee, ap- Novack, George Petritis, Anthony Sher-
situation unchanged. Leon Galavitz, Andrew Deliarte, pealed to residents to donate funds for a winsky, John F. Smallcomb, Milton
A delegation of legionnaires from Frank Charno, Leo Heffers, John memorial to commemorate the coal Smith Jr., James Thompson, George
Jenkins Township Post 938 blazed a trail Basta and Joseph Cupani were not miner’s contribution to the Wyoming Wascavage and Norbert Watson. Avoca:
to a plot of land at the end of the old going to let the closing of their favorite Valley. At a cost of $9,000, a re-worked Stanley Czerw, Harry Paterson, W. Ma-
Blanchard farm, beneath the No. 14 gathering place get them down. The design was proposed to be carved from ciorowski.
Colliery Bridge in Port Blanchard, gentlemen from Wyoming enjoyed get- Vermont Granite and stand approximate- Dupont: Joseph Olejnik, Peter Golya
where a neglected cemetery covered in ting together for a friendly game of pitch ly ten feet high. A huge piece of anthra- Jr., Frank Legezdh, Frank T. Knick,
deep brush was located. The cemetery, and conversation at the local pool hall. cite coal was added as an addition to the Edward Kaczmarski.
which was once reclaimed by the WPA After it closed, the group got together, memorial. Exeter: Joseph Klimasewski, Daniel
project, contained several Civil War painted and set up their own place, call- The Pittston Area Junior High track Pieszala, Joseph Rostock.
veterans. After a time, the cemetery was ing it the Wyoming Rec. team coaches Ray Calabrese and Mike Wyoming: James and Russell Murphy
once again forgotten. After clearing only The son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ford, Orlando were proud of their team’s (brothers), Adam Tompko.
a part of the area, they only found one West Pittston, Chief Warrant Officer, District 2 Championship win amassing Old Forge: Walter Kozlowski, Frank
soldier’s grave. George P. Ford, received a Bronze Star 108 total points. Cesare, Nello Regni, Alexander Goral,
for meritorious service. Ford served in Francis Stanek.

Jeff McGlynn set a record with a 19’

Vietnam during the period of November 5 and one-quarter long jump. Mark Moosic: John Lucas.
Faith 4:30 p.m., Mon. – Fri.
Phone: 570-693-1991
715 Hawthorne St./1000 Main
Mary’s Rectory, 715 Hawthorne
Beginning June 1, St. Mary’s/
Mary’s Church.
First Friday healing Mass June
3 at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s Church.
Continued from Page 13
Web site: www.stmonicanepa- St., Avoca SS. Peter and Paul’s Churches New weekend Mass schedule
.com will celebrate the daily Mass beginning the weekend of June 4
the Sunday School. We thank the Father Leo J. McKernan, Pas- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and and 5 in preparation for the open-
parents and grandparents for al- tor On Monday, May 30, St. Ma- Friday at 8 a.m. and Wednesday ing of their new parish “Queen of
lowing us to share with their kids On June 3 there will be a Mass ry’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s Church- at 7 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church, the Apostles” in November. The
and faithfully bringing them at 7 p.m. for First Friday. es will have Memorial Day cem- 715 Hawthorne St. Perpetual Eu- Saturday vigil Mass will take
each week. Teachers who did a The Blessed Mother Sodality etery services at 9 a.m. at St. Ma- charistic Adoration will take place at 4 p.m. at St. Mary’s
great job with all the children are is restarting. Girls 3 through 12 ry’s Cemetery and at 10 a.m. at place Tuesdays from 8:30 a.m. to Church. The Sunday Masses will
Michelle Cherney, Tracy Drum- grades interested in joining are SS. Peter and Paul’s Cemetery. 8:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church. take place at 8 and 11 a.m. at St.
mond, Sharleen Palaima, Hedi invited to call Sandy Nardell at Please note if it is raining at the Masses for the Ascension of Mary’s Church and10 a.m. at SS.
Weislogel and Renee Weislogel. 693-0416 or email srnar- service times, St. Mary’s service the Lord, a holy day of obliga- Peter and Paul’s Church.
. will be held in the church, 715 tion, Thursday, June 2 at 8 a.m. at The finance council will meet
Eye glasses and postage The Rosary of the Blessed Vir- Hawthorne St., and SS. Peter and St. Mary’s Church, 715 Haw- Tuesday, June 7 at 7 p.m. in St.
stamps are continually being col- ginia Mary and Chaplet of Di- Paul’s service will be held in the thorne St., and 5 p.m. at SS. Peter Mary’s Rectory.
lected. You can place them in the vine Mercy are recited before the cemetery chapel. and Paul’s Church,1000 Main St. The Parish Pastoral Council
marked containers in the rear of 7 a.m. Mass. The finance council will meet There will be a vigil Mass
the Church. Eye glasses are be- Listen to JMJ Catholic Radio Tuesday, May 31 at 7 p.m. in St. Wednesday, June1at 7 p.m. at St. See FAITH, Page 19
ing collected by the Lutheran 7.50 AM.
Hour. These will be sent to St.
Louis where they will be distrib-
uted to foreign countries where SAINT PETER’S W es tP itts ton R epub lica ns a nd D em ocr a ts ...
there are needed. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN
Postage stamps are always for CHURCH
missions. Through Bible Society
one pound of canceled stamps
100 Rock Street, Hughestown
Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday
brings a bible to someone over-
seas who needs it. Please save at
least 1/4 inch around the stamp
when trimming
School and confirmation class
10:00 a.m. Worship service
June 5 - Sunday School. Chil-
Our recycling program is start- dren will have Sunday School
ing up. Please drop aluminum and then will attend and partici-
cans (crushed if possible), cop- pate in worship service and
per etc. in the back of the church 12:00 p.m. is a picnic for the chil-
If you have any questions,
dren and congregation is also in-
vited. Picnic is at the Hughes- Th a nk you for your s uppor t!S ee
comments or would like to join town Pavilion.
you in Novem b er.

our Church family please call June 12 - Concert Rev. Mitch- paid for by candidates.

655-2505 and leave your name, ell and our organist Michael So-
phone number and a message wa
and a member of our Church will
get back to you as soon as pos-
June 15 - Strawberry Social,
4:30 to 6:30 p.m. $5.00 includes GRAND RE-OPENING!
sible. Our e-mail address is strawberry shortcake and bever- age Additional menu - hot dogs,
wimpies, salads and baked beans
Take-outs 4:00 to 6:30pm call
ST. JOHN’S P.M. CHURCH 654-1849 or 654-4948 for tick- Sunday June 5th 1-3pm OPEN HOUSE, stop by and pick up schedule!
316 Main St., Avoca ets.
Sunday Service 10:00 a.m. CLASSES BEGIN JUNE 6th MONDAY
Tuesday Bible Study 6:00-
ST. MARY’S PARISH 1st Classes Begin June 6th MONDAY!

3 Months for $99

7:30 p.m.
200 Stephenson Street, Du-
SAINT MONICA’S CHURCH Rev. Richard Wosiak - Pastor
363 West 8th Street, West Phone: (570)-457-2291
Wyoming, PA 18644
Office Hours - 9:00 a.m. to • Yoga • Zumba* • Pilates I & II • Step • Low Impact
• Stability Ball • Body Pump • Low Impact Beginner Classes
* additional cost for Zumba
The Local Guys With The National Buys 918 Exeter Ave., Exeter • 654-3786
(Past Blue Ribbon next to Rodano’s Express)


Kingston • 287-9631 Exeter • 655-8801



Continued from Page 18

will meet Monday, June 13, in St.

Mary’s Rectory, 715 Hawthorne
St. The agenda will begin at 6:30
p.m. followed by the meeting at 7
The implementation team will
meet Tuesday, June 14 at 7 p.m.
in St. Mary’s Rectory.
Become a fan today! St. Ma-
ry’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s Church-
es now has a page on Facebook.
On this page, you will find
many of the events taking place
at the churches and even have an
opportunity to R.S.V.P. for them
if you like.
You can also discuss topics of
interest with other friends and
post pictures from parish events,
of your families, or anything else
that will continue to help them
build their parish family. Their The Session and Deacons of the First United Presbyterian Church of West Pittston are planning their annual Strawberry Festival and
goal is to make this a tool that Mini-Flea Market on Saturday, June 4, in the courtyard of the church. The church is located on the corner of Exeter Avenue and Warren
parishioners of all ages can enjoy Street. The Flea Market and Strawberry Festival will open rain or shine from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. The public is invited to come and do a
and to welcome others into their little shopping at the flea market, have some lunch and top it all off with some cake, strawberries and ice cream provided by the Dea-
community. cons. Tickets for the strawberries and ice cream are $5.00 and are available at the door. First row, Nancy Janczewski, Sharon Fran-
coeur, Ruth Melberger. Second row, Rev. James Thyren, Hugh Malone, Jr.; Frank Rugh, Jayne Dohman. For more information, contact
Help St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and
Sharon Harding or James Thyren at 654-8121.
Paul’s Churches spread the
“good news” today by becoming
a friend of the page and suggesti- ery Avenue, West Pittston a.m. every Sunday. ish office 654-3261.
ng it your friends. Parish Mission: “To live and Holy Days as announced. Youth Program: 10:45 a.m. ev-
Anyone who is interested in build holy community.” Monday—Day of Prayer: See FAITH, Page 34
renting St. Mary’s School for All welcome: Worldwide An- Noon Prayer 12:00 to 12:15 p.m.
child care, parties, or other use- glican Communion: “We believe Open to the public. Special in-
ful activities is invited to call the in one holy, Catholic apostolic tentions are welcome.
rectory at 457-3412 to learn church.” Food Pantry: May item needed
more about this opportunity. Web of information and links is cereal.
Daily Masses: St. Mary’s at www.trinityepiscopalchurch- Prayernetwork. Open To Pub-
Church, 715 Hawthorne St., at 8 and www.dio- lic. Daily prayer for those with
a.m. (Wednesday at 7 p.m.) needs requesting prayerful sup-
Eucharistic Adoration: Tues- Sunday Holy Eucharist: 11 port. Start Prayernetwork at par-
days from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
at St. Mary’s Church
Miraculous Medal Novena:
Wednesday following the 7 p.m.
Weekends Masses: Saturday
at 4 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church;

T hank You!
Sunday at 8 and11a.m. at St. Ma-
ry’s Church and at 10 a.m. at SS.
Peter and Paul’s Church
Confession: Saturdays 3-3:45
p.m. at St. Mary’s Church; any-
time upon request by calling
Prayer Chain: 457-5867 For P uttin g Your T rus t In M e

C oreen
143 Parsonage Street, Pittston

M ila z z o
Starting June 5 Worship time
for the summer will be 10 a.m.




Spring Street and Montgom- Paid for by candidate


First Holy Communion Class at St. Monica’s Parish

On May 1, 2011 the children of St. Monica’s Parish, First row: left to right: Ethan Chesna, Elizabeth Sheed- Dylan Ostroski, Jesse Mikoliczyk, Maria Amato, Amber
West Wyoming, received their First Holy Communion. er, Sammy Supey, Grace Ross, Grace Washney, Jeffrey Timinski, Cael Heck, Sydney Kruszka, Christina Kosco
Parents, family and friends attended the 11:00 a.m. Litur- Kocher, Sierra Smith Fourth Row: Left to right: Ninarose Lewko, Director
gy. Second row:left to right: Kyra Britzke, Ava Gonzales, of Music, Mary Jean Vikara, Teacher, Fr. Leo McKernan,
The children sang several songs and presented the Abigail Oliver, Olivia Lewis, Christian Esposito, Lydia Pastor, Mary Ellen McNeely, Teacher, Sandra Nardell,
gifts. Their very special moment came when they re- Pealer Teacher, Elaine Kelley, Religious Education Coordinator
ceived Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion. Third Row: left to right: Colby Gashi, Karly Milazzo,

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Four get borough council write-in nominations

Milazzo GOP nod creates interesting November race in Jenkins Twp.
By Jack Smiles seats are up Sharon Korba won won Democrat write-in nomi- ble nominations and they and Milazzo also won a write-in
Associate Editor a Republican write-in slot. nations for double nominations Democrat Alfred Akulonis will for the Republican nomination
She’ll oppose Democrat win- and Republican Jim Rose. have no opposition. for the six-year seat where
On Tuesday the Bureau of ners John Morgan, Joseph J. In Yatesville, where two In Wyoming, Borough she’ll oppose Democratic pri-
Elections released the names Esposito and Larry Dellegrotto seats are up Frank J. Gattuso Council Republican Stephen C. mary winner Stanley Rovinski.
of people who won write-in who also won Republican and Joseph Lombardo won Re- Nalewajko won a Democratic If Milazzo were to win both
nominations in the May 17 pri- write-ins for double nomina- publican write-in nominations. write-in and will have no op- she would chose a seat, two or
mary election. tions and Democrat Denise They will oppose Democratic position for his second ward six-year, and the other would
In the local municipalities Adams. incumbent councilmen Joseph seat. be filled by appointment.
four new candidates were add- In West Pittston, where three Zambetti III, Christopher Liz- In Jenkins Township, Coreen Rovinski said he’ll have to
ed to the November council seats are up former councilman za, and Paul Farber. A. Milazzo, who won the campaign. “Now, I have race
ballot by write-ins, one in Exe- Kevin Lescavage won a Demo- In Duryea, where three seats Democratic nomination for a on my hands. I’ll have to
ter, one in West Pittston and cratic write-in nomination. are up Democrats Lois Hanc- two-year seat in the primary spend some money. If she
two in Yatesville. He’ll oppose Republicans John zyc and Audrey Yager won also won a Republican write-in beats me, that’s that. It’s the up
In Exeter, where four council Hood and Peter Albano who Republican write-ins for dou- and will be unopposed there. to the people.”

Wyoming Area budget includes tax increase

By William Bell
Times Leader Correspondent Teachers union rejects pay freeze budget numbers in more detail.
Board President Nickolas De
Angelo stated the motion was
The Wyoming Area School The proposed impact on an av- freeze, he had asked that they Report.” Attorney Raymond not needed since the board will
Board is faced with several un- erage home in Luzerne County consider giving up one day as a Hassey, district solicitor, told the be holding a number of public
knowns as it works to finalize the would be approximately $84 per means to save approximately public that the board was unable meetings to discuss the numbers,
2011-2012 budget. year. In Wyoming County it $50,000. to publicly explain this action and that they will be advertised
Tom Melone of Albert B. Mel- would be $64 per year. He stated he had also asked the more at this time, since the as public meetings.
one Co., the district’s business Melone said the proposed teachers to forgo tuition reim- teachers union has not taken ac- In other business, the board
manager, listed some of the vari- budget will be on public view for bursement for an additional sav- tion. honored dozens of Wyoming Ar-
ables facing the board at its the next 30 days, and that the fi- ings of $50,000. He reported that Board member Estelle Cam- ea students who had won awards
meeting Monday. nal version is subject to change. in both cases the answer was neg- penni made a motion requesting in numerous local, regional, and
They are the final version of He said it was the middle of the ative. He additionally reported at least two public meetings be national academic and art com-
the pending state budget, possi- process from preliminary to fi- the support staff union had de- held to discuss the proposed petitions.
ble additional changes to school nal budget. clined to consider a pay freeze.
funding by the office of Gov- Superintendent Ray Bernardi He noted that the administrative
.Tom Corbett, a dozen pending gave the board an update on his staff had agreed to a pay freeze.
new state legislation bills con- discussions with the district’s In a related matter the board,
cerning school funding, possible unions. during their regular meeting,
changes to retirement benefits Bernardi said since the teach- voted to “Reject the Pennsylva-
for teachers, and the fact that ers union had rejected a pay nia Relations Board Fact Finder
Wyoming Area does not have a
new teachers’ contract finalized.
Melone broke down the pro-
posed almost $29 million. The
district in addition to cost cutting M O RREALE’S M ID CITY SERVICE
measures and non-replacement 40 Years E xperien ce
of most retiring professional and ProfessionalA uto B od y & Painting
support staff will utilize a por- U nibod y F ram e & Paint S p ecialists
tion of its fund balance of
$1,675,000 to fill the shortfall of
• F oreign & D om estic
• S tate ofthe A rt C olor M atching S ystem Now Serving
$868,000 in the proposed bud- • E xp ert B od y W ork A llC ars
The proposed budget calls for
• G uaranteed W ork
a tentative tax increase of 5.7
mills for the District’s Luzerne
In su ran ce C laim s
F ree E stim ates
County municipalities and 7.2 THAT TASTES GREAT TOO!
mills for its Wyoming County
municipality. Wyoming Area is 220 EastEighth Street,W yom ing
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American flags placed on veterans’ graves in Dupont

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American flags on the grave Made in U.S.A.
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Holy Mother of Sorrows and Sa-
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Annual venison dinner served at Dupont VFW Post


Stan Knick, Representative Mike Carroll and Sam Guarnieri pose
for a photo

The annual venison dinner was held recently at the Dupont V.F.W.
Post 4909. Chef Stan Knick was the organizer of the dinner which
consisted of soup, meatloaf, barbeques, stew, chili, pot roast and su-
fret all made of deer meat. Also served was pasta, haluski, green
beans and potatoes. Kitchen by Ann Strelish, Stacey Wesleski and
Joyce Rolls. The vets extend a special thank you to Jim Jones, Stan
and Ed Zielinski for contributing their deer meat, also to the guys on
KP duty for three days. More than 250 meals were served. The Tem-
Front row: Ed Strucke, Sam Guarnieri, Ernie Bulford. Back row: Albert Mihalka, Bernie McDonald, Ed plate band played for everyone’s enjoyment.
Zielenski, Tom Skrzysowski, Bob Lopata, Magistrate Fred Pierantoni, Stan Knick and John Kunicki.

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Lunch Specials from 11am to 2pm Audience Participation

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“A delightful place to unwind with someone special – a place to enjoy an
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8 inch Italian Hoagie/Chip - $5.00
Tuesday 7 A.M.-3 P.M.
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8 inch Sausage, Onion and Pepper Hoagie - $5.00
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Thursday Special - 2 Pork BBQ for $3.99
8 inch Tuna Hoagie/Chips/Soda - $5.00
Free L hD
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Saturday - June 4th - 9pm - Lee Strumski & John Shemo - Formerly of Strawberry Jam
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Check Weekly for upcoming Entertainment Events!
Proposed PA budget calls for tax increase

By William Bell reflecting the need for the district to in- This triggered a lengthy discussion be- Solicitor Joseph Saporito explained
Times Leader Correspondent crease real estate tax and also to use part tween Singer and Superintendent George that this vote might end up being moot if
of its ending balance to alleviate an esti- Cosgrove, and numerous comments from the Intermediate Unit had already taken
Pittston Area School District held a mated $943,000 shortfall. He broke down music students’ parents and band parents action on the district’s past vote to appoint
combined work session/board meeting the district’s proposed tax increase of in the audience. Singer. The vote to rescind the past vote
Tuesday night before an overflow crowd. $449,000 as .3238 mills. Singer attempted to have a motion for the appointment of Singer was 5-4 to
The Board approved a proposed budget This action would increase taxes on the passed to reinstate the music teacher posi- rescind.
of just under $40 million. average home in the district by $37 a year, tion prior to the vote on the budget. His Melone explained the proposed budget
Al Melone of Albert B. Melone and according to his calculations. A mill is a motion was tabled, and the proposed bud- would be available for public review and
Company, the district’s business consult- $1 tax on every $1,000 of assessed proper- get was passed by a 5-4 vote. comment for 30 days, and the board
ant, presented a detailed proposed budget ty value. However, the board when voting on the would be able to change any item subject
for 2011-12. He explained the district’s Melone said that as part of the proposed Luzerne Intermediate Unit proposed bud- to the final passing next month.
budget has been adversely affected by budget, the district would not be replacing get, failed to approve it by a 5-4 vote. The district’s next regular meeting will
proposed state cutbacks and the limita- six of eight retiring teachers. At this point, This was also followed by a vote of the be June 27 at 7 p.m., but the board might
tions imposed by contractual obligations, board member Mark Singer questioned board to rescind the appointment of Sing- schedule a special meeting before then.
especially salaries and benefits. the shifting of staff to fill the position of a er to represent the district at the Interme-
Melone showed a detailed breakdown middle school music teacher. diate Unit.


San Cataldo Society annual picnic is Saturday

Penn State Extension offering course in canning
The Festa San Cataldo Annual freezing and canning. The sec- yard) and learn to make simple ees, Patricia Joyce, Thomas Os- announces the distribution
Picnic will be held on Saturday, ond session, June 15 will be a projects. Open to ages 12 and up. trowski and Joseph Dolinsky. schedule of Farmers Market nu-
June 4, at the Dupont Park & Pa- hands on workshop, making and Memorial Day Hours Hours trition vouchers provided by the
vilion 2 p.m. thru dusk. canning strawberry jam. To reg- The library will be closed on The library will not be chang- Pennsylvania and United States
Buffet catered by Castaldi’s ister call Penn State Cooperative Monday, May 30 in observance ing weekday hours for the sum- Departments of Agriculture.
Music & Entertainment by Mil- Extension, Luzerne County at 1- of Memorial Day. mer. At the request of patrons, Each qualifying individual is
lennium. Games, prizes and fun 888-825-1701. Summer Reading the library will be open normal allowed four (4) $5 vouchers per
for all ages. Full members: $15; There is a program fee of $30 One World, Many Stories is hours. The only change will be year. Vouchers will not be sent
social & non-members: $20; for both sessions. Participants the name of our summer reading on Saturdays in July and August out by mail. A person can obtain
children 6 thru 12: $12.50; in- will be asked to attend session 1 program. Registration runs the will be 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. vouchers for an eligible senior as
fants thru 5: no charge. before attending session 2. Par- week of June 20 to the 25. Chil- Pittston Area Memorial Li- long as they have a signed and
Call 655-1551 to purchase ticipants will be registered on a dren can start reporting their brary is located at 47 Broad completed proxy form with them
tickets, or, mail a check or mon- first come first serve basis. book on June 27. Join us for Street, Pittston. Hours are Mon- when picking up the vouchers.
ey order payable to San Cataldo crafts, programs, story times, days and Thursdays, noon to 8 These forms are now available
Society, to: Carla Saporito (or PHS Class of 1961 weekly guessing jars and more. p.m; Tuesdays, Wednesdays and at any of the senior centers spon-
Pete Scarantino), 143 Tompkins For ages 3 to 11. Our young adult Fridays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Satur- sored by Area Agency on Aging
The Pittston High School
Street, Pittston, PA 18640. program You Area Here is for days, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone listed below. Regular weekly
Class of 1961 will meet Monday,
tweens and teens entering 6th numbers if 654-9555 or visit us hours are listed for each center.
June 13, at 7 p.m. at Grande Piz-
grade. Registration is required on the web at www.pittstonlibra- No other form or note will be al-
za, Bernie Avenue Moosic.
Open House Grants lowed. The ‘proxy’ form shown
Addresses are needed for the
Northmoreland Twp. Vol. Fire The library is the recipient of in the paper can be used.
following classmates: Beverly
Dept. will host an open house several grants Representatives will be avail-
Benson, Catherine Delaney, Blood Drives
June 4 from 11a.m. to 4 p.m. at 1. USDA development fund- able on Thursday, June 9, -
Anne DeRosa, Chester Faleski, Wyoming Valley Chapter of
their hall on Demonds Rd. in ing to the library to be used for 9:00am through 3:00pm: Pitt-
Bernard Ford, Michael Holonia, the American Red Cross will
Centermoreland. Bingo, refresh- improvements to library servic- ston Senior cCnter, 441 North
Susan Jerrytone, Bonnie Johns, hold a blood drive:
ments and activities for all. es, expanding the book collects. Main St., Pittston – 655-5561
Dorothy Orth, Joseph Pavlico, Sunday, June 19, at St. Maria
AV items and adding and updat- regular center hours: Monday
William Walsh, Thomas Weis- Goretti Church, 42 Redwood
ing bookcases as well as public through Friday – 8:00am
Canning kerger, and Barbara Pomichter. Drive, Laflin, from 8:30 a.m. –
access computers. through 4:00pm.
Penn State Cooperative Exten- Call Marie 457-2038 or 693- 1:30 p.m. with a goal of 35 pints.
2. Praxair Corporation tech-
sion Luzerne County is offering 1748. Monday, June 27, at St. Ceci-
nology grant for the purchase of
a two part canning class June 8 laptops for in library use. lia’s Church, 1700 Wyoming Jenkins Class of 1951
and 15 from 6-7:30 at the Lands 3. Library Services and Tech- Ave., Exeter, from 12:30 – 6 p.m. The Jenkins Township Class
at Hillside Farms in Trucksville. Pittston Library with a goal of 35 pints. of ’51 is planning their 60th class
nology grant for health and well-
The program is designed for Crochet Club ness collection development. reunion. They are looking for
novice canners. The crochet club meets each 4. Unico grant for the purchase anyone who might know the ad-
Monday and Thursday from 6 to Farmers Market Vouchers dress of Teresa Benkoski.If you
The first session will include of mental health titles.

background information on how 7:45 p.m. participants bring their New Staff The Area Agency on Aging
to preserve foods safely, both own supplies (crochet hook and Stop by and meet new employ- for Luzerne/Wyoming Counties
See BRIEFS, Page 28
Kitchen Open
Nightly Till Midnight
PIZZA - PASTA TAKE - OUT AVAILABLE Avoid microwaving to soften cold
and ALE HOUSE butter - it is easier to soften it or
Different Specials Features Daily even melt it. Cut the butter into
smaller pieces. Once the oven is
Mon. MEXICAN MADNESS Thurs. STEAK & POTATO NITE preheated and all remaining
Tues. BONLESS BITE NITE Fri. PIZZA NITE ingredients are measured, the
butter will be near 65 degrees.
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BREAKFAST SPECIAL served 6 to 11 a.m. 2 EGGS
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the 22 S. Main St., Pittston • 654-9161
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Briefs 1:00 p.m. shotgun start. Captain
and Crew format. Everyone is
welcome. Cost is $85 per golfer
Between, Mr. Echo, and more.
For more information, to join
the motorcycle ride, tickets,
to St. John’s Lodge number 233.
A tempting selection of home-
made desserts, which will in-
will be available soon.
The event is sponsored by The
Earthly Angels autism Fund.
Continued from Page 26
$340 per team which includes a sponsors or donations, please clude cakes, pies, cookies and
round of golf, cart, refreshments call Joanne at 237-2257, Billy at cupcakes, will be available for
have that information, please and dinner. Hole sponsors are 237-2765, Joe at 237-5205, Bar- purchase to take home for later. Northeast H.S.
contact Eileen at 655-1555. sought. Respond to Valley bara at 814-3014 or email ride- There will also be a specialty Northeast High School class
Lodge #499, 318 Linden Street basket raffle, with the winning of 1966 will hold a 45th class re-
West Pittston, Pa. 18643 by June All proceeds going to the Fam- selection to be made on the day union on Sunday, September 4,
Grandparents Conference at the Checkerboard Inn Pavil-
1. Make checks payable to Valley ily of Lisa Knowles. of the dinner.
The Fifth Annual Grandpar- Lodge #499. For reservations, additional in- ion, Carverton Road, Trucks-
ents Raising Grandchildren formation, directions and ticket ville.
Conference “Knowing Where to Spaghetti Dinner The reunion committee seeks
pre-ordering call Secretary Ger-
Turn” will be held on Friday, Ride for Lisa St. John’s Lodge, #233 ald M. Venetz, 709-9414, or 654- information on the following
June 3 from 7:45 a.m. to 1:30 Ride for Lisa II Motorcycle FAAM, invites you to a spaghetti 9833; or Jeffrey Searles at 570- classmates: Ann Marsico Ash,
p.m. at Genetti’s Hotel and Con- Ride and Picnic Benefit will be dinner to be held on June 25. 891-1962. Carole Tonnetti Broskiski, Patri-
ference Center, Wilkes-Barre. held June 25 at Jefferson Park on This dinner is open to the public, cia Budzelek, Jim Carruthers,
The Conference is free to the New Street, Pittston. Register in as well as all members, families Kathryn Cheresko Clifford,
Reggae for Robert
public; however, reservations are advance for the ride or on the day and friends. The location is at St. Catherine Donovan, John Dunaj,
required. For Conference infor- John’s Lodge Hall, 498 Yates- Reggae for Robert VI, a night
of from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Ride be- Alice Mayhoff Ernst, Barbara
mation, please contact Howard J. ville Road in Jenkins Township, to donate, dine and dance for the
gins at 11 a.m. Cost is $10 per Hannon Evans, Stanley Fritz,
Grossman, AICP, Executive Di- with seating from 2:00 p.m. until benefit of autism awareness and
person for riders/passengers. Mary Cimakasky Hamilton,
rector, Jewish Family Service of 6:00 p.m. Take-out service is of- support will be held on Saturday,
Picnic begins at12:30 p.m. and Thomas Hammon, Sandra Kani-
Greater Wilkes-Barre at 823- fered from noon until 2:00 p.m. August 6, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
is $10 per person and includes netz, Ann Hoban King, John
5137 or email grossmanhj@ya- containers will be provided. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel
picnic, food, beverages, and en- Krakowski, Ann Kraski Musto, Menu includes a delicious sal- Parish Center, William St., Pitt-
tertainment. Everyone is wel- Diane Dudek Malitoris.
ad, bread with butter (or a sub- ston.
come. Please email current info to
stitute), spaghetti with home- The evening features open bar,
Event t-shirts are $10, and t-, call 570-
Golf Tournament made sauce, meatballs and grat- cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, dinner
shirt sponsors are $25. The event 696-3523 or bring info to the
ed cheese. To cap off your meal a and dancing. There are also doz-
Valley Lodge No. 499 of West will also include instant bingo, next class reunion meeting on
great dessert, coffee, tea and iced ens of giveaways.
Pittston is having a Charity Golf basket raffles, 50/50, face paint- Thursday, June 9, 6:30 p.m. at
tea. Live music will be provided by
Tournament Saturday, June 25, ing, and more. Live entertain- Tony’s Pizza City Line Plaza,
Checks are accepted, made out the band “Them Again.”
at Mill Race in Benton with a ment will be provided by Far In Pittston.
Tickets are limited to 200 and

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WA volleyball tourney to benefit Chipolis family


his life in a motorcycle accident will be participating in this baskets or gift certificates to help
on May 13. event. raffle off, please contact Chris-
Students from grades 7-12, Admission price is $3.00. tine Rutledge at 655-2836 ext.
along with teachers and coaches If anyone would like to donate 2262.

Matt Chipolis

Wyoming Area Key Club will ondary Center gym. The event
host a volleyball tournament will benefit Matt Chipolis’s fam-
next Saturday, June 4, at 2:30 ily. Matt is a 2010 Wyoming Ar-
p.m. at the Wyoming Area Sec- ea graduate who tragically lost

Senior Center
menu for week
Senior Citizens Centers sponsored by the Area Agency on Aging
for Luzerne and Wyoming counties offer hot noon meals Monday
through Friday to people 60 years of age or older. Donations from
participants are gratefully accepted and needed in order to expand
this program.
The following is the menu for the week:
Monday: Holiday, center closed
Tuesday: Bag lunch
Wednesday: Meatloaf, green and wax beans, buttered noodles,
whole wheat dinner roll, banana, margarine, milk and coffee.
Thursday: Roast beef, gravy, oven roasted potatoes, corn, whole
wheat bread, angel food cake w/fruit topping, margarine, milk and
Friday: Roast pork, sauerkraut, carrots, rye bread, pierogies, apple-

sauce, raisins, margarine, milk and coffee.


This map provided by the Evironmental Protection Agency indicates the route of the Butler Tunnel which originates in Pittston Township, travels under the Pittston By-
Pass and crosses under William Street on its way to the Susquehanna River.

Continued from Page 6

ler Tunnel outflow at the river. “I

would just like some more infor-
mation,” she said.
A woman from Exeter said
there are 15 to 20 cases in her
small neighborhood in the area
of Penn and Susquehanna ave-
nues. She, too, was looking for
general information.
The Times Leader reported
that Mitch Cron, the EPA’s reme-
dial project manager for the site,
said unequivocally “based upon
the data, the public is not ex-
posed to contamination from the State Sen. John Yudichak addresses Pittston City residents at-
Butler Mine Tunnel.” tending the cancer cluster information session Tuesday night at Mitch Cron of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region
Cron said though contami- Martin L. Mattei Middle School. III Office in Philadelphia reviews the history and past and present
nants remain below ground in PHOTO BY BILL TARUTIS environmental impacts of the Butler Mine Tunnel.
Pittston, the tunnel does not pre-
sent a health risk because Pitt- which found statistically signif-
ston residents do not drink water icantly higher rates of four types ost Com
The M Dental Our S e and Enjo
sourced from the area and vapors of cancer, including a rate of thy- le taff
or tab le Part o and Becom
in the tunnel are too low to war- roid cancer 71 percent above the Comf nce Possib f Our
r i e Famil e
rant concern. state average, but nothing that Expe y
He said the EPA had no plans would indicate a cancer cluster is t
We W ent
for further testing of the soil or with an environmental cause. Home ill Send Yo ight D
With u The R ake All
air in the Mill/Carroll area. Chris Menichini told the A Sm Can M erence
Dr. Steve Ostroff from the ile! iff
Times Leader after the meeting, The D
state Department of Health re- “I wasn’t satisfied with what
viewed a survey of cancer rates they had to tell me.” Dr. Gary Nataupsky

in the Pittston zip code, 18640, Riverside Commons, 575 Pierce St., Suite 201, Kingston
undertaken by the department, 570-331-8100 •
See BUTLER, Page 31


diagnosed in February with large cidence of cancer in the neigh- years. And this is just in 15 to 20 they deserve answers and peace
B-cell lymphoma. His physician borhood is too great for that to be homes on Mill and Carroll.” of mind.”
told him the cancer has an envi- a coincidence. In April Chris On Wednesday, Congressman The Butler Mine Tunnel story
Continued from Page 30
ronmental cause, typically expo- told the Dispatch, “That we Lou Barletta sent a letter to EPA began on July 29, 1979, when an
sure to the chemical benzene. know of, 21 have cancer or have Administrator Lisa P. Jackson oily slick appeared on the Sus-
The elder Menichini, 58, was He and his son believe the in- died of it in the past six to seven asking the agency to perform ad- quehanna River just north of the
ditional testing in the Carroll/ Fort Jenkins Bridge.
Mill Street neighborhood. The slick was traced to the ille-
“I’m deeply concerned that gal dumping of hazardous chem-
EPA seems to be ignoring the icals by the Hudson Oil Refining
residents of the Carroll/Mill Corp. of Edgewater, N.J., into a
neighborhood and the people of four-inch borehole 3 and 1/2
Pittston in general,” Barletta miles from the outlet of the tun-
said. nel near a truck service garage
“I was surprised to hear an on Rt. 315. The borehole drained
EPA official basically tell the into the Butler Mine system.
residents of the Carroll/Mill In the 1970s Hudson dumped
neighborhood that they would between 1.5 and 2.7 million gal-
not conduct soil and water test- lons of oil, liquid cyanide and
ing to find answers. It is abso- carcinogenic petrochemicals in-
lutely the EPA’s job, and I’m go- to the borehole.
ing to make sure that job is done.
The residents are scared, and

Pittston residents Marie O'Reilly, left, and Laura Hall examine an aerial photograph of the Butler Mine
Tunnel area Tuesday at Pittston Area Middle School.

Flag raising at hunting cabin fulfills Dale

Al Kridlo has been a member

of the Upper Pittston Sports-
men’s Club most of his life so it
was only natural that he got his
sons involved in the hunting and
fishing group that owns a cabin
in Forkston. His son Dale partic-
ular loved going to the cabin, Al
relates, and when Dale was de-
ployed to Afghanistan with the
U.S. Army, he always told his
dad the cabin needed an Amer-
ican flag flying on its grounds.
But not just any American flag,
Dale stressed, it needed an
American flag that had flown in
Dale Kridlo said he would
bring such a flag home with him
Albert Kridlo, right, and his mother Alberta during the rifle salute and his father promised to erect a
to their son and grandson, respectively. flag pole on which to fly it.
Then, on Nov. 7, 2010, Dale
was killed in action. He is buried
in Arlington National Cemetery.
To fulfill his dream, his broth-
ers in arms brought home a flag
from Afghanistan and last Satur-
day, May 21, which happened to
be Armed Forces Day, a flag rais-
ing ceremony in Dale’s honor
was conducted at the cabin.
“Dale loved his country and he
loved the flag,” Al said during
SPC Robi Borchard and SGT Vinnie Kyzima raise the U.S. flag that had flo
the ceremony. ston.
The U.S. flag was raised by
SSG Robert Matthews, SPC Ro- Bill Keating served as master “God Bless America,” “America
bi Borchard and SGT Vinnie Ky- of ceremonies. the Beautiful,” “The Star Span-
zima. Also raised was a POW Col. Jim Brown, Al Kridlo’s gled Banner” and a song by The
flag by SFC Oscar Rodriguez cousin, read a proclamation Zac Brown Band called “Chick-
and SPC Nick Dorso. All had signed by Pittston Mayor Jason en Fried,” which Dale and his
served with Dale Kridlo in Af- Klush declaring May 21, 2011, comrades blasted on a stereo ev-
ghanistan. Dale Kridlo Day in Pittston. Pre- ery time they left on a mission in
In addition to Al Kridlo, re- senting the proclamation was Afghanistan.
marks were offered by Dale’s Councilman Joe Chernouskas. Dale’s comrades honored him
mother, Michelle Dale. Musical selections included with a rifle salute.

A flag is held aloft by Stephen Kridlo, Dale's cousin.

Al Kridlo, right, watches as the U.S. flag which had flown in Afghanistan is raised at the hunting cabin in Fork
e Kridlo’s dream


Col. Jim Brown reads a proclamation from the City of Pittston while Bill Keating, master of ceremo-
nies, looks on.

own in Afghanistan at the Upper Pittston Sportsmen's Club cabin in Fork-

Dale Kridlo's mother, Michelle Dale, offers remarks.

Dale Kridlo's fellow soldiers who served with him in Afghanistan traveled from Fort Bragg in North

Carolina for the flag raising ceremony last Saturday. From left, SSG Robert Matthews, SGT Vinnie
k- A POW flag is attached to the flagpole at the cabin in Forkston. Kyzima, SPC Robi Borchard, SPC Nick Dorso and SFC Oscar Rodriguez.
Faith Holy Communion: 1st Sunday
each month
Choir Rehearsal: Thursday’s
Continued from Page 19
at 7 p.m. unless told otherwise
United Methodist Women:
ery Sunday. Second Monday unless told oth-
Weekday special events and erwise
service projects as announced. Website
Faith Forum for Adults: En- Phone 655-4340 leave mess-
richment for adults seeking spir- age
itual renewal and opportunities Confirmation will be held on
for ministry and volunteerism. Sunday, June 19, at our regular
Parish Life Events Team: Bi- service time 9:30 a.m.
monthly first Sundays. Saturday, September 24 - Bus
Parish Council: Every second trip to Lancaster to see a Doo
Sunday. Wop Cavalcade Show and Smor-
Women of Trinity: Every third gasbord dinner at Shady Maple.
Sunday. WOT Ministry Invita- For additional information call
tion. 603-1915.
The Women of Trinity have
undertaken a ministry to help
support Good Shepherd Episco-
pal Church of Scranton in their
outreach to the homeless of the
Each month after enjoying a
home cooked meal at Good
Shepherd all who have needs
may “shop” for necessities like Don’t just watch a movie, experience it!
clothing, shoes, toiletries in a All Stadium Seating and Dolby Surround Sound
store-like setting in the church’s • FIRST MATINEE SHOW ALL SEATS $5.25
refurbished basement of donated EXPERIENCE
The Women of Trinity has ENHANCED SEATING
supported this ministry by re- ON SELECT FEATURES
cently delivering donations of *Hangover 2 - R - 115 Min. (1:20), (2:00),
clothing, new undergarments (3:50), (4:30), 7:20, 7:30, 7:50, 9:50, 10:15,
and socks and toiletries to the 10:30
Scranton church. ***Kung Fu Panda 2 in 3-D - PG - 100
Party and Banquet Space. Min. (1:30), (3:40), 7:30, 9:40
Newly renovated banquet room *Kung Fu Panda 2 - PG - 100 Min. (1:10),
and kitchen. All Day Rental (2:20), (3:20), (4:30), 7:10, 9:20
$100. Reservations at 654-3261. Pirates of the Caribbean 4 DBox Motion
Music Together Classes: Fun Seating - PG13 - 150 Min. (1:15), (4:15),
and music for infants and chil- 7:15, 10:15
dren through age five accompa- ***Pirates of the Caribbean 4 in 3D -
nied by a parent or caregiver.
PG13 - 150 Min. (1:00), (1:15), (4:00),
(4:15), 7:00, 7:15, 10:00, 10:15
for details or call 654-3261.
Trinity’s Giant Neighborhood *Pirates of the Caribbean 4 - PG13 - 150
Yard Sales. Every First Saturday Min. (1:30), (2:00), (4:30), (5:00), 7:30, 8:00,
through October. 10:30
Reserve space in advance by Bridesmaids - R - 135 Min. (1:45), (4:30),
telephoning the parish office at 7:15, 10:00
654-3261. **Priest - PG13 - 100 Min. 9:45 Only
All day vendor space only $10. Thor - PG13 - 120 Min. (1:20), (3:50), 7:35,
Lunch items such as chili- 10:05
dogs, wimpies and baked goods ***Thor 3D - PG13 - 120 Min. (1:30),
available throughout the day. Av- (4:00), 7:05, 9:35
erage of 30+ vendors every First Fast Five - PG13 - 140 Min. (1:55), (4:50),
Saturday and hundreds of cus- 7:35, 10:20
tomers visiting! Rio - PG - 100 Min. (1:10), (3:20)
Something Borrowed - PG13 - 120 Min.
LA Phil Live: Dudamel conducts Brahms
Corner of Broad & Church Sunday June 5 - 5:00PM
Sts. All Showtimes Include Pre-Feature Content
(Parenthesis Denotes Bargain Matinees)
Rev. Dr. Michael Turner Avoid the lines: Advance tickets available from
Sunday Worship Service 9:30 ***$2.50 Additional Charge for 3D Attractions.***

No passes, rain checks, discount tickets accepted to these features

Children’s Sunday School: 825.4444 •


• 3 Hrs. Free Parking At Participating Park & Locks with Theatre Validation

9:30 a.m. •Free Parking at Midtown Lot Leaving After 8pm and All Day Saturday & Sunday.
PA Parents Association is selling graduation roses


Yozwiak, president; 2nd row: Carla Delaney, secretary and Kim McGinty, treasurer.

The Parents Association for attn: Melanie Yozwiak, 291

the Pittston Area Class of 2012 is Broad Street, Pittston Twp. Pa
sponsoring a rose sale. 18640.
These roses can be pre-pur- Please enclose the name of the
chased for graduates of the 2011 graduate along with your pay-
class and will be ready at the ment. These roses will be able to
graduation ceremony on June17. be picked up at the stadium or the
The cost is as follows: 1 rose auditorium before the gradua-
$5, 3 roses $10 and 6 roses $20. tion ceremony.
If you would like to pre order The newly appointed officers
your roses please send your of the 2012 Parent’s Association
check made payable to PA Class are, left to right, Nancy Vaxmon-
of 2012 Parents Association, sky, vice president; Melanie

Pens poem on
Memorial Day
Memorial Day ones back,
It is a sad day, But life isn’t like that, it’s a
When there is no hurray. rough track.
Each person has their own sad- Time makes everyone accept
ness, the good and the bad of living,
At this moment there isn’t any But remember, it’s also about
gladness. giving.
Our inner feelings are sad, Life is how you live it,
We’ve lost somewhere dear Sometimes to the fullest, and
and that’s bad. don’t ever quit.
Yes there are tombstones to re- As we pause to remember our
mind us, lost loved ones,
As each person was a family Love your neighbor, stop wars,
member, and now there’s no fuss. and throw away the guns.
Sadness prevails on this par- It could happen some time,
ticular day, All it takes is kindness to one

While remaining a memory, another, Oh moment sublime!

and a time to pray. Ronald Voveris
We all would like our loved Yatesville
Pittston Township Earns Arrow of Light Award

ambulance report Drake Dymond has

achieved the Arrow of
Light Award, the highest
award in Cub Scouts fol-
The annual meeting for the site which is another informa- lowing four years of hard
Board of Directors of the Pitt- tion source. “We are honored work in camping, first aid,
ston Township Ambulance As- for the trust and extremely science, engineering , the
sociation was held May 24 at grateful to the residents for arts and communication.
which elections for executive their support and generosity The achievement marks
offices were conducted. which makes all these things the final stage of Cub
Elected president was Don possible,” Hudzinski said. Scouts. He has earned 20
Hudzinski Sr.; vice president, Also noted at the board badges in this rank.
Rick Weir; secretary, Mark meeting was memorial dona- This award is the only
Simko Sr and treasurer, Mary tions made in memory of He- Cub Scout badge that can
Pisano. Board members receiv- len Konicki, mother of board be worn on a Boy Scout
ing appointments to board member Ellen Rudis. and wel- uniform.
seats terms ending the year comed back to the board after He has crossed over to
2014 were Alan Capozucca, a medical leave f absence was Boys Scouts and plans to
Russ Searfoss Jr., Dave Hud- Ellen Mondlak. continue his scouting ac-
zinski Sr., Don Hudzinski Sr., In other ambulance news, tivities to reach the final
Ellen Rudis and Cary Kasa. calls for the period January 1 stage of scouting which is
A report was given on the to April 30: emergency, 253; the Eagle Scout.
2011 annual membership drive. medical, 151; trauma, 40; auto He achieved this with
President Hudzinski noted a crashes, 34; fire assists, 7; non Cub Scout Pack 967 which
12% increase in resident mem- emergent operations totaled 60, is in Buda, Texas.
berships over the previous advance life support service His mother is Jacqueline
year, a record high in resident were required on 151 responses Reedy, formerly of Exeter
participating in the member- and there were two fatality au- and his father is Brian Dy-
ship program. to accidents. Miles traveled mond of Pittston.
The residents realize the val- were 4, 397 and there were 3
ue in their local ambulance. responses to the Wilkes-Barre
Beginning in 2011 Board of Scranton International Airport.
Directors and EMS staff com- Out of town responses were to
mitted our resources to signif- Avoca, Pittston City, Duryea
icant upgrades in equipment and Hughestown EMS agen- Drake Dymond
training and level of service. cies.
In addition, we continued our The Board of Directors
Community Emergency Noti- meetings will resume in Sep-
fication Systems (CENS) pro- tember after a summer recess. 342-4115 • • 587-5155
gram. We also present a 24/7/ EMS staff will continue with
365 continually updated web monthly meetings.


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Villa Capri Cruisers host Honor Ride Monday


Legion, VFW
team up with
Cruisers for
Memorial Day
Parade in
Old Forge
American Legion Post 513 and
VFW Post 4954 of Old Forge
have teamed up with the Villa
Capri Cruisers to host an Honor
Ride for senior veterans in the
Memorial Day Parade this Mon-
The parade stages at 9:30 a.m.,
starting near Arcaro & Genell’s
and ends at the Old Forge Ceme-
tery on Moosic Road, where a
ceremony will take place.
Left to right, Legion officers
Ralph Chase and Lloyd Mackell
discussing plans with Adam
Chase, Legion Commander and
VFW member.

Garbage pickup revised

for Memorial Day holiday Senior Homecare by ANGELS
We know it isn’t easy to invite someone into your home.
We provide top quality, experienced and thoroughly screened caregivers.
The Jenkins Township refuse Menu includes a delicious sal- Call for a free consultation today!
and recycling collection for Me-
morial Day will be on a day late JENKINS TWP. ad, bread with butter (or a sub-
stitute), spaghetti with home-
schedule. made sauce, meatballs and grat-
The schedule will be as fol- 6:30 p.m. at the municipal build- ed cheese. To cap off your meal a
lows: Monday scheduled pick- ing. The regular meeting of the great dessert, coffee, tea and iced
ups will be Tuesday, May 31 and Jenkins Township Board of Su- tea.
Tuesday scheduled pickups will pervisors will be held on Checks are accepted, made out
be Wednesday, June 1. Wednesday, June 8 at 7 p.m. at to St. John’s Lodge number 233.
All refuse and recycling must the municipal building. A tempting selection of home-
be placed at curbside the night made desserts, which will in-
before scheduled collection. clude cakes, pies, cookies and
Spaghetti Dinner
cupcakes, will be available for ● Hygiene Assistance ● Up to 24 Hour Care
St. John’s Lodge, #233 purchase to take home for later. ● Meal Preparation ● Errands/Shopping
Holiday Hours FAAM, invites you to a spaghetti Medication reminders Joyful Companionship
There will also be a specialty
● ●

The Jenkins Township Munic- dinner to be held on June 25. basket raffle, with the winning
● Light Housekeeping ● Locally owned
ipal Offices will be closed May This dinner is open to the public, selection to be made on the day
30 in observance of Memorial as well as all members, families of the dinner.
Day and will reopen on Tuesday, and friends. The location is at St. For reservations, additional in- “We build s
May 31 at 8 a.m. John’s Lodge Hall, 498 Yates- formation, directions and ticket Call one of our Angels today!
with famil
ville Road in Jenkins Township, pre-ordering call Secretary Ger-
Supervisors Meet with seating from 2:00 p.m. until ald M. Venetz, 709-9414, or 654- 570-270-6700
6:00 p.m. Take-out service is of- w w w. v i s i t i n g a n g e l s . c o m

The monthly work session will 9833; or Jeffrey Searles at 570-

fered from noon until 2:00 p.m.

be held on Wednesday, June 1 at 891-1962.

Containers will be provided.

Proudly presents
Annual GetTogether & Fund Raising
Music Concert by Nirupama Dey & Manoj Mishra
Sunday, June 5 • 3pm-7pm • First Presbyterian Church
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In the towns


Patriotic concert tonight at Langcliffe Presbyterian
Patriotism is alive and well in
Avoca. Several great events are AVOCA
from12-3 p.m. at West Side Auto
Service, (Valero Gas Station),
752 Main St. The fee schedule
for purchasing the window stick-
taking place today and tomorrow 401 Wyoming Ave., West Pitt- er in order to have up to three
to commemorate Memorial Day 457-3351 ston. Registration is $10 and in- bags collected weekly is $190 if
that you surely will not want to cludes food and beverages. For purchased by June 25.
miss. more information or to register, Please note delinquent ac-
The congregation of the Lang- please call Ron Gitkos at 654- counts will be referred to district
cliffe Presbyterian Church will meet Tuesday, May 31 at 7 p.m. more information, please call 2261. Please be sure to register court after June 25, and all Avoca
host a patriotic concert Sunday, in St. Mary’s Rectory, 715 Haw- Mary Ann at 457-7619. early to ensure a good spot. home owners and renters are ob-
May 29, at 6 p.m. at the church, thorne St. ligated to purchase a garbage
1001 Main St. The concert will sticker.
Garbage Schedule Pastoral Council
include various artists from the Residents who are unable to
Mass Schedule Due to the Memorial Day holi- St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s
area, bagpipe music, and poetic stop by the municipal building to
readings by veterans who served Beginning June 1, St. Mary’s/ day, Waste Management will Churches’ Parish Pastoral Coun- purchase a garbage sticker, can
during various wartimes. Re- SS. Peter and Paul’s Churches collect garbage Friday, June 3 in- cil will meet Monday, June 13 in mail a check made payable to
freshments will be served fol- will celebrate the daily Mass stead of June 2. Residents are St. Mary’s Rectory, 715 Haw- Avoca Borough and a self-ad-
lowing the performances. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and asked to place their items curb- thorne St. The agenda will begin dressed stamped envelope to
A free will offering will be ac- Friday at 8 a.m. and Wednesday side on Thursday evening. at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Avoca Borough c/o Therese
cepted with the proceeds bene- at 7 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church, meeting at 7 p.m. Wrubel, 129 Factory St., Avoca,
fiting the long term care unit of 715 Hawthorne St. PA 18641.
Healing Mass
the Veterans Administration Perpetual Eucharistic Adora- Implementation Team The office will be closed May
tion will take place Tuesdays St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s
Hospital in Wilkes-Barre and the Churches will have their First St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s 31 through June 7 but mail pay-
congregation’s “Remember Our from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. at St. ments will still be accepted dur-
Mary’s Church. Friday healing Mass June 3 at 7 Churches’ implementation team
Military” program which ships p.m. in St. Mary’s Church, 715 will meet Tuesday, June 14 at 7 ing this period. If you have any
care packages to our service men St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s other questions please call Wru-
Churches will have a new week- Hawthorne St. Come and receive p.m. in St. Mary’s Rectory, 715
and women. the healing that only Christ can Hawthorne St. bel at 457-4891.
On Monday, May 30, St. Ma- end Mass schedule beginning
the weekend of June 4 and 5 in give.
ry’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s Church-
es will have Memorial Day cem- preparation for the opening of Spaghetti Dinner Waleski Camp
etery services at 9 a.m. at St. Ma- their new parish “Queen of the Safety Fair St. John’s Lodge No. 233 The Stan Waleski Basketball
ry’s Cemetery and at 10 a.m. at Apostles” in November. Eagle Scout candidate Chris FAAM will have a spaghetti din- Camp will take place July 11-29
SS. Peter and Paul’s Cemetery. The Saturday vigil Mass will Gunshor will conduct a safety ner and bake sale Saturday, June at the St. Joseph’s Oblates Semi-
Please note if it is raining at the take place at 4 p.m. at St. Mary’s fair Saturday, June 4 from 8 a.m. 25 from 2-6 p.m. in St. John’s nary gymnasium, 1880 Highway
service times, St. Mary’s service Church, 715 Hawthorne St. The to noon at St. Mary’s School, 742 Lodge Hall, 498 Yatesville Rd., 315, Pittston, for boys and girls in
will be held in the church, 715 Sunday Masses will take place at Spring St., rain or shine, in ful- Jenkins Twp. Takeouts will be Kindergarten through eighth
Hawthorne St., and SS. Peter and 8 and 11 a.m. at St. Mary’s fillment of his Eagle Scout ser- available from 12-2 p.m. grade. The camp stresses funda-
Paul’s service will be held in the Church and 10 a.m. at SS. Peter vice project. At the event, mem- The menu includes salad, mentals, skills, team play, and
cemetery chapel. and Paul’s Church,1000 Main St. bers of the Avoca and Pittston bread with butter, spaghetti with fun. All attendees will receive a
The members of the Avoca City Fire Departments will pro- homemade sauce, meatballs, camp T-shirt and certificate.
V.F.W. Post 8335 and the Avoca Holy Day vide attendees with various types grated cheese, homemade dess- For more information, please
American Legion McPhillips- of safety tips. ert, coffee, tea, and iced tea. The contact Coach Waleski at 457-
St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s
Widdall Post 607 will conduct Members of the Luzerne homemade dessert selection in- 1206 or stanwaleski@ya-
Churches will have Masses for
Memorial Day services Monday, County Sheriffs Office will also cludes cakes, pies, cookies and or Coach LoBrutto at
the Ascension of the Lord, a holy
May 30 at the following times be available to provide child cupcakes, and there will be plen- 654-8030. Camp information is
day of obligation, Thursday, June
and locations: 9 a.m. – St. Mary’s identification kits. The public is ty of extras to purchase and take also available at www.stanwales-
2 at 8 a.m. at St. Mary’s Church,
Cemetery; 9:30 a.m. – SS. Peter invited to attend. home. There will also be a basket
715 Hawthorne St., and 5 p.m. at
and Paul’s Cemetery; 10 a.m. – raffle.
SS. Peter and Paul’s Church,
Langcliffe Cemetery; and 11 To make a reservation or for
1000 Main St. There will be a VFW Auxiliary Until Next Time
a.m. – the veterans memorial more information, please call
vigil Mass Wednesday, June 1 at
monument, corner of Main and The Ladies Auxiliary to V.F.W. Secretary Gerald M. Venetz at That’s about it for this week! If
7 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church.
Hawthorne Streets in front of the Post 8335 will meet Monday, 709-9414 or 654-9833 or Jeffrey you would like something to ap-
American Legion. June 6 at 7 p.m. in the post home, Searles at 891-1962. Checks will pear in next Sunday’s edition of
Food Giveaway 915 Main St. President June Fitz- be accepted and can be made the Avoca News, please e-mail
The Avoca Lions Club will gerald will preside over the payable to St. John’s Lodge No. or call me with your information
Happy Birthday have their monthly food give- 233. The public is invited to at-
meeting, and June Fitzgerald and by Thursday at noon. You can e-
Happy birthday to Betty Jones away Thursday, June 2 from 4- Ceil Scatena will host it. tend. mail me at avocahappen-
who will celebrate her special 6:30 p.m. at the Bethel United or call me at
day Tuesday, May 31. Methodist Church, 532 Main St. 457-3351. Please be sure to in-
Vettes for Vets Garbage Stickers
Volunteers are needed to unload clude your name and phone
the truck at 1:30 p.m. Individuals The West Pittston American The 2011 Avoca Borough gar- number with any correspond-
Finance Council Legion, 1st Lt. Jeffrey DePrimo bage stickers can still be pur-
who use this service are encour-

ence in case I need to reach you.

St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s aged to bring boxes and bags Post 542 will have a Vettes for chased from Therese Wrubel at Have a great week!
Churches’ finance council will with them for their goods. For Vets fundraiser Sunday, June 12 the Avoca Municipal Building,
Ed Strucke is grand marshal of Memorial Day Parade
The 2011 Memorial Day Pa-
rade and services will be held DUPONT
VFW Meeting
The V.F.W. Post #4909 will
amount of household waste by
50%. Here are some things that
Monday, May 30, beginning at hold their next meeting on Mon- can be used for compost: banana
10:30 a.m. The VFW Post 4909 654-0897 day, June 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the peels, coffee grounds, lemon and
will sponsor this year’s parade in orange peels, watermelon rinds,
post home. Commander John
conjunction with AMVETS Post Phillips will preside. The Home and lots more!
189 and the American Legion semble at 9:30 a.m. at the VFW All Veterans and veteran sup- Association meeting will follow.
Post 657. Post 4909 on Main Street. Parade porters will meet at 8:00 a.m. at Food, refreshments and camara-
Following the parade, services officials will assign your as- the Dupont VFW on Main St on Borough Website
derie after both meetings.
will be held at the municipal sembly point. Participants and Monday, Memorial Day, before Information regarding yard
building on Chestnut St. the order of parade are: the parade at 8:30 a.m. A Memo- maintenance, dog ordinance,
rial Service will be held at the Party in the Park and pavilion rental can be found
This year’s 2011 Parade Mar-
shall will be Dupont’s own Ed- Polish National Cemetery. Dupont Borough annual Party on the Dupont borough website
Division 1 The Veterans will then travel in the Park is scheduled for Au- at
ward J. Strucke. He was born on
October 24, 1916, and is 95 years Assemble on Grant Street to the Sacred Heart Cemetery gust 13. Anyone interested in
young. He is the son of the late Police Department and conduct memorial services providing entertainment or do-
Color Guard nations for the Chinese auction, Burning Ordinance
Albert A. Strucke, first burgess immediately following the Mass
Walking Veterans/Ladies at the Chapel. food and refreshments is asked Borough officials remind resi-
of Dupont, and the late Mary A.
Auxiliary Sacred Heart of Jesus Church to contact the borough office at dents that open burning is not al-
(Strucke) Pranick. He is a gradu-
Mayor, Council and Guest will celebrate a Memorial Day 655-6216. lowed. It has been reports that
ate of Pittston High Class of
Mass at the Cemetery Chapel on Orders for Party in the Park T residents continue to violate the
Monday, May 30, at 8:30 a.m. Shirts can be made at either the ordinance.
He worked in the medical field Division 2
for the next five years. He met Holy Mother of Sorrows will HUB 1 store or the Borough of-
Assemble behind the VFW
Margaret Cocco in 1938 and they celebrated their Memorial Mass fice. This year’s shirt design will Softball Tournament
Pittston Area Band
married in 1940. He is the father at their parish cemetery on Mon- feature Peace Sign and are avail- The 5th Annual Dupont Soft-
of three sons, Edward, Robert day, May 30, at 9:00 a.m. able in tie-dye or solid colors. ball Tournament has been sched-
(Deceased), and Jonathan. He Division 3 Solids colors are $10.00 and tie- uled for July 15 – 17 at the Du-
worked many years timbering Assemble on Grant Street dye are $15.00. Samples are be- pont Little League Field. All
and was also an insurance agent. Girl Scouts Reunion Committee ing printed and will be on display proceeds from this tournament
He served in the Navy in Boy Scouts Dupont Schools Reunion shortly. To help defray the cost of will benefit the Dupont Little
World War II. He served as coun- Avoca/Dupont Little League Committee will meet on Sunday, the Party in the Park, Dupont League, the Dupont Lions Club
cilman in Dupont. He is a mem- Dupont Athletic Association June 12, at the VFW Post Home Borough is selling chances on a and other local charities. The
ber of, American Legion Post beginning at 2:00 p.m. The com- 4th of July Lottery Basket. Tick- games are set to begin on Friday,
#657 and is the Adjutant. He is mittee will hold their annual ets are $1.00 each and can be pur- July 15, at 7 p.m. and continue all
Division 4 chased at the municipal office
an active Honor Guard Member class reunions on Sunday, Au- day Saturday, July 16, before
of both AMVETS Post #189 and Assemble Main Street Parking gust 21, at the Pavilion in the during business hours. Drawing concluding on Sunday, July 17.
VFW Post #4909. Lot Park beginning at 11:00 a.m. will be held on July 1. This event will be a double-
Edward and his lovely wife Classic cars with Parade Mar- Kay Rhienschmidt will be tak- elimination tournament which
Margaret reside on Lincoln shal ing reservations until Friday, Au- Ramp Project guarantees each participating
Street in Dupont. Veterans Ladies Auxiliary gust 12.
There is major sidewalk hand- team at least two games played.
Todd Peachy, Lieutenant Col- 2010 Pennsylvania State Golf
icap ramp work being done Entry fee for each team is $150
onel, U.S. Air Force ROTC will Champion Brandon Matthews
along Main and Chestnut streets with prizes being awarded to the
be the Principle Speaker. He is a VFW Ladies Auxiliary float Spaghetti Dinner that will not be complete by winner and runner-up of the
communications officer and has Greater Pittston Area Leo’s
St. John’s Lodge, #233 Monday, Memorial Day. The event.
served in a variety of positions in Club float
FAAM, invites you to a spaghetti contractor has placed orange For further information or to
the Air Force. Additionally he Polka Lites
dinner to be held on June 25. The fencing and borough officials enter a team please contact Rob
has served one tour in Afghan- YMS of R
location is at St. John’s Lodge asks residents to be careful along Lopata at 883-0185 as entrants
istan training Afghan soldiers on Sacred Heart Holy Name So-
Hall, 498 Yatesville Road in Jen- these sites on parade day. Slusser are limited.
the use of communications ciety
Smokey the Bear kins Township, with seating Bros. has notified the borough
equipment. from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. that it will begin road construc-
Lieutenant Colonel Peachey Service Schedule
Take-out service is offered from tion after Memorial Day.
earned a PhD at Auburn Univer- noon until 2:00 p.m. containers Dupont service schedule for
Division 5 PennDOT has been doing the
sity in Management of Informa- will be provided. the week of May 29 is as follows:
Assemble Main Street VFW work on the handicap sidewalk
tion Technology and Innovation. For reservations, additional in- Tuesday, May 31 - Purple re-
parking lot ramps. Residents should contact
He has written or co-authored formation, directions and ticket fuses bags
Dupont Lions Club the borough office or PennDOT
three journal articles and five pre-ordering call Secretary Ger- Wednesday, June 1 – Recy-
L.C.T.A. Trolley as soon as possible if there are
conference articles. His teaching ald M. Venetz, 709-9414, or 654- cling plastics and glass
Anthracite Rose Group any issues with the locations of
experience includes ROTC at 9833; or Jeffrey Searles at 570- Thursday, June - Yard waste
Extra Cars the ramps and cuts made on their
Mississippi State and graduate 891-1962. sidewalks. Once the work is
courses in information technol- Liberty Tax Service
complete it will be too late to ask Got News?
ogy at the Air Force Institute of Rolling Thunder
Maureen Knick – 10 Harleys for changes or alternatives. If you have an article which
Technology. Refuse Bags you would like to submit you can
All parade participants are in- Dupont Borough refuse bags send the information to du-
vited for refreshments after the Division 6 are available for purchase at the Eco-tip or by
parade at the Dupont Hose Com- Assemble Main Street /Cur- Hub 1. Cost will be 10 bags for Here is Joey Jones Eco-tip of calling 654-0897.Send your
pany for children and for adults tain Street 16.00. the week: If you have a garden, news items by Wednesday eve-

at the VFW Post Home. Fire Trucks composting makes a great fertil- ning. Please include a contact
Parade participants will as- Ambulances izer and can even reduce the phone number.
Good time to thank those who fought for our freedom


Memorial Day is a solemn oc-
casion in America when we DURYEA
$60 and 25 tickets for a family of
two or more. Returning players
Duryea Wildcats field, corner of
Kramer and Shaft Streets.
pause and give thanks for all of who have not returned their uni-
the brave men and women who 457-3351 forms are asked to do so at this
laid down their lives in service to time. For more information, Spaghetti Dinner
our country. please e-mail Wildcatsmom- St. John’s Lodge No. 233
It is especially significant this will be 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Main St., June 8 and 9 from 7 FAAM will have a spaghetti din-
year as so many of us still feel the a.m. to noon and 1-3 p.m.: an- ner and bake sale Saturday, June
sting of the untimely passing of swering machines, CD players, 25 from 2-6 p.m. in St. John’s
former Duryea resident U.S. Ar- Holiday Hours duplicators, hard drives, mo- Sons to Elect Lodge Hall, 498 Yatesville Rd.,
my Spc. Dale J. Kridlo who sac- The Duryea Municipal Build- dems, printers, radios, scanners, The Sons of the American Le- Jenkins Twp. Takeouts will be
rificed his life for our country on ing and Street Department will tape players, word processors, gion (S.A.L.S.), Squadron 585, available from 12-2 p.m.
November 7, 2010 in Kunar be closed Monday, May 30 in ob- VCRs, camcorders, copiers, fax will have its election of officers The menu includes salad,
province, Afghanistan. servance of Memorial Day. Gar- machines, laptops, microwaves, Sunday, June 12 from 12-6 p.m. bread with butter, spaghetti with
Although so many of us wish bage will be collected one day mobile phones, pagers, printed at the post home, 329 Main St. homemade sauce, meatballs,
we had the power to bring our late this week. Yard waste will be circuit boards, remote controls, There will also be a S.A.L.S grated cheese, homemade dess-
loved ones back, the one thing collected Friday, June 3. stereos, portable TVs, typewrit- meeting at 3 p.m. The election ert, coffee, tea, and iced tea. The
we can do is unite and thank God ers, mainframe computer equip- nominees are as follows: com- homemade dessert selection in-
that we live in a country which Excelsior Meeting
ment, personal computers, tele- mander - Jim Balchune or Dan cludes cakes, pies, cookies and
raises her citizens to fight and phone and telephone equipment, Lock; senior vice-commander- cupcakes, and there will be plen-
The members of the Excelsior and uninterrupted power supply Shawn Erfman Jr.; vice com-
defend the freedoms we enjoy as Hose Co. No. 2 will have their ty of extras to purchase and take
Americans. God bless America! (UPS) systems. Please note this mander - Jerome Chromey; fi- home. There will also be a basket
regular monthly meeting Thurs- collection is not open to elec- nance officer - David Dehaba;
day, June 2 at 7 p.m. at the hose raffle.
tronic equipment dealers. historian - Mike Andrews; and To make a reservation or for
company, 798 Foote Ave. All If you are unable to drop off sergeant at arms- James Galush-
Happy Birthday more information, please call
members are urged to attend. your items on these dates, you ka.
Happy birthday to Betty Jones Secretary Gerald M. Venetz at
who will celebrate her special may take them on June 11 to the 709-9414 or 654-9833 or Jeffrey
day Tuesday, May 31. Little League county’s central collection site at Searles at 891-1962. Checks will
Happy birthday to Irene Joyce The Duryea Little League will Hanover Area Junior-Senior Vettes for Vets be accepted and can be made
who will celebrate her special have its monthly meeting Sun- High School. The West Pittston American payable to St. John’s Lodge No.
day Friday, June 3. day, June 5 at 7 p.m. at the Du- Legion, 1st Lt. Jeffrey DePrimo 233. The public is invited to at-
ryea Little League Field, corner Post 542 will have a Vettes for tend.
of Kramer and Shaft Streets. Wildcats Signups Vets fundraiser Sunday, June 12
Sewer Authority The Duryea Wildcats will from12-3 p.m. at West Side Auto
Please note the change of loca-
The Duryea Borough Sewer have an early sign-up session Until Next Time
tion for this meeting. Service, (Valero Gas Station),
Authority office will be closed June 8 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the 401 Wyoming Ave., West Pitt- That’s about it for this week! If
Monday, May 30 in observance Duryea Wildcats field, corner of ston. Registration is $10 and in- you would like something to ap-
of Memorial Day. The office Electronics Recycling Kramer and Shaft Streets. All pear in next Sunday’s edition of
cludes food and beverages. For
hours on Tuesday, May 31 will be Duryea Borough is participa- participants must submit their more information or to register, the Duryea News, please e-mail
8:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-3:30 ting in the Luzerne County elec- birth certificate, two proofs of please call Ron Gitkos at 654- or call me with your information
p.m. Please note summer office tronics recycling collection. Du- residency, a photo, and medical 2261. Please be sure to register by Thursday at noon. You can e-
hours will begin Wednesday, ryea residents may drop off any clearance from a doctor to play. early to ensure a good spot. mail me at duryeahappen-
June1and continue through Sep- of the following items behind the The registration fee is $60 and 20 or call me at
tember 30. Summer office hours Duryea Municipal building, 315 tickets for a single family and 457-3351. Please be sure to in-
Wildcats Meeting clude your name and phone

Strawberry Social is June 15

number with any correspond-
The Duryea Wildcats will
ence in case I need to reach you.
have their monthly meeting
Have a great week!
Tuesday, June 14 at 6 p.m. at the
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
HUGHESTOWN Councilman Wayne Quick Pre-

Strawberry Social will be held siding.
June 15 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Take outs are from 4 to 4:30 p.m. Centennial Pavilion is asked to Property Ordinance
Additional menu items of contact Councilman Wayne Reminder there is an ordi- 201 Foote Avenue, Duryea
wimpies, hot dogs, salads will be Quick at 947-6455. nance regarding high grass and FREE DELIVERY! CALL 457-8881
available. debris on property, must be taken OPEN DAILY: 6 a.m.-7 p.m. • Saturday & Sunday ‘til 5 p.m.
To Use Fields care of or resident will be cited.
Picnic in the Park The usage of the fields in Rob- Bottom Round Roast .........................$2.99 lb
The Picnic in the Park com- ert Yaple Memorial Park must al- Rump Roast ...................................... $2.99 lb.
mittee meeting will be held June so be noted, called Councilman Yard Waste Eye Round Roast............................... $3.99 lb.
14 at 7 p.m. with Carmen Am- Eddie Strubeck 654-8122 or Residents are reminded no Fresh Cut Minute Steaks.................... $3.99 lb.
brosino presiding. Plans for the Councilman Wayne Quick 947- grass will be picked up on Mon- Lean Steakettes ................................ $3.99 lb.
annual picnic for July 16 from 12 6455. day, May 30, due to the holiday, Smoked Bacon.................................. $4.99 lb.
papers will be picked up on
to 5 p.m. will be discussed.
Anyone wishing to help out in Council Meeting Tuesday with the co-mingles FRESH & SMOKED KIELBASI
any way is welcome to attend. Hughestown Borough Coun- Please leave grass in open con- Turkey Breast ....................................$5.99 lb.
cil work session will be held tainers at curbside, no heavier Polish Cooked Ham ..........................$5.99 lb.

Pavilion Use June 9 at 7 p.m. Regular council than 35 pounds. There is a three
meeting is June 23 at 7:30 with
Cooper Cheese .................................$4.99 lb.
Anyone wishing to use the container limit.
Memorial Day Parade tomorrow begins at 11:30

The West Pittston/Exeter Me-

morial Day Parade is Monday, EXETER
401 Wyoming Avenue. Registra-
tion is $10, which includes food
special Mass at 10:30 a.m. to in-
augurate the new Parish name of
May 30, beginning at 11:30 a.m. and beverage. St. Barbara in Exeter, which will
at the corners of Linden Street 287-3349 Register early to insure a good consist of St. Anthony’s Church
and Wyoming Avenue in West spot. For more information con- and St. Cecilia’s Church. After
Pittston. The parade will march tact Ron Gitkos at 654-2261 the special celebration a social
down Wyoming Avenue and buffet, dinner buffet, entertain- rently working on the rank of Ea- with refreshments will be held at
conclude at the St. Cecilia’s ment, and open bar. Sight and gle Scout. To fulfill one of the re- St. Anthony’s Center and Pavil-
Church parking lot, Exeter, for a Sound Theater in Lancaster quirements for this rank, he must Exeter Website ion. Mark your calendar.
brief ceremony. Wednesday August 17, dinner complete a community service The new Exeter Borough web- St. Anthony’s Church will be
This year’s feature speaker and theater tickets. Wednesday project. His goal is to replace the site up and running, you can visit the main Church in Exeter, St.
will be John Lemmond, a retired October 19 King Henry and the “Welcome to West Pittston” sign it Cecilia Church will be a worship
Navy Master Chief. Showmen at Penns Peak with on the corner of Erie and Wyom- site.
Paci’s Band, the Wyoming Ar- family style lunch and show. ing avenues. The new sign will Beginning the weekend of
All trips are open to the public. be constructed of an eco friendly St. Anthony’s Parish
ea High School Marching Band June 18-19 the new Mass sched-
and the Ceol-Mor Bag Pipes will Details can be obtained from Jo- and durable composite. He will Today Sunday, May 29, St. ule will take place for Saint Bar-
participate. hanna at 655-2720. also beautify the area around the Anthony’s Parish welcomes the bara’s Parish Community. Satur-
sign with new landscaping. parishioners of St. John the Bap- day, Vigil Mass: St. Anthony’s
This project will cost approxi- tist Church in Exeter to St. An- Church at 4:30 p.m.; St. Cecilia’s
Spaghetti Dinner thony’s Church.
Cosmopolitan Seniors mately $3000 and even the Church at 6pm. Sunday Masses:
St. John’s Lodge, #233 FAAM smallest donation will help him A special Mass will be cele-
The Cosmopolitan Seniors Spaghetti Dinner is June 25 at St. St. Anthony’s Church at 7:30 and
achieve his goal. Checks can be brated at 2 p.m. at St. John the 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. St. Ceci-
will meet again on Tuesday, June John’s Lodge Hall, 498 Yates- made out to Boy Scout Troop Baptist Church. After the Mass,
7, at 1 p.m. at St. Anthony of Pa- ville Road in Jenkins Township, lia’s Church at 9 a.m.
302 and sent to 1250 Wyoming a procession with the Blessed Next Sunday, St. Anthony’s
dua Parish Center, in Exeter. Vic with seating times from 2 until 6 Ave, Exeter 18643. Sacrament will take place. A
Malinowski will preside. p.m. with take out service from welcomes the members of the
This project does not benefit short prayer service with the Wyoming Area Graduation
Anyone 50 years or older in- noon to 2 p.m. the Boy Scouts of America in Benediction of the Blessed Sac-
terested in joining a senior group The dining menu includes: a Class of 2011. Parishioners pray
any way and all money raised rament will follow the proces- that Patron Saint, St. Anthony,
is welcome to come and be our delicious salad, bread with butter will be used to enhance our com- sion.
guest at one of the meetings. (or a substitute), spaghetti with will assist and guide them in the
munity. After Benediction, everyone is new challenges of their future
The club is open to all, regard- homemade sauce, meatballs and invited to St. Anthony’s Parish
less of religious affiliation or grated cheese. To cap off your years.
Center to socialize, and refresh- The Feast of St. Anthony of
place of residence; and meets on meal we will be offering a great Street Sweeping ments will be served. The parish-
the first and third Tuesday of dessert, coffee, tea and iced tea. Padua will be celebrated on Sat-
The Exeter Borough Police ioners of St. Anthony’s cordially urday, June 11, with a special So-
each month, at 1 pm, in St. An- Checks are accepted, made out to Department in conjunction with invite the members of St. John
thony’s Parish center, Exeter, St. John’s Lodge No. 233. lemn Mass at 11 a.m. St. Antho-
Exeter Borough wish to an- the Baptist Church and St. An- ny’s Bread will be blessed and
which is a modern, handicapped Homemade desserts will in- nounce the street sweeping has thony’s Church and St. Cecilia’s
accessible facility, with ample clude cakes, pies, cookies and distributed after the Mass.
begun. Street sweeping will oc- Church to participate in this very The Triduum, three days of
parking. cupcakes for purchase to take cur on the first Friday of each special ceremony, to pray togeth-
Occasional speakers make home for later. You may also prayer, in preparation for the
month from June to November. er, to worship God together, and Feast will be celebrated on June
presentations on timely topics, make a donation for a specialty Residents along Wyoming Ave- to share friendship with each
some seasonal luncheon parties basket raffle, with the winning 8, 9, and 10, with three Masses
nue should make note of this other. each day, at 7 and 11 a.m., and 7
are held, and a monthly Casino selection to be made on the day change. All vehicles which are On Memorial Day, May 30, a
trip and varied day trips are en- of the dinner. p.m. with special prayers.
parked along Wyoming Avenue special Mass will be celebrated
joyed by members and non- Reservations, additional in- during this period are subject to at 9:30 a.m. for all Veterans Liv-
members. Activities after the formation, directions and ticket parking citations. ing and Deceased sponsored by
meeting include refreshments pre-ordering can be made by Reminder
American Legion. Anyone who
followed by an hour of Bingo. contacting; Secretary Gerald M. wishes to have a loved one re- That’s all for this week; re-
Cosmopolitan Seniors travel Venetz, 570-709-9414, or 570- membered at this Mass, please, member if anyone has any
Vettes for Vets Wyoming news or special
coordinator Johanna is accepting 654-9833; or Jeffrey Searles at sign the form located at the en-
reservations for a trip to Mount 570-891-1962. Vetters for Vets, a fundraiser events, such as birthdays or anni-
for the West Pittston American trance of the Church and mark
Airy Casino on Wednesday, June living or deceased. versaries, I would like to hear
8. The following new trips have Legion, Post 542, First Lt. Jef- from you. You can contact me at
Eagle Project frey DePrimo is Sunday, June 12 The consolidation of the Exe-
also been scheduled: The Italian ter churches will take place on 287-3349, Fax 287-3349 oreci-
Conner Mangan, a Life Scout from noon until 3 p.m. at West
Festival at Mt. Haven, Wednes- Sunday, June 12. There will be a
in Boy Scout Troop 302, is cur- Side Auto, (Valero Gas Station),
day, June 15, includes a breakfast

Code officer says junk car ordinance to be enforced

West Wyoming Borough Code
Enforcement Officer advises WEST WYOMING NEWS compost yard will be open on
Saturdays from 10am -2pm for
Trash Reminder
Residents are reminded that
residents that citations will be is- residents of Wyoming and West there is a three-bag limit for trash
sued to residents that have junk Residents please note there be collected on Friday, June 3. Wyoming during the growing collection. The hauler has been
cars on their property. will be no trash collection on season. The compost yard is lo- advised to leave excess trash
Monday, May 30, Memorial cated behind Hose Co #1 on containers behind. Please place

Day. Trash will be collected on Compost Yard Shoemaker Avenue. No contrac- all cardboard and newspaper in
Trash Collection Tuesday, May 31. Yard waste will The West Wyoming Borough tors or landscapers
See W. WYOMING, Page 44
The West Pittston Class of 1948 recently gathered for their 63rd anniversary at Fox Hill Country Club. Seated, left to right, Joan Keim Pribula, Gladys Howell Dale, Sylvia
Barnes Richards, Mary Sorcelli Tozzi, Madelyn Orgie Yount, Ellen Hurtt McGrady, Ann Vallere Alaimo. Standing, Jack Borzell, Harold Atwell, Bob Crisci, Andy Verdine,
John Williams, Ned Stack, Margaret Bonfanti Gryboski.

Scouts seeks financial help to complete Eagle project

Conner Mangan, a Life Scout teams fees due at registration for
in Boy Scout Troop 302, is cur-
rently working on the rank of Ea-
WEST PITTSTON Fees are: $60.00 registration
fee, $10.00. The cost for a foot-
more information.

gle Scout. To fulfill one of the re- ball jersey is $30.00, if needed.
quirements for this rank, he must Tony Callaio There is a $25 refundable activ- Strawberry Festival
complete a community service 654-5358 ity fee for concession stand staff- The Session and Deacons of
project. His goal is to replace the ing. the First United Presbyterian
“Welcome to West Pittston” sign A birth certificate is required, Church, the corner of Exeter
on the corner of Erie and Wyom- ginning at 11:30 a.m. at the cor- DePrimo, will take place on Sun- a photo of the child to be regis- Avenue and Warren Street, are
ing avenues. The new sign will ners of Linden Street and day, June 12 from 12-noon until tered, 2 documents to prove resi- planning their annual Strawber-
be constructed of an eco friendly Wyoming Avenue in West Pitt- 3:00 p.m. at West Side Auto, dency (ex: utility bills, driver’s li- ry Festival and Mini-Flea Market
and durable composite. New ston. The parade will march (Valero Gas Station), 401 cense), and a Medical clearance on Saturday, June 4 in the cour-
landscaping will also be added. down Wyoming Avenue and Wyoming Avenue. Registration to participate in football or tyard of the church. The Flea
This project will cost approxi- conclude at the St. Cecilia’s is $ 10.00 that includes food and cheerleading. Market and Strawberry Festival
mately $3,000 and even the Church parking lot where a brief, beverage. The Rams Board of Directors will open rain or shine, from
smallest donation will help but poignant ceremony will take Register early to ensure a good is seeking a head football coach 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
achieve Conner’s goal. Checks place. spot. For more information con- to volunteer to lead the D team. The public is invited to come
can be made out to Boy Scout This year’s feature speaker tact Ron Gitkos at 654-2261. This is for our 5 to 7 year old and do a little shopping at the
Troop 302 and sent to 1250 will be John Lemmond, a retired bracket of players. Interested flea market, have some lunch
Wyoming Ave, Exeter 18643. Navy Seabee Master Chief. parties should contact the VP of and top it all off with some cake,
Rams Signups
This project does not benefit Paci’s Band will be on hand to Football, Jason McDade at vpof- strawberries and ice cream pro-
perform taps as well as a selec- The West Pittston Rams Junior
the Boy Scouts of America in Cheerleading and Football Asso- football@westpittston- vided by the Deacons.
any way and all money raised tion by the Wyoming Area High Tickets for the strawberries
School Marching Band and the ciation Announces 2011 season
will be used to enhance our com- registration dates at the Moose The Rams Board of Directors and ice cream are $5.00 and are
munity. Ceol-Mor Bag Pipes. is seeking an interested volun- available at the door.
Lodge, 425 Exeter Avenue on
June 9, 23 and 30, and July 7 teer for the Board position of For more information, contact
from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for Safety Officer. Sharon Harding or James Thy-
Memorial Day Vettes for Vets Please speak to any current ren at 654-8121.
residents of West Pittston, Hard-
The annual West Pittston/Exe- Vettes for Vets, a fundraiser ing, Falls & Exeter Township Board member regarding quali-

ter Memorial Day Parade will for the West Pittston American from ages 5 to14-years. Children fications and expectation for the
take place Monday, May 30, be- Legion, Post 542, 1st Lt. Jeffrey will be placed in age-designated position, or email presi-
West Pittston Office Hours
A representative from Con-
gressman Lou Barletta’s office
Library Programs
Adult Programs
Beginner Yoga: Tuesdays &
Birthday Notes
Celebrating this week are: Liz
Norton, 5/30; Emily Wolfgang,
Continued from Page 43 will be available at the West Pitt- Thursdays, thru 5/31, 8:30-9:30 5/31; Jason Slatcoff, 5/31; Briana
Yard Waste ston Municipal Building on Exe- a.m. - $7.00 drop-in; discounted Remas, 6/1; Amanda Cool-
Book/Bake Sale Yard waste pick up: Mont- ter Avenue, the first and third punch passes available. Classes baugh, 6/1; Greg Riley, 6/1;
A Book/Bake Sale is sched- gomery Avenue to Erie Street Wednesdays of every month are held in the former American Shane McCabe, 6/2; Debbie Sil-
uled this year for June 24-25 on will be picked up on Mondays from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Legion Building at 316 Linden veri Hammeran, 6/2; Julie Luca-
the grounds around the West while Montgomery Avenue to The representative will be St. next to the Montgomery Ave. rella, 6/2; Myles Dellarte, 6/3;
Pittston Library. Susquehanna Avenue will be there to answer questions from Elementary School. Chris Sickle, 6/4; and Gloria Fu-
There will be books on sale for picked up on Tuesdays. Please residents regarding Medicare, West Pittston Library Book manti, 6/4; and Elizabeth Stella
every age category, from EZ place yard waste in open con- Social Security, Veterans bene- Club: First Tuesday of Each Fitzgerald, 6/4.
Read and beginning readers to tainers for pick up. Yard waste in fits, etc. No appointments are Month, 6:45 p.m.
children’s, juvenile, Young plastic bags will not be picked necessary, any resident with Friends of the Library Meet-
Adult, and fiction and nonfic- up. questions or concerns are wel- ing & Fundraisers: The Friends Thought for the Week
tion. Book prices start at 25 cents Branches are to be tied in come to stop by during these of the Library meet once a month
and there will be plenty of books Books are but a waste paper
small bundles no larger than one hours. at the Library. Call the Library
at this price. Selections include unless we spend in action the
inch round by 4-feet in length. for information about their up-
mysteries, drama, art, politics, wisdom we get from thought.
Grass and leaves are to be in con- coming meetings.
cooking, travel, gardening, his- tainers weighing no more than Tax Reminder Children’s Programs
tory, biographies, and auto biog- 25 to 30-pounds. Taxes due are currently in face Weekly Story Time: Every Quote of the Week
raphies, all arranged by topic and Recycling materials are value amount until June 8. Friday, 1:00 p.m. “Love is an act of endless for-
some by author. picked up curbside on the first Tax office hours are: Tuesday Stop by the circulation desk or giveness, a tender look which be-
The Bake sale will feature all and third Thursdays of each and Wednesday, 6:00 – 8:00 call the library at 654-9847 to comes a habit.” – Peter Ustinov
homemade baked goods from month andinclude newspapers p.m.; Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to sign up. If a cost is associated
breads, to cake, cookies, and (in covered containers only) and noon or by appointment by with the program, the fee will be
pies. Specialty baskets will be commingled glass and alumi- required at the time of sign-up to Bumper Sticker
called 655-3801.
offered for you to try your luck. num cans. Residents can also If you are requesting a receipt, reserve your spot. For detailed In order to be happy, think of
Drawing for the baskets will be bring all of their recycled materi- please send a self-addressed, program information, please vis- the ills you have been spared.
on June 25 around 2:30 p.m. als to the Public Works garage stamped envelope. it, join our
each Saturday morning from mailing list, or give the Library a
8:00 a.m. until noon. call!

W. Wyoming
Continued from Page 42

the recycling containers. Card-

board must be broken down be-
fore being placed in the recy-

Thank You
Thank you to Austin Shission
who cleaned up and planted
flowers in the park at Eighth
Street corners. This is the third
year Austin has taken on this

Yard Waste
West Wyoming Borough has
begun yard waste pick-ups.
Pick-ups will be on Thursday.
Every other week one-half the
town will be collected until the
beginning of November.
The schedule will be as fol-
lows, June 9, 8th Street to the
Exeter Line. June 3, Atherton
Section up to 8th Street but NOT
including 8th Street
This schedule of alternating West Wyoming Boy Scout Troop 366 and West Wyoming Borough council joined together to celebrate Arbor Day by planting a tree in
weeks will continue until No- Charney park. The tree was donated by the Shission family in honor of their late neighbor Mrs. Smith.
Residents can call the Bor- volume. Residents are advised if haulers will not collect it. Visit the West Wyoming Web- receiving a monthly e-newsletter

ough building to arrange to drop their yard waste container site at from the borough, please visit
off waste or request the truck be weighs more than 40 lbs the If any residents are interested in the website for more details.
left at their residence for large Website
Memorial Day events commence at 8 a.m.


Memorial Day events begin ilies to a performance. The 2011 Redwings game. Tickets are $11
with a ceremony at the War
Monument in front of the VFW
WYOMING NEWS theme is Pandamania (Where
God is wild about you!).
and on sale after all the Masses.
Call Tom Tomsak at 237-2188
in Wyoming Post 396 at 8 a.m. EILEEN CIPRIANI Dates: Monday June 20 to Fri- for more information and to get
and at 8:30 a service at the War 287-3349 day, June 24 from 8:45 a.m. to 1 your tickets.
Memorial at 8th Street and Shoe- p.m. at OLOS Hall at St. Mon- Guardian of the Redeemer
maker Avenue in West Wyom- ica’s Parish. The Cost is $20 per Men’s Prayer Breakfast will be
Birthday Wishes parade route for Memorial Day.
ing. child ($15 per child if more that held at St. Monica’s Parish
The parade line-up will begin Happy 62nd Birthday to Ri- Only through your continued three children in the same house- (OLOS Hall, West Wyoming) on
at 8:45 a.m. at Dailey Memorial chard Hizynski of Wyoming support are projects like this hold). Checks can be made out to Saturday, June 25 from 8:30 a.m.
Park, located on Shoemaker made possible. “St. Monica Parish.” Call the to 10 a.m. All men are welcome
Avenue in West Wyoming with Parish Office for further infor- and can bring their sons who are
Movie Night
the parade beginning at 9:15 a.m. Compost Yard
mation at 693-1991. 12 years of age or older. To regis-
After the parade there will be a The Wyoming Recreation Lillian Dominici is coordina- ter call St. Monica’s at 693-1991
short program ending with a rifle Board will be sponsoring a Mo- The West Wyoming Borough tor for the School. Volunteers are or email atmonicaww@veri-
salute by American Legion Post vie Night in the Park on Friday, compost yard is open on Satur- also needed to make Vacation zon.netor Glen Yanik atgmya-
904 West Wyoming. June 3, at Butler Street Park at days from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. for Bible School a success.
The guest ceremonial speaker dusk (around 8:30 p.m.), weath- residents of Wyoming and West Teens (and pre-teens) in Bible Study will resume in the
is Master Gunnery Sergeant er permitting. Bring your lawn Wyoming during the growing grades 6-12 are encouraged to fall on a date to be announced.
Frank Carden, USMC Reserve chairs and blankets for an en- season. The compost yard is lo- volunteer. Parents must sign
Retired. He is a veteran of Viet- joyable family night out. cated behind Hose Co #1 on consent for under 18.Registra-
Nam, Gulf War, Operation Des- Shoemaker Avenue. No contrac- tion will be held after both Mass- Reminder
ert Shield and Desert Storm, he Thank You Note tors or landscapers es on Sunday, June 5 and12 (8:30 That’s all for this week; re-
has received a number of mili- The West Wyoming Recre- a.m. at St. Joseph’s and 11:00 member if anyone has any
tary decorations and awards. ation Board would like to thank St. Monica’s Parish a.m. at OLOS sites.) Wyoming news or special
The Grand Marshal for this all residents who contributed to Vacation Bible School is a St. Monica’s Parish is sponsor- events, such as birthdays or anni-
year is Frank Napkora, U.S. Ar- last year’s annual campaign. As a week of fun and learning about ing a trip to the Lackawanna versaries, I would like to hear
my Veteran. result and with the generosity of God for grades Pre-K (must be county Stadium on Saturday, Ju- from you. You can contact me at
After the ceremony at the American Legion Post 904, the starting Kindergarten in 2011) ly 9, to see and hear the church’s 287-3349, Fax 287-3349 oreci-
Wyoming Cemetery, the Amer- board has purchased new Amer- through 5th. On the final day, the choirs sing the National Anthem
ican Legion and West Wyoming ican Flags and poles to line the children invite parents and fam- prior to the Yankees - Rochester
Borough will cosponsor a coo-
kout under the pavilion at Dailey

Rotary Golf Tourney

The Rotary Club of Wyoming
will be holding their annual
Charity Golf Tournament on
Thursday, June 9, at Wilkes-
Barre Golf Course in Bear
Creek. The golf tournament is a
major fundraiser that benefits
non-profit service organizations
throughout the Wyoming Valley.
Any support from local busi-
nesses can offer would be greatly
Cost for Captain and Crew
Team $320. Hole Sponsors: Sil-
ver Hole Sponsor $50; Gold
Hole Sponsor $100. Make
checks payable to: Wyoming
Rotary Club, Mail to P.O. Box
4002 Wyoming, PA 18644. Pick
up available for any donated
item, call (570) 675-3045 or Cell
(717) 305-0262.

Flags Donated
Wyoming Borough council
and Mayor thank Wyoming
VFW Post 396 for the donation
of the American flags that have St. Monica's Parish will sponsor a trip to the SWB Yankees Game on Saturday, July 9 at 7:05 p.m.. Deadline for reservations and pay-

been placed along Wyoming ment is Thursday June 9th. Shown near the publicity poster left to right: Michael Buonsante, Father Leo McKernan, Tom Tomsak,
Avenue in the borough. Ninarose Lewko, Music Director, Alyssa and Ariel Vikara.

McLean wins Radzwilka wins

1600m D2 gold 800m gold medal
D’Eliseo wins silver, bronze; Golden takes District 2
Rydzy takes bronze Class 3A silver in 3200m

PA's Dave McLean runs the 1600m Run earlier this season. McLean won captured a WA's Sara Radzwilka takes the baton from Melissa Cruz in a realy race earlier this
gold medal in the event at the DIstrict 2 Class 3A championships last Saturday. season. Radzwilka won a District 2 gold medal on Saturday in the 800m Run.

By Rick Notari dons. McLean’s time was almost seven By Rick Notari Class 3A Track & Field Championships at
Dispatch Staff seconds better than his seed time of Dispatch Staff Shippensburg this weekend with the victory.
4:37.00. Bianca Bolton of Pittston Area placed15th
Pittston Area’s Dave McLean wasn’t a “Mostly, it’s been a tough week,” Wyoming Area’s Sara Radzwilka posted with a time of 2:33.95.
happy camper when the District 2 Class McLean told the Times Leader. “I wasn’t her best time of the season to win the District Also on the medal stand for Wyoming Ar-
3A Boys’ Track & Field Championships happy Thursday when they (postponed it). 2 Class 3A gold medal in the 800m Middle ea was senior Michelle Golden.
were postponed for the third time last It was not good.” Distance Run last Saturday at the 2011 Girls Golden gave the Lady Warriors their only
Thursday. But that didn’t slow down the But McLean was at his best on Saturday Track & Field Championships at Scranton other Top3 finisher by winning a silver med-
Patriots’ top distance runner when the time and used a different approach in running Memorial Stadium. al in the 3200m Distance Run. Golden ran an
to race came on Saturday. his best race of the season. Radzwilka ran a 2:17.53 – more than two 11:48.23 to finish second in the event behind
McLean posted a season-best time of seconds better than her seed time – to outlast freshman phenom Regan Rome of Dallas
“Usually I run out front,” said McLean.
4:29.42 to win district gold in the 1600m Wallenpaupack’s Chelsea Mann and Crest- who won the gold with a time of 11:10.31.
“This time, I held back more and in the last
Run at Scranton Memorial Stadium. The wood’s Hannah Coffin. The senior gave the Golden improved from her finish last year as
lap, I kicked.”

Lady Warriors their only gold medal of the a junior when she finished fifth in the event.
PA senior won the event by more than six
event. Radzwilka, who finished fifth in the
seconds over Valley View’s Jordan Sid-
See BOYS, Page 52 800m last season, qualified for the PIAA See GIRLS, Page 53

WVAL champs return core players

Greater Pittston team dominated by Wyoming Area players
By Bill Riccetti games so if you don’t have ston Area senior Ron Musto, and winner of the league
Dispatch Intern solid pitching then you are in will most likely be batting championship. Greater Pittston
June 1st will start the begin-
trouble,” said Whyte.
Pitching seems to be one of
cleanup. Also in the mix is
Dallas slugger, Traves DeBo-
While the team has good
pitching and offensive depth,
Legion Schedule
ning of the Wyoming Valley their strong points with na who was collected on waiv- Whyte is concerned about one
American Legion Baseball Wyoming Area junior Dylan ers before the season began. aspect of his teams play. June Tunkhannock
league and Greater Pittston is Maloney taking the mound on The team will also sport the “We need to catch the ball,” June 3 ............WILKES-BARRE
looking to make an impact. June 5....................OLD FORGE
day one. Following him will talents of Wyoming Area’s he said. “We can pitch, we can
“This is basically the same June Plains
be WA senior Chris Murphy Nick O’Brien and Kody Now- hit, we just need to play good June 8........................BACK MT.
team that won the league and post-graduate Andre Har- icki, two very good hitters that defense.” June 11 Hazleton, 2 p.m.
championship last year, minus ris. will most likely be playing in Whyte thinks they will be June 12 .................NANTICOKE
a few guys,” said manager The depth of Greater Pitt- the middle of the infield. An- fine and hopes they can all June 13 Swoyersville
Drew Whyte. “Our goal this ston’s bullpen will be utilized other good hitter, WA’s Kyle gain something out of this ex- June 15 ..........MOUNTAIN TOP
year is to make the playoffs with pitchers Anthony Belli- Colarusso will most likely be perience. June 18 ....NORTHWEST, 2 p.m.
and hopefully get hot like we no, Sam Eramo, Erik Walk- seeing covering first. Trent “I just hope that the kids June 19 .........TUNKHANNOCK
did last year.” oviak, and David Drahus – all Grove may also be there or he learn from playing ball and June Wilkes-Barre
Whyte coached Wyoming Wyoming Area products. may be behind the plate. take it into life with them,” he June 22 Old Forge
Area baseball for 26 years so “I am confident in our Randy McDermott, a for- said. “I hope it helps them be- June 24 ..........................PLAINS
he is familiar with the roster June 26 Back Mt.
pitching,” said Whyte. “We mer cleanup hitter for WA, come better people.”
of this Legion team which pri- June 28 ...................HAZLETON
have some talented kids.” will bring depth to the of- Greater Pittston opens its July 1.............SWOYERSVILLE
marily consists of kids from Without good offense a fense. The outfielders will season in Tunkhannock on July 5 Mountain Top
WA. The 18-man roster shows pitcher’s good outing can be consist of Matt Carroll, Ryan Wednesday at 5:45 p.m. July Northwest
many young talents that wasted. However this team has Casey, PJ Bone, and Cody
Whyte hopes will lead them to great confidence in its hitting. Poder. Sunday Dispatch Intern Bill HOME GAMES IN CAPS
another good playoff run. The lineup is not yet final- The team will be coached by Riccetti is a senior at Wilkes Home games at Atlas Field
“You have 35 days for 21 ized, however the catcher, Pitt- Joe Sobeski, a former player University. All games start at 5:45 p.m.
unless noted


Flynn, Giambra win District 2 gold

Patriots, Warriors total 28 medals
By Rick Notari Wyoming Area’s Haley Stackhouse who Wyoming Area’s Tim Russell earned a Rhianon Avvisato earned bronze for
Dispatch Staff posted the same distance of 15-5. Stack- bronze medal in the Long Jump with a Pittston Area in the 100m Hurdles with a
house earned the only silver medal for the leap of 18-8.25, and teammate Matt Hine time of 17.78.
Wyoming Area’s Matt Flynn and Pitt- Lady Warriors. Giambra also earned a finished fifth with a jump of18-3.25. Hine Celes Owens also won a bronze for the
ston Area’s Olivia Giambra each won gold bronze medal in the Triple Jump with a also earned a fourth place medal in the Lady Patriots with a leap of 4-8 in the
medals at the District 2 Junior High Track jump of 32-3.5. Triple Jump for the Warriors with a leap of High Jump.
& Field Championships which were held On the boys’ side WA’s Isaih Peoples 36-11.25. Wyoming Area’s Jillian Spak earned a
May 14 at Scranton Memorial Stadium. earned the only individual silver medal for The Pittston Area 4 x 100m Relay team fourth place finish in the 100m Dash and a
The duo were part of a group of Patriots the Greater Pittston group with a second of Austin Naples, Kyle Gattuso, Danny fifth place finish in the 300m Hurdles.
and Warriors that combined to collect 28 place finish in the 100m Dash. His time of Brady and Zach Erfman won a silver med- Tara Johnson finished fourth for the La-
medals, including 15 in the top three spots 12.13 was just .23 behind winner Pat Mo- al with a time of 47.76 finishing just be- dy Patriots in the 3200m Distance Run,
as the Pittston Area girls finished second nahan (11.9) of North Pocono. Peoples al- hind the Holy Redeemer team who posted and Courtney Gyles placed sixth in the
overall and the Wyoming Area boys so finished fourth in the 200m Dash. a time of 47.68. The WA team of Jordan Triple Jump for PA.
placed fourth overall. Pittston Area’s Austin Naples earned a Pardini, Isaih Peoples, Jeff Skursky and The Pittston Area 4 x 400m Relay team
Flynn, a freshman, captured gold in the bronze medal in the 200m Dash with a Ryan Murphy placed sixth with a time of of Elizabeth Scialpi, Olivia Giambra, El-
Pole Vault with a vault of 10-6. He bested time of 24.90 and finished fifth in the 48.88. izabeth Waleski and Rebecca Weinstock –
Valley View’s Ryan Wilkes, Tunkhan- 100m Dash. On the girls’ side, Pittston Area’s Alli- all eighth graders – finished fourth with a
nock’s Stefan Sehne, and Pittston Area’s Chuck Poli won a bronze medal for the son Parrent won silver in the Javelin with a time of 4:30.47.
Zach Erfman by six inches for the win. Patriots in the Shot Put with a throw of 42- throw of 94-8, and Pittston Area’s Eliza- The Lady Patriots 4 x 100m Relay team
Erfman earned a fourth-place finish with 10. Wyoming Area’s Jeff Skursky finished beth Waleski won silver in the 300m Hur- of Scialpi, Giambra, Gyles and Nicole
his vault of 10-0. fourth with throw of 41-1. Skursky howev- dles with a time of 50.86. Waleski also Mayerski placed sixth with a time of

Giambra, an eighth-grader, earned her er won bronze in the Javelin with a throw finished fifth for the Lady Patriots in the 55.46
gold medal in the Long Jump with a leap of 143-9. 100m Hurdles.
of 15-5. She won the tiebreaker with

Late-inning magic turns Errors doom Warriors in

table on Pittston Area District 2 quartersfinals
Patriots lose late lead to AH WA eliminated by Valley View
By Matt Page By Matt Petrini
Dispatch Correspondent Dispatch Correspondent

Pittston Area had the tables turned on Behind a complete-game, five-strikeout

them Friday afternoon as Abington performance by Cameron Damski, top-
Heights rallied with 10 runs in the final seeded Valley View ousted Wyoming Ar-
three inning – including five runs in the top ea, 6-2, in the quarterfinals of the District
of the seventh - to earn a 10-7 win and 2 Class 3A tournament at the Valley View
knock the Patriots out of the District 2 Sports Complex on Friday afternoon.
Class 3A tournament at the Bucky Harris And if Damski wasn’t good enough to
Sports Complex in Hughestown. begin with, the Warriors compounded
The third-seeded Patriots took a 5-0 lead their problems by committing four costly
into the fifth inning as starter Jordan Bone errors which played a huge role in the loss.
cruised through the first four innings. The Cougars built an early 2-0 lead in
But the Comets finally got to Bone in the the second inning, scoring two unearned
fifth, scoring two runs to chase the lefty as runs in a sign of things to come for the
Pittston Area went to Chuck Bressler in re- eighth-seeded Warriors.
lief. Abington Heights got to Bressler as More trouble loomed in the third as WA
well, scoring three runs off the junior in one starter starter Ron Klepadlo walked Dam-
inning of work to tie the game at 5-5 enter- ski to start the inning. But after setting
ing the home half of the sixth. down the next two batters he faced, Kle-
The Patriots scored what seemed like padlo issued another walk to set up Matt
two insurance runs in the sixth to push its Staback.
advantage to 7-5, but the Comets went to Staback drilled a fly ball into center
work in the seventh off of PA closer Kyle which was mishandled, allowing two Cou-
Callahan. gars to score. Valley View tacked on two
Abington scored four earned runs off of more runs in the inning, and Wyoming Ar-
the righty on four hits and two walks to take Pittston Area's Tyler Loftus smacks a ea trailed 6-0. WA's Ryan Carey rounds third base on
a 10-7 lead. single for the Patriots. The Warriors finally had an answer for his way to scoring against North Poco-

Four-time champ Old Forge to defend crown

Blue Devils advance to D2 1A title game with two easy wins
By Rick Notari Dom Avvisato. Argust then
Dispatch Staff scored on a bloop single over the
shortstop’s head by Russ
Old Forge cruised behind the McGlynn for a 1-0 lead. McGlynn
pitching and hitting of senior Tony – who reached base in all four of
Goodall to advance to the District his at-bats – advanced to second
2 Class 1A championship game on a passed ball and scored when
for the fifth straight season with a Gary Puckett ripped a single to
9-0 victory over third-seeded Blue center.
Ridge on Thursday afternoon at Two pitches later Chris Talipski
Pagnotti Park. The Blue Devils was hit with a pitch, and on a 2-2
will face top-seed Lackawanna count, Goodall ripped a fastball
Trail for the third consecutive sea- over the right field fence for a
son in the final on Tuesday at 4:30 three-run homer and a 5-0 lead.
p.m. at PNC Field in Moosic. On the mound, Goodall retired
Goodall cracked a second-in- the first six batters before allow-
ning, three-run home run to cap a ing a humpback liner over Ar-
five-run inning that put Old Forge gust’s head at third base. But the
(13-3) in control early. veteran righty struck out the next

The inning started with Dave Old Forge's Tony Goodall fires a pitch to the plate in the Blue Devils win over Blue Ridge on Thurs- three batters, and retired seven
Argust drawing a walk and mov- day afternoon in a District 2 Class 1A playoff game.
ing to second on a groundout by PHOTO BY RICK NOTARI See DEFENDING, Page 58

Ashley Machine takes over Industrial lead

Fasciana-Benfante win Emanon Ryder Cup Tourney
On the heels of a slim 2-1 victo- Founders Day Tourney set ient during the dinner after the Area. Nemetz at 267-6802.
ry, Ashley Machine took control The Emanon Country Club tournament. Anyone interested in Food preparation will be han- All proceeds go to the Kiel Ei-
of the league lead over Stevens Founders Day three-day Tourna- playing in the tournament, spon- dled by Tim Kohl, chef at Ema- gen Fund.
Financial. ment will be held June 10-12. soring a hole, or donating to the non Country Club. The top four
John Mulhern led the winners Members can sign up in the pro scholarship fund, please call holes will be utilized fornon- Little Sisters sets
with a 1-over par 35 as Joe Gra- shop for this Member-Guest or Scott 570-466-2627 or Tim 215- golfing children to chip and putt Golf Tourney
ham and Alex Brogna contribut- Member-Member Tournament. 298-4495 for more details. and ride in a golf cart. There is al- The Little Sisters of the Poor,
ed 37s. Rick Mazar fired the eve- For more info on this tournament so a 9-hole captain and mate for- Scranton, will honor local funeral
ning’s low round of 1-under 33 call the pro shop at 388-6112. PA Hoop Boosters golf mat for children 14 and younger director Vince Vanston at their
and Mark (UPS) Kolmansperger tourney set fifth annual golf tournament Sat-
who do play golf.
shot a 36 to pace Stevens. WA football alumni On June 4, the Pittston Area A pizza party along with music urday, June 11 at the Scranton
O’Connor Plumbing kept pace tourney slated Basketball Booster Club will host and games follows the event. Municipal Golf Course, Lake
with the leaders by splitting their The annual Wyoming Area a captain-and-crew golf tourna- Registration is required by call- Ariel. The event will begin with a
match with Selenski Insurance. Football Alumni Association ment at Four Seasons Golf Club ing the Petrucci’s at Modern Mar- shotgun start at 1:30 p.m. and
Bob Lampman led the way with a Golf Tournament is set for Four with an 8 a.m. shot gun start. ket (654-7031),Amy Wagner at have a captain and crew format.
38 and John O’Connor carded a Seasons Golf Club on July 30 Fee for the tournament will be Emanon (388-4013) or Kelli The cost per golfer is $100 which
39. Jim Breck shot 40 and Tom with a 1 p.m. shotgun start. $65 a person which will include Lyons-Stevens (587-1230). includes green fees, use of a cart,
Jorda 42 for Selenski’s. Cost is $75 per person and in- cart, green fee and old fashioned a golf shirt, and dinner at the
PJ Adonizio Funeral Home cluded cart, green fees, beverages cook out at Four Seasons after Tee Time for Kiel course clubhouse following the
broke out of their slump with a and food. Hole sponsorships are golf. To sponsor a hole for $50 or The Friends of Kiel Eigen are tournament.
3-0 win over AS Powers and Sons available for $100. All proceeds to register a team for the tourna- sponsoring the Third Annual Tee Several types of sponsorships,
thanks to Marty Pleban’s 35 and benefit the Warriors football pro- ment call Carl at 883-7220 or Time for Kiel Golf Tournament which are great advertising vehi-
Jack Linskey’s 38. Brian Rinker gram and the Rind of Pride-Al 954-3067. Deadline to register is on June 4 at Sand Springs Golf cles, are available including hole
shot a 40 and Chuck Ferrara a 41 Ciampi Scholarship. June 1. Club. The Tournament is Captain signs for $100 and corporate
for Powers. Players or foursomes must reg- and Crew with a 1 p.m. shotgun sponsorships for $500. The Little
In the evening’s final match, ister by July 6. Pittston Kiwanis/YMCA golf
tournament set for June 17 start. Sisters are also offering a special
Hoffman Electric defeated Red For more info, contact Lou Cost is $100 per player and in- $500 golf package which in-
Mill 2-1. Former Wyoming Area Ciampi Jr., at 654-4040 or Pittston Kiwanis Club’s 26th
cludes golf fees, lunch, dinner cludes golfing for four people,
and current University of Scran- annual golf tournament will be
and a snack and drink at the turn. use of golf carts, dinner, golf
ton golfer, Jamie Bresnahan, shot held Friday, June 17 at Emanon
Cashmere Golf Tourney set Registration begins at 11:30 a.m. shirts, and a hole sign. There will
36 and Sean Fortney shot 38 for Country Club in Falls with tee off
with lunch and range time sched- also be numerous raffles of the
the winners. Mike Lazevnick The Brian Cashmere Memorial at 11:30 a.m. Cost is $75 per play-
uled for 12 p.m. Prizes will be Sisters’ famous gift baskets
fired even par 34 and John Zelo- Golf Tournament will be held at er and includes light lunch, buffet
awarded for first and second throughout the day.
nis a 36 for the Mill. Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club in dinner, beverages, golf, cart, and
prizes. Single players as well as place in each flight. For information or to register,
Mountaintop on June 4. All pro-
foursomes are welcome. Regis- Teams will be accepted on a please contact Jackie Galvin, di-
Emanon Ryder Cup ceeds from the tournament are
tration begins at 10 a.m. first-come basis. All fees must rector of development/communi-
Emanon Country Club held its donated to a scholarship in Brian
Cashmere’s name, which is given The tournament benefits the accompany registration. Hole cations at Holy Family Resi-
annual Ryder Cup Tournament Sponsors are also welcome at dence, at (570) 343-4065 or scde-
on Sunday May 22 with a total of annually to a senior from Pittston Greater Pittston YMCA and Ki-
Area High School to assist in wanis projects. For registration or $100 per hole. velopment@littlesistersofthe-
40 two-man teams participated in For more info or to register by June 1. All proceeds
this year’s event. The team of Guy their college tuition. sponsorship contact Sal Bernar-
The entry fee is $100 per per- di, 820-8459; Don Shearer, 654- contact Adam Barsigian at 561- will benefit the Sisters in their
Fasciana and Len Benfante shot a
son which includes cart, green 5063 or Ron Faust, 814-7157. 5822, J Argonish at 862-3566, mission of caring for the elderly
5-under par score of 65 to edge
fee, and dinner provided after- Corey Palma at 861-4743 or Ian poor with dignity and respect.
Rick Mazar and Harry Stevens by
wards at Blue Ridge, as well as Kids Helping Kids at Emanon
one stroke.
The results are as follows:
Championship Flight
entry into several prize give-
aways. The format will be captain
The second annual "Kids Help-
ing Kids" golf outing at the Ema- FOUR SEASON’S GOLF CLUB
and crew, and there will be a shot- non County Club will take place
1-Fasciana - Benfante ..........65
2-Mazar - Stevens ...............66 gun start at 1:30 p.m. on June 20 from 5-7 p.m. All pro- MEMORIAL Slocum Ave.,
3-Biglin - O’Brian...............69
4-Kromko - Tedlock............69
Anyone wishing to sponsor a
hole can do so for a minimum do-
ceeds go to benefiting SAFE
(Serving Autistic Families Ev- DAY SPECIAL 655-8869
First Flight
nation of $100. The Golf Tourna-
ment Committee will also be ac-
erywhere). The Emanon closes
will be coursed during this time 18 HOLES
2-McCracken - Parulis ........72
cepting gift certificates or other
prizes from any local business in-
to serve the benefit.
Each participating child will w/ CART
3-Gilbride - Boylan .............74
4-Hughes - Coleman ...........74
terested in donating. All donors
will be listed on the golf tourna-
receive a medal and gift donated
by Stevens Financial. Other con-
ment flyer to be handed out that tributors are Gertrude Hawks • 1/4lb hot dogs $1.00
Second Flight day to all golfers, as well as sub- Candies and Tunkhannock Kiwa- • Miller high life drafts 16 oz. 75¢ all day
sequent newspaper write ups. nis. Notable volunteers on hand • Miller lite and Coors lite 6pk specials
1-Begliomini - Pisano..........77 (for on course only)
2-O’Connor - Mayer ...........77 This year will be the first year will include Tunkhannock High • Beverage cart specials (10am-5pm) PUB MAX

3-Bryan - Farrell..................77 that the Brian Cashmere Scholar- School Golf Coach Andy Neely Four Seasons Golf Course and Pub Max NOW OPEN!
4-JZezza - DZezza ..............77 ship will be awarded, and the and PIAA State Golf Champion are open to the public daily
award will be given to the recip- Brandon Matthews from Pittston

PA Track Parents hosting end-of-season party

The Pittston Area Track Parents will host an end of Hens baseball game at PNC Field on Friday, June 3. Lady Comets Basketball Camp set
the season party on Tuesday at the Jenkins Township Join the boosters for the game and get a game ticket, The Crestwood Lady Comets Basketball Camp will
Fire Hall. The party will be from 6-9 p.m.. Wendy’s Value Meal voucher, a limited edition hat be held June 27-29 from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Crest-
All team members from grades 7-12 are invited to and a game day program for only $12. It’s a $35 value. wood High School for girls entering grades 3-8. For
attend. The senior athletes will be honored at this All the players in the Pittston Area program have more info, contact Isiah Walker at
time. All athletes were given an invitation concerning order forms. Contact a player or call Joe Bone at 654-
the details of the party. Parents are also invited to at- 6734 or 650-2309. Rock Rec slates Summer Camps
tendwith$5 payable at the door. The Rock Rec Center, 340 Carverton Road, is now
If any parents have any questions or would like to WA Diamond Club selling tickets accepting registrations for Summer Camp, including
donate items for the party, please feel free to contact The Wyoming Area Diamond Club is selling tickets Wrestling, Basketball, Cheerleading and Tennis.
either Tammy Powers at 954-1280 or Sharyn Naylor at for the June 3 game of the Scranton Wilkes-Barre Camps run June 20 through August 12.
451-0133. Yankees. The game is at the PNC Field with the first For more information check our website www.rock-
pitch at 7 p.m. The tickets are $12.50 each, which or call (570) 696-2769.
Warrior Pride camp set includes your entrance into the game, upper level seat,
The annual Wyoming Area Warrior Pride football game day program, limited edition hat, and a Voucher Rock Rec hosting hoops camp
camp will be held July 29 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at to Wendy’s for a value meal. To purchase tickets con- The Rock Rec Center, 340 Carverton Road, will be
Jake Sobeski Stadium. All players ages 6-14 are en- tact Joe Bellino at 654-0730 or 817-1267 after 5 p.m. holding its 9th annual Summer Basketball Camp. The
couraged to participate, and all WA alumni are invited First come first served, supplies are limited. All pro- camps are open to girls and boys Pre-K through 6th
to attend as coaches. ceeds go to the Wyoming Area Baseball program. grade.
Two $500 sponsors are sought to offset the cost of Dates and times are as follows:
the camp. For more info, contact Lou Ciampi Jr at WWWE Panthers registering Pre-K - 1st Grade, weeks of June 27th and July 25th,
654-4040 or The Wyoming-West Wyoming-Exeter Panthers 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Football/Cheerleading Association will hold registra- 2nd-3rd Grades, weeks of July 11th and August 1st,
Duryea LL to meet June 5 tion for the 2011 season on the following dates and 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.
The Duryea Little League will hold its monthly times: June 12, 12-3 p.m.; and June 26, 12-3 p.m. 4th - 6th Grades, weeks of July 18th and August 8th,
meeting on June 5 at 7 p.m. at the Duryea Little Registrations will be at the Panther Field house on 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.
League Field. Please note the change of location for Cedar Street in Exeter. Cost is $60 for an individual All 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. camps include swimming at
the meeting. and $75 for a family. Valley Tennis & Swim Club. Early registration dis-
counts if you register by June 1. For more information
Waleski Baskeball Camp accepting registrations West Pittston Run set
contact the Rock Rec Center at (570) 696-2769 or
Registrations are being accepted for the Stan Wa- The 34th Annual West Pittston Anthracite Run for
leski Basketball Camp to be held at the St. Joseph’s the Coal four-mile run/fun walk has been set for June
Oblates Gym in Laflin from July 12-30 for boys and 4. This year’s event is sponsored by Big Top Tent Rock Rec wrestling camp set
girls in grades K through 8. Rental, and all proceeds benefit West Pittston chil- The Rock Recreation Center is offering a wrestling
The camp stresses skills, fundamentals, competi- dren’s park and recreational activities. camp that will run from June 20-23. The camp will be
tions, team play and fun with all players receiving a Registration will begin that day at 7:30 a.m. at the from Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. The
camp t-shirt and certificate. West Pittston Borough Building. The Fun Walk cost is $250 which includes lunch and swimming for
For camp info, call Coach Stan Waleski at 457-1206 Course is two miles with the Run Course a four-mile leisure at the Valley Tennis and Swim Club.
or Coach Charles LoBrutto at 654-8030. Camp info is loop around the perimeter of West Pittston. Streets Camp will be instructed by Rocky Bonomo and
also available at or by e-mailing will be traffic controlled and miles will be marked. Brian Morrow. For more information please call us at The start and finish will be at the borough building. 570-696-2769.
The course is relatively flat with some hills. Cost of
WA Ice Hockey coach letters due the event is $15 if you pre-register by May 30, and $18 OFAA holding Jr. Devils registration
The Wyoming Area Ice Hockey Club is accepting after May 30. The Old Forge Athletic Association will hold final
letters of intent for volunteer varsity and JV coaching Trophies and prizes will be given to the Top 3 Male registration for Jr. Blue Devils football and cheerlead-
positions. Letter must include USA Hockey CEP# and Female runners in the overall and each age group. ing on June 4 from 1-3 p.m. at the Miles Street Com-
and LVL. Send resume to: WAIHA, P.O. Box 4341, There are 11 age groups for males and 10 age groups munity Park Fieldhouse.
Wyoming, PA 18644. for females. Both course records were set in 2008 Residents of Old Forge ages 5-13 are eligible to par-
with Kenn Barrelli running a 20:09:19 and Heidi ticipate. Registration fees are $45 for a single child,
YMCA sets aquatic programs Wolfsberger running a 22:12:00. $65 for families with two children; and $75 for fam-
The Greater Pittston YMCA is offering a full slate For more information, call the West Pittston Bor- ilies with three or more children.
of aquatic programs for this summer. ough Office at 570-655-7782. For more information contact OFAA president
Including in the programs are swim lessons for par- Shawn Nee at 650-2021.
ents/children, preschool, beginner, intermediate and FIRM hoops camp slated
advanced; summer swim team for children ages 4-19 The FIRM A.C. Nothing But Net Basketball Camp Pace Setter leagues forming
with competitions from June to August; adult pro- will be held June 21-23 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., and June The Pace Setter Athletic Club basketball organiza-
grams of water aerobics, water walking, arthritis 24 from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Kingston Rec Center tion of Northeastern PA will sponsor and operate a
class, master swim team and triathlete training; birth- for boys and girls entering grades 2-8. For more info, series of basketball leagues throughout the months of
day parties; and free swim times. contact Darnell Ford at June, July and August for in girls and boys divisions,
For more information, call Judy Dessoye Rostkow- 5-12 grades. Parish teams, community teams, school
ski, aquatic director, at 655-2255, ext. 106 or by email Coach D’s Fundamental Hoops teams, as well as clubs organized by individual spon-
at Coach D’s All About Fundamentals Basketball sors are welcome. Individual players may be placed
Camp will be held June 27-29 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at on team (numbers permitting). Interested parties can
PA Baseball Boosters offering SWB tickets the Kingston Rec Center for boys and girls entering contact the Pace Setter A.C. at 347-7018 or at paceset-

The Pittston Area Baseball Booster Club is offering grades 2-9. For more info, contact Darnell Ford at
a ticket special for the SWB Yankees and Toledo Mud

Old Forge back in D2 title game

Pittston Area, Wyoming Area eliminated in Class 3A
By Rick Notari in the third when Cadwalder
Dispatch Staff made a nice catch on a foul pop
and Alsalahat snared a liner to
After a season filled with in- strand two more Northwest run-
consistency, the Old Forge soft- ners.
ball team is finally hitting its In the fourth it was the out-
stride. And it couldn’t have fielders’ turn as left fielder Jess
come at a more perfect time. Casey and Carey in center both
The three-time defending made outstanding plays on
District 2 Class 1A champion back-to-back hard-hit balls to
Blue Devils manufactured end the inning. Bilski started
some offense and flashed some the fifth by stabbing a liner
leather on defense to beat top- down the first base line for an
seeded Northwest, 4-1, on Fri- out, and second baseman Briah
day afternoon at Northwest Ar- Carling recorded the final two
ea High School in Shickshinny outs of the inning with a runner
to advance to the district title on second.
game for the sixth straight sea- Northwest finally got to Mar-
son. Old Forge will play Blue ianelli in the bottom of the sixth
Ridge on Wednesday at a site on a bloop single to right and
and time to be determined. two infield singles, but Alsala-
The Blue Devils put runners hat dove to stop the second in-
on in the first two innings field single from reaching the
against Northwest starter Ra- outfield and when she got to her
chel Linso who had fanned over feet, threw out the runner at sec-
150 batters on the season but it ond base who had wandered too
was some third-inning magic far off on the play for the second
that put Old Forge on the board. out of the inning. Marianelli
Freshmen Taylor Nemetz and struck out the next hitter to end
Lauren Carey started the inning the inning and turn momentum
with back-to-back singles to back to the Blue Devils.
give the Blue Devils first and Pictured above Old Forge pitcher Nicole Marianelli fires a strike to the plate against MMI Prep on
Nemetz led off the seventh
third with no out. Carey stole Tuesday in District 2 Class 1A playoff action. Below, the Blue Devils Sarah Fish rips one of her three
with he second bunt single of hits against the Lady Preppers in the Old Forge victory.
second with Andi Alsalahat at the game and Carey followed PHOTOS BY RICK NOTARI
the plate and when a third strike with a double to the left center-
on Alsalahat got away from La- field gap to give Old Forge sec-
dy Rangers’ catcher Maranda ond and third with no out.
Koehn, the Old Forge shortstop Linso got Alsalahat to ground
beat the throw to first to load the out to third, but Marianelli de-
bases. livered another sacrifice fly to
Winning-pitcher Nicole Mar- plate Nemetz with an insurance
ianelli followed with a sacrifice run and a 4-1 lead.
fly to score Nemetz, and when Northwest (13-2), the Wyom-
the throw trying to get the Old ing Valley Conference Division
Forge right fielder at the plate III champions, looked to rally in
skidded into the Northwest du- the bottom of the seventh but
gout, Carey was awarded home Nemetz turned a single to right
for a 2-0 lead. Chelsea Cadwal- into the first out of the inning
der made the score 3-0 with a when she fielded the sharp
sacrifice fly to center which grounder by Rachel Whitesell
easily scored Alsalahat who had and fired to Bilski at first for the
moved to third on the errant out. Marianelli then induced a
throw. liner to Carey in center, and af-
The Old Forge defense was ter a two-out double got a popup
stellar throughout the contest, to Carling at second for the fi-
starting in the second inning nal out of the game.
when first baseman Dana Bilski Marianelli scattered eight hits
picked an Alsalahat throw out and one walk over seven innings
of the dirt for the third out of the to earn the win for Old Forge (6-
inning with runners on first and 10). She also finished 2-for-2

second. The Blue Devils then

showed Marianelli some glove See LADY WARRIORS, Page 56
Continued from Page 46
John Poli of Pittston Area add-
McLean’s victory came just a ed to the Patriots medal count
year after he finished 15th in the with a fifth-place finish in the
event as a junior. Shot Put. Poli heaved the shot 46-
First-time varsity hurdler Ron 06.00. Pete Calderone of North
D’Eliseo also put some hardware Pocono won the event with a
in the Pittston Area trophy case throw of 50.02.50. Poli finished
by earning silver and bronze 10th as a junior.
medals in the 300m and 110m Matt Erfman also claimed a
Hurdle events. fifth-place finish for the Patriots
D’Eliseo finished second in in the Pole Vault. Erfman vaulted
the 300m Hurdles behind Valley a season-best 11-09. Sean Burns
View’s Brandon Jackson. He of Delaware Valley won the event
posted a time of 40.86 with Jack- with a vault of 13-09. Wyoming
son running a 40.13. Area’s Eric Eramo finished 11th
The PA sophomore then earned with a vault of 11-09.
bronze in the110m Hurdles with a Eramo earned the highest fin-
time of 16.16. Jimmy Hischar of ish for the Warriors with an
Hazleton won the event with a eighth-place finish in the High
time of 15.65, and Matt Moor- Jump. Eramo posted a jump of 5-
head finished of Coughlin sec- 07 in the event that was won by
ond with a time of 15.92. Coughlin’s Connor Flaherty at 6-
Pittston Area’s Cody Rydzy 03.
finished eighth in the 110m Hur- Jacob Smith added a ninth-
dles, and 14th in the 300m Hur- place finish for the Warriors in
dles. Rydzy ran a season best the Javelin with a throw of 144-
time of 43.74 in the 300m Hur- 04. Matt Defaria of Scranton won
dles. His finish in the 110m Hur- the event with a toss of 166-01.
dles improved on his 15th-place
finish last season as a junior. McLean 28th at PIAA meet
But Rydzy didn’t come away Pittston Area’s Dave McLean
disappointed at the champion- finished 28th of 30 in the 1600m
ships. The senior earned a bronze Run with a time of 4:32.63 at the
Pittston Area's Ron Deliseo jumps a hurdle in the 110-meter hurdles at the District 2 Class AAA Track
medal in the Long Jump with a PIAA Class 3A Boys’ Track &
& Field Championships. D'Eliseo won bronze in the event. Below left, WA's Kevin Anderson runs a
leap of 20-06.00 which bested his Field Championships at Ship- leg of the 4 x 800m relay. Below right, PA's Cody Rydzy leaps a hurdle in the 300m Hurdle event.
seed time by two inches. Lionel pensburg University on Friday af- PHOTOS BY BILL TARUTIS
Wilson on Honesdale won the ternoon.
Long Jump with a leap of 22-
08.25. Nick Auriemma of Tunk- GO Lackawanna sports re-
hannock won silver with a jump porter Tom Robinson contributed
of 20-09. to this report.


Grillers team to beat
in Yatesville
Cacciamani-Bosha finished
second in
New Jersey Tournament
Cuz’s Susquehanna Bar & Grill remain Dr. John Cacciamani and Phil Bosha as
the team to beat as they won all three they finished second in a tournament in
matches this week to stay atop the Yates- Kingswood, NJ.
ville Bocce League standings.
The Bar & Grillers are Guy DePscale Standings
Sr., Tony Russo, Ed Seprish and Guy Teams................................W-L Points
DePscale Jr. Cuz’s Bar & Grill........................7-1 95
Also going 3-0 this week were the Blandina Apts.............................6-2 89
KWIK ’N EZ Market men. JetSurge Cleaning ......................6-2 77
They are led by Mr. Consistent Ralph Bassler Equipment .....................5-3 87
Campanella, as well as Joe Chiumento, KWIK ’N EZ Mkt......................5-3 77
Bob Barbacci and Jonny "Diamonds" Dyller Law Firm ........................3-5 67
Campanella. Atlas Realty................................2-6 64
Once again the quality of play in the Robert’s Repairs .........................1-7 69
league was demonstrated by the team of OF Chiropractic..........................1-7 49


Holy Rosary 8th grade

Wyoming Area's Serra Degnan competes in the girls 100-meter dash at the District
2 Class AAA Track and Field Championships at Scranton Memorial Stadium on
Wednesday afternoon. PHOTO BY BILL TARUTIS

Continued from Page 46
Catherine Lombardo of Pittston Area event with a throw of 123-04. Wyoming Ar-
placed 15th with a time of 12:59.19. ea’s Jenna Skrinak placed 19th with a throw
Samantha Shiner added a fourth-place of 82-06.
medal for WA in the Long Jump with a leap Wyoming Area’s Melissa Cruz also
of 16-01.5. Shelley Black of Coughlin won earned a seventh-place finish in the 400m
the event with a district meet record jump of Dash with a time of1:02.12. Janna Wilson of
17-11. Rachel Scanlon of Pittston Area fin- Honesdale won the event with a time of
ished 10th with a jump of 15-06. 57.81. Pittston Area’s Kristen Fereck fin-
Wyoming Area’s Sydney Engelman also ished 19th with a time of 1:06.52.
earned a fourth-place medal with a throw of Emily Shemanski finished 11th in the
101-10 in the Discus event. Jenn Slagus, a 300m Hurdles for Wyoming Area with a
sophomore from North Pocono, won the time of 50.33. Black won the event in a time
event with a toss of 127-11. of 42.80. Pittston Area’s Madeline Dworak
Pittston Area’s best finish at the Cham- placed 18th with a time of 51.39.
pionships was in the 4 x 800m Relay where
the Lady Patriots took sixth. Radzwilka places 22nd at PIAA
The team of Lombardo, Bolton, Kaitlynn Wyoming Area’s Sara Radzwilka was
Kutcha and Kristen Fereck posted a time of 22nd of 24 in the PIAA Class 3A 800m Run
10:20.76 – more than 25 seconds better then with a time of 2:26.87 on Friday afternoon at
their seed time. Abington Heights won the Shippensburg University.
event with a time of 9:52.72. Taylor Carcella of Downingtown East ran Graduating Holy Rosary 8th grade varsity basketball team members include, first
Alyssa Talerico, the Lady Patriots fresh- a preliminary heat best 2:15.55 row, left to right, Brandon Winn, Matt Klein, Anthony Delucca, and Joey Rutledge;

man Javelin thrower, placed seventh in her second row, Sarah Scavo, Jordan Naugle, and Michael Gorski; third row, Assistant
first district competition with a throw of GO Lackawanna sports writer Tom Rob- Coach Mike Wasko, Michael Wasko, Eric Sklanka, and Coach Don Sklanka.
100-08. Julia Franzosa of Hazleton won the inson contributed to this report.
Continued from Page 48
Pittston Area put the tying runs on base in
their last at-bat on two walks and a single but
could not get those runners across the plate
as their season ended with the loss.
Anthony Schwab led the PA offense with
two hits and three RBI, and Ron Musto
blasted a solo home run among his two hits.
Bone also smacked two hits and drove in a
run for the Patriots who ended their season
at 12-5.
PA 14, Nanticoke 8
Everything seemed set up for a Pittston
Area victory.
They were playing a Nanticoke team that
entered the game with only three wins, and
although they had previously beaten Nanti-
coke Area twice – each time by one run –
they were a heavy favorite coming into the
game as the third-seed in the District 2 Class
3A playoffs.
But no one told Nanticoke they were sup-
posed to play the patsy.
The Trojans led the Patriots for five and
two-thirds innings and had the Wyoming Above, Pittston Area's Ron Musto slides safely into second base for a double against Nanticoke. Below, PA third baseman
Valley Conference Division I-East cham- Anthony Schwab tags out a Nanticoke runner.
pion on the ropes before Pittston Area ral-
lied for 11 two-out runs in the bottom of the round.
sixth to earn a 14-8 win on Wednesday in a “Being down by five runs in the sixth in-
PIAA District 2 Class 3A playoff game at ning with two outs, to come back like that is
the Bucky Harris Sports Complex in Hugh- a big boost to our confidence,” Zaffuto said.
PA 5, Crestwood 7
“We’ve never been in that big of a deficit
that late in a game,” Pittston Area coach Despite a 7-5 loss to Crestwood last Sat-
Paul Zaffuto said. “I gave them two options - urday, Pittston Area clinched the Wyoming
either we can quit and go home, or we can be Valley Conference Division I-East cham-
our natural pain-in-the-rump selves, and pionship when Holy Redeemer fell to Ha-
that’s what they decided to do.” zleton. It is the Patriots third WVC Division
PA starter James Castellino struck out two crown in the past four seasons.
as Nanticoke Area went three-up, three- In the upset loss to the Comets, Pittston
down in the top of the first. Tyler Loftus was Area surrendered an uncharacteristic four
hit by a pitch but was stranded on base as the unearned runs in the first three innings to
first inning ended 0-0. fall behind 4-1 with senior Jordan Bone on
In the bottom of the second, Ron Musto the mound. Bone allowed just two hits with-
led off with a walk and AJ Mancini took his out a walk in three innings of work but was
spot at first as a courtesy runner. Mancini charged with the loss.
then stole second and advanced to third on The Patriots fell behind 7-2 before rally-
the throw before Josh Razvilla came up with ing with three runs in the bottom of the sev-
a single to score Mancini and give the Patri- enth, but it was not enough as Crestwood
ots a 1-0 lead. held on for the win.
Anthony Schwab followed with a single Freshman Josh Razvilla led the PA of-
and Jordan Bone hit a two-out double to fense with three hits in three at-bats. RJ Em-
drive in Razvilla for a 2-0 advantage. mett added a double and single for the Patri-
The Trojans answered with three runs in ots, and Brian Delaney smacked two hits
the top of the third to take a 3-2 lead before and drove in two runs.
relief pitcher Chuck Bressler struck out the
final batter to stop Nanticoke’s offense. PA 13, Holy Redeemer 11
In the bottom of the fourth, Schwab hit a Pittston Area ended its WVC season with
one-out single and Bone followed with a a wild 13-11 win over Holy Redeemer on
two-out infield single to advance the runner. wild play when Brian Delaney slid into first lead. Emmett and Musto then smacked Monday afternoon at the Bucky Harris
Tyler Loftus then stroked an RBI single, to beat the throw and the throw got away back-to-back RBI singles. Sports Complex in Hughestown.
scoring Schwab and tying the game at 3-3. from the Nanticoke first baseman. After all was said and done, 11 runs cross- RJ Emmett led the offense with two hits
Nanticoke scored five runs in the top of Razvilla then drew a walk and Schwab hit ed the plate and 14 batters came to the plate. and three RBI.
the fifth to take an 8-3 lead before Kyle Call- a bases clearing double to tie the game at With a six run lead, Callahan got the first Tyler Loftus added two hits and three runs
ahan shut down the Trojans in the top of the 8-8. two batters out in the top of the seventh be- scored for Pittston Area, and Josh Savakinus
sixth Matt Antal drew a base on balls and Bone fore giving up a single. The next batter hit a and Anthony Schwab each chipped in with
Josh Savakinus started the PA rally by followed up with a run-scoring single. Loft- hot shot directly back at him, but Callahan two hits.

drawing a two-out walk before RJ Emmett us drew a walk to load the bases and Savaki- was aware enough to knock the ball to the
followed with a single. A Musto single nus – who started the rally with a walk – ground and throw to first, moving the WVC Dispatch Staff Writer Rick Notari con-
drove in Savakinus, and Emmett scored on a drew another walk, scoring a run for a 10-8 Division 1-East Champions to the next tributed to this report.

Krawczyk, Merithew lead Dupont VFW to victories

Greater Pittston LL nathon Bone and Zach Mlodzienski also chipped in with a single. Tripp Park 9, Atlantic Propane 1
Dupont VFW 8, Pittston K of C 5 hit for Jenkins. Atlantic Propane pitchers Kyla Klocko
Exeter Phillies 6, WP Moose 3
Dupont VFW earned its ninth win of Dylan Spurlin and Joe June got hits for and Mackenzie Gable combined for 10
Exeter Phillies chalked up another vic-
the season with a victory over the Pittston Pittston. strikeouts but the bats were quiet as Du-
tory with a come from behind win to de-
City Knights of Columbus, 8-5, behind pont Atlantic Propane lost to Papershop
feat the West Pittston Moose by a score of
the pitching of Kevin Krawczyk and hit- Pittston Legion 11, Exeter Yankees 10 of Tripp Park 9-1 in the 10-u age bracket.
ting of Chris Merithew. CJ Pisack hit a grand slam to lead the Lexi Felinski hat a hit and scored on a
Steve Homza and Ryan Shuleski com-
Krawczyk went 5.2 innings to pick up Pittston City Sons of American Legion to hit by Ava Perrins.
bined on the mound for the Phillies win.
the win, and also tripled and scored two an 11-10 victory over the Exeter Yankees.
Homza also led the Phillies offense with
runs. Merithew smacked three hits, Tyler Jackson, Zack McCabe, Matt Atlantic Propane 3, Tripp Park 2
two doubles. Also hitting for Exeter were,
scored two runs, and also recorded the fi- Costello and Chris Smitely led the hitting Mackenzie Gable scored on an infield
Sam Giordano and John McNeil each
nal out for the save. for Pittston. hit by Isabella Gorzkowski with two outs
adding a double, and Ryan Wrubel with
Eric Fritz added two hits and three RBI Hitting for Exeter was Adam Buczyn- in the sixth inning to rally Atlantic Pro-
two singles.
for Dupont. ski, Colin Barletta and Aaron Zezza. pane to a 3-2 win.
Hitting for the Moose were; Mitchell
Holden Prescott cracked a two-run Higley, John Rubino, Mike Bonita, and Gable pitched four innings with 10
homer for K of C, and Justin Fitzpatrick Pittston Legion 7, West Side Auto 6 strikeouts in relief of Kyla Klocko.
Pittston City Sons of American Legion Albert Sciandra.
collected three hits. Bailey Jordan doubled in a run and
beat West Side Auto, 7-6, behind pitcher Old Forge LL scored a run on a fielder’s choice by Kerri
Dupont VFW 2, PT Phillies 1 Robbie Wychock who had six strikeouts Shamnoski. Lexi Felinski singled and
Bosak’s 13, Rossi’s 3
Dupont VFW defeated the Pittston and also tripled and singled. scored on a hit by Libby Williams.
Mike Cantarella homered, doubled and
Twp. Phillies, 2-1, in a rain-shortened Also hitting for Pittston was Tyler Jack-
singled twice to lead Bosak’s to a 13-3 win
game. son who had a double and a single, Bran- Atlantic Propane 8, NE Insurance 3
over Rossi’s Market.
Aidan Jopling pitched a complete- don Lucke, Matt Costello and Zach Mackenzie Gable and Kyla Klocko
Brandon Nee added three hits for the
game for the win on the mound. He scat- McCabe all had two singles each. combined to limit NE Insurance to two
winners, and Brayden Walsh doubled and
tered four hits and struck out eight batters West Side Auto hitters were Noah John- hits in an 8-3 win at Tripp Park.
over 4.2 innings of work. son, Zach Noss and Curtis Hannon. Kerri Shamnoski led the offense with
John Lee smacked two doubled for
Kevin Krawczyk lead Dupont at the Rossi’s and Kevin Welsh added two sin- two hits and two runs scored. Also hitting
plate with an RBI triple and a run scored. Pittston Legion 3, Avoca VFW 0 and scoring runs were Gable, Julianna
Dominic Nickol had a single. Pittston City Sons of American Legion Wyman, and Bella Gorzkowski.
Mike Elko knocked in the Phillies run beat Avoca VFW, 3-0, as pitchers Tyler
Jackson and CJ Pisack combined for 11 Bosak’s 10, Mariotti’s 2
with a single. TJ Stalica, Anthony Kaminski and Atlantic Propane 16, Capolongo’s 8
strikeouts. The bats for Atlantic came alive as they
Jason Homschek and Zack McCabe Brendan Mozeleski all had two hits to
JT Phillies 10, West Side Auto 0 won their third straight to beat Capolon-
each had two hits for the winners. lead Bosak’s to a 10-2 win over Mariotti
Steve Shamnoski led the winning of- go’s 16-8 at Tripp Park.
Avoca VFW’s Alex McAndrew had a Lumber.
fense for Jenkins Township Milazzo Phil- Julianna Wyman had three hits and
double. Shane Smith and Lorenzo Febbo each
lies in a 10-0 win over West Pittston West scored twice to pace the offense.
had two hits for Mariotti’s.
Side Auto. Having multiple hits were Kerri Sham-
Shamnoski belted a grand slam and two Exeter Phillies 1, Exeter Yankees 0
Dupont Softball noski, Bailey Jordan, Bella Gorzkowski
doubles for the Phils. Johnny Jones tripled In a showdown between the two Exeter
Demarco Plumbing 12, and Kyla Klocko. Other hitters were Lexi
and singled, Ryan Zelonis doubled and Major League teams, the Exeter Parini
Pierantoni Law 5 Felinski and Madysn Antal.
singled, Vito Quaglia doubled, and Jo- Phillies held off a stubborn Exeter Aamco
Samantha Rydzy singled and doubled Antal and Gorzkowski homered and
nathon Bone singled twice for JT. Other Yankees squad to earn a 1-0 victory.
to lead Demarco Plumbing to a 12-5 win both scored twice.
hitters for Jenkins were Santo Insalaco Matt Wright pitched a complete game
and earned the win, despite a strong pitch- over Pierantoni Law.
and Zach Mlodzienski. Liz Cappelloni, Madison Cardinale, Jenkins Softball
Hitting for West Side Auto was Curtis ing performance from the combination of Tony’s Pizza 9, Red Devils 4
Jake Wiesner, Kyle Musto, and Nick Ath- Kelsey Joyce, and Karrisa Perrins added
Hannon doubles for the winners. Taylor Baloga went 3-for-3 with a triple
man for the Yankees. as Jenkins Twp. Tony’s Pizza beat New-
Sam Giordano scored the game’s lone Ashley Scarantino and Theresa Domo-
JT Phillies 15, Pittston K of C 3 rasky had hits for Pierantoni Law port Twp. Red Devils, 9-4.
Steve Shamnoski hit three doubles and run when he belted a home run over the Taryn Ashby added two hits for the
Johnny Jones added a double and two sin- right field fence. Also hitting for the Phils winners, and Baloga, Mindina Lieback
were Wright and Ryan Shuleski, both Sidel’s 7, Pierantoni Law 3
gles as the Jenkins Twp. Milazzo Phillies Sidel’s Restuarant defeated Pierantoni and Dominique Quaglia combined to
beat Pittston City Knights of Columbus, adding singles. one-hit the Devils.
For the Yankees, Aaron Zezza added Law 7-3, limiting Pierantoni to two hits.
15-3. Madison Cardinale and Ashley Scaran-
Nick Allardyce singled twice, and Jo- two singles, while Alex Chronowski also
tino had the hits for Pierantoni Law.

Email Little League baseball and softball scores to Please remember to include
numerical statistics and first names for all players.
Lady Warriors upset NP in D2 before being knocked out
Continued from Page 51

with two RBI at the plate. Carey

and Nemetz added two hits each
for the Blue Devils.
OF 6, MMI Prep 1
Fifth-seeded Old Forge trav-
eled to Drifton on Wednesday
afternoon to begin defense of its
District 2 Class 1A crown and
came away with a 6-1 victory
over third-seeded Freeland
MMI Prep at the Drifton ASA
Softball Complex.
The Blue Devils jumped out
to a 1-0 lead in the top of the
first as Lauren Carey led off
with a single to left, stole sec-
ond, moved to third on a passed
ball and scored on an Andi Al-
salahat single to center.
Old Forge (5-10) added an-
other run in the second on an
RBI single by Taylor Nemetz
which scored Briah Carling
from third base. Carling, who
moved to third on a groundout
by Jess Casey, was running for
Sarah Fish who had doubled to
right with one out.
The Blue Devils went ahead
4-0 in the fourth after Casey
doubled home Dana Bilski and Above, Wyoming Area's Serra Degnan is called out at home after being tagged by Dallas catcher Desiree Roberts. Below left, Alex Holtz
watches a pitch go by in the Lady Warriors loss to Dallas. Below right, WA catcher Melissa Eipper watches a base runner after catching
Fish who had doubled and sin-
gle respectively to lead off the
MMI answered with a run in
the fourth, but Old Forge added
insurance runs in the sixth and
seventh on RBI singles by Ne-
metz and Fish.
Nicole Marianelli picked up
the complete-game win for the
Blue Devils, allowing just five
hits without a walk as she struck
out seven.
Fish finished the day with
three hits as did Alsalahat for
Old Forge. Lindsay Regan add-
ed two hits, including a double,
for the Blue Devils.
OF 4, Riverside 5
Old Forge relinquished its 12-
year stranglehold in the “Battle
of the Valley” with a 5-4 loss to
arch-rival Riverside in a com-
pletion of its suspended game moved to second on a passed to-back doubled to cut the Old ing the last seven batter of the Friday afternoon in the Back
on Sunday afternoon at Deren- ball. Michelle Giacometti, run- Forge deficit to 5-4. game without allowing a runner Mountain.
ick Park in Taylor. ning for Cadwalder, moved to But the Blue Devils would get past second base after the sec- Trailing 3-0 when torrential
The Lady Vikes took advan- third on a ground out by Lind- no closer as they left Alsalahat ond inning. rains hit on Thursday, the Lady
tage of four unearned runs in say Regan, and scored on an er- stranded at first in the top of the Warriors clawed back to within
ror to get the Blue Devils with- sixth after a two-out single. WA 2, Dallas 4 two runs with a pair of runs in
their first at-bat to take an early
lead on the Blue Devils. But in, 5-2. Alsalahat, Cadwalder and Wyoming Area had its season the sixth after the Lady Mounts
Old Forge clawed its way back, Nicole Marianelli made the Marianelli all finished with two come to an end in a hard-fought made the score 4-0.
beginning in the third innings. score 5-3 in the top of the fifth hits each for Old Forge, and Jess 4-2 loss to Wyoming Valley Kayla Kross single and had
with a leadoff home run, and Casey added a double. Conference Division I-West an RBI for Wyoming Area, and

Trailing 5-0, Chelsea Cad-

walder doubled home Andi Al- one out later, Lindsay Regan Marianelli allowed just one champion Dallas in the comple- Adrianne Przybyla and Melissa
salahat who had walked and and Dana Bilski smashed back- earned run in six innings, retir- tion of a suspended game on
See SOFTBALL, Page 58


Continued from Page 48
Murphy answered that call,”
starter Damski in the fourth. added WA Head Coach Chic
After a leadoff groundout to Andrewscavage.
start the inning, Dylan Maloney Trailing 2-0 entering the home
laced a single to right to give the half of the third, the Warriors of-
Warriors their first hit of the fense ignited for three runs all
game. Senior Kody Nowicki fol- coming with two-outs.
lowed one batter later with an in- Table setter Ryan Carey start-
field single but WA stranded the ed the two-out rally, ripping a
two runners when Damski double to left. After a Murphy
fanned the final hitter of the in- walk, junior Dylan Maloney
ning. drilled an RBI single to center
It wasn’t until the fifth inning plating Carey. Randy McDer-
when the Warriors put a dent in mott highlighted the inning with
the scoreboard compliments of a two-run double to center scor-
Nick O’Brien. ing Murphy and Maloney to give
After a leadoff single by Kyle WA a 3-2 advantage after three.
Colarusso, the sophomore con- After Maloney silenced the
nected on the first home run of Trojan bats in the fourth, he re-
his career, a bomb over the left ceived another insurance run in
field fence to get Wyoming Area the home half of the inning.
within 6-2. Senior PJ Bone led off with a
With momentum switching triple to center and was later
slowly to the Green and Gold, plated on a sacrifice fly by Trent
Trent Grove ignited the Warrior Grove to increase the Warriors
hopeful again, connecting on a lead to 4-2.
deep fly ball to center which On cruise control entering the
looked to be heading over the fifth, Maloney looked sharp.
fence, but was held in play by the But with one swing, North Poco-
wind. Ryan Carey followed with no’s Bill Nelson launched the
an infield single but the War- Trojans right back into the game
riors hopes were diminished with a solo home run over the
when Damski induced a double- left field fence, trimming the
play. Warriors lead to 4-3..
Entering the sixth inning, North Pocono got even in the
Maloney connected on his sec- sixth on an RBI groundout by
ond hit of the game - a double Tyler Cunningham tying the
but Damski sat down the final game at 4-4.
three Warriors of the inning. Both teams remained dead-
Using his curve ball effective- locked well into extra innings as
ly, Damski completed his per- Maloney continued to pitch
formance by retiring the War- strong, striking out five of his
At top, WA shortstop Chris
riors in the seventh to end game high nine batters after the
Murphy turns a double play
against North Pocono as sec-
Wyoming Area’s season one seventh inning.
ond baseman Randy McDer- game short of last year’s district “He threw 120 pitches. We
mott looks on. semifinal appearance. needed to stick with him and he
felt fine. He’s been throwing a
Above, Wyoming Area's PJ WA 5, North Pocono 4 lot of innings for us. We felt
Bone dives safely back to first Despite leaving eight men in good sticking with him,” An-
base. scoring position through the sev- drewscavage said.
enth, eighth and ninth innings, Entering the 10th, the War-
At right, WA pitcher Dylan Wyoming Area came through in riors were able to close out their
Maloney fires a strike to the the 10th when senior Chris Mur- thrilling performance in style as
plate. phy delivered a walk-off single Murphy lined an 0-2 fastball to
to propel the Warriors to a thrill- right to score Grove who beat the
ing 5-4 victory over North Poco- throw home for the Warriors.
no in the first round of the Dis- Wyoming Area went to Ron
trict 2 Class 3A playoffs on Klepadlo in the 10th as high
Wednesday afternoon at the At- school pitching rules allow for
las Sports Complex in West Pitt- hurlers to toss no more than nine
ston. innings in one outing. Klepadlo
“I fouled off a few pitches off worked around two walks and
but I never gave up the at-bat. I did not allow a hit in the 10th to
was able to poke one through the earn the win on the mound for
field for my team,” Murphy said the Warriors.
on his walk-off hit.

“After stranding several play- Dispatch Staff Writer Rick

ing on base, I asked the guys, Notari contributed to this report.
‘Who wants to step up?’ Luckily
SOFTBALL Defending champs go for gold
Continued from Page 56 Continued from Page 48

Wyoming Area's Kaitlyn Kross singles in the Lady Warriors Dis- Old Forge second baseman Mario Martinelli makes a play on a ball during the Blue Devils win over
trict 2 playoff loss to Dallas. Blue Ridge.

Eipper each singled and scored in two runs. straight before giving up a fifth- Goodall allowed just three hits
a run. Winning pitcher Alex Holtz inning double. Goodall did not and a walk while striking out drove in two runs for Old Forge
chipped in with two hits, in- allow Blue Ridge (8-8) more eight in seven innings of work. (12-3).
WA 7, North Pocono 6 cluding a double, and also than one runner on base in any in- Dave Chromey picked up the
Wyoming Area pulled off the scored two runs. She scattered ning until the seventh when he OF 18, Forest City 3 win for the Blue Devils scatter-
first upset of the District 2 Class seven hits and eight walks while gave up a two-out single and a Four-time champion Old ing five hits and two walks over
3A softball tournament with a striking out five to earn the vic- walk before striking out the final Forge opened defense of its Dis- three innings.
7-6 win over North Pocono on tory. hitter for the win. trict 2 Class 1A crown with a lop-
sided, 18-3, three-inning victory OF 11, Riverside 6
Tuesday afternoon in Moscow. The Blue Devils added a run in
The tenth-seeded Lady War- PA 0, Berwick 12 the third when McGlynn walked, over Forest City on Tuesday af- Old Forge closed out the Lack-
riors withstood a North Pocono Pittston Area had its season moved to second when Puckett ternoon at Pagnotti Park. awanna League Division II
rally after taking a 4-1 lead into come to a close in a 12-0, five- walked and to third on a fielder’s The Blue Devils scored four schedule with a come-from-be-
choice off the bat of Talipski. runs in the first, six in the second hind 11-6 victory over arch-rival
the bottom of the fourth as the inning loss to Berwick on Tues-
and eight in the third to put the Riverside at the Quinlan Athletic
seventh-seeded Lady Trojans day in a District 2 Class 3A first Goodall then forced McGlynn in
Foresters away early by taking Complex in Moosic last Satur-
took a 5-4 lead after five full in- round game in Columbia Coun- by drawing a bases-loaded walk
advantage of 10 base-on-balls day.
nings of play. ty. for a 6-0 lead. and three hit batsmen. The Blue Devils trailed 5-0 be-
But Wyoming Area answered Ali Slomba had two hits to Old Forge tacked on three Eight of the nine batters in the fore Tony Goodall’s three-run
with three runs in the top of the lead the Lady Patriots. more runs in the fourth on RBI Old Forge lineup collected a hit, homer capped a six-run fourth
sixth to take a 7-5 lead before singles by Connor Fultz, Argust and seven of the nine drove in at inning to give Old Forge the sea-
holding on for the win. PA 1, Crestwood 9 and Talipski to put the game least one run. son sweep over the Vikings.
Lexi Coolbaugh had a huge Pittston Area dropped its fi- away at 9-0. Dave Argust led the way with a Old Forge added three more
day at the plate for Wyoming nal Wyoming Valley Confer- McGlynn finished with two three-run triple and three runs runs in the fifth, and tacked on
Area (5-10), smacking three ence Division I-East game of hits, two runs scored and an RBI scored. Gary Puckett ripped a two in the sixth for the win.
hits, including a double, while the season, 9-1, to Crestwood in for the Blue Devils, and Puckett three-run double and walked Michael Long walked three
driving in three runs. Mountain Top last week. also smacked two hits and drove twice for the Blue Devils, and times, scored three times and
Adrianne Przybyla also went Centerfielder Kelly Keener in a run while reaching base all Michael Long and Connor Fultz stole three bases to lead the Blue
3-for-3 with an RBI for the La- accounted for the Lady Patriots four time at-bat. each had two-run singles. Devils offense. Chris Talipski

dy Warriors, and Melissa Eip- only run with a seventh-inning Michael Long added a single Mario Martinelli singled and added a two-run single for Old
per singled, doubled and drove home run. and two stolen bases, and Argust walked three times while scoring Forge, and Dave Argust added a
singled and walked twice. four runs, and Steve Mascaro single and two RBI.

Alyssa Talerico Tony Richards Dave Chromey

PA Softball WA Volleyball OF Baseball

It’s been a busy spring season for Pittston Area Alyssa If there was one constant for the Wyoming Area volleyball It’s been a season of ups and downs on the mound for Old
Talerico. team, that constant was Tony Richards. Forge lefty Dave Chromey. But in a rematch with Mid Val-
The freshman not only competes for the Lady Patriots So it was no surprising when Richards put the game away ley, the sophomore put forth his best career performance.
Track & Field team but also does some pitching for the fortheWarriorsastheywontheirsixthmatchoftheseasonin Chromey pitched a complete-game, one-hitter to lead the
Pittston Area softball team. And last week she picked up a 3-0 victory over Hanover. Blue Devils to a victory against one of the two Lackawanna
her second consecutive victory on the mound as the La- For his efforts, Tony has been chosen The Sunday Dis- League teams that handed Old Forge a loss this season.
dy Patriots won two straight for the first time all season. patch Wyoming Area Athlete of the Week for the week May For his effort, Dave has been named The Sunday Dis-
For her effort, Alyssa has been named The Sunday 16-22. patch Old Forge Athlete of the Week for the week May 16-
Dispatch Pittston Area Athlete of the Week for the week Richards scored five of the last six points in the clinching 22.
May 16-22. gameagainstHanover,andfinishedwith20assists,sevenac- Chromey – who lasted just 2.2 innings in his first start
Talerico pitched a complete-game shutout as PA beat esandthreekills.AlsolastweekinawinoverWestSideTech, against Mid Valley – dominated Spartan hitters with 14
Holy Redeemer 5-0 on the road. She scattered six hits Richards contributed 38 assists, four aces and four kills. The strikeouts while allowing just an infield single in seven in-
and five walks over seven innings to earn the victory. senior led the Warriors in aces, assists and blocks this season. nings of work.
Posters of Alyssa can be seen at Tony Pizza in Pitt- PostersofTonycanbeseenatJanuzzi’sPizzainWyoming, Posters of Dave can be seen at Revello’s Pizza in Old
ston, and Smart Designs and Graphics in Wyoming, and Smart Designs and Graphics in Wyoming, sponsors of Forge,andSmartDesignsandGraphicsinWyoming,spon-
sponsors of the Pittston Area Athlete of the Week. the Wyoming Area Athlete of the Week. sors of the Old Forge Athlete of the Week.

swim team
The Greater Pittston YMCA Master-
Swim Team at Mainline YMCA. From
left to right, Judy Dessoye Rostkowski,
Joelle Sharisky, Kelly O’Hop Alicia Byrk
and Jen Biscotti.

Dupont Bowlers hold 34th annual awards banquet

The Dupont Bowlers Parents Asso-
ciation held their 34th Annual
Awards Banquest on May 15 at
Mount Carmel Parish Hall.
In addition, this year, nine mem-
bers of the Junior Bowlers League
advanced to the USBC State Youth
Championships hosted by Clearf ield
Representing Elko’s Lanes were,
Michelle Grossbauer, Kayla Hind-
marsh, Katie Kuna, Zachary McKit-
ish, Michael Mesaris, Courtney
Osiecki, Rachael Solano and Katie
Katie Kuna won 1st Place in Divi-
sion C- Singles Competition and Ka-
tie Wynn took Second Place in Divi-
sion B- Singles Competition.
Also recognized was Billy Elko Jr.
In January of this year, Billy Jr. bow-
led a perfect 300 game to become the
f irst Junior Bowler in the Elko’s and
Sons’ Lanes 40 year history. Then
f ive weeks later on February 25 he
gave an encore performance and
bowled another perfect game.
Special awards were presented at the banquet for the graduating senior bowlers, from right to left, seated, Elena Dominick,
Kyle Magda, Billy Elko, and Michael Szumski; standing, Fred Lokuta, Tyler Baran, and Michael Lenchak.

BIll Elko presenting flowers to the one Donna Kasa with USBC State Youth Champions Katie
who makes it all happen, Donna Kasa. Wynn and Katie Kuna.

From left to right, Sharon Kulick, son Peter with his 1st Half Champions Award, and son Charles with Bill Elko with his son Bill Elko, Jr. with his perfect games awards.
his Youth Singles, 1st Half High Series, and 2nd Half Prep Boys Champ awards, and dad Mark.

Moosic-Old Forge league entering 26th season

The Moosic-Old Forge
Men’s Softball League was
founded in 1986 and is now
in its 26th year of operation.
All games are played at
Pagnotti Park and players
from Moosic, Old Forge and
Taylor are eligible to partici-
Pictured from left to right,
f irst row Joe Stallo, Moosic
Diner; Bob Semenza,
League President; Tony Di-
Mattia, Café Rinaldi; Antho-
ny Cusumano, GI’s Bar and
Joe McAndrew, Director of
Parks and Recreation; sec-
ond row Sid Burnside, Cara-
manno’s Deli; Mark Felkow-
ski, Old Forge Glass, John
Bartell, Milano’s and Bob
and Bobby Pezzuti, Old
Forge Social Club.

David L. Wert Sr. Virginia C. Pinola In Loving M em ory of
May 23, 2011 May 25, 2011 M ich a el J.
David L. Dorothy’s four children, Juliane Virginia Corrine Pinola, 91, for her special dedication to the W h o Passed A w ay O ne
“Dave” Wert, Byce, Aaron Moskowitz, Gin- of West Pittston, died May 25, Borough of West Pittston. YearA go Today
M ay 29,2010
Sr., 55, of Mon- nette Moskowitz and Miranda 2011 at Highland Manor Nurs- She is survived by cousins,
trose died May Moskowitz. There are three ing Care Center, Exeter. Irene D’Angelo of West Pitt-
23, 2011, as a grandchildren, Aaron James, Born in West Pittston on Oct. ston; Lillian Yallalonis of Balti-
result of a fatal Joshua, and Maxwell Mosko- 23, 1919, she was the daughter more, MD; and Helene Fleck-
truck accident witz. He is also survived by a sis- of the late Joseph and Mary noe of Philadelphia.
on I-80 near DuBois. ter, Kathy Hill, Tampa, FL; a Martinelli Pinola. She was a Funeral and interment were
Born in Scranton, he was a son brother, Stephen Wert, Pott- graduate of West Pittston High held at the convenience of the
of Rev. James A. Wert and the late stown, Pa.; a niece, Sarah Wert; School and was employed at family. Memorial contributions
Gene (Keller) Wert. A graduate and a nephew, Casey Hill. Pagnotti Inc. for 35 years. In may be made to the charity of
of Union-Endicott High School, Memorial Services were held 1992, she was honored by the the donor’s choice.
class of1974, Endicott, NY, he al- May 28 at the Bartron-Myer Fu- West Pittston Cherry Blossom Funeral arrangements en-
so attended Broome County neral Home, Montrose. Festival Committee, receiving trusted to the Recupero Funeral
Community College, New York, Memorial contributions may the Outstanding Citizens Award Home, West Pittston.
University of Southern Florida, be made to the Evangelical Free
Tampa, FL, and Newark Techni- Church, P.O. Box 326, Montrose,
Au gu s t 7,1963 – M a y 29,2010
cal Institute, Delaware. He had 18801. Visit www.bartronmyer-
been employed by Gertrude to leave an on- Call 602-0168 to place a memorial ad W e feel a w arm th arou nd u s
lik e you rpresence isso near,
Hawk Candy Co., Dunmore, line condolence. A nd w e close ou reyes
Mayflower Moving Co., Tampa, to visu alize
you rface w h en you w ere h ere,
and, in later years, by Road
#1 Physician Appro√ed
W e endu re th e tim es
Scholar Trucking Co., Dunmore.
As a youth, he sang in the choir Th e Villa Foglia Get Jazzy
w e spenttogeth er
and th ey are lock ed inside
ou rh earts,
and played basketball at the First R estau ran t an d C aterin g PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS Foraslong asw e h ave
United Methodist Church, Endi- “ Fea tu ring Th e Bestin Ita lia n/Am erica n Cu isine” WHEEL CHAIRS • POWER CHAIRS • LIFT CHAIRS
th ose m em ories
cott, where he was a member. FE ATUR ING : w e w ill neverb e apart,
He was blessed with a son, Da- Pa sta • Ch icken Grab Bars Even th ou gh w e cannot
Sea food • Vea l speak no m ore
vid Jr., from his former marriage Stea ks • Sa la ds ou rvoice isalw aysth ere,
to Donna D’Andrea. David mar- Pizza • Finger Foods Becau se every nigh t
ried Dorothy Moskowitz, and Ca tering for a ny event. INSTALLATION AVAILABLE CLIMB
b efore w e sleep
their family was blessed with a Ca ll for B erea vem entL u nch eon info. DON’T
W e h ave you in ou rprayer.

Prou dly Serving th e W yom ing Va lley For Over 40 Yea rs Sadly M issed and D eeply Loved
daughter, Kaitlyn; and two sons,


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Bernadine Dorosky Monica H. Simons
May 20, 2011 May 25, 2011

Bernadine seph and his wife, Anne, King- Monica H. and Insurance Co. Inc., of John, Julien and Nikko Simons;
"Deany" Doros- ston, and Walter and his wife, Simons, 80, of Wilkes-Barre. She was a member brother, Edward Kulina, Hum-
ky, 79, of King- Cynthia, Avoca; daughter Beth West Wyom- of Our Lady of Sorrows Church melstown; aunt, Bertha Hednery,
ston, died May Stefanoski and her husband, Tom, ing, died May of the Parish of St. Monica, West DuBois; several cousins; nieces
20, 2011. She Swoyersville; brother, Walter 25, 2011, in Wyoming., and belonged to the and nephews; and friends James
was the widow "Sonny" Seasock, Louisiana; and Hospice VNA Altar and Rosary Society. and Mary Lou Musto.
of Justin sister, Mary Lou Gorzynski, Ma- at The Heritage Surviving are her husband Jo- Funeral was held May 28 from
"Brick" Dorosky. ryland; five grandchildren, Jennif- House, Wilkes-Barre, surround- seph J. Simons, with whom she the Hugh P. Boyle & Son Funeral
She was born March 25, 1932, er, Allison, R.J., Dani, and Nicky; ed by her family. celebrated 58 years of marriage Home, Kingston, followed by a
lived in Kingston her entire life, nieces and nephews. Born May 6,1931, in Kingston, on February 28, 2011; daughter Mass of Christian Burial in Our
and was a daughter of the late Wal-
Funeral was held May 23 from she was a daughter of the late Jo- Jo Ann Brady and her husband, Lady of Sorrows Church, West
ter and Mary Kachmar Seasock.
the Kopicki Funeral Home, 263 seph and Helen Mayersky Kuli- Dr. John Brady, of Dallas; sons, Wyoming. Interment Mt. Olivet
She was a 1949 graduate of King-
ston High School, where she was Zerbey Ave., Kingston, with Di- na. She was a graduate of the for- Paul Simons and his wife, Carol, Cemetery, Wyoming.
an exceptional athlete excelling in vine Liturgy in St. Mary’s Byzan- mer Kingston High School and of Mountain Top, and Dr. Joseph Memorial contributions may
basketball, softball and bowling. tine Catholic Church. Interment the former Wilkes-Barre Busi- Simons III, and his wife, Godole- be made to Hospice Care of the
She was a lifelong member of St. parish cemetery, Edwardsville. ness College, Wilkes-Barre. She va, of Kingston; seven grandchil- VNA, Heritage House, North-
Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Memorial contributions can be was employed for many years by dren, John Paul, Jason, Joseph ampton Street, Wilkes-Barre,
Church, Kingston. made to Challenger Division the C.A. Leighton Real Estate Patrick and Jared Brady, Joseph 18702.
She was also preceded in death Baseball, c/o Fred DeSanto, 48
by her grandson Nicholas Norman St., Pittston, 18640; or to Joseph Dominick
""Nicky" Dorosky. Muscular Dystrophy Association,
She is survived by her sons, Jo- 36 N. Main St., Taylor, 18517. May 25, 2011

Carole D. Brannan Joseph "Cu- Force veteran, having served dur- daughters, Danielle Castaldi and
gino" Domin- ing the Vietnam War. He was a husband, William, and Julie Ba-
May 19, 2011 ick, 62, of Old parishioner of St. Mary of the As- kos and husband, Bryan; a sister,
Forge, died sumption Church, Old Forge. He Salvatrice Durazzi of Lake Wy-
Carole D. the Evangelist Church, Pittston. Wednesday, was a member of the VFW Post lie, SC; five grandchildren, Ju-
Brannan, of She is also survived by her hus- May 25, 2011, 4954 and the American Legion lian, Louis, Angelina, Joey, and
Morrisville, band Joseph Brannan; and sons, in the Veterans Post 513, both of Old Forge, as Elio; his former spouse, Cathe-
NC, died unex- Michael and Ryan; brothers, Rob- Affairs Medical Center, Plains well as the Disabled American rine Marino; nieces; a nephew;
pectedly fol- ert Donovan, Pittston, and Mi- Township, following an illness. Veterans. He was actively in- grandnieces and a grandnephew.
lowing surgery chael Donovan, Mishawaka, IN; Born in Taylor, a son of Rose volved with the Old Forge Soft- The funeral was held May 28
on May 19, twin sister, Susan and her hus- Graziano Dominick, of Lake Wy- ball League since 1972. His foot- from the Ferri Funeral Home, Old
2011. band, Michael Lombardo, Pitt- lie, SC, and the late Joseph L. Do- ball coaching career spanned Forge, with a Mass of Christian
She was a daughter of Robert ston; sister, Jane and her husband, minick, he was a1966 graduate of many years. From 1983 to 1985, Burial in St. Mary of the Assump-
and Mary Doris Donovan of Pitt- Griffith Neal, Alameda, CA; and Old Forge High School. He also he was the Old Forge High tion Church at Prince of Peace
ston. She was a 1982 graduate of sister, Eileen Donovan, Washing- graduated from King’s College School Varsity Football Coach. Parish, Old Forge. Interment Fair-
Pittston Area High School and a ton, D.C.; many nieces, nephews, with a degree in criminal justice. From 1975 to 1978, he served as view Memorial Park, Elmhurst.
1986 graduate of Pennsylvania aunts, uncles and cousins. He was employed sequentially by the coach of the Northeast Stars. Memorials may be directed to
State University with a bachelor’s A Funeral Mass was held May the U.S. Postal Service in New From 1995 to 96, he was the head the Disabled American Veterans,
degree in marketing. She served as 23 at St. Michael the Archangel Jersey, the U.S. Marshall Service coach of the Bologna Phoenix PO Box 14301, Cincinnati, OH
a branch manager for First Eastern Church, Cary, NC, where she in Wilkes-Barre, and the Depart- Professional Football Team in 45250-0301; or go towww.DA-
Bank in Berwick, and was market- served as a Eucharistic minister. ment of Homeland Security in Bologna, Italy. To leave an online condo-
ing director for Pin-6 Inc., the fam- Memorial contributions may be Las Vegas, Nev. Most recently, he Also surviving are a son Joseph lence, visit www.ferrifuneral-
ily business. Moving to North made in Carole’s memory to St. was self employed with Safe Dominick and wife, Gina; two
Carolina, she was a fulltime mom John the Evangelist Church, 35 Home Security. He was honor-
to her two boys. She was a long- William St, Pittston PA 18640. ably discharged as a U.S. Air
time communicant of St. John’s
Th e Fam ily of th e late
Mary Grandinette
Anna C.K oteck
In Loving M em ory O f

May 25, 2011

D olores (D O D O )
M cH u gh
Mary Grandinette, 89, of Moos-
ic, died May 25, 2011, at Regional
Parish, Old Forge.
Surviving are a brother, Milio
W h o passed aw ay 3 yearsago
M ay 24,2008 Sa nders
Hospital. She was the widow of Incerto, Moosic; a niece Donna w ish esto th ank everyone th atsentflow ers,M assand
Louis Grandinette, who died in Aromando, Mission Viejo, CA; sym path y cardsand to all w h o h elped u sin any w ay. W e
1995. and a nephew Carl Incerto, Maui, w ou ld lik e to th ank th e staff of G olden Living Center,East
Born in Castelcivita, Italy, she Hawaii. M ou ntain;D octorM au erBiscotti and H eartland H ospice for
th e care th ey gave to A nna. W e w ou ld also lik e to th ank
was a daughter of the late Carlo A funeral Mass was held May Brian and th e staff of K niffen O ’M alley Fu neral H om e and
and Rose Incerto. Prior to her re- 27 at the Prince of Peace Parish, Fath erJoseph Verespy forth eirk ind and com passionate
tirement, she was employed by St. Mary’s Church, Old Forge. In- service. O u rth ou gh tsand prayersare
Lackawanna Pants and Brooks terment St. Catherine’s Cemetery, w ith all of you .

Manufacturing. She was a mem- Moscow. Funeral arrangements Sadly M issed and Loved


ber of the I.L.G.W.U. She was a by the Louis V. Ciuccio Funeral By Ch ildren and G randch ildren
member of the Prince of Peace Home, Old Forge.


Elizabeth A. Waterman Helen Lampert
May 23, 2011 May 21, 2011

Elizabeth her parents, Joseph and Marga- four great-grandchildren, Lo- Helen Lampert, 84, of Wyom- by her son, Richard F. Lampert
Ann Hosner ret Hosner; and two brothers, gan, Faith, Alyssa, and Nessie; ing, died May 21, 2011, in the III; sister Geraldine; and broth-
Waterman, 70, Joseph, and William Hosner. and a special family friend, Mi- Highland Manor Nursing and ers, Joseph and Thomas McGov-
of Statesboro, She is survived by her two chael Gingrich, Columbia, SC. Convalescent Center, Exeter. ern.
GA, died May sons, Melvin B. Waterman Jr., A funeral service was held Born in Wyoming she was a She is survived by her sister
23, 2011. Columbia, SC, and Joseph Earl May 25 in the Chapel of Hodg- daughter of the late Joseph and Ruth Dennis, West Wyoming;
She was Waterman, Statesboro, GA; es-Moore Funeral Home, Agnes Hines McGovern. She nieces and nephews.
born July 30, 1940, in Duryea. daughter, Debra Elaine Booth, Statesboro, GA. Burial Bull- was a graduate of St. Cecilia’s Funeral services were held
She was a retired accountant, Statesboro, GA; sister-in-law, och Memorial Gardens, States- High School, class of 1943, and May 24 from the Metcalfe and
and was presently studying to Ester Hosner, and nephew, Jo- boro, GA. attended Marywood University. Shaver Funeral Home, Wyom-
become a minister. She was a seph Hosner, both of Duryea; Visit to She received her degree in nurs- ing, with a Mass of Christian
member of Pittman Park Unit- four grandchildren, Christina share your thoughts and fond ing from the Pittston School of Burial in St. Cecilia’s Church,
ed Methodist Church. She was A. (Tripp) Hagan, Statesboro, memories with the Waterman Nursing. She was a member of Exeter. Interment Wyoming
a longtime active member of GA, Jenny R. Waterman, Sa- family. Hodges-Moore Funeral St. Cecilia’s Church, Exeter. Cemetery.
the Walk to Emmaus commu- vannah, GA, Cynthia (Joshua) Home, Statesboro, GA, is in She was also preceded in death
nity, and taught Sunday school. Deese, Columbia, SC, and Am- charge of the funeral arrange-
She was preceded in death by ber E. Booth, Statesboro, GA; ments.
Irene M. Hando
Eva Z. Stopay May 23, 2011

May 23, 2011 Irene M. ers and sister, John and Eddie
(Halicki) Han- Halicki and Josephine Stefanski.
Eva Zeltoski Stopay, 97, of the West Pittston, for many years. der, and her husband, Jerry, Me- do, 87, former- Surviving are children, Antho-
Hilldale section of Plains Town- She and her late husband, John, chanicsburg; and her great- ly of Wilkes- ny James Hando, at home, David
ship, died Monday, May 23, 2011, were the co-founders of Jon L. granddaughter, Kayla. Barre, died and Millie Hando of Kingston,
at home surrounded by her fam- Stopay Candies, Plains Town- A Mass of Christian Burial was May 23, 2011, and Dennis and Linda Hando of
ily and caregivers. Her husband ship. She was a former member celebrated May 25 in St. Francis in the Timber Harding, Theresa and John
of 64 years was the late John of the Retailers Confectioners In- of Assisi Catholic Church, Ridge Nursing Center, Plains Stackonis, Paulette and Bruce
Stopay. dustry, and was a faithful mem- Wilkes-Barre. Private entomb- Township. Reilly, all of Wilkes-Barre, and
Born December 24, 1913, in ber of St. Francis of Assisi Ca- ment St. Mary’s Mausoleum, Ha- Born April 16, 1924, in Donna and Bruce Davis of
the Hilldale section of Plains tholic Church, Miners Mills. nover Township, Wilkes-Barre. Wilkes-Barre, she was a daugh- Plains Township; several grand-
Township, she was a daughter of She was also preceded in death Memorial gifts may be made to ter of the late John P. and Amelia children and great-grandchil-
the late Adam and Margaret An- by her brother, Louis Zeltoski. the Luzerne County SPCA, Fox- (Ryitalski) Halicki. She was dren; and a brother, Alfonso Hal-
chukaitis Zeltoski. She was edu- She is survived by her son, hill Road, Plains Township, educated in the city schools. Un- icki of Boston, MA.
cated in the Plains Public School John L. Stopay, and his wife, Ma- 18705. Funeral arrangements by til her retirement, she was em- Funeral services with Pana-
System. She was employed by ry Ann, Plains Township; her the Simon S. Russin Funeral ployed by the former Shelborne chida were held May 27 from the
Consolidated Cigar Company, granddaughter, Lynn-Dee Ben- Home, Plains Township. Electronics of Wilkes-Barre, and Morris Funeral Home, North
she worked previously for the Wilkes-Barre, followed by the
Kevin J. Lanning Stegmaier Brewing Co. She also Office of Christian Burial with
previously worked as a house- Divine Liturgy in Holy Assump-
May 23, 2011 keeper in her parish rectory at tion of St. Mary Byzantine Ca-
Holy Assumption of St. Mary tholic Church. Interment parish
Kevin J. home; brother, Brian Lanning, Memorial donations may be Byzantine Catholic Church, cemetery, Dallas.
Lanning, 48, Thornhurst; sister, Sharon Ko- made to the Alzheimer’s Asso- North Wilkes-Barre. Memorial contributions may
of Laflin, died zlowski and her husband, Jo- ciation, 63 N. Franklin St., She was also preceded in death be made to the S.P.C.A. of Lu-
May 23, 2011, seph, Laflin; aunts, uncles, Wilkes-Barre, 18702. Arrange- by her husband, Mr. James An- zerne County, 524 E. Main St.,
at the Wilkes- nieces, nephews and cousins. ments by the Corcoran Funeral thony Hando, on March 16, Fox Hill Road, Wilkes-Barre,
Barre General A Funeral Mass was held Home, Plains Township. On- 1987; by children, Justine, Ar- 18702. To offer online condo-
Hospital. May 27 in St. Maria Goretti line condolences may be made lene, Antoinette, Charles, Do- lences visit our website at
Born in Laflin, he was a son Church, Laflin. Interment the at www.corcoranfuneralhome- nald, Patricia and Lenore; by an www.JohnVMorrisFuneral-
of the late Joseph P. and Lillian convenience of the family. .com. infant brother, Zigmund; broth-
(Adamitis) Lanning. He was a
graduate of James M. Cough-
lin High School, class of 1980, H appy Birth day In H eaven
and King’s College, earning his
bachelor’s degree in Computer M a rjorie
Science. He was a member of
St. Maria Goretti Church, La- T.
flin, and was employed as Plant
Manager for Trion Industries, Funeral Home, Inc. G reen
Plains Township, for 23 years. 6/2/26 -12/22/2010
Surviving are his wife of 18 WEST PITTSTON, PA WILKES-BARRE, PA To a w onderfu l friend and teach er
years, the former Susan Yan- Helena A. Morris, Supervisor H. Merritt Hughes, Supervisor You are greatly m issed b y

(570) 654-3471 (570) 823-6511

chuk, Laflin; children, Joseph, you rfriends

Katharine and Michelle, at


K atie,Jerry,Ru th and Lil


Your Favorite
in the Sunday Dispatch 2011
ne 26.
Yearbook Edition publishing June
1 column x 3”
Kerry Jones
Pittston Area All prices include color.

2 column x 2”

Robert East
Wyoming Area
Congratulations &
Congratulations Kerry Good luck at Wilkes
I’m so proud of you
Aunt Emily

2 columns” x 3”

Kate McGuire
Drop off or mail a photo of your favorite to include the completed form and a check
grad along with a personal message of or money order made out to The Sunday
congratulations. Neatly print the grad’s Dispatch. Include a self-addressed,
name and school along with the name and stamped envelope to have your photo
Pittston Area phone number of the person submitting the returned or pick it up at our office after
ad on the back of your photo. Don’t forget June 30th.
Photos must be received by Thursday, June 2, 2011.
Congratulations Send to: Sunday Dispatch, 109 New Street, Pittston, PA 18640
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Social Section

Brides .................................1
Schools ...........................2-7


Roy Benninghoff and Lynne Feretti

Engaged to Wed
ello and Cathy Ferretti of Inkerman, PA are pleased to
announce the engagement and approaching marriage of
their daughter Lynne Ferretti to Roy Benninghoff, son of
Roy and Marie Benninghoff of Horsham, PA.
Lynne is the granddaughter of the late Nello Sr. and Argentina
Ferretti, West Pittston and the late Francis and Catherine Sen-
ausky of Pittston. Roy is the grandson of the late John and Virgin-
ia Benninghoff of Upper Moreland, PA and the late Herman and
Mary Balestrieri of Ambler, PA.
The bride-to-be is a 1998 graduate of Pittston Area High
School and East Stroudsburg University where she earned a Cathleen Bell and Kevin Schmonsees
Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and Special
Education. She also earned a Master of Education degree in
Reading Specialization. She is currently a second grade teacher
Engaged to Wed
with the Quakertown Community School District, Quakertown, athleen Bell and Kevin Schmonsees, together with their
PA. families, announce their engagement and upcoming mar-
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Pernot The groom-to-be is a 1996 graduate of Hatboro Horsham Se- riage.
nior High School and Gwynedd Mercy College where he earned
50th Anniversary a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Management. He
is currently employed as a general manager for International SOS
The bride-to-be is the daughter of William and Elaine Bell,
West Pittston. She is the granddaughter of Rinaldo and Isabel

Lucarella, West Pittston; the late William Pahl; and the late Anne
r. and Mrs. Bernard C. Pernot, Duryea, will celebrate in Trevose, PA. Pahl Bell and William Bell, Exeter.
their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Friday. They were The couple will exchange vows in a garden ceremony on Au- Cathleen is a 1999 graduate of Wyoming Area and earned a
married on June 3, 1961 in St. John the Baptist Church, gust 13, 2011 in Ambler, PA. A reception will follow at Old York bachelor’s degree in journalism from Pennsylvania State Univer-
Pittston by the late Monsignor Joseph J. Super. Road Country Club, Ambler, PA. sity in 2003. She is employed as a communications manager at
Mrs. Pernot is the former Ruth Dunay, daughter of the late Mar- Cisco Systems in Research Triangle Park, N.C.
tin and Anna Dunay. She is retired from the Topps Company and The prospective groom is the son of John and Carolyn
is presently employed at Penn Foster in Scranton. Mr. Pernot is Schmonsees, Greensboro, N.C. He is the grandson of Bob and
the son of the late Charles and Julia Pernot. He is retired from Ruth Oswald, Charleston, S.C., and the late John and Marguerite
Schott Glass, Midway Tool Engineering and Chamberlain Manu- Schmonsees, Charleston, S.C.
facturing. Kevin is a 1995 graduate of Ragsdale High School, Greens-
The couple has been blessed with four sons: Bernard, Roch- boro, N.C. He earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineer-
ester, New York; John, Woodbridge, Virginia; David, Fort Mill, ing from North Carolina State University in 1999 and a master’s
South Carolina and Stephen. They also have 14 grandchildren: degree in business administration from Strayer University in
Matthew, Jillian (Pernot) Brusso, Nicholas, Michael, Allan, 2010. He is employed as an engineering services manager at
Nathan, Mark, Jeffrey, Adrianna & Colette Boylan, Amanda, Longent in Raleigh, N.C.
Brian and Stephanie Pernot and four great grandchildren: Sarah, Cathleen and Kevin will exchange vows on Sept. 4, 2011, at the
Joseph, Thomas and Nathan. Rand-Bryan House in Garner, N.C.
A Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated on Saturday, June 4
at Holy Rosary Church, the Parish of the Nativity in Duryea with
an open house following at their home. They will also attend a
mass on Sunday, June 5 at the Cathedral in Scranton honoring
couples celebrating their 25th and 50th anniversary. They have
been honored to be chosen to carry the gifts at the mass.
The couple is pictured as they appeared on their wedding day.

Anthony Argo and Sarah Supinski

Engaged to Wed
arah Elizabeth Supinski and Anthony Carmen Argo, to-
gether with their families, announce their engagement and
approaching marriage.
The bride-to-be is the daughter of James and Romayne Supin-
ski, Wyoming. She is the granddaughter of Romayne Trolio and Ralph Kettle Jr. and Ashley Faraday
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Falzone the late Joseph Trolio, Pittston, and Elizabeth Supinski and the
late Al Supinski, Swoyersville.
Engaged to Wed
65th Anniversary The prospective groom is the son of Anthony “Butch” and Lor-
raine Argo, Exeter. He is the grandson of the late Anthony and

Martha Argo and the late Stanley and Mary Przekop. nnouncement is made of the engagement and upcoming

r. and Mrs. Thomas M. Falzone, West Wyoming will Sarah is a 2001 graduate of Wyoming Area High School. She wedding of Ashley Lynn Faraday to Ralph Lester Kettle
celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary on June 1. earned a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from King’s Jr., both of Ransom.
They were married at Holy Cross Church, Wilkes- College in 2005 and a Juris Doctor degree from the Pennsylvania The bride-elect is the daughter of Lori Faraday, Pittston Twp.
Barre by the late Rev. R. Kline. Their attendants were Providence State University Dickinson School of Law in 2009. She is em- She is the granddaughter of Lillian and Jimmy Suriano, Pittston
Falzone Eshelman and the late Philip Arcarese. ployed as an attorney at Cefalo and Associates, West Pittston. Twp, and Robert and the late Arlene Faraday, Ransom. She is a
The couple has been blessed with three children, son James and Anthony is a 1994 graduate of Wyoming Area High School. He 2004 graduate of Pittston Area, and earned a bachelor’s degree in
wife Mary Ann, daughter Angela Grady and husband James, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in exercise science from the information sciences and technology from Penn State University.
Newtown, PA, daughter Pauline Hylton and husband Richard, University of Pittsburgh in 1998 and obtained his health and The prospective bridegroom is the son of Ralph Kettle Sr., and
Swoyersville. They also have five grandchildren, Jenny Kranson, physical education certificate from East Stroudsburg University Mary Anne Pasternak, both of Ransom. He is a 2005 graduate of
Carolyn Falzone, Sara and Michael Grady, Ricky Hylton and in 2003. He is employed as a teacher at Wyoming Area School Abington Heights. He is currently employed with Wabash Inter-
three great grandchildren, Kaitlyn Falzone, Aleah and Hallie District. national, and is Assistant Fire Chief for the Newton Ransom Vol-
Kranson. The couple will exchange vows on Oct. 14, 2011, at Caesar’s unteer Fire Co.
A dinner will be hosted by their children. Palace, Las Vegas, Nev. A September wedding is planned.


King’s College holds

2011 graduation
King’s College held its 62nd Accounting
Commencement Exercises on Rolf V. Barcelon, West Pitt-
May 22. ston; Alicia Marie DeMarco,
King’s students from your area Pittston; Allison Edith Evans,
who were among 533 to receive Dallas; Gary M. Frisbie, West
their degrees are: Pittston; Robert M. Groom, Pitt-
ston; Karl Merkel, Moosic; Eli-
Master of Education zabeth Ann Rafalko, Dupont;
Curriculum and Instruction Lyndsey A. Sabol, Harding; Jus-
Kelly A. Grimes, Avoca; Jen- tin A. Stella, West Wyoming
nifer Judge, Avoca; Kimberly Business Administration
Ann Piazza, Pittston Kristen Ashley Baumes,
Hughestown; Maria T. Cometa,
Master of Science Pittston; Christopher Hooper,
Health Care Administration West Pittston; Tracey M. John-
Jenna M. Derenick, Old son, Duryea; Corey Roccogran-
Forge; Dawn Melissa Ide, Jen- di, West Wyoming; Marco John
kins Township Stallone, Exeter; Maria Varva-
glione, Yatesville
Bachelor of Arts
Computers and Information
Criminal Justice Systems
Jeffery P. Cox, West Wyom- James Michael Lavelle III,
ing; Joshua R. Kaminski, Pitt- West Pittston
ston Township Finance
Elementary Education Matthew J. Kotch, Pittston;
Katherine Darby, Pittston; Clyde J. Miller, West Wyoming
Christine Marie Martin, Avoca; Marketing
Joseph E. Berti Ashley Marie McCulloch, Pitt- Andrew Mikolaichik, West
ston Township; Alyssa A. Grove,
91 Years Young West Pittston; Daniel P. Micku-
lik, Wyoming
Medical Studies
Sara Lynne Hunter, Dupont;

oseph E. Berti (Jibber), a life resident of Swoyersville, is cel- English Kristen M. Piazza, Pittston; Ka-
Casey Fritz Rusling Jessica Anne Linskey, Pittston
ebrating his 91st birthday on June 3, 2011. He is the son of the tie Sopp, Old Forge
late John and Eugenia (Piere) Berti of Swoyersville. He was
married to the late Tillie (Gallagher) Berti of Swoyersville. They Celebrates Christening Gareth K. Henderson, Exeter
Matthew Brandon Krah, Old
celebrated their 63rd anniversary on August 4, 2008. He was a

plasterman by trade and was employed by local contractors Stan- asey Fritz Rusling was born on January 25, 2011is the son Justin Vacula, Exeter Psychology
ley Susek and Frank Coslett. He retired in 1988 from Tenavision of Jeffrey and Amilynn (Swantkowski) Rusling of Phila- Dana M. Briggs, Hughestown;
Bachelor of Science
Corp. after 11 years. delphia. He is the grandson of Betty and the late Bob Rus- Cody Lee Karalunas, Wyoming
Joe has four children: daughter, Marie E. and son-in-law, Jim ling and Hank and Cath Swantkowski.
Kittle, Dallas, Texas; daughter Deborah and son-in-law, Joe
Walsh, Pittston; daughter, Corinne and son-in-law, Michael
Craig, Cedar Hill, Texas; son, Dale, Plano, Texas. Grandchildren,
Casey was christened on April 9 by Father Joe Sibilano in St.
Rocco’s Church, Pittston. Godmother was Miss Jennifer Rusling
of Palmyra, PA. Godfather was Major Jacob C. Swantkowski II
For home delivery,
Joseph and Kyle Walsh, West Pittston, Kelly Walsh Pacelli and currently serving in Seoul, South Korea. Casey’s Great Uncle

please call 829-5000

husband Frank, Swoyersville and Matthew Berti, Plano, Texas. Henry Casper stood in for Casey’s Uncle Jake at the ceremony.
He is an active member of Holy Trinity Parish, Swoyersville and Following the ceremony a party was held in his honor.
STAR Fitness Edwardsville. Casey has an older brother Jackson who turned six on May 10.
A party is planned in his honor by his children.

S C H O O L M E N U S F O R T H E W E E K O F M AY 3 0
Pittston Area Breakfast available daily - As- vorites - Plain Pizza; on bagel. rots, chocolate pudding. Alter- bread pizza. B. Tyson hot ’n
Kindergarten, Primary and sorted whole grain cereals w/ Grill Specials - Cheeseburg- Thursday – Breakfast pizza or nate entrée Cheese sandwich or spicy chicken sandwich. C.
Intermediate Centers toast, breakfast pizza, buttered ers, hot dogs, Buffalo chicken egg and cheese on bagel PBJ or 4 oz yogurt and Animal Chicken fajita w/lettuce, tomato,
Monday –No School toast patties, grilled chicken patties Friday –Waffles with syrup or Crackers all w/choice of string salsa, sour cream. D. Rib-a-que,
Tuesday –Chicken nuggets or Middle and High Schools and chicken fajita. ham and cheese on bagel cheese or sunflower seeds. cheeseburger or chicken patty on
grilled cheese sandwich, glazed Monday –No School Deli Specials - salads, assorted Breakfast: Warm pizza slice, ce- bun. Sides: Colossal fries, gold-
Tuesday–Popcorn chicken hoagies and wraps. St. Mary’s Assumption
carrots, peaches, low fat milk. real, juice, milk en corn, juicy peaches
Breakfast: Ham, egg and cheese bowl, mashed potatoes & gravy, This weeks specials: High and Monday –No School Thursday -Taco w/beef, Wednesday -A. Baked chicken
on bagel 100% fruit juice, low fat corn bread slice, pears, low fat Middle Schools- Tuesday – Pizza & Ice Cream cheese, lettuce & tomato or fryz, bread. B. Chicken Caesar
milk. Pizza Wednesday – Spaghetti, Meat- cheeseburger on bun, green wrap. C. Hot pork sandwich. D.
Wednesday –Cheese dunkers Monday - balls, Roll, Peaches beans, seasoned rice, mixed Rib-a-que, cheeseburger or
Wednesday –Macaroni &
with marinara sauce, peas, Tuesday and Thursday -Pep- Thursday – Chicken Tenders, fruit,. Alternate Cheese sand- chicken patty on bun. Sides:
cheese or hot dog on bun, corn,
mixed fruit, oatmeal cookie, low peroni Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Beans, wich or PBJ or 4 oz yogurt and Peas and carrots, mashed pota-
apple slices with cinnamon, low
fat milk Wednesday -Fresh tomato Roll, Pears Animal Crackers all w/choice of toes /gravy, chocolate pudding.
fat milk. Breakfast: Pancakes
Thursday –Roasted turkey white pizza Friday – Grilled Cheese string cheese or sunflower seeds. Thursday - A. Meatball hoagie
with syrup 100% fruit juice, low
with stuffing & gravy, bread Friday -Hot chicken wing Breakfast-Bagel w/jelly, fruit w/ mozzarella cheese. B. Taco
fat milk. Wyoming Area
slice, carrots, apple crisp, low fat Weekly specials: High School
Thursday –Hot turkey sand- Elementary juice, milk bowl w/ beef, rice, corn tortilla
milk - Panini
wich or cheeseburger, mashed Monday-No School Friday -Mozzarella bread- chips, cheese, toppings. C Spicy
Friday –Beef fajita wrap or ta- Monday -
potatoes & gravy, pears, low fat Tuesday-Mini corn dogs, or sticks w/marinara sauce, tossed chicken snack wrap. D. Rib-a-
co salad, bread slice, green Tuesday -Hot chicken &
milk, Breakfast: Scrambled eggs cheeseburger on a bun, baked salad/dressing, diced pears, oat- que, cheeseburger or chicken
beans, peaches, low fat milk cheese
& toast 100% fruit juice, low fat beans, golden sweet corn, sliced meal cookie. Alternate entrée patty on bun. Sides: ACD Green
Daily at High School - Favor- Wednesday -Ham and cheese
milk ites - Plain Pizza. - Thursday -Hot chicken & peaches. Alternate Cheese sand- Cheese sandwich or PBJ or 4 oz beans, seasoned rice, mixed fruit
Friday -Italian dunkers & ma- Grill Specials - Cheeseburg- cheese wich or PBJ or 4 oz yogurt and yogurt and Animal Crackers all Friday -A. Buffalo chicken or
rinara sauce or chicken patty on ers, Buffalo chicken patties, Pa- Friday - Turkey and cheddar Animal Crackers all w/choice of w/choice of string cheese or sun- cheese pizza. B. Mozzarella
bun, green beans, mixed fruit, nini Sandwiches, grilled chicken Monday - string cheese or sunflower seeds flower seeds. Breakfast: French breadsticks w/ marinara sauce.
low fat milk patties and chicken fajita Tuesday -Sausage & cheese on Breakfast-Scrambled eggs with toast/syrup, bagel w/jelly, cereal, C. Philly double cheese steak
Weekly choices -Chicken Deli Specials: Salad assorted English muffin or scrambled bacon fruit juice, milk juice, milk hoagie. D. Rib-a-que, cheese-
wrap, Chef salad, ham and "made to order" hoagies and eggs with toast Wednesday -Chicken fryz/ Secondary Center burger or chicken patty on bun.
cheese sandwich, Italian hoagie. wraps. Wednesday - Pancakes with dippin sauce, bread, mashed po- Monday: No School Sides: tossed salad/dressing,
plain pizza available daily. Daily at Middle School - Fa- syrup or egg, bacon and cheese tatoes/gravy, garden peas & car- Tuesday . A. White French baked spiral fries, diced pears.

JFK Elementary holding Sabatini’s Night this Thursday

PTO Meeting we will receive 10% of the or- the Tools for Schools program. Clip and save labels from par- Tops and thank you for your can help out by sending in any
The next PTO meeting will der. Thank you to Sabatini’s Once you sign up, everything ticipating Tyson products earns support. spare change you may have in-
take place on Wednesday, June Pizza for their continued sup- you purchase at Price Chopper us 24 cents for each label. We to school with your child.
1 at 6:30 p.m. Thank you to port. with your AdvantEdgeCard will announce a date for col- Smencils Thank you for your support.
Amanda and Vanessa Caster- earns points to help our school. lecting the labels in the future. Smencils are available in the
line for providing child care for Fun Day Every dollar you spend earns a school office. Anyone interest- Website
Fun Day is scheduled for point for our school, which Box Tops ed please see Ms. Rachelle. Please visit the Wyoming Ar-
the May meeting.
June 7 with a rain date of June helps us earnfree equipment. Please remember to save ea website at www.wyominga-
Sabatini’s Night 8. You can also register your your Box Tops for Education. Pennies for the Playground and click on JFK for
The next Sabatini’s Night SureSave cards to earn rewards Each one is worth 10 cents The playground committee is more PTO information. Click
will take place on Thursday, Tools for Schools for our school. when our school redeems them. collecting spare change to help on Mr. Pollard’s name to view
June 2. Just mention JFK and Please register your cards for Tyson Chicken A+ Program: Please keep saving your Box upgrade our playground. You PTO information.

Montgomery Avenue holding ‘Step Up Day’ this Wednesday

June Events Step Up Day over to Montgomery Avenue ing the building at approxi- mentary. Fun day will be held District has a dress code for
June 1: Fifth grade step-up On Wednesday, June 1 the elementary for their “Step-Up mately 9:00 a.m. and will be at the Wyoming Area stadi- our students. Students should
day to 10th Street Montgomery Avenue fifth Day.” returning approximately 3:00 um. Please note that there is not wear short shorts, halter
June 2: Second grade field grade students will go down p.m. Please wear comfortable no rain date for Fun Day. Kin- tops, flip flops,open back
Second Grade Field Trip clothes and sneakers for dergarten, first, second and shoes without strap, spaghetti
trip to 10th Street Elementary for
June 2: JFK third grade “Step-Up Day.” Permission On Thursday, June 2 the walking. third grades will go over in strap tops, etc. Parents should
step-up day to MA slips were sent home with the PTO will be conducting a the morning and fourth and read the hand book that was
June 3: Fun day students to ride the bus to 10th field trip for Mrs. Harding Fun Day fifth grades will go over in the given to you about proper
June 9: Fifth grade field trip Street. and Mrs. Morgan’s second On Friday, June 3 the PTO afternoon. dress for your child. The
June 15: Kindergarten cele- On Thursday, June 2nd the grade students to the Bear will hold their annual Fun Hand-Book rules are also on
Mountain Butterfly Sanctu- Day for all the students at Proper Dress Attire the Wyoming Area Web site.
bration Third grade students from
June 15: Last day of school JFK elementary will come ary. The students will be leav- Montgomery Avenue Ele- The Wyoming Area School


Michael Vincent
Ardoline, son of Mr.
Happy Birthday! Sara Solo
and Mrs. Robert and Sara Alizabeth
Laurie Ardoline of Stop by or mail your birthday photo to: Solo, daughter of
Chester Springs, will Bobby and Linda
celebrate his first The Sunday Dispatch Solo, West Pittston,
birthday on June 1. 109 New Street will celebrate her
Maternal grandpar- Pittston, PA 18640 second birthday to-
ents are Mr. and Mrs. morrow, May 30.
Vincent and Barbara Pictures can run in black and white for $2 or color for $10. Sara is the grand-
O’Hop of Hughes- Deadline is Wednesday at 5 p.m., but space is limited, so pictures daughter of Mi-
town. Paternal grand- will be published on a first-come, first-served basis. Any ques- chael and Loretta
parents are Mrs. tions, please call 602-0168. Kirkpatrick, Pitt-
Louise Ardoline of Checks can be made payable to The Sunday Dispatch.
West Pittston and the A Dora party was
late Michael Ardo- held to celebrate
line. day on Monday, her special day.
Michael has a sis- May 30.
ter Callie, who is five Paige’s grand-
Michael Ardonline years old. parents are Ann
Braccini, Pitt-
ston Township
and the late Frace Salvo
Jaiden Jadus Louis Braccini.
She is also the Frace Leigh Salvo,
Jaiden Jadus, daughter of Chuck and
daughter of John Kristen Salvo is cele-
of Kurt and
and Amy Jadus, brating her third birth-
Gerda Bitt-
Hughestown, is cel- day on Saturday, May
mann, Lake
ebrating her fifth 28.
Grove, New
birthday today, May Frace is the grand-
York. Paige is
29. daughter of Jim and
the great grand-
Maternal grand- Debbie Stripling, New-
daughter of
parents are Mr. and man, Georgia and Pearl
Paige Bittmann Wanda Braccini, Exeter, the
Mrs. Carmen Salvo, Hughestown and
late Gino Braccini and the
Maiese, Taylor. Pat- Charles Salvo, Dun-
Paige Lauren Bittmann, late James and Marie D’Au-
ernal grandparents more. Frace will cele-
daughter of Frank and Donna ria.
are Mr. and Mrs. Pe- brate her birthday with a
Bittmann, Pittston Township, Paige has a brother, An-
ter Jadus, Avoca. party at her home in
is celebrating her third birth- drew, five years old.
Jaiden has a Washington, D.C. She
brother, Johnny. She has a brother "JC" who is
enjoys gymnastics one years old.
and t-ball. Anthony Ranieli
Anthony Dominick
Ranieli celebrated his
Ryan Reedy sixth birthday May 27. He Paul Stevenson
is the son of Joe and Alis-
Ryan John Reedy, son sa Ranieli, Duryea. Paul Stevenson, son of
of Cheryl and John Ree- Maternal grandmother Patrick "Skip" and Kristie
dy, III, Exeter, is celebrat- is Carol Costantino of Stevenson of Duryea, cel-
ing his ninth birthday, Pittston. Paternal grand- ebrated his fifth birthday
Sunday, May 29. parents are Joe and Ma- on Tuesday, May 24.
Ryan is the grandson of ryann Ranieli of Pittston. Maternal grandparents
Nancy and the late An- Great grandmother is are Carl and Gerry Sira-
thony "Jake" Sobeski, Jean Ranieli of Pittston. cuse, Wyoming. Paternal
West Pittston, and John Anthony has an eight grandparents are Earl and
Jr., and the late Carol year old brother, Joseph Virginia Stevenson,
Reedy, Pittston. and a four year old sister, Uniontown.
Ryan is a third grade Daniella. Paul will be graduating
student at Wyoming Area from Cookie Corner pre-
Catholic School, Exeter. school next month and
will attend kindergarten
at Holy Rosary, Duryea,
in the fall. Paul has a
brother, CJ, 11 weeks old.
(Swantkowski) Rus-
ling, of Philadelphia,
Kiersten Elaine Bran- PA celebrated his
ham will celebrate her
sixth birthday on Leonard
eighth birthday on Tues-
day, May 31. She is the
May 10. Sangueldolce
daughter of Kim Bran- Grandparents are
ham, Pittston. Betty and the late Leonard Anthony San-
Kiersten is the grand- Bob Rusling and guedolce, son of Leonard
daughter of Tom and Hank and Cath and Jennifer Sangue-
Becky Rosiak, Pittston. Swantkowski. dolce, Pittston is celebrat-
She is the great grand- He marked the oc- ing his first birthday on
daughter of Rose Rosiak, casion with family May 30.
Port Griffith. and friends at parties Lenny is the grandson
Kiersten is a second in the Philadelphia of Paul and Margaret
grade student at the Pitt- area and the Pittston Borget and Sam and Rose
ston Area Primary Center. area. Jackson cur- Sanguedolce. He is the
Kiersten has a brother rently attends kin- great grandson of Eliza-
D.J., 10 ½ and a sister, dergarten at St. Fran- beth and the late Anthony
Amanda, 21. Boccolini, the late
Kiersten Branham cis Xavier School,
Blanche and Wilford
Jackson Rusling Philadelphia.
Borget, Adele and Ange-
Jackson has a younger broth- lo Grieco and the late Jen-
Jackson Henry Rusling, son er Casey, born on January 25,
Cassandra Hintze ny and Leonard Sangue-
of Jeffrey and Amilynn 2011. dolce.
Cassandra Marie
Hintze celebrated her
sixth birthday on May 25. Zakary Miko-
She is the daughter of losko, son of James Salerno
Scott and Alicia Hintze of Rich and Lori James Stanley Saler-
Hughestown. Mikolosko, Dal- no celebrated his 12th
She is the granddaught- las, is celebrat- birthday on May 26. He
er of Donna Kutchkus ing his fifth is the son of Ralph and
and the late George birthday on Donna Salerno, West
Kutchkus of Hughestown May 31. Pittston.
and William Hintze and Zakary is the His grandparents are
the late Catherine Hintze grandson of the late Stanley and
of Pittston. Nelson and Mildred Bojarcik,
Cassandra has a sister, Donna Chepalo- Swoyersville and the
Liliana, who is three nis, Exeter and late James and Carmel-
years old. Rich Mikolosko la Salerno, West Pitt-
Sr., Old Forge. ston.
He is the great Jimmy is a fifth grade
Justina Price grandson of student at New Story
Jane Mikolosko, School, Wyoming. He
Justina Catherine Forty Fort. has two sisters, Jennifer
Price, daughter of Ralph Zakary has a and Melissa.
and Coleen (Joyce) Price, Zakary Mikolosko sister, Alexis, who is seven
Lansdale, Pa celebrated years old.
her second birthday on
May 23.

LCCC to offer summer courses

Maternal grandparents
are Joseph and Loretta
Joyce of Dupont. Paternal
grandparents are Frances
Price, Dupont and the late
Victor Price. Luzerne County Commu- begin Monday, June 6 and session will be held on lege’s main campus.
Justina has a brother, nity College will offer cours- end Wednesday, July 6. Thursday, June 2; Monday, For more information, call
Brendon, who will be es during its first summer Final exams will be held June 6; and Tuesday, June 7, LCCC at 740-0337 or 740-
seven years old on July session at the College’s cam- on Thursday, July 7. Regis- from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., at the 0340 or (800) 377-LCCC,
15. pus in Nanticoke. Classes tration for the first summer registrar’s office, at the Col- extension 7337 or 7340.


weighing pros, cons, and long- vation would be strengthened. ber that with each opportunity Senior Class Trip
Warrior News term consequences. Choosing
one side over another will al-
But ultimately, we would be
spectators to the game of life.
lost, another is gained in the new
path forged by your decision.
The senior class trip to Dor-
ney Park will be held on Thurs-
ways cause us to leave some- And that’s a position that no per- day, June 2. Be sure to arrive to
thing behind, as it is impossible son should ever play for too Memorial Day
school early to secure your seat
By Debbie Gross to experience all possible scena- long. School will be closed on on the bus.
rios that a situation might turn Choice promotes change and Monday, May 30, for all stu-
into. But not making any choice growth, prevents us from living dents in observance of Memo- Graduation Practice
at all is worse still, and causes us stagnant lives. “Right” choices rial Day. Seniors, graduation practices
Senior Sentiments to lose out on even more. tend to move us in positive di- will begin on Friday, June 3, and
Decisions, decisions. High school is chock full of them. On a As daunting as decision-mak- rections, while “wrong” choices Yearbooks
continue into next week. It is
daily basis, teens in academic settings can be found asking them- ing might be, sooner or later we are the mistakes from which we There are a limited number of highly recommended that you
selves, “Who do I want to be? What do I want to do? Where do I need to face it. There’s no such learn. When in doubt or torn be- yearbooks available. See Mrs. attend all of these practices. Re-
want to fit in?” Outside of high school, frequent opportunities for thing as having your cake and tween options, think for a mo- Lynch as soon as possible if you port to school at normal time
choices are just as common (though the decisions themselves usu- eating it, too. Likewise, there is ment. Sometimes it might take are interested in purchasing one. unless otherwise instructed.
ally concern more “grown up” matters). If there is a single piece of no way to sit on the fence for many moments of thought, de- Anyone with a yearbook bal-
advice that stands most prominently in my mind, it is these choice one’s entire life. And why pending on the magnitude of the ance must be paid by June 1 or Quote of the Week
words, spoken by my high school mentor: Get off the fence and should we? Sure, we might gain situation. But make a choice in you will not graduate on stage. You miss 100% of the shots
choose a side. I guess it’s about time I start following that… an interesting perspective now good time. Pick a side before Advertising is still being accept- you don’t take. –Wayne Gretzky
As humans, we are renowned for sitting on metaphorical fences, and then. Our powers of obser- one is chosen for you. Remem- ed until June 1.

PA Kindergarten students to tour Primary Center this week

Registration missed registration should call Primary Center Visit be able to see the new school and grade in our school district. Mills Box Tops for Education lo-
Pittston Area Kindergarten the school to make arrangements On Wednesday, June 1, the the first grade classrooms. Buses Please fill out the survey formgos for the 2010-2011 school
registration for the 2011-12 to sign your child up for kinder- Kindergarten Center students, will leave promptly at 9:15 a.m. year. We are asked parents to
that was sent home and return to
school year is now complete. garten. If you move or have a along with their teachers and Please sign permission slips and your child’s teacher as soon asplease begin collecting these box
Any important paperwork not change in daycare that would af- educational assistants, will be send back to your child’s teacher possible. tops over the summer. Please cut
handed in during the registration fect the child’s bus stop, you touring the Primary Center in by Tuesday, May 31. the box tops and put in bundles
must notify the school immedi- In order to prepare for next Box Tops of 50 before you send them to
days should be completed as Hughestown. The students will
soon as possible. Parents who ately. The phone number is 654- year, we need to know if your The Kindergarten Center is your child’s teacher.
9503. child will be attending first going to be collecting General

Magistrate Pierantoni talks safe driving with PA students

The spring driver education
classes at Pittston Area High
School welcomed District Ma-
gistrate Fred Pierantoni as a
guest speaker recently. Pieranto-
ni talked to the students about
their responsibility to be safe
drivers. Pierantoni presented
facts and personal insight on
seatbelt use, driving distractions,
texting and driving, DUI and
Pierantoni is shown with Jim
Blaskiewicz, Driver Education
teacher and the Driver Education
Senior Interviews
Dominic Kustrin, born on
April 16, 1992, lives in Pittston.
His parents are Donna and Bill
and his favorite teachers are Mr. on January 1, 1992, to Debbie teach any class it would be histo- and his favorite song is “Run- He sums up his high school ex- thing You Forgot”.
Hopkins and Mrs. Getrige. Some and John Laboranti and current- ry or science. After graduation ning in the 90’s” by May Loveri. perience with the word “short”, Courtney’s best friends are El-
of his favorite bands are Alice in ly resides in Pittston. If Jason Jason plans on attending college Andrew can be found hanging and is looking forward to having isa Decker and Mike Phillips.
Chains, Megadeath and Drown- was given the opportunity to and is looking forward to starting out with Matthew Wayno, Cory a good job in the future. Her personal catchphrase is “Go
ing Pool. Chris, Brandon, Mike, start high school over, he his life. Poplawski, Christopher Lom- Courtney Pesarchick was get beat up”. The most challeng-
Kyle, Ciera and Josh are some of wouldn’t have had so many long Born on September 19, 1991 to bardo, and James Whispell. If born on July 24, 1992, and cur- ing part of high school for her
his best friends. lasting relationships. His favor- Kelly Lowe and Mark Mustapich Andrew was able to start high rently resides in Pittston. He par- was walking through the halls.
After graduation, Dominic ites include pizza, Vince is Andrew Mustapich, who cur- school over he would choose ents are Cindy Lester and Jerrod Her idol is Ms. Rugletic. If she
plans to work with his band to Vaughn, and Metallica, and his rently resides in Duryea. During more challenging classes. Pesarchick. Her favorite teachers was able to teach any class she
create their new album. The best friends are Ryan Ahern, his high school career his favor- “That’s what you think” is some- are Mr. Hopkins, Ms. Rugletic, would teach special education
most challenging parts of high John Oliveri, Chris Rodriguez ite teachers were Mr. Burns, Mr. thing he is known for saying. The Mrs. Miller and Mr. Richards. If math. Her high school experi-
school for him were the various and Brandon Dolan. Hopkins and Mrs. Craig. The most challenging part of high she was able to start high school ence in one word would be
projects that were required. He At any given point in the day most memorable part of high school was getting enough sleep over she would keep her grades “Awesome”! After graduation
would sum up his high school you can catch Jason saying school for him were the pep ral- to last the whole day. Andrew is up and pay attention. Her favor- she plans on going into the mil-
experience in one word – “Dude” or see him in the gym lies, specifically the one where heavily involved in anything that ite food is hot wing pizza, her fa- itary and college, and is looking
“Great”. practicing wrestling. His idol is Justin McCloe danced in a dress. has to do with computers, and vorite movie is The Blindside, forward to seeing what her life is
Jason Laboranti, was born his brother John, and if he could His favorite band is Linkin Park, plans to take that up in college. and her favorite song is “Some- going to look like.

Holy Redeemer students win awards in National French contest

Nine students from Holy Redeemer High School earned
awards during the National French Contest and were hon-
ored during an awards ceremony and dinner at King’s
College. The contest, which included oral and written
examinations of French linguistics and syntax, was spon-
sored by the NEPA Chapter of the American Association
of Teachers of French.
Student award winners seated, from left: Rachel Simon,
Hughestown, 2nd place, French I; Karley Stasko, Warrior
Run, 2nd place, French IV; Patrick Loftus, Mountaintop,
1st place, French II; Louis Jablowski, Wilkes-Barre Twp.,
2nd place, French II; Elsbeth Turcan, Exeter, 2nd place,
French III.
Standing: Barbara Alfano, Holy Redeemer French facul-
ty member; Matt Collins, Dallas, Honorable Mention,
French II; Alia Gestl, Pittston, Honorable Mention, French
II; Sarah Williams, Mountaintop, 3rd place, French II;
Kelly Grebeck, Swoyersville, Honorable Mention, French
Elsbeth Turcan placed fifth, and Patrick Loftus placed
tenth on the national level.

Miseri’s Department of English inducts students into honor society

The Department of English States, Europe, the Middle dents majoring in English are lone, Pittston, Pa.; Alysia Ar- Forge, Pa.; John Meholic, Jer- or call (570) 674-
at Misericordia University in- East and the Caribbean. The eligible for Sigma Tau Delta do, Pittston, Pa.; Robert Bar- myn, Pa.; Shaun O’Brien, 6400. Founded and Sponsored
ducted 16 students into the society’s central purpose is to after completing at least three na, Dallas, Pa.; Andrew Cor- Glen Lyon, Pa.; Brian O’Neill, by the Sisters of Mercy in
Sigma Tau Delta International confer distinction upon stu- semesters in the program and bett, Forty Fort, Pa.; Aimee Monroe, N.Y.; Patrick Noonan 1924, Misericordia University
English Honor Society during dents of the English language maintaining a minimum grade DiLucido, Collingdale, Pa.; Boothwyn, Pa.; Gabriella is Luzerne County’s first four-
an induction ceremony in the and literature in undergradu- point average of 3.0 in the ma- April Dulsky, Dallas, Pa.; Trepper, Edison, N.J.; and year college and offers 32
Founders Room on campus. ate, graduate and professional jor’s courses. Hope Enright, Danville, Pa.; Kaytlin Yachim, Dallas, Pa. bachelor’s, master’s and doc-
Sigma Tau Delta was found- studies, according to the so- Misericordia University stu- Caitlin Hails, Lopez, Pa.; Lau- For more information about toral degree programs in three
ed in 1924 and has about 800 ciety. dents inducted into Sigma Tau ra Kingston, Tunkhannock, Misericordia University, colleges in full- and part-time
active chapters in the United Misericordia University stu- Delta include, Michelle Anza- Pa.; Aubre Mayorowski, Old please log on to www.miser- formats.

Email school news and photos to



LCCC holds commencement ceremonies on May 26

More than 900 students are Pittston; Sarah Saporito, Pitt- Laflin; Christopher Tarullo, ryea; Michael Valenti, Pittston; Certificate in Specialization phanie Lia, Pittston; and John
scheduled to receive their de- ston; Whitney Sassi, West Pitt- West Pittston; Justin Tonte, Du- and Kimberly Weitz, Pittston. Jared Kramer, Duryea; Ste- Tondora, Pittston.
grees from Luzerne County ston; John Sims, West Wyom-
Community College at the 43rd ing; Francis Smicherko, Pittston
annual Commencement exercis- Township; Richelle Smith, Pitt-
es slated for Thursday, May 26, ston; Samantha Solack, West
at 6 p.m., at the Mohegan Sun Wyoming; Michael Soudas, Du-
Arena. pont; Deanna Stoddard, Duryea;
Kayla Strach, West Wyoming;
Associate in Applied Science Stephen Sunder, Pittston; Melis-
Stephanie Allen, West Pitt- sa Sutliff, Dupont; Bret Taggart,
ston; Nancy Atkinson, Avoca; Wyoming; Gabrielle Uhrin, Old
Candice Berretta, Harding; Ko- Forge; Melissa Weller, Old
ry Boothe, Wyoming; Aaron Forge; Frank Whalen, Pittston;
Boyt, Pittston; Patrick Brennan, Deanna Yonki, Hughestown;
Inkerman; Bridget Briggs, and Eric Yustat, West Pittston.
Hughestown; Ashley Brown,
Pittston; Bonni Capece, Exeter; Associate in Science
Jennifer Ciannelli, Hughes- Megan Armbruster, Avoca;
town; Robert Coyne, Wyoming; Kristin Augustine, Wyoming;
Taylor Crawford, Duryea; Jo- Katlyn Bitters, Harding; Donna
seph Dabbieri, Avoca; Joel Der- Bondi-Hughes, Pittston; Seth
hammer, Pittston; Zachary Boyer, Pittston; Amanda Buck-
Evarts, Old Forge; Frank Gawel, ler, Exeter; David Buckman,
Old Forge; Krysten Gemski, Wyoming; Naomie Burgman,
Wyoming; Chelsea Herron, Wyoming; Natalia Chinikaylo,
Exeter; Denise Hite, Pittston; West Wyoming; Matthew Col-
Deborah Hopkins, Wyoming; lins, Duryea; Rebecca Cruise,
Jonelle Judge, Pittston; Melissa West Pittston; Dennis Ferretti,
Kizer, Pittston; Jennifer Kon- Exeter; Danielle Frallicciardi,
dracki, Exeter; Jessica Krochta, West Pittston; Brent Ide, Jen-
Wyoming; Michael Kroptavich, kins Township; Mingtong Lu,
Duryea; Michael Krzak, Avoca; Avoca; Wendy Markel-Skursky,
Olivia Lombardo, Pittston; Les- Exeter; Matthew Marriggi, Pitt-
ly Louis, Pittston; Donald Ma- ston; Katie McLean, Pittston;
cRae, Duryea; Sandra Katie Miller, Pittston; Holly
McCracken, West Wyoming; Norwillo, Pittston; Marena Pic-
Diana Morris, Old Forge; Pa- cillo, Pittston; Walter Rice,
trick Noonan, Wyoming; Eliza- West Pittston; Gagandeep
beth Norton, Exeter; Jeff Pisa- Singh, Pittston; Raymond Spic-
no, Harding; Justin Rowlands, cioli, Pittston; Mary Swingle,

LCCC to hold online

course for teachers
Luzerne County Communi- ferent learning styles, writing
ty College is offering a new strong lesson plans, using
non-credit online course for educational technology, cre-
teachers of adult learners. ating a welcoming classroom
“Teaching Adult Learners” environment, and designing
will provide instruction on effective assessments.
the newest educational meth- For more information, or to
ods to create a student-cen- register, call LCCC at 740-
tered classroom that’s suited 0495 or (800) 377-LCCC, ex-
for adult learners. Course tension 7495 or go to 289007

topics include identifying dif-

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St. Mary’s Assumption holds mother/son bowling event

Thank you to all of our moth- Rosen, Dominick DeAngelo, May 31.
ers and their sons for supporting Danilo Giordina, Max Rosen,
our Mother/Son Bowling event Michael Cicon and John Tondo- Closing Mass and Reception
last Sunday. It was a huge suc- ra. The invitation for the SMA
cess. The winners are as follows: Pictured at right are Kevin Closing Mass and Reception
1st Place - Mark Liskowicz Jumper, Andrew Skutack, Mat- went home last week. If you have
(eighth grade) and his mom Su- thew Johnson and Chase Duffy. not sent in your RSVP please do
san, 2nd Place - Ryan (fourth Row two: Michael Skutack, so immediately. The Mass will
grade) and Justin (sixth grade) Owen Jumper and Jack Clancy. begin at 5:30 pm with the recep-
Bella and their mom Shari, and tion to follow immediately after.
receiving the award for Most Ef- Mass The Mass and reception are open
fort was Neil Forlenza (second Our next school Mass will be to all current and past St. Mary’s
grade) and his mom Hillary. on Thursday, June 2nd at 10:30 families and friends so please
A very special thank you to am. This will be our annual spread the word. There will be a
May 31. The four year old chil- Sunday, June 12: SMA Family Holy Rosary Vouchers
Mrs. Melissa Skutack and her “Buddy Mass” first grade and display table at the reception
dren are not to attend on May 31. Fun Day, 1:00 to 4:00 Pittston In addition to what is already
sons, Michael and Andrew, for eighth grade are preparing the with SMA memorabilia if you
The four year old children will Twp. Recreational Park. RSVP on the Holy Rosary voucher
making her famous sugar coo- celebration. Msgr. Bendik will have any items that you would
have their Moving Up Day on by June 1. form they have informed us that
kies for all the bowlers. A great be our celebrant. All parents and like to share please label all
Wednesday, June 1. Wednesday, June 15: Knoebels they have added the following
time was had by all who attend- families are invited to join us. items with your name and drop
Day, Last day of school.Children stores: Crazy 8 - $25, Sapphire -
ed. them off at the school prior to Save the Date
No School may wear SMA T-shirt with long $25, Talbots - $25, and Ruth
Pictured are some of the boys June 2. Thursday, June 2: 5:30 pm shorts or capri’s (for girls) no
that attended the event. We will not have school on Chris - $50. If you would like to
Pre-school Mass and Reception for all cur- short shorts for Mass. Sneakers purchase any of these voucher
Picture at left are Anthony Fe- Monday, May 30 this is in ob-
rent and past families and alum- or sandals are both fine. Mass just write it on the existing form.
rentino, Kyle Skutack, Henry servance of Memorial Day. The last day for the three year
ni. will begin at 9:30 a.m.
Classes will resume on Tuesday, old children will be Tuesday,

Wyoming Area Catholic students celebrate ‘Pi Day’

Recently, the students at ing lot. We ended the celebration tion, 6 p.m. at St Cecilia’s
Wyoming Area Catholic in Exe- with the crowning of the King June 15: Last Day of School,
ter planned and celebrated "Pi and Queen of Pi. Mrs. Eileen Report Cards, Knoebel’s Day
Day." The number Pi is an irra- Rishcoff, accelerated Math
tional number (3.14...) used to teacher coordinated the events at Science Day
calculate the circumference and Wyoming Area Catholic for Pi Science Day is scheduled for
area of a circle. Students cele- Day. Pictured are the students June 1, 2011. Students in grades
brated Pi Day on March 14th. and teachers, grades 4-8, in their 4-8 will showcase concepts and
Activities were televised on Pi formation with Ryan Leckey topics they have learned during
Newswatch 16 with Ryan Leck- and cameraman of Newswatch the past year to the students in
ey. Special guests included Mrs. 16. grades PK- 3. Mary Ann Pad-
Mary Tigue, Assistant Superin- dock-Kaminski is the science
tendent for the Catholic Schools Dates to Remember teacher for fourth, fifth, sixth
of the Diocese of Scranton. May 30: No School Memorial and eighth grades. Lucille Pro-
Some of the activities planned Day copio is the science teacher for
included a Pi memorization con- grade 7.
test, a Pi Scavenger Hunt, a Pi June Reminders Grade 8 – Roller Coaster
Eating Contest, Pi Service Pro- June 1: Moving up Day for Physics/On Stage
ject, where the students were Third Grade students. Grade 7 – Microscopes, DNA,
challenged to collect 314 cans of June 2: Ascension Thursday Dissections
food for the local food pantry. Liturgy, 12:15 p.m. Grade 6 – Rocks and Miner-
Other activites for the Pi Day June 3: Pre-K End of the Year als/ Pangaea
were Pi tattoos, Pi face painting, Program, 9 a.m. Grade 5 – Electricity/Space
Pi relay race and life size Pi sym- June 7: Kindergarten End of Grade 4 – Density, Refracted Labels bell Soup Labels and Box Tops for the labels are in the main hall-
bol formation in the school park- the Year Program, 9 a.m. Light, Planets Please keep sending in Camp- for Education. The containers way.
June 8: Eighth grade gradua-

Holy Rosary sixth graders

visit Harrisburg
The sixth grade class took sumption for taking the time these students will be ready for
their annual class trip to Harris- from their busy end-of-year ac- first grade next year, and we are
burg this week. The students vis- tivities to spend time with us this “ROYAL-LY” proud of them.
ited the State Museum of Penn- week. It was great to have you
sylvania, the Whitaker Science here and we look forward to be- Ascension Thursday Mass
Center, and the Pennsylvania ing in school with you next year. Mass for Ascension Thursday
State Capitol. At the Capital will be celebrated on Thursday,
Building, the students met with Pre-school Moving Up Day June 2 at 9:30 a.m. in Holy Ros-
Senator John Blake who gave The Preschool four-year old ary Church. We invite parents,
them a tour of the building and class will celebrate their “Mov- friends, and parishioners to join
explained how the Senate works. ing Up Day” on Wednesday, June us in prayer on this holyday of
In the Whitaker Science Center, 1. Congratulations to all our stu- obligation.
the students viewed a lab activity dents, their parents, our pre-
entitled “It’s Shocking!” A few school teacher Mrs. Lisa Simku- First Friday Mass
of the students were even chosen lak, and our preschool aides Mrs. First Friday Mass will be cele-
as volunteers. The class would Sandy Loftus and Mrs. Jean So- brated on Friday, June 3 at 9 a.m.
$25.00 denominations. If you If you have any questions, you science and art items, even musi-
like to thank Mrs. Casey and winski on this very happy occa- Please join us for this last First
wish to order them, write them may contact Teresa at 457-9001. cal instruments. Please continue
their parents for making this trip sion. Friday Mass of the school year,
on your form until the updated your support of these programs
possible, and they offer a special as we thank God for a grace-fil- Labels & Box Tops
Kindergarten Moving Up Day forms are available. For St. Ma- by sending in your labels to the
thank you to Senator Blake and led year. Campbell’s Soup labels and school office or by placing them
ry’s Assumption families who
his office staff for making this an Our Kindergarten will cele- Box Tops for Education are be- in the church vestibule. If you
Gift Certificates are attending Holy Rosary in
informative day for them. brate their Moving Up Day on ing collected at Holy Rosary have any questions, please con-
Gift certificate orders will be 2011-2012 school year – voucher
Friday, June 3. They have worked School. These programs enable tact the school’s office. Also,
Thanks, St. Mary’s filled this week in the Holy Ros- forms are available in your
very hard preparing for this day, us to provide educational re- please check labels for expira-
Assumption ary Church Hall on Thursday school office. Please return them
and we thank their teacher Mrs. sources that may be unaffordable tion dates. They can be sent in
from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Two new to your school office by Tuesday
The Holy Rosary School com- Nancy Rafferty and our Kinder- through our regular budget. immediately and processed be-
stores have been added to the and they will be filled on Thurs-
munity would like to thank the garten aides, Mrs. Maryanne They offer exciting merchandise fore they expire; there is no need
preorder list – Crazy 8 and Tal- day and returned to your school
students, administration, teach- Bennie and Mrs. Rene Hanley like computers, software, sports to wait until you accumulate a
bot’s. Both are available in for distribution Thursday after-
ers, and staff from St. Mary’s As- for all they have done. We know equipment, reference materials, quantity.

LCCC offering intermediate summer session begining on June 20

Luzerne County Community summer session. Classes begin on ams will be held on Thursday, Au- summer session will be held from day, June 20 and 21, from 9 a.m. to For more information, call
College will offer courses during Monday, June 20 and end on gust 11. Monday, June 13 through Friday, 4 p.m., at the Registrar’s Office, at LCCC at (800) 377-LCCC, exten-
the summer for its intermediate Wednesday, August 10. Final ex- Registration for the intermediate June 17 and on Monday and Tues- the College’s campus in Nanticoke. sion 7340.


PA boys basketball team reads to Primary Center students

Members of the Pittston Area children’s books from the Pri- toria Para, Julianna Russo, Mark Delaney, Brandon Pernot, Jon kowski, P.J. Pisano, Nicholas O’Banner.
Boys Baseball Team read aloud mary Center Library. Prebish, Cody Rowan, Tyler Aston, Tom Allardyce, A.J. Sherinsky. Second row left to Third row, left to right: Mrs.
to students at the Primary Center Pictured at left kneeling from Loftus, Chuck Bressler, Antho- Mancini, Nick Bolka, Mrs. right: Teagon Reboli, Kyliegh McAndrew, Principal, Kyle
on May 18th. The Primary Cen- left to right are James Riffland, ny Schwab, Gianna Neishman, McAndrew, Principal, Coach, Shupp, Bruce Rydzy, Pat Callahan, Matt Antal, R.J. Em-
ter students enjoyed meeting the Joshua Orkwis, Ryan Peck, San- Jilian McGowan, Jiana Moran. Paul Zaffuto. McGinty, Michael “Bucky” mett, Ron Musto, Josh Savaki-
high school students and listen- tiago Sosa, Alex Prete. Third row, left to right: Mr. Kneeling from left to right are Schwab, Josh Razvillas, Ava nas, Jordan Bone, James Castel-
ing to them read aloud favorite Second row, left to right: Vic- Hindmarsh, Evan Hann, Brian Keith Romanczuk, Tyler Nowa- Perrins, Nicole Nyzio, Inayah lino, Coach, Paul Zaffuto.

Middle School Drama Club to present ‘Who, Me? Yes, You?’

The Pittston Area Middle Friday, June 3, at 7:00 p.m.
School Drama Club will present
Who, Me? Yes You? sketches Junior Achievement
about social responsibility this The 8th grade class will be
Friday, June 3, at 7 p.m. in the participating in the Junior
Middle School cafetorium. Ev- Achievement Program this year.
eryone is invited to attend. Tick- This program helps to teach “re-
ets will be sold at the door. al world” skills and lessons. The
Adults are 45 and student tickets last group will attend the work-
are only $3. shop on May 31.

Memorial Day Nutrition and Eating Disorder

The Pittston Area School Dis- Assembly
trict will be closed tomorrow, An assembly will be held on
May 30th in observance of Me- June 8 for all eighth grade girls.
morial Day. Schools will reopen The assembly will cover the top-
on Tuesday, May 31. Mr. Bilbow ics of good nutrition and eating
and Mr. Booth would like to wish disorders.
all faculty, staff, and students as
well as their families a Happy Last Day of School
Memorial Day. Friday, June 17 is the last day
of school. The first day for the
Drama Club Practice and 2011 - 2012 school year will be
Show Wednesday, August 31.
Dress rehearsal will be held on
Wednesday, June 1st, from 3:00 Communications Club
until 4:30 p.m. Students are re- MID-TV’s schedule for 5/30
sponsible for their own transpor- through 06/03: Members of the
tation home, and all rides must Blue Team should report to the
be at the middle school no later TV Studio first thing in the
than 4:25 p.m. morning. All members are re- homeroom teachers prior to re- High School Golf Team terested in playing on the golf sign-up in the main office as
The big show will be held on minded to check in with their porting to the studio. Any eighth grade student in- team next school year is asked to soon as possible.

Wyoming Seminary students win Latin Language awards

Wyoming Seminary Upper Abhishek, Shavertown; fresh-
School students recently were man Kelly Platt, Dallas; fresh-
honored for their achievements man Andrew Levandoski, Dal-
in Latin, based on their scores in las; freshman Ben Hornung,
the 2011 National Latin Exam. Forty Fort; junior Ashlyn Reiser,
Sponsored jointly by the Amer- Shavertown; freshman Julia
ican Classical League and the Grosek, Kingston; junior Ali
National Junior Classical Ahmed, Mountain Top.
League, the test is administered Third row: freshman Mairead
to more than 134,500 students Tuttle, Kingston; sophomore
across the nation and 11 foreign Derek Jolley, Larksville; fresh-
countries. man Alexandra Kilyanek, Hugh-
Students take a written test and estown.
compete in nine categories for Fourth row: freshman Mat-
certificates and gold and silver thew Doggett, Shavertown;
medals. sophomore Tyler Harvey,
Pictured in first row from left: Trucksville; junior Brandon
junior Fallon Tarapchak, Moos- Rome, Shavertown; junior Har-
ic; sophomore Hannah Gabriel, ry Parkhurst, Trucksville; junior
Forty Fort; sophomore Alaina Henry Cornell, Mountain Top;
Schukraft, Dallas; sophomore sophomore Devin Holmes,
Marra Wagner, Lincoln Univer- Fleetville; sophomore Tanmay
sity; freshman Thomas Rundell, Patel, Pottstown.
South Abington Twp.; freshman Not present for photo: junior
Salvadore Diaz, Avoca. Logan May, Dallas; sophomore
Second row: freshman Sai Spencer Norris, Mountain Top.

Wyoming Seminary students win Russian Language awards

Wyoming Seminary Upper teacher; senior Kevin Kopec,
School students recently Kingston; junior Joshua
were honored for their Greenberg, Wilkes-Barre;
achievements in Russian, sophomore Scott Kwiatek,
based on their scores in the Lake Ariel; freshman Daniel
2011 Russian Language Kopec, Kingston; senior Jo-
Olympiad. The test is an oral seph Zack, Hanover Twp.;
competition in which stu- freshman Asa Saidman,
dents speak to a panel of Kingston; freshman Anasta-
judges on a variety of topics, sia Stevens, Kingston; soph-
answer questions and recite a omore Bryden Gollhardt,
poem, all in Russian. Dallas; senior Artem Puzi-
Pictured in first row from kov, Kingston; and freshman
left are junior Jacob Berger, Bradley Sedor, Wyoming.
Kingston; sophomore Kathe- Not present for photo:
rine Maximov, Lake Ariel; freshman Connor Scalleat,
sophomore Megan Molitoris, Wapwallopen.
Plains; and senior Charles
Amara, Plains.
Second row: Konstantin
Lyavdansky, Sem Russian
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brakes, air condi- anti-lock brakes,


dump trucks,
bull dozers
Excellent Gas
Mileage. Carfax MERCEDES-BENZ `01 white tires,
biggest Harley
Small 6 cylinder.
New tires. Like
new, inside &
tioning, air bags,
power locks, power
extended war-
ranty. $17,995
air conditioning, air
bags, power locks,
(570) 690-2806
available. Price built. Only
HAPPY TRAILS windows, power power windows,
WANTED!! TRUCK SALES reduced $7,995 28,000 original out. $14,900. Call
(570) 540-0975 mirrors, cruise con- power mirrors,
570-760-2035 or trade for SUV or miles! Never trol, AM/FM radio,
Loaded, automatic, power seats, all

6am to 8pm
other. Beautiful /
Fun Car.
AC, heated leather TOWN CAR needs inspec-
tion, permanent
cassette player, CD
player, keyless
power, cruise
control, AM/FM
seats, 4 door. 61,000 original with cap. 1 owner,
570-388-6669 $4,700 registration. entry, rear de- garage kept, very radio, CD changer,
miles, garage kept,
ŠFREE REMOVAL Call 570-388-6535 $8,500 froster, rear wind- good condition. keyless entry,
BMW ‘02 M3 triple black, leather
interior, carriage
EXPRESS shield wiper, tinted Many extras includ- leather interior, sun/
ŠCA$H PAID MERCEDES-BENZ `05 roof, factory wire
wheels, loaded, CONVERSION
windows. $17,500.
(570) 954-9333
ing lift & back seat.
29 MPG gas.
moon roof, rear
defroster, rear

ON THE SPOT 240C excellent condition.

$5,500. Call
Call after 9:00 a.m. $4,000
or best offer
windshield wiper,
tinted windows.
4Matic, V6 - Gray, A GREAT DEAL...
Loaded. Low
CHEVY `94 GLADIATOR $12,500.
570.301.3602 Mike 570-237-7660 (570) 868-0944
77K highway miles, miles. Excellent (570) 362-0938
Custom Van. 67K
IN CLASSIFIED! condition.
MAZDA `88 RX-7
Excellent condition,
$18,900 miles. Interior has
dealer serviced. Sun
roof, heated seats. CONVERTIBLE
Looking for the right deal 570-674-3901 oak wood trim, car-
135 Legals/ on an automobile? peting, storage Automatic, front
$15,500. Call 1 owner, garage areas, TV, rear seat
Public Notices wheel drive, 4 door,
Convertible. SMG 570-288-3916 kept, 65k original Turn to classified. convertible to dou-
equipped. Brand anti-lock brakes, air
310 Attorney new wheels & tires. Looking for that
miles, black with It’s a showroom in print! ble bed, curtains. bags, power locks,
LEGAL NOTICE grey leather interior,
Services special place Classified’s got Seats 7. Power win- power windows,
Sealed bids will be
All service records.
Navigation, Harmon called home?
all original & never
seen snow. $8,900. the directions! Black/Grey. 18,000
dows & seats. Cus-
tom lighting on ceil-
1500 LARAMIE MARK 3 power mirrors,
power seats, cruise
82,000 miles, auto-
received by the Kardon, 6 disc Classified will address Call 570-237-5119 miles. Well
$295 ing. New exhaust matic, chrome step control, AM/FM
Board Secretary of changer, back up equipped. Includes
Your needs. system. New rear
the Pittston Area Atty. Kurlancheek sensors, xenons, up and mirrors & radio, CD player,
Open the door On-Star, tow pack- tires. Recently
School District for: 800-324-9748 W-B heated seats, leather interior. rear defroster, rear
age, roof rack, inspected. Excellent
Only 77,000 miles, with classified! Good Condition. windshield wiper,

MERCEDES-BENZ `95 `74 450 SE

Free Bankruptcy running boards, condition. $4,200 or tinted windows,
REQUEST FOR Fully Loaded remote starter, Drums Area.

Consultation best offer. Call $4,500 new starter, just
PURCHASE $19,999 extended warranty.
Payment plans. SOLID CAR! 570-655-0530 401-524-9763 inspected, $3,900.
CARD SERVICES (570) 301-7221 $16,000
SL 500
Carol Baltimore advertisinguy Interior perfect, 570-594-4992.
Specifications may
be secured from
Convertible, with
exterior very good.
Runs great! New CONDITION
(570) 825-7251

Say it HERE
DODGE `05 Call after 4:30 p.m.
Windshield, Bags,
the secretary’s FREE CONSULTATION CHEVROLET ‘06 removable hard
top, dark Blue,
tires, 68K original
miles. Floorboards,V&H in the Classifieds!
office in the Pittston for all legal matters Pipes, White 570-829-7130
camel interior,
Area Senior High Attorney Ron Wilson
CORVETTE Summer Driving
$5,500 FIRM.
570-905-7389 walls,Garage Kept. Tan 54,000 miles,
FORD `99 E250
School, 5 Stout St., 570-822-2345 Only, Garage Kept. Ask for Lee 6K Miles $5,200 CHEVY `05 EQUINOX excellent condition.
Yatesville, Pittston,
Pennsylvania SOCIAL SECURITY CONVERTIBLE Very Good (570) 430-0357 LT (premium pack-
570-817-9644t 4 X 4, extended
Wheelchair Van
78,250 miles. Fully
Bids will be opened DISABILITY Silver beauty, 1 Condition, No
MERCEDES-BENZ `73 YAMAHA `04 V-STAR age), 3.4L, 47,000 cab, 117,000 serviced, new bat-

on June 16, 2011 at Free Consultation. Owner, Museum Accidents. Classy miles. All wheel tery, tires & rods.
Car. Price miles, new
2:00 p.m. in the Contact Atty. Sherry quality. 4,900 1100 Custom. 5800 drive, power moon-
450SL inspection, just Seats 6 or 3 wheel-

Board Room of the Dalessandro miles, 6 speed. All Reduced! miles, light bar, roof, windows, locks chairs. Braun Millen-
$13,995 serviced, oil, trans
Senior High School. 570-823-9006 possible options Convertible with cobra exhaust, & seats. Leather flushed, new fluid nium lift with
The Board of Direc- including Naviga- or trade for windshield, many interior, 6 cd chang- 2 wheel drive, remote. Walk up
SUV or other. removable hard top, transfer case &
tors reserves the tion, Power top. power windows, AM extras, must sell. er, rear folding 138,000 miles, axels, cooling sys- door. Front & rear
right to reject any New, paid $62,000 570-388-6669 $4,900. Call seats, keyless entry, some rust, A/C. Power locks &
/FM radio with cas- tem flushed.
or all bids or to Must sell $45,900 570-301-3433 onstar, roof rack, $2,000.00 windows. Excellent
MINI COOPER `08 sette player, CD $6,599.00
accept or reject any 570-299-9370 player, automatic, 4 running boards, Call 693-1262 Call 693-1262 condition. $7,500.
item or items Clubman. Black & new tires. Cham- YAMAHA `97 VIRAGO garage kept. after 5:00 PM after 5:00 PM 570-237-6375
CHRYSLER `02 White. Sunroof. 30K
miles. Leather inte-
pagne exterior; Ital-
ian red leather inte-
750cc. 8,000 miles,
saddlebags, wind-
Inferno Red, flame
rior, fully loaded. 6
speed. Excellent
condition. 40 MPG.
rior inside. Garage
kept, excellent con-
dition. $31,000. Call
shield, back rest,
Black & Pearl, 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health
DEBORAH A. Excellent Condition.
design. Chrome $19,950. Or best 825-6272 Must See. Asking
RACHILLA wheels. 47,000 offer. Call
BOARD SECRETARY $2,499. Call after 4.
409 Autos under miles, one owner. 570-262-8811 570-823-9376
$5000 Looks and runs
great. New inspec-
150 Special Notices tion. $5,800
CONVERTIBLE DELMONT Matted black finish.
Call (570) 472-1854
DRASTICALLY Mint condition. New
Blue/white top &
CHRYSLER ‘06 white interior.
REDUCED!! tires, inspected,


Recent document-
ed frame-off
This model only
produced in 1967
& 1968. All
fully serviced &
ready to ride. Wind-
shield & sissy bar.
94,000 miles, Light green, 18,000 restoration. Over
original 45,000 Low miles & garage
ADOPT automatic, front miles, loaded, $31,000 invested.
miles, Color kept. $4800. or best
wheel drive, 4 leather, wood trim, will sell $21,500.
Burgundy, cloth offer. 570-762-5158
Adoring couple $24,000. 570-335-3127
door, air condi- & vinyl interior,

longs to share our 570-222-4960 350 rocket
lives and give
your newborn
tioning, air bags,
all power, cruise
leave message PORSCHE `02 BOXSTER engine, 2nd
owner. Fender Long Term Care, Skilled Nursing
secure, endless control, leather FORD `04 MUSTANG S skirts, always BEAUTIFUL BIKE
Expenses paid interior, $3,300. Mach I, 40th Great convertible,
black top, 6 speed
garaged. Trophy
winner at shows.
Perfect condition.
3700 miles, new
& Rehabilitation Facility
Mindy and Rob 570-394-9004 ANNIVERSARY EDITION
manual transmis- Serious inquiries

888-736-7567 V8, Auto, 1,300 rear tire, undertail
miles, all options, sion, carbon fiber only, $7,500. kit, cover. Price


Nicely Equipped!
show room condi-
tion. Call for info.
dash, leather interi-
or, front & rear
trunk, fast & agile.
570-690-0727 negotiable $7,600
Asking $24,995
ASUCCESSFULSALE Automatic, white Serious inquiries $18,000 or best 421 Boats &
2 door.
Only $999
only. 570-636-3151 offer. Call
570-262-2478 Marinas
442 RVs & Campers
Full Time & Part Time For 3-11 Shift
(570) 301-7221
A yard or garage sale 63,000 highway
miles, silver, runs T-top, 5 speed.
V, 12’, dilly trailer, 2
trolling motors, TRAILER Full Time Weekend Program Available
in classified great, $11,500. AM/FM/CD, AC, marine battery, Brand new 2010
412 Autos for Sale
is the best way negotiable. power antenna. oars, vests, boat tandem axle, 4

R.N.s & L.P.N.s

570-479-2482 cover, anchors. wheel electric
tocleanoutyourclosets! New tires. No rust.
ACURA `08 RDX $800. 825-3955 brakes, 20’ long
Great condition.
You’re in bussiness Selling your total, 7 x 16 wood

Camper? $5,000 deck, fold up ramps
with classified! Good Condition.
53,000 miles. Place an ad and (570) 708-0269 with knees, remov-
AWD, Full Power, find a new owner. after 6:00PM able fenders for
ADOPT: Adoring
oversized loads,
Differential an additional $2.00 per hour
Mom, Dad, Big AM/FM, CD 570-829-7130
Brother would like Changer, Blue
VOLVO `01 XC70 powder coat paint
for rust protection,
to share a lifetime
of hugs & kisses
Tooth, XM Radio,
Leather Interior FORD ‘02 MUSTANG All wheel drive,
2 5/16 hitch
in our loving home
with a newborn.
& Sunroof
46,000 miles, bur-
with tan
boat with
coupler, tongue
jack, side pockets,
brake away switch,
• Valid License or Certification Required
• Long Term Care Experience Preferred
Please Call (570) 814-8398 Red with black top. trailer. Out-
Call after 9:30 a.m. dealer service histo- battery, 7 pole
Lynda & Dennis 6,500 miles. One board propul-
ry, 1 owner, detailed, RV plugs, title &
888-688-1422 Owner. Excellent
garage kept, estate. sion. Includes: more!! Priced for
BMW `07 328xi
Expenses Paid Condition. $18,500
$9,100. quick sale. $2,995
570-760-5833 2 motors
Black with black
Other Full Time Positions:
Adoption is a
choice you’ve interior. Heated HYUNDAI `04 415 Autos-Antique “Lark II series”

made out of love. seats. Back up &

navigation sys-
We dream of
giving your tems. New tires &
Blue, 5 speed
CLASSIC Food Production Supervisor
newborn a safe,
secure lifetime of
brakes. Sunroof.
Garage kept. Many
manual, CD, Air,
factory alarm,
CADILLAC `80 $2,400
Super Lite Fifth
Seeking an energetic leader to assist in managing
love. Please call extras! 46,000 Wheel. LCD/DVD
power windows & 570-417-3940
Theresa & Steve Miles. flat screen TV, fire-
@ 1-877-801-7256
or visit
Asking $19,500.
570-825-8888 or
locks. 38K.
$7,500 negotiable.
Call 570-540-6236
Excellent condition,
$3,000 located in
place, heated mat-
tress, ceiling fan,
kitchen functions, staff and dining operations.
TheresaAndSteve 626-297-0155 Hazleton. 427 Commercial Hide-a-Bed sofa,

INFINITI `05 G35 Trucks & Call Anytime! 570-454-1945 or outside speakers &


561-573-4114 Equipment
grill, 2 sliders,
Activities Professional
Sports Coupe. Black aluminum wheels,
AWD, 6 cylinder, Sil-
ver, 52,600 miles,
with slate leather.
Original owner. 69K CHEVROLET `72 CHEVY ‘08 3500
water purifier,
awning, microwave
oven, tinted safety
Assists residents in activity programs by providing
Loving, financially
stable married cou-
sunroof, heated
seats, Bose sound
miles. Fully
equipped with navi- CHEVELLE HD DUMP TRUCK glass windows,
raised panel fridge therapeutic, social and recreational activities.
ple promises your gation, sunroof, etc. Two door hard top.
system, 6 CD 307 Motor. Needs 2WD, automatic. & many acces-
baby lifetime of Always maintained
changer, satellite sories & options.
unconditional love,
security, education,
radio, Onstar, park-
ing assist, remote
by Infiniti dealer.
Very nice. $15,750.
work. Comes with
additional 400 small
block & many parts.
Only 12,000 miles.
Vehicle in like
new condition.
Excellent condition,
Long Term Care experience preferred.
opportunities & stay 570-339-1552
keyless entry, elec- $3,500. Serious $19,000. 570-868-6986
at home Mom.
Expenses paid.
tronic keyless igni-
After 4pm
inquires only. 570-288-4322 We offer a competitive compensation and benefits package
Vicki & Phil
tion, & more! (570) 836-2574
570-881-2775 WANTED!
CHEVROLET `76 FORD ‘99 E350 Travel Trailer. 29’,
mint condition, 1 Applications available at
135 Legals/ 135 Legals/
Triton V8. 2 speed
slide out a/c-heat.
Stove, microwave,
fridge, shower
Very Good
Public Notices Public Notices boom; 92,000miles;
or apply at the facility located:
Condition! inside & out. Many
$9999 or best price. more extras.
Low miles! Great condition. Call
CARS! $7500. FIRM
570-675-3384 or
Reduced. $13,500.
Call 570-842-6735
The Board of Directors of the Pittston
Area School District will receive sealed CA$H
Ask for Lee
SUNLITE CAMPER 1555 E. End Blvd. • Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
bids for: CORVETTES 439 Motorcycles 22 ft. 3 rear bunks,
Attn: Human Resources • Fax: 570-823-9165
center bathroom,
kitchen, sofa bed.
Air, Fully self con- EOE • M/F/D/V • Drug Free Workplace

Specifications may be secured from the

570-301-3602 1953-1972
Any Condition!
Courteous, Fast
‘10 SPORTSTER 1200
tained. Sleeps 6.
New tires, fridge
awning. $4500.
Secretary’s Office in the Pittston Area Professional Buyer. Custom Paint. 215-322-9845
Senior High School, 5 Stout St., Yatesville, Licensed & Bonded Only driven under
A Bid Bond or Certified Check, ten per- MAZDA `04 RX-8
Hunter Green,
10 miles!! Comes
with remaining TRAVEL TRAILER 33 ft
Rear queen master
cent (10%) of highest total bid must warranty. Asking
accompany bid.
Bids will be opened Thursday, June 16,
80,000 miles.
New brakes & FORD `52 $8,600 or best
offer. For info,
bedroom, Walk
thru bathroom.

2011 at 2:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the rotors. New call 570-864-2543 Center kitchen +
Senior High School. alignment. Two or 215-379-1375 dinette bed. Front
The Board reserves the right to reject new rear tires. CUSTOM LINE extra large living
room + sofa bed. Valley Crest Nursing, Inc. d/b/a
any or all bids or to accept or reject any
item or items thereof.
No accidents.
V8, automatic, Q-LINK LEGACY `09 Big View windows.
Air, awning, sleeps Timber Ridge Health Care Center
$8,000 or best 8 passenger, 250 automatic. Gun
By Order Of The Board offer. For more 3rd seat, good metal gray. MP3 6, very clean, will
Deborah Rachilla information, call condition, 2nd player. $3,000. deliver. Located in
Secretary (570) 332-4213 owner. $9,500. Great first motorcy- Benton, Pa. $4,900.
570-579-3517 cle. 570-696-1156 215-694-7497



180 models 20 MPG or Better
46 models 30 MPG or Better
7 models 40 MPG or Better



STK: K11833A 2003 Hyundai.... Elantra......... 4dr Sdn GLS Manual ......................... 39,969 MILES $7,400 STK: BP15117A 2004 MB............. E-Class ........ 4dr Sdn 3.2L 4MATIC ........................55,726 MILES $19,995
STK: T28031A 2004 Chevrolet . MalibuMaxx 4dr Sdn LS ......................................... 75,215 MILES $7,800 STK: T27985A 2007 Toyota....... Sienna......... 5dr 7-Passenger Van LE AWD...........54,187 MILES $19,999
STK: P14809B 2006 Mercury ... Milan ........... 4dr Sdn 2.3 ........................................ 68,535 MILES $9,989 STK: H26512A 2006 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD EXL AT ......................................42,006 MILES $19,999
STK: DP15253 2005 Hyundai.... Santa Fe...... 4dr GLS 4WD 3.5L Auto .................... 49,831 MILES $10,995 STK: TS0327 2011 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 10,411 MILES $20,200
STK: H26511A 2005 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn LE Auto................................. 74,685 MILES $10,995 STK: T27960A 2008 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT Ltd..............45,792 MILES $20,479
STK: HP15285 2007 Kia.............. Spectra........ 4dr Sdn Auto EX ................................ 32,814 MILES $10,995 STK: H26458A 2009 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto EX ...................................18,832 MILES $20,479
STK: M7824A 2008 Ford........... Focus........... 2dr Cpe S........................................... 45,695 MILES $11,989 STK: H26429A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX.......................................47,062 MILES $20,499
STK: CH5396A 2006 VW............. New Beetle . 2dr 2.5L Manual ................................ 40,544 MILES $11,995 STK: M7845A 2008 Nissan....... Xterra .......... 4WD 4dr Auto S ................................44,567 MILES $20,499
STK: T27509B 2006 Honda....... Civic ............ LX MT ................................................ 62,678 MILES $12,489 STK: T27633A 2008 Ford........... Explorer ...... 4WD 4dr V6 XLT ................................28,886 MILES $20,500
STK: H26362A 2008 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Man LX........................................ 74,285 MILES $12,995 STK: CP15266 2008 Chrysler.... T&C ............. 4dr Wgn Touring................................39,089 MILES $20,600
STK: L11147A 2008 Chrysler.... PT Cruiser ... 4dr Wgn Limited................................ 34,758 MILES $12,995 STK: HP15296 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX.......................................34,007 MILES $20,600
STK: K11906A 2008 Chevrolet . HHR ............. FWD 4dr LT........................................ 53,997 MILES $13,489 STK: A10789A 2007 Nissan....... Pathfinder ... 4WD 4dr LE .......................................50,642 MILES $20,895
STK: T27022B 2007 Toyota....... Tacoma ....... 2WD Reg I4 AT.................................. 82,780 MILES $13,489 STK: AP15222A2010 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr LX .......................................10,326 MILES $20,979
STK: J4484A 2007 Honda....... Civic ............ 2dr AT EX........................................... 35,244 MILES $13,500 STK: P15164 2007 Cadillac..... DTS ............. 4dr Sdn Luxury I................................. 31,363 MILES $20,995
STK: K11632B 2004 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4dr Auto............................................. 65,598 MILES $13,995 STK: T27820A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr V6 Limited..........................47,581 MILES $20,995
STK: K11907A 2008 Toyota....... Corolla ........ 4dr Sdn Auto LE................................. 38,964 MILES $13,995 STK: A10766A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl Limited ......................34,449 MILES $20,995
STK: H25638A 2007 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 44,326 MILES $14,100 STK: T27718A 2008 Honda....... Odyssey ...... 5dr EX ................................................49,288 MILES $20,995
STK: H26363B 2010 Ford........... Focus........... 2dr Cpe SE......................................... 39,233 MILES $14,489 STK: H26326A 2007 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EXL .....................................51,202 MILES $21,100
STK: CH5398A 2008 Chrysler.... Sebring ....... 4dr Sdn Touring FWD ........................ 18,008 MILES $14,700 STK: T27123A 2008 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT Ltd..............26,864 MILES $21,295
STK: A10764A 2009 Ford........... Fusion ......... 4dr Sdn I4 SE FWD............................ 42,427 MILES $14,989 STK: DP15265 2009 Dodge....... Journey....... AWD 4dr SXT ....................................34,365 MILES $21,499
STK: H25987B 2006 Suzuki....... XL7 .............. 4dr Auto 4WD ................................... 56,330 MILES $14,989 STK: T27642A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX.......................................35,014 MILES $21,900
STK: T27751A 2005 Nissan....... Xterra .......... 4dr S 4WD V6 Auto........................... 48,987 MILES $14,995 STK: H26123A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................38,604 MILES $21,995
STK: K11929A 2009 Toyota....... Corolla ........ 4dr Sdn Auto LE................................. 42,857 MILES $14,995 STK: H26377A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................50,648 MILES $22,100
STK: H26352B 2007 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 58,370 MILES $15,200 STK: H26295A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX.......................................32,049 MILES $22,275
STK: K11935A 2007 Hyundai.... Santa Fe...... FWD 4dr Auto GLS *Ltd Avail*......... 34,442 MILES $15,400 STK: H26474A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX.......................................32,743 MILES $22,400
STK: B9027B 2007 Jeep .......... Compass..... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 59,732 MILES $15,489 STK: DP15246 2010 Dodge....... GrandCaravan 4dr Wgn SXT .....................................26,204 MILES $22,479
STK: HP15231A 2006 Honda....... Element....... 4WD EX-P AT..................................... 85,381 MILES $15,489 STK: T27576B 2010 Nissan....... Rogue.......... AWD 4dr S ........................................5,140 MILES $22,499
STK: J4558A 2004 Chevrolet . Silverado1500.. Ext Cab 143.5” WB 4WD LS ............. 79,104 MILES $15,800 STK: B9055A 2007 Toyota....... FJ Cruiser.... 4WD 4dr Auto ...................................42,957 MILES $22,595
STK: T28034A 2006 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4dr Sport V6 ...................................... 70,195 MILES $15,989 STK: DP15178 2010 Dodge....... Dakota......... 4WD Crew Cab Bighorn/Lonestar..... 12,321 MILES $22,995
STK: HP15292 2008 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto LX........................................ 28,230 MILES $15,995 STK: T27703A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................45,038 MILES $22,995
STK: P15214 2008 Nissan....... Altima ......... ........................................................... 37,675 MILES $16,100 STK: T27976A 2009 Nissan....... Frontier ....... 4WD Crew Cab SWB Auto SE .......... 19,582 MILES $22,995
STK: TP15207 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 23,755 MILES $16,400 STK: AP15205 2008 Acura........ TL ................ 4dr Sdn Auto .....................................29,753 MILES $22,999
STK: T27498A 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 12,410 MILES $16,400 STK: T27867A 2010 Ford........... Escape......... 4WD 4dr XLT .....................................30,966 MILES $22,999
STK: DP15244 2010 Dodge....... Avenger ...... 4dr Sdn SXT....................................... 17,470 MILES $16,400 STK: L11141A 2007 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................54,253 MILES $22,999
STK: DP15245 2010 Dodge....... Avenger ...... 4dr Sdn SXT....................................... 18,141 MILES $16,400 STK: DP15200 2010 Dodge....... Dakota......... 4WD Crew Cab Bighorn/Lonestar..... 13,123 MILES $23,400
STK: T27989A 2007 Toyota....... Prius ............ 5dr HB................................................ 74,927 MILES $16,489 STK: H26115A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX-L....................................54,276 MILES $23,499
STK: P15274 2010 Nissan....... Sentra ......... ........................................................... 30,743 MILES $16,500 STK: CP15249 2010 Chrysler.... T&C ............. 4dr Wgn Touring................................24,665 MILES $23,499
STK: D0194A 2008 Mitsubishi Endeavor .... AWD 4dr LS....................................... 41,089 MILES $16,800 STK: J4551A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................51,573 MILES $23,499
STK: T27979A 2006 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4dr Base 4-cyl 4WD .......................... 39,878 MILES $16,800 STK: HP15284 2009 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr V6 Auto EX-L PZEV......................45,426 MILES $23,499
STK: KP15275 2010 Hyundai.... Elantra......... ........................................................... 32,136 MILES $16,800 STK: T27894A 2008 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT Ltd..............23,405 MILES $23,979
STK: KP15276 2010 Hyundai.... Elantra......... ........................................................... 33,294 MILES $16,895 STK: T27376A 2008 Toyota....... Tundra4WD Dbl 5.7L V8 6-Spd AT SR5.................62,285 MILES $23,995
STK: KP15297 2010 Hyundai.... Elantra......... ........................................................... 34,080 MILES $16,900 STK: A10664A 2007 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................42,416 MILES $23,995
STK: H26065B 2008 Hyundai.... Santa Fe...... AWD 4dr Auto GLS ........................... 48,539 MILES $16,980 STK: T28073A 2010 GMC.......... Sierra 1500 . 2WD Ext Cab 143.5” SLE .................. 20,359 MILES $24,499
STK: H26288B 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 80,972 MILES $16,989 STK: T27738A 2008 Toyota....... Tundra4WD Dbl 5.7L V8 6-Spd AT Grade.............. 41,984 MILES $24,600
STK: L11063A 2006 Lexus ........ ES 330 ......... 4dr Sdn .............................................. 54,703 MILES $16,995 STK: P15179 2010 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT.....................21,185 MILES $24,995
STK: KP15216 2010 Hyundai.... Sonata......... ........................................................... 26,861 MILES $16,995 STK: H26453A 2009 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 134.0” Work Truck *Ltd Avail*....11,684 MILES $24,995
STK: T27788A 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 23,987 MILES $16,995 STK: A10740A 2007 Infiniti ....... G35.............. 4dr Auto G35x AWD..........................25,751 MILES $24,995
STK: HP15289 2008 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto LX........................................ 40,235 MILES $16,995 STK: K11944A 2010 GMC.......... Terrain......... AWD 4dr SLE-2 .................................28,860 MILES $24,995
STK: H26096A 2009 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto LX........................................ 15,617 MILES $16,999 STK: B8782B 2010 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LS ....................6,691 MILES $25,095
STK: J4586A 2008 Jeep .......... Compass..... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 46,829 MILES $16,999 STK: K11614A 2010 Chevrolet . Equinox....... AWD 4dr LT w/2LT ............................7,695 MILES $25,500
STK: H26162A 2009 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto LX.................................... 11,925 MILES $17,200 STK: L11204A 2008 Acura........ TL ................ 4dr Sdn Auto .....................................28,393 MILES $25,900
STK: J4502A 2007 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Limited ............................... 46,140 MILES $17,295 STK: T27626A 2010 Dodge....... Ram 1500.... 4WD Quad Cab 140.5” SLT ...............37,344 MILES $25,995
STK: T27346A 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 34,098 MILES $17,300 STK: L11033B 2008 Cadillac..... SRX ............. AWD 4dr V6 ......................................35,319 MILES $25,995
STK: H26146A 2006 Nissan....... Pathfinder ... SE 4WD ............................................. 64,285 MILES $17,300 STK: T27709A 2011 Mercury ... Mariner ....... 4WD 4dr ............................................8,679 MILES $25,999
STK: TP15235 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 32,059 MILES $17,395 STK: M7813A 2010 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT.....................13,714 MILES $26,295
STK: T27158B 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 47,026 MILES $17,395 STK: L11148B 2006 Lexus ........ IS 350 .......... 4dr Sport Sdn Auto............................46,809 MILES $26,479
STK: T27622A 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 24,930 MILES $17,400 STK: L11174B 2007 Lexus ........ IS 250 .......... 4dr Sport Sdn Auto AWD..................46,239 MILES $26,499
STK: HP15294 2008 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto EX-L .................................... 40,117 MILES $17,479 STK: T27930A 2008 Chrysler.... Aspen.......... AWD 4dr Limited...............................47,471 MILES $26,499
STK: H25760A 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto EX ................................... 21,693 MILES $17,600 STK: AP15258 2008 Acura........ TL ................ ...........................................................25,908 MILES $26,900
STK: T27602B 2005 Ford........... F-150............ Supercab 133” XLT 4WD................... 69,185 MILES $17,600 STK: A10695A 2008 Lincoln...... MKX ............ AWD 4dr............................................31,903 MILES $26,995
STK: L11180A 2005 Lexus ........ ES 330 ......... 4dr Sdn .............................................. 44,762 MILES $17,600 STK: T27392A 2010 Toyota....... RAV4 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT Ltd..............9,438 MILES $26,995
STK: JP15132 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 29,605 MILES $17,695 STK: T27694A 2008 Toyota....... Tundra4WD Dbl 5.7L V8 6-Spd AT Grade.............. 35,571 MILES $26,995
STK: J4539A 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 28,610 MILES $17,695 STK: S0675A 2010 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Crew Cab 143.5” LS.................4,275 MILES $26,995
STK: HP15290 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto LX PZEV .......................... 17,972 MILES $17,700 STK: AP15282 2008 Acura........ TL ................ 4dr Sdn Auto Nav..............................29,817 MILES $27,479
STK: L10734D 2006 MB............. C-Class ........ 4dr Luxury Sdn 3.0L 4MATIC............. 59,808 MILES $17,900 STK: AP15288 2008 Acura........ TL ................ 4dr Sdn Auto Nav..............................26,414 MILES $27,479
STK: HP15295 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto LX.................................... 31,579 MILES $17,900 STK: L11203A 2010 Toyota....... Avalon......... 4dr Sdn Limited .................................26,284 MILES $27,499
STK: T27987A 2010 Honda....... Civic ............ 2dr Auto LX........................................ 19,143 MILES $17,979 STK: A10548A 2009 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LTZ................... 34,286 MILES $27,995
STK: KP15304 2010 Hyundai.... Elantra......... ........................................................... 33,107 MILES $17,979 STK: T27895A 2008 Lincoln...... MKX ............ AWD 4dr............................................29,326 MILES $27,995
STK: H26496A 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto EX-L PZEV ....................... 70,975 MILES $17,989 STK: H26381A 2010 Ford........... F-150............ 4WD SuperCab 145” STX .................6,866 MILES $27,995
STK: D0283A 2008 Ford........... Escape......... 4WD 4dr V6 Auto XLT ....................... 56,344 MILES $17,989 STK: BP15057A 2008 Volvo......... XC70............ 4dr Wgn w/Snrf ................................34,206 MILES $27,995
STK: CP15135 2007 Chrysler.... 300-Series... 4dr Sdn 300C RWD ........................... 39,233 MILES $17,995 STK: K11927A 2009 GMC.......... Acadia ......... AWD 4dr SLE1...................................35,725 MILES $27,999
STK: H25977A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 47,834 MILES $17,995 STK: L11156A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................29,967 MILES $28,195
STK: H25934B 2008 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................ 37,770 MILES $17,995 STK: L11127A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................26,270 MILES $28,200
STK: T27805A 2008 GMC.......... Envoy .......... 4WD 4dr SLE1 ................................... 44,468 MILES $17,995 STK: L11175A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................33,950 MILES $28,200
STK: H26246A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr LX ....................................... 28,600 MILES $17,995 STK: C3432A 2008 Cadillac..... SRX ............. AWD 4dr V6 ......................................29,357 MILES $28,400
STK: H26177A 2008 Mercury ... Mariner ....... 4WD 4dr V6....................................... 23,676 MILES $17,995 STK: H25736A 2008 Lexus ........ IS 250 .......... 4dr Sport Sdn Auto AWD..................29,283 MILES $28,400
STK: T27878A 2005 Toyota....... Highlander.. 4dr V6 4WD Limited w/3rd Row....... 64,271 MILES $17,995 STK: L11034A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................31,761 MILES $28,479
STK: KP15262 2010 Hyundai.... Elantra......... ........................................................... 17,944 MILES $17,995 STK: H24986A 2008 Honda....... Odyssey ...... 5dr EX-L w/RES .................................33,322 MILES $28,479
STK: HP15291 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto LX-P ................................ 32,386 MILES $17,995 STK: AP15259 2009 Acura........ TSX ............. ...........................................................44,097 MILES $28,479
STK: H26125A 2008 Dodge....... Avenger ...... 4dr Sdn R/T AWD.............................. 19,941 MILES $17,995 STK: LP15306 2008 Lexus ........ IS 250 .......... 4dr Sport Sdn Auto AWD..................30,392 MILES $28,495
STK: A10725A 2008 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 39,412 MILES $17,999 STK: T27531A 2010 Toyota....... Highlander.. 4WD 4dr V6 Base..............................15,950 MILES $28,700
STK: H26167B 2008 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................ 56,500 MILES $17,999 STK: A10768A 2008 GMC.......... Acadia ......... AWD 4dr SLT1...................................29,877 MILES $28,975
STK: T27196A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl ................................... 68,327 MILES $18,195 STK: H26120A 2010 Nissan....... Pathfinder ... 4WD 4dr V6 LE ..................................9,592 MILES $28,990
STK: BS0326A 2006 Cadillac..... DTS ............. 4dr Sdn w/1SC .................................. 42,529 MILES $18,200 STK: LP15225 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................22,769 MILES $29,200
STK: T27677A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl Limited ...................... 56,948 MILES $18,295 STK: T27569A 2011 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT.....................1,932 MILES $29,995
STK: H26325B 2009 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto LX........................................ 22,078 MILES $18,499 STK: T27776A 2008 Toyota....... Sienna......... 5dr 7-Pass Van XLE Ltd AWD............38,265 MILES $29,995
STK: T27892A 2008 Ford........... Escape......... 4WD 4dr V6 Auto XLT ....................... 23,870 MILES $18,500 STK: JP15248 2011 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................14,422 MILES $29,995
STK: JP15255 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 32,636 MILES $18,600 STK: C3390A 2009 BMW......... X3 ................ AWD 4dr 30i......................................11,080 MILES $29,995
STK: J4501A 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 31,783 MILES $18,600 STK: T27920A 2008 Toyota....... 4Runner ...... 4WD 4dr V6 Limited..........................40,073 MILES $29,995
STK: H25961A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 46,876 MILES $18,995 STK: A10750A 2007 Acura........ MDX ............ 4WD 4dr Sport Pkg............................42,029 MILES $29,999
STK: P15213 2008 Nissan....... Altima ......... ........................................................... 35,986 MILES $18,995 STK: JP15232 2011 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................15,821 MILES $30,495
STK: H25563A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX....................................... 27,940 MILES $18,995 STK: A10755A 2009 Nissan....... Murano ....... AWD 4dr LE.......................................16,337 MILES $30,895
STK: J4513A 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 27,749 MILES $18,995 STK: L11126A 2008 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................30,174 MILES $30,995
STK: J4562A 2009 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 36,052 MILES $18,995 STK: AP15242 2008 Acura........ TL ................ 4dr Sdn Auto Type-S .........................39,431 MILES $30,995
STK: KP15261 2010 Hyundai.... Sonata......... ........................................................... 22,548 MILES $18,995 STK: T27961A 2010 Toyota....... Highlander.. 4WD 4dr V6 SE.................................. 18,105 MILES $31,200
STK: T28016A 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 29,504 MILES $18,995 STK: T27983A 2010 Toyota....... Sienna......... 5dr 7-Pass Van XLE FWD .................. 21,440 MILES $31,479
STK: H26407A 2006 Honda....... Odyssey ...... 5dr EX-L AT with RES & NAVI........... 68,498 MILES $18,995 STK: T27713B 2008 Acura........ MDX ............ 4WD 4dr ............................................42,177 MILES $31,979
STK: H26455A 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 38,583 MILES $18,999 STK: L11017A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................31,236 MILES $31,995
STK: T27984A 2008 Chevrolet . Impala ......... 4dr Sdn LTZ........................................ 45,305 MILES $18,999 STK: BP15119 2008 MB............. R-Class ........ 4dr 3.5L 4MATIC................................25,472 MILES $32,995
STK: H26353A 2008 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT.................... 19,811 MILES $19,100 STK: L11166A 2009 Lincoln...... MKX ............ AWD 4dr............................................12,223 MILES $32,995
STK: H25917A 2008 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT.................... 41,865 MILES $19,100 STK: BP15268 2008 MB............. C-Class ........ 4dr Sdn 3.0L Sport 4MATIC...............24,550 MILES $33,479
STK: H26328A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX....................................... 19,479 MILES $19,200 STK: BP15270 2008 MB............. C-Class ........ 4dr Sdn 3.0L Sport 4MATIC...............30,654 MILES $33,479
STK: P15243 2008 Nissan....... Altima ......... 4dr Sdn V6 CVT 3.5 SE ...................... 36,106 MILES $19,200 STK: BP15121 2008 MB............. R-Class ........ 4dr 3.5L 4MATIC................................32,454 MILES $33,995
STK: P15283 2008 Nissan....... Altima ......... 4dr Sdn V6 CVT 3.5 SE ...................... 33,141 MILES $19,200 STK: L11192A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................41,678 MILES $33,995
STK: H26340A 2006 Lexus ........ ES 330 ......... 4dr Sdn .............................................. 50,341 MILES $19,300 STK: L11178A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................34,832 MILES $34,200
STK: BP15177A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 44,842 MILES $19,300 STK: L11186A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................30,806 MILES $34,200
STK: CP15298 2010 Chrysler.... Sebring ....... 4dr Sdn Limited ................................. 31,555 MILES $19,499 STK: L11125A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................24,613 MILES $34,479
STK: P15300 2010 Chevrolet . Impala ......... 4dr Sdn LT.......................................... 30,545 MILES $19,499 STK: AP15260 2009 Acura........ TL ................ 4dr Sdn 2WD Tech ............................34,321 MILES $34,479
STK: J4543A 2007 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Limited ............................... 52,552 MILES $19,595 STK: BP15153 2008 MB............. M-Class ....... 4MATIC 4dr 3.5L................................25,172 MILES $34,995
STK: T27791A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl Sport.......................... 47,276 MILES $19,800 STK: BP15271 2009 MB............. C-Class ........ 4dr Sdn 3.0L Luxury 4MATIC............. 20,192 MILES $35,479
STK: H26104A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 35,158 MILES $19,895 STK: T27871A 2010 Toyota....... 4Runner ...... 4WD 4dr V6 SR5 ...............................26,102 MILES $35,479
STK: T27682A 2008 Honda....... Element....... 4WD 5dr Auto EX .............................. 57,464 MILES $19,895 STK: TP15218 2010 Audi .......... A5 ................ 2dr Cpe Man quattro 2.0L Premium Plus ..31,765 MILES $35,499
STK: K11924A 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto EX-L ................................ 42,487 MILES $19,895 STK: B9059A 2010 MB............. GLK-Class ... 4MATIC 4dr .......................................18,909 MILES $36,479
STK: M7823A 2008 Honda....... Element....... 4WD 5dr Auto EX .............................. 41,915 MILES $19,975 STK: BP15152 2008 MB............. M-Class ....... 4MATIC 4dr 3.5L................................24,282 MILES $36,995
STK: T27706A 2008 Toyota....... Tundra4WD Dbl 4.7L V8 5-Spd AT SR5................. 71,440 MILES $19,995 STK: T28061A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................27,853 MILES $37,479
STK: H26186A 2007 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX....................................... 39,473 MILES $19,995 STK: T27847A 2010 Toyota....... 4Runner ...... 4WD 4dr V6 Limited..........................15,633 MILES $38,995
STK: H25918A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr VP....................................... 32,721 MILES $19,995 STK: P15127 2008 Cadillac..... Escalade...... AWD 4dr............................................32,520 MILES $39,995
STK: H26263A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 32,025 MILES $19,995 STK: T27671A 2008 Toyota....... Sequoia....... 4WD 4dr LV8 6-Spd AT Ltd................15,288 MILES $40,995
STK: H26233A 2008 Ford........... Mustang...... 2dr Conv Deluxe ................................ 33,367 MILES $19,995 STK: L11205A 2010 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................5,905 MILES $40,995
STK: JP15250 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 29,691 MILES $19,995 STK: H26002A 2010 BMW......... X5 ................ AWD 4dr 30i......................................21,554 MILES $41,995
STK: T27946A 2008 Mazda....... MX-5 Miata. 2dr Conv PRHT Auto Touring............. 19,680 MILES $19,995 STK: L10953B 2010 MB............. R-Class ........ 4MATIC 4dr 3.5L................................14,517 MILES $44,995
STK: P15254 2009 Subaru...... Impreza ....... ........................................................... 35,279 MILES $19,995 STK: LP15237 2009 Lexus ........ LS 460 ......... 4dr Sdn AWD ....................................25,773 MILES $49,479

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Anti-Theft Sys., 1st & 2nd Air Curtains,
Sirius Satellite Radio, Keyless 16” Steel Wheels, Pwr. Windows,
Entry, Message Center, Keyless Entry with Remote,
SYNC Safety Canopy, Cargo Cover

72 24
Mos. Mos. 72
*Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease Mos.
21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11.

All Wheel Drive, Automatic, Pwr. All Wheel Drive, XLT, Safety Canopy, Roof Rack,
Locks, 16” Steel Wheels, Pwr. Air, CD, Side Impact Air Bags, PW, Pwr.
Driver’s Seat, Auto., PDL, Fog Lamps,
Windows, Keyless Entry with Privacy Glass,Keyless Entry, Rear
Remote, Safety Canopy, Cargo Convenience Pkg., SYNC,
Air, Side Air Bags Sirius Satellite Radio, 16” Alum.

72 24
Mos. Mos. *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease
21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11.

Auto., 3.5L V6, SYNC, Reverse Sensing Sys., 3.7L V6, Auto., Air, AM/FM/CD,
AM/FM/CD, Keyless Entry with Keypad, Cloth Seat, Cruise Control,
PW, 18”Alum. Wheels, Anti-Theft 40/20/40 Split Seat, ABS,
Perimeter Alarm, PDL, XL Plus Pkg.,
Sirius Satellite Radio XL Decor Group

72 24
Mos. Mos. 72
*Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease Mos.
21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11.

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*Tax and tags extra. Security Deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months
payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. See salesperson for details. All payments subject to credit approval by the primary lending source, Tier 0 rate.
Special APR financing cannot be combined with Ford cash rebate. “BUY FOR” prices are based on 72 month at $18.30 per month per $1000 financed with $2,500 down (cash or trade). Photos of
vehicles are for illustration purposes only. Coccia Ford is not responsible for any typographical errors. No Security Deposit Necessary. See dealer for details. Sale ends MAY 31, 2011.

w w w .va lleych evro m

E N D S M A Y 3 9 M O DELS 0%
Just announced.Buy your new C hevy w ith
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AL L N E W 4 5 2011 C H E V Y S IL V E RAD O 2011 C H E V Y M AL IBU 2011 C H E V Y IM P AL A

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(EC O ) AAR P R eb a te h wy Stk.#11173,3.5L V 6 A utom atic,D ualZ one A ir
8’ Bo x C ond itioning,Stabilitrak,Six-W ay Pow er D river Seat,
MSR P Stk.#11725,2.4L D O H C M F I A utom atic, P W ,P D L ,T ilt,O nStar,X M Satellite R ad io
Stk. #11570,4.3L V 6 4 Sp eed A utom atic,A ir A ir,R em ote K eyless E ntry,A M /F M /C D /
$22,560 C ond itioning,L ocking R ear D ifferential, MSR P
M P 3,P W ,P D L ,O nStar,X M Satellite MSR P $25,490
MSR P $1 7 ,1 7 5 17” SteelW heels,Stabilitrak w / T raction C ontrol $22,7 3 5 In clu d es AAR P R eb a te
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0 %%
1 8,999
$ 9
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21 ,299
$ 9
1 6,995 1 8,3 99
15 AP R $ R LEA S E
P er AP R
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F o rr77 2 M o s $
FOR F o rr60
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2010 C H E V Y E X P RE S S 2011 C H E V Y C AM ARO 2011 C H E V Y E Q U IN O X

2500 C ARG O V AN C O UP E AW D a n d FW D
3M P2G IN S TO C K !!
3M P0G h wy
MSR P h wy

$27 ,63 5 Stk. #10531,4.8L V 8,A ir,C argo Sid e

L S • LT • LT Z • 4 C yl.• 6 C yl.
D oor,C ustom C loth Seats,A M /F M
Stereo,F ull F loor C overing,16” W heels 1LT • 2LT • 1SS • 2SS ST K #11721
Stk. #11734 MSR P $23 ,805
0 %% S TA R TIN G AT

22,999** C AMA M AR

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23 ,805
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F o rr60
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2011 C H E V Y S IL V E RAD O 2011 C H E V Y TRAV E RS E 2011 C H E V Y S IL V E RAD O 2011 C H E V Y TAH O E

1500 E X T C AB 4W D FW D & AW D 1500 4W D C RE W C AB L S 4W D

$3 0,620 Stk. #11230,4.8L V 8 4 Sp eed A utom atic,Stabilitrak,
D eep T inted G lass,A ir C ond itioning,Fold ing R ear
F o r60
r 60 M o s
L S • LT • LT Z
Stk.#11099,4.8L V 8 A uto.,A ir C ond itioning,Stabilitrak,
P W ,P D L ,K eyless E ntry,O nStar,X M Satellite R ad io,
C hrom e W heels,Pow er H eated M irrors,A M /F M /C D
Stk. #11370,5.3L V 8 A utom atic,C lim ate C ontrol,
Stabilitrak w / T raction C ontrol,P W ,P D L ,
B luetooth,A uto L ocking D ifferential,8 Passenger
Seat,17” SteelW heels,40/20/40 Seating MSR P $3 0,280 Seating,T hird R ow Seat,O nStar,X M Satellite
MSR P $3 4,505

MSR P $42,7 95


27 ,495
** 0 %% S TA R TIN G AT

27 ,999
** S TA R TIN G AT **
3 8,499
F o rr60
60 M o s $ $ $ $
F o r60
r 60 M o s
*Tax & tags additional. Price includes all rebates & AARP incentive if applicable. Low APR in lieu of rebates. CRUZE - “S” Tier - lease for 39 mos. at $159.99 per month plus tax, 12K miles per year $2224.50 due at signing to qualified buyers;
MALIBU - “S” Tier - lease for 39 mos. at $179 per month plus tax, 12K miles per year $2877.31 due at signing to qualified buyers; EQUINOX- “S” Tier - lease for 39 mos. at $269 per month plus tax, 12K miles per year $2926.32 due at signing
to qualified buyers; Prior sales excluded. (1) No payment for 90 days - qualified customers have option of deferring their first payment up to 90 days. This offer is available on eligible standard & incentivized APR ally retail contracts with terms up
to 60 months for qualified S/A/B Tier customers. Offer applicable only to 0% APR on select models. See dealer for details. Artwork for illustration purposes only. Must take delivery by May 31, 2011. Not responsible for typographical errors.

A s L ow A s
.9% SE
sa les driv e D E $TO P DO L L A R$
2010 CHE V Y HHR 2008 P O N TIACON

#11430A #Z2381
32 M P G #Z2438 S ta rtin g A t #Z2380

21,999* 4467 M IL E S
20,875* 5
15,850* Sport
P a c ka ge

#Z2444 #Z2227
P ow er
P a c ka ge
12 S ta rtin g A t
8 #Z2429 S ta rtin g A t S ta rtin g A t
45K M iles P R ICE !
16,888 * ON LY B L OW OU T
24K M iles P R ICE !
Tra ilbla zer’s
To Ch oose
F rom
P R ICE ! 14,999*
$ A u ra ’s
To Ch oose
F rom
14,877* L ow
M iles
P R ICE ! 17,999*
08 CHE V Y S IL V E RA DO 1500 RE G CA B $
#Z2440, O nly 29K M iles ................................. 19,999* 07 BU ICK L A CRO S S E CX
#Z2281A , 38K M iles ......................................
13,999* 10 BU ICK E N CL A V E CXL A W D $
#Z2316, 17K M iles ....................................... 34,900*
#11537A , 39K M iles ......................................
14,999* #11692A , O nly 21K M iles ................................
33,998* 10 CH E V Y IM P A L A
#Z2387, 13K M iles .......................................
LT $
#11458A , 24K M iles ...................................... 15,995*
$ 07 S A TU RN O U TL O O K XE
#Z2328, A W D , 31K ........................................
25,999* 06 P O N TIA C TO RRE N T S U V
#Z2323, 49K M iles ........................................
08 CH E V Y A V E O H /B
#Z2063, 22K M iles ............................................
9,999* 07 CH E V Y CO L O RA DO W /T
#Z2320, O nly 32K M iles ..................................
#Z2081A , 7K M iles ........................................
#11634A , 34K M iles ......................................
D $
20,999* 05 G M C S A V A N A CA RG O V A N
#Z2415, 38K M iles ........................................
16,999* 06 CH E V Y M O N TE CA RL O L T $
#Z2342, 36K M iles ........................................ 14,995*
V IS IT U S 24/7 W W W .V A L L E YCH E V R O L E T.C O M
07 H U M M E R H 3
07 JE E P W RA N G L E R X
#11770A , Low M iles ......................................
18,999 * 07 FO RD M U S TA N G CP E
#10549D , O nly 18K M iles ................................
17,999 *
#11079C , 6 To C hoos e From ...............S ta rtin g A t
#Z2373, 29K M iles ........................................
23,999* #11592A , Low M iles ......................................
16,999* #Z2213, Low S ta rtin g A t 25,999
$ *
M iles ..........................

#11611A , Low M iles ......................................
12,900* 05 CA DIL L A C DE V IL L E 4DR
#Z2424A , O nly 46K M iles ................................
13,999* 07 DO DG E CA L IBE R R/T $
#11544A , O nly 27K M iles ................................

*Tax & Tags additional. Low APR to qualified customers. See dealer for details. Select vehicles may not be GM Certified. Photos may not represent actual vehicle. Prior use daily rental on select vehicles. Not responsible for typographical errors.
K EN W A L L A CE’S w w w .v alleyc hev ro let .c o m

8 AM -12 N O O N
The Bes t P rices In The V a lley! M O N . -FR I. 8 AM -6 :3 0 PM
100,000-M I L E

821- 2772 • 1- 800- 444- 7172


2 2 1 Co nyngha m Ave., W ilk es -B a rre

100,000-M IL E S
100,000-M I L E S

5 70 .8 2 1.2 778
M O N .-TH U R S. 8 : 3 0 -8 : 0 0 pm ; FR I. 8 : 3 0 -7: 0 0 pm ; SAT. 8 : 3 0 -5 : 0 0 pm W hic hev er c om es firs t. S ee dealer for lim ited w arranty details .


451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 533 Installation/ 542 Logistics/ 566 Sales/Retail/ 708 Antiques & 710 Appliances 714 Bridal Items 730 Computer
SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans Maintenance/ Transportation Business Collectibles Equipment &
Repair Development front loader gas package REDUCED. Software
gram’s Mirror( great dryer. Works great New, tags on, ivory
condition) 1908 no longer needed.
One problem the
strapless, size 10,
ivory strapless, inc. pc/printer/moni-
Stanley Cup $50. or
Automatic, V6, TRD, knob is broken but beautiful bead work, tor/kyb+ms.IBM/HP
best offer. Call Mark
78,400 miles, auto-
matic, four wheel
Sport Package,
4x4, 45K miles, DELIVERY DRIVER LUZERNE COUNTY at 570-301-3484 or
Allison at 631-6635
can be fixed easily.
$200. 817-0953
veil beaded
match & slip. Paid
to p4ht & above. All
windows 7, office

Excellent condition. Distribution Compa- $600 asking $100. 10, AV, cdrw-dvd,+
drive, 4 door, anti-
lock brakes, air $18,900
(973) 906-9311
ny specializing in
office furniture
SALES 610 Business
Gen 13-1, X-files,
Kenmore 13 cu ft
570-287-3505 more.$125 & up .
LAPTOPS =$150-

conditioning, air Spiderman & many chest model # 1634, Too many baby $250, DESKTOP
bags, power locks, installation & White
GET THE WORD OUT Glove delivery now others, $1 each. energy star rated. toys? complete systems
power windows, 570-829-2411 Like new condition, Pass them on, sell $125-$175. all refur-
power mirrors, with a Classified Ad. Looking for hiring Full & Part time
570-829-7130 manufactured May them with an ad! bished off lease, w7
power seats, career change? • Installers NEPA’s largest cir- NEON SIGN - Elec- 2009. includes 2 lift or xppro, antivirus,
cruise control, AM/ • Non–CDL Delivery culated print publi-

TRACTOR We provide initial & tric, Camel sign, 30 out baskets, interior wifi, dvd rw+ more!
FM radio, CD Drivers cation is looking years old, $150. light & security lock. Warranty & free
ongoing training. • Competitive Pay for an experienced JAN-PRO 716 Building
changer, DVD play- 570-829-2411 cash or usps money delivery!
Our technicians Sales Representa-
er, keyless entry, • Benefits Available COMMERCIAL orders only $250 Materials 570-862-2236
apply fertilizer, lime tive to work in CLEANING RECORDS - LP’S,
leather interior, Email inquires to: 570-443-7062
& weed preventa- Hazleton and OF NEPA 78’S, 45’S From
moon roof, rear danedwards@ BATHROOM SINK
defroster, rear
FREIGHTLINER tives as well as Luzerne County. 40’S, 50’S, 60’S & SET: Gerber white
732 Exercise
’97 MIDROOF insect control & turf Qualified individual Be Your Own 70’S. $1 each.
windshield wiper. 475 CAT & 10 aeration services or call
will have at least Boss Work Full or (570) 829-2411
porcelain bathroom Equipment
$16,000 speed transmission. 570-501-0589 sink with mirror and
for residential & two years outside Part time
(570) 954-5462 $12,000 medicine cabinet. EXERCISE BENCH:
commercial RECORDS: a vari-
Call after 9 a.m.
Full time work
Looking for Class-B
business to busi-
ness sales experi-
ence, will call on
Accounts available
NOW throughout
Wilkes Barre,
ety of
old 78
Matching set. $80.
dumbbell exercise
bench for sale. Very
’99 CONDO sturdy and thick all
Monday-Friday Driver with dump existing cus- Scranton, $30. or best offer. DOOR. 36”x80”
430 Detroit, Super around, like new.
8 AM – 5 PM truck experience. tomers as well as and Hazleton. 570-333-5263 solid wood, 6 panel.
10 transmission. $30. Call Eric
Must have good Competitive wages securing new We guarantee Exterior or interior. 609-433-5660
Asking $15,000. WASHINGTON GENE’S
math skills, clean offered with health business. A sales $5,000 to Natural oak finish, (Wilkes-Barre)
driving record & benefit contribu- assistant will $200,000 RECONDITIONED right or left with
‘88 FRUEHAUF 45’ 1938-P-1940-D $55.
pass physical & tions. Plenty of work assist in securing in annual billing. APPLIANCES hardware. $200. PARABODY Serious
with sides. All 570-287-4135
drug test. available. Call for confirmed Small investment Call 570-735-8730 Steel 400 Total

GMC `99
aluminum, spread 60 Day Warranty
more details. appointments but We’re ready - YEARBOOKS: or 570-332-8094 WorkOut Machine,
axle. $6,500. Apply online at: Monday-Friday
570-237-0425 COLD CALLING Are you? Coughlin H.S. 1926, plus floor mat $80.
www.grasshopper IS REQUIRED! For more info 8:00PM-5:00PM GUTTERS One 22’, 570-457-4494
1928, 1932, 1937,

2 storage trailers. Position is Call 570-824-5774 Saturday and one 28’ also
570-814-4790 Or stop in for 548 Medical/Health $1,000.00 per
1940, 1961, 1963,
8:00AM-11:00AM one 10’ spout, all WEIGHT BENCH 1942, 1943, 1944,
with 80 lbs plastic
application at: month salary plus Gateway hardware included
1949. G.A.R. H.S.
470 E. State Street
Larksville, PA 18651
COUNSELOR 20% commission.
Benefits include
Let the Community
1934, 1935, 1936,
1937, 1945, 1946,
Shopping Center paid $220 sell for
$180 or best offer.
weights with bar
and preacher
Ford, GMC, Substance Abuse Kingston, PA attachment. $50.
exterior, health insurance, Place your Classified 1951, 1955, 1956, 570-740-6205
International-Prices Questions? Email Counselor needed (570) 819-1966 570-371-3367
leather interior, Brian Phillips at: for an outpatient fitness member- Ad TODAY! 1957, 1961, 1965,
starting at $2,295. SINK TOP 37”X22”,
power windows grasshopperjobs@ program. Full time ship & paid vaca- 570-829-7130 1966, 1970, 1980,
Box Truck, Cab & MICROWAVE: GE, all Opal, NEW $25.
& locks, 4 wheel
Chassis available. with benefits & com- tion. 1985, 2005, 2006. 570-675-3328 744 Furniture &
drive. $4,850. Please submit options, with
Call for
Call U-haul petitive salary. Mas-
your resume to: 630 Money To Loan Meyers H.S. 1935,
turntable, excellent Accessories
condition and
570-822-5536 Shopping for a ter’s or Bachelor’s
1936, 1937, 1938,
condition. $40.
degree required 1942, 1943, 1944, cultured marble ASSORTED FURNI-
known issues. new apartment? with preference
“We can erase
1945, 1946, 1960, 570-675-4383 vanity top beige TURE: 2 end tables,
Classified lets your bad credit -
570-362-4080 given to those with LINE UP 100% GUARAN-
1974, 1975, 1976, Say it HERE
with nickel faucet
$100 call
glass on black
you compare costs - experience. 1977. Kingston H.S. metallic frame. $20;
A GREAT DEAL... TEED.” Attorneys in the Classifieds!
1938, 1939, 1940, Black leather living
without hassle Fax resume to for the Federal
1944, 1948, 1949. 570-829-7130
or worry! 570-822-5147 IN CLASSIFIED! Trade Commission
say they’ve never
Plymouth H.S. 1930, REFRIGERATOR:
room chair. Great
condition. $20;
ODYSSEY Get moving or email apabon@ Looking for the right deal 1931, 1932, 1933, Kitchen or backyard
Frigidaire. White.
460 with classified!
on an automobile?
seen a legitimate
credit repair opera-
1938, 1943, 1944, Large. Freezer up solit wood table with
1959, 1960.
AUTOMOTIVE green metallic


It’s a showroom in print!
tion. No one can
legally remove
Hanover H.S. 1951,
1952, 1953, 1954,
top. Very Clean, fair-
ly new, in good
Wood - Tree house
pressure treated
frame $15; Futon in
decent shape. Can
accurate and timely working condition.
the directions!
information from
your credit report.
1960. West Pittston
H.S. Annual 1925,
$250 negotiable.
Call 570-283-6943
wood. $95.
be used as sofa or
bed. Can include
This position is for 1926, 1927, 1928, cushion if wanted
A manufacturer of an outpatient sub- It’s a process that Leave Message
1931, 1932, 1959. 720 Cemetery $25; Twin size
468 Auto Parts building materials is stance abuse pro- starts with you and
Luzerne H.S. 1951, portable bed frame.
involves time and a WASHER & DRYER
seeking an experi- gram. Responsibili-
conscious effort to
1952, 1956, 1957, in great condition. Plots/Lots Folds up and rolls
enced Maintenance ties include coordi- 1959. Berwick H.S.
Special Edition. 570-301-3602 Technician at our nating admissions & pay your debts.
1952, 1953, 1956,
Whirlpool and GE. anywhere. $39. Eric
Learn about manag- Both work great.. 609-433-5660
Maroon, Fully CALL US! Hazle Township, PA follow through with 1957, 1958, 1960, $99. Eric (Wilkes-Barre)
loaded. Leather roofing insulation patients initial needs ing credit and debt
1967, 1968, 1969 609-433-5660
seats. TV/DVD, TO JUNK plant. The qualified
Fax resume to
at ftc. gov/credit. A
message from The
,1970. Lehman H.S. (Wilkes-Barre) BEDROOM SET-
navigation, sun roof candidate must be Broyhill 5 piece oak
YOUR CAR 1973, 1974, 1976,
570-822-5147 Times Leader and
plus many other willing to work sec- 1978, 1980. Nanti- WASHER & electric includes bed, 2
extras. 3rd seat .
Only 1,900 Miles.
ond shift and occa-
sional overtime.
or email at apabon@ NEPA’s largest cir-
the FTC.
coke Area H.S.
1976, 2008. Dallas
dryer, Kenmore,
less than one year
MEMORIAL SHRINE night stands, dress-
er, armoire + extras!
Brand New.
Asking $37,000
CA$H ON THE $POT, Experience is nec-
culated print publi-
cation is looking H.S. 1966, 1967,
1968. Bishop Hoban
old! Excellent Condi-
tion! Moving. Call for
CEMETERY Wilkeswood apts,
Wilkes-Barre. $800
Free Anytime essary in the areas for an experienced 6 Plots Available
(570) 328-0850 Physician Substitute H.S. 1972, 1973, details. $400. 570-905-7521
of electrical and Sales Representa- May be Separated
Pickup mechanical trouble position available in 1974, 1975. West 570-287-0148 Rose Lawn Section
tive to work in CHAIR rocks &
570-301-3602 shooting, equipment a growing, face Side Central $450 each
paced and success- Honesdale and WASHER/GAS swivels, love seat,
repair, and welding. Lackawanna Catholic H.S. 1965 - 570-654-1596
DRYER Maytag, pink color, good
PLC, variable speed ful plasma collection
facility. This position County. Qualified 700 1974, 1980, 1981.
very good condition. condition. both $50.
drives, and PC Westmoreland H.S. ST. NICHOLAS’
experience is a plus. is responsible for individual will have MERCHANDISE 1952, 1953 - 1954 $275. for both $150.

HYUNDAI `05 providing instruc- at least two years each. 570-814-7485

outside business G.A.R. H.S. 1972, SHAVERTOWN CHAIR small over-
Johns Manville tions and explana- 1973, 1974, 1975, 6 Plots. Can be stuffed parlor or
offers a competitive tions, medical eval- to business sales 702 Air 1976 Pittston H.S. 712 Baby Items
TUCSON experience, will divided. Near bedroom chair, pink
wage and benefit uations, and coun- Conditioners 1936, 1951, 1954, Entrance. $550 & white stripe, good
package including seling to potential call on existing
61,000 miles, auto- customers as well 1963 Pittston Hospi- BABY TOYS, $15. each. Call condition $10. China
health insurance, and current plasma- AIR CONDITIONER! tal School of Nurs- tODDLER TOYS $15. 570-675-9991 breakfront, 4 door
matic, four wheel dental insurance, as securing new
pheresis donors. Haier 8000 BTU. ing, J.O.Y. of 1957, GRACO CAR SEAT $400. 3 pink ban-
drive, 4 door, anti- life insurance, 401K business. A sales
Potential employee Works perfect! 1959 West Pittston $20. 570-868-0481 quet tablecloths 1
lock brakes, air con-
503 Accounting/ savings plan with must be a Licensed assistant will
Used for only 2 H.S. 1950, 1954, 726 Clothing white banquet table
ditioning, air bags, company match, assist in securing CRIB
Practical Nurse or a months last sum- 1955, 1956, 1960 cloth, 4 matching
power locks, power Finance paid vacation, ten Registered Nurse in confirmed
mer. Comes with Hazleton H.S. 1938, Designer. Metal MISSES CLOTHING
windows, cruise appointments but medium & large 10 napkins $5. all.
paid holidays, edu- Pennsylvania and remote. $125. 1939, 1940, 1941, nickel finish. Great
control, AM/FM COLD CALLING pullover sweaters, 570-675-0920
cational assistance must have good 570-237-6001 1942, 1943, 1945, for use or children’s
radio, cassette play- program, and a per- IS REQUIRED! shop display. $95/ 10 tops $20. all
communication and 1948, 1949, 1950, COFFEE TABLE, vin-
er, CD player, key- formance bonus. Position is MILK CAN with lid, 570-457-7854 570-824-0248
problem solving 1953, 1954, 1955, tage 1950’s/1960’s ,
less entry, sun/ $1,000.00 per painted black has
skills. Interstate 1956, 1957, 1959, PURSES (2) Vera blonde wood finish,
moon roof, rear Qualified applicants month salary plus decal $30. Glider DRESSING TABLE
Blood and Plasma 1960, 1961, 1962, Bradley assorted rectangular, 36”L x
defroster, rear should send a 20% commission. chairs with cushions Jenny Lind $10.
offers an excellent 1964 Hazle Twp H.S. 20”W x 16”H, excel-
windshield wiper, resume with salary Benefits include set of 2 $45. Presto Baby toys from $1. purses $15. each.
work environment, 1951, 1952 570-693-2612 lent $30. MIRROR,
new towing pack- requirements to: health insurance, Electric fry with high 570-331-0815
competitive wages 570-825-4721 Victoria style, ele-
age, auto start. fitness member- lid $15. Sunbeam
Nardone Brothers Johns Manville and benefits pack- STROLLER excellent VINTAGE SLIPS gant with burnished
$10,000 ship & paid vaca- electric mixer (3
600 Jaycee Drive age. The hours will $1.00 (30) gold gilding, meas-
(570) 762-4543 Bakery is currently
Hazle Township, PA be afternoons into tion. bowls) $25. Dansk 710 Appliances condition with bas-
Call 823-4941 ures 38” L x 30” W,
accepting resumes Please submit ket, hood & cup
pizza baking stone
INTERNATIONAL ‘95 18202 early evenings. holder. $15. excellent condition,
for our office locat- Fax resume to your resume to set (brand new in DISHWASHER:
Attn: Plant Engineer $40 call 709-3146
DUMP TRUCK ed in the Hanover or email: robert. 570-823-7366 or box) $12. Whirlpool built-in. 570-472-1646 728 Commercial/
White , 6 months DESK brown, very
Refurbished, rebuilt Industrial Park for email apanzarella@ 570-288-8689
old, like brand new.
STROLLER: Graco Industrial
engine, transmis- General Office help EEO/AA interstate Duo-Glider beige & sturdy, 2 drawers,
sion replaced. specifically in the 542 Logistics/ 542 Logistics/
Many features.
black $60. Fisher Equipment excellent condition,
$350. Frigidaire $40. 570-472-1646
Rear-end removed Price Laugh & Learn
ACCOUNTS Transportation Transportation
and relubed. Brand
new 10’ dump. PA RECEIVABLES RNs microwave
White, uses stan-
Home $30. Hasbro
Playskool Let’s Play
turion commercial
generator w/220
CENTER solid oak
state inspected. Golden Care Home Together Peek ‘N
dard outlet. $75. outlet. 5000 watt, Raymour and Flan-
$12,900/best offer. Health, seeking per Play Discovery Tent
The successful can- Now Hiring the 570-696-4204 used only 2 hours. nigan $40.
570-594-1496 diem nurses. Excel- $20. Fisher Price
didate should have following position: Paid $650, sell $400 570 457 4494
lent rates and paid DRYER GE 7 cu. ft. Laugh & Learn
or best offer.
JEEP `02 GRAND experience in work-
ing in a fast paced MECHANIC mileage. Agency will
orient. Home care
electric, brand new,
never used $300
learning table $10.
Leap Frog Leap- 570-606-7382 KITCHEN SET round
table, 2 leafs, 4
CHEROKEE LAREDO office setting. The
candidate should be
Full time. Must have
own tools and have
experience a plus
(Agency 26 years,
Must have valid PA driver’s license.
Nanticoke area. No Experience necessary.
call 570-855-5725.
leave message
Start learning gym
$10. Leave a mes- 730 Computer
chairs, hutch
match, $325. BED-
able to multi task
and have experi-
inspection license. Top 500, JCAHO).
Will train. Excellent opportunity for home GRILL electric
sage 570-926-9016 Equipment & ROOM SUITE wal-
100% pre-employ- Call 570-654-2883 nut, bureau, dress-
ence in all phases of ment drug testing. makers, retiree, or second income. ceramic 12”x12” Software
the accounts Competitive wages.
nonstick. Smoke
714 Bridal Items er, 2 night stands,
Summer work also available. twin beds, $395.
DESK. Computer
receivable process.
In addition to this
Health, dental,
vision, and 401k.
LINEUP free. New in box.
$15. 570-655-2154
WEDDING DRESS Desk $50. Call 735-
TEA SET gold plated
4 pieces, $40. FIRE-
the candidate Send resume to:
ASUCCESSFULSALE Call 570-735-1743 for interview. New with tags, size
8, off white strap-
8730 or 332-8094
PLACE accessories
should also have Franchelli less, beautiful gown SCANNER: Cannon brass with black
Triple black, eco-
experience in pro-
cessing transac-
Enterprises, Inc.
78 Second St.
INCLASSIFIED! 457 Wanted to Buy 457 Wanted to Buy 457 Wanted to Buy must see $300. or F916000 $25 trim, 10 pieces $125.
best offer. 285-3180 570-331-0815
nomical 6 cylinder.
4x4 select drive.
Wilke-Barre, PA Doyouneedmorespace? Auto Auto Auto
18702 or call Selling Your
CD, remote door calls, and interact- 570-829-5385
A yard or garage sale 551 Other 551 Other Furniture?
opener, power win- ing with our cus- E.O.E. in classified Do it here in the

We Buy Scrap Metal

dows & locks, tomers on a daily
cruise, tilt wheel. basis. Experience is the best way One of Northeastern PA’s fastest
108k highway miles. using Microsoft 538 Janitorial/ tocleanoutyourclosets!
$$$$ ALL KINDS $$$$
Garage kept. Super growing pre-owned Automobile KITCHEN SET.
clean inside and out.
applications such as Cleaning You’re in bussiness dealerships is in need of the following: Wood, oval, brown
Excel and Word are
No rust. Sale price necessary. This is a with classified! table, good shape.
$6,895. Scranton. permanent full time HOUSEKEEPER PIPE - ROD - SHEET - BAR - TUBING - TURNINGS - AUTOMOBILE SALES PEOPLE $75. 570-970-6651
570-466-2771 position with the 1-2 days per week. 554 Production/ BEAMS - PUNCHINGS - OLD CARS -TRUCKS -
starting salary Duties include Operations MACHINERY - FARM EQUIPMENT - METAL ROOFING - Must be self starter with the drive and LAMPS (2) grey

JEEP `07 beginning at $10.00

per hour. Benefit
cleaning, errands, & ENGINES - TRANSMISSIONS -EXHAUST SYSTEM PARTS determination worthy of a six figure income.
metal & black. $25
each. 570-740-1246
laundry in our Plains
- APPLIANCES - ANY AND ALL SCRAP METAL Must have a minimum of 3 years automobile
package also sup home. Experienced. PATIO TABLE with 4
plied. References required FREE CONTAINER SERVICE sales experience and a valid drivers license
chairs/cushions, like
4x4, stick shift, soft
top. Red exterior,
For immediate
Send resume to
PO Box 1676
TRAINEE Small quantities to 1,000’s of tons accepted
with a clean driving history. Must be willing
to work flexible hours, including nights and
a bronze brownish
frame with a nice
well maintained, please forward a Plains, PA 18705 Full time, all shifts.
Leadership and FAST SETTLEMENTS weekends. Must pass Criminal background glass top with a hint
garage kept. 11,500 current resume to: of green to the tem-
miles, one owner. John Surdy people skills needed CALL DMS SHREDDING, INC check and periodic drug testing.
Controller 542 Logistics/ for fast-paced union
pered glass. $165.
AC, CD player,
cruise control. Nardone Brothers Transportation plant. 570-346-7673 F&I PERSON Cash or Paypal.
Tow package with Bakery Inc. Send resumes to: 570-819-3339
cargo carrier.
Excellent condition.
420 New Com-
merce Blvd CDL-A DRIVER c/o Times Leader
Box 2555
Your Scrap Metal is worth $$$
Must have a minimum of 3 years automobile
F&I experience along with a valid drivers
leather, black, good
$18,700 Wilkes Barre, PA Gas field/landscape
drivers plus some
15 N. Main Street Call Today! license with a clean driving history. condition $40.
Call 570-822-9680 18706 Wilkes-Barre, PA 570-926-9016
hands on labor 18711-0250
Competitive salary and bonus. Must be
willing to work flexible hours, including nights
required. Operate Recliners - Two.
509 Building/ dump trucks and 542 Logistics/ 542 Logistics/ 542 Logistics/ and weekends. Must pass Criminal Good working con-
Construction/ load equipment on 566 Sales/Retail/ Transportation Transportation Transportation dition. Great for a
background check and periodic drug testing.
MONTERO SR 4WD Skilled Trades lowboy. Deliver to
basement area, rec

Growth Creates Opportunity...Start A New Career!

job site. Must oper- room or cottage.
177,102 miles, auto- ate skid steer exca- Please send resume to
matic, four wheel
drive, 4 door, anti-
HEAVY EQUIPMENT vator, hydro-seed
truck, etc. Will plow DOOR TO DOOR SALES c/o The Times Leader, Box 2560
FREE 570-970-0372
SOFA BED queen
15 N. Main St.
lock brakes, air con-
ditioning, air bags, OPERATOR in winter. Must have
clean driving record Local company is
HIRING EXPERIENCED Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0250
size, very good con-
dition. $400.
Full time. Hourly.
power locks, power
windows, power Salary based on
and pass drug test.
Call Harvis
seeking individuals
for door to door
experience. Must
mirrors, power
seats, cruise con- be able to work flex-
ible schedule. Seri-
Interview Service @
542-5330. Leave
sales. Must be out-
going, self motivat- AND PRODUCTION WORKERS 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health
trol, AM/FM radio,
cassette player, CD ous inquiries only.
Call 570-822-6282
message. Will send
an application.
ed & flexible. Please
email resume to: ALL SHIFTS
changer, leather Or forward resume: reliablesales@
to schedule
interior, sun roof,
varsity.harvis@ XLC Services, LLC (Logistics) is
rear defroster, rear seeking experienced forklift
windshield wiper,
new Passed inspec- 515 Creative/Design
Employer is
Good telephone
operators & Inexperienced candidates
tion, new battery. No walk-ins. EOE with great employment history to
skills a must! Must
INTERIOR DESIGN work at their Mehoopany, PA

(570) 868-1100 be computer liter-
Call after 2:00 p.m. Scranton based
ate! High commis-
sions paid, medical
location. The following skills are
necessary for these positions:
design Firm seeks
part to full-time Inte-
Class A CDL drivers
needed. Two posi-
insurance, 401(k)
plan. Selling, scan-
• High School Diploma/GED & Thursday Oakwood Terrace a licensed personal care community specializing in
A GREAT DEAL... rior Designer. tions available. Must ning and data man- • Computer Skills in June all types of memory care is seeking a caring individual with leadership
abilities to fill the position of LPN Supervisor. Position is Full Time in
Candidates must have clean MVR; agement services. • Valid Driver’s License
IN CLASSIFIED! have Bachelors doubles endorse- Call for interview: • Criminal Background Check at The Dept. Of the evening. Hours are 2:30pm-11:00pm. Duties include administering
degree, 5+ years ment. Home every 570-826-9811 • Pass Pre-employment Drug Screen Agriculture Building medication, treatments, supervising resident attendants, and communi-
SUZUKI `07 XL-7 experience with day, off weekends. P.C. Data Centers
& Physical cating with physicians and families. Must be 21 years of age and have
56,000 miles,
ects, CAD
Full time local work.
Call Todd
of PA Inc.
• Part-time position for experienced Rt. 92 South a valid nursing license. Must have updated CPR and First Aid Certifica-
all-wheel drive,
drawing capabilities
and have proficient
Job Seekers are driver only. Tunkhannock tion. We offer a competitive starting wage, comprehensive benefit pack-
All full-time positions come with the
4 door, air condi- computer skills. Drivers - CDL-A:
Local Dedicated looking here! following benefits:
from age and attendance bonus after training.
tioning, all power,
CD player, leather
Competitive salary route! Home every
Where's your ad? medical, 8 paid holidays, 401k after 9am to 3:30pm Applicants can email cover letter & resume along with salary history to
based on experi- night! Great Pay, or call 570-451-3171 ext 102
interior, tinted 1 year, and paid vacation. Pay increase
windows, custom
ence, healthcare,
401K and paid
Estenson Logistics.
570-829-7130 and based on skill development.
wheels, $13,000 Please visit out website at
Call 570-829-8753
vacation. Apply:
ask for an employ- Interested Applicants can Apply Online!
Resumes: ddriscoll@ Oakwood Terrace is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Before 5:00 p.m. 1-866-336-9642 ment specialist or Call 888-382-4078
752 Landscaping & 758 Miscellaneous 772 Pools & Spas 784 Tools 810 Cats 815 Dogs 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale
CHIPPER, shredder,
TOOLS: 2 tin snips,
rubber mallet, clunk
hammer, cold chis-
AKC. Black & Tan
mulcher, bagger. 17 ONEONTA HILL
Craftsman 5 HP. 3
ITEMS $25. 570-655-6465 els, plumb bob, Regular & long coat
4 new Blizzak snow FOR SALE BY
cutting stages. Very
tires LM25V, 205/ POOL: above
chalk lines, 4’ level,
10 & 12” wrenches,
good condition. HIMALAYAN
$350. 675-4383
50R1793V $100 ground, 15ft round 16” metal files, PERSIAN KITTENS $900 each. Call REAL ESTATE Year Round Home!
Spectacular View!
each. GOLF CLUBS 4 years old. Hay- bench mount vise, 570-379-2419
FREE DIRT FILL assorted, balls, new ward filter. $500. hammer, float, long-
Shots & Wormed
Health guarantee
FOR SALE Low Taxes!
WITH ROCK. Just golf pull cart. 2 Pot- 570-592-3862 handle pick, axe, Family raised. $450.
come and pick it up. tery barn pink lamps
Hard to find rich & decorative shade VACUUM Hayward circular saw blades, (570) 922-1706 906 Homes for Sale
Ultra Pool vacuum. pry bars, square & Single family home
black soil. Screen or $35. Picture, medi- more $145. for all. for sale in quiet Sellers assist 9K
rake it to make top um oak frame 3’x5’ Used one season.
10” radial arm saw 815 Dogs Having trouble
neighborhood- toward closing.
New $ 500., asking paying your mort-
soil. 1,000’s of triax-
ial truck loads avail-
of Botanical garden
print $60. Girl’s $ 200. 388-6937 $95. 16” scroll saw
$95. 5” bench
behind on your
Falling Beautiful 2400 Sq.
Ft. with 6 bedroom,
Three bedroom
ranch home,
able. 189 Foote bleached oak pic- Mastiff Puppies completely reno-
mount grinder $30. payments? You 2 full baths, 2 story
Avenue, Duryea ture frame, young 774 Restaurant Registered and vated (tile, hard-
7 1/4 circular saw may get mail from home, fully air con- Lots of off street
570-457-6610 girl on bench, ready to go! Parents wood, granite,
Equipment with laser, never people who promise ditioned, oil & gas parking, close to
11/1’x2’ $45. Assort- on premises. Blue & carpet, roof,
used $45. to forestall your heat, renovated Grotto. Raised
LAWN MOWER: ed size Victorian hat blue fawn. Stainless appli-
RESTAURANT 570-235-5216 foreclosure for a fee kitchen, full unfin- ranch with 2 car
Craftsman, rear boxes, pink, 6 total Vet Checked ances) two
in advance. Report ished basement, 2
EQUIPMENT garage, 3 Bed-

bag, high rear $3. each. 3 assort- 570-617-4880 baths, Dining
786 Toys & Games them to the Federal enclosed porches, rooms, 1 bath, living
wheels, excellent ed sizes pottery SOMERSET TURN room, Living
Trade Commission, 15 x 20 deck with room, kitchen, large
condition $135. floor jugs, vine & OVER MACHINE - room, Family
BICYCLE: Girl’s the nation’s con- power awning porch with lake view
570-822-4251 grape, motif $45. model SPM45, Room, Laundry,
Huffy 12” BRAND sumer protection cover – generous & bar. $142,500.
Girl’s 10 speed bile $500; ALSO, Bunn Garage, office,
LAWNMOWER, NEW unassembled agency. Call 1-877- size lot, off street
$50. IPOD radio/ Pour Over Coffee rec room, utility OPEN HOUSE
Craftsman, electric in box Cotton Candy FTC-HELP or click parking, first floor
alarm combo $30. Machine, Model # room, lot is
washer & dryer. COMING
start 875 Series. 21”
cut EZ walk, vary
570-498-0977 STF15, $225
For more info, call
blue, ages 3 & up
includes training
sage from The All appliances
75x150. Over
2,500 sq ft of liv- IN JUNE
speed, asking $175. GARAGE SALE 570-498-3616 wheels $30. Radio Yellow $300. Black Times Leader and Directions Left @
JUST REDUCED ing space, fin-
LEFTOVER Flyer The Inchworm, YOUR PET $200. Labs are 9 the FTC.
ished basement. Grotto @ Stop sign
RESTAURANT like new condition weeks old. Wormed $168,000 make left, then
RIDING MOWER ITEMS CLASSIFIED 570-836-1090 Looking for Work? $169,900.
EQUIPMENT $25. Blue Water Call 570-421-0587 Call Jim quick right onto
Scott’s 42” cut, Power Wheels Dora Somerset Dough Table, no cover $10. AD ONLINE Tell Employers with or Oneonta Hill, 3rd
17hp, engine runs Jeep 6v battery a Classified Ad. 570-212-2222
Sheeter, Model 570-926-9016 use “Dupont Home” House on right.
but needs work. $30. Baby Einstein CAR-100. Only 570-829-7130 in email subject CALL Dave @
Call 829-7130
$400 or best offer.
and Fisher Price
activity mats $5.
1 available. $1,500
ELMOS - Five dif-
line. LINE UP 570-417-6661
Call for more info
each. Fisher Price 570-498-3616 ferent Elmo dolls.
Place your pet ad
and provide us your Doyouneedmorespace? A GREAT DEAL... Shopping for a
5.5 HP, never used,
12” beaver blade,
aquarium crib toy
$5. Bottle/baby food RESTAURANT
$5.00 each.
email address SHIH-TZU PUPPIES & A yard or garage sale
in classified
IN CLASSIFIED! new apartment?
Classified lets
Looking for the right deal
runs great. $125.
warmer $5.
EQUIPMENT TOY PONY, beautiful This will create a POMERANIAN PUPPIES is the best way on an automobile? you compare costs -
Call Bill 735-4773
8x12 walk in
cooler $2300;
cost $199 sacrifice
seller account
online and login
Parents on premises
Shots Current. BEAR CREEK tocleanoutyourclosets!
You’re in bussiness
Turn to classified. without hassle
756 Medical way glass door for
bath tub. $25
8x8x10 walk
in freezer $3800;
information will be
emailed to you from
$500 - Poms
$550 - Shih-Tzus VILLAGE with classified!
It’s a showroom in print!
Classified’s got
or worry!
Get moving
Equipment 570-331-8183 operated train, 20 570-401-1838 13 Hedge Road
DURYEA the directions! with classified!
Pizza oven with
racks $25. Easel “The World of Pets 20 year old Con-
stones $2000;
BED. Craftmatic MATERIAL CHIF- chalkboard $5. Unleashed” temporary in
Stainless steel
Adjustable. $500 or FON, dusty rose, boys small bike $5. prime location. 3
kitchen hood
best offer. over 20 yard roll 570-675-3328 You can then use bedrooms, 2.5
$3000; Stainless
$10. Taffata lining 20
rolls, variety of col-
steel pizza oven
hood $4000;
XBOX-360. Guitar
your account to
enhance your online
baths, large
kitchen, unfin- IMMEDIATE OPENING
ors $20 all. GE hero guitar $10. ad. Post up to 6 ished basement,
cool mist by Kay, 1
floodlights 150 watt,
120 volts, case of 12
bread pan rack
$100; 2 soup
XBOX 360 cordless
racing wheel & ped-
captioned photos
of your pet
With papers. 4 3/4
hardwood floors
1st floor and
air purifier. $15 each warmers for $100;
$20. 8’ wood step als $20. Expand your text to months old. Very attached 2 car
570-654-4793 2 door sandwich
ladder $15. Mr Cof- 570-693-2612 include more smart & loveable. garage. Total
prep table $500.
fee 4 cups, new information, include Shots & warmed. electric. The Honesdale National Bank,
JAZZY VICTORIA by All equipment is 623 Hooven St.
condition $7. your contact No fleas. Hypoaller- $265,000
Pride. A-1 condition.
sold as is. For 788 Stereo/TV/ information such genic. Paper/Out- (570) 472-9660
Picture perfect 2 celebrating its 175th anniversary, is
$650. 654-0507 more info, call Electronics as e-mail, address side trained. A bun-
story with 3 bed-
seeking a Mortgage Loan Processor
POLICE SCANNER 570-847-0873 rooms, 1 1/2 mod-
POWER CHAIR - phone number and dle of joy! $650.
Radio Shack 200 TV 25” color, or website. 570-436-5083
ern baths, brand at HNB Mortgage in Wilkes-Barre.
Jazzy Select, new kitchen with
channel, excellent remote, good condi- Previous loan processing experience
condition. $75. Firm. 776 Sporting Goods tion. $20
Small ranch home. 2 center island and
570-371-3367 570-472-1646 845 Pet Supplies bedroom, full base- stainless steel helpful, but not necessary. An excellent
BASKETBALL ment, new roof. stove, dishwasher compensation and benefits package is
Wheelchair - Large carport. Very
RELIGIOUS ITEMS - HOOP; Great condi- DOG: Loving family BIRD CAGES: small and microwave.
for child $ 65.
Hand made tion, asking $90. 790 Swimming dog, Frankie, is low utility bills. 1 mile Tiger wood hard-
offered. Respond to:
(570) 817-1094 $10. Large $20.
Rosaries, $5. Pope Call 570-331-8183 Pools/Hot Tubs looking for a new 570-288-4852 from Route 81. Ask- wood flooring
John Paul II Memori- home. 10 year old ing $40,000. Call throughout the first
blia. 570-829-2411 BIKE RACKS (2) for SWIMMING POOL: miniature doberman DOG CRATE, Nick 570-702-4077 floor. New carpet-
Invacare, perfect
car trunks or SUV, Intex Easy Set pincher. (Weighs wire, with plastic ing on 2nd floor, all
condition. $200.
THE AVENGERS Hatchbacks not for Swimming Pool 15’ X about 15 lbs). Very tray bottom. 3 bedrooms have
570-735-8730 or
DVD ‘63 boxed set. roofs or hitches. 42” used 1 season, friendly. Free to a 24”x18”. $30. Call closets. Walk up
6 Classic Episodes One holds 3-4 bikes in box, ladder, skim- good home. 570-814-9574 attic, gas heat, 2
with Patrick Mac- $40. Other holds 2- mer, pump, hoses, Call 570-899-1075 car detached
758 Miscellaneous Nee and Honor 3 bikes $25. BAS- filter, cover, tarp, garage. For addi-
BACK PACK. Hiking,
Blackman. $25
Rick 570-283-2552
backboard, hoop,
vacuum / poles,
algaecide, car-
JENKINS TOWNSHIP tion information and
photos, email:
navy canvas, $40, net, pole & stand Highland Hills. 3
TIRES [4] Michilen tridge, chlorine, PH, bedroom, 4 bath bi- www.atlas
Pac n’ Play, for
$50. 570-235-5216 $25 firm. level. Stainless Attention: Human Resources
child. $30.
approximate 25k BIKES: NEXT 21 570-709-1915 YORKIE-POO PUPPIES kitchen with granite MLS 11-1413
724 Main Street, PO Box 350
good condition, no
plugs $150. Bumper
speed, girls moun-
tain bike 24” $40. 796 Wanted to Buy
GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS Family raised. Shots
& wormed. Loving
countertop. Porce-
lain tile and laminate
Call Lu-Ann Honesdale, PA 18431
BARREL, AKC shots, wormed 570-602-9280
rear chrome mint NEXT 20” BMX boys Merchandise homes only. Female throughout. Heated Email:
condition 88-98 bike $40. Huffy 24” www.mountain $250, Males $200. inground pool. Eco-
53 gallon. Chevy/GMC full size boys mountain bike nomical heating.
Call 570-765-1122
Excellent pickup $175 firm. $20. 12” Princess $219,900 EOE M/F/D/V
condition $195. Tailgate 88-98 bike BMX $20. Pay Cash for 570-746-1689 Call 570-655-8034
570-876-3830 Chevy full size pick- 570-829-0217 baseball, football,
up, very good con- basketball, hockey 554 Production/ 554 Production/ 554 Production/ 554 Production/ 560 Quality 560 Quality
dition $75. & non-sports. Sets, Assurance/Safety Assurance/Safety
To place your 570-655-3197 singles & wax.
Operations Operations Operations Operations
ad call...829-7130 TOASTER OVEN
Ebonite 8 lb. ball

BEDLINER: 89 white, Hamilton with case $25. Girl’s GET THE WORD OUT
Chevy S10 truck Beach $10. Vintage Schwinn with a Classified Ad.
bedliner, standard 570-472-1646 570-829-7130
bicycle $70. Sony
cab $30. 2000 trinitron 27” color tv
Chevy Cavalier LS TRAILER home-
made construction $50., Mintekt DVD
rear trunk spoiler, player $15.
trailer converts to
black $10. Four 570-829-4776 Local manufacturer is accepting

barrel carb running boat trailer holds up
from Chevy motor to 1 ton $175.
GOLF CLUBS Ram, applications for Quality Inspector/
$50. 3 suitcases in 3 woods, 2-Hybrids,
excellent shape TROLLING MOTOR - 7 irons, putter, bag Technician. Candidates will have
$40. 570-740-1246 Electric, Minnkota, $60. 570-655-4815 800 computer experience including
36 pd thrust. $50. PETS & ANIMALS
PA C K A G I N G Microsoft Office for data collection,
ding gown size 14 George Foreman items to choose
Lean Mean Grilling
beaded & sequence
Machine - used 3
from. Clubs, drivers,
810 Cats
charting and compiling reports. This
bodice & train $65. balls, hand coat and
Wedding candle times. $70. many more! $100 position also inspects metal, wood and
with tea light insert
$3. Size 7 flower girl
dress $35 matching
VACUUM Electrolux
for all. Call
BEAGLE about 1
year old, black &
white, brown face
Sidel Process Technician fabric for defects. Position is required
to lift 50 lbs. alone and more then 50
upright, like new,
accessories $10.
excellent condition 780 Televisions/
Local Plastic Manufacturer looking for an experienced with another person. Ability to read
$100. 822-9855
Accessories neutered, named
Sidel Blow Mold Machine Process Technician.
CANES & WALKING VACUUM portable Oreo. FREE to good Blueprints, use calipers and
BATCH! Different
Pronto 2 in 1 Elec-
28” works good, about 1 week of micrometers is a plus.
sizes and shapes.
trolux with charger
& stand $20. 570- needs remote $90. food, kennel, toys & Responsibilities will include the operation and set up of This is a day shift position.
Made from the roots 570-740-1246 bones. 855-9475
of Slippery Maple
735-8730 or 570-
332-8094 production machinery and processing of quality product
available at $4 WASHER: Whirlpool TV’s, color. 19” & FREE! Homes for a manufacturer of blow molded bottles. Previous We offer competitive rates and benefits
each. 735-2081. Duet front load 25”. 25” Polaroid urgently needed.
washer. Whirlpool works very well, They love people, experience operating Sidel Machines required. Must have and are located only 15 minutes from
CEDAR CHEST, $75, with remote. $20. animals & kids. Will
Floor Lamp, $25,
Duet front dryer.
609-433-5660 transport. strong mechanical ability. Wilkes-Barre or Scranton.
Both white, electric.
Pine shelf $5. Only 2 years old. (Wilkes-Barre) 570-299-7146
Swag, grapes & Great condition. TV 19” color with CAT FREE to good Send resume to
wine bottles $5.
Water & Energy remote, very good home, approximate We offer a competitive wage/benefit package that includes: or Apply in person to:
Saving. $275 Each
CEMETERY flower or both for $550 . or
$25. Call Bruce
3 years old. Grey
tiger stripe.
Health, Dental, Life Insurance, Paid Vacations, Holidays, 401(k)
arrangement in bas- best offer. 570-450-5647
Call 570-825-7867
ket, 3 different. $7.
782 Tickets Cats - Free to good
Please send resume and salary requirements to:
each. 570-654-1622
762 Musical TICKET, DMB Cara-
home. Urgent. All
colors - very love- PRETIUM PACKAGING, LLC
lace, Priscilla 64”
long $3. pair. Twin
Instruments van at Balder Field,
Atlantic City, NJ.
able. Good
people & pets.
with 512 Forest Road 401 Bridge Street
yellow bedspread
$3. 570-474-5653
PIANO Wurlitzer
console with bench
June 24th thru June
26th, 2011.
(570) 460-3539 Hazleton, PA 18202
Attention: Human Resources
Old Forge, PA 18518
delivered, tuned 1-ticket $195 KITTENS FREE to
DISHES 3 sets, $10 $600. 474-6362 (cost) re-entry for good home, now 4 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/
each. CANNING all three days. weeks, ready June Drug Free Workplace Employer
JARS pints & quarts, Must Sell. 19. 4 females, 1 EOE
$1.25 & $1.50 per
766 Office 570-817-6820 male. 570-814-7485
dozen. About 10 Equipment
dozens. 823-4941 551 Other 551 Other 551 Other 551 Other 551 Other 551 Other 551 Other 551 Other
DVD PLAYER: sym- top, 15”x18”, holds
ponic new in the box hanging folders,$15.
never used or 570-655-2154
opended with
remote $30.00 cd FILE CABINETS (3)
player am/fm cas- $75 EACH. COPIER,
fax, scanner (1) $25.
Are You Looking for a Career with a Growing and
sett works great
boom box $30.00 570-817-1094 Stable Company?
Color printer with
wires and hook ups
works great $20.00
PRINTER, Fax, Copi-
er, Scanner. 4 in 1 Do You Want the Opportunity to be Part of a Winning
sega system with 6
games one con-
HP Series 2200.
Excellent condition Team?
troller all wires and
hook ups plays
$50. 570-675-4383
DISTRIBUTION CENTER Are You Driven to Work in a Fast-Paced Environment?
beautiful $30.00 vcr
with wires and hook If this sounds like you, we may be your ideal company. As one of the most successful retail companies worldwide, we are eager
ups 4-head record
on screen display
770 Photo to share our success with you. Whatever your individual talents or interests, it’s more than likely that we have exactly what you
and timer $20.00 Equipment are looking for. With an extensive range of career options, The TJX Companies, Inc. stand out as one of the most successful retail
CAMERA Minolta companies worldwide and we are eager to share this success with you. Located in Pittston, just minutes from the PA Turnpike
metal, 4 large draw- with 50 MM F1.7
and I-81, we are a company committed to variety and diversity. Currently, positions are available in the following areas:
ers, brown, like new lens, owners manu-
$30. 570-64-4793 al, in original box,
FIREPLACE: electric
fireplace with
excellent condition
in Wilkes-Barre $45. IT Supervisor (Weekend shift)
remote. Height 45”
Width 48” white in
color, not used. $70. 772 Pools & Spas
Network Coordinator (Weekend shift)

CALS. 7 gallon Oxi-
Maintenance Supervisor (Overnight shift)
dizer, 11 half gal bot-
tles Sanitizer/Algis-
tat. Plains. Worth
Distribution Center Supervisor (Overnight shift)
Fancy dining room, $450. Will sell for
8 chairs, hutch, $225. Used ABOVE
table $400. Oak gun GROUND POOL, 24’
cabinet, holds 6
$50. Marcy weight
round, 4’ deep. YOU T.J. Maxx offers advancement opportunities, medical, dental and life insurance, 401(k), paid vacation and paid sick time,
dismantle &
machine, 205 lb. remove. POOL in-store discounts, $400 potential referral bonus and a clean, safe working environment.
olympic weights ONLY. Pump/filter
$250. Weight bench NOT available.
65 lb weights,
preacher bar,
Plains. New price Interested applicants may obtain position information and apply on-line at:
$100. 823-2958
dumbbells $50. Full
size bed complete
POOL 21’ round x
$150. Onkyo sur- 56” deep, new liner,
round sound sys- new cover, new Applicants will be subject to a pre-employment drug screen and background check. T.J. Maxx is an equal opportunity employer committed to workplace diversity.
tem, 7 speakers pump, new filter
$50. Portable sump complete with deck.
All programs/bonuses are subject to change at any time due to business necessity.
pumb. Best offers. $975. or best offer.
570-868-5311 570-328-6767
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 944 Commercial 950 Half Doubles 953 Houses for Rent 953 Houses for Rent
Unfurnished Unfurnished Properties
438 Tripp St MOUNTAIN TOP COMMERCIAL 3 bedrooms, living

WOODBRYN 422 North Main

Street, Pittston
room, dining room,
kitchen, washer/
HARVEYS LAKE MOUNTAINTOP 1 & 2 Bedroom. dryer hook up. No
pets, no smoking. BENTON
No pets.
Lovely lake living.
Welcome to the
2982 Blytheburn Rd
OLDER SINGLE New furnished 3
Rents based
on income start
Fenced yard & off-
street parking.
Charming country
farm house. 3 bed-
418 Front Street
HOME FOR SALE room apartment at $405 & $440. Excellent location, room, 2 bath on 4.3
best of 2 worlds. $700 + utilities, For lease, available
BY OWNER Includes water, sep- Handicap acres. Newly
#1: The amenities lease & security. immediately, 4
4 bedrooms, over tic & most of the Accessible. remodeled. Full
of lakefront prop- Available June 1st bedrooms, 2 bath-
sized living room heat. No smoking & Equal Housing basement and attic.
erties - fishing, 570-283-1180 rooms, refrigerator
with fireplace and no pets. $750/ Opportunity. Large barn and
boating and a 2 and stove provid-
large picture win- month. + security, Call 570-474-5010 Flexible commer- out buildings.
story boat house ed, washer/dryer
dows, large finished references. Could TTY711 cial/office space on Horses welcome.
(one of only 30 on hookup, off-street
attic, 1.5 baths, on be unfurnished. Call This institution is an Main Street. $950/month
the lake); parking, pets ok,
a 3/4 acre lot, 2 car (570) 954-1200 equal opportunity Includes 4 separate 904-673-6944
#2: The serenity Large home
detached garage & provider and offices, large room
and privacy of across street from
tiered stone patios
wrap around drive- AMERICA employer. which could be used park. Section 8
46 Zerby Ave way. Walking dis- as a conference
and lush gardens Sunday 1pm-3pm approved, $850/
tance to lake, golf SUNDAY room and a powder
surrounding this
classic 3,500 sq ft
Lease with option
to buy, completely
course close by, 30
minutes to Poconos
Completely remod-
QUALITY COLONIAL 2 bedroom, 2nd
room. Very high
traffic area. Locat-
HOUSE FOR RENT per month, water
and sewer paid,
lake home perched FORTY FORT - Idetown Road, For $850/security
remodeled, mint, and easy access to eled home with floor spacious ed in a strip mall
high above Pole FIRST FLOOR lease, available deposit. Call
turn key condition, Route 80 & 309. everything new. apartment. Electric that is fully occu-
306, Lakeside DUPLEX. UNIQUE June 1st, 2 bed- 570-760-3551
3 bedrooms, 1.5 $149,900 New kitchen, baths, range, refrigerator, pied. Parking avail-
Drive. The views $595 + UTILITIES. 55 Loomis St rooms, 1 bathroom, for appointment
baths, large Call (570) 371-1492 bedrooms, tile garbage fee, water able. For more
are spectacular Cook’s kitchen with 3 bedroom, wall refrigerator & stove
closets, with & sewer included.
floors, hardwoods, built-ins, formal din- details and pictures, to wall carpet, provided, washer/
from our 5 bed- Laundry room on
hardwoods, carpet granite countertops, ing room, front/rear visit www.atlasreal- full basement & dryer on premises,
room home with 2 & tile floors, new all new stainless premises. Off street
enclosed porches, MLS 11- attic. Stove, off-street parking, SINGLE HOME COM-
stone fireplaces & kitchen and baths, steel appliances, parking. Private
custom window 1832. $750/month + fridge & water & pets - landlord PLETELY REMODELED
hardwood floors
throughout. Call
gas heat, shed,
large yard. 738 PARDEESVILLE RD refrigerator, stove,
microwave, dish-
coverings. TWO
entrance & back
porch. Gas heat &
Call Kim at
garbage includ-
ed. No pets.
$800/per month
River St. New roof,
siding, gutters, win-
for an appointment. $134,000, seller hot water. No dogs.
We also welcome
realtors. $799,000
will pay closing
costs, $5000 down
CORNER LOT washer, free stand-
ing shower, tub for
Lease & 1 month
security required.
570-466-3338. $630+ security
plus utilities & $800
security deposit.
dows, kitchen,
hardwood floors on
two, huge deck, APPLICATION (570) 639-0967 to first floor, finished
570-639-2423 and monthly large yard, excellent $500 / month + gas
Managed set an basement, laundry
payments are neighborhood & electric. Call
AMERICA REALTY appointment or facilities, off street
JENKINS TWP./ $995/month.
$154,900 (835.00 / 570-288-1422
email hillbillys parking, single

30years/ 5%) garage. 3 bed-
INKERMAN 570-654-1490 rooms, full bath first

Rte. 315 floor, 1/2 bath sec-
45 Main St. ond floor. Security
Office / Retail deposit required.
ASUCCESSFULSALE Single family built
in 2005. 2.5 baths,
No Pets.
INCLASSIFIED! two story with Deluxe 1 bedroom, Showroom,

attached garage.
Oil furnace with
3029 South Main St
Very large 1st floor,
2nd floor apartment.
Large bedroom &
260 E. Green Street
Sell your own home!
Place an ad HERE
central air. 90 x 3 bedrooms, wall living areas, wall to 4 Acres touching AVAILABILITY. 570-829-7130
A yard or garage sale 140 corner lot. to wall carpet, wall carpet. Includes I81 will build to suit. For lease, available ALL NO PETS OR
immediately, 3 bed-
Own this home for in classified Kitchen with cen- central air, eat in all appliances + Call 570-829-1206
rooms, 2 bath- SMOKING. 2 YEAR 971 Vacation &
ter cooking island, washer / dryer. All
is the best way kitchen with appli- LEASES, SAME
COMMERCIAL SPACE Resort Properties
less than $400 a dining room, rooms, refrigerator
electric. Must see. RENT. EMPLOY-
month! Large 3 tocleanoutyourclosets! raised ceiling with ances. Off street $425 + utilities, first/ and stove provided,
bedroom home with glass door entry & parking. Washer washer/dryer hook MENT/APPLICATION
You’re in bussiness
last. No pets. ORANGE
formal dining room, hardwood floor. /dryer hookup. 570-735-0525 up, off-street park- REQUIRED, START-
off street parking with classified! Carpeting thru out
530 Dennison Ave.
Heat & cooking ing, pets ok, Refer- ING AT $850 + HICKORY GROVE
and large yard. For home. Tiled REDUCED gas included. Ten-
620 Market St. ences credit and UTILITIES & UP.
more information
and photos, log
kitchen and bath.
Kitchen appli-
Great 3 bedroom
Cape Cod with
ant pays electric &
water. $750 +
4 rooms. Second
Newly Renovated
Prime Space.
background check
required. Need
ances included. floor. Heat and 1,250 sq. ft., security deposit, Camp sites
onto www.atlas charm & character, security. No Pets. available!
NICELY PRICED sewer included. Near Kingston $650/per month,
1 3/4 baths, nice Shaded. Show- Call 570-814-1356 Security and refer- Corners. Great water and sewer Desirable
$219,900 yard. MLS#
$64,900 KINGSTON (570) 233-1993 10-342 $139,900
call Nancy HARVEY’S LAKE
ences required.
location for retail or
business office.
paid, $650/security
deposit. Call
Lexington Village
Nanticoke, PA
ers, flush toilets,
water & electric.
Lake fishing,
Call (570) 457-7854 (570)760-3551 to Many ranch style
Call Charles 570-237-0752 Recently remodeled Easy Access and set an appointment homes. 2 bedrooms canoeing, biking
ATLAS www.atlasrealtyinc
2 bedroom, 2 bath.
1st floor. Laundry
hookup. Off-street
2 bedroom, 2nd
parking. Call Cliff
2 Free Months With
A 2 Year Lease
& golf.
20 minutes from
$795 + electric
parking. Available floor, bath, kitchen West Green Street, 570-639-5478
WILKES-BARRE now. $625. Refer- area. Heat & water 3 bedroom, semi SQUARE FOOT RE or 570-371-9770

ences & security. included, no pets. modern kitchen and

Affordable 621 Gibson Avenue 909 Income &

570-793-9072 $560 + 1 month
security. Call
bath, w/w carpet,
washer/dryer 866-873-0478

Newly built 3 BY OWNER. 570-655-3314 hookup, basement,
Need to rent that
bedroom home. Brick Cape Cod on
175 Oak St Properties yard, gas heat.
Vacation property?
a quiet street. 3 Suite for lease in No Pets.
bedroom, family 3 bedroom single $525/month Place an ad and
modern building in
room, 2 bath, living
room with fireplace,
family, 1.5 baths,
fenced yard, 3
season porch, 1st 5U
1 bedroom
apartment. $375/
Avoca. Designed
for 2 physicans.
+ utilities, security
& lease
get started!
570-829-7130 1000
mortgage. two car garage with NIT ULTI AMILY
month + utilities & 2,800 sq ft, 6 exam Call 570-256-3461
2 Buildings. 2nd floor, newly SERVICE
Must meet loads of storage, floor laundry, off
4 Car garage. renovated, 2 bed- 1 month security. rooms, large recep-
Wyoming Valley partially finished street parking,
Habitat for basement. corner lot, easy Prime location with rooms, carpet, nice 139 Sambourne tion area, break-
room/kitchen, file 1 bedroom, DIRECTORY
over 6,000 sf. yard, easy parking. Street. Section 8
$185,900 access to major screened porch,
Humanity okay. No pets. room, 2 restrooms,
Call (570) 333-5212 highways. 3 New furnaces in Small Pets okay. 953 Houses for Rent washer/dryer hook-
eligibility No Brokers Please. $99,000 last 2 years. Heat/Water includ- 570-460-6173 lab area, 2 private
up. $450/month.
1129 Gutter
offices. Excellent Repair & Cleaning
requirements. MLS# 11-1974
Call Patti
New roof in ‘08.
Separate utilities.
ed. $650/month.
Credit check & ref- Line up a place to live condition. Close to
I-81. 50+ parking
ASHLEY Garbage & sewer
paid. Call
Inquire at
Liberty Realty
Close to churches,
parks & town.
Fully rented -
erences required.
Cell (917) 753-8192 in classified! spots available.
“The Patch”
3 bedrooms, 2 1/2
baths. Large private
ask for Ron GUTTER 2 GO, INC.
PA#067136- Fully
& Appraisal
Services LLC
gross income
over $25,000!! KINGSTON
72 E. W alnut St.
yard. Off street
parking, quiet neigh- WILKES-BARRE Licensed & Insured.
We install custom
$169,000 OBO borhood, no pets. seamless rain
944 Commercial 944 Commercial SCRANTON 570-563-1261 2nd floor, located in
quiet neighborhood.
Washer / dryer MONARCH RENTALS gutters & leaf
Properties Properties
912 Lots & Acreage
Kitchen, living
room, dining room,
month + utilities &
/ 3 bedrooms,
all appliances
protection systems.
9 E. Chestnut St. references. Avail- OUR 10% OFF WHOLE
sun room, bath- 1 bedroom, wall provided.
able Immediately. HOUSE DISCOUNT!
ABSOLUTE NY room. 2 large and 1
small bedrooms,
/wall carpet, fresh
paint. Eat-in kitchen,
Call 570-822-7039

WILKES-BARRE FARMLAND SALE! lots of closets, built

in linen, built in
stove & fridge NANTICOKE 551 Other 551 Other 551 Other
PROVINCIAL TOWER - S. MAIN June 4th! hutch, hardwood
included. Front
porch & shared OFFICE
5 to 14 acre parcels FOR LEASE
Great Commercial Store Front, 103 Arnold Avenue - opening price
and carpeted
floors, fireplace,
backyard. Heat &
hot water included.
& Inside Suites Available
AFFORDABLE PRICE $24,900! Less than storage room, yard, Tenant pays electric GREAT LOCATION
Earn Extra Cash
Steps from New Intermodal Hub Cape Cod with 1st 3 hrs NY City! No w/d hookup and & cooking gas. 414 Front Street
& Public Parking floor master bed- closing costs! Prime new stove. Heat $500/month + available immedi-
buildable acreage! and hot water incl. security. Call
Starting at $650 room, 3 season
porch, attached Call 888-481-1373 Available May 1. 1 (570)814-1356
ately, 1800 square
feet, Move in con-

For Just A Few

utilities included garage. MLS# NOW for free info! yr. lease + security dition. New car-
FREE RENT - Call For Details Today!
Reduced $81,900
570-406-1411 WILKES-BARRE
peting. Reception
area, conference
call Nancy room, kitchen, and
Hours A Day.
New Section in
570-829-1573 570-237-0752
Highland Hills,
1ST FLOOR, 1 bed-
room apartment, off
3 offices, Located
Charles Place on main street in
street parking.
Open! Hanover Section,
Water & re-cycling
Four 1+ acre lots off-street parking,
included. Call Tom

available. Call Luxury 2nd floor forced air furnace,
at 570-760-2785
971 Vacation & 971 Vacation & 570-498-9244 apartment. 3 bed- central air, or

rooms, 2 baths. $950/per month
Resort Properties Resort Properties Large living, dining Call 570-760-3551
NY FARM room, den, eat-in
kitchen, enclosed SECURE BUILDINGS
to set an

BLACK LAKE, NY LIQUIDATION SALE! porch all on 1 floor. 1 & 2 bedroom

Built in bookcases,
modern appliances,
Laundry facility. Off PITTSTON
Lender Owned
Land/Farm Build-
washer, dryer,
microwave includ-
street parking avail-
able. Starting at COOPERS CO-OP
NEED A VACATION? ings - $69,900!
Less than 3 hrs NY
ed. Central air. Call
$440. 570-332-5723 Lease Space
(No Collections)
Come relax and enjoy
City. Gorgeous set-
ting, views,

Available routes:
great fishing & tranquility stonewalls! FREE West River St. warehouse,
CLOSING COSTS! Large 2, 3, & 4 office, includes
at it’s finest. bedroom apart-
888-793-7762 all utilities with
Housekeeping cottages Immaculate 2 story, for free info packet! ments. Heat & hot
on the water with all the
amenities of home.
stone & vinyl. Large
lot on cul-de-sac.
water included. Bal-
cony. Off street
free parking.
I will save West Pittston
you money!
(315) 375-8962
3 bedrooms, 2 1/2
baths. Detached
915 Manufactured
Bring Rover or Kitty
& move right into
parking. Washer
dyer hookup. Pets
OK. $855 - $950.
$760 Monthly Profit + Tips oversized 2 car
garage with loft. Homes your choice of a 1
or 2 bedroom apt.
Call 570-237-0124 183 daily papers / 186 Sunday papers
Tile, hardwood,
Exeter Ave., Ann St., Clear Spring Ct.
granite, central air.
laundry/pantry & ASHLEY PARK
Laurel Run & San
Off street parking,
coin laundry, great
location. $450-
West River Street
Ledgeview Dr., Susquehanna Ave., York Ave.
large family room PLAINS TWP
941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ with built in bar & Souci Parks, Like $600/mo + security, Several 1 bedroom
Unfurnished Unfurnished fireplace on 1st
floor. $276,900.
new, several to
choose from,
Financing &Warranty,
heat & electric.
Call 570-262-1577
flooring & appli-
OFF RTE. 315
1200 & 700 SF
570-406-2462 Find Something? ances included. Office Available. $850 Monthly Profit + Tips
Call (570)250-2890
Lose Something?
Get it back where it
Heat, water, sewer
& trash also includ-
570-760-1513 212 daily papers / 252 Sunday papers
Immediate Occupancy!! belongs ed. Walking dis-

315 PLAZA First Ave., Second Ave., Third Ave., N. Dawes Ave.,
new apartment? with a Lost/Found ad! tance to Wilkes Uni-
Classified lets 570-829-7130
versity. Pet Friendly.
Available June 1. 1750 & 3200 SF
Pierce St., Reynolds Ave., Winola Ave.
Starting at $600.
61 E. Northampton St. without hassle Retail / Office

Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 or worry! E.Light,

WALNUT ST. 570-969-9268 Space Available
570-829-1206 Wilkes-Barre North
Get moving bright, 1st 944 Commercial
• Affordable Senior Apartments
• Income Eligibility Required with classified! floor, 2 bedrooms,
elevator, carpet- Properties $800 Monthly Profit + Tips
• Utilities Included! • Low cable rates;
WEST PITTSTON ed, Security
system. Garage.
185 daily papers / 209 Sunday papers
• New appliances; laundry on site; Extra storage & Coal St., Custer St., N. Empire St., N. Grant St.,
• Activities! cable TV included. Logan St., New Market St.
• Curb side Public Transportation 941 Apartments/ Laundry facilities.
Unfurnished Heat & hot water
Please call 570-825-8594 furnished. Fine Center City WB WILKES-BARRE/
neighborhood. PLAINS TWP
TDD/TTY 800-654-5984 Convenient to bus LAIRD STREET
& stores. No
pets. References.
Are you paying
too much for your
interstate access.
$720 Monthly Profit + Tips
NEWPORT TWP. 210 Susquehanna
Security. Lease. current office, but Lease 132,500 s.,f., 168 daily papers / 187 Sunday papers
ASHLEY No smokers dread the incon- 12 loading docks, 30
PRIME APARTMENTS STILL AVAILABLE! Avenue please. $840. venience of mov- ft ceilings, sprinkler, Bigelow St., Dennison St., Hughes St., Lackawanna Ave.
Well cared for 3 570-287-0900 acres of parking.
ST. STANISLAUS APARTMENTS bedroom, 1.5 bath,
Brand new, clean 2 ing? We can help!

bedrooms. Washer/ We not only offer Offices available.
modern kitchen, KINGSTON call 570-655-9732
141 Old Newport Rd., Newport Twp. sunroom, 1st floor
dryer hook-up. No less expensive
laundry. Updated
Pets. $550 + utili-
ties. 570-868-6020 EATON TERRACE rent, but we will
also help you 950 Half Doubles $840 Monthly Profit + Tips
Affordable, Accessible 1, 2 & 3 electric, replace- 317 N. Maple Ave. move to our mod-
Bedroom Apartments ment windows, gas
heat, off street AVOCA Large Two story,
2 bedroom, 1.5
ern office space in
the Luzerne Bank JENKINS 189 daily papers / 211 Sunday papers
Income Eligibility* Required. parking. Beautifully
landscaped proper-
3 rooms, wall to wall
bath, Central Heat Building on Public 3 bedroom 1/2 dou- Main St., Chestnut St., Oliver St., Bennett St.,
carpeting, appli- Square. Rents
Rents: $455-$656 plus electric ty with pond and ances, coin-op laun- & Air,washer/dryer
include heat, cen-
ble, gas heat, wash-
er & dryer included,
Charles St., Kelly St.
(*Maximum Incomes vary according to household size) fish, storage shed, dry, off street park- in unit, parking.
tral air, utilities, off-street parking,
river view, no flood ing, security. No $830 + utilities & trash removal,
• High Efficiency Heat/Air Conditioning $700/per month,

• Newer Appliances • Laundry Rooms

insurance required.
For additional info
pets. $410/month
(570) 655-1606
1 month security
and nightly clean-
ing - all without a
plus security. Call To find a route near you and start
and photos view (570) 299-7103
earning extra cash, call Rosemary at

sneaky CAM
• Community Room • Private Parking our site at
EXETER KINGSTON charge. Access
• Rent Includes Water, Sewer & Refuse
For more info or to apply, please call:
MLS 11-1641
Rutter Ave.
1 bedroom 1st
floor, large living
parking at the the
intermodal garage
via our covered
3 bedroom, 1 bath
half double, Freshly
2 bedrooms, central bridge. 300SF to cleaned & painted.
570-733-2010 Call Lu-Ann
air, gas heat, off
room, neutral 5000SF available.
570-602-9280 decor. Gas heat, We can remodel Tenant pays all utili-
TDD: 800-654-5984 street parking. $625 water included. Off to suit. Brokers ties including sewer.
/per month, plus
Great, Convenient security deposit.
street parking. No protected. Call $550 plus security.
Location! pets. $420 plus Jeff Pyros at Call (570) 332-5723
570-299-7103 security & lease.

Apply Today! 570-793-6294

The Dispatch
1129 Gutter
Repair & Cleaning

& Refinishing
1-800-273-7130 for Local Pros
Hardwood floors.
We install laminate
flooring too!

1135 Hauling &

A.S.A.P Hauling
Attics, Cellars,
Garages, Fire &
Flood Damage.
Free Estimates,
Same Day
General Contractor
SINCE 1976
& Central PA

Ceramic Tile Work - Kitchens

- Bathrooms - Garages
A GREAT DEAL... - Replacement Windows
IN CLASSIFIED! - New Homes - Additions - Doors -


Looking for the right deal Complete Remodeling & La
on an automobile?
Turn to classified. FREE Estimates - Insured wn Ser vices, Inc.
457-8145 or 655-0777
It’s a showroom in print!
Classified’s got Shrub Trimming • Grass Cutting • Mulching
the directions! Quality Works at Affordable Prices • Insured • Senior Discount
1165 Lawn Care PA008322 • Spring Cleanup
Robert Smith-Owner
• Flat Roofs • Shingles • Siding • Replacement Windows
AFFORDABLE FENCING 570-602-LAWN • 570-602-5296 Free Estimates - Licensed & Insured
Complete Lawn
Care Service Northeast Custom Fence ROBERT SMITH, WEST PITTSTON HIC#
Mike 570-357-8074 20 Years Experience LAWN CARE 655-6710 PA-005521
Bill 570-855-2474
Leave Message
1198 Mower Lawns cut, shrubs pruned, small
Maintenance We also do Black Top Seal Coating! TRAVEL
landscaping projects & odd jobs.
Lawn Mower &
Equipment Repair 570-654-1557
Fast and Affordable HOME IMPROVEMENT
repairs of all types
and brands of
equipment. Pickup Overnight Junket to
Exterior Home Improvements By
& Delivery Available.
PAINTING Atlantic City’s
Call 570-730-5147
Pittston, PA NORTHEAST Trump Marina!

Tuesday, June 7 & 8
1204 Painting & PAINTING Complementary room, transportation
& baggage handling. Food, Beverages
Wallpaper Locally Owned & Operated Since 1987 ALUMINUM SIDING & Snacks served on bus.

A.B.C. Professional • Windows • Storm Doors Also Painting $25 per person.
Al Lispi: 570-814-3137
• Siding • Vinyl Railings Eaves Around
36 Yrs Experience or 570-823-9578
• Enclosures Brick
We Specialize In
New Construction
• Roofing Includes Free Gutter
Residential • Fiberglass Doors • And More & Down Spout Cleaning
All Insurance
• Insured
• References
Spray,Brush, Rolls Available
Cabinet Refinish-
ing 654-8432
Power Washing
Deck Specialist
Handy Man
Larry Neer



Our online system will let you place

Announcements, Automotive Listings,
Merchandise, Pets & Animals, Real
Estate and Garage Sales.

Customize the way your ad looks

and then find it in the next day’s
edition of The Times Leader, in our
weekly newspapers and online at
*Your ad will appear in the next day’s paper if placed online before 4 p.m. Mon.
through Thurs. Place on Friday before 1 p.m. for Saturday’s paper and before 4 p.m.
for Sunday’s paper.


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