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Unit: Esperanza Novel/Immigrant Stories WORLD LANGUAGE LESSON PLAN

Language: Spanish Level: 2 Period: 2 Date: 3/15/2022

Essential Question or Theme

How are we as humans connected despite having different living conditions?

Outcome(s) / Objective(s) ACTFL Standards:

Communications Standard 2: Students interact
SWBAT demonstrate comprehension of a short and negotiate meaning in a variety of real-world
reading by answering post-reading questions with settings and for multiple purposes. In spoken,
90% accuracy. signed, or written conversations. They use
technology as appropriate in order to collaborate,
SWBAT identify at least one similarity and share information, reactions, feelings, and
difference between themselves and a group of opinions.
Cultures Standard 3: To interact with cultural
competence, students use the target language to
investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of
culture through comparisons or similarities and
differences in the target cultures and the
culture(s) they know.

Language Functions Content Vocabulary Checks for Understanding

 Comparing/Contrasting  Vocab related to housing,  Post-reading questions

 Comprehending rooms in the house  Compare/Contrast living
text/speech  First person verb forms situation written
 Explaining description
 Describing people, places,
and things

Warm-up Timing

For the warm up, students will complete a daily check in. The check in is in the format of
interactive Google Slides. The slides ask students to identify the date, what the weather is 10 mins
like, how they are feeling, and what plans they have for the day after school. Students get
immediate exposure to Spanish and engage with language that they are already familiar
with. Students will be asked to share their responses to the whole class after they have
completed the slides. Students may reference their answers on the slides when they
share out.

Motivator / Introductory Activity Timing

Students will watch a few clips from the documentary Living on One Dollar. I will explain
to students the premise of the documentary and give them some background
information of what is going on in the documentary. In the clips, students will be able to
see living conditions that the indigenous people of Peñ a Blanca, Guatemala are living in.
Unit: Esperanza Novel/Immigrant Stories WORLD LANGUAGE LESSON PLAN

Language: Spanish Level: 2 Period: 2 Date: 3/15/2022

After students watch the clips, they will respond to 4 questions (in English). The purpose 20 mins
of this motivator is to encourage students to think about the lives of people who live
outside of the United States. After writing down their answers, students will share out
with each other, then with the whole class.
Questions for Response:
1. How are your living conditions and the living conditions of the people in
Peña Blanca similar?
2. How are your living conditions and the living conditions of the people in
Peña Blanca different?
3. If you could say something or ask a question to the people of Peña Blanca,
what would you say/ask?
4. What is an action step that you can take to help the people of Peña Blanca?

Comprehensible Input Timing

For input, students will be reading a short reading about the houses of Guatemala. The
reading is a part of the Esperanza (Novel) Teacher’s Guide. Students will read it prior to
reading Chapter 3 of the novel. Students will read in partner pairs using the volleyball
translation reading strategy. With this strategy, students take turns reading and
translating. Partner A will read the first sentence in Spanish while Partner B follows 20 mins
along. Partner B will then translate the first sentence to English aloud. Partner B
continues to read the second sentence in Spanish while Partner A follows along. Partner
A will translate the second sentence to English aloud. This pattern continues until the
pair finishes the reading. Once they finish, they will answer the post-reading questions. If
a partner pair finishes early, they will be tasked with completing a choice board activity
for the reading. The answers for the questions will be reviewed as a whole class.
BREAK Timing
10 mins
Guided Practice Timing
For the guided practice, students will fill in a Venn diagram that compares the
houses/living situations of their families with the families of Guatemala. They can use
words and phrases in the Venn diagram. Once they have finished filling in the Venn 20 mins
diagram, students will write a 10-sentence paragraph using the words/phrases in the
diagram to compare living situations. Students will be given a word bank that will
contain useful words for them to use in their writing.
Closure Activity Timing
For the closure activity, students will fill out a peer and self-reflection form that asks
them to assess their writing and classmates’ writing. 15 mins

Reflection In this lesson, I:

 Set performance based objectives  Engaged students

 Integrated higher level thinking  Used transition effectively
Unit: Esperanza Novel/Immigrant Stories WORLD LANGUAGE LESSON PLAN

Language: Spanish Level: 2 Period: 2 Date: 3/15/2022

 Included spiraled/ scaffolded questioning  Used the target language 90% of class
 Included varied activities  Incorporated student-centered learning
 Closed the lesson appropriately  Incorporated varied student groupings
 Set clear classroom routines  Incorporated cooperative learning
 Used technology appropriately  Assessed students for understanding

Notes _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________






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