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Summative Assessment for Modules 1, 2 and 3

NAME:______________________________________________________________ GRADE __________ STEM

I. MATCHING TYPE. Match Column A and Column B.

_____1. It is defined as "a sudden, calamitous occurrence that causes great harm, A. Risk
injury, destruction, and devastation to life and property. B. Disaster risk
_____2. These are natural phenomenon caused by natural forces. C. Man-made disasters
_____3. These are disasters caused by man are those in which major direct D. Disaster
causes are identifiable intentional or non-intentional human actions. E. Risk Factors
_____4. It is the combination of the probability of an event and its negative F. Natural disasters
consequences. G. Reduction
_____5. The term refers to the potential disaster losses, in lives, health status,
livelihoods, assets, and services which could occur in a community or
society over some specified future time period.
_____6. These are processes or conditions, often development-related, that influence the
level of disaster risk by increasing levels of exposure and vulnerability or
reducing capacity.

7-11: Determine whether the following are natural or man- made disasters.

_____7. bomb explosion A. man- made
_____8. typhoon B. natural
_____9. rainfall-induced landslide
_____10. war conflicts
_____11. drought

12-16. Determine whether the following are Technological/ industrial disaster, Terrorism/Violence or Complex humanitarian

_____12. massive shootings A. Complex humanitarian emergencies
_____13. conflicts or wars B. Technological/ industrial
_____14. release of biological agents C. Terrorism/Violence
_____15. road collapses
_____16. vehicle collisions

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17- 21. Identify the important elements of disaster risk.

_____17. The elements at risk from a natural or man-made hazard event. A. Severity of exposure
B. Economic status of country
_____18. A potentially dangerous physical occurrence, phenomenon or
C. Vulnerability
human activity that may result in loss of life or injury, property damage, D. Age
social and economic disruption, or environmental degradation. E. Exposure
F. Hazard
_____19. The condition determined by physical, social, economic and
environmental factors or processes, which increase the susceptibility of a
community to the impact of hazard.
_____20. Measures those who experience disaster firsthand which has the highest risk
of developing future mental problems, followed by those in contact with the
victims such as rescue workers and health care practitioners and the lowest
risk are those most distant like those who have awareness of the disaster only
through news.
_____21. It has been observed that natural disasters tend to have more adverse effects in
developing countries than do man caused disasters in developed countries.

22-26. Identify the factors which underlie disasters.

_____22. It can increase disaster risk by altering the frequency and intensity of hazards A. Environmental Degradation
events, affecting vulnerability to hazards and changing exposure patterns. B. Globalized Economic Development
_____23. Changes to the environment can influence the frequency and intensity of C. Weak Governance
hazards, as well as our exposure and vulnerability to these hazards. D. Climate Change
_____24. The lack of access to insurance and social protection means that people in E. Poorly planned and Managed Urban
poverty are often forced to use their already limited assets to buffer disaster Development
losses, which drives them into further poverty. F. Poverty and Inequality
_____25. The growing rate of urbanization and the increase in population density can
lead to creation of risk, especially when urbanization is rapid, poorly
planned and occurring in a context of widespread poverty.
_____26. Weak governance zones are investment environments in which public sector
actors are unable or unwilling to assume their roles and responsibilities in
protecting rights, providing basic services and public services.

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27-30. Determine whether the following if it is a hazard or disaster.

_____27. A harmful event that happened in an unpopulated area. A. Disaster
_____28. It is an event that harms humans and disrupts the operations of society. B. Hazard
_____29. These are dangerous situations or events that carry a threat to
_____30. Hazards that affected humans.

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II. SHORT ESSAYS. Write your answer below each question.

Scoring Rubric
Content 5
Convention 2
Originality 3
Total 10

1. Have you experience the effects of natural and man-made disasters? Share your experience.

2. Write a brief explanation about the Disaster Preparedness Cycle.

2. Why it is important to practice the Disaster Preparedness Cycle?

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