12 NM Old Set-01

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Session: 2021-22
Mathematics (Code-041)
Term - 2
Time Allowed: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains three sections – A, B and C. Each part is compulsory.
2. Section - A has 6 short answer type (SA1) questions of 2 marks each.
3. Section – B has 4 short answer type (SA2) questions of 3 marks each.
4. Section - C has 4 long answer type questions (LA) of 4 marks each.
5. There is an internal choice in some of the questions.
6. Q14 is a case-based problem having 2 sub parts of 2 marks each.


1. Find ∫ dx
1+tan x
9 x
10 x +10 log e 10
∫ x 10 + 10x

2. Form the differential equation representing the family of curves y = a sin (x + b), where a, b are
arbitrary constants.
^ ^j−5 k^ and
3. Find the unit vector in the direction of the sum of the vectors, a⃗ =2 i+2

b=2 ^ ^j+ 3 k^ .
^ ^j−4 k^ +α ( i+2
4. Find the angle between the pair of lines given by r⃗ =3 i+2 ^ ^j+2 k^ ) and
r⃗ =5 i^ −2 ^j+ β( 3 i^ +2 ^j +6 k^ ).
5. If a line makes angle 90°, 60° and 30° with the positive direction of x, y and z-axis respectively,
find its direction cosines.
6. Find the shortest distance between the lines l1 and l2 whose vector equations are
r⃗ =i+ ^ ^j+ k^ ) and r⃗ =2 i^ + ^j−k^ + μ(3 i−5
^ ^j+ λ(2 i− ^ ^ .
^j+ 2 k)
7. ∫ ( x ¿¿ 2+1)( 2
x + 4) dx

8. In a bank, principal increases continuously at the rate of 5% per year. In how many years Rs 1000
double itself?
Find the equation of a curve passing through the point (0, –2) given that at any point (x, y) on the
curve, the product of the slope of its tangent and y coordinate of the point is equal to the x
coordinate of the point.
9. Prove that For any two vectors a⃗ and b⃗ , we always have |⃗a + ⃗b|≤|⃗a|+|⃗b|
a + ⃗b) and (⃗a −b)
Find a unit vector perpendicular to each of the vectors (⃗ ⃗ , where
^ ^j+ k^ , b=
a⃗ =i+ ⃗ i+
^ 2 ^j+ 3 k^
10. Find the vector and the Cartesian equations of the line through the point (5, 2, – 4) and which is
^ 2 ^j−8 k^.
parallel to the vector 3 i+
11. Evaluate
∫ logsin x dx
^ c^ satisfy the condition a^ + b+
12. Three vectors a^ , b∧ ^ c^ =0. evaluate the quantity
^ b^ . c^ + c^ . a^ , if |a^|=3 ,|b^|=4∧|c^ |=2.
μ= a^. b+
13. Using the method of integration find the area of the triangle ABC, coordinates of whose vertices
are A(2, 0), B (4, 5) and C (6, 3).
Find the area of the region bounded by the line y = 3x + 2, the x-axis and the ordinates x = –1 and
x = 1.
A cricket match is organized between two Clubs A and B for which a team from each club is
chosen. Remaining players of Club A and Club B are respectively sitting on the plane represented
^ ^j + k^ ) =3 and r⃗ . ( i+
by the equation r⃗ . ( 2 i− ^ 3 ^j+ 2 k^ )=8, to cheer the team of their own clubs.

14. Based on the above answer the following:

(i) Find the Cartesian equation of the plane on which players of Club A are seated.
(ii) Find the intercept form of the equation of the plane on which players of Club B are seated is

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