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Army Name: 7th Cavalry Regiment Opp.

Chips: 4 Card Divisor: 3 Command Groups: 4

Morale Chips ( ): Diff. Other: D8 Diff. Class IV: D6 Diff. Sapper: D6
Current Routed\Destroyed Units: Commander – Colonel Jake “Sticky Boots” Doubleday

Name (Unit Designation) BDV Training[Type] Fire Melee Morale Formations Weapons

Co. A, 7th Cavalry (7A) +2 Experienced [Lt Cav] UP2 UP2 UP1 SK, LN, CC SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. B, 7th Cavalry (7B) +2 Experienced [Lt Cav] UP2 UP2 UP1 SK, LN, CC SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. C, 7th Cavalry (7C) +1 Regular [Lt Cavalry] UP2 UP2 NC SK, LN, CC SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. D, 7th Cavalry (7D) +1 Regular [Lt Cavalry] UP2 UP2 NC SK, LN, CC SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. E, 7th Cavalry (7E) +1 Regular [Lt Cavalry] UP2 UP2 NC SK, LN, CC SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. F, 7th Cavalry (7F) +1 Regular [Lt Cavalry] UP2 UP2 NC SK, LN, CC SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. G, 7th Cavalry (7G) +0 Militia [Lt Cavalry] UP2 UP1 DN1 SK, LN, CC SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. H, 7th Cavalry (7H) +0 Militia [Lt Cavalry] UP2 UP1 DN1 SK, LN, CC SS Breach-loading Carbine
Crow Allies (CA1) +0 Average Natives [LC] UP2 UP1 NC SK, HD Early Repeaters
Supply Train #1 (7S1)
Supply Train #2 (7S2)

Starting location: 7th Depot Victory Point Total: 3 (+3 LBH)

Starting Cavalry: 8 Ending Cavalry: 7

Name (Unit Designation) Original BDV Battles and Battle Honors Stands Original Weapons
Colonel Doubleday Battle of Johnson Pass
Co. A, 7th Cavalry (5A) +2 Battle of Johnson Pass 2 SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. B, 7th Cavalry (5B) +2 Battle of Johnson Pass 3 SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. C, 7th Cavalry (5C) +1 Battle of Johnson Pass(Destroyed) 0 SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. D, 7th Cavalry (5D) +1 Battle of Johnson Pass 3 SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. E, 7th Cavalry (5E) +1 Battle of the Little Big Horn 4 SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. F, 7th Cavalry (5F) +1 Battle of the Little Big Horn 4 SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. G, 7th Cavalry (5G) +0 Battle of the Little Big Horn 4 SS Breach-loading Carbine
Co. H, 7th Cavalry (5H) +0 Battle of the Little Big Horn 4 SS Breach-loading Carbine
Crow Allies (CA1) +0 Battle of Johnson Pass 3 Early Repeaters
Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
1 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 7th Depot 123 122 NA Doubleday commanding
1 2 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H 7th Depot 123 125 NA
1 3 7S1, 7S2 7th Depot 123 NA NA

Turn 1 Scouting for 7th Cavalry

Group 1 @125 – No Indians encountered
Group 2 @122 – No Indians encountered
Group 3 @123 – No Indians encountered

Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
2 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 122 121(e) 121(w) NA Doubleday commanding
2 2 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H 125 127(e) 127(w) NA
2 3 7S1 123 125 NA NA
2 4 7S2 123 122 NA NA

Turn 2 Scouting for 7th Cavalry

Group 1 @121(w) – No Indians encountered
Group 2 @127(w) – No Indians encountered
Group 3 @125 – No Indians encountered
Group 4 @122 – No Indians encountered

Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
3 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 121w 120 119 NA Doubleday commanding
3 2 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H 127w 130 117 NA
3 3 7S1 125 127e NA NA
3 4 7S2 122 121e NA NA

Turn 3 Scouting for 7th Cavalry

Crow scouts have returned and report an Indian warband roaming the area of 92. They believe they were not noticed by the savages.

Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
4 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 119 118 92 NA Doubleday commanding
4 2 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H 117 116 114 NA
4 3 7S1 127e 127w NA NA
4 4 7S2 121e 121w NA NA

Turn 4 Scouting for 7th Cavalry

7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 @92 - Hostiles encountered! Crow identify the enemy has Hunkpapa. Only one warband encountered and they are
driven back to are 91. The Crows have found no other Indians in the vicinity.
7E, 7F, 7G, 7H @114 – Hostiles found!!! One warband found to your south in area 116. They were not there when you moved through
that area. You scouts find all sorts of horse tracks around area 99 that belong to hostiles, but no Indians have been found! At least 500 warriors rode
on that ground, but didn’t cross to the south side of the Bolling River. The men appear to be a bit shaken by the scouting reports.
7S1 @127w – No enemy encountered.
7S2 @121w – No enemy encountered.

Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
5 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 92 91e 93e NA Doubleday commanding
5 2 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H 114 115 NA NA
5 3 7S1 127w 130 NA NA
5 4 7S2 121w 120 NA NA

Turn 5 Scouting for 7th Cavalry

7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 @93e – Two Indians warbands found in area 88 heading towards the mountains.
7E, 7F, 7G, 7H @115 – Scouts have found two Indian Warbands in area 99w across the Bolling River.
7S1 @130 – in contact with column #2 in area 115
7S2 @120 – no enemy contact.
Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
6 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 93e 92 118 NA Doubleday commanding
6 2 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H 115 114 99e NA
6 3 7S1 130 115 NA NA
6 4 7S2 120 119 NA NA

Turn 6 Scouting for 7th Cavalry

7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 @118 – 1 warband in area 91w is found. They seem to be shadowing your forces.
7E, 7F, 7G, 7H @99e - 2 warbands in area 80. Found the 4th!!! Company G located in area 104. You may now communicate directly
with Captain Lawton (Mike J.) via email. CC me on all communications.
7S1 @115 – no Indians encountered
7S2 @119 – no Indians encountered

Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
7 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 118 92 90 NA Doubleday commanding
7 2 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H 99e 99w 100 NA Major Minor commanding
7 3 7S1 115 114 NA NA
7 4 7S2 119 118 NA NA

Turn 7 Scouting for 7th Cavalry

7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 @90 - You have lost contact with the Indians.
7E, 7F, 7G, 7H @100 - You have lost contact with the Indians. The 4th has one company in 78 and 4 companies in area 77.
7S1 @114 - No enemy encountered
7S2 @118 - No enemy encountered.

You may communicate freely with the 4th commander.

Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
8 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 90 89e 89w NA Doubleday commanding
8 2 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H 100 80 78 NA Major Minor commanding
8 3 7S1 114 99e NA NA
8 4 7S2 118 92 NA NA

Turn 8 Scouting for 7th Cavalry

All units are considered OOS2 for next turn: turn 9. (2 Dress Line cards and -1 to current BDV if you go into battle this turn).

7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 @89w – Your Crow scouts found one warband in area 88. They know of your forces. No other Indians have been found.
7E, 7F, 7G, 7H @78 – No Indians encountered, but you have located the 4th Cavalry’s supply columns. They should be making a forward
depot which will put you back in supply at the begging of turn 10.
7S1 @99e – No Indians found.
7S2 @92 – No Indians found.

You may communicate directly with the 4th Cavalry, which has 1 company in area 71, 4 companies in area 72, and 2 companies in area 73.

Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
9 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 89w 88 86 NA Doubleday commanding (OOS2)
9 2 7E , 7F, 7G, 7H 78 72 71 NA (OOS2) Major Minor commanding
9 3 7S1 99e 99w NA NA
9 4 7S2 92 91e NA NA

Turn 9 Scouting for 7th Cavalry

Colonel Doubleday,

You are finding Indians on all fronts.

7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 @86 Command is now OOS3 for the next turn. You need a depot built ASAP. Remember depots can build a replacement
supply train. (You can always have two supply trains in play along with any depots you create). Your companies have driven a warband back through
the mountains. There are two warbands lead by Crow King in area 87. Your Crow scouts are earning they pay.
7E , 7F, 7G, 7H @71 Command is back in supply. 14 warbands and tipis in area 56e. 5 companies of the 4th are in 57.
7S1 @99w No Indians encountered
7S2 @91e No Indians encountered.

You may communicate freely with the 4th. No word from the 5th at this time.
Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
10 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 86 - - NA Doubleday commanding (OOS3), no move
10 2 7E , 7F, 7G, 7H 71 57e 56e NA Major Minor commanding
10 3 7S1 99w 100 NA NA
10 4 7S2 91e Depot NA NA Creating a Depot

Turn 10 Scouting for 7th Cavalry

Supply Depot in 91e resupplies Doubleday’s command.

Colonel Doubleday,

Scouts report 10 warbands in area 56e.

Scouts report no contact in Johnson Pass. The Indians seemed to have withdrawn.

There are 5 companies of the 4th with you in area 57. Some are across the river.

All your units are in supply for turn 11.

7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 @86

7E , 7F, 7G, 7H @56e
7S1 @100
7S2 @91e - Depot

You may communicate freely with the 4th.

Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
87 Doubleday commanding
11 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 86 64 NA
11 2 7E , 7F, 7G, 7H 57e 56e 55e NA Major Minor commanding
11 3 7S1 100 80 NA NA
11 4 7S2 91e - Depot NA NA NA Creating Supply Train 3
11 5 7S3 91 88 NA NA
Turn 11 Scouting for 7th Cavalry

Colonel Doubleday,

While you recover from your wounds from Johnson Pass you receive the following scouting reports:

10 warbands east of the LBH River in area 56

1 warband in area 41
10 warbands in area 54, all but one in the east side of the river.
11 warbands in area 87.
Your Forward Depot in 91 was attacked by a Hunkpapa Warband. It was driven off, with only a few men wounded.

7A, 7B, 7D, CA1 @86 – Completely demoralized. -2 on any BDV rolls for a battle during Turn 12. Company C has ceased to exist.
7E , 7F, 7G, 7H @55e – OOS1
7S1 @80
7S2 @91e - Depot
7S3 @88

Needless to say your superiors are less than pleased with the current situation.

You may communicate freely with the 4th Cavalry.

Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
12 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1 86 NA NA NA Doubleday commanding
12 2 7E , 7F, 7G, 7H 55e 56e battle NA Major Minor commanding – OOS1
12 3 7S1 80 78 NA NA
12 4 7S2 91e - Depot NA NA NA Forward Depot
12 5 7S3 88 86 NA NA

Turn 12 Scouting Report for 7th Cavalry

Colonel Doubleday,

It is with regrets that we have to tell you that Major Minor was killed on the battlefield of the Little Big Horn. The 7th performed poorly on the field,
but the 4th cavalry brought in reinforcements and has secured the location. Company E did fight with distinction and will fight harder at the next
battle. Surprisingly, your forces at LBH suffered only minor casualties as they appeared to out-run the Indians.

Your forces in Johnson pass have recovered and supply wagons have arrived.

You gained 3 VP for the LBH battle and your campaign total is 3 VP.

Company Locations
7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1, 7S3 in 86
7E in area 56e
7S1 in area 78
7S2 in depot at 91e
7F, 7G, 7H in area 57e.

Supply Situation
All units are in supply.

Scouting report:
Large mass of Indians in area 55e (14+ warbands)
Scouts report 5 warbands in area 41.

You may communicate with the 5th and 4th cavalry.

Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
13 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1, 7S3 86 87 NA NA Doubleday commanding
13 2 7E 56e NA NA NA ?? Commanding.
13 3 7S1 78 73 NA NA
13 4 7S2 91e - Depot NA NA NA Forward Depot
13 5 7F, 7G, 7H 57e 56e NA NA

Turn 13 Scouting Report for 7th Cavalry

Colonel Doubleday,

Your two commands have consolidated and both are in supply.

You need to name a commander for the 4 companies in area 56e.

Company Locations
7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1, 7S3 in area 87
7E, 7F, 7G, 7H in area 56e. (with the entire 4th cavalry)
7S2 in depot at 91e
7S1 in area 73

Supply Situation
All units are in supply.

Scouting report:
The 5th cavalry is in area 22.
No Indian forces spotted around the Little Big Horn, but there a huge trail of pony tracks heading south along the Little Big Horn.
Scouts in Johnson Pass report 2 warbands in area 63 to the east of the Elk River. The Crow scouts say these are Hunkpapa warriors.

You may communicate with the 5th and 4th cavalry.

Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
14 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1, 7S3 87 64 NA NA Doubleday commanding
14 2 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H 56e 67 66 NA Major Tibodeaux commanding
14 3 7S1 73 72 NA NA
14 4 7S2 91e - Depot NA NA NA Forward Depot

Turn 14 Scouting Report for 7th Cavalry

Colonel Doubleday,

Major Tibodeaux’s command has anchored the left wing of the advancing cavalry columns. Your command has moved out into the plains of the
Little Big Horn valley.

Company Locations
7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, CA1, 7S3 in area 64
7E, 7F, 7G, 7H in area 66.
7S2 in depot at 91e
7S1 in area 72

Supply Situation
Major Tibodeaux’s command will be OOS1 for turn 15. No depots within three spaces.
All others are in supply.

Scouting report:
5th Cavalry (8 companies.)in 54w.
4th Cavalry (7 companies.) in 54e.
Tibodeaux’s scouts report 7 Indian warbands in 53s.
Doubleday’s scouts report 3 warbands in area 63 to the east of the Elk River. The Crow scouts say these are Hunkpapa warriors.
Your Crow scouts also find 1 warband in area 59.

You may communicate with the 5th and 4th cavalry.

Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
15 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7S3 64e 64e-FD NA NA Doubleday commanding. Creating Forward Depot
15 2 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H 66 65 60n NA Major Tibodeaux commanding
15 3 7S1 71 57 NA NA
15 4 7S2 91e - Depot NA NA NA Forward Depot
15 5 CA1 64e 64w 62 R64w Driven back by Hunkpapa.

Turn 15 Scouting Report for 7th Cavalry

Colonel Doubleday,

The Indians are within sight and moving south.

Current Campaign Victory Points: 3

Victory Points this turn: 0

Company Locations
7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7S3 in area 64e
CA1 in area 64w.
7E, 7F, 7G, 7H in area 60n.
7S2 in depot at 91e
7S1 in area 57

Supply Situation
All units in supply thanks to the 4th regiment building a forward depot in area 66. You can ride hard now without much risk to supply.

Scouting report:
Tibodeaux’s scouts report 20 Indian warbands in 59.
Doubleday’s scouts report 19 warbands in area 59. The Crow scouts say these are Hunkpapa, Oglala, and Sans Arc warriors.

You may communicate with the 5th (8 co) and 4th (7 co) cavalry. They are both located in 53s.
Turn Group# Units 1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move Additional Details
16 1 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D 64e 64e-FD NA NA Doubleday commanding. Creating Forward Depot
16 2 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H 60n 60s 59 NA Major Tibodeaux commanding
16 3 7S1 57 56 NA NA
16 4 7S2 91e - Depot NA NA NA Forward Depot
16 5 CA1 64e 62 61 - Scouting for Indians
16 6 7S3 64e - Depot NA NA NA Forward Depot

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