Carvalho Et Al, 2014 - Regulation of Herbal Medicines in Brazil

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Journal of Ethnopharmacology 158 (2014) 503–506

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Research Paper

Regulation of herbal medicines in Brazil

Ana Cecília Bezerra Carvalho n, Lívia Santos Ramalho, Robelma France de Oliveira Marques,
João Paulo Silvério Perfeito
Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, Coordenação de Medicamentos Fitoterápicos e Dinamizados, SIA, Trecho 5, Área especial 57, Bloco A/B, 71.200-980
Brasília-DF, Brazil

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ethnopharmacological relevance: Rich Brazilian biodiversity is accompanied by a long acceptance of
Received 15 March 2014 medicinal plants and traditional knowledge by the Brazilian population. To improve the regulatory
Received in revised form framework for herbal medicines in Brazil, ANVISA recently revised its legislations. The aim of this study is
29 July 2014
to discuss the new Brazilian standards for herbal medicines regulation.
Accepted 13 August 2014
Available online 26 August 2014
Materials and methods: The national and international legislation on herbal medicines was revised to
prepare new Brazilian standards. This new legislation is discussed.
Keywords: Results: This new proposed regulation separates herbal into two categories: herbal medicines (HM) and
Regulation traditional herbal product (THP). The safety and efficacy of HM must be proven by clinical data. ANVISA
Brazil recognizes some plants as safe and effective; therefore, the registration of these species can be simplified.
Herbal medicines
ANVISA also recognizes the monographs of the European community as simplified registrations. THP can
Traditional herbal products
prove their safety and effectiveness by tradition of use or following a simplified registration.
Conclusion: Brazil has been altering their legal standards for herbal medicines, based on harmonization
with internationally practiced requirements and the characteristics of the Brazilian market, facilitating
the safe access and rational use of medicinal plants and herbal products to Brazilian population.
& 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction System (PNPIC) and the National Policy on Medicinal Plants and
Herbal Medicines (PNPMF), through the Ordinance 971/2006 and
Brazil has a great biodiversity, with numbers exceeding 55,000 the Decree 5813/2006, respectively (Brazil, 2006; MS, 2006;
of described species corresponding to 22% of total species in the Anvisa, 2013a).
world (Gonçalves et al., 2010). This rich biodiversity is accompa- There are many forms of production and regulation of HM in
nied by a long acceptance of medicinal plants and traditional Brazil, including compounded and manufactured HM, which may
knowledge (Veiga Junior and Mello, 2008). Moreover, since 2006, be destined for human or veterinary use. HM for human and
Brazil has two current public policies favoring the widespread veterinary use are regulated by the National Health Surveillance
use of Herbal Medicines (HM), namely, the National Policy on Agency (ANVISA) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and
Integrative and Complementary Practices in the Public Health Supply (MAPA), respectively (Anvisa, 2013a).
Compounded HM are prepared in pharmacies authorized by the
Health Surveillance secretariats, which can be either state or muni-
Abbreviations: ANVISA, National Agency of Heath Surveillance; CNS, National
cipal. The rule that governs the preparation of compounded medi-
Health Council; COFID, Office of Herbal and Homeopathic Medicines Licensing; cines is the Resolution of executive board, Resolução de Diretoria
GMP, Good Manufacturing Practices; HM, Herbal medicines; IN, Normative Colegiada (RDC) 67/2007, updated by RDC 87/2008, which defines
Instruction; MAPA, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply; PNPIC, National the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for compounded HM for
Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices in the Public Health System;
human use in pharmacies. Recently, public pharmacies to prepare
PNPMF, National Policy on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines; RE, Specific
Resolution; RDC, Resolution of Executive Board; SA, Special Announcement; THP, compounded HM, according to the established in the PNPMF, have
Traditional Herbal Products; WHO, World Health Organization been created in Brazil. These are called Live Pharmacies—Farmácias
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 55 6134625526; fax: þ 55 6134625540. Vivas, and have their rules of GMP described in RDC 18/2013
E-mail addresses:, (Carvalho, 2011; Anvisa, 2013b). (A.C. Bezerra Carvalho),, (L.S. Ramalho),
The industrial production of HM is performed by companies (R.F. de Oliveira Marques), authorized by ANVISA which must be certificated in GMP. Brazil, (J.P. Silvério Perfeito). has rules for the registration of HM since 1967, the Ordinance
0378-8741/& 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
504 A.C. Bezerra Carvalho et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 158 (2014) 503–506

22, which was followed by Ordinance 06, published in 1995, RDC ANVISA recognizes that the drug is safe, effective, and has a
17, published in 2000, the RDC 48, published in 2004, RDC 14 quality in concordance with the intended purpose ( Perfeito,
published in 2010 and the applicable standard RDC 26, published 2012; Brazil, 2013).
in 2014 (Anvisa, 2014a). Determinations for renewal of HM registration are also
Currently, there are 382 HM registered in Brazil, 357 of them expressed to the RDC 26/2014, which essentially requires demon-
are single medicines and the other 25 are composed of more than strating that the product retains the characteristics of safety,
one medicinal plant, obtained from a group of 98 medicinal plants; efficacy, and quality. The manufacturer must additionally submit
only 25% of these are species originally from South America. There the Periodic Reports in Pharmacovigilance, standardized according
are 78 companies authorized to manufacture herbal medicines in to the Periodic Safety Update Report (PSUR), as required by current
Brazil (Carvalho, 2011; Perfeito, 2012). legislation, the RDC 4/2009 (Brazil, 2013; 2014a).
The application for a HM registration or for the renewal of a
HM is denied when the conditions, requirements, and procedures
2. ANVISA and the Brazilian regulatory system laid down by law or by any regulation or statement of ANVISA, are
not met. Moreover, if the drug is proven harmful or the require-
In Brazil, the term health surveillance was used to demarcate ments established by law were not completed, the drug may also
the field of public health that has as main purpose the protection be immediately withdrawn from trade (Brazil, 2013).
of health through the elimination or reduction of the risk involved As mentioned above, there was a revision of Brazilian stan-
in the use and consumption of technologies—products and dards. These new standards will allow an appropriate regulation
services—and environmental conditions (Lucchese, 2001). for HM following scientific and technological developments and
Health surveillance in Brazil ceased to have an essentially enabling the expansion and the access to these medicines.
bureaucratic and normative paper since the publication of Law
8.080/1990, when started using the concept of risk and, since then,
significant changes have occurred (Brazil, 1990; Lucchese, 2001).
ANVISA was created through Law 9.782/1999, as coordinator of 4. Safety and efficacy of herbal medicines and traditional
the National Sanitary Surveillance System, responsible for the herbal products
regulation of any products that interfere with health, such as food,
medicines, cosmetics, disinfectants and health products, as well as The safety and efficacy of HM must be proven by clinical data.
sanitary control of ports, airports and borders (Brazil, 1999). ANVISA recognizes some plants as safe and effective; therefore,
ANVISA also carries health surveillance relating to the marketing, the registration of these species can be simplified. Medicinal
dispensing, and distribution of materials of plant origin, as well as plants already evaluated are constantly published at ANVISA HM
the registration and inspection of HM production (Lucchese, 2001; simplified list. ANVISA also recognizes the monographs of the
Perfeito, 2012). European community as simplified registrations (Anvisa, 2014a).
To improve the regulatory framework for HM, and as a ANVISA has a guide for conducting non-clinical studies that
determination of PNPMF, ANVISA recently revised health legisla- applies to any medicine and that should be followed by HM,
tion for the registration of HM. To accomplish this task, an namely, the “Guide for the conduction of non-clinical toxicology
extensive survey was performed reviewing documents from the studies and safety pharmacology required for the development of
World Health Organization (WHO) and the requirements for the medicines.” (Anvisa, 2013a).
registration of HM in international legislations such as those from For conducting clinical trials with HM it is necessary to follow
the European Community, Australia, Mexico, and Canada. The the rules for clinical research published by ANVISA, the RDC 39/
rules and guidelines of these countries were studied, bringing to 2008, the guide “Operating Instructions Required for driving
the Brazilian regulations the most important points of each one. clinical trials with herbal medicines,” published by WHO/Brazilian
This new proposed normative separates herbal into two cate- Health Ministry, in 2008, and the provisions of the National Health
gories: herbal medicines (HM) and traditional herbal product Council (CNS), established through Resolution 466/2012 and
(THP). Herbal medicines have their safety and efficacy based on Resolution 251/1997 (Anvisa, 2014a).
clinical trials while THP have to present proofs of long-term safe According to these rules, it is necessary to obtain permission from
and effective use in humans (Anvisa, 2014a). the local research ethics committee before starting the research in
For HM and THP, the same requirements of quality control, each of the phases I, II, and III to protect the population undergoing
covering all stages of production from raw materials to final the study. It is also necessary to obtain the consent of ANVISA that
product are enforced. The new rule will also apply to products evaluate the technical content of the protocol assay through the
derived from multicellular fungi and algae (Anvisa, 2014a). issuance of a special announcement (SA) (Anvisa, 2013a).
RDC 39/2008 applies to all drug clinical researches in phases I,
II, and III, including HM, which could subsidize the registration of
3. Registration and renewals of herbal medicines and drugs or any post-registration change. Clinical studies performed
traditional herbal products in Brazil will only be accepted for registration if they have the SA
(Anvisa, 2013a).
In Brazil, no product, including the imported ones, can be In the case of simplified registrations, the holder does not need to
manufactured, exposed for sale or delivered to the consumer before submit additional data on safety and efficacy, because the regulator
being registered. The registration of medicines is valid for five years has done it previously. A list of Brazilian simplified registrations exists
and may be renewed for equal successive periods (Brazil, 2013). since 2000 and has been updated and expanded over the years;
The currently applicable standard for the registration of HM is currently there are 27 plant species holding simplified registrations in
the RDC 26/2014, which brings all the requirements for applying a HM. In a simplified registration, the holder must follow the specifica-
registration. At the time of requesting registration, the company tions defined for each species, such as type of derivative, daily dose/
must submit a dossier to ANVISA registration, comprising: doc- dosage, indications, usage restrictions, markers, etc. (Anvisa, 2014a).
umentary report, technical production report, drug quality control, For registrations of HM containing more than one herb, all data
safety and efficacy report, results of the stability studies, as well as related to safety and efficacy should be presented to the association
package inserts models and labeling. In granting the registration, to be registered. To complement the data on safety and efficacy,
A.C. Bezerra Carvalho et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 158 (2014) 503–506 505

technical and scientific documentation for each separate plant Contamination of medicinal plants with heavy metals can also
species must be submitted (Anvisa, 2014a). occur. Such contamination can be traced to many causes, including
THP also has two options to prove their safety and effective- environmental pollution and traces of pesticides (WHO, 2007). The
ness, either prove their tradition of use, or follow a simplified content of heavy metals is generally measured by atomic absorp-
registration. It is necessary to demonstrate the safe use for the tion or atomic emission spectrophotometry.
claim intended to the product for a minimum of 30 years, it is not Medicinal plants may also contain pesticide residues that
necessary that such use occurs in the Brazilian territory. accumulate as a result of agricultural practices, such as spraying,
THP should be designated for the symptomatic relief of treatment of soils during cultivation and management of fumi-
diseases and conditions of low gravity and cannot refer to clinical gants during storage (WHO, 2007). The determination of pesticide
parameters and broad actions. These products can only be used residues in herbal drugs, herbal derivatives, and herbal medicines
orally and topically and may not be suitable for injectable and or products should be included in the registration or notification of
ophthalmic administration. The holder must submit data demon- herbal medicines or products.
strating the consistency of the information related to the use of the A degree of exposure of plant material to ionizing radiation is
product in traditional medicine and data that showing the absence inevitable due to the existence of various sources, including radio-
of raw materials exceeding the concentration limits proven safe for nuclides that occur naturally in soil and atmosphere. The health risks
use. The new regulation brings as attachments a list of known caused by HM and THP accidentally contaminated by radionuclides
toxic plant species that cannot be used in traditional products, but depend on the specific radionuclide, the level of contamination, the
also an annex with plants that can be used with restrictions dose and duration of use of the contaminated product. The determi-
depending on their concentrations (Anvisa, 2014a). nation of radioactivity should be performed when the plant material
Just as for herbal medicines, the registry can be simplified has been originated from a local source with probable radioactive
according to the Brazilian species list of simplified registrations, contamination. Specific radioactivity test should include the type of
which contains 16 species of traditional simplified registration or radioactive contamination and the active concentration of radio-
as the Community herbal monographs with traditional use devel- isotopes (Anvisa, 2014b).
oped by the HMPC/EMA (Anvisa, 2014a). Other contaminants that must be monitored are inorganic waste
In cases where technical documentation for a traditional herbal material through ash tests, bacteria, fungi, other plant species or
product in combination is not available, data from the separate even parts of the plant species other than the one indicated as a
species and a justification for the rationality of their association place of greater concentration of actives. The plant species gather-
must be submitted (Anvisa, 2014a). ing or cropping site and whether methods of eliminating contami-
nants were used must be informed followed by the search for
possible residues (Anvisa, 2014b).
5. Quality control For herbal derivatives, extraction methods and the detection of
solvent residues should be reported. Physico-chemical tests are
The quality control in HM and THP is performed in all produc- requested including a) for fluid extracts: characterization, solid
tion stages: herbal drugs, herbal derivatives, and herbal medicines residues, pH, alcoholic content, density; b) for dry extracts: water
or products. Herbal drug is the medicinal plant, or plant parts, determination, apparent solubility, and density; c) for essential
which contain the substances responsible for the therapeutic oils: density, refractive index, optical rotation; and d) for fixed oils
action after collection processes, stabilization, where applicable, —ester, iodine and acidity indexes (Anvisa, 2014a).
and drying. The herbal drug may be whole, fragmented, cut or The qualitative and quantitative analyses of markers via chro-
pulverized. The herbal derivative is the product of the extraction of matographic and spectrometric techniques must be presented.
fresh herbs or herbal drugs, containing the substances responsible There are specific requisites based on quality assurance, requiring
for the therapeutic action. Herbal derivatives may be in the form of reproducibility of herbal medicines. The permissible variation of
extracts, fixed and volatile oils, waxes, exudates and others. The marker content in the finished product cannot be greater than 15%,
tests performed should be able to identify the plant species and when it is the active marker, or 20%, in the case of the analytical
the absence or presence of contaminants within acceptable limits, marker. To achieve the specification of variations for each type of
demonstrating the product's quality (Anvisa, 2014a, 2014b). marker bands, can be used mixtures of batches of raw materials
Identifying plant species involves sensorial or organoleptic and/or make addition of excipients. Alternatively, marker quanti-
analysis, botanical identification (macroscopic and microscopic tative control can be replaced by the therapeutic activity's biolo-
analysis), and fingerprint (chromatographic profile of constituents) gical control (Anvisa, 2014b).
(Anvisa, 2014a). For quality control of herbal materials, excipients, HM and THP,
The introduction of undesirable impurities of chemical or micro- the methodologies described in pharmacopeias recognized by
biological origin, or of foreign matter, in raw materials or in herbal ANVISA (RDC 37/2009) (Anvisa, 2013a) should be used preferably.
medicine can occur during production, sampling, packaging, trans- Otherwise it is necessary to validate the used methodologies. To
portation or storage. Contamination by mycotoxins in plant material do so, the method must present the parameters stated by Specific
can cause acute and chronic health risks. Mycotoxins are compounds Resolution RE 899/2003, demonstrating that the analytical method
usually derived from the secondary metabolism of fungi, the most is specific, robust, sensitive, precise, and accurate; these require-
commonly reported Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium (WHO, ments are crucial for the quality control of HM (Anvisa, 2013a).
2007), comprising four main groups: aflatoxins, ochratoxin, fumoni- Thus, beyond the requirements made to the standards, equipment,
sins, and trichothecenes, all with toxic effects (Silveira et al., 2010). and materials used in the validation must be properly calibrated
Mycotoxin contamination can occur during both growing and in and the analyst must be qualified.
storage. These mycotoxins can be present in plant material even if RE 01/05 provides the information that must be present in all
the microorganism that produced them is not detected (Commission stability study reports for each pharmaceutical form, and also
SFSTP et al., 2007). In Brazil, as there is not a set limit, the limits of covers the stability study monitoring and photostability. The
the European Pharmacopoeia are adopted by default. Thus, the stability of pharmaceuticals depends on environmental factors
determination of mycotoxins should be performed when the need such as temperature, humidity and light. In addition, the stability
for such review or reports of contamination has been quoted in also depends on parameters related to the product itself such as
technical and scientific documentation. the physical and chemical properties of the active substances and
506 A.C. Bezerra Carvalho et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 158 (2014) 503–506

pharmaceutical excipients, the pharmaceutical form and composi- 7. Conclusion

tion, process manufacturing, type and properties of packaging
materials. Thus, stability testing of drugs is important to predict, Brazil has regulations for HM regulation and public policies
determine, and monitor the expiration date of pharmaceuticals. that support research programs, but only since in 2006 policies for
The stability study of medicines should be carried out in both developing the production of HM were published: the PNPMF and
accelerated mode as well as long lasting mode. The accelerated PNPIC. These policies favored, among other things, the develop-
study is designed to accelerate the chemical degradation and/or ment/adaptation of the regulatory framework of HM as well as the
physical changes of a pharmaceutical product in forced storage incentive to research in medicinal plants, prioritizing the country's
conditions. The long-term study is designed for the verification of biodiversity.
physical, chemical, biological, and microbiological characteristics Thus, since 2006, ANVISA has been altering their legal frame-
of a pharmaceutical product during (and optionally after) the works for herbal medicines, based on harmonization with inter-
expected expiry date. The results are used for the establishment or nationally practiced requirements and the characteristics of the
confirmation of the product's expiry date and recommendations Brazilian market, facilitating the safe access and rational use of
for the products's appropriate storage conditions at the marketing medicinal plants and herbal medicines to Brazilian population.
point and by the user (Anvisa, 2013a).
During stability studies it is crucial to demonstrate through
quantitative analysis, the amount of marker remained stable
throughout the study and the validity of the product through the
Anvisa, 2013a. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Consolidado de normas da
presentation of chromatograms in the final period of the stability COFID. IV Versão. 〈
study. The fingerprint performed in the study at zero time should 20df79a71dcc661/ConsolidadoVersaoIVpublicar.pdf?MOD=AJPERES〉 (accessed 11.03.
not be significantly changed. For the stability study of HM and THP 14.).
Anvisa, 2013b. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Dispõe sobre as boas práticas de
is accepted a variation in the content of markers r 10% of the
processamento e armazenamento de plantas medicinais, preparação e dispensação
value of analysis of batch release testing and product degradation de produtos magistrais e oficinais de plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos em farm-
and dissolution are not required. However, the results of the test ácias vivas no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). 〈
for disintegration should be displayed. Such exemptions are due to bvs/saudelegis/anvisa/2013/rdc0018_03_04_2013.html〉 (accessed 11.03.14.).
Anvisa, 2014a. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Proposta de Resolução que
the fact that the execution of these tests are complex for the dispõe sobre o registro de medicamentos fitoterápicos e o registro e notificação de
application to herbal medicines, when considering that the raw produtos tradicionais fitoterápicos. 〈
material for these medicines contains hundreds of substances, index.jsp?jornal=1&pagina=52&data=14/05/2014〉 (accessed 25.05.14.).
Anvisa, 2014b. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Determina a publicação da “Guia
some of which are present in very low concentrations, and many de orientação para registro de medicamentos fitoterápicos e registro e notificação
are not identified (Klein et al., 2010). In addition, there would be de produtos tradicionais fitoterápicos”. 〈
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AJPERES〉 (accessed 9.07.14.).
the marker itself, i.e., the hundreds of substances that form the
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phytocomplex, to degrade, could be responsible for the formation saúde, a organização e o funcionamento dos serviços correspondentes ;e dá
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6. Other applicable norms〉 (accessed 24.01.14.).
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The normative for pharmaceutical package inserts is RDC 47/ ao licenciamento sanitário, e o registro, controle e monitoramento, no âmbito
2009 (Anvisa, 2013a). ANVISA began to standardize inserts of HM da vigilância sanitária, dos produtos de que trata a Lei no 6.360, de 23 de
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