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BALANCE SHEET (All amounts in Indian Rupees millions, except share data and where othe

Particulars As on 31 March 2020

Non Current Assets

(a) Property, plant and equipment 37,698

(b) Capital work-in-progress 3,841
(c) Goodwill 323
(d) Other intangible assets 6,318
(e) Intangible assets under development 277
(f) Financial assets:

(i) Other investments 33,671

(ii) Trade receivables 1,737
(iii) Loans 12
(iv) Other financial assets 474
(g) Deferred tax assets (net) 6,129
(h) Tax assets (net) 3,073
(i) Other non-current assets 138
Total Non Current Assets 93,691
Current Assets:

(a ) Inventories 21,904
(b) Financial assets:

(i) Investments 21,184

(ii) Trade receivables 46,387
(iii) Derivative instruments 783
(iv) Cash and cash equivalents 392
(v) Other financial assets 1,888
(c) Other current assets 8,529
Tota Current Assets 101,067
Total Assets 194758.00

(a) Equity share capital 831
(b) Other Equity 151,088
Total Equity 151,919

Financial Liabilities
(a) Non Current Liabilities:

(i) Borrowings 193

(b) Provisions 545
(c) Deferred tax liabilities (net) NA
(d) Other non-current liabilities 296
Total Non Current Liabilities 1,034

Current Liabilities:
(a) Financial liabilities:

(i) Borrowings 10,436

(a) Total outstanding dues of micro and small enterprises 55
(b) Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro and small e 10,629
(c) Derivative instruments 1,524
(d)Trade payables

(b) Other financial liabilities 13,928

(c) Provisions 2,073
(d) Other current liabilities 3,160
Total Current Liabilities 41,805
Total Liabilities and Equity 194,758
hare data and where otherwise stated)

As on 31 March 2019 As on 31 March 2018 As on 31 March 2017

39504.00 39790.00 40433.00

4001.00 6750.00 5400.00
323.00 323.00 323.00
7000.00 7060.00 7665.00

18,191 19,537 18028.00

113 169.00 206.00
332 1,991 1932.00
447 437 462.00
931 821.00
3,106 3,518 2892.00
126.00 112 372.00
73143.00 80618.00 78534.00

20,156 18,568 18097.00

21,144 16,828 12991.00

37,177 42,038 44054.00
335 17 0.00
1,132 1,207 668.00
692 509 1057.00
8,696 11,218 9071.00
89332.00 90385.00 67841.00
162475.00 171003.00 146375.00
830 830 829.00
126,011 117,248 115177.00
126841.00 118078.00 116006.00

3,454 4,880 4852.00

547 533 623.00
555 0.00
285 313 411.00
4841.00 5726.00 5886.00

5,463 21,008 18699.00

77 93
10,239 10,517
45 85
10,160 11,386 11556.00
1,847 1,734 2084.00
2,962 2,376 2454.00
30793.00 47199.00 42580.00
162475.00 171003.00 164472.00
As on 31 March 2017







Non Current Assets
(a) Property, plant and equipment
Right of use assets
(b) Capital work-in-progress
(c) Investment properties
(d) intangible assets
(e) Intangible assets under development
(f) Financial assets:
(i) investments
(iii) Loans
(iv) Other financial assets
(h) Tax assets (net)
(i) Other non-current assets
Total Non Current Assets
Current Assets:
(a ) Inventories
(b) Financial assets:
(i) Investments
(ii) Trade receivables
(iv) Cash and cash equivalents
(v) Bank balance without Cash and cash equivalents
(vi) Loans
(v) Other financial assets
(c) Other current assets
Tota Current Assets
Total Assets
(a) Equity share capital
(b) Other Equity
Total Equity
Financial Liabilities
(a) Non Current Liabilities:
(b) Provisions
(c) Deferred tax liabilities (net)
(d) Other non-current liabilities
Total Non Current Liabilities

Current Liabilities:
(a) Financial liabilities:
(i) Borrowings
(a) Total outstanding dues of micro and small enterprises
(b) Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro and small enterprises
(b) Other financial liabilities
(c) Provisions
(d) Other current liabilities
Income tax liabilities
Total Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Total Liabilities and Equity
As on 31
As on 31 March 2020
As on 31 As on 31 March March
March 2019 2018 2017 As on 31 March 2016

3,686 3992.00 4,158.37 4,095.16 3,702.28

132 0.00
255 241.00 435.28 540.52 512.81
126 61.00 0.32 0.32 0.33
205 135.00 161.66 140.10 123.83
64 56.00 27.32 15.25 37.91

6,355 3,803 3,597.24 3,647.71 3,716.26

41.89 207.91 233.13 215.75 219.37
7.01 4.77 40.86 57.08 40.04
354 272 283.42 192.24 172.03
149.93 164.78 172.40 298.21 246.82
11,376 8,938 9,156.80 9,261.88 8,771.68

3,021 2,869 3,037.98 2,653.50 2,918.47

834 2,011.00 1,039.74 638.18 539.52

3,560 3,168.73 2,336.32 1,938.79 1,896.41
261.54 64.47 217.45 44.60 39.76
261.53 110.09 10.08 13.86 13.25
4.49 5.04 17.74 9.53 10.92
382 379.63 470.71 206.87 25.73
699 868.70 808.15 840.01 1,023.31
9,024 9476.27 7,938.17 6,345.34 6,467.37
20400.21 18414.18 17,094.97 15,607.22 15,239.05

161.25 161.14 161.02 160.90 160.68

17,242 15,621 13,952.50 12,639.61 11,825.20
17,403 15781.91 14,113.52 12,800.51 11,985.88

104.59 53.36 50.11 0.07 0.13

105.14 108.12 124.45 125.61 132.00
112.97 42.84 - - 35.85
60.71 64.5 75.19 80.14 88.60
383 269 249.75 250.88 298.70

6 0 174.43 324.26 1,131.68

77.46 28.01 18.38 1,298.21 990.84
1,535 1,453 1,561.64
314 223 273.07 455.60 484.02
542 429 398.18 247.93 249.22
141 184 306.00 229.83 98.71
5 52 -
2,619 2368.08 2,731.70 2,555.83 2,954.47
3,003 2,637 2,981.45 2,806.71 3,253.17
20,405.66 18,418.81 17,094.97 15,607.22 15,239.05
STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS (All amounts in Indian Rupees millions, except

Service income and License fees
Other operating income
Total revenue from operations
Other income
Total income

Cost of materials consumed
Purchase of stock-in-trade
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade
Conversion Charges
Employee benefits expense
Depreciation and amortisation expense
Finance costs
Selling and other expenses
Total expenses

Profit before tax

Tax expense
Current tax
Deferred tax
Profit for the year

Other comprehensive income (OCI)

Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Income tax on items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

Income tax on items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Total other comprehensive income/(loss) for the year, net of tax

Total comprehensive income for the year

Earnings per share:

Basic earnings per share of ` 5/- each
Diluted earnings per share of ` 5/- each
SS (All amounts in Indian Rupees millions, except share data and where otherwise stated)

As on 31 March 2020 As on 31 March 2019 As on 31 March 2018

109,925 104,667 92,468

8,105 1,062 558
474 526 567
118,504 106,255 93,593
7,432 2,384 2,040
125,936 108,639 95,633

25,565 21,032 20,110

11,172 8,686 6,716
-999 660 (516)
0 0 0
20,302 19,319 18,430
7,892 7,806 7,741
478 568 628
33,768 33,561 35,554
98,178 91,632 88,663

27,758 17,007 6,970

4,839 2,818 1,381

(6458) 1,416 (80)
29,377 12,773 5,669

88 (1) 43
(33) 3 (16)
(750) 209 (133)
259 (73) 46
(491) 136
(436) 138 (60)

28,941 12,911 5,609

177.23 76.98 34.19

176.88 76.85 34.12
As on 31 March 2017
As on 31 March 2016

95868 100060
413 2288
917 571
97198 102919
5912 3249
103110 106168

18176 20727
6715 6104
19 -288
870 942
18033 16934
7351 6495
572 641
35929 37874
87665 89402

15445 16766

1826 4182
-222 -1159
13841 13743

-31 -191
15 63
-16 -128
475 -184
-51 23
424 -161
408 -289

14249 13454

83.05 80.59
82.88 80.34
Particulars As on 31 March 2020
Sales 109,925
Service income and License fees 8,105
Other operating income 474
Total revenue from operations 118,504
Other income 7,432
Total income 125,936

Cost of materials consumed 25,565
Purchase of stock-in-trade 11,172
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-p -999
Conversion Charges 0
Employee benefits expense 20,302
Depreciation and amortisation expense 7,892
Finance costs 478
Selling and other expenses 33,768
Total expenses 98,178

Profit before tax 27,758

Tax expense
Current tax 4,839
Deferred tax (6458)
Profit for the year 29,377

Other comprehensive income (OCI)

Items that will not be reclassified subsequently 88
Income tax on items that will not be reclassified (33)
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to p (750)
Income tax on items that will be reclassified sub 259

Total other comprehensive income/(loss) for the (436)

Total comprehensive income for the year 28,941

Earnings per share:

Basic earnings per share of ` 5/- each 177.23
Diluted earnings per share of ` 5/- each 176.88
As on 31 March 2019








As on 31 March 2018 As on 31 March 2017
As on 31 March 2016

92,468 95868 100060

558 413 2288
567 917 571
93,593 97198 102919
2,040 5912 3249
95,633 103110 106168

20,110 18176 20727

6,716 6715 6104
(516) 19 -288
0 870 942
18,430 18033 16934
7,741 7351 6495
628 572 641
35,554 35929 37874
88,663 87665 89402

6,970 15445 16766

1,381 1826 4182

(80) -222 -1159
5,669 13841 13743

43 -31 -191
(16) 15 63
-16 -128
(133) 475 -184
46 -51 23
424 -161

(60) 408 -289

5,609 14249 13454

34.19 83.05 80.59

34.12 82.88 80.34
Date Open High Low Close
4/1/2015 3541 3807.8 3276.5 3310.25
5/1/2015 3310.25 3692.65 3250.05 3535.25
6/1/2015 3528 3572 3266.55 3559.45
7/1/2015 3548 4093.5 3535.4 4076.1
8/1/2015 4090.1 4337.95 3932 4302.65
9/1/2015 4304.85 4309.45 3851.65 4162.35
10/1/2015 4213.75 4386.6 4080.1 4279.9
11/1/2015 4253 4379.2 3047.05 3110
12/1/2015 3132 3265 2951 3108.6
1/1/2016 3118.8 3123 2750.05 3105.4
2/1/2016 3085 3154.4 2813.05 3036.25
3/1/2016 3040 3283 2887.15 3035.2
4/1/2016 3020.2 3168.9 2965.15 3088.7
5/1/2016 3080.95 3198.7 2822 3183.1
6/1/2016 3190 3393.1 2999.8 3381.7
7/1/2016 3430 3689.85 2925.1 2935.35
8/1/2016 2953 3130.15 2930 3089.85
9/1/2016 3070.05 3227.7 3058.3 3107.4
10/1/2016 3114.6 3399.9 3012 3363.45
11/1/2016 3328 3361.75 2960.05 3196.9
12/1/2016 3205 3247.25 2979.1 3060.4
1/1/2017 3066 3203.85 2904 3018.8
2/1/2017 3021.1 3177 2798.95 2849.95
3/1/2017 2855 2948.8 2555.2 2632.35
4/1/2017 2644.8 2770 2583.55 2599.15
5/1/2017 2599.15 2760 2380.35 2523.85
6/1/2017 2540 2720.95 2513.9 2690.1
7/1/2017 2700 2787 2375 2383.2
8/1/2017 2379 2458 1901.15 2020.9
9/1/2017 2115 2526.75 2066.15 2328.75
10/1/2017 2328.75 2504 2315 2428.15
11/1/2017 2412 2494 2260.15 2284.05
12/1/2017 2280 2448.4 2171 2414.2
1/1/2018 2410 2615 2203.55 2225.35
2/1/2018 2225 2266.95 2005.55 2237.25
3/1/2018 2200.05 2239.9 2050.3 2080.55
4/1/2018 2080 2180 2054.3 2109.85
5/1/2018 2109.85 2145 1887 1936.6
6/1/2018 1940 2429.6 1932.35 2235.05
7/1/2018 2230 2387.65 2020 2127.8
8/1/2018 2130 2520 2130 2492
9/1/2018 2510 2670.8 2441.1 2530.65
10/1/2018 2531 2610 2332 2542.45
11/1/2018 2560 2734.55 2389 2722.2
12/1/2018 2738.6 2749.95 2534.1 2616.5
1/1/2019 2618.1 2728.55 2537.3 2720.8
2/1/2019 2717.7 2878 1872.95 2631.65
3/1/2019 2638 2814 2580.05 2780.25
4/1/2019 2798.95 2953.5 2736.9 2933.75
5/1/2019 2933.75 2964 2542.55 2678.35
6/1/2019 2679.8 2798.45 2400 2550.45
7/1/2019 2567.1 2726.8 2533 2574.6
8/1/2019 2573 2599.5 2351.2 2557.5
9/1/2019 2557.5 2862 2522.8 2702.25
10/1/2019 2690 2849.95 2576.25 2783.2
11/1/2019 2784 2991.95 2712.3 2913.85
12/1/2019 2918 2949 2773 2874.55
1/1/2020 2880 3249.95 2852.05 3114.5
2/1/2020 3114.5 3364.95 2905.25 3255.3
3/1/2020 2961 3231.95 2495.05 3120.75
4/1/2020 3119.95 4094.3 3025.1 3936.3
5/1/2020 3850 4132.2 3613.85 4071.25
6/1/2020 4077.6 4190 3886 3944.95
7/1/2020 3965.2 4560 3814 4521.05
8/1/2020 4521.05 4758.6 4216.65 4264.7
9/1/2020 4271.1 5512.65 4232 5187.8
10/1/2020 5225 5322.8 4831 4888.65
11/1/2020 4896 4964.8 4820.8 4935.6
Date Open High Low Close
4/1/2015 714 746.1 618.75 636
5/1/2015 636 695.95 620.4 650.45
6/1/2015 645.5 672.75 571.25 615.4
7/1/2015 619 724 616.75 709.05
8/1/2015 713.8 745 605.7 682.15
9/1/2015 682 688.4 623.5 636.05
### 642.9 704.9 631.45 690.45
### 688.95 688.95 613.15 643.65
### 645.5 661.4 620 649.75
1/1/2016 653.2 658.45 572.3 585.1
2/1/2016 591.9 606.05 505 514.15
3/1/2016 515 549.7 494.55 511.95
4/1/2016 513.8 544.3 497 537
5/1/2016 536.95 547 457.45 472.65
6/1/2016 474.7 506.8 459 501
7/1/2016 502 535.5 499.85 527.4
8/1/2016 528.8 587.5 510.2 572.95
9/1/2016 575 617.8 562.25 580.05
### 584.7 603.85 566.5 575.15
### 579.45 579.45 486.55 566.6
### 567 589.15 548.1 568.8
1/1/2017 569.75 593.4 562 575.35
2/1/2017 573 621.25 566.3 583.7
3/1/2017 585.7 605.9 582.2 592.95
4/1/2017 595.3 603.9 545.4 557.45
5/1/2017 557.45 572.45 480.2 516.35
6/1/2017 519.7 558.9 513.05 555.6
7/1/2017 559 579.4 536.05 560.1
8/1/2017 560.1 594 525.45 571.9
9/1/2017 573 600 543.35 586.1
### 586.1 635.9 575.5 627.6
### 628.25 663.4 590 600.9
### 604.5 623.75 571.65 608.5
1/1/2018 608 631 590 592.15
2/1/2018 591.9 635 554.2 589.65
3/1/2018 593.9 593.9 522.9 545.45
4/1/2018 548 609 545.9 607.4
5/1/2018 607.4 621.9 507.2 524.8
6/1/2018 526.95 622.75 517.15 616.65
7/1/2018 620 648 602.15 641.35
8/1/2018 641 677.5 614.5 662.15
9/1/2018 665.5 678.45 637.2 654.05
### 653.05 663.95 598.65 629.25
### 630 631.95 511.75 540.85
### 542 549 503 519.5
1/1/2019 520 524 483.75 517.3
2/1/2019 517.65 558.3 501.2 554.55
3/1/2019 555 555.3 516.2 528.9
4/1/2019 516.3 575.95 516.3 565
5/1/2019 565 586 529.6 558.85
6/1/2019 559 575 528.65 553.45
7/1/2019 555.7 566.5 506 521.1
8/1/2019 516.15 527 449.2 472.45
9/1/2019 472.45 482.5 418 425.5
### 426.9 478.95 389.55 466.85
### 467.3 492.3 435.4 466.7
### 469.6 487 444.6 478.2
1/1/2020 481 487.45 442.1 446.9
2/1/2020 446.5 464.35 398.05 402.1
3/1/2020 407 472 355.3 422.85
4/1/2020 424.9 632.65 410.4 589.6
5/1/2020 589 650.95 565.6 648.15
6/1/2020 649 692.5 616.3 640.25
7/1/2020 642.6 724 621.05 720.15
8/1/2020 724 814.5 701 713.55
9/1/2020 713.55 819.3 704.4 774.7
### 779.8 829.05 742.3 754.5
### 757.5 783.8 744.4 781.15
Open High Low Close
4/1/2015 8483.7 8841.65 8144.75 8181.5
5/1/2015 8230.05 8489.55 7997.15 8433.65
6/1/2015 8417.25 8467.15 7940.3 8368.5
7/1/2015 8376.25 8654.75 8315.4 8532.85
8/1/2015 8510.65 8621.55 7667.25 7948.95
9/1/2015 7907.95 8055 7539.5 7948.9
### 7992.05 8336.3 7930.65 8065.8
### 8054.55 8116.1 7714.15 7935.25
### 7958.15 7979.3 7551.05 7946.35
1/1/2016 7924.55 7937.55 7241.5 7563.55
2/1/2016 7589.5 7600.45 6825.8 6987.05
3/1/2016 7038.25 7777.6 7035.1 7738.4
4/1/2016 7718.05 7992 7516.85 7849.8
5/1/2016 7822.7 8213.6 7678.35 8160.1
6/1/2016 8179.2 8308.15 7927.05 8287.75
7/1/2016 8313.05 8674.7 8287.55 8638.5
8/1/2016 8654.3 8819.2 8518.15 8786.2
9/1/2016 8793.6 8968.7 8555.2 8611.15
### 8666.15 8806.95 8506.15 8638
### 8653.15 8669.6 7916.4 8224.5
### 8244 8274.95 7893.8 8185.8
1/1/2017 8210.1 8672.7 8133.8 8561.3
2/1/2017 8570.35 8982.15 8537.5 8879.6
3/1/2017 8904.4 9218.4 8860.1 9173.75
4/1/2017 9220.6 9367.15 9075.15 9304.05
5/1/2017 9339.85 9649.6 9269.9 9621.25
6/1/2017 9603.55 9709.3 9448.75 9520.9
7/1/2017 9587.95 10114.85 9543.55 10077.1
8/1/2017 10101.05 10137.85 9685.55 9917.9
9/1/2017 9937.65 10178.95 9687.55 9788.6
### 9893.3 10384.5 9831.05 10335.3
### 10390.35 10490.45 10094 10226.55
### 10263.7 10552.4 10033.35 10530.7
1/1/2018 10477.55 11171.55 10404.65 11027.7
2/1/2018 11044.55 11117.35 10276.3 10492.85
3/1/2018 10479.95 10525.5 9951.9 10113.7
4/1/2018 10151.65 10759 10111.3 10739.35
5/1/2018 10783.85 10929.2 10417.8 10736.15
6/1/2018 10738.45 10893.25 10550.9 10714.3
7/1/2018 10732.35 11366 10604.65 11356.5
8/1/2018 11359.8 11760.2 11234.95 11680.5
9/1/2018 11751.8 11751.8 10850.3 10930.45
### 10930.9 11035.65 10004.55 10386.6
### 10441.7 10922.45 10341.9 10876.75
### 10930.7 10985.15 10333.85 10862.55
1/1/2019 10868.85 10987.45 10583.65 10830.95
2/1/2019 10851.35 11118.1 10585.65 10792.5
3/1/2019 10842.65 11630.35 10817 11623.9
4/1/2019 11665.2 11856.15 11549.1 11748.15
5/1/2019 11725.55 12041.15 11108.3 11922.8
6/1/2019 11953.75 12103.05 11625.1 11788.85
7/1/2019 11839.9 11981.75 10999.4 11118
8/1/2019 11060.2 11181.45 10637.15 11023.25
9/1/2019 10960.95 11694.85 10670.25 11474.45
### 11515.4 11945 11090.15 11877.45
### 11886.6 12158.8 11802.65 12056.05
### 12137.05 12293.9 11832.3 12168.45
1/1/2020 12202.15 12430.5 11929.6 12169.85
2/1/2020 11627.45 12246.7 11175.05 11201.75
3/1/2020 11387.35 11433 7511.1 8597.75
4/1/2020 8584.1 9889.05 8055.8 9859.9
5/1/2020 9533.5 9598.85 8806.75 9580.3
6/1/2020 9726.85 10553.15 9544.35 10302.1
7/1/2020 10323.8 11341.4 10299.6 11073.45
8/1/2020 11057.55 11794.25 10882.25 11387.5
9/1/2020 11464.3 11618.1 10790.2 11247.55
### 11364.45 12025.45 11347.05 11642.4
### 11697.35 11929.65 11557.4 11908.5
Open High Low Close
4/1/2015 27954.86 29094.61 26897.54 27011.31
5/1/2015 27242.05 28071.16 26423.99 27828.44
6/1/2015 27770.79 27968.75 26307.07 27780.83
7/1/2015 27823.65 28578.33 27416.39 28114.56
8/1/2015 28089.09 28417.59 25298.42 26283.09
9/1/2015 26127.04 26471.82 24833.54 26154.83
10/1/2015 26344.19 27618.14 26168.71 26656.83
11/1/2015 26641.69 26824.3 25451.42 26145.67
12/1/2015 26201.27 26256.42 24867.73 26117.54
1/1/2016 26116.52 26116.52 23839.76 24870.69
2/1/2016 24982.22 25002.32 22494.61 23002
3/1/2016 23153.32 25479.62 23133.18 25341.86
4/1/2016 25301.7 26100.54 24523.2 25606.62
5/1/2016 25565.44 26837.2 25057.93 26667.96
6/1/2016 26684.46 27105.41 25911.33 26999.72
7/1/2016 27064.33 28240.2 27034.14 28051.86
8/1/2016 28083.08 28532.25 27627.97 28452.17
9/1/2016 28459.09 29077.28 27716.78 27865.96
10/1/2016 27997.29 28477.65 27488.3 27941.51
11/1/2016 27966.18 28029.8 25717.93 26652.81
12/1/2016 26756.66 26803.76 25753.74 26626.46
1/1/2017 26711.15 27980.39 26447.06 27655.96
2/1/2017 27669.08 29065.31 27590.1 28743.32
3/1/2017 28849.04 29824.62 28716.21 29620.5
4/1/2017 29737.73 30184.22 29241.48 29918.4
5/1/2017 30021.49 31255.28 29804.12 31145.8
6/1/2017 31117.09 31522.87 30680.66 30921.61
7/1/2017 31156.04 32672.66 31017.11 32514.94
8/1/2017 32579.8 32686.48 31128.02 31730.49
9/1/2017 31769.34 32524.11 31081.83 31283.72
10/1/2017 31537.81 33340.17 31440.48 33213.13
11/1/2017 33344.23 33865.95 32683.59 33149.35
12/1/2017 33247.66 34137.97 32565.16 34056.83
1/1/2018 34059.99 36443.98 33703.37 35965.02
2/1/2018 36048.99 36256.83 33482.81 34184.04
3/1/2018 34141.22 34278.63 32483.84 32968.68
4/1/2018 33030.87 35213.3 32972.56 35160.36
5/1/2018 35328.91 35993.53 34302.89 35322.38
6/1/2018 35373.98 35877.41 34784.68 35423.48
7/1/2018 35545.22 37644.59 35106.57 37606.58
8/1/2018 37643.87 38989.65 37128.99 38645.07
9/1/2018 38915.91 38934.35 35985.63 36227.14
10/1/2018 36274.25 36616.64 33291.58 34442.05
11/1/2018 34650.63 36389.22 34303.38 36194.3
12/1/2018 36396.69 36554.99 34426.29 36068.33
1/1/2019 36198.13 36701.03 35375.51 36256.69
2/1/2019 36311.74 37172.18 35287.16 35867.44
3/1/2019 36018.49 38748.54 35926.94 38672.91
4/1/2019 38858.88 39487.45 38460.25 39031.55
5/1/2019 39036.51 40124.96 36956.1 39714.2
6/1/2019 39806.86 40312.07 38870.96 39394.64
7/1/2019 39543.73 40032.41 37128.26 37481.12
8/1/2019 37387.18 37807.55 36102.35 37332.79
9/1/2019 37181.76 39441.12 35987.8 38667.33
10/1/2019 38813.48 40392.22 37415.83 40129.05
11/1/2019 40196.07 41163.79 40014.23 40793.81
12/1/2019 41072.94 41809.96 40135.37 41253.74
1/1/2020 41340.27 42273.87 40476.55 40723.49
2/1/2020 39701.02 41709.3 38219.97 38297.29
3/1/2020 38910.95 39083.17 25638.9 29468.49
4/1/2020 29505.33 33887.25 27500.79 33717.62
5/1/2020 32748.14 32845.48 29968.45 32424.1
6/1/2020 32906.05 35706.55 32348.1 34915.8
7/1/2020 35009.59 38617.03 34927.2 37606.89
8/1/2020 37595.73 40010.17 36911.23 38628.29
9/1/2020 38754 39359.51 36495.98 38067.93
10/1/2020 38410.2 41048.05 38410.2 39614.07
11/1/2020 39880.38 40693.51 39334.92 40616.14

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