Static Cal 8m Dia CR Tank r2

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8.0 M. Dia.

Tank Page:1
Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design



1 Index 1

2 Design Criteria & References 2

3 Design Data 3

4 Allowable Stress Calculation 4

5 Shell Thickness Calculation 5

6 Bottom & Roof Plate Thickness 6

7 Compression Ring calculation 7-8

8 Wind Girder Calculation 9

9 Section Modulus 10

10 Weight Calculation 11

11 C.G. Calculation 12

12 Wind Analysis 13-14

13 Seismic Analysis 15-21

14 Foundation Load & Summary 22

API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008

8.0 M. Dia.Tank Page: 2
Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design

Design criteria and References



Addendum 1 November 2008
a. Client's Tank data received
b. Client's P & ID No. N.A
c. Standard specification and reference drawings
d. Design Basis
e. Environmental data


. All components of the tanks are designed in accordance with

API-650 API-650 11TH EDITION. JUNE 2007 Addendum 1 November 2008

. Shell is designed as per one Foot method.

. Fixed Roof Design as per Appendix F.
. Wind force and moment calculated as per API 650 guide line
. Seismic force and moment calculated as per API 650 guide line

Other Reference design :

1.0 Structural calculation for Fixed Cone Roof

API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008

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Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design
Design Code API-650 11TH ED. JUNE 2007 Addendum-1, Nov. 2008
Applicable Appendix Basic Design & App. E
Appendix M applicable NO
Tank nominal diameter (Uncorroded) D 8000 mm
Tank height Ht 7200 mm 2
Min. Filling Level Hmin 500 mm
Normal Filling Level 7200 mm
Design liquid Level 7200 mm
Maximum capacity of Tank Cl. 361.9 m
Net working capacity Cl. 255.0 m 2
Design temperature Td (max) 55.0 'C
Min. Design Metal Temp. Td (min) 0.0 'C
Design pressure Pi 0.0 mm wc
Minimum Vacuum pressure Cl.5.2.1b) Pv 25.0 mm wc
Is it internal floating Roof with Circulation vent NO
Vacuum pressure 25.0 mm wc
Design vacuum pressure 25.0 mm wc
Operating pressure atmospheric Po 0.0 mm wc
Operating temperature max To 55.0 'C
Fluid handled Potable water
Specific gravity G 1.000
Primary Design Liquid Column Ho 7200 mm
Hydrotest Liquid column Cl.5.2.1d) Hoh 7200 mm
Hydrotest temperature Ambient Tht 40 'C
Design Snow load Sw 0.00 KPa
Min. Design Wind Speed Cl.5.2.1k) 190 km/hr
Actual site wind speed 160 km/hr
Topography factor S1 1.0
Ground Roughness S2 1.05
Statistical factor S3 1.0
Seismic Calculations As per App. E
Seismic Zone II
Max. Pumping Rate In 130.00 m /Hr 2
Out 342.00 m3/Hr
Insulation thickness NIL 0 mm
Density of Insulation Material 0 Kg/m
Radiography As Per Section 8 & Fig. 8.1 of API 650
Corrosion allowance ( Bottom) 1.6 mm
Corrosion allowance ( Shell & Internals) 1.6 mm
Corrosion allowance (Roof & Structural) 1.0 mm
Shell All courses A 36
Bottom / Roof Plate A 36
Roof structure/Compression Ring A 36
Nozzle Pipes A 106 Gr B
Nozzle Flanges A 105
Manhole Neck and cover A 36
Bolting for nozzle A 193 Gr B7/A 194 Gr.2H
Bolting for manhole A 193 Gr B7/A 194 Gr.2H
External attachments / pads A 36
Anchor Bolt If required A 307
API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008
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Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design

Allowable Stress Calculation.


Design temperature Td 55.00 'C

Appendix M applicable NO
Yield strength reduction factor fy 1.000 (Table-M1a)
Specification A 36


As per Table 5.2a
Min. Yield strength Ys 250.0 MPa
Min. Tensile strength UTS 400.0 MPa
Product Design Stress fs 160.0 MPa

Sd = 2/3 * Ys * fy 166.7 MPa

Sd = 2/5 * UTS 160.0 MPa

Max.allowable product design stress Sd 160.0 MPa


As per Table 5.2a
Hydrotest temperature 40.0 'C
Min. Yield strength Ys 250.0 Mpa
Min. Tensile strength UTS 400.0 Mpa
Hydrostatic Test stress St 171.0 Mpa

St = 3/4 * Ys 187.5 Mpa

St = 3/7 * UTS 171.4 Mpa

Max. allowable Hydrostatic test stress St 171.0 Mpa

Appendix A applicable? No

Max.allowable product design stress Sd 160.0 MPa

Joint Efficiency As per API-650
Joint Efficiency N.A

Radiography Requirement As per Fig.8-1

API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008

8.0 M. Dia.Tank Page : 5
Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design
SHELL DESIGN : As per Cl. No. 5.6.1
Material A 36
Radiography As Per Section 8 & Fig. 8.1 of API 650
This will consider only in Appendix.A & S
Thickness of Bottom Shell Course t1 5.0 mm
Nominal diameter D 8.005 mtr
Tank Height Ht 7.200 mtr
Design liquid level Ho 7.200 mtr
Hydrotest level Hoh 7.200 mtr
Design pressure Pi 0.00 mm wc
Hydrotest pressure Pt 0.0 mm wc
Design specific gravity G 1.000
Corrosion allowance CA 1.60 mm
Specific gravity of Steel ρ 7850 Kg/m


Pressure equivalent liquid column Hp 0.0 mm

Hydrotest Pr. equivalent liquid column Hh 0.0 mm
Design liquid column = H = H p + Ho
Hydrotest liquid column = H = H h + Hoh
55.00 o
Design temperature Td C
40 o
Hydrotest temperature Tht C
Allowable stress (Design) Sd 160.0 MPa
Allowable stress (Hydrotest) St 171.0 MPa
Required thickness (Design) = 4.9 * D * (H - 0.3) * G / Sd + CA []
Required thickness (Hydrotest) = 4.9 * D * (H - 0.3) / St
Min. Required thickness 5 mm []

Course Stake Design Hydrotest Provided

No. width Reqd. Reqd. THK
Ho H Hoh H
1 1.50 7.200 7.200 3.29 7.200 7.200 1.58 8 2
2 1.50 5.700 5.700 2.92 5.700 5.700 1.24 6
3 1.50 4.200 4.200 2.56 4.200 4.200 0.89 6
4 1.50 2.700 2.700 2.19 2.700 2.700 0.55 6
5 1.40 1.200 1.200 1.82 1.200 1.200 0.21 6
10 2
Total 7.400 Shell ht Hence all provided thicknesses are O.K
Total corroded wt : 7021 kg. Total wt. Of Shell : 9359.2 Kg.

API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008

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Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design
BOTTOM PLATE & ANNULAR PLATE API 650 Clause 5.4 & 5.5)
Annular Plate : As per Clause 5.5.1
Mean diameter D 8.005 m
Product stress Sd 160.0 MPa
Hydrostatic stress St 171.0 MPa
Corrosion allowance CA 1.60 mm
Annular plate is not required
If Client ask to provide, then Design shall be as follows:
Thickness of bottom shell course ts 8.0 mm
Max. Design Liquid level H 7.200 m
Required thk. Of 1st Shell Course td 3.292 mm
tt 1.583 mm
Thickness (Costructed) 8.0 mm
Product Stress 82.29 MPa
Hydrostatic test stress 33.83 MPa
Min. thk of annular Plate (Cl. 5.5.3, Table 5.1) 6.00 mm
Min. required thickness of annular Plate 7.60 mm
Provided thk. of annular plate 8.00 mm OK
Radial width : As per Cl. 5.5.2
Min. Annular bottom plate width inside of shell 600.0 mm
Projection outside shell 65 mm
Lap of bottom annular plate 65 mm
Min. required radial width 738 mm
Calculation of greater radial width
Design specific gravity G 1.000
Annular bottom plate width = 215 * t b / (H * G) 641 mm
Hence Min. required width of Annular plate 738 mm
Provided annular width 750 mm OK
Approximate weight of Annular Plate 1149 Kgs
Bottom Sketch Plate : API 650 Clause 5.4.1
Corrosion allowance CA 1.60 mm
Minimum required thickness. Cl. 5.4.1 tmin 6.00 mm
Therefore Required Thk. tmin + CA = 7.60 mm
Provided thk. of Bottom plate 8.00 mm OK
Uplift force on bottom due to Vacuum pressure 25.00 Kgf/m
Resisting downward force due to bottom plate wt. 50.24 Kgf/m
Bottom plate thickness is O.K in Vacuum
Bottom plate Outer Diameter Do 8146 mm
Approximate weight of Bottom Sketch Plate 2244 Kgs

Type of Roof : Supported Cone Roof
Cone angle [Slope = 1: 6 ] θ 9.462 degree
Corrosion allowance for Roof plate CAr 1.0 mm
Min. thickness as per Clause trmin 5.00 mm
Min. thickness + CA tr 6.00 mm
Approximate Ht. Of Cone htr 0.667 mtr
Hence required Roof Thickness Treq 6.0 mm
Provided Roof plate thickness tr pro 6.0 mm OK
Approximate weight of Roof Plate Wr 2418 Kgs
23719 N
API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008
8.0 M. Dia.Tank Page : 7
Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design
Design Internal Pressure Pi 0.000 Kpa
Appendix F is applicable?
Tank Diameter D 8.000 m
Internal Test pressure P 0.000 kPa
Does tank have Internal Pressure? NO
Weight of Roof Plate in term of under pressure 0.472 Kpa
Does Internal Pressure exeed weight of Roof plate? NO
Wt. of Shell , Roof and attached framing (PRESSURE) 2.454 Kpa
Does I.P.exeed weight of Shell, Roof and attached framing? NO
Does Internal Pressure exeed 1.8 kpa NO
Roof thickness less corrosion allowance th 5.00 mm
Angle of Roof to shell joint θ 9.462 degree
TAN (θ) 0.167
Min. specified Yield strength Fy 250.0 Mpa
Required compression area ( Cl.F.5.1) Ar -122.9 mm²
=200xD²*(Pi-0.08*th)/(Fy*tan( θ))
Maximum Design Pressure and Test procedure as per F.4
Internal Design Pressure P=((A*Fy*tan(θ))/200*D²)) + 0.08*th) Kpa
Nominal Roof Thickness th 6.0 mm
Area resisting the compressive force A 50.3 m2
P 0.644 Kpa
Max. Design Pressure at the base of the shell as per F.4.2
P max = ((0.00127D LS/D²) + 0.08*th-0.00425M/D 3) Kpa
Where , Wind Moment M 207262 N-m
Wt. of Shell, framing and Structure DLS 134253 N
P max 1.424 Kpa
Now Failure Pressure as per F.6 shall be Pf 1.6xPi-0.047xth Kpa
Pf (0.282) Kpa
As per F.4.3 Pmax < 0.8xPf
Now, 0.8xPf = (0.226) Kpa
Hence Pmax = (0.282) Kpa

Incase tank is designed for Frangible joint , Failure Pressure as per

F.6 to be calculated.

Hence required copmpression area shall be calculated based on Failure

Pressure P 1.424 Kpa
Ar 314.5 mm²

API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008

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Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design

Calculation of Provided copmression area as per Fig F-2

Thickness of compression Bar tb 0.0 mm
Refer Detail 'b'
Thickness of roof plate th 5.0 mm
Corossion Allowance for Roof CAr 1.0 mm
Thickness of shell plate at Roof Junction tc 6.0 mm
Inside radius of tank shell Rc 4000 mm
Length of Normal to roof = Rc/sin( θ) R2 24332 mm

Max. Participating width of Roof wh 209.30 mm

=Min(0.3*(R2*th) ),300))
Participating width of shell wc 92.95 mm
Min. size of curb ange as per API-650 50x50x5
Size of Curb Angle provided 65x65x6 1
Area of Curb angle 744 mm²
Total Available Area Aa 2348.2 mm²
= (wih*th + wc*tc + Area of curb angle
Unit weight of curb angle 5.80
Tank Diameter 8.00 mtr

As available area is greater than required area, Curb angle size is O.k

Approx. wt. of Curb angle W 146 Kgs

API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008

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Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design
Wind Girder Calculation.
Appendix 'M' is applicable? No
API 650 Section 5.9.7
Tank Nominal diameter D 8.005 m
Top mean course thickness t 4.40 mm
Corrosion allowance for Shell CA 1.60 mm
Design temperature T 55.00 'C
Design Wind velocity as per Sec., vd 190.00 km/hr
Basic wind speed v1 52.78 m/sec
Topography factor S1 1.00
Tarrain category factor S2 1.05
Statistical Factor S3 1.00
Design Vacuum pressure ped 25.0 mm of WC
0.245 Kpa
Vacuum considered in Cl. pef 0.240 Kpa
Correction factor for excess vacuum Cpe 0.997
=1.72/(1.72+(ped-pef)) Cl.
Young's modulus @ design temperature Ed 199000 Mpa
Young's modulus @ ambient temperature Ea 199000 Mpa
Reduction factor due to modulus of Elasticity Ce 1.000
Site actual wind speed v 160 km/hr
168.0 km/hr
Design wind velocity = v*S1*S2*S3 = v' 46.7 m/sec
Wind Speed Correction factor=(vd / v')2 Cws 1.000
Maximum height of unstiffened shell (Cl. H1 16.928 m
= 9.47*t*(t/D)3/2*Cws*Cpe*Ce
Height of transformed shell based on net thicknesses
Actual width of each shell strake = W
Net thickness of each shell strake = tc
Transformed width of each shell strake Wtr = W * (t/tc)5/2
Transformed width Htr = 6.488 m
Since Htr < H1 intermediate wind girder is not required.

No. of wind girder required = 0 nos

Unstiffened Height = - mtr
1st WG 2nd WG 3rd WG 4th WG
Shell Course - - - -
Required Height - - - -
W tc Wtr Distance between WG & top angle
1 1.500 6.40 0.588 Hi-1 - m
2 1.500 4.40 1.500
3 1.500 4.40 1.500 As per Clause
4 1.500 4.40 1.500 Sec. Modulus Correction Factor
5 1.400 4.40 1.400 Zc = ( v / 190 )2 = 1.000
6 Required Section Modulus of WG
8 Z = D2 * Hi * Zc/ 17
10 = - Cm3
H = 7.400 Htr = 6.488

Where H = Σ W & Htr = Σ Wtr

Wtr = W * (t/tc)5/2

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Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design

Section Modulus Calculation As per Cl.

Nominal Diameter of Tank D 8.005 M

Section provided as per API-650 fig. 5.24
Distance from Shell I.D to C.G = yn
of respective area

Moment of Inertia of respective = In
Distance of section C.G. from = Y =
∑A Y
Shell inside ∑A
Distance of section C.G. from = y1
C.G of respective area

Moment of inertia of section = I = ∑( In + Ay12)

Dist.of C.G from Shell inside = ymax

Section Modulus = Z = I / y

Width of respective area = b Thickness of Shell 6 mm

depth of respective area = d

d yn An An*yn In y1(y-yn) An*y12 4 Z

IWG Section b mm 2 3 Y mm I cm 3
mm mm mm mm cm 4
mm cm

1 92.9 6.0 3.0 557 1672 0.17 94.6 499

2 Not Required 115.7 2914 337150 97.61 624.00 -18.1 95 1218 124.8

Total Σ 3471 338821 624.17 Unit wt 0 Kg/mtr


Total Σ Unit wt Kg/mtr


Total Σ Unit wt Kg/mtr

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Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design

Component Weight (Metric tons)

1. Shell 9.359
2. Compression Ring 0.146
3. Bottom plate & Annular Plate 3.393
4. Roof plate 2.418
5. Roof Supporting Structure 0.650
6. Staircase & Railings on Shell 1.404
7. Railings on Roof 0.251
8. Intermediate Wind Girder 1 0.00
Intermediate Wind Girder 2 0.00
Intermediate Wind Girder 3 0.00
9. Nozzles & accessories on shell 0.500
10. Nozzles & accessories on roof 0.500
11. Insulation with str. 0.000
12. Miscellaneous 0.300
13. Weight of contents 361.9
14. Weight of water for hydrotest 361.9

15. Empty weight (Erection condition) 19.50

= SUM (1 to 12)
16. Operating weight = SUM (1 to 13) 380.833
17. Hydrotest weight = SUM (1 to 12 + 14) 381.407
18. Wt. of roof, Railings & attach. on Roof 3.169
= SUM (4, 7 & 10)
19. Wt. of shell and attachments 12.059
= SUM (1, 2, 5, 6, 8 & 9)

20. corroded wt. Of shell 7.021

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Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design


Component Wt. Mean Ht.

(Kgs) (m)

Bottom plate & Annular Plate 3393.018 0.004

Shell course 1 2369.9 0.750
Shell course 2 1777.0 2.250
Shell course 3 1777.0 3.750
Shell course 4 1777.0 5.250
Shell course 5 1658.5 6.700
Shell course 6
Shell course 7
Shell course 8
Shell course 9
Shell course 10
Shell course 11
Shell course 12
Roof Plate 2417.874 7.533
Compression Ring 145.8 7.16
Railings on Roof 251.3274 7.200
Roof Supporting Structure 650 7.200
Nozzles & accesories on shell 500 3.600
Intermediate Wind Girder 1 0 -
Intermediate Wind Girder 2 0 -
Intermediate Wind Girder 3 0 -
Nozzles & accessories on roof 500 7.533
Staircase & Railings on Shell 1404 3.600
Miscellaneous 300.0 3.600

Total (tons) 18.92

Ht. of C.G. of tank 3.718 m

API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008

8.0 M. Dia.Tank Page : 13
Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design
Height of tank(up to Curb angle) H 7.200 m
Tank diameter D 8.000 m
Outer diameter of tank Do 8.016 m
Insulation thickness on shell I 0.000 mm
Effective diameter against wind Dw 8.016 m
Basic Wind velocity vb 160.00 Km/hr
2 1.000
Height Correction factor = (v / 190 ) Hc
Wind Pressure as per(CL.5.2.1(k) )on shell P1 860.00 N/m2
Effective wind pressure = P1 * Hc Pw 860.00 N/m2
Vacuum pressure Pv 0.2452 N/m2
Total External pressure for Shell P1=Pw+Pv 860.25 N/m2
Shape Factor 0.7
602.17 2
Effective wind pressure N/m
Hence effective external pressure on shell P1 860.25 N/m2
Snow load 0.00 N/m2
Wind Pressure as per(CL.2.1.k) on Roof P2 1440.00 N/m2
1440.00 2
Effective wind pressure = P2 * Hc Pw N/m
Vacuum pressure Pv 0.245 N/m2
Total External pressure on Roof P2=Pw+Pv 1440.25 N/m2
Mean height from base = H/2 z 3.60 m
Effective frontal area of Shell Ae1 57.72 m2
Ae = Dw * H
Effective frontal area of Roof Ae2 2.67 m2
Wind load on Shell = Ae1 * P1 F1 49.649 kN
Wind load on Roof = Ae2 * P2 F2 3.843 kN
Total Load F 53.492 kN
Moment at Base = F1*z1+F2*z2 M 207.262 kN-m
As per Clause No. 3.11.2
Design internal Pressure Ip 0.000 Kpa
Total force due to Internal Pressure If 0.000 KN
Mpi = Moment about the shell to bottom joint from design internal pressure
Mpi 0.000 kN-m
Mw = Overturning Moment about the shell to bottom joint from horizontal
plus vertical wind pressure Mw 207.262 kN-m
MDL = Moment about the shell to bottom joint from the weight of the shell
and Roof supported by the shell MDL 429.51 kN-m
Weight of Shell and Roof Ww 115.53 kN
MF = Moment about the shell to bottom joint from Liquid weight
MF 57.7 kN-m
Effective weight of Liquid wL=59tb(FbyH) 0.5 /1000
Where tb = 6.4 mm WL 16.0 KN
and Fby = 250 MPa
and H = 7.2 m
However, W L should not exeed 0.90HD 0.90HD 51.8 KN
Hence , WL 16.0 KN
Where Z =z1+z2
For Shell z1 = H/2 z1 3.600 mtr
For Roof z2 = H+h1 h1 0.222 mtr
z2 7.422 mtr

API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008

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Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design

As per 5.11.2 For Unanchored Tank the followings are to be satishfied

1 0.6Mw+Mpi < MDL/1.5

2 Mw+0.4Mpi < (MDL+MF)/2

0.6Mw+Mpi ,= 124.4 kN-m
MDL/1.5 ,= 286.3 kN-m

As the above first equation satishfy, Anchor Bolts are not required


Mw+0.4Mpi ,= 207.3 kN-m

(MDL+MF)/2 ,= 243.6 kN-m

As the above second equation satishfy, Anchor Bolts are not required

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Static Design


Tank height upto curb angle Ht 7.200 m

Design liquid level H 7.200 m
Nominal tank diameter D 8.000 m


Clause No. E.6.1

+ Vc
Total Design base shear V Vi

V 56205803 N
Design base shear due to impulsive component from effective weight of tank
and contents Vi Ai*(Ws+Wr+Wf+Wi)
Vi 56075976 N

Design base shear due to convective component of the effective sloshing wt.
Vc Ac*Wc
Vc 3818016.8 N

Total weight of shell and appurtenances Ws 96719.2 N

Total weight of fixed tank roof including framing, knuckles, any permanent
attachments and 10% of the roof design snow load
Wr 36430.8 N

Weight of the tank bottom Wf 33285.5 N

Ratio D/H 1.111

Now effective weight of product:

As per clause no. E-6.11 of API-650 tanh( 0.866 )
for (D/H) ≥ 1.333 Wi D p

Wi 2749840.8 N

⎛ D⎞
for (D/H) < 1.333 Wi ⎜1.0 − 0.218 ⎟ *W p
⎝ H ⎠

Wi 2690377.5 N

Effective impulsive portion of the liquid wt.

Wi 2690377.5 N

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Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design

Effective convective (sloshing) portion of the ⎡

liquid weight Wc ⎢⎣0.230 H tanh(3.67
)⎤⎥ *W p

Wc 904861.6 N

Total weight of the tank contents Wp 3550352 N

Natural period of vibration for impulsive mode of behaviour
(Cl. No. E.4.5.1-1a)
1 C i H
Ti 2000 tu

Ti 0.174 sec
Coefficient for determining impulsive period of tank
from FIGURE E-1 Ci 6.1

Density of fluid ρ 1000 kg/m3

Elastic modulus of tank material E 2100000 MPa

Equivalent uniform thk. of tank shell tu 5.333333333 mm

Impulsive design response spectrum acceleration coefficient Condition 5

(Cl. No. E.4.6) Ai 19.629 %g

i) Mapped design method (seismic site class A to D)

I ⎛ I ⎞
Ai S DS ( ) = 2 . 5 QF a S 0

⎜ R ⎟

R wi ⎝ wi ⎠
≥ 0 . 007

Ai 36.786 %g

ii) Mapped design method (seismic site class E & F only)

Ai Ai ≥ 0.5S1 ( ) = 0.625 S p ( )
Rwi Rwi
Ai 5.134 %g
I *
iii) Site specific response spectra Ai 2.5Q ( )Sa0

Ai 29.464 %g

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Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design
iv) Site specific response spectra (assuming the impulsive period=0.2)
I *
Ai Q ( )S a
R wi

Ai 3.929 %g

v) for site specific response spectra (based on calculated

impulsive period Ti) I *
Q( )S a
Ai R wi

Ai 19.629 %g

Natural period of convection (sloshing) mode of behaviour of the liquid

(Cl. No. E.4.5.2-a) Tc 1.8KsD0.5 2.947 sec

Sloshing period coefficient (Cl. No. E.4.5.2-c)

0 . 587
Ks ⎛ 3 . 68 H ⎞
tanh ⎜ ⎟
⎝ D ⎠
Ks 0.579
Regional-dependent transition period for longer period ground motion
TL 2 sec
Is Tc <= TL NO

Convective design response spectrum acceleration coefficient

(Cl. No. E.4.6) Condition 2 Ac 4.219 %g

For mapped design methods,

⎛ 1 ⎞⎛ I ⎞
i)When Tc ≤ TL Ac KS ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
D1 ⎜ T ⎟⎜ R ⎟
⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ wc ⎠
⎛T ⎞⎛ I ⎞
= 2 . 5 KQF a S 0 ⎜⎜ s ⎟⎜
⎟⎜ R
⎟ ≤ Ai

⎝ Tc ⎠ ⎝ wc ⎠

Ac 6.2165 %g

⎛ TL ⎞⎛ I ⎞
ii) When Tc TL Ac KS ⎜ 2 ⎟⎜ ⎟⎟
> D1 ⎜T ⎟⎜ R
⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ wc ⎠
⎛T T ⎞⎛ I ⎞
= 2 . 5 KQF a S 0 ⎜⎜ s 2L ⎟⎜
⎟⎜ R
⎟⎟ ≤ A i
⎝ Tc ⎠ ⎝ wc ⎠

Ac 4.219 %g
⎛ I ⎞
QK ⎜⎜ ⎟S ≤ Ai
iii) for site specific design method Ac ⎟ a
⎝ R wc ⎠
Ac 10.3125 %g

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Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design
Is Ac <= Ai ? YES
Importance factor coefficient set by seismic use group (from table E-5)
Cond. 2 1.250
i) for seismic use group I I 1.000
ii) for seismic use group II II 1.250
iii) for seismic use group III III 1.500

Force reduction factor for the impulsive mode (Table E-4)

Rwi Cond. 1 3.500
i) Self anchored 1 3.500
ii) Mechanically anchored 2 4.000
Force reduction factor for the convective mode (for self anchored
and mechanically anchored) (Table E-4) Rwc 2.000
Scaling factor from the MCE to the design level spectral accelerations
Q 1.00
i) where ASCE 7 methods apply Q 0.667
ii) where ASCE 7 methods do not apply Q 1.000
Coefficient to adjust the spectral acceleration from 5% to 0.5% damping
K 1.500
The design, 5% damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at short
periods (T = 0.2 seconds) based on ASCE 7 methods
SDS QFaSs 103.00 %g
The design, 5% damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at one second
based on ASCE 7 methods SD1 QFvS1 28.75 %g

Mapped, MCE, 5% damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at a period

of zero seconds (peak ground acceleration for a rigid structure)
S0 from map 28.000 %g
Mapped, MCE, 5% damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at
a period of one second S1 1.25*Sp 28.75 %g

Design level peak ground acceleration parameter for sites not addressed
by ASCE methods Sp from map 23.000 %g
The 5% damped, design spectral response acceleration parameter at zero period
based on site-specific procedures Sa0* from map 33.000 %g

The 5% damped, design spectral response acceleration parameter at any period

based on site-specific procedures S a* 11.000 %g
from map - value corresponding to T i=0.2 sec 11.000 %g
from map - value corresponding to calculated T i 11.000 %g
Mapped, MCE, 5% damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at
short periods (0.2 sec) Ss from map 103.000 %g

Acceleration-based site coefficient (at 0.2 sec period) (Based on SITE CLASS)
TS (FvS1)/(FaSs) 0.2791262 sec

API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008

8.0 M. Dia.Tank Page : 19
Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design
Velocity-based site coefficient (at 1.0 sec period) (Based on SITE CLASS)
Fa TABLE E-1 1.000
Fv TABLE E-2 1.000
Overturning moment at the base of the tank shell (Ringwall Moment)
(Cl. No. E.6.1.5)

Mrw 1.6358E+06 N-m

Height from the bottom of the tank shell to Xi 2.848 m
i) for D/H ≥1.3333 Xi 0.375H 2.700 m
i) for D/H <1.3333 Xi [0.5 − 0.094( D / H )]H 2.848 m

Height from the bottom of the tank shell to the shell's center of gravity
Xs 3.513 m
Height from bottom of tank shell to the roof and roof appurtenances center
of gravity Xr 7.422 m

Height from the bottom of the tank shell to the center of action of lateral
seismic force relative to the convective liquid force for ringwall moment

⎡ ⎛ 3 . 67 H ⎞ ⎤
⎢ cosh ⎜ ⎟ −1 ⎥
⎢1 . 0 − ⎝ D ⎠ ⎥H
⎢ 3 . 67 H ⎛ 3 . 67 H ⎞ ⎥
⎢ sinh ⎜ ⎟⎥
⎣ D ⎝ D ⎠⎦

Xc 5.175 m


Circumferential length πxD 25.13 m

Force resisting uplift in annular region wa 99t a Fy HGe
where, wa 26094.599 N/m
Thickness, excluding corrosion allowance, of the bottom annulus under the
shell required to provide the resisting force for self anchorage
ta 6.4 mm
Minimum specified yield strength of bottom annular
Fy 250 MPa

Effective specific gravity including vertical seismic effects

Ge G(1-0.4Av) 0.9423
Specific gravity G 1
Vertical earthquake acceleration coefficient
Av 0.144 %g
0.14SDS or greater for ASCE 7, unless otherwise specified by the purchaser
Computation of 201.1HDG e 201.1HDGe 10915.23
API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008
8.0 M. Dia.Tank Page : 20
Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design
Is wa <= 201.1HDGe ? NO
Now L=0.035D L 0.2800 mtr
Now L=0.01723t a(Fy/HGe)^0.5 L 0.6694 mtr
Hence , as per E. wa 10908.18 N/m
Hence, Anchor is not required
Anchorage ratio (Cl. No. E. J D2[wt (1− 0.4Av ) + wa − 0.4wint]

Tank and roof weight acting at the base of the shell
wt w =
W s
+ w
∏ D
t rs
3942.54 N/m
Total weight of the tank shell and appurtenances
Ws 96719.22 N
Roof load acting on the shell, including 10% of the specified snow load
Snow Load Sw 0.00 N/M2
wrs 2367.50 N
Force resisting uplift in annular region w a 26094.60 N/m
Calculated design uplift load due to product pressure per unit
circumferential length wint 20000 N/m
1.0 As J<= 1.54
The tank is self-anchored
Calculated design uplift load on anchors per unit circumferential length
⎛ 1 . 273 M rw ⎞
⎜ ⎟ − w t (1 − 0 . 4 Av )
⎝ D2 ⎠
wAB 1146.75 N/m


In our case The tank is self-anchored, Cl.E. to be followed


Maximum longitudinal shell compression stress
⎛ 1.273 M rw ⎞ 1
i) When J<0.785 ⎜ wt (1 + 0.4 Av ) + ⎟
⎝ D 2 ⎠ 1000 t s
⎛ wt (1 + 0.4 Av ) + wa ⎞ 1
ii) When 0.785<J<=1.54 ⎜⎜ − wa ⎟⎟
⎝ 0.607 − 0.18667[J ]
⎠ 1000ts

Condition 2
In our case Maximum longitudinal shell compression stress
σc 9.907 MPa
Thickness of bottom shell course less corrosion allowance
ts 6.4 mm
API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008
8.0 M. Dia.Tank Page : 21
Cone Roof Rev. : 2
Static Design

⎛ 1.273 M rw ⎞ 1
Maximum longitudinal shell compression stress ⎜ w t (1 + 0.4 Av ) + ⎟
⎝ D2 ⎠ 1000 t s

σc 5.74 MPa


Thichness of the shell ring under consideration 6.4 mm

Computation of GHD 2/t2 11.25 m

As GHD^2/t^2 is lessr than 44, Fc=83ts/(2.5D)+7.5(GH)^0.5
Hence , Allowable longitudinal shell membrane compression stress
FC 46.685 MPa

Min. specified yield strength of shell Ys 250 MPa

Fty 125 MPa

As Fc < Fty,the stresses are within limits

Also, as σc < Fc, the tank is stable

API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007,Add.2008

8.0 M. Dia.Tank Page: 22
Cone Roof Rev. : 2

Foundation Loading Data

Tank Parameter

Nominal tank diameter D 8.005 m

Total tank height Ht 7.200 m
Max. Design Liquid height H 7.200 m

Design Summary

Bottom Plate Thickness tb 8.00 mm

Shell Thickness S1 8.00 mm

S2 6.00 mm
S3 6.00 mm
S4 6.00 mm
S5 6.00 mm

Roof Thickness Rt 6.00 mm

Wind Girder Details Wg1 N.R

Wg2 N.R

Rafter Sizes Raf. ISMC-100

Tank Load

Empty Weight WE 191.2 kN

Operating Weight WO 3734.4 kN
Hydrotest Weight WH 3740.1 kN

Wind Load
Shear at Base F 53.49 kN
Moment at Base Ip 207.26 kN-m

Seismic Load
Shear at Base Fs 574.35 kN
Moment at Base Ms 1635.75 kN-m

Total Uplift N.A

Counter Balance Weight required in Foundation N.A

Anchor Bolt Not Required

API-650 11TH Edition, June.2007

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