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Case Study

Elizabeth Samudio
CDEC 1319
Introduction of the Child
1. Ian is a three-year-old African-American boy. He has brown hair, hazel eyes, light
brown skin, and curly hair. Ian was wearing a blue t-shirt, blue jean shorts, and old
black tennis shoes. Ian was in the Dramatic Play in the Preschool classroom. He was
playing with another male child while no teachers were near the children. The
teachers were interrupted in the process of transitioning children into the classroom.

2. State the Behavior

Ian repeatedly hits the other male child.
3. Observed the Behavior

 The inappropriate behavior occurs around 4:30 p.m.

 Ian was playing with another male child.
 This inappropriate behavior occurs with another male child.
 Ian repeatedly hits the other male child.
 The other male child pushed Ian away from him.

4. Explore the Consequences

If Ian continues to hit, this may alter the other male child to hurt back. Ian may
develop mix signals in redirecting a command from an adult. Ian’s behavior may trigger him to
believe that hurting others is a way to solve problems.
5. Consider the Alternatives

Ian is a Preschooler, the alternative factor; according to the textbook, a study Kagan
and his associates in 1999 carried out their study of temperament by dangling toys in
front of babies. There was a twenty percent showed distressed and described high
reactive. Many of the children were then later tested at the age of two, four, and
seven. They tested with a brain scanner on the children their heart-rate, and body
temperature were both moments of stress. The teachers in the classroom could have
reminded Ian to use his words to help resolve the conflict.

6. State the Goal

The goal is to reinforce positive behavior to develop a rapid outcome. Ian will use
verbal communication to resolve conflicts instead of hurting others.

7. Definition
The Aggression to eliminate any situation Ian is repeated, making physical contact
with another person in hitting.
1. Define hitting is someone who hits using his body or an object with enough
force to cause an audible sound or leave a visible mark on the skin.
2. When a person using a hand or arm with a closed or open fist to hit (making
forceful physical contact) with another person.
8. Baseline

Please see the three attached observation forms.

9. Program

The program is a consecutive positive step to approach positive behavior.

 Before the behavior occurs, the teachers could have given the student a five-
minute warning to clean up before the transition.
 The students in the classroom could have been in the process of combining
with the group to line up.
 The teacher could change the atmosphere with positive words to the children.
 The teacher could have calming activities for the child.
 Pay close attention to the child’s cues.
 Introduce a pleasurable project to get the child busy.
 The teacher can give reminders to use gentle hands when interacting with
 When Ian can get these reminders during his daily tasks, he can focus much
on socializing with others.

10. Maintenance
It is imperative to keep a consisting of maintaining the situation for Ian to understand
that hurting others is inappropriate behavior. This help will eliminate the situation and
be responsible for his action and will use verbal communication. Ian will begin to
show progress on his own without reminding him. At this point, he has eliminated the
inappropriate behavior.

11. Graph Behavior

See below.

Anecdotal Observation Record

Name: Elizabeth Samudio      
Date: March 16, 2020.      Start Time: 4:30 p.m.      
Specific Location: Preschool classroom in the Dramatic Play       Child’s Name: Ian      
Child’s Age: 3 years old     

 Observe an individual child between the ages of 3-8.  Observe for enough time to record
one event, on one day.  Record only the facts of what you see in the column on the left. 
In the column on the right, record your opinions about what you observed.  Type or
handwrite using this form.
Observation Facts for 1 Event

 Ian was playing in dramatic play with another male child

when the other male child took the fire hat from his hand.
 He delivered his first hitting and continues to hit the male child.
 The teacher was interrupted in transitioning children into
the classroom.
 The teacher witness after the other male is crying.
 Ian refuses to listen to the command that the teacher gives.

three or More Comments or Opinion

 Ian had hit the other male child about eight times in a short time phrase.
 The teachers were not helpful in the situation.

Anecdotal Observation Record

Name: Elizabeth Samudio      
Date:  March 17, 2020.     Start Time: 4:30 p.m.     
Specific Location: Preschool classroom in the Dramatic Play       Child’s Name: Ian     
Child’s Age: 3 years old      

 Observe an individual child between the ages of 3-8.  Observe for enough time to record
one event, on one day.  Record only the facts of what you see in the column on the left. 
In the column on the right, record your opinions about what you observed.  Type or
handwrite using this form.

Observation Facts for 1 Event

 The other male child wants to play with Ian.

 Ian looks very tired and wants to be alone.
 The other male child tries to play with Ian.
 Ian gets frustrated and triggers Ian to hit the other child.
 The other child shoved Ian, and he hits with an open slap.
 The teacher redirected the boys to take a time out.

three or More Comments or Opinion

 If the teachers can be helpful when redirecting a child.

 The teacher needs to monitor closer to children that are having inappropriate
behavior before the problem escalates.
 The teacher needs to work on a smooth transition to diminish inappropriate
Anecdotal Observation Record
Name: Elizabeth Samudio     
Date: March 18, 2020.      Start Time: 4:30 p.m.      
Specific Location: Preschool classroom in the Dramatic Play
Child’s Name: Ian      Child’s Age: 3 years old      

 Observe an individual child between the ages of 3-8.  Observe for enough time to record
one event, on one day.  Record only the facts of what you see in the column on the left. 
In the column on the right, record your opinions about what you observed.  Type or
handwrite using this form.

Observation Facts for 1 Event

 Ian continues to play with the same male child.
 Ian gets distraught and hits the other male child who took his toy from him.
 From a distance, the teacher tells the boys to play together.
 Ian hits the male child twice.

three or More Comments or Opinion

 The teacher helpful to the situation

 The teacher helped Ian in redirected him from hurting others.

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