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Republic of the Philippines


ACCESS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City
February 18, 2022



At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. describe the interfacial phenomenon and its importance;
b. appreciate the practical applications of adsorption; and
c. Identify the difference between absorption and adsorption.


Topic: Chemistry of Surfaces
Materials: Laptop, cellphone, notebook and ball pen
Waghmare P. (2021). Surface Chemistry Notes: Adsorption, Catalysis, Colloids,
Emulsions. Testbook. Retrieved from
Somorjai, G. & Li, Y. (2011). Impact of Surface Chemistry. In Yates, J et al. (Eds.),
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
Retrieved from
Process Skills: Observing, Describing, Differentiating and Solving
Teaching Strategies: Demonstration, Problem-Solving and Lecture or Discussion
Values Integration: Sense of Awareness, Attentiveness and Cooperation

A. Preparatory

1. Routine
Checking of Attendance
 Ask the class about the previous topic.
 Guide Question: What did they learn from Chemistry in the
2. Motivation
 2 Pics 1 Word
 There will be 2 pictures presented to the class and the students
should come up with 1 word about the pictures.
 The sum of the pictures is equivalent to 1 word.
 The first student who can give the correct answer to the chat box
will be given 3 points.
 Guide Question: How did you find the activity?

B. Developmental Activities

 Brain Dumping: Absorption VS. Adsorption
 The teacher will first give a short idea to the students about the
difference between absorption and adsorption.
 The students will be given a picture showing a certain
 They will identify if the picture is in the process of absorption or
 They will also list down all their observations about the picture.
1. Sponge on water = Absorption
2. Misty windows = Adsorption
3. Silica Gel on shoes = Absorption
4. Iron rusting = Adsorption
5. The walls of the small intestine absorb the digested nutrients
into the bloodstream = Absorption

1. Sponge on water is in the process of absorption because the
molecules of water penetrate through the interior of the
absorbing medium which is the sponge.
2. Misty window is in the process of adsorption because the
molecules of water stay only on the surface of window and not
on its interface level. Moreover, the process can be reversed by
wiping out the water on the window.
3. Silica gel on shoes is in the process of adsorption because silica
gel removes the moisture inside the shoes and that water
molecules adhere to the surface of the silica gel which is a very
porous component with a high number of voids that may contain
water when needed.
4. Rust on iron is in the process of adsorption because reddish
brown rust (Fe2O3H2O) adhere to the surface of the iron metal
(Fe2). Notice that this process can be reversed by removing rust
from metal using rust removing chemical e.g. phosphoric acid.
5. It is in the process of absorption because the small intestine
(particularly in the microvilli) absorb the digested nutrients (e.g.
carbohydrates, proteins, or fats) into the bloodstream and the
blood delivers the nutrients to the rest of the body.

3.1 Introduction
Surface Chemistry is an important branch of Chemistry that deals and talks about the
various phenomena that occur at the surface level or interface level that is the boundary
separating two phases which can be solid-liquid, solid-gas, solid-vacuum, liquid-gas,
3.2 Absorption and Adsorption
Adsorption is the phenomenon of concentration or assimilation of a gas or liquid on the
surface of a solid or liquid with which it is in contact. Adsorbent is the material which
provides the surface on which adsorption occurs and the substance adsorbed or
attached is called adsorbate. Examples of adsorbents are charcoal, silica gel, clay,
fullers earth, alumina gel, etc. Adsorbent molecule (adsorbate)
In absorption, diffusion into the interior of matter takes place, hence it is a slow process.
For example, when a blotting paper is kept in contact with ink, ink is absorbed into the
paper. on the other hand, if a dilute solution of litmus is shaken with animal charcoal the
surface of charcoal takes away some of the litmus and all the litmus is concentrated on
charcoal. In adsorption, equilibrium is easily attained but in absorption it takes some
time to reach equilibrium. Absorption is a bulk phenomenon but adsorption is a surface
Adsorption depends on the surface area of adsorbent. Consequently, it is more rapid on
finely divided and on a rough surface. Such effect is not observed in absorption.

Figure 1. Differences between Adsorption (left side) and Absorption (right side).
3.3 Two Types of Adsorption
Physical adsorption: Van der Waals attraction between adsorbate and adsorbent. The
attraction is not fixed to a specific site and the adsorbate is relatively free to move on
the surface. This is relatively weak, reversible, adsorption capable of multilayer
Chemical adsorption: Some degree of chemical bonding between adsorbate and
adsorbent characterized by strong attractiveness. Adsorbed molecules are not free to
move on the surface. There is a high degree of specificity and typically a monolayer is
formed. The process is seldom reversible.
When there is adsorption of gases on a solid, two types of forces are operating. Weak
forces attracting the gas molecules to the solid surface are seen to be of the same kind
as those holding the molecules together when the gas is in the liquid state. These weak
forces are referred to as van der Waals forces and promote a physical adsorption. A
second type of adsorption depends on the forces of chemical attraction between the
surface and the surrounding gases or solute molecules in a surrounding liquid. This is
called chemisorption. In the bleaching and purifying of fats and oils with
adsorbents, van der Waals and chemical forces can play a part. This depends on the
adsorbent, the nature of the minor component intended to be removed, and the
conditions of their contact.
Chemisorption differs from physical adsorption in the following respects:
1. Physical adsorption occurs appreciably at very low temperature, i.e., below
boiling point of adsorbate. chemisorption occurs at all temperatures.
2. 2. The magnitude of physical adsorption decreases with rise in temperature. The
magnitude of chemisorption increases with temperature.
3. The heat evolved during physical adsorption is very low, i.e., 4–40 kj mol–1. It is
very high (40–400 kj mol–1) in chemisorption.
4. Chemisorption is irreversible as the gas adsorbed cannot be recovered from
adsorbent as such on lowering the pressure of the system at the same
temperature. Physical adsorption is reversible as the gas adsorbed can be
recovered by simply lowering the pressure of the system.
5. Physisorption may extend beyond a monolayer. Chemisorption operates within
short distance only. It does not extend beyond the monolayer of gas molecules.
6. In physisorption, the adsorbate molecules are held together by weak van der
Waals forces. Hence, activation energy for desorption in very low. In
chemisorption, adsorbate molecules are held by strong valence forces and its
activation energy for desorption is high.
3.4 Adsorption Isotherms
Adsorption Isotherm describes the equilibrium of the sorption of a material at a surface
(more general at a surface boundary) at constant temperature. It represents the amount
of material bound at the surface (the sorbate) as a function of the material present in the
gas phase and/or in the solution. Sorption isotherms are often used as empirical
models, which do not make statements about the underlying mechanisms and
measured variables. They are obtained from measured data by means of regression
analysis. The most frequently used isotherms are the linear isotherm, Freundlich
isotherm, the Langmuir isotherm, and the BET model.
3.5 Freundlich Isotherm
The relation between the magnitude of adsorption and pressure can be expressed
mathematically by an empirical equation known as Freundlich adsorption isotherm.

where x/m is amount of gas adsorbed per unit mass of the adsorbent at pressure P. k
and n are variables which depend on the nature of the solid, gas and the nature of
adsorbent. The extent of adsorption x/m increases with increase in pressure (P) and
becomes maximum at saturation pressure P0. At P0, the rate of adsorption becomes
equal to the rate of desorption. Further increase of pressure has no effect on
Limitations of Freundlich adsorption isotherm:
1. It fails when pressure is high and when the concentration of adsorbent is very
high. It is valid only within a limited range of pressure.
2. The constants k and n change with temperature.
3. It has no theoretical foundation. It is only an empirical formula.
3.6 Langmuir’s theory of adsorption (Monolayer adsorption)
Langmuir proposed a better equation to explain adsorption isotherms on the basis of
theoretical consideration. Langmuir proposed that the surface of solid possesses fixed
number of adsorption sites per unit area and each site could adsorb only one molecule
of gas. Therefore, the surface of solid is covered by mono-molecular gaseous layer.
Since the solid surface is assumed to be homogeneous, the molecular adsorption at
each site is independent of other adjacent sites occupied or vacant. The adsorbed gas
molecules remain localized without any interaction with neighboring molecules. One site
adsorbs one molecule. When a unimolecular layer is formed by the adsorption of gas,
no further adsorption occurs, i.e., saturation is obtained. In Langmuir’s adsorption, there
is a dynamic equilibrium between adsorbed gas molecules on the surface of solid and
evaporation of adsorbate from the surface of adsorbent.
Before adsorption, the surface remains vacant and the rate of condensation stays
maximum. As the surface becomes covered, the rate of desorption (evaporation) is less
in the beginning and it increases when the surface becomes covered. At equilibrium, the
number of molecules evaporating/unit time from the same surface, i.e., rate of
adsorption and rate of desorption, is in equilibrium. Based on the above postulates, the
rate of adsorption depends on the pressure P and the number of vacant sites on the
surface (1 – θ), where q is the fraction of surface occupied by gas molecules. Now,
since the rate of adsorption is proportional to the pressure (P) of the gas as well as
uncovered surface (1 – q) of the adsorbent available for adsorption, thus Rate of
adsorption α P (1 – θ) = k1P (1 – θ).

3.7 Factors which affect adsorption extent and therefore affect isotherm
In general, as solubility of solute increases the extent of adsorption decreases. This is
known as the “Lundelius’ Rule”. Solute-solid surface binding competes with solute-
solvent attraction as discussed earlier. Factors which affect solubility include molecular
size (high MW- low solubility), ionization (solubility is minimum when compounds are
uncharged), polarity (as polarity increases get higher solubility because water is a polar
pH often affects the surface charge on the adsorbent as well as the charge on the
solute. Generally, for organic material as pH goes down adsorption goes up.
Adsorption reactions are typically exothermic i.e., change in enthalpy is generally
negative. Here heat is given off by the reaction therefore as T increases extent of
adsorption decreases.
3.8 Practical Applications of Adsorption
In gas masks
All gas masks are devices containing suitable adsorbent so that the poisonous gases
present in the atmosphere are preferentially adsorbed and the air for breathing is
In clarification of sugar
Sugar is decolorized by treating sugar solution with charcoal powder. The latter adsorbs
the undesirable colors present.
In paint industry
The paint should not contain dissolved gases as otherwise the paint does not adhere
well to the surface to be painted and thus will have a poor covering power. The
dissolved gases are therefore, removed by suitable adsorbents during manufacture.
Further, all surfaces are covered with layers of gaseous, liquid or solid films. These
have to be removed before the paint is applied. This is done by suitable liquids which
adsorbs these films. Such liquids are called wetting agents. The use of spirit as wetting
agent in furniture painting is well known.
In chromatographic analysis
The selective adsorbent of certain substances from a solution by a particular solid
adsorbent has helped to develop technique for the separation of the components of the
mixture. This technique is called chromatographic analysis. For example: in column
chromatography a long and wide vertical tube is filled with a suitable adsorbent and the
solution of the mixture poured from the top and then collected one by one from the
3.9 Colloidal Solutions
There are solutions in which the size of the solute particles falls between 10 to the
power -9 and 10 to the power -6. This type of solutions is known as colloidal solutions.
Properties of Colloidal Solutions:

1. Aggregates are formed bigger in size in comparison to the true solutions.

2. Tyndall effect in colloidal solutions is scattering.
3. Depending on the wavelength of the scattered light dispersed by the particles,
colloidal solution gets its color.
4. The Brownian movement is affected by the size and the viscosity of the solution.
5. The particles of colloidal solutions carry electric charge along with them.

3.10 Micelle

Micelle is formed as a result of the concentration called Critical Micelle Concentration.

Preparation and Purification of Colloidal Solution
1. Mechanical disintegration: For this process to take place, there is the need of
colloid mill, ball mill or ultrasonic disintegrator. Into the mill, suspension of
substance in water mill is introduced. The suspension particle size is then
reduced to the size of a colloid.
2. Electro disintegration: For getting the colloidal solutions of metals, this process is
used. Intense heat is used and this heat breaks down the metals in smaller
3. Peptization: The process of conversion of fresh precipitate into particles of
colloidal solution by using dispersion medium in shaking it. This happens in the
presence of electrolyte.
Purification methods
1. Purification: The process in which the unwanted particles are purified to get the
required minimum level.
2. Dialysis: The separation of particles of colloids from that of crystalloids by the
diffusion of the mixture through animal membrane.
Few things to remember about colloidal solutions are that they are extremely stable in
nature when compared to other solutions and they have immense filterability.
3.11 Important Properties
1. Colligative properties: If the solutions depend on the number of molecules of
solute particles in the solution are known as colligative properties.
2. Mechanical properties: This property can also be called as the Brownian
movement. It is the process of the movement of the colloidal particles constantly
in the zig-zag pattern.
3. Optical Properties: It is also known as the Tyndall effect and it is nothing but the
scattering of the light by the colloidal particles.
Tyndell effect has certain conditions:

 It can show its impact when the diameter of the dispersed particle is not
extremely smaller than that of the wavelength of the light in use
 The difference between refractive indices and dispersion medium is not too large

3.12 Emulsion

It is a colloidal dispersion in which the dispersed phase as well as the medium of

dispersions is in liquid forms.
Types of Emulsion

 Emulsion of oil in water

 Emulsion of water in oil

Applications of Emulsion

 For the building of roads, bridges etc.

 Oily drugs formation
 Ordinary soap, washing powder etc.
 In the making of Dettol etc.

3.13 Catalyst

Substances that alters the rate of reaction process without any change is the mass and
composition are known as catalysts.
Catalysis: The process that takes place in the decomposition with the help of catalyst is
known as catalysis.
Types of catalysis: Catalysts as well as reactants can have the same form or in different
forms. On the basis of it, catalysis can be divided as:
Homogeneous catalyst: If they are in the same form/phase, for example, if the catalyst
is solid, the reactant is also solid, it is known as homogenous catalysis.
Heterogeneous catalysis: On the other hand, if the catalyst and the reactant are in
different phases, it is known as heterogeneous catalysis.

Features of Catalyst

 With the same reactants in consideration, the selectivity feature of catalysts is

 Mobilization of the catalyst depends on the adsorption strength. Stronger the
adsorption, higher the immobility

Enzyme as a catalyst
Complex organic molecules that are produced by plants and animals are known as
enzyme catalysts. They are responsible for various reactions to take place on the
earth’s surface and even below the earth’s surface.
Properties of enzyme catalysts

 They are efficient in nature

 They are specific in higher order
 They become active when they are kept under a specific temperature
 Under optimum pH balance, they work actively
 With activators, they increase their efficiency while inhibitors reduce their

Solve the following problem:
- The gold number of hemoglobin is 0.03. Calculate the amount of hemoglobin to
be added to 100 mL of a colloidal sol of gold to prevent its coagulation before
adding 10 mL of 10% NaCl solution.
- The gold number of gelatin is 0.01. Calculate the amount of gelatin to be added
to 1000 mL of a colloidal sol of gold to prevent its coagulation before adding 1 mL
of 10% NaCl solution.
- The coagulation of 100 mL of a colloidal solution of gold is completely prevented
by the addition of 0.25 g of starch to it before adding 1 mL of 10 % NaCl solution.
Calculate the gold number of starch.

Multiple Choice
Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. A phenomenon of attracting and retaining the molecules of the substance on the
surface of a solid or liquid resulting in a higher concentration of the molecule on
the surface.
a. Absorption
b. Adsorption
c. Adsorbate
d. Gibb’s Equation
2. The reverse process of adsorption that pertains to the removal of adsorb
substance from the surface.
a. Occlusion
b. Absorbate
c. Desorption
d. Thermodynamic process
3. The term ‘sorption’ stands for ____________.
a. Absorption
b. Adsorption
c. Both absorption and adsorption
d. Desorption
4. Extent of physisorption of a gas increase with _____________.
a. Increase in temperature
b. Decrease in temperature
c. Decrease in surface area of adsorbent
d. Decrease in strength of van der Waals force
5. In physisorption adsorbent does not show specificity for any particular gas
because __________.
a. Involved van der Waals force are universal.
b. Gases involved behave like ideal gasses.
c. Enthalpy of adsorption is low.
d. It is reversible process.
6. At high concentration of soap in water, soap behaves as ___________.
a. Molecular colloid
b. Associated colloid
c. Macromolecular colloid
d. Lyophilic colloid
7. What is an emulsion?
a. Solid in liquid colloidal sol
b. Solid in gas colloidal sol.
c. Liquid in liquid colloidal sol
d. All of the above
8. Adsorption is ___________ process.
a. Exothermic process
b. Endothermic process
c. Both
d. Thermodynamic process
9. Freshly prepared precipitate sometimes gets converted to colloidal solution by
a. Coagulation
b. Electrolysis
c. Diffusion
d. Peptization
10. The following are the factors that affect the adsorption of gases by solids except:
a. Temperature
b. Pressure applied
c. Nature and surface area of adsorbent
d. Weak van der Waal’s forces

 Give at least 5 Technological Applications of Surface Chemistry
and elaborate further per application. (25 points)

Pre-Service Teacher



Cooperating Teacher

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