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FS 2 1 The Teacher We Remember

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in the FS episode, be sure to read

through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher’s
class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on this
TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this learning episode, I must be able to:

 Cite the personal qualities of an effective teacher

 State the professional competencies expected of a teacher

Clarify Your Task

Before you embark on your one-semester journey in Observation and Teaching Assistantship, it
may be good to be reminded of the personal and professional qualities which we, teachers, ought
to possess. Striving to be the best teacher, the teacher who will leave an imprint of
himself/herself on his/her students, is a never-ending journey. The journey began three years ago
when you started discussing who the professional teacher is in your course on The Teaching
Profession, etc., etc. The journey gets more focused and challenging now as you observe and
assist your Field Study Resource Teacher. Don't you worry! You have been prepared for this for
three years and you will end up stronger, happier and wiser!
Let's buckle down for work!

1. You will review the qualities of good teachers as contained in documents such as the
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPSTS) and the Southeast Asia
Teachers Competency Framework and the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
2. You will view on YouTube 2 TEDx talks on "What makes a good teacher great" and
"The Power of a Teacher".
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 2

Revisit the Infographis


Source: DepEd Order no. 42, s. 2017
Teachers consistently display a high level of performance in their teaching
practice. They manifest an in-depth and sophisticated understanding of the
teaching and learning process. They have high education-focused situation
cognition, are more adept in problem solving and optimize opportunities gained

4 from experience, Career Stage 3 Teachers work collaboratively with colleagues

and provide them support and mentoring to enhance their learning and
practice. They continually seek to develop their professional knowledge and
practice by reflecting on their own needs, and those of their colleagues and

Teachers embody the highest standard for teaching grounded in global best
practices. They exhibit exceptional capacity to improve their own teaching
practice and that of others. They are recognized as leaders in education,

3 contributors to the profession and initiators of collaborations and partnerships.

They create lifelong impact in the lives of colleagues, students and others. They
consistently seek professional advancement and relevance in pursuit of teaching
quality and excellence. They exhibit commitment to inspire the education
community and stakeholders for the improvement of education provision in the

Teachers are professionally independent in the application of skills vital to the

teaching and learning process. They provide focused teaching programs that
meet curriculum and assessment requirements. They display skills in planning,

2 implementing, and managing learning programs. They actively engage in

collaborative learning with the professional community and other stakeholders
for mutual growth and advancement. They are reflective practitioners who
continually consolidate the knowledge, skills and practices of Career Stage 1
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 3

Teachers have gained the qualifications recognized for entry into the teaching
profession. They have a strong understanding of the subjects/areas in which they
are trained in terms of content knowledge and pedagogy. They possess the
requisite knowledge, skills and values that support the teaching and learning

1 process. They manage learning programs and have strategies that promote
learning based on the learning needs of their students. They seek advice from
experienced colleagues to consolidate their teaching practice.

A detailed presentation of the indicators of quality teachers in 37 strands along domains

for each career stage is given in DO 42. 5. 2017 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TEACHER’S
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the Philippines states how the teacher ought to act
in and relate to the state, community, teaching profession, higher authorities, school officials
and other personnel, learners, parents and business. It also states how a professional teacher
ought to net and behave as a person.

The Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Framework is also given below:

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 4

You will also view in What makes a good
teacher great? | Azul Terronez | TEDxSantoDomingo and The Power of a Teacher | Adam Sanchez
| TEDxYale – YouTube

Who is the great teacher?

“A great “A great teacher

teacher loves to understands that
teach and loves student have a
life outside
to learn”
“A great teacher school”
thinks like an “A great
adult but act as a teacher sings”

“A great “A great teacher

teacher is chill.” listen to
“A great teacher
notices when

Participate and Assist

(Note to Student Teacher: As you participate and assist your FS Resource Teacher in her daily
task, please take note of what you are expected to give more attention to as asked in the next step
of this Learning Episode. Notice).

Participate actively by assisting your Resources Teacher in his/her daily task. Take the advantage
to offer your assistance. Don’t wait for your Resource Teacher to ask for it.


Take note of the following:

 Your Resource Teacher comments, facial expression, gestures and actions in class
 Student’s comment, facial expression, gestures and behavior in class
 How your Resource Teacher relates to you
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 5

 The classroom proceeding

 The classroom atmosphere – relaxed or threatening?


1. From the PPST’s, the Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards and the TEDs Videos
that you viewed, what competencies does a great teacher possess?

Competencies such as great teaching skills, good attitude and behavior, and mastery of
the topic is what a great teacher possess, for a teacher is not effective if he/she doesn’t know
anything about what he is going to teach. A teacher is an influencer that change a persons’ mind
especially when they teach logically and factually.

2. Are the competencies limited only to professional competencies?

No. The competencies are not limited to professional teachers for the following
competencies also reflect to what a teacher would be as a person. The competencies also refer
how to act not only being a professional but as a person.

3. For a teacher to be great is it enough to possess the professional competencies to plan a lesson,
execute a lesson plan, manage a class, assess learning, compute and report grades? Explain your

For a teacher to be great does not only limit to the professional competencies such as
planning a lesson, execute a lesson plan, manage a class, assess learning, compute and report
grades, because teachers deal with students, and that students are people who undergo
development inside the classroom where the teachers are the who assist. So being a great
teacher, you are also concern with the society and the environment.

4. For a teacher to be great, which are more important – personal qualities or professional

For a great teacher, personal qualities and professional qualities are both important. For
you won’t be a great teacher if you had the mastery but don’t have at least a sympathy to your
lesson. There are a lot of teachers that are masters of their own subject however .them who don’t
have personal qualities, as an embodiment of an ethical person is not called as professionals.

5. Who are the teachers that we remember most?

The teacher that we remember the most are those who inspire us and those we hate.
Teachers who have good personal qualities are undeniably become our friend, and for those who
we hate are person we don’t want to be. We also usually remember teachers who we label smart
and logical.
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Which personal traits do I posses? Not possess? Where do I need improvement is?

A personal traits I posses is agreeableness, for I am willing to show compassion and

willingness to help others. I also possess ethics, for I believe, no matter where we are, ethical
standard is a must and a guide for us to make decisions more easier. A trait that I lack with is I
believe being more flexible and creative, for sometimes I stick to traditional ways and I am
usually having a hard time adjusting. I also lack a strong confident in myself by doubting what
my worth is.

Which professional competencies am I strongly capable of demonstrating?

Professional competency that I am strongly cable of displaying is the ability to

collaborate with others including leadership and teamwork. I am a person open to diversity and
a good listener, who often judge based on logic and practicality. A collaborated workplace
enhances the integrity and capability of the product. Professional ought to be collaborative for
two heads is better than one.

In which competencies do I need to develop more?

The competency/s I need to develop more is the mastery of my work and the mastery of
the content of my work. Since, I still have doubts on my knowledge and wisdom; I need to
strengthen the skills to become more effective and to be a great teacher myself.

Who are the teachers that we remember most?

The teachers that are remembered most, in my opinion, are teachers who are capable of
blending in the society and easy to approach with. A teacher that we mostly remember is those
who embody the positive personal traits and is professionally competent.

Write Action Research Prompts

OBSERVEIn assisting my Resource Teacher, I observed that personal traits such as the
ability to listen and having a good communication skills can make the students
understand the lesson. Additionally, because the resource teacher has a loud voice, the
children' attention was drawn to him. My Resource Teacher also possesses Professional
Competency such as mastery of the content that allows him to be more flexible in
teaching his class.

REFLECT: The lack of personal traits and professional competencies of teachers is

maybe cause by lack sensing environment and the lack of students understanding.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 7

1. PLANI would like to address the problem (mentioned in #2) by conducting an

action research on the encountered difficulty of the students during math class and some
mathematical assessment. Mathematics is stereotypically known for being hard, and the
lack of interest in the subject cause the people to be sloppy in learning the importance of

2. ACT

a) The main objective of my action research is the following:

 to understand the students difficulty
 to know the students capability in learning mathematics
 how mathematics interest them
b) My specific research questions are:
1) What is are the student’s encountered difficulty in learning
2) What is the students’ capability in mathematics?
3) Are the students interested in learning Mathematics?
4) How does mathematics interest them?
c) To answer my specific research questions,
I will adopt and improvise a survey questionnaire to be used as an instrument to
gather data from the students.

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the question and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which behavior does a great teacher who can empathize with his/her students
A. Feels what students feel
B. Expects students to understand his/her feelings
C. Gives no assignment
D. Makes test easy

2. According to students, a great teacher is “chill”. What does this mean? Teacher is___.
I. cool
II. calm
III. doesn’t get overwhelmed
A. I,II and III
B. I and II
C. I only
D. I and II

3. Which professional competency refers to content knowledge and pedagogy?

I. Apply developmentally appropriate and meaningful pedagogy grounded on
current knowledge and current research.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 8

II. Display proficiency in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in the teaching and
learning process
III. Demonstrate skill in the use of communication strategies, teaching strategies and
technologies to promote high quality learning
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. I,II and III

4. To address the diversity of learners, which professional competency must teacher

A. Apply interactive teaching
B. Do differentiated teaching
C. Use Problem-based Learning
D. Employ Project-based learning

5. In the Southeast Asian Teachers Competency Framework, who is at the center with
whom the professional teacher relates?
A. The professional teacher
B. The school heads
C. The joyful learner
D. The parent/guardian

Work on my Artifacts
Attach your reflection here:

After working with professional teachers, I have reflected that I have more to
learn as a beginner and that to be a teacher requires more than what we learn in school.
Upon observing and working with them, professional competencies such as mastery of
topic and classroom management are visible. Being an incredible teacher doesn't simply
only cutoff to being magnificent in planning your illustration plan or content master. But
being an incredible educator likewise has a kind and caring heart. A teacher who listens
mindfully to his/her students and deal with them like their own child. Incredible teacher
additionally sees if his/her students have an issue. Instructing with enthusiasm results to
various effect on students and will have a viable educating learning process. You will
actually want to move and energize your students. Teachers should not just focused on
their professional developmentas but as well as to their students’ holistic development.
An extraordinary educator generally put their students first before their own selves.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 9

Additionally, upon observing, I have also reflected to myself from when I

am at the same age as the students. Having an assignment at the end of the day and other
activities to work with classmates are one, however, I also realize that a great teacher
with good personality who are easy to talk with, who we sympathize with are those we
also remember even in the long period of time. A teacher with a kind heart and generous
inspire us, students, to be more responsible not only on ourselves but also with others.
We occasionally remember how perfect the flows of our class or the design of our
teachers IM’s, we rather remember how our teacher ease our difficulties, that have clear
the rough path not only on the confusion from our minds on the topic but also our life.


2 G
EPISODE Embedding Action Research for Reflective
FS 2 2

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be read through

the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher's class. Note
all the information you will need and tasks you will need and tasks you will need to do before
working on this episode.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

 be familiar about action research as a reflective teacher

 Underscore the importance of doing action research.


Doing Action Research: An Overview

Every teacher is an action researcher. Everyone can do it. Teachers and students can do it

This episode focuses on doing action research as one of the roles of the team Teacher
should take interest to know how students learn, wants to make innovation curriculum and
desires to improve teaching practice. In order to achieve these, do action research on the
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 10

everyday practical problems. These problematic situations discrepancies emerge between what is
intended and what actually occurs in the classroom.

Revisit the infographic/s

There is a general agreement among action research community that action research is
about ACTION: taking action to improve practice and RESEARCH: finding things out and
coming to a new understanding that creates new knowledge.
Action research is not new. It dates back to the time of John Dewey in 1920 when he
introduced the idea of inquiry. This was followed by Collier, 1945; Lewin, 1949; Corey, 1933
and many others who came later. Schon introduced the notion of action research as a habit of
continuing inquiry. Inquiry begins with situations that are problematic, confusing, uncertain and
conflicting, and so does Action Research
It was Stephen Corey (1953) who defined Action Research as the process through which
practitioners like teachers, study their own practice to solve their personal or professional
practical problems. Further on, John Illiot in 1993 clarified that action research is concerned with
everyday practical problems experienced by the teachers, rather than the theoretical problems
defined by pure researchers.
Action research is grounded on the reality of the school, classroom, teachers and students
Sometime it is labelled as Teacher Action Research (TAR) but is popularly known simply as
Action Research (AR).
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 11

Action Research is a process that allows teachers to study their own classrooms, schools
and educational setting in order to understand them better and to improve their quality and
effectiveness. The processes of observation, reflection and inquiry lead to action that makes a
difference in teaching and learning. It bridges doing (practice) and learning (study) and reflection
Participate and Assist
You must have experienced in your past subjects, doing some activities o tasks similar to
an action research. These are activities that required you to do Make Action or the other way
around. Schon (1987) distinguishes Reflection in action or reflection on action as two different
Perhaps your mentor teacher has already done an Action Research. Now is for you to
participate and assist in ways that you are capable of doing.

Here is what you will do

Making a list of Completed Action Research Titles by Teachers in the Field

1. Make a library or on-line search of the different Completed Action Research Titles
2. Conducted by Teachers 2 Enter the list in the matrix similar to the one below.
3. Submit your list of five (5) Titles of Completed Action Research Studies to your mentor
as reference

Inventory of Sample Action Research Conducted by Teachers

List of Completed Action Research Titles Author/ Authors
Ex. Differentiate Instruction in Teaching for Mary Joy Olicia
Grade Four Classes
1. Improving Mathematics Performance Pede I. Casing
among Grade 11 students through Jigsaw

2. The use of fast Feedback Methods in Karen R. Alcantara& Lydia S. Roleda

Teaching Physics for Grade Four Classics

3. Effectiveness of Remedial Reading to Non- Eufemia A. Tomelden

readers in the Intermediate Level at Lomboy
Elementary School
4. The Reading Difficulties of Grade One Kamille Kaye Q. Tamor
Pupils in Macatoc Elementary School, School
Year 2016-2017
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 12

5. Enhancing the Performance of Grade 6 – C Lorna V. Wallit

Pupils of Buyagan Elementary School
Through the Use of Arts in Math (AIM)

Congratulations!! You have done a good job. By doing so, you have a mentor and
together you will journey towards becoming an action researcher.
Based on your activity on making a List of Completed Action Research Titles, let’s find
out what you have noticed by answering the following questions.
Questions My Answers
1. What have you noticed about the action 1. Identified problem to be solved in title
research titles? Do the action research (AR) no. 1
titles imply problems to be solved? Yes_/___
No____ To improve the performance of Grade
11 Mathematics students
If YES, identify the problems from the title 2. Identified problem to be solved in title
you have given. Answer in the space no. 2
provided. The problem to be solved was not
identified in the title.
3. Identified problem to be solved in title
no. 3
This study sought to determine the
effectiveness of remedial reading to
4. Identified problem to be solved in title
no. 4
Reading Difficulties of Grade One
Pupils in Macatoc Elementary School.
5. Identified problem to be solved in title
no. 5
The performance of Grade 6 C Pupils
through Arts in Math (AIM)

2. What interpretation about action research Title of the Action Research:

can you make out of your answer in Question = Based on the answers I have written, In no.
No. 1? 1, action researchers mostly include the
3. Write the Title and your interpretation of problem to be solved in the title. It is evident
the study from the title. that action researcher’s purpose is to solve a
specific problem.
From the title, I think the study
The Reading Difficulties of Grade One Pupils
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 13

in Macatoc Elementary School, School Year

2016-2017. From the title, the study seeks to
aims to develop an action plan for the low
reading comprehension difficulties of
Macatocelementary school pupils. The study
was conducted because the researchers
wanted to determine the causes and reasons
of reading difficulties of non-readers and
frustration level readers.
4. What do you think did the author/s do I think the author’s has solved the problem
with the identified problem as identified in the title. The author has read
presented in their titles? relevant literature and studies on this issue.
In addition, the problem has been
meticulously studied. The problem became the
main topic of research and finally solutions
and recommendations were provided.

Action research seems easy and familiar. Since teaching seems to be full of problematic
situations and that the teacher has a responsibility of finding solution for everyday problems in
school, hence teachers should do action research. This is an exciting part of being a teacher, a
problem solver!
Let us continue to examine and analyze what you have noticed and interpreted in the
previous activity.
Key Questions My Answer
Choose from the options given. You may check more
than one answer.
1. From what source do you Choices:
think, did the authors identify
__/_Copied from research books
the problems of their action_/__From daily observation of their teaching
research? practice.
_/__From difficulties the observed of their learners.
___From their own personal experience.
___From the told experiences of their co-teachers.
2. What do you think is the Choices:
teacher’s intention in _/__To find a solution to the problematic situations
conducting the action
research? ___To comply with the requirement of the principal
__/_To improve teaching practice
___To try something, if it works
___To prove oneself as better than the others
3. What benefits do you get as a Choices:
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 14

student in FS 2 in _/__Prepare me for my future job

understanding and doing _/__Get good grades in the course
action research?
_/__Learn and practice being an action researcher
_/__Improve my teaching practice
_/__Exposure to the realities in the teaching
_/__Become a better teacher everyday
4. In what ways, you can assist _/__By co-researching with my mentor
your mentor in his/ her Action __/_By assisting in the design of the intervention
Research Activity?
__/_By assisting in the implementation of the AR
___By just watching what is being done

Based on the readings you made and the previous activities that you have done,

1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?
I learned that action research is an important step towards becoming an effective teacher
who cares about her own growth and the growth of her students. Action research is an essential
element in identifying gaps in the teaching and learning process. Through action research, we
will be able to answer questions and provide solutions to the problems we face in the field.
2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future teacher?
Yes_/__ No___, If yes, complete the sentence below.
I realized that to be an effective teacher who didn't stick to one teaching strategy, I had to
be an action researcher. If I am an action researcher, that means I can foresee the problems my
students face in the classroom. I have to do more work to find solutions to these problems.
Through action research, I will be able to discover techniques that are relevant and available to
all of my learners. Being an action researcher is about developing my teaching experience and
improving student learning. It is a way to address the main concerns of students and, if that is
not relevant, what is the purpose of teaching.
Write Action Research Prompts

From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?

 I have observed and noticed that Action Research begins with a problem or a problematic
Write an example of a problematic situation that you have observed and noticed?
I have observed and found that action research starts with a problem or problem
situation. Give an example of a problem situation that you observed and noticed. In an online
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 15

class, the teacher presents a Power Point of his lesson. However, she believes that teacher-
student interaction is necessary for an effective teaching and learning process. As a result of
moving from face-to-face learning to virtual meetings, learners shy away from participating and
collaborating on discussions. In this regard, consider that the students did not meet their
professor in person and only introduced themselves through online discussions.


What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?

I realized that for every teaching and learning problem there is a solution.
Write down a possible solution to the problematic situation above.
For me, the most important thing to being effective in today's environment is engaging
with your learners so they can comfortably participate in the discussion. To do this, a teacher
must delve deeper into the subject matter. The first possible solution is that it must be genuine.
Since we have not met yet, teachers must arrange a safe and comfortable room for the students.
Second, incentives are needed in this process. Teachers can boost student morale. Third,
teachers must know their students. With participation and cooperation as a matter, teachers
must have professional and personal characteristics to capture quality education and learning.


What strategies, activities, and innovation can I employ to improve the situation or solve
the problem?
 As a future action researcher, I can plan for an appropriate intervention like If will
implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be I can plan appropriate
interventions such as fun games and activities to “get to know each other”. I will follow
an inductive teaching strategy that I will model and encourage students as I guide. My
strategy will also be to focus on students and consider the circumstances they face while
professionally fulfilling my role as a teacher by providing learners with quality


If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?

 If I were to implement my actionable plan in the future, my title would be “Promoting
Student Engagement among Math 7th Graders through Advanced Inductive Instruction”
Direction: Choose the best answer.
1. Every future teacher should do action research because_________.
A. It is a requirement for teachers in the field
B. It will improve teaching practice
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 16

C. It will add points to teacher’s performance

D. It is part of the teacher’s standard
2. Spotting a problematic situation in teaching and learning will ________.
A. Spark an idea of doing Teacher Action Research
B. Give more confusion to the teacher
C. Create complexity in everyday teaching
D. Add burden to teacher’s daily routine
3. Which of the following statements motivates a teacher to do action research?
A. Any problem that occurs in my class will soon pass
B. For every teaching-learning problem, there is always a solution.
C. Leave the problematic situation for other teachers to solve.
D. There are more important classroom routines than finding solutions.
4. “Every teacher should be an action researcher.” This statement is _____________.
A. Applicable only for teachers in big schools
B. Not doable and very idealistic.
C. The call for teachers in the current times.
D. Appropriate for honour graduates
5. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. Action research problem is created by the teacher.
B. Noticing helps a teacher spot problematic situation.
C. Much of the teaching time should be spent in action research.
D. Action research is an optional teacher activity

Work on my Artifacts

Your artifacts will be an Abstract of a completed action research.

Teaching reading comprehension to non-readers and frustration level readers

today is different from the past. Teachers need to focus on extensive comprehension
instruction with all students, not just successful readers. This action research investigated
sixty three grade one pupils of the two classes of grade one. They have undergone
reading assessment test to know their level of reading performance. This action
research discusses the causes and reasons of reading difficulties of non-readers and
frustration level readers. It also presents multiple strategies that have proved to be successful
in a first grade classroom, as well as strategies used and found to be successful by other
teachers and researchers. As new best practices in reading instruction are developed and
researched, teaching strategies need to evolve as well.
Source: Tamor,Kamille Kay Q.(2016-2017). The Reading Difficulties of Grade One
Pupils in Macatoc Elementary School, School Year 2016-2017.

FIELD STUDY LEARNING Understanding AR Concepts, Processes

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 17

FS 2 3 and Models

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read

through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher's
class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on
this episode.

Target Your Intended learning Outcomes 

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:
 Use concepts and processes of action research.
 identify sample models of AR such as of DepEd, 2017; McNiff& Whitehead, 2006; and
Nelson, 2014

Clarify Your Task

Understanding and Using Action Research Concepts and Process

The definition of action research evolved over time. There is no singular definition of
action research. Anchored on the idea of inquiry by John Dewey several other authors have
advanced the concept of action research. Action research is a type of inquiry that is:

 Practical as it involves making changes to practice.

 Theoretical as it is informed by theory and can generate new insights.
 Concerned with change and improvement.
Action research has been embraced in education for its value in transforming school
practiced by practitioners themselves. It is used to address practical problems in the classroom. It
is a process that allows teachers to study their own classroom and school setting to improve their
effectiveness. Teacher Action Research (TAR) is a method for educational practitioners
(teachers, school leaders) to engage in the assessment and improvement of their own practice. It
is a tool to help classroom teachers consider their teaching methods or to adopt a strategy in
order to solve everyday problem in the school setting.

Here are some questions and answer that you need to know.
1. What are the Core Characteristics of AR (Titchen, 2015)?
 Systematic- Like any form of research, it follows a system.
 Rigorous- It has rigor, meaning a strict adherence to the rules of empirical studies.
 Reflective- It follows a continuous reflection and action.
 Situational- It is more specific to the location (school) circumstances (teaching and
learning, etc).
 Participative- AR can be participative where teachers and learners are co-researchers.
 Future-oriented- It seeks solution to the current problem for future improvement.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 18

2. Why is Action Research useful to me as a Teacher Researcher?

 AR can help me to learn how to improve my practice as a teacher in terms of teaching
methods, classroom management, preparation of the learning environment, developing
instructional materials and assessment.
 AR can help me learn more about wider range of research methods that I can use in the
 AR can provide me more space to think deeply about the issue that confronts teaching
and learning.
 AR can help me engage with my mentor and peers to enable me to improve my
teaching practices through action research.
 AR can help me develop new knowledge which is directly related to my area of
3. What types of classroom action studies that can I engage in?
 Creating changes in the classroom practices. Example: What changes will daily
writing have on my students?
 Establishing effects of curriculum restructuring. Example: Will the use of mother
tongue enhance the reading skills of my learners?
 Enhancing new understanding of learners. Example: What happens when students get
 Teaching a new process to the students. Example: How can I teach third graders to do


 McNiff& Whitehead 2006 (Adaption)
Action Research The Action Research Process
OBSERVE Identify the problem
1. Based on observation and noticing, what problematic
situations prevail in the classroom or teaching learning
2. What of these problems shall I focus on?
3. What does literature say about this problem? On what
theories or principles, I leaned before is the problem

REFLECT Reflect (Reflection continues all throughout the process)

1. What do I hope to achieve? What do I intend to change for
the better?
2. Is doing this action research important to improve my
3. Can I do this alone? Or should I collaborate?
PLAN Plan An Action Research strategy
1. What type of research will I use? Quantitative? Qualitative?
2. How will I describe my innovation? Strategy?
3. Is my plan doable within the given period of time?
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ACT Take Action

1. How do I put my plan into action? How long?
2. How will I gather data or information?
3. What sense or meaning do I get out of the data?
EVALUATE Use Findings
1. Where do I apply results to improve practice?
2. Are my findings worth sharing?
MODIFY Move To Another Cycle
1. Is there a need to modify interaction to get a new results?
2. Should I move to another cycle of action research?
 Nelson, O 2014 Model
OBSERVE Identify The Problem
1. Based on observation and noticing, what problematic
situation prevails in the classroom or teaching learning
2. Which of these problems shall I focus on?
3. What does literature say about this problem? On what
theories or principles I leaned before are the problems
REFLECT Reflect (Reflection continues all through out the process.)
1. What do I hope to achieve? What do I intend to change for
the better?
2. Is doing this action research important to improve my
3. Can I do this alone? Or should I collaborate?
PLAN Plan An action Research Strategy
1. What type of research will I use? Quantitative? Qualitative?
2. How will I describe my innovation? Intervention? Strategy?
3. Is my plan doable within the given period of time?
ACT Take Action
1. How do I put my plan into action? How long?
2. How will I gather data or information?
3. What sense or meaning do I get out of the data?

 Department of Education (DO 16) 2017 Model

Action Research Key Component’s
I. CONTEXT AND Identifying the Problem
RATIONALE 1. Why am I doing this?
II. ACTION RESEARCH 2. What is the background of my action
QUESTIONS research?
3. What problem/question am I trying to
4. What do I hope to achieve?
III. PROPOSED Proposed Plan
INNOVATION, 1. What do I plan as a solution to the problem
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 20

INTERVENTION AND I identified? (Describe.)

STRATEGY 2. What innovation will I introduce to solve
the problem? (Describe.)
3. What strategy should I introduce?
IV. ACTION RESEACH Plan of Action Research
METHODS 1. Who are to participate? (my students, peers,
a. Participants and/ or other myself)
sources of Data 2. What are my sources of information?
information (participants)
b. Data Gathering Methods 3. How shall I gather information?
c. Data Analysis Plan. 4. How will I analyze my data/information?
V. ACTION RESEARCH Action Research Work Plan
WORK PLAN AND 1. What should my work plan contain?
TIMELINES (targets, activities, persons involved,
timeline, cost)
2. How long will I conduct my intervention?
( For reliable results 8 12 weeks)
VI. COST ESTIMATES Action Research Cost-(Consider also the maximum
cost if extremally funded like DepEd, LGUs NGO
or personal)
VII. PLANS FOR Sharing Results
DISSEMINATION AND 1. How will I share if my action research?
UTILIZATION (Publish, Present, Flyers, LAC sessions)
2. Can I collaborate with other teachers to
continue or replicate my study?
1. What reading materials and references are
included in my review of literature?

Both Action Research Processes above are supposed by the two AR Models which will be
presented next.

Revisit the Infographics

Action research is a dynamic process anchored on Reflection Action Cycle of Observing

Reflecting, Acting, Evaluating, and Modifying.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 21

Figure 1. An Action-Reflection Cycle as Basis for Action Research

Source: McNiff and Whitehead, 2006

Action research is cyclical, recursive process of observe>> reflect>>

act>>evaluate>>modify>> move in new direction is known as action-reflection (McNiff&
Whitehead, 2006). In 2011, McNiff defined action research as a form of inquiry that enables
practitioners to investigate and evaluate their work. Before that, Corey in 1953 viewed action
research as recursive or repeated process, Proceeding thought spiraling cycle as of planning,
actions, reflections and change.

In a similar vein, Nelson, 2014 proposed an action research cycle that starts with
Observe, followed by Reflect, Plan and ACT which can also go through evaluation and
modification. It also follows a cyclical process.

Figure 2. The Action-Reflection Research Cycle

Source: Nelson, 2014
Participate and Assist

You are now ready to participate and assist!

Understanding fully the concept and the process of Action Research will enable you to learn and
provide the needed assistance to your teacher mentor in doing Action Research.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 22


What concepts have been emphasized in the task and infographics? Give at least four.

1. The purpose of action research.

2. The cycle or steps of doing action research
3. The importance of doing action research.
4. Things to consider in doing action research.

Since the 3 models are all for action research, what are the common elements of the three?

- The three models show the steps and cycles in doing action research. As it defines action
research as a recursive process.


Choose the AR sample Abstract that you submitted Episode 2.

 Analyze the components vis-à-vis only one model out of the 3 presented.

 If you choose to compare with Model A-McNiff& Whitehead, 2006, here are the
Title and Author of the Action Research:
Key Components Entry from your sample AR
OBSERVE The Problem
REFLECT Reflection
PALN Plan of Action
ACT Implementation
MODIFY Recommendation

 If you choose to compare with Model B-Nelson, 0.2014, here are the components.
Title and Author of the Action Research
Key Components Entry from your Sample AR
OBSERVE The Problem
REFLECT Reflection
PLAN Plan of Action
ACT Implementation

Or if you choose the DepEd Model, 2017, here are the components.
Title and Author: (the same as your entry in Model A)
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 23

Key Component Action Research Process

I. Context and Rationale Study Background
II. Action Research Question AR Questions
III. Proposed Innovation, Describe Innovation/Intervention/Strategy.
Intervention Strategy
IV. Action Research Methods Describe Action Research Methods.
a. Participants/ Other sources of
b. Data Gathering Methods
c. Data Analysis Plan
V. Action Research Work Plan Summarize Action Research Work Plan.
VI. Cost Estimate Write cost estimate
VII. Plan for Dissemination and Describe how the results will be shared.
VIII. References Write at least 3 references.

What have you understood about the concept of Action Research and how will these is
utilized in your practice?

- I learned that I should be observant to the problems of my surrounding, and be creative

and organized in procuring solutions to the problems.

As a future teacher, is conducting an Action Research doing?Why?

-Yes, doing it is important since it can contribute to the development and progress in the
field of education. It finds problems and creates solutions.
How can AR be useful for every classroom teacher

Write Action Research Prompts


Remembering my classroom observations in FS 1, I noticed that there are many questions

that I raised in my mind. These include:




Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 24

Thinking deeply about those problems, perhaps something must have been done to solve the
problem or answer the question, like:


b. __________________________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________________________


NOW THAT I AM IN FS 2, I plan to make for my solution to the problem (choose from a, b,
c) because



My action will come later, given enough time in FS 2 or during my Teaching Internship.

Check for Mastery

Direction: Cheek from the choices, what answer/s respond to the question correctly and put an X
if otherwise.

1. Action research requires a teacher to be:

_____X_Observant of what is happening in the classroom.

___X___Asking one self of how to improve teaching.

____X__Following the daily routine all the time.

___X___Finding ways on how children should learn better.

______Blaming learners for their inability to learn.

2. There are many ways of doing action research which follow a cyclical process. They
process include:
___X___Observe, Reflect, Plan, Act
_____X_Observe, Plan, Act, Reflect
____X__Reflect, Act, Plan, Observe
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 25

____X__Plan, Observe, Act, Reflect

______Modify, Observe, Plan, Reflect
3. As an action resercher, I will be developing my skillas a person who is





4. On which of the following would you choose to conduct an Action Research. Why?
Changes in the classroom paractices. Why?

Understanding of self as a teacher. Why?

Because I want to become a better teacher, so I must find out my weaknesses and
Teaching a new process to the students. Why?

5. Which of the following relates closely to what action research is?

____X___Used to address practical problems in the classroom

_______Refers only to everyday life of the learners

____X___Allows teachers to study their own classroom

____X___Brings theories and practice together

Work on my Artifacts

Your artifact will be a full-blown completed Action Research


It has been widely reported that a problem for many children who have limited consonant. And
vowel knowledge is that they have difficulty in decoding unknown words within textthat they are
exposed to in their classrooms.Few studies have targeted teaching segmenting and blending
through the identification ofsimple rime units which in turn increases the success a child has in
this area of PhonemicAwareness.In this present study three students in Year One who have
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 26

reading difficulties wereexposed to explicit teaching of eight two letter rime units from the thirty-
sevendependable rimes. The teaching consolidated the children’s prior knowledge and
targetedtheir developing awareness of rime units and their ability to blend and segment
wordscontaining these.Word reading accuracy was tested before and after the action research
project. After theinitial testing a series of lessons was developed which were appropriate to the
group ofchildren. Students were withdrawn from their classrooms in a group for eight 30
minuteslessons over a two-week period. The eight two letter rime units were taught
intensivelyover this period and a further assessment was carried out at the conclusion of the

The findings indicated that explicit small group teaching improved the students readingof 3 letter
words with a two-letter rime unit. The number of correct responses improvedfor all children. The
time it took to decode words was also improved. Acceleratedautomaticity had an effect on the
self-efficacy of students. This aspect was not set out tobe measured however it was apparent
through facial expressions and the comments and eagerness of students to participate in lessons.
The hypothesis tested wasExplicit teaching of segmenting and blending through the
identification of simple rimeunits to children with limited consonant and vowel knowledge,
increases the success achild has in decoding unknown words within text. Implications for wider
teaching are discussed.



To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read

through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher’s
class. Note, all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on
this episode.

Target Your Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

 analyze teaching learning problems prevailing to the classroom,
 list matching actions as a probable solution to the teaching-learning problems.

Clarify Your Task

Matching Problematic Learning situations with Probable Actions as Solution

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 27

Identifying a problem is a tricky task. Action research begins with identifying a problem.
Oftentimes, it is one of the difficult things to begin with. When a researcher was asked: “Have
you identified a problem for your action research?” Common answer will be “My problem is
that, I do not have a problem” Ironical, isn’t it?

If you observe and notice closely the teaching-learning environment in the classroom,
you will discover of lot problematic situations. You must have also observed these problematic
situations when you did your FS 1 course.

But matching problems with appropriate action is trickier.

Revisit the Infographic/s

A group of more than six hundred teachers was surveyed and asked what teaching learning
problems confront them. Here are their answers put together in a wordle.

Study the wordle below. Each word represents an issue or a problem which was reported
by teachers in the field. Which of the words do you recognize as a problem? Draw a CIRCLE
around five words that you have also identified as problems in teaching-learning.
Gadget level Financial Poverty retrieval
Don’t teachers made Difficulty technology read
Equipment connectivity management attention printed having
Because motivation proper materials bondpaper late only
Pass size more printing teach
Ink interest distribution Some among lessons student
Progress activity teacher doing answer resources
Laptop time enough help face both cooperation health
Distance answers load net Poor difficult ventilation home
Lots school modules needs one most
Online attitude classrooms returning child find understand
Normal new using Attendance covid during being wifi
Other assessment number Deped comprehension budget
Knowledge production module all follows reaching use outputs

Slow even educational Law well like

Limited Lack Absenteeism Students hard good
Discipline studies children reports working
Class behavior towards delivery family SLM
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 28

Bullying activities test failed lesson quality getting

Figure 2. Words that Represent Common Teaching-Learning Problems Identified by

Filipino Teachers (Felimon, Siason, Bilbao, 2021)

Each of the identified problem that you encircled has a corresponding action or solution.

Identified Action as

Problems Solution

Participate and Assist

What five problems have you identified from the words that you have encircled? Make a
statement. Write in the space below.
The problems I identified are:
1. Reading Difficulty
This problem is deficiency in a person's fluent use and comprehension of written
language and how a child performs in reading compared with peers or educational
2. Connectivity
Connectivity is very essential we need to consider for the strengthening education systems
and it equips schools to ensure continuity in education, enriches teaching and learning, and
supports inclusion.
3. Motivation
Another problem is the motivation where it is a condition that activates and sustains
behavior toward a goal. It is critical to learning and achievement across the life span in both
informal settings and formal learning environments.

4. Comprehension
Some problems identified is comprehension where is a disability to understand the
meaning or importance of something.

5. Bullying
Bullying is one of the most common expressions of violence in the peer context that
threatens young people's well-being.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 29

How can you assist your mentor, after knowing that the learners have difficulty in reading?
By assisting my mentor in students having difficulty in reading can help her/him to improve
the ability by considering these should be inclusive, allow preparation of oral reading, explore
children's interests, use cloze activities., use environmental print, use shared reading.


A. Conduct a remedial lesson.
B. Show video lessons to help enhance reading skills.
C. Make a learning task to develop reading skills.

Suppose you chose letter A. Conduct a remedial lesson. So you have identified the SOLUTION
that matches the PROBLEM which is difficulty in reading.

The problem is: The action is:

Reading Difficulty Conduct a

In English Remedial Session

Can you also choose letter B. Show video lesson as a SOLUTION for the same
As I observe nowadays teachers constantly face the challenges of finding and applying
the most effective methods that could enhance their reading skills and showing video as a
way of teaching can be used to facilitate students to get more interested in learning and
enhance their reading skill since they can acquire rich learning experiences.
Furthermore, a widely used of technological gadgets which is used to practice of using
video elements in teaching process is a new learning style today and has become the
focus of educators in line with the concept of twenty-first century learning. This
method is one of the widely known methods of teaching to promote the effectiveness of
using video demonstration.

The problem is: The action is:

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 30

Reading Difficulty Show Video

in English Lesson

What about letter C as a SOLUTION to the same PROBLEM? Yes Why?

Yes, because it is necessary to improve task design using particular learning styles to
improve students’ reading comprehension ability. Reading comprehension is at the core
of the reading activities. It has several stages namely background knowledge or
schematics, literal understanding, higher level comprehension, and the ability to learn
from the text. It actively requires meaning acquisition performed by the reader in relating
the initial knowledge and experience associated with the content of the reading.Since
there was a difference in students’ reading comprehensions ability to read but we should
consider the factors that some students having difficult to understand video lessons and
some are prefer to learn through learning task in a way of printed or written to develop
their reading skills.

The problem is: The action is:

Reading Difficulty Make a Learning Task to

in English develop Reading Skills

What have you noticed of the problem identified above?

I've found that one of the issues is the students in ability to comprehend that they are an
interested in the topic they are reading. Yes, I've got a problem. There are multiple
solutions above to the problems mentioned above. We are all aware of the difficulties that
student face they did not understand the lecture because of issues in comprehension. We
have to do something there are numerous causes for this according to some. As a result,
students must provide assistance based on what they know must be interested and what
they have read and more importantly understand it they have learned their lesson I am
confident that there will be more than one solution to this difficulty for the student to
choose from being enthralled by the stuff they have read there are numerous options
available to teachers. Students who are confronted with this type of difficulty must apply
to the student.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 31

Can there be more than one solution to the problem? Yes Explain

A creative and innovative teacher can find one or more than one solution or answer to
the same problem each solution with a problem the more solutions identified from the
better for an action researcher. Reading is a skill that children develop throughout each
new grade/year. While many students master the mechanics of reading and have the
ability to process information, many children have difficulty with reading
comprehension. Students with learning disabilities typically lack basic strategies that
good readers use. Strategies play a key role in helping all children learn and perform
certain reading tasks. Through giving simple and effective ways can help students
develop reading skills.


Let us try to look into the following scenarios in the daily life of a teacher. This scenario might
also be similar to the class you have observed and noticed.
Scenario A:
Miss Fely is a grade four teacher in a typical elementary school. She has forty learners in her
class. One half of them cannot classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates. She has been
repeating the same science lesson for two weeks, yet no progress was observed. This situation
has been bothering Miss Fely.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 32

Can you identify Miss Felly’s problem?

Miss Fely has a problem which one half of her class cannot classify animals into vertebrates
to invertebrates. She has been repeating the same science lesson for two weeks, yet no
progress was observed.

Can you find a solution to solve her problem?

Miss Fely can teach the forty students in her class how to classify vertebrates and
invertebrates, and she should provide more examples. Her class of forty students should be
divided into three groups and given different tasks to classify vertebrates and invertebrates.

Give your two suggestions.

Miss Fely can introduce the forty learners and her class to classify the vertebrates and
invertebrates and also should give more examples.

The forty learners in her class should be divided into three groups and also give the different
task to classify the vertebrate and invertebrates.

What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem?

Miss Felly is capable of teaching the forty students in her class how to classify vertebrates
and invertebrates, but she should provide more examples. Her forty-student class should be
divided into three groups and assigned different tasks to classify vertebrates and
Miss Fely can teach the forty pupils in her class how to distinguish vertebrates and
invertebrates and she should offer more examples. Her class of forty students should be
divided into three groups and given distinct assignments to classify vertebrates and
Are they matched with the problem?
Miss Fely can introduce the forty learners in her class to classify the vertebrate and
invertebrates and also give more examples. The forty learners in her class have divided into
three groups and also give the different task to classify the vertebrate and invertebrates.
Miss Felygives more examples to the forty learners and her class to classify the vertebrate
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 33

and invertebrate if she provides the different example that is easy to understand by her

Scenario B:
Sir Ryan teaches in a disadvantaged urban community. Most of his learners come from families
that are disrupted, either with single parents or with their guardians who stand only as parents.
They are deprived of the necessary food, clothing and shelter.
Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class of Sir Ryan?
Sir Ryan is a teacher in a low-income urban neighborhood. Most of his students come from
broken households, either with single parents or guardians who act solely as parents. They
are denied of basic necessities such as food, clothes, and shelter.
Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?
Urban schools are usually larger, have a more socio-economically advantaged student
body, enjoy greater responsibility for resource allocation, are less likely to experience staff
shortages, are more likely to have a higher proportion of qualified teachers, and have
higher student-teacher ratios.
 Provide one year of free preschool for all children from low-income families. 
Critics ofurban public schools rarely acknowledge. If prospective students have not been
read to at home, they’re behind. If they do not know that letters represent sounds and that
numbers represent numerical values, they’re behind. If they have little experience with
drawing and coloring, they’re behind. Preschool for everyone would help level the
kindergarten playing field.
 Make reading education an absolute priority.
 To succeed in any academic subject (and to become knowledgeable citizens), students must
learn to read. Starting in second grade, students who are significantly behind in reading
should be put in small, intensive reading classes for half of every school day until they catch
 Limit standardized testing to one week each school year. 
Students improve when they show up for school, stay at the same school and receive good
instruction. Students are not helped by spending a month each year on standardized tests.
 Allow teachers to take ownership of their instruction. 
Unfortunately, many school districts now take a top-down, “stick to the script” approach to
supporting instruction. Successful schools value teacher input and encourage teachers (and
students) to be creative, take risks and think outside the box.
 Boost free education.
This is also one of the major obstructions in propelling the education. This problem can be
solved only if free education or education at very minimal fee is being offered.
 Establish more Schools.
Fortunately, with the changing times, the changes are being witnessed in the urban society
as well. There is an increase in the number of parents who understand the importance of
education in their children’s lives. However, there exists a problem of lack of ample number
of schools. The solution can be found only if the government takes an initiative to establish
affordable schools which are pocket-friendly to the middle as well as lower economic
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 34

groups of the society.

 Bring innovative teaching methods.
The level of education has gone a notch up in urban areas with newer teaching techniques
being introduced; the state of teaching techniques is still primitive and traditional. These
schools must start adopting concept learning to develop their students holistically.
 Promote Computer Literacy.
Our country is progressing technologically; however, this has led to a digital gap in urban
places. The schools should require getting equipped with computer education and need to
be imparted with technological education as well. This will help them being at par with the
level of urban education and develop themselves better.

After reading the two scenarios given above, how would identifying problematic situations and
finding solution to these problems help you become a better teacher?
The teachers or professor in the scenarios given are facing a problem in teaching their
students. Inside the classroom they have many problem, as a teacher I can justify the
problem and also I need to make the solutions on the problem to apply. Also, as a teacher
you need a take risk for the student specially on learning process.


Using any one example of problems in this activity, answer the AR prompts that follow:

What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?
In every classroom situation there's a problematic situations the teacher and also the
student encounter. Classroom challenges are one of the adequate problems faced by
teachers and a good teacher has the courage to overcome all these challenges bravely.
Some of the common classroom challenges faced by teachers include lack of teamwork,
minimal personal time, working towards long-term goals, arguments and student

What changes do you want to achieve?
One of the challenges I've discovered is the kids' inability to grasp. There are several
answers to the challenges, and we are all aware of the difficulties that students have
when they do not grasp the lecture due to comprehension concerns. According to others,
there are several causes for this, thus we must act. As a result, students must provide
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 35

assistance based on what they know must be interested in what they have read and, more
importantly, understand it they have learned their lesson I am confident that there will be
more than one solution to this difficulty for the student to choose from being enthralled
by what they have read there are numerous options available to teachers. Students who
are confronted with this type of difficulty must apply student.

What strategies will you use to improve the situation?
Have them read aloud. This encourage them to go slower which gives them more time
to process what they read and in turn improves the reading comprehension. Plus they're
not only seeing the words they hearing them too you can also take turns reading aloud.
Provides books at the right level. Make sure your school-aged reader gets lot of practice
reading books that aren't too hard they should recognize at least 90% of the words
without any health. Stopping any more often than that to figure out award a word makes
it tough for kids to focus on the overall meaning of the story if your child needs help
transitioning from picture books to chapter books.
Reread to build fluency. To gain meaning from text and encourage reading
comprehensive your child needs to read quickly and smoothly — a skill known as
4. Talk to the teacher. If your child is struggling with reading comprehension, they may
need more help with building their vocabulary or practicing phonics skills.
Supplement their class reading. If your child's class is studying a particular theme, look
for easy-to-read books or magazines on the topic. Some prior knowledge will help them
make their way through tougher classroom texts and promote reading comprehension.
Talk about what they're reading. This "verbal processing" helps them remember and
think through the themes of the book. Ask questions before, during, and after a session to
encourage reading comprehension.

What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct the study?



Add: Solutions / actions

Conduct programs that promote the development and enhancement their reading skills.


Your artifact will be an Abstract of a completed Action Research.

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 36

I. Title of Action Research


III. Abstract
Reading is the basic skill that is closely related to other skills such as writing, speaking
and listening. Students are required to read lots and understand the reading material in
order to achieve better result in learning process. According to Grabe and Stoller (2002).
Reading can be taught as a way to draw information from text and to form an
interpretation of that information. It means reading is also a gateway for students to get
information and knowledge in educational process. A student who loves reading and
spends a lot of time in reading activity also has ability to write well. By reading, students
can improve their vocabulary and writing skill. On the contrary, a student who has low
reading ability will find difficulty in learning process. Moreover, the students will feel
ashamed in adapting themselves with their school environment. Conversely, a good
teacher must be more skilled in mastering grammar and vocabulary understanding. The
importance of teaching reading is to build the ability and knowledge of students to
understand the material of reading text. Such as ability to read various texts in English,
ability to adjust reading styles according to the purpose of reading (i, e skimming,
scanning), and ability to have critical perspective on the content of the texts (Hedge, 2003,
as cited in Alyousef, 2005). 2 Reading well means to understand what writer tries to
present in his/her writing. This means that a reader needs background knowledge and
competence while reading. Razali and Razali (2013) stated that some readers use their
background of knowledge and experience to compose meaning from the text in reading
process, and then the readers will connect the ideas in the text to what they already know
in order to get the comprehension of the text. Even most people can comprehend the
material what they read after reading word-by-word and they are spending a lot of time
repeating the difficult term of the text. Reading comprehension is the ability to understand
information in a text and interpret it appropriately what is meant by the text (Grabe and
Stoller, 2002). It means that reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process and
understand its meaning. An individual's ability to understand text is influenced by their
natures and skills, one of which is the ability to make inferences. Reading comprehension
also can improve vocabulary and writing skill. According to Nuttal (1982), there are five
aspects of reading comprehension which the students should understand in comprehending
a text well, such as determining main idea, finding specific information, making inference,
identifying reference, and understanding the meaning of words or detail information.
These aspects are regarded as difficulties that the students encounter in comprehending the
text. At senior high school, teaching reading intends to develop students' skill in reading
comprehension. All schools implement a curriculum which is relevant to the needs of their
specific pupils. Curriculum is more positive in nature, which 3 could achieve the objective
of motivating learning, enhancing knowledge and abilities and developing positive values
or even attitudes. Nowadays, most schools implements Curriculum 2013 as the current
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 37

curriculum. Based on Basic Competence which is issued by

KementerianPendidikandanKebudayaan 2013 that basic competence 2013 of the first
grade senior high school, the students are expected to comprehend social function, texts
structure, and language features in reading text (descriptive, narrative. recount text, and so
on) in oral and written form. However, in a real situation, the students have not achieved
the curriculum expectation and have low ability in reading comprehension. Obviously,
text such as English magazines, newspaper and article as an authentic material has the
important role such as improving students reading ability and their knowledge of current
issues. But it is not easy to be read for students and to comprehend. There is a previous
study that has similarity to this research which was conducted by Zuhra (2015). The
research is about Senior High School Students Difficulties in Reading Comprehension.
Her study aims at finding out the most difficult types of reading comprehension questions
faced by students in reading tests and why they face these difficulties in the national
examinations. Her thesis was a case study at second grade of senior high school
Lhokseumawe. In result, she found that most difficult type of reading comprehension
question faced by the students was an inference question because they did not comprehend
the questions asked. It is because of their weaknesses in differentiating between the
natures of different types in reading comprehension questions. 4 However, to know the
difficulties in reading comprehension is important. The problems are faced by the students
might be different in one school to another school. Based on the observation, in fact, most
of the students in SMAN 1 Darussalam, they still have difficulties in comprehending the
reading materials text, such as they have difficulties in making inference, determining
main idea and locating reference. Some of the reasons are that they do not understand to
use reading comprehension strategies and lose of concentration in reading comprehension.
However, most of the students have difficulties in reading English text from materials that
adopted from newspapers, articles, textbooks and magazines. Due to this situation, the
researcher is interested in analyzing the students' difficulties in reading comprehension
and find out what are the difficulties factors that the students faced in reading
comprehension. B. Research Questions Based on the background above, the research
questions of this research.

IV. Identify the Problem in the Study

This study would give positive contribution for the English teachers of senior high school,
in order to create and find innovation methods and teaching activities which applied in
teaching reading in order to help the students to overcome their difficulties in English
reading text. This study result is expected that students can improve their reading and
motivation in learning English.

V. Identify the Action Taken in the Study

In this study, the researcher limited study on the difficulties faced by students into three
categories: 1). The difficulty in making inference, 2). The difficulty in getting main idea,
3). The difficulty in locating reference. The researcher also focuses on the factors that
influence the difficulties faced by students in reading comprehension.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 38

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 2 Learning Episode 4-Matching Problematic Learning
Situations and Probable Action as Solution!

Name of FS Student: SUNNY E. AMAR Date Submitted: MARCH 11, 2022

Year & Section: IV-A Course: BSED Science

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs

Episode 4 Satisfactory 2 Improvement
3 1
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two. Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation questions/task s (2) observation observation observation
Sheet completely questions/ tasks questions/task s questions! tasks
answered/ not answered / not answered / not answered I
accomplished accomplished. accomplished. accomplished.
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were Four (4) or more
were answered were answered not answered observation
completely; completely; completely; questions were
answers are answers are answers are not not answered;
with depth and clearly clearly answers not
are thoroughly connected to connected to connected to
grounded on theories; theories; one theories; more
theories; grammar and (1) to three (3) than four (4)
grammar and spelling are free grammatical I grammatical/
spelling are from errors spelling errors. spelling errors.
free from erro
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear Unclear and
clear; supported depth; and shallow; shallow; rarely
by what were supported by somewhat supported by
observed and what were supported by what were
analyzed observed and what were observed and
analyzed observed and analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in the
the context of the context of the context of context of the
the learning the learning the learning learning
outcomes; outcomes. outcomes. outcomes; not
Complete, well Complete; well Complete; not complete; not
organized, organized, very organized. organized, not
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 39

highly relevant relevant to the relevant to the relevant

to the learning learning learning
outcome outcome outcome
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted a Submitted two (2)
before the the deadline day after the days or more after
deadline deadline the deadline
COMMENT/S Overall Score Rating
(Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13- 11 10 9-8 7-below
18 12
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.0 3/5 5.0
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

________________________________ ________________

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

FIELD STUDY LEARNING Preparing the Learning Environment:

FS 2 5 An Overview

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read

through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher's
class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on
this episode.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

 At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to revisit the concept of learning
environment in the context of the current teaching and learning situation.

Clarify Your Task

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 40

Overview of the Learning Environment

A learning environment, traditionally called the classroom, is a space in a school that

supports student learning. It is a self-contained area where teacher teaches and children learn. In
the classroom are chairs or tables for students and a front table for the teacher. This traditional
face-to-face classroom. Most often the students should face the teacher as the chairs are arranged
that way. But as teaching deliveries changed to enhance learning, modification in the seating
arrangement evolved and more opportunity for the learners to move about for cooperative
learning was addressed.

A conducive learning environment should have the following characteristics:

• Flexibility – There is opportunity to have small groups, movable walls.

• Openness - Learning corners/areas which could be shared.

• Access to resources - Audio-visual materials is ready and open for use.

• Physical classroom - Space is clean and safe.

• Psychological atmosphere - It is friendly and accommodating.

The classroom climate nurtures the intellectual, physical, social and emotional
development of the students.

Here are some specific strategies for developing the optimal classroom climate. You may
consider these

1. Learning environment addresses both physical and psychological needs of the studentsfor
security and order, love and belonging, personal power and competence, freedomand fun.

2. Create a sense of order. For example, teacher should teach students how to

• enter the classroom and become immediately engaged in the activity; distribute and collect

• find out about missed assignments due to absence and how to make up forthem;

• get the teacher's attention without disrupting the class and

• arrange desks, tables quickly and quietly for various purposes.

3. Greet learners as they enter your face-to-face or on-line classroom.

4. In a healthy and conducive learning environment, everybody belongs and knows eachother.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 41

5. Encourage class building activities like games and team activities.

6. In a conducive learning environment, success whether small or big is recognized


Both approaches, either the traditional face-to-face or online, lead to positive results but
in different ways, so usually in practice both approaches are combined.

Revisit the Infographic/s

Face-to-face Learning Environment On-line Learning Environment

•Time is set. •Time • Anytime, any places,

•Self-contained classroom •Place
•Discussion, activities occur •Teacher’s Role anywhere
inside the room. Passive •Students Role
•Teacher prepares
•Content • Synchronous or
instructional •Evaluation Process
•activities and chooses asynchronous classes
•Facilitates F2F learning. • Teacher moderates and
Leads and guides learners
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 42

Learning environment can be traditional (F2F), virtual (on-line) or a combination (Hybrid).

Participate and Assist

What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in the
following conditions?

1. Bulletin Board Display

- I will make some suggestions on creating a bulletin board. I will share some of my ideas
and creativity. I will also help her set up the bulletin board.

2. Small Group Discussion

- I will share some of my ideas in regards with the lesson they are talking about. I will
also make some suggestions.

3. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom (i.e. google meet or zoom

- I will volunteer in checking the attendance of the students.


Learning Environment 1:

• What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message or

Theme does it convey?

- The bulletin board has various posts. It includes the progress chart, quote of the
day, class improvement plan, student profiles, and basic education information

• What makes it attractive to the learners?

- The designs and the unique structure of the bulletin board make it more attractive to
the learners. And also the content contains important information.

• Does it help in the learning process?How?

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 43

Learning Environment 2:

• If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is

most likely the learning space of the students?

- Most likely it would be inside their home.

• Can you describe?

- Inside their home, their mother acts as their teacher and guides them throughout the

• How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for


The examples above, describe two contrasting situations. The first shows that the learners
are in the same room or space while in the second, the learners maybe in different learning
spaces like homes, study hubs or in extreme cases parks or under the trees.

As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for learning?
Choose between Learning Environment 1 or Learning Environment 2

Explain your choice: Why?

- Since the health of the students is at risk nowadays, as a concerned teacher, I would
choose the learning environment 2. I would rather teach them while staying at home.
However, I will give my very best to teach them effectively.


Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that

a. The time today is very crucial and the students are at risk.
b. The pandemic has a big impact in our society especially in the mode of learning.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 44

Write Action Research Prompts


What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning environment?

The probable problem that may occur in these two situations is the learning that the
students can get specifically the quality of the learning.


What solutions can I think of to solve the problem?

To adapt changes. As a teacher, you must be responsible and could easily adapt change
in every situation. Especially we are now in modernized way of learning. And by adapting
change, we must put it into practice.


How should I do it?

By practicing Information Computer Technology.

Check for Mastery

Choose the best answer from the options given.

1. Learning environment is only confined to a specific place called schools. This statement is

A. true

B. false

C. doubtful

D. cannot be determined
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 45

2. What kind of learning happens anytime, anyplace and anywhere?

A. Traditional learning

B. On-line learning

C. Hybrid learning

D. Face-to-Face learning

3. In which situation can learners learn with more physical presence and intervention of the

A. Face-to-Face

B. Virtual

C. On-line

D. All of the above

4. Which of the two kinds of learning environment encourages independence and self-
managementof the learners? Why?

A. Face-to-Face, because there is always the presence of the teacher who will give

guidance to the learner.

B. Virtual/On-line, because the learners are given time to learn on their own and

progress at their own rate.

C. Both, because they can always shift from one modality to another.

D. Face-to-Face because there is always the need of a teacher in a classroom all

the time
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 46

5. If on-line or virtual learning environment is not applicable, the traditional face-to-face or in-
school will continue. How will you improve the physical learning environment?

A. Use tables with chairs to allow cooperative learning.

B. Provide learning spaces of corners for independent study.

C. Give credits to success than failures.

D. A, B and C


In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic: "My Conducive Learning Environment"

“My Conducive Learning Environment”

By: _____________________________________________________

There are currently a variety of learning explanations available. Some people feel that rather than
outside influences, students learn from their innate or biological constitution. These individuals
believe that the environment has no bearing on their lives. Others feel that people learn based on
the environment in which they are immersed. This person recognizes that learning is influenced
by circumstances or the environment. This is demonstrated by the acceptance of new concepts
and ways of doing things after discarding a taught habit of doing something.

For example, a parent may teach a child to print his or her name, then after the child reaches a
specific level in school, the instructor may teach the child to write his or her name. Changing
one's thinking is the process through which failure leads to more learning; when a new experience
that goes against one's expectations causes one's attitude to change. (Brown et al., 2006)

A favorable learning environment has an impact on a student since it influences how and what
they learn.

The term "onducive environment" refers to a set of circumstances or surroundings that are
conducive to learning. Starting from within, one would create an environment conducive to
learning. Internally, as well as externally, students should be and are motivated. The student's
conduct is guided by built-in instructions discovered in our genome. That is, the learner should
have a solid foundation on which to construct their education. Students, particularly online
learners, must learn to regulate the environment in which they do classwork, assignments, and
study/reading time. The learner must also learn to absorb or ignore the environment in which he
or she finds himself.

In most circumstances, students want a well-lit (natural lighting is preferred) and ventilated
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 47



To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read

through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher's
class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on
this episode.
Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to assist in the preparation of the traditional
face-to-face learning environment.

Clarify Your Task

Enhancing a Face-to-Face or In-Person Classroom Environment for Learning
In a face-to-face classroom, students and the teacher are physically present. They meet at
a time set in the classroom. The teacher prepares activities, provides instruction and evaluates
students’ learning Equipment and instructional materials are made available in the classroom
where teaching and learning take place most of the time.
Some of the advantages of a face-to-face learning environment for the students are:
 less distraction and more concentration than when studying at home or elsewhere;
 greater understanding and real world examples from teachers and classmates:
 greater chance of completing course work by doing it in the classroom space;
 learn more easily and more comfortably in familiar, traditional classroom situation:
 access more relevant information from teachers and classmates interactions and
 greater opportunity to connect and socialize, network and solve problems together with
classmates and teacher
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 48

Here are some characteristics of the face-to-face or in-person learning environment.

 Learning space is physical. Both the teacher and learner see and hear each other from the same
contained safe place called the classroom.
 Lessons are delivered with the teacher physically facilitating. Reading assignment are from
textbooks and other resources provided or referred.
 Class meeting occur regularly on a specific time or schedule.
 Teacher leads the conversation within a limited amount of time
 Assessment is done face-to-face and usually during the class meeting.

Revisit the Infographic/s

Notice the physical arrangement found in two classroom spaces. Spot the similarities and the

Participate and Assist

Given the concepts and the infographic, how can you participate and assist in face-to-face
learning environment?
As a student of this new curriculum, I think I can apply different types of learning
strategies that can really help and assists face-t-face learning environment. I think that I can
also include and integrate technology in teaching and learning process in which my students
become more engage in learning. It helps my students to reflect and explore the topics.
Having been exposed to the traditional classrooms in your basic education, it seems that
everything is familiar. However, as teaching-teaming theories evolve over time there are changes
that are taking place.
What changes have you noticed in the face-to-face classroom spaces?

Classroom Environment Before Classroom Environment Now

They have only green board in front of the We have now TV and projectors inside the
classroom. classrooms.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 49

Learning happened only in the four corner of Now, we can attend a virtual class via Google
the classroom. meet using technological devices.
Visual Aids are commonly used aside from We are now using Power Point Presentation
writing in the board. in delivering our lesson.
There are a lot of chairs inside the classroom
Virtual class can accommodate a large
in order to accommodate the large number of number of students even outside the
students. classroom as long as there is good internet
If you have to search for something you have We have now personal computer or laptops
to go to the library. and mobile devices to browse a particular
information or data via Google etc.

 What do you think brought the changes in the face-to-face learning environment now?
I think the main reason why there are changes in the face-to-face learning
environment now because of the integration of technology in the classroom. Thus, technology
somehow provides effective learning environments. It makes the teaching and learning
process easier and convenient most especially during the COVID 19 pandemic and even in
the New Normal. Technology imparts a big role to continue the Education even in virtual
 From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will you do it?
I think the changes that I can do are to explore and learn ICT skills. With this, I can
effectively use and integrate technology in the teaching and learning process. As a result, it
will expand the learning experiences of my students.
Do you think making the learning environment conducive for a face-to-face classroom will
enable the learners to achieve better learning outcomes? Explain your answer.
Yes, definitely because if the classroom is conducive it will lessen the distractions inside the
classroom. As the result, the lessons are continuously absorbed by the students and they will
learn how to reflect and to explore on the learning they got.

Write Action Research Prompts

 What common problem have I noticed in a face-to-face learning environment?
Destructions everywhere inside the classroom that can inhibit the learning
 Can translate these problems into a question?
How to reduce destructions inside the classroom?
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 50

 How would I solve the problem?
Think of the possible solutions like ice breakers, classroom rules and other tricks
to catch the attention of the students.
 Will it improve my teaching? How?
Yes, indeed because it will test my flexibility and my creativity in teaching.
Moreover, it will improve my ability in teaching.
What will I do to solve the problem? Describe briefly how you will do it.
The best way that I can do is to create a classroom rules, the dos and don’ts, try to think
about any ice breakers to get the attention of my students every time needed. Sometimes it is also
essential to let your students know the expectations in your lesson so that they are aware of it
and it will lessen boredom. Remember that don’t let the destruction bother your students let your
student engage in the learning process.
Check for Mastery
Choose the best answer from the option given
1. In the face-to-face learning environment, the most critical elements is/are the____.
A. arrangement of chairs and tables.
B. physical, psychological and social considerations
C. teacher and student interactions
D. None of the above
2. The traditional classroom spaces are still considered valid and effective for as long as these
conditions exist. What are these conditions?
I. There should be one teacher to one student ratio.
II. Chairs should be fixed in such a way that they cannot be removed.
III. The presence of the teacher is needed in a given time to guide learning.
IV. All students should be heard in class discussion.
А. 1 & 11
C. 1 & IV
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 51

3. The best instructional material in the traditional classroom is the____.

A. blackboard
B. computer
C. teacher
D. bulletin board
4. Outdoor activities like group games, scavenger hunt and the like provide a positive____.
A. psychological environment
B. social environment
C. physical environment
D. cognitive development
5. It is observed that different classrooms have different arrangements of chairs, tables and
benches because of____.
A. school budget
B. different purposes
C. delivery of supply
D. donations received
Work on my Artifacts
Visit a school where the learning environment is face-to-face. Prepare a detailed report
describing the face to face learning environment in terms of the three components.
Physical Environment
 Is the space inside the room more than enough for learners to move about?
Yes, I think it’s enough.
 Does to room arrangement match with teaching-learning principles? Are they several room
arrangements in the school?
 Are the visual displays attractive and do they stimulate learning?
Yes, I think.
 Are the school premises safe and is the classroom space free from hazards?
Yes and I think Tacurong National High School is very safe and free from any hazard.
 Are learners comfortable in terms of light and ventilation?
Yes, I am very sure.
Psychological Environment
 Are there sets of rules and procedures followed? What are these?
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 52

Yes, some of these rules and procedures are Cleaners of the Day, seating arrangement and do not
tamper with the filling cabinet and it is very important for them to follow.
 Are there sets of expectations that can motivate the learners to learn?
I didn’t observe this but I experienced before, yes there are sets of expectations that can motivate
the learners to learn.
 Are these observable in the classroom?
- Classroom atmosphere based on trust, cooperation and empathy
- Modeling of positive attitude, respectful behavior, constructive actions
- Avoidance of ridicule, sarcasm, superiority in the classroom
- Opportunities for learners to share their experiences and learning with each other
Yes all of these are observable in the classroom.
.Social Environment
 Are there opportunities for positive interaction inside the classroom?
Yes, actually they continuously practicing positive interactions inside the classroom and it’s
 Are there outdoor activities that foster friendship, camaraderie and cooperation?
Yes, they have different camps that also build their social skills and friendships.
 How are individual needs and differences considered?
They never forget to respect each other; they also consider the boundaries and limitations of
everyone. I think that it is the best way for the students to consider the needs and differences of
each individual.
Title: The Face-to-Face Learning Environment
Describe the Physical Environment.
The physical environment of the school reflects the importance of safety, cleanliness and
comfortable surroundings in creating positive school environment preferred for learning. It
assesses the level of maintenance, ambient noise, lighting, indoor air quality, and/or thermal
comfort of the school’s physical structure as well as its location within the community.
Describe the Psychological Environment
Teachers communicate within the psychological environment through their attitudes,
feelings of excitement, values and principles. Most of the students enter the educational process
expecting to be encouraged and assisted in their learning. The psychological environment in the
classroom sets the stage for the expression of ideas, opinions and attitudes, the asking of
questions and concerns. It is very essential the good relationship among students as well as
between students, teachers, other school personnel, and school leader and even their parents.
Describe the Social Environment
Positive social environment promotes acceptance, kindness, forgiveness. These gentle learning
environment can be incredibly important for diverse learners.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 53


Making On-line or Virtual Learning
FS 2 7 Environment Safe and Conducive

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read through
the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher’s class. Note
all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on this episode.

Clarify Your Task

Safe and Conducive On-line or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

Education has dramatically shifted in recent years. Schools aligned physical spaces to
flexible spaces that integrate technology to support the 21st century learning opportunities. The
modern learning environment incorporates the three elements: (1) connected devices such as
notebooks, tablets, smart phones; (2) audio visual tools including projectors and touch screen
displays and (3) purposeful furniture such as standing desks, collaborative work stations and
connected seating that allow students to learn in different ways at different times.

The on-line learning environment requires a constant access to connectivity which allows
learning to take place anytime, anyplace and anywhere. On-line or virtual learning can be
delivered synchronous or asynchronous so the teacher’s role is a moderator between the
technology and the students.
Unlike face-to-face, on-line or virtual learning does not happen in one contained physical space
but learners are in different imaginary spaces made possible by technology such as computer
network. Visual classrooms refer to digital learning environment that allows teachers and
students to connect on line in real-time.

Let us now consider an on-line or virtual classroom or learning environment. What are
some safety reminders to remember?

1. Encourage parents and careers involvement. Keep parents/careers informed of how

you and the children will be using the on-line platform.
 Assist them on how to set up appropriate home learning spaces, if students
will be learning from home
 Provide contract times and classroom schedules
 Provide procedures to follow and consequence if they failed
 Share information about protection from cyberbullying and image above.
2. Make lesson plans as interactive as possible to keep attention of students. Be flexible
with class length and topics.
 Make assignments as guided as possible. Teachers may need to source
research sites to ensure on-line safety
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 54

 Provide students with resources. Share with your student’s websites and
videos so as not take them to inappropriate materials such as ads from
Youtube and other sites.

3. Encourage public chatting. Avoid texting students one-on-one, instead send a group
text, or group chat. When using technology like zoom, google meet, MOOCS allow
public chatting or group instead of chatting privately so that you can be part of their

4. Use of password, log in and log out.

 All students should have individual password. This should not be disclosed
 No one should log in as another person.
 All users should log off when they have finished working.

There are more reminders to follow in the use of the digital platform for virtual or on-line
learning environment but for the meantime let us have a few. As technology advances, so do
policies and guidelines.

Revisit the Infographic/s

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 55

Participate and Assist

If you are assisting your mentor in an on-line class, these are some reminders you should
share to your remote learners on a synchronous platform lie google-meet, zoom, MOOCS or any
other platforms you are familiar with and are using.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 56

With the use of any google-meet, zoom or any platform, organize a virtual class. Do this
with the guidance of your mentor.

Make sure your device is Find a quiet place free of Be on time for the class
charged distractions

Be respectful at all times Stay on mute and raise hand Stay focused and on task so
only if needed you won’t miss any

Turn on you camera Use kind words all the time Teacher and learners are
dressed appropriately


Unlike the traditional face-to-face classroom environment, online or virtual environment

is a bit difficult to manage. It is because Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) si imaginary and
not in the physical sense. It has no corners or walls and it can be set up with the support of
As a teacher, what have you discovered to be easy to implement in your virtual class?
Through this Covid-19 Pandemic, teachers are required to implement virtual classes to
their student. I discover that through this virtual class you can easy to communicate your
students despite that you haven't seen them in physical. You can expand the knowledge of your
student because they didn’t just rely on their teacher of course within their self. They look for the
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 57

techniques on how to solve mathematical problems by re searching and watching learning


How did the students show their active participation in the lesson?
So far, the students make their best effort to learn despite of slow connection of internet.
They are trying to enter in our class and actively participate. They are using a lot of forms of
technology (messenger) to send their responses.


Which of the following is/are your analysis/analyses of on-line learning environment?

Check one or more.
Check one or more.

__/__It was difficult to observe the physical behavior of the students

___/_It takes time for students to learn how to use the platform
___/_Students who are alone in their home space find difficulty to make responses
__/__Internet connectivity is a great factor to support a conducive environment


As a future teacher I feel that the on-line learning environment can be safe if _____
As a future teacher, I feel that online learning environment can be safe if learners and
teacher are technological literate they have minimum level computer knowledge so that it will
successful function online learning. Learners and facilitators should possess these skills. Also we
need to know the pros and cons about it.

I think that teaching in a virtual learning environment is____

I think that teaching in a virtual environment has a advantage because you can work
anywhere, anytime, learners and educators allows a dynamic instruction it is also student
entered which student can responds to the course material and comment from other students.
Disadvantage, the students and teacher must possess a minimum level of computer level
knowledge. Limited of technology to be use and of course if the facilitators are lack of essential
online qualities.

O Write Action Research Prompts

Identify the problems brought about by the on-line learning environment.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 58

According to my source, adaptability struggle, technical issues, computer literacy, time

management, and self motivation are problems that brought by the online learning environment.

How would you solve this problem?
To answer the problem arise, I think the solution is within us educators and student.
Knowing exactly what kind of technology support they will need for a particular course before
enrolling in it, as well as adequately equipping oneself for the course's successful completion,
may shift this perspective and better prepare students for online classes. Students must
understand that it is necessary in order to reap the benefits of eLearning in the future. A regular
schedule planner would be of great assistance to these learners, as they could even set reminders
for their courses and assignments.

What initial plan do you intend to do to solve problem?
Because of technological advancement now a days it is not hard for the student to easily
adopt the new system. But somehow, there are also a few student who are struggling, We need
to be approachable to cater their queries, educate them and teach them how to use the new
learning system.

Check for Mastery

Direction: Choose the appropriate answer.

1. What is common among the following learning environments; (a) remote learning, (b)
virtual learning, (c) on-learning learning?
a. Presence of a teacher
b. Use of cyberspace
c. Asynchronous delivery
d. Use of module
2. If your co-teacher asks you to borrow you email address password for an urgent
concern, which action should you take as a safety measure?
a. Deny your friend’s request because of privacy
b. Open your email yourself and print your friends email
c. Quickly share your password to your friend.
d. None of the A,B,C
3. Why should parents be involved and be a part of a safe on-line environment?
a. Parents should provide guidance in the selection of websites for children’s
b. Parents know better that the children so they can coach in answering on-line
c. Parents can do research for their children’s assignment
d. Parents should sit by their children’s side during virtual class time. In a virtual
synchronous class, when a student would like to talk, which of the following
a. Mute the microphone
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 59

b. Open the camera

c. Raise hand
d. Send message to chat box
4. Which would describe a safe and conducive virtual learning environment?
a. When parents are involved
b. When the teacher provides open communication
c. When students are supported with resources
d. A, B, and C.

Work on my Artifacts

Make a list of 10 websites where you can source references and instruction materials for this
episode. Place the list in the matrix like the one below. Share this with your mentor
Name of Website Topics/Title of Content or Instructional Materials

1. STUDY.COM Learning Environment; types and characteristics

2. EDUTOPIA 8 strategies to improve participation in Virtual class
3. COLLEGES OF How to participate in class and hows it is important.
4. PURDUE GLOBAL 4 common challenges facing online learners and how to
UNIVERSITIES overcome them
6. Creating a safe environment for online learning
7. BOOKING.EDU Teaching problem solving: let "stuck"and "unstuck"
8. POSITIVE Problem solving in the classroom
9. PEW RESEACH The roles of parents in digital safe keeping and advice keeping.
10. LEARN.SAFE Creating a safe environment for online learning

FIELD LEARNING Establishing My own Classroom Routines and

STUDY 2 EPISODE Procedures in a Face-to-Face/ Remote
FS 2 8 Learning

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in the FS episode, be sure to read

through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher's
class. Note all the information you will need and task you will need to do before working on this

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 60

 Establish my classroom routines and procedures before during and after classes in a face-
to-face or in remote learning.
 Explain the classroom routines (what to do, how to do it, when to do it and why those
need to be done)
 Reflect on the basic questions when building my classroom routines and procedures in
the classroom and in remote learning
 List down some possible topics for action research on classroom routines and procedures.
 Use professional reflection and learning to improve practice.

Clarify Your Task

Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and Procedures (Face-to-Face or Remote Learning)

Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and learning.
Routines don't just make the life of the teacher easier. They save valuable classroom time.
Efficient routines make it easier for students to learn and achieve more.
Establishing routines early in the school year enables you to run your daily activities run
smoothly; ensures that you manage time effectively; helps you maintain order in the classroom;
makes you more focus in teaching because he spend less time in giving directions/ instructions;
and enables you to explain to the learners what are expected of them.
Classroom routine set the foundation for a meaningful school year with teachers and
students weather in the classroom or remotely. To teach classroom routines remotely it is best to
record videos and to post this in the learning management system so students may watch them
over and over again for better retention and for families to view them so they can assist their
children when needed.
Students can take an active role in establishing classroom routines. They can brainstorm
on ideas which they will most likely do and follow. Routines are important especially when done
in remote learning so that there will be less distraction both for synchronous and asynchronous
Revisit the Infographic/s

Submission of task
and requirements

Movement into and

out of the classroom
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 61

Use of washroom

Transitioning to Some Routines Checking of

group work and Procedures Attendance

Line formation Classroom


Others when Getting supplies

deemed neccessary and materials

Participate and Assist

To ensure that i can carry out/ perform my tasks efficiently and effectively in
participating and assisting my cooperating teacher in establishing routines and procedures in the
classroom or in remote learning, I must be guided by the following questions;
1. How will I gain student attention in the classroom/ remote learning?
 In remote teaching, you need to make more efforts to gain your students’
attention. This doesn’t necessarily mean over-planning and bringing extra
materials and activities into your online classes. It simply requires you to be more
dynamic, enthusiastic and showing much interest in what you’re doing. So, it’s all
about YOU, your interaction online and your attitudes with your students.
 Online class does not mean you have to only stay still and keep yourself on the
same angle of the camera. During online class, to reduce boredom, you also have
to move your body or even make small movements. Stand up and interact with
your students as you did in traditional face-to-face learning. Adjust your laptop at
a higher level to make your face visible to your students. Stand back in order to
move from one side to the other and students can see your body language and
hand gestures. Even if you can’t stand up you can still move. Move a few feet
away from your camera while you’re providing instruction to grab more your
students’ attention. And get closer to your camera to listen to or read your
students’ questions, answers or comments.
 Using non-verbal communication in online learning can help you get your
students’ attention online. Because it makes students feel more connected, seen
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 62

and heard from a distance. It can also help you save time and promote their
participation online. There are various signs you can share with and explain to
your students. For instance, to praise students’ effort and work you can do
thumbs up. Also, get close to the screen and do high fives or a fist bump with the
student while smiling and showing that you’re proud of him/her.
 To capture students’ attention in your online classes, it’s so important to
incorporate different interactions: teacher-students interaction, students-content
interactions, students-students interactions, etc. So, vary the way you interact with
your students. Don’t focus only on sharing the screen during your video sessions,
but do also a split-screen, engage directly with your students, use the whiteboard
feature if you’re using Zoom and switch between these within the same lesson.
 Many studies have found that pausing for a moment to relax is essential for
resetting students’ energy level, retaining and staying on task. To do so, use brain
breaks in your online classes (during 3 to 5 minutes) when you feel your students’
energy and attention are waning.

2. What are the routines and procedures that I need to establish before, during and after my
classes wether on face-to-face or remote learning?
 Teachers should provide students with classroom or meeting codes,
usernames, and passwords as early as possible, and should use the same
usernames for as many applications as possible. I keep a spreadsheet of
each student’s login credentials. I share this with students via email and
an index card that I send home. I encourage students to keep this
information in a safe, accessible place.
 Teachers should be strategic in recommending supplementary learning
materials for students. Don’t provide a laundry list of 50 math websites
and learning games. Rather, select two or three that best support your
curriculum. Otherwise, you risk overwhelming families.
 Students learning online should know how to turn microphones and
cameras on or off as directed. Teach students how they should make
their presence known. If you want them to enter quietly, show them how.
There are many options for signing in, including chat boxes, Google
Sheets, or saying “Hi.” Once signed in, students can talk quietly with
their friends until class begins.
 Teachers need to set expectations for both synchronous and
asynchronous participation. It’s important to set rules about being kind
and respectful, especially in an online setting. During synchronous
learning, direct students to minimize distractions. They should close
other windows and resist using other devices. Students can post emojis
or keywords in the chat box to help them stay engaged.
 Teachers should discourage students from leaving early. You don’t want
students to miss important information. Before dismissal, everyone
should know where to find assignments, raise questions, and connect
with other learners.
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 The best practices from in-person learning apply to distance

learning:   Model expectations, provide reminders, and give students
ample opportunity to practice. And remember to give students grace as
we all adapt to a new learning environment.
3. What verbal and non-verbal communication will i use to signal that students need help/
attention in the classroom/ remote learning?
 Strong communication skills are important to the management of your
classroom. You should brush up on your verbal and non-verbal communication
skills to effectively show your students what appropriate classroom behavior
means. The majority of your communication with your students is nonverbal.
Strong verbal communication is significant as well, while you should show your
students the rules and classroom lessons they need to know. Some of these
simple communications include: behavior charts, body language, eye contact,
clapping, time out, smile and greetings.

4. How must students get/ secure the needed work material and books and others in the
classroom/ remote learning?
 When schools started closing because of corona virus, we knew that teachers
would need resources to facilitate distance learning with their students. Effective
distance learning starts with connectivity. Students in households that don't have
Wi-Fi won't be able to download work, view online materials, or attend virtual
classes. For a list of free and low-cost internet offers, check out the  National
Digital Inclusion Alliance. Families can also find out about service offerings in
their areas with the ZIP code search tool from Everyone On. Most households
have mobile devices, but it’s hard to get work done on a phone. PCs for
People and Human IT are programs that can link students up with free or low-
cost computers, tablets, and laptops. These programs also provide resources on
how to navigate new digital tools.

5. How will students transition to group work and other' cooperative activities in the
classroom/ remote learning?
 Transition means change.  Many students can have difficulty moving from one
activity to the next. For older students, moving from recess back to the classroom
can be disruptive and hard to manage.
 FOLLOW A ROUTINE – Establish a consistent schedule or routine for the
student to follow.  Provide visual picture symbols if necessary for the student to
 MAKE SURE THERE IS ENOUGH TIME – Allow the student enough time to
experience the activity before moving on to the next activity.  Many children can
exhibit negative behaviors if they never had any time to participate in the activity
to begin with.
understands what the directions are or what is expected of him/her.  Some
students will need to be taught how to follow the routine.  This takes practice and
time.  One or two step motor commands should be effective and concise.
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 GIVE WARNINGS – Provide verbal and physical cues that a transition is

approaching.  There are plenty of visual timers that can be used to provide
warnings for transitions.
 DECREASE THE NUMBER OF TRANSITIONS – Modify schedules to have the
least amount of transitions possible.  For example, if a student is already out of
class to go to the nurse or another related service it may be a good time to
schedule therapy to reduce the number of transitions in and out of the classroom. 
Another option would be to provide push in therapy services to avoid
transitioning in and out of the room.
 ENCOURAGE SELF-MONITORING – Ask the students to reflect on what went
wrong and what went right during the transition process.  Try using the “Are You
Ready to Work?” clip chart for self-monitoring.
 REINFORCE POSITIVE BEHAVIORS – Provide positive reinforcement for
other students who complete transitions successfully.  Students will learn from
each other and model other behaviors.
 PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE – Students need to be taught how to
transition properly and they need to practice those skills over and over again.

6. What procedures must be followed by students who need to attend to personal necessities
in the classroom/ online classes?
 Create a weekly schedule.
 Create a regular study space and stay organized.
 Eliminate distractions.
 Actively participate.
 Practice time management.
 When it comes to online classes, you need to have the discipline to sit down and

7. What rules must be set for students who finish task early/ and for those who cannot
complete work on time?
 Have a book in your desk that you pick out ahead of time. ...
 Work on a Suduko puzzles. ...
 Make a card for a family member or friend (I keep a card materials basket handy).
 Color a picture. ...
 Go to the back of the room and play quietly with playdough.
 Read more on -

8. What procedures must be observed for tardiness/ early dismissals?

 We encourage parents to schedule appointments after school hours. Students
occasionally need to be released early from school for doctor’s appointments
and will be permitted to make up any missed class work in a timely manner as
determined by the teacher. However, it is important to remember that missing
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 65

class time can be detrimental to a student’s academic progress as the

experiential aspect of the learning process cannot be duplicated at home.
 The parent should sign out the student at the front desk.
 Students will be called to the lobby.
 If a student returns to school the same day after an early dismissal, parents are
to report with the student to the front desk to sign in the student. The student
will receive a pass at the front desk to be given to the teacher upon classroom

9. What procedures must be done when submitting homework/ performance test in the
classroom/ remote learning?
 Quizzes are a traditional assessment tool. Plus, when paired with technology,
they are an excellent way to engage student learning. Quiz questions can take a
number of forms, such as multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks, and hotspots. One
benefit of quizzes is that they are short and easy to assess. Another is that
question order and options can be randomized, so each student’s quiz is unique.
 Open-ended or essay-type questions are one of the most popular qualitative
assessment methods. They prompt learners to explore their thoughts, feelings,
and opinions, while testing their overall comprehension of a topic. This type of
question encourages critical thinking and is best suited for evaluating higher-
level learning. Essay questions require a longer time for students to think,
organize, and compose their answers. 

 Drag-and-drops are a type of assessment that show a learner’s ability to link

information and apply knowledge to solve a practical problem. You can
incorporate both images and text in a drag-and-drop activity, giving it a real-
world feel that is both challenging and engaging.
 A dialogue simulation is a way to train learners for real-life conversations with
customers, colleagues, and others. When creating a conversation activity based
on a situation that a student may face on the job, let them know what to expect
and provide a safe place to practice their reactions and responses. 
 Polls allow you to capture feedback directly from your audience about their
learning experience. They can be used to measure anything from learning
satisfaction (Kirkpatrick Level One feedback) to why a student made a particular
choice during a lesson. Online surveys are highly engaging for learners because
they allow them to share their opinions, make themselves heard, and are quick to
 Game-based assessments are considered fun, and not “tests”, so they are
generally a good indicator of true skills and knowledge. Besides, they have been
shown to enhance learning by promoting the development of non-cognitive
skills, such as discipline, risk-taking, collaboration, and problem solving. 
 Peer evaluation turns the tables to put learners into the instructor’s seat and allow
students to review and edit each other’s work. Such activities give each
participant a chance to reflect on their knowledge and then communicate their
feedback in a consistent and structured way.
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 A forum is an online discussion board organized around a topic. Asking students

to contribute to a forum post is an excellent way to gauge their understanding,
pique their interest, and support their learning. In this activity, students are given
a critical thinking question based on a lesson or a reading, and are asked to
reflect on both. Their answers are posted to a forum and their peers are given the
chance to respond. 

10. What procedures must be employed in movement into and out of the classroom/ remote

 A teacher must incorporate rules when to go in and go out of the classroom. There
should be specific time given unless there will be an emergency going on.
 Based on the activities students along with the teacher; Start the day strong and
wake up student brains with a little movement. For example, you might have a
movement of the week, say jumping jacks. When students first enter the room in
the morning they get ready for their day, but right before sitting down they do ten
jumping jacks. This wakes up their brains and gets the blood flowing. Even I, who
am NOT a morning person, feel a bit better after ten jumping jacks.

Having this guideline question in mind, consult your Resource Teacher on the possible
assistants are participation that you can do to help her/ him in doing the classroom routines.
Complete the matrix for the routines that you can employ before, during and after classes in the
classroom/ remote learning to ensure order and discipline in your classes. List down the
problems which you have encountered while implementing these routines.
According to my critique teacher, the assistance and participation I can offer to her is to
clean the classroom and help her with the paper works, especially with the checking of modules
and learning activity sheets. On the other hand, for the classes and lectures, she cannot
guarantee a complete attendance of her students because some of her students do not have
internet connectivity and students cannot be forced to join the class if that’s the case.
After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures, state what you noticed by
answering the following questions:

 How did you feel after employing your classroom routines and establishing your
procedures in the classroom/ remote learning?

After employing my classroom routines and establishing my procedures in

theclassroom/ remote learning, I have seen the outcome of what I planned and the result of
the routines I adapted.

 How did your students respond to your classroom routines and procedures?
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The students responded well, it wasn’t as perfect as planned because of the internet
connectivity issues but it all went well.
 What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and
Based on the comments she gave and the way she approached me after, I was positive
she’s proud of me. She gave me some pieces of advice and congratulates me.

 Were there some changes in the classroom environment/ teaching-learning process after
you have implemented your classroom routines and procedures?
There were true changes on the classroom environment after the implementation of
my classroom routines and procedures. Since it is online, students are organized on
participating during the session.
 What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and
Congratulations! Keep up the good work. You handled the students well and the
active participation was there.

1. What factors/ condition promoted you to establish those classroom routines and procedures?
The factor that promoted me to establish those classroom routines and procedures is the
number of students. There were 77 students on the section and without a plan or new routine,
they cannot be handled easily. It should be organized and everyone should have a chance to
participate in class. Everyone should take turns.
2. Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after employing your classroom
Yes. There were improvements in the classroom management after employing my
classroom routines.
3. Did the teaching-learning process improved? Justify your answer.
Yes. Because student had the chance to participate in class and the learning are coming
in both ways which is from the student to teacher and teacher to student. There was a good
exchange of information with one another. Students also learn from their fellow students.
What insight have you gained while doing this learning episode?
I got to reflect of what I have done which are good and it motivated me to become more
productive to education and to myself.
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1. The problem/ challenges encountered in establishing the classroom routines.
The problem/challenges I encountered in establishing the classroom routines is the poor internet
connection. There were so much time wasted in the establishing the routines because information
are not relayed well.
2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by setting the perfect time
when to start an online class where all students can participate well and without thinking
the slowing internet.
3. Some strategies/ ways which i can employ to improve my classroom routines are searching for
more information and planning well. When everything’s ready, you can then follow with a
execution or a real-time practice with the students along with the resource teacher.
4. (Based on my answer in nos. 1_3), the possible title of my action research on this episode is
“Organized Remote Learning to Increase Effective Learning during Pandemic.”
To further enrich my knowledge on establishing classroom routines and procedures,
whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will
help me in this activities. (Include books, websites, YouTube video and the like and share these
to your peers.)
Check for Mastery
Direction: Read the question and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Miss Asuncion teaches English in grade Six, She finds difficulty in getting her class settled
and ready for the daily lesson. Which of the following would be the best advice for her?
A. She should have a sitting arrangement/ plan.
B. She should assign a group leader to monitor student's discipline.
C. She should not let them in until they are ready.
D. She should have an entry pass before they get in.
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2. The students of Ms. Dionisio were instructed to use the washroom gate pass whenever they
need to attend to personal necessities. This is an example of which of the following classroom
management techniques?
A. The use of cards.
B. The use of gate pass
C. The use of transition
D. The use of clear schedule
3. Mrs. Esplana assigned daily prayer leaders and attendance monitor checkers in her class. What
is the benefit of having this practice?
A. Ensure discipline and responsibility in class.
B. Make her students busy at all times.
C. Develop camaraderie in class.
D. Ease her of small stuff.
4. During inclement weather one of the routines established by Ms. Returan is for her class to fall
in line along the corridors and not in the school yard. What must be the reason why she
implemented this?
A. To have another area for line formation
B. To enable them to stay outside
C. To protect them from harm
D. To give more time for them to socialize outside the classroom
5. Why is it best to establish routines at the beginning of the class?
A. To eliminate stress of teachers at the beginning of the class
B. To control unruly students
C. To know all the students in class
D. To ensure order and discipline in all times

Work on my Artifacts
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Take some snapshots of your routines in the classroom or in remote learning and tell something
about them. You may also write down the procedures you have formulated and explain the
reason for these.
Teaching students what to do during daily routines will help them be successful and can
minimize disruptions in the classroom. The beginning of class, in between lessons, and the end
of the school day are all critical times when having clear routines can help maximize instruction
time. Teaching classroom routines as early in the school year as possible will allow students to
learn expectations and the flow of the classroom. Once routines are learned, students should be
able to transition throughout the day with minimal lost time.
The purpose of defining and teaching classroom routines is to reduce disruptive behavior,
therefore maximizing the time spent on instruction. When students know what to expect, daily
transitions from one activity to another will be smoother and you won’t need to correct students
as often, which will improve your interactions with them.
1. Define behavioral expectations for each routine so that they are developmentally
appropriate, culturally responsive, positively stated, specific, and observable.
2. Explicitly teach and review the routines.
3. Practice the routines.
4. Provide positive attention to students when they effectively demonstrate the routines
using praise or rewards.
5. Provide visual prompts of the classroom routines, keeping each routine to the fewest
steps possible.

Some reminders:

 Keep each step of the routine as concise as possible.

 Ensure that the steps are developmentally appropriate. Using pictures and large print is a
great way to communicate classroom expectations for young children who may not be
able to read the labels.
 Try to keep routines to as few steps as possible.

Next, identify an area of the classroom to post the routines. Ensure that the area can be easily
viewed by the entire class without causing disruption. Placing it in proximity to where the
routine happens can be a helpful reminder to students.

FIELD STUDY LEARNING Establishing My own Classroom Routines and

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FS 2 9 Procedures in a Face-to-Face/ Remote Learning

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read

through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2. Resource Teacher's
class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on
this episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode I must be able to:

 explain the importance of my classroom management plan.

 numerate the components of my classroom management plan.
 write my classroom management, plan
 use professional reflections and learning to Improve practice.
Clarify Your Task

Creating My Classroom / Remote Learning Management Plan

A classroom management plan is a plan that a teacher designs that sets the expectations
for every student. The purpose of a classroom management plan is to make the students
accountable for their actions, Effective classroom management increases students' success,
enhances students" academic skills and competencies and promotes social and emotional

The teaching-learning process may be implemented in various modalities. Teachers must

bear in mind that alternatives and other options may be considered in designing the classroom/
remote management plan.

A good learning environment produces highly engaged students who learn more do more,
and work more. Teachers likewise become more creative and productive in their work.

Key Elements for Effective Classroom Management:

1. Classroom Design: This refers to seating arrangement, bulletin boards, display, storage
area, equipment, supplies and etc.
2. Rules: These are the expectations set at the beginning of the class to foster love, care,
respect and sense of community in the class.
3. Discipline: Classroom rules must define the consequences of every action/misdemeanor
in class. This will ensure fairness and consistency in dealing with the students. This also
includes the rewards given for good behavior.
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4. Scheduling: This includes time allotment given to each period and activity in class. This
will make the students to stay on time and on task.
5. Organization: This refers to the systematic arrangement of files and records and keeping
them organized always and ready for use.
6. Instructional Techniques: These are ways by which you implement your learning
content. Tailoring your techniques to the subject, grade levels and nature of the learner is
really important.
7. Communication: Consistent open lines of communication to all the stakeholders of the
school community will lead to better teacher-student teacher relationship.
elements for-effective-classroom-management

In order to implement these elements effectively, a classroom management plan must be

designed. Each teacher has its own unique style of management to meet class needs, although the
same elements are found consistently. In order for a classroom management plan to be
successful, the students must have a complete understanding of each of the guidelines. At the
same time, teachers must follow their plan to ensure that the learning environment is safe,
friendly, secured and non-threatening whether in the classroom or in remote learning.

Components of Classroom/Remote Guide Questions

Learning Management Plan
Philosophical Statement What is your set of ideals, values, beliefs
and goals on classroom/ remote learning

What set of criteria and/or standards will

you set to judge the quality of your
classroom/remote learning environment?
Classroom Rules and Procedures What classroom rules and procedures will
you formulate to ensure discipline and order
in your class?
Teacher-Student Relationship How will you treat every student in your
How will you interact with them?
How will you ensure good interaction
between and among students and superiors?

Schedules and Timeframes How will you organize your class schedule?
How will you keep your Students to stay
focused and on task?
Classroom Structure, Design and How will you design your Classroom to
Arrangement create an appropriate learning environment?
Classroom Safety and Procedures How will you ensure the safety and security
Strategies for Rewards and

Revisit the Infographic/s

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio

of your students?

What Strategies will you employ for

rewards and consequences?

These are the steps in creating your Classroom /Remote Learning Management Plan.

Steps in Designing Classroom Management Plan

Participate and Assist

Page | 73

What rules will you formulate to safeguard

their protection?
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After realizing the different elements and steps of a classroom/remote management plan,
you are now ready to make your own plan which you can implement in your classroom/remote
learning. You may request a copy of the classroom/Remote Learning Management Plan of your
Resource Teacher or you may surf the internet for more samples" exemplars to guide you in
creating you plan.

Be guided with the guide questions for each of the elements. Follow these reminders in
writing your plan.

• State your plan positively

• Use simple specific terms

• Use measurable and observable behaviors

• Convey expected behaviors

My Classroom Management Plan

Philosophical Statement
Create a safe, fun and collaborative learning environment. Discipline is applied as quickly
as possible and as needed. All students in my class start clean every day. Each student
draws the personal attention needed to succeed.

Classroom Rules and Procedures

=To ensure student discipline, establish class rules and procedures such as:
Use positive words.
Always be vigilant.
Join the discussion.
Follow all school rules.
In time.
Finish your homework on time.
Tell the truth.
Pay respects to the teacher and pay attention to what he says.
Please be considerate of your classmates.
Get ready for the class.
Raise your hand and speak as needed.
Shut up when the teacher is talking.
Keep your classrooms clean, sharing new concept.
Stick to the seating plan.

Teacher-Student Relationship
To maintain a good relationship with my students, I treat them fairly and respectfully.
Iteach them to be morally upright and respectful of others. I think it's more effective to use
positive words when interacting. I teach them how to speak and listen. I am their teacher
and remind them that they are my students. So they have to keep informing me of the
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 75


Schedules and Timeframes

Regarding the time and schedule, we adjust the timetable in consultation with the assistant
teacher. I always have to consider the perspectives of my colleagues and students. Make
each part of the lesson interesting and interactive to focus the student's attention on the
task at hand. You should always get the attention of all students, including those behind
you. You must also consider their feelings and circumstances.

Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements

We provide materials to support the growth and development of students in order to
improve the learning environment in the classroom. It also describes the technologies you
use every day in the classroom. It also eliminates anything in the classroom that can be
distracting and stressful.

Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures

To ensure the safety of our students, we have a medicine rack in case something goes
wrong. Apart from that, all dangerous things such as knives and chemicals need to be
removed. For safety reasons, the classroom requires two doors and a fire extinguisher.
Imposing rules. For example, if you have any concerns about your students, ask me or your
guards to notify you, post their mobile number in an emergency, and prevent students from
leaving campus during class hours to ensure their safety.

Strategies for Rewards and Consequences

I will impose class rules and procedures that make students responsible for their actions. If
sanctions and rewards are associated with each rule, students believe they will follow


After reading and reviewing the classroom/remote learning management plan from
different sources and creating your own plan, answer the following questions.

1. What salient components have you noted?

As teachers, we have realized that we need to be aware of the needs of individual students at
all times. In order for students to learn and ponder, we must always consider their comfort.
This episode focuses on classroom routines and procedures.

2. Why is there a need to utilize the information to create your classroom management plan?
Use this information to use this information because you have different options as to which
rules are available and which rules will help you develop an effective classroom
management plan for different student procedures that are more effective for your students
as a teacher.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 76

3. What were the significant things that you noticed when you were implementing your
I think you need to create a management plan. The most important thing I have discovered
during the implementation of the plan is that the plan is the key to a properly operated and
organized classroom. Classroom management plans help students focus on learning and
understand what is expected of them. One of the main goals of this plan is to create a healthy
and effective learning environment while eliminating school distractions.

4. Were there items in your classroom/remote learning management plan which were not
tailored to the needs of your students? How will you improve on these?
No, in order to improve, I think we should focus on what we use, not what is only exhibited in
the classroom.


1. What elements in your classroom/remote learning management plan were mostly

followed/ complied with?
Most attention was paid to the cleanliness of the classroom and the moral character of the
students. Respect teachers and students and use positive language.

2. What elements in your plan were the most difficult to implement? Why?
Having multiple choirs in my house and some students often being late for class made it the
most difficult aspect of my plan to do it on time.


What were your realizations after creating and implementing your classroom /remote
learning management plan?

I understand the importance of having a classroom management strategy. It not only

reminds students of their school obligations, but also helps them develop their spirit so that they
have a good moral character. There is nothing to distract, so it also helps students focus on their

Write Action Research Prompts


1. The problem/challenges I encountered in writing my classroom Management Plan.

The problem / issue I encountered while writing a class management plan was that there were
multiple of them. Some of them have national responsibilities that can affect classroom
management plans.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 77


2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges bythese issues and challenges by
proposing an action research project on this topic. It would be helpful to discuss your plans with
other teachers and ask for feedback and suggestions.


3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situations/problems

Several strategies / solutions / means that can be used to improve these situations / problems
receive feedback from other teachers on these problems and do actions research on how to solve
them. In addition, research students on this topic and invite them to share their thoughts and
opinions. If necessary, try to readjust and modify the strategy.


4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this episode is the
Development of anEfficientClassroom Management Strategy for Diverse Students.

To further enrich my knowledge on designing my classroom/remote management plan,

whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will
help me in these activities. (Include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and share these
to your peers.

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why is a classroom management plan important?

A. To assist the teacher in instruction
B. To ensure that the students obey the classroom rules.
C. To develop the sense of belongingness in class
D. To make the students responsible and accountable to their actions.

2. Why is there a need to make the classroom management plan clear and simple?
A. For students to understand and follow easily
B. To make it doable for the teacher
C. To prevent chaos in class
D. To ensure compliance of superiors

3. Why is there a need to have a classroom structure/lay out?

A. For aesthetic purposes
B. For compliance with school rules
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 78

C. To be at par with others

D. For the Safety and security of students.

4. When is the best time to make the classroom management/ remote plan?
A. At the beginning of the school year
B. At the beginning of each class
C. At the middle of the year
D. At the end of the year

5. Which of the elements in the classroom management/ remote plan must be given more
A. Classroom Rules and Procedures
B. Schedule and Time Frame
C. Strategies for Rewards and Consequences
D. Classroom Design, Structure and Arrangement

EPISODE Writing My Learning / Lesson Plans
FS 2 10

To have meaningful and successful accomplishments in this FS episode, be sure to read

through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher’s
class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on
this episode.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

 explain the importance of lesson/ learning plans,

 write learning/lesson plans using the specified learning competenciesreflections
and effective communication skills,
 revise the lesson / learning plans based on the feedback given by theResource
 cite some problems encountered in writing lesson learning plans,
 Use professional reflection and learning to improve practice.

Clarify Your Task

Writing My Learning / Lesson Plans
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 79

Lesson Plan / Learning Plan - This refers to the blueprint of the daily teaching and
learning activities. It is a step-by-step guide which helps teachers in maintaining the quality of
instruction. Lesson plans consist of essential components such as learning outcomes, learning
content resources and procedures. An effective lesson plan has a great impact on the teaching
learning process. It is a must that teachers plan their lessons effectively to ensure a successful
instructional experience. There are three types of lesson plans: detailed, semi detailed and brief.
Some schools design their own lesson plan template which includes their vision mission goals
and core values.
The Department of Education has provided templates for Detailed Lesson Plan (DLE
Daily Lesson. Log (DLL). This was done to institutionalize instructional planning which is the
teaching-learning process. Guidelines were formulated to assist teachers in planning organizing
and managing their lessons to meet the needs of the diverse learners.
Teachers must also keep in mind that stating the learning Outcomes, the three domain
must be considered (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor). Outcomes that are specific,
measurable, attainable realistic and time-bound (SMART). The cognitive domain includes
remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating.
When writing lesson plans, the learning outcomes, activities and assessment must be
constructively aligned. The instructional strategies use must help in the attainment of the learning
outcomes. The modes of assessment must determine if the outcomes were attained at the end of
the lesson.
Revisit the Infographic/s




Participate and Assist

With all these information in mind, you are all set in writing your lesson plan. Based on
the instructions given by your Cooperating Teacher, prepare your lesson plan (s) based on the
learning competencies of the lesson. Consider the age appropriateness and level of
communication of your students.

Request lesson plan exemplars / lesson plan templates from your Resource Teacher. If
not available, you can make use of the basic components of a lesson plan.

Learning Plan inPhysics

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 80


Grade Level 7

Learning Outcomes

Learning Content

Learning Resources

Learning Procedures
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 81
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 82

The Department of Education has issued Department Order 42s 2016, Policies Guidelines on
Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.
These are the templates for the detailed lesson Plan (DLP) and Daily Lesson Log (DLL)

Instructional Planning
(The process of systematically planning developing, evaluating and managing the instructional
process by using principles of teaching and learning – D. O, 42, s. 2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format
School Tacurong, National High School Grade Level 7
Teacher Learning Areas
Time & Dates Quarter

A. Content standards
B. Performance standards
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives Write the
LC code for each
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Teacher’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Resource (LR) portal
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the
C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (Leads to
Formative Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating learning
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 83

Source: policy-guidelines-on-daily-lesson-

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 84


School Grade Level
Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Dates Quarter
Teaching Time Section
Monda Tuesda Wednesd Thursd Frida
y y ay ay y
A. Content Standards
B. Performance standards
C. Learning competencies/objectives
Write the LC code for each
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Teacher’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other learning resources

A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the
C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (Leads to
Formative Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 85

A. No. Of learners who turned 70%

on the formative assessment.
B. No. Of learners who require
additional activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. Of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. Of learners who continue to
require a mediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did the encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover which I
wish to share with other teachers.
Source: policy-guidelines-on-daily-lesson-


1. What factors did you consider in writing your lesson/learning plans?

- Know your content. It is for you to research the subject matter that you will be
teaching. You should utilize curriculum guides published by the state in which you
teach and the local school district that employs you. It is also a good idea to know the
national standards and state standards that drive curriculum in each subject area that
you are responsible for.
- Identify the objectives that you hope for your students to achieve the tasks that will
engage them in the learning process. Objectives are behavioral in nature and are
specific to performance. Objectives tell you what you will be observing in student
performance and describe criteria by which you can measure performance against.
The heart of the objectives is the task that the students is expected to perform. It is
probably one of the most important parts of the lesson plan because it is the student
centered and outcomes based. Objectives can range from easy to hard tasks
depending on student abilities.

2. What difficulties did you meet in writing your lesson / learning plans?
- The difficulties I have experienced in doing my lesson plan is how the flow of the
topic can be consistent.

3. What feedbackwas/were given by your Resource Teacher in your first draft/ succeeding
lesson / learning plans?
- Comments:
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 86

 The chosen activities were student-centered and suited to the level of

 The activities are challenging.
 The activities are fresh and relevant.
 The content were very resourceful and understandable.

- Recommendations:
 Be mindful of the grammar and spelling.

- Things to be considered:
 Always follow the format.

4. What were the best features/areas for improvement of your/lesson learning plans?
- The best feature for improvement is to follow instructions carefully.


Analyze the various components of your lesson plans by answering the given matrix.
Take note that you must have provisions to do this lesson on a face-to-face, modular or through
online learning.

Questions Answers
1. How did you arouse students’ interest? I gave them a logic activity. It was more like a
What motivational techniques did you riddle in their mind and solve it.
indicate in your plan?

2. How did you respond to the diverse types I responded by knowing the leaners. I also did
Learners? some innovation and creativity to suite their
2.1 gender, needs, strengths, interests and taste and relevance.
2.2 linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and
religious backgrounds
2.3 with disabilities, giftedness and talents
2.4 in difficult circumstances
2.5 from indigenous groups

3. What instructional strategies will you It would beInteractive Instruction. As its

employ In face-to-face or in a remote learning name indicates, this strategy consists of
delivery for this lesson? Explain creating learning environments conducive to
interactions and discussions.
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 87

4. Was the language used appropriate to the It is appropriate to the students. However, it
level of the students? Explain your answer would be much great to use target language in
briefly. class.

5. What types and levels of questions did you It is HOTS.

formulate? Are they of the higher order 1. How light is formulated?
thinking skills (HOTS)? Write two (2) 2. What are the primary colors?

6. What instructional resources will you They are common instructional resources
use? such as laptop, wifi, and different sites.
Why? Cite the possible online resources that
you can utilize whether done in the classroom
or in remote learning!
7. Are your modes of assessment aligned a. Yes of course. For example the
with your learning outcomes and activities? Description of the visible light, which
Cite a specific example. has the same with the activity “spot
the odd”.

8. Will your performance tasks ensure the Yes, because it is related.

mastery of the learning competencies?
Explain briefly.

9. In a scale of 1-10. How will you rate your It is 10/10 because I did my best even though
learning plan(s)? Justify your answer. it’s not that perfect.

10. If this lesson is not implemented face-to- I will use alternative materials just to ensure it
face, how are you going to do it remotely? is applicable.


Why is lesson planning an integral part of the instructional cycle?

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 88

Teachers who plan lessons ahead of time arrive in the classroom each day fully prepared to
explain new concepts and conduct important conversations, rather than winging it. Without a
lesson plan, children may lose concentration rapidly, and teachers may find themselves trying to
figure out what to do next.

O Write Action Research Prompts


1. The problems / challenges I encountered in writing my learning / lesson plans is how the
flow of the topic can consistent and think strategy of activities that is related with my

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by improving my skills to

make a lesson plan and the consistency of my content in all activities that I give to my

5. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situations/problemsis

to focus to my topic and the consistency of the lesson. I will start to know and consider
the characteristics of my students as well as the learning context. This consideration
entails a deep understanding of what I teach and that students should be able to do it, and
what will the performance look when instruction has been completed.


6. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this episode


To further enrich my knowledge in writing my learning / lesson plans whether in the

classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will help me these
activities (Include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and share these to your peers)

 Lesson planning and Demo Teaching Tips for Teacher Applicants

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 89

Realizing the various skills that you need to master in preparing the learning/lesson plans,
which are the most difficult? The easiest to write? Conduct a simple survey from among your
peers by requesting them to answer this simple questionnaire.

Instruction: these are the basic skills in lesson plan writing. Rate yourself on the level of
difficulty of doing the following based on your experience.

4 - very difficult
3 – difficult
2 - moderate in difficulty
1 - not difficult

4– 3– 2 - moderate 1–
very difficult difficult in difficulty not difficult
1. Stating learning outcomes /

2. Identifying learning resources to /

3. Sequencing the lesson in an /
engaging and meaningful manner

4. Planning specific learning /


5. Identifying strategies to be used /

6. Formulating higher order thinking /

questions (HOTS)

7. Integrating lesson concepts to real /

life situations

8. Integrating values in the lessons /

9. Formulating assessment tools /

Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 90

10. Identifying performance tasks /

11. Giving assignments /

12. Planning for lesson closure/ /


13. Others
(please specify)

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer

1. Why are learning/lesson plans important?

A. To allow students to participate more
B. To maintain order in class
C. To ensure quality instruction
D. To comply with school standards

2. Which is NOT in the cognitive domain?

A. Identify nouns in sentences
B. Differentiate noun from pronouns
C. Give examples of nouns
D. Draw examples of nouns

3. Why are attention getters needed at the beginning of the class?

A. To arouse student's interest
B. To avoid truancy in class.
C. To make the students active
D. To keep the students focused

4. Which is considered high order thinking skills in the given questions?

A. Why are plants important?
B. What are the needs of plants?
C. How do we take care of plants?
D. If you are a plant, what will you tell humankind?

5. Which of these objectives does NOT belong to the group?

A. Narrate a story using varied materials
B. Rewrite the story using various forms
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 91

C. Draw the events of the story

D. Give the moral lesson of the story
Work on my Artifacts

Paste one (1) lesson plan and write your simple reflections.

Topic Colors of Light

Grade Level Grade 7
Time Allotment 1 Week
Teacher Neshrin G. Ahmad
Learning Competencies and Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
b. Describe the visible light
c. Identify it’s different portions which are perceived by human as colors;
d. Describe the dispersion of white light to its component colors; and
e. Appreciate the beauty of the nature by citing the importance of colors in everyday
ELICIT Materials/Assessment Tools
a. Prayer Worksheet
b. Checking of attendance
c. Ice-breaker
1. Look at the following pictures on the attached
worksheet below and tell what is unusual about
2. Type your answers on the worksheet.
3. Submit your output.
ENGAGE AND EXPLORE Materials/Assessment Tools
a. Pre-activity Red, green, and violet colors
“ROLL OUT THE COLORS” Meter stick/ruler
1. Open the attached files and follow the Folder
following steps in performing the activity. Scissors
2. Answer the following questions in the Masking tape
attached word file below. 140 cm adding machine tape
Neshrin G. Ahmad – Practice Teaching Portfolio Page | 92

3. Video record yourself while doing the activity

and show the completed output.
4. Submit your video.
EXPLAIN AND ELABORATE Materials/Assessment Tools
a. Give them a supplementary materials and let them Reading Material
watch a video to further understand the concept. Videos
EVALUATE Materials/Assessment Tools
Let them create a composition (maybe verses of poem or
song) about the importance of colors to our daily life.

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