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Booked Out For LOVE

Chapter 1
It was a Monday morning and I was
getting ready to go to school. First day of
high school and I had no expectations of
it going well. I wore a blue top with
skinny jeans and headed downstairs. My
sister was already at the table drinking
‘Hey Cara, What are you doing? You are
up early.’
‘Yeah have an early class today.’ She
replied back.
She was four years older than me, yet we
were frank about anything and
everything. After my elder sis got
married we were best friends and she
knew every little secret about me. She
was like my twin sister in a whole
different way.
Mum entered the kitchen and poured me
a cup of coffee. I was already late. After
saying my goodbyes I headed out.
I reached the school bus just in time and
saw my best friend Victoria reading
‘Pride and Prejudice’.
‘Hey,’ I said while I took my seat next to
‘Adeline it is the first day of high school,
please be less cheerful the worst four
years of our life’s are about to start.’ She
said in a monotone.
‘Come on, who knows maybe we’ll have
the best four years of our lives. Be a
little optimistic.’ I said smiling.
Hanna and Brittany entered and sat in
front of us.
We were friends since kindergarten and
we played together in middle school. We
were best friends.
‘So how are you feeling girls?’ Hanna
‘Adeline is completely happy about
everything and well I am already bored.’
Victoria replied.
We reached our new school since in
middle school we were all in a girl’s
school. So it was a bit awkward going to
co-school but whatever. Victoria and
Hanna were already committed. Brittany
and I were busy deciding whether we
were going to hook up with anyone or
Victoria’s boyfriend Michael went to
the same high school. They were seniors
if one year difference was counted.
Hanna’s boyfriend was in college –
fiancé technically. It was an arranged
family thing.
I took science subjects and lucky us we
were all in same classes too. First class
was boring and Victoria was busy texting
her boyfriend. I never liked her
boyfriend. He seemed like a playboy and
yet Victoria wouldn’t listen to me, even
if I told her he was a total flirt and could
flirt with walls.
I was actually right about her other
boyfriends being jerks. Her Ex cheated
on her with his cousin which was totally
stupid because the cousin hooked them
up! Well, if you needed a list of bad
boyfriends. Ha! Victoria’s Ex’s list was
the list. On the other hand, Hanna was
much stable. She already liked this guy
and her family also appreciated David.
They had gotten engaged at fourteen that
was hilarious as a whole party was
planned. She even wears a ring!
I was taken out of my stupor when
Victoria passed me a paper asking me if I
was free after school.
She probably had to meet Michael, and
Hanna would never go with her and
Brittany would make an excuse about her
mum leaving her behind.
‘Yeah, I guess I am! What’s up?’ I
wrote back.
‘Yeah, it’s Michael. He wants to meet
after basketball practice.’ She scribbled.
This meant I would be going home late.
Yet I said okay to her.
It was lunch time and I saw Ashley and
Emma eating lunch across our table.
Ashley and Emma didn’t quite like
Victoria and Hanna but they were still
friends! Not close but still good friends.
Emma was a ‘Guy Magnet’ and it was
only half day and she had ten guys
wanting to go out with her.
Emma and Ashley were our classmates
since kindergarten and our families knew
each other well.
Their subjects were same and they also
had a few classes with us.
If Victoria’s group was all fashionable
and girly girl with a bit of tom-
boyishness then Ashley’s group was
crazy fun and Head of School
Committee. I felt like I was the glue
between them so basically I was the
reason they talked to each other.
I was more close to Ashley than
Victoria because I guess we always
clicked more on other things too.
But at the end of the day all six of us
knew each other so well that if we
crossed each other’s path there would be
collateral damage.
In the rest of classes I sat with Ashley
and discussed a few family problems she
was facing. After school ended Victoria
found me and we went to the gym.
‘So everything fine with Ashley? She
seemed a bit upset!’ Victoria asked while
we were heading towards the gym.
‘Yeah, everything’s perfect. She is just
worried about studies.’ I replied
sounding casual.
When we entered the gym I saw
Michael throwing a three pointer. If after
flirting there was something he was good
at, that would be basketball.
‘Hey baby!’ He shouted while walking
towards Vic.
‘Hey.’ She said while they hugged.
‘Who’s this, baby?’ He asked while
looking towards me.
‘Oh! I forgot to mention. Adeline this
is Michael. Michael this is Adeline.’
They had been dating for two months
and he didn’t know her girlfriends best
‘Nice meeting you.’ Deep down I knew
I wasn’t but for Vic’s sake I had to
‘Same here. Baby, you didn’t tell me
you had such gorgeous friends.’ He
I felt sick to my stomach but what
could I have done.
There came this new guy behind them.
‘Hey Jake.’ I heard Vic saying.
Vic knew him them I guess.
‘Jake meet Adeline. This is Jake -
Michael’s best friend.’ She said
I just nodded and checked the time. I
was already late because I had to baby sit
tonight and had some chores at home so I
asked Vic to hurry up.
‘Adeline, I can drop Vic off. You can
go if you want.’ Michael said addressing
‘Well, she came with me so she should
probably leave with me too!’ I said with
a stern voice.
‘It is okay, Ade. He’ll drop me off, you
should go.’ She said.
‘Are you sure?’ I asked.
‘Yeah everything’s okay.’ She replied.
‘Okay then, text me when you reach
home. Okay see you later.’ I hugged her
and took my leave.
‘Again it was nice meeting you,
Adeline.’ I heard Michael shouting. I
looked back and smiled only.
While walking towards the bus I saw
Jake standing with a few of his friends.
Ignoring him I sat in the bus. When the
bus was about to leave I saw Jake
entering the bus. I was in the process of
switching on my iPod when he came up.
‘Hey can I sit with you?’ Jake asked.
I just shrugged rolling my eyes.
I switched on my iPod and closed my
eyes so we could have no conversation.
‘This is my stop.’ I said while standing
up to find him blocking my way.
‘Are you free tonight?’ He asked.
‘Umm, I don’t think we are acquainted
enough for me to tell you whether I am
free tonight.’ I said.
‘Yeah, you are right but this way we
can get acquainted.’ He said.
‘Sorry I am busy tonight. So please can
you move your feet?’ I said rudely.
‘Sure.’ He said stepping aside.
Such a jerk! I thought.
‘Mom, I am home.’ I greeted and
headed towards the room.
‘Ade, you are late. Where were you?’
Mom asked.
‘It was Vic mom. She needed help so I
stayed with her.’ I replied back while
changing my clothes.
‘While you were out ‘The Andersons’
called. They want you there a bit early.’
Mum said while picking up my bag.
‘Okay its 4:30 now. I’ll leave at 6:30,
I’ll eat when I get my sleep.’ I asked her
to wake me up at 6.
‘Okay then.’ She said while leaving the
I checked my cell and Vic hadn’t texted
me yet! I went into a slumber.
Mum was dropping me off as I was
late; I brushed my straight black hair and
tied my hair in a high pony. Hurried
downstairs and took the sandwich mum
made for me. Dad was going to pick me
up at 11 and this was the first and last
time I was babysitting on school night.
Cara was having a sleepover at our
house and it was a rush already.
I reached the Anderson’s at 7:15. I was
about to knock but the door opened with
Mrs. Anderson was coming out.
‘Oh Thank God, you are here.’ She
handed her young daughter Tiffany over
to me. She was almost 1 year old.
‘Her food is in the cabinet. I did feed
her so she won’t be problem. Her
bedtime is 9 and Matthew’s tutor would
be leaving at 9 so you have to watch him
for 2 hour’s , we will be back by 11.’ She
was speaking without stopping.
‘Okay, I’ll be fine.’ I said smiling back.
‘Well, you should meet Matthew’s
tutor.’ She said politely.
I turned around and my jaw was about
to drop but I controlled it. It was Jake.
‘So Jake this is Adeline she’ll be taking
care of Tiffany, and Adeline this is Jake.
We’ll be going then, take care boys and
girls.’ With that she took her leave.
‘I am pleased to see you again. Such a
small world isn’t it.’ He said.
‘Well, it is but you should be doing
your work.’ While saying that I went
upstairs to Tiffany’s room.
She was a total angel and slept right at
While I went downstairs Jake was
packing up things with Matthew.
Matthew was a fourth grader and I knew
him since the day he was born.
‘Hey, can I watch TV now?’ Matthew
‘Yeah you sure can! But keep the
volume low.’ I asked him.
Jake was ready to take his leave. ‘You
sure you’ll be fine by yourself?’ Jake
‘It’s sweet of you asking me that but I
am positive I’ll be fine, bye.’ I said while
he headed out and closed the door behind
I went to the living room and played x-
box with Matthew. It was 10:45 and I
tugged Matthew into his bed and came
downstairs; checked my phone and there
was still no text from Vic.
I texted Hanna asking about Vic and
she texted me back that they were
sleeping over.
I passed the rest of my time watching a
little of TV. The Anderson’s returned at
11 and I called dad to pick me up.
When I reached home I went to Cara’s
room to find them watching Resident
Evil 4.
I studied till 12 and then slept. I drifted
off thinking tomorrow was going to be an
early morning for me.

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