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Murata et al.

Inter ventional Radiolog y • Clinical Obser vations


Management of
Pancreaticoduodenal Artery
R Y O F Aneurysms: Results of
Superselective Transcatheter
Satoru Murata1 OBJECTIVE. The purpose of our study was to assess the efficacy of transcatheter arterial
Hiroyuki Tajima1 embolization for pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysms.
Tsuyoshi Fukunaga1 CONCLUSION. We concluded that transcatheter arterial embolization is the initial and
Yutaka Abe1 definitive therapeutic choice for pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysms, with a possible option
Pascal Niggemann2 to perform surgery after embolization.
Shiro Onozawa1
neurysms of the pancreaticoduode- Subjects and Methods
Tatsuo Kumazaki1
Masayuki Kuramochi3
Kemmei Kuramoto4 A nal arteries are rare and make up
only 2% of all splanchnic aneu-
rysms [1]. Pancreaticoduodenal ar-
Between January 1992 and December 2002, 10
patients with pancreaticoduodenal artery aneu-
tery aneurysms may have an increased propen- rysms were admitted to Nippon Medical School
Murata S, Tajima H, Fukunaga T, et al. sity for rupture: 64% of patients seeking Hospital. The clinical findings of these patients
medical advice from symptoms related to the are summarized in Table 1. One woman and nine
aneurysm have had a rupture [2]. Pancreati- men, with a median age of 57 years (range, 45 to
coduodenal artery aneurysm ruptures can be life 72 years) were identified. All patients underwent
threatening because they result in bleeding into transcatheter arterial embolization. Three pa-
the retroperitoneal space, abdominal cavity, the tients had a history of hypertension and three
gastrointestinal tract, or a combination of these. were alcoholics. Two patients had a history of
Before 1980, surgery was the only treatment for partial gastrectomy for gastric ulcer, and one of
pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysm, and its them showed signs of ileus. One patient had ad-
mortality rate was 26% [3]. However, the in- vanced common bile duct cancer. One patient had
Keywords: aneurysm, embolization, interventional hospital mortality rate for patients who received no history of any particular disease. Nine of the
radiology, pancreas
no surgical treatment was 80% [3]. 10 patients had ruptured pancreaticoduodenal ar-
DOI:10.2214/AJR.04.1726 Recently, the rapid development of inter- tery aneurysms. Five of these nine had gas-
ventional radiology has made it possible to trointestinal bleeding, and two also had hemate-
Received November 9, 2004; accepted after revision perform transcatheter arterial embolization of mesis. Six patients were hemodynamically stable
May 19, 2005.
visceral aneurysms safely and effectively. In during and after volemic resuscitation, but three
1Department of Radiology, Nippon Medical School, 1-1-5
addition to surgery, transcatheter arterial em- were hemodynamically unstable (shock index:
Sendagi, Bunkyou-ku, Tokyo, Japan 113-8602. Address bolization has been performed since 1980, heart rate/systolic blood pressure > 1) despite
correspondence to S. Murata. and the mortality rate has significantly im- volemic resuscitation. One of those with shock
proved [3–4]. Despite these facts, the choice received emergency laparotomy, and the other
2Department of Radiology, RWTH Aachen University
of initial therapy remains controversial. two underwent clipping by endoscopy with the
Hospital, Aachen, Germany.
During the last decade, the number of case re- intention of stopping the bleeding before embo-
3Department of Radiology, Hitachi General Hospital, ports of pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysm lization; however, in these three patients the
Hitachi, Ibaragi, Japan. has increased because of improved detection bleeding could not be stopped. They therefore re-
rates with advances in noninvasive diagnostic quired immediate embolization. The patient
of Diagnostic Radiology, National Disaster
Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan.
techniques, such as CT and sonography. There- whose aneurysm had not ruptured was symptom
fore, it is important to choose a therapy—tran- free. She was followed up by her family physi-
WEB scatheter arterial embolization or surgery—for cian, and CT revealed that the aneurysm in-
This is a Web exclusive article. initial treatment. The purposes of this article are creased in diameter from 2 to 2.8 cm within 1
AJR 2006; 187:W290–W298
to evaluate the results of transcatheter arterial year. She rejected surgical resection after the sur-
embolization therapy and to discuss which treat- geons explained the potential complications of
ment should be chosen for pancreaticoduodenal surgery, and she decided to undergo transcatheter
© American Roentgen Ray Society artery aneurysms in various cases. arterial embolization.

W290 AJR:187, September 2006

Transcatheter Embolization for Pancreaticoduodenal Artery Aneurysms

TABLE 1: Summary of Patient Data

Diameter Embolization Technique
Patient of 30-Day
No./Age Clinical Medical Location of Aneurysm Approach Technical Clinical
(y)/Sex Symptom History Aneurysm (mm) Rupture Route Afferent Packing Efferent Success Success Outcome
1/72/Fa None CAS IPDA 28 No Bothe Done None Done Yes Yes Survival
2/54/Ma Abdominal CAS IPDA 33 Yes SMA Done Done None Yes Yes Survival
pain IPDA 7 Done Done None Yes
3/58/Ma Abdominal CAO IPDA 32 Yes SMA Done None None Yes No Survival
pain MALS
4/48/Mb Abdominal Pancreatitis IPDA 23 Yes SMA Done None Done Yes Yes Survival
5/53/M Abdominal Unknown IPDA 9 Yes Bothe Done Nonef Done Yes Yes Survival
pain IPDA 7 Yes Done Nonef Done Yes
ASPDA 6 Yes Done Nonef Done Yes
1st jejunal 4 No Done Done None
6/45/Mc Shock PG IPDA 7 Yes SMA Done Done None Yes Yes Survival
Hematemesis Gastric ulcer
7/53/Md Shock PG ASPDA 5 Yes Celiac Done Done None Yes Nog Death
Ileus Gastric ulcer artery
8/70/Md Hematemesis CBD cancer IPDA 5 Yes Celiac Done Done None Yes Yes Survival
Melena artery
9/62/Mb Melena Pancreatitis IPDA 8 Yes Bothe Done None Done Yes Yes Survival
10/57/Mb Melena Pancreatitis IPDA 6 Yes Celiac Done None Done Yes Yes Survival
Note—CAS = celiac axis stenosis, IPDA = inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, SMA = superior mesenteric artery, CAO = celiac axis occlusion, MALS = median arcuate
ligament syndrome, ASPDA = anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, PG = partial gastrectomy, CBD = common bile duct.
a Hypertension.
b Alcoholism.
c Emergency laparotomy before transcatheter arterial embolization.
d Endoscopic treatment before transcatheter arterial embolization.
e Both the SMA and celiac artery routes were used.
f Transcatheter arterial embolization using gelatin sponge.
g Patient had surgery after embolization for failure of sutures and then suffered disseminated intervascular coagulation.

Embolization Technique gency permitted. Otherwise, the immediate family was performed in each patient 1 week to 2 months
After diagnostic angiography with a 5-French was informed. after embolization to assess the stoppage of
catheter, a 3-French microcatheter was inserted as bleeding or thrombosis of the aneurysms or both.
close as possible to the aneurysm. Arteriography Data Analysis In particular, patients with celiac trunk stenosis
was then performed. Technical success reflects immediate results (n = 2) were given an additional follow-up con-
The method of embolization of the pancreati- and is typically evaluated by completion angiog- trast-enhanced CT every 3 months for 1 year, and
coduodenal artery aneurysm was as follows: The raphy [5]. The technical success of our series was every 6 months after 1 year (range, 21 months to
basic procedure involved isolation and exclusion defined as nonvisualization of aneurysms and 34 months; mean, 27.5 months) to check for the
of the afferent and efferent arteries close to the an- nonvisualization of bleeding, as verified by presence of recurrent or new aneurysms.
eurysm, using microcoils with a coaxial system to postembolization angiography. Clinical success
exclude and occlude the aneurysm because of the reflects the results in the 30 days immediately af- Results
presence of anastomotic branches around the pan- ter the embolization procedure and is typically as- The causes of these pancreaticoduodenal
creas. If a microcatheter could not be advanced sessed by close patient follow-up [5]. Clinical artery aneurysms were arteriosclerosis, in as-
into the efferent arteries, we first tried to pack the success in our series was defined by the patients’ sociation with celiac axis stenosis or occlu-
aneurysm and then embolized the afferent arteries condition (the 30-day outcome)—that is, whether sion (n = 2); compression of the median arc-
with microcoils. If a microcatheter could not be patients were hemodynamically stable without uate ligament of the diaphragm (n = 1);
advanced into the aneurysm (i.e., if we could not blood transfusion. Cases in which additional sur- pancreatitis (n = 3); postsurgery (n = 2); ad-
even pack the aneurysm), we embolized the affer- gery or endoscopic treatment for the aneurysm vanced common bile duct cancer (n = 1); and
ent arteries and recommended surgical treatment. were performed after the embolization procedure unknown (n = 1) (patient had no history of
Informed consent for embolization was ob- were excluded from the clinical successes. For systemic vascular disease, abdominal trauma,
tained from conscious patients as far as the emer- follow-up, contrast-enhanced CT or sonography or chronic pancreatitis).

AJR:187, September 2006 W291

Murata et al.


Fig. 1—72-year-old woman with embolization of nonruptured pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysm caused by celiac axis stenosis.
A, Contrast-enhanced CT scan reveals aneurysm (2.8 cm in diameter) located behind pancreas head.
B, Angiography of superior mesenteric artery shows pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysm of inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery. Hepatic arteries and splenic artery are
opacified through dilated dorsal pancreas artery as main feeder. Afferent artery of aneurysm is embolized through superior mesenteric artery route, and efferent artery is
also embolized through celiac artery route.
C, Superior mesenteric arteriography after embolization of aneurysm shows no visualized aneurysm.
D, Contrast-enhanced CT scan 1 week after transcatheter arterial embolization shows complete thrombosis of the aneurysm.

W292 AJR:187, September 2006

Transcatheter Embolization for Pancreaticoduodenal Artery Aneurysms

Fig. 2—53-year-old man with embolization of multiple ruptured pancreaticoduodenal
artery aneurysms.
A, Superior mesenteric arteriogram shows four aneurysms.
B, Selective inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteriogram clearly shows aneurysms,
three on the pancreaticoduodenal artery (arrows) and one on first jejunum artery
C, Gastroduodenal artery arteriogram after embolization with microcoils (arrows)
and gelatin sponge particles shows no extravasation and no visualized aneurysms.

Angiographic and CT Findings findings. Evaluation by CT was performed in gelatin sponge (one patient). In five of the 10
Angiography revealed 13 pancreaticoduode- eight of 10 patients before angiography, which patients, isolation was obtained with microcoils
nal artery aneurysms ranging from one to three showed intraabdominal hematoma in six pa- using the coaxial system to exclude both affer-
in each patient, and the sizes of the aneurysms tients. One of the remaining two patients who ent and efferent arteries close to the aneurysm.
ranged from 5 to 33 mm (median, 13.5 mm). did not undergo CT was found by angiography Of these five patients, one had an unruptured
Eleven of the 13 aneurysms were located in the to have intraabdominal bleeding. aneurysm, seen with CT and Doppler sonogra-
inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, and the re- phy, 1 week after embolization. The patient was
maining two were in the anterior superior pan- Technical Success found to have complete thrombosis of the aneu-
creaticoduodenal artery. Bleeding from the an- Nine of the 10 patients with pancreati- rysm (Fig. 1). In another patient, we had in-
eurysm was recognized in four patients on coduodenal artery aneurysms were success- tended to perform the isolation using only mi-
angiography, and true aneurysms were recog- fully embolized by transcatheter arterial embo- crocoils, but we did not have enough microcoils
nized in four patients (celiac stenosis or occlu- lization alone using only microcoils (eight on hand. Consequently, we first embolized the
sion, n = 3; unknown, n = 1) by angiographic patients) or using microcoils combined with inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery and a small

AJR:187, September 2006 W293

Murata et al.


Fig. 3—54-year-old man with embolization of ruptured pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysms caused by celiac axis stenosis.
A, Unenhanced CT scan shows retroperitoneal hematoma.
B, Selective superior mesenteric arteriogram shows two aneurysms, 3.3 cm and 0.5 cm in diameter, arising from anterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery.
C, Selective superior mesenteric arteriogram after embolization with microcoils (arrows) shows no visualized aneurysms.
D, Contrast-enhanced CT scan 4 weeks after embolization shows no hematoma in abdominal cavity.

aneurysm of the first jejunal artery with micro- sponge. After these procedures, the superior went packing of their aneurysms and emboliza-
coils, and then embolized the superior pancre- pancreaticoduodenal artery was embolized tion of the afferent arteries with microcoils
aticoduodenal artery with particles of gelatin with microcoils (Fig. 2). Four patients under- (Fig. 3). In the remaining patient, who had rup-

W294 AJR:187, September 2006

Transcatheter Embolization for Pancreaticoduodenal Artery Aneurysms

Fig. 4—58-year-old man with pancreaticoduodenal aneurysm rupture caused by
median arcuate ligament syndrome.
A, Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows hematoma surrounding duodenum in
retroperitoneal space.
B, Selective superior mesenteric arteriogram shows saccular aneurysm (arrow), 3.2
cm in diameter, arising from anterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery. Celiac axis
is completely occluded and blood flow to liver and spleen is supplied by way of
enlarged pancreaticoduodenal artery.
C, Contrast-enhanced CT scan obtained 2 weeks after embolization of only afferent
artery shows well-enhanced aneurysm with mural thrombus (arrows).

ture of the pancreaticoduodenal artery aneu- Clinical Success trast-enhanced CT at 14 days after transcath-
rysm caused by compression of the median ar- There were no complications directly re- eter arterial embolization, however, showed a
cuate ligament, although we managed to sulting from the embolization procedures and well-enhanced pancreaticoduodenal artery
advance a microguidewire into the aneurysm, a no cases of re-rupture. We observed two in- aneurysm. Therefore, he agreed to undergo
microcatheter could not be advanced along stances in which we did not obtain clinical surgery, and surgical treatment was success-
with the microguidewire because of the tortu- success between days 8 and 14. One patient fully performed.
ous nature of the afferent artery and the use of was successfully treated by embolization of The other eight patients were stable after
an initial coaxial catheter system. Therefore, the ruptured pancreaticoduodenal artery an- transcatheter arterial embolization and were
we embolized only the afferent artery with mi- eurysm (Fig. 5) and became hemodynami- discharged from the hospital. Use of CT at 1
crocoils (Fig. 4). Superior mesenteric arteriog- cally stable. He then received repeat surgery or 2 months after embolization showed di-
raphy immediately after embolization showed for suture failure 3 days after embolization minished intraabdominal hematoma in five of
no visible aneurysm, and the patient became but developed disseminated intervascular co- five patients. As we could not obtain clinical
hemodynamically stable. We recommended agulation and died 5 days after the repeat sur- success in two patients, the clinical success
surgery because we considered him to be at gery. The other patient was treated by embo- rate was 80% (8 of 10 patients). The mortality
high risk for re-rupture, but he rejected surgery. lization of only the afferent artery with rate with transcatheter arterial embolization
The technical success rate of emboliza- microcoils (Fig. 4); he was hemodynamically for pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysms
tion as an immediate result was 100% (10 of stable after transcatheter arterial emboliza- was 0%. Two patients with celiac trunk steno-
10 patients). tion and rejected surgery. A follow-up con- sis had no recurrent or new aneurysms (fol-

AJR:187, September 2006 W295

Murata et al.

Fig. 5—53-year-old man with embolization of ruptured pancreaticoduodenal artery
aneurysm caused after surgery.
A, Arteriogram via gastroduodenal artery shows extravasation (arrows) from
posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery. Metallic coils (arrowheads) were
placed in patient at another hospital.
B, Selective posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal arteriography reveals ruptured
aneurysm (arrow) and contrast media flow into abdominal cavity.
C, Selective posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal arteriogram after embolization
with coil (arrow) shows no visualized aneurysm or bleeding.

low-up range, 21 months to 34 months; mean, vascular disease. Slightly more than 100 cases treatment. In our series, we performed tran-
27.5 months), and their liver function tests have been reported in the English-language lit- scatheter arterial embolization in all 10 pa-
were within the normal range. erature. Most of these are isolated case reports. tients. The purpose of this series was to deter-
There have been only a few small series. Man- mine which treatment for these aneurysms
Discussion agement of pancreaticoduodenal artery aneu- should be chosen in various cases.
Pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysms are rysms in these reports has varied from surgery Some researchers have reported that trans-
uncommon but clinically important forms of to transcatheter arterial embolization to no catheter arterial embolization is effective in

W296 AJR:187, September 2006

Transcatheter Embolization for Pancreaticoduodenal Artery Aneurysms

the treatment of visceral aneurysms, has few tion. However, they did not have a coaxial best embolization technique is thought to be
complications, and results in low recurrence catheter system at that time. To our knowl- isolation with coils, N-butyl cyanoacrylate, or
rates [3–4, 6–9]. Coll et al. [3] reported that, edge, there have been no reports of pancreat- both, regardless of true or pseudoaneurysms.
since 1980, the mortality rate associated with icoduodenal aneurysm rupture secondary to However, isolation may be absolutely impos-
surgery has been 19%, whereas that associ- transcatheter embolization since the develop- sible in half of cases. The second feasible
ated with transcatheter arterial embolization ment of the coaxial catheter system. There- technique, especially in the cases with
has been 0%; they reported no significant dif- fore, aneurysm rupture during the procedure pseudoaneurysm, may be embolization of the
ference in the risk of recurrent hemorrhage, should be excluded as a disadvantage of trans- afferent artery after packing of the aneurysm.
with rates between 0% and 5%. Despite these catheter arterial embolization. Though our sample size of the patient popu-
results, surgery is still considered by many Pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysms can lation was small, we have no cases in which
physicians to be the initial and only definitive be differentiated into true and false aneurysms; the second feasible method resulted in failure.
treatment of aneurysms involving the pancre- the latter result from pancreatitis, abdominal If a microcatheter cannot be advanced close
aticoduodenal artery. trauma, surgery, or septic emboli. They often to the aneurysm, transcatheter arterial embo-
There are three major reasons for this treat- rupture into the gastrointestinal tract, whereas lization may be an insufficient method re-
ment path. One is that embolization is not al- true aneurysms are frequently associated with gardless of decreasing blood flow. In such a
ways technically feasible because of the diffi- stenosis or occlusion of the celiac axis and rup- case, direct percutaneous embolization tech-
culty of selective catheterization of the vessel ture into the retroperitoneal space. In patients nique can be useful in selected patients. In
feeding the aneurysm [10–14]. The second is with false pancreaticoduodenal artery aneu- this method, N-butyl cyanoacrylate, not coils,
that embolization may be associated with aneu- rysms, transcatheter arterial embolization pre- should be used as embolization materials.
rysmal rupture during the procedure [11–12, serves vascularization of the celiac territory be- Preoperative angiography has played an
15]. The third is that, in the case of celiac axis cause false aneurysms are not usually important role in facilitating surgical manage-
stenosis or occlusion in which pancreati- associated with celiac artery stenosis. With re- ment [12]. Coil embolization is useful to de-
coduodenal artery aneurysms are observed, gard to the third disadvantage of transcatheter crease blood flow and to temporarily stop
transcatheter arterial embolization without by- arterial embolization, the controversy remains bleeding, even if embolization of the efferent
pass may lead to recurrence of pancreati- whether transcatheter arterial embolization artery cannot be achieved. The less invasive
coduodenal artery aneurysm or ischemic injury should be done in patients with celiac artery transcatheter arterial embolization, by which
as a result of the absence of major collateral stenosis or occlusion because transcatheter ar- diagnosis and treatment can be performed si-
vessels—that is, embolization without bypass- terial embolization in vessels without major multaneously, should be performed as an ini-
ing may be ill advised [11–12, 14, 16–19]. collaterals should have a higher recurrence of tial treatment.
Catheterization of the vessels requires a pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysm or is- In conclusion, transcatheter arterial embo-
proficient interventional technique; how- chemic injury. Sutton and Lawton [22] postu- lization should be an initial treatment for rup-
ever, the advent of newer coaxial catheter- lated that stenosis of the celiac axis resulting in tured or unruptured pancreaticoduodenal ar-
ization techniques has greatly improved the an increased flow through the pancreati- tery aneurysms regardless of whether surgery
embolization of small, tortuous vessels. coduodenal artery favors the development of needs to be performed, and it is an initial safe
Therefore, we obtained complete emboliza- pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysms. Some and effective method of therapy in both elec-
tion of all pancreaticoduodenal artery aneu- surgeons emphasize that the basic treatment is tive and emergency cases.
rysms except one, and we managed to stop revascularization of the celiac trunk stenosis or
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