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J. Hi Alejandro, how are you?

A. Hi Johana I'm fine and what about you? What are you doing?
J. Well, I've just seen an old movie at home and it made me remember my
A. Yes, there are many things that make me remember my childhood too.
J. Me too, for example my parents weren’t very strict with me but sometimes
they didn't let me do certain things.
A. Really, so tell me How was your childhood?
J. For example, I was allowed to watch TV every afternoon after I did my
homework because my mom was strict in this aspect so I always had to be
responsible with my obligations at school. Also, my mom let me go to my best
friend's house to play with her twice a week but I was not allowed to stay out
my house until late. I always helped my mother with the chores, she made me
clean the living room or do the dishes and sometimes my mom let me
accompany her to the market. On weekends I could ride my bike or take a
walk with my family. My childhood was beautiful for me I remember it with great
happiness but What about you Alejandro tell me How was your childhood?
A. In my case, my parents allowed me to play soccer with my friends every
weekend, as long as I finished all my homework first. So my mother to let me
watch TV at night, before I had to help her clean the house. I remember when I
asked permission to sleep at my friend's house. My mom said she did, but my
dad wouldn't let me stay. However, he allowed me to go late and he picked me
up. Sometimes on the weekends my friends played video games at my house.
My mom allowed us to play since I got good grades in school. I remember once
my mom didn't let me go to the legend park with my friends, because it was my
brother's birthday that day. My mom only forbids me some things. For example,
I was forbidden to accept things from strangers. I was also forbidden to play
football late, because it was dangerous.
J. How fun your childhood has been Alejandro.
A. Yours has also been a lot of fun
J. OK, take care. I'm leaving my mom calls me. Goodbye
A. See you later Johana. Bye.

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