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Menu 2

Teacher Ana Ferzacca Grade Level 5/6

Subject Math Unit Geometry

Description and Rationale

This is the second menu that I will be teaching to group 1. Some of them are in different
places, but they should be ready to start this by the end of week 3 or the beginning of week 4.

GLOs General Outcome

Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the
relationships among them.

SLOs 6. Identify and sort quadrilaterals, including: • rectangles

• squares
• trapezoids
• parallelograms
• rhombuses
according to their attributes. [C, R, V]

Learning Students will be able to identify shapes, describe their characteristics, and
Objectives describe symmetry

Learning Objectives Driving Questions

Students will be able to identify shapes, What is a quadrilateral, rhombus,

describe their characteristics, and describe parallelogram, trapezoid, kite, diagonal line?

Pre-Lesson Preparation

Material/Equipment/Resources Teacher Tasks

Math menus for each student Make menus

Skill check Make skill check

Lesson 1 Vocabulary: Quadrilateral, rhombus, parallelogram, diagonal.

Draw some shapes on the table, tell them that a quadrilateral has 4 sides, get
them to circle the quadrilaterals.

Talk about diagonal lines - joins two opposite vertices

Practice by having them draw diagonal lines in the quadrilaterals that they have

Introduce rhombus and parallelogram:

● Rhombus: 4 equal sides, diagonal lines are perpendicular
● Parallelogram: 2 pairs of opposite equal sides

Find the error, mathletics, write about it, vocabulary

Lesson 2 Vocabulary: Trapezoid, kite

Review: Rhombus, parallelogram, quadrilateral

We will learn about 2 more types of quadrilaterals: Trapezoid, Kite

● Trapezoid: one pair of parallel sides
● Kite: 2 pairs of equal, adjacent sides (next to each other, a rectangle is
not a kite because the equal sides are not adjacent).

Practice page 1 (front and back), make a poster

Lesson 3 Vocabulary: Symmetry

Model the activity with them, show some shapes that are symmetrical
Have them draw the line of symmetry on some shapes.

Draw a picture, practice page 2 (front and back), activity.


Summative: Skill check


Lesson 1: The first lesson went well. Understanding what a quadrilateral is went smoothly.
The students understood it well. Explaining what a diagonal is was also fairly simple for them.
They struggled a little more when we got into rhombuses and parallelograms.
Lesson 2: We started by reviewing the shapes we’d already learned and then introducing the
last two shapes. The shapes from the first lesson were making more sense to them today so I
think tomorrow they should have a good grasp on all of the shapes. They were very excited to
get to the last math menu with 3d shapes so I taught them symmetry today too. I will check in
with them tomorrow, but I’m hopeful that we might get this unit done for these 2 before easter
Work Day 1: I retaught the shapes to two students and taught them to the student who was
gone yesterday. We went over all of the shapes as well as lines of symmetry. They are really
struggling with memorizing the shapes so I think I’ll spend tomorrow having them work on this
menu, skip the skill check and move on to 3D shapes after the easter break.

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