Pre-Registration For QuarantineProcedures

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40 Steps

Pre-registration for QuarantineProcedures

An app can be used for some quarantine procedures before you enter Japan.
①Questionnaire WEB
③Vaccination certificate
④Test certificate (<72 hours before departure) (have image data ready)
Fast Track cannot be used if pre-registration not complete by 16 hours before arrival.
Details: Fast Track website.

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1 1.1 App installation, account

Please follow instructions in the manual to install the Health and Location Monitoring App (MySOS) and complete
account registration.

If you have already installed MySOS, please scan the dedicated QR code again or tap the dedicated URL.
*If the version of the app is old, you may need to update it.

If someone is accompanying you: Section 1.2

If no one is accompanying you: Section 1.3

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2 1.2 Using Fast Track with an accompanying

If someone is entering Japan with you, see instructions in manual below to register the person(s).
You can use Fast Track together.
Note: You can also register accompanying person(s) later.

Note: Once registered, no person can be deleted.

If a registered person is unable to enter Japan together, you must uninstall the app and then re-install it starting
with STEP 1.

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3 1.3 Screen for confirming intention to use Fast

After account registration, you will see a confirmation screen about using Fast Track. If you intend to use Fast
Track, click “Yes.”
The top screen of Fast Track user mode will open.

If you click “No” on this screen, you will not be able to use Fast Track.
If you accidentally click “No” here, please uninstall the app and then re-install it starting with STEP 1.

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4 1.4 Fast Track top screen

The Fast Track screen will open

If you tap the “Pre-registration for Quarantine Procedures” ① button, a screen will open for each step of the
If you tap “Pre-registration Instructions” ②, a manual will open to explain this feature.

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5 1.5 Screen for pre-registration for quarantine procedures

Name, passport number, and date of birth as entered for MySOS account registration will be displayed①.
Register the four items shown at least 16hours before scheduled fight arrival time in Japan.
If an accompanying person is registered, you need to handle each of the four items for yourself and each person.
When entering your responses, tap the “Person registering” menu② and select the person.

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6 1.6 Selecting accompanying persons

If there is an accompanying person, select which person’s information you wish to view at any time with the
“Person registering” pulldown menu.
Tap the "Person registering" menu to see the names of persons registered and select one.
That person's name and information will be displayed.
If there is an accompanying person,the registration must be done for yourself and each accompanying person.

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7 2.1 Questionnaire WEB: Open

Please open “Pre-registration for quarantine procedures" screen, be sure your name is displayed in the “Person
registering” pulldown menu ①, and tap “Questionnaire WEB” ②.

If an accompanying person is registered, each person needs to answer Questionnaire WEB.

When answering, be sure the correct person's name is displayed in the “Person registering” menu ①, then tap
Questionnaire WEB ②.

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8 2.2 Questionnaire WEB: Enter

The questionnaire screen will open. Please read, tap "Next" and enter your responses on each screen.
Note: Input errors are displayed in red.

1. Information on person(s) entering Japan (1-1 to 1-7)

2. Information on accommodation in Japan (2-1 to 2-2)
3. Information on recent travel to areas with outbreaks (3-1)
4. Information on health condition (4-1 to 4-7)
5. Follow-up information (5-1 to 5-3)

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9 2.3 Questionnaire WEB:

On the final “Confirm Responses” screen, confirm that the content is correct.
If your responses are all correct, tap “Complete Response.”
To make corrections, tap “Back.”

After you tap “Complete Response” you will return to the Fast Track screen.

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10 2.4 Questionnaire WEB: Display screen

When responses are complete, the respondent's QR code is generated ① and Questionnaire WEB status ② will
show as“Registered.”
Time remaining ③ will be shown. Please complete all registration procedures within the time.

After accompanying person responses are complete, a QR code will be generated and displayed.
Note: Select each person’s information with the “Person registering” menu ④.

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11 3.1 Pledge: Open

Please open the “Pre-registration for quarantine procedures"screen, be sure your name is displayed in the “Person
registering” pulldown menu ①, and tap“Pledge”②.

If an accompanying person is registered, each person needs to register the Pledge.

To register an accompanying person’s Pledge, be sure the correct person's name is displayed in the “Person
registering”menu①, then tapPledge②.

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12 3.2 Pledge: Enter information

The Pledge (For Individuals) screen will open. Please read it and enter the following:
Note: No Questionnaire WEB responses can be changed here. Make corrections via "Questionnaire WEB" button
if needed.

①Legal representative:Fill only if there is a legal representative

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13 3.3 Pledge : Enter information

Scroll through to review the Pledge contents ①, check the “Agree” box ②, and tap Next ③.
To make corrections, tap “Back.”
Note: Input errors are displayed in red.

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14 3.4 Pledge: Confirm

On the final screen, confirm that the content is correct.

If all is correct, tap “Register.”
To make corrections, tap “Back.”

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15 3.5 Pledge: Complete

When registration of the Pledge is complete, tap “Back to top.”

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16 3.6 Pledge: Display screen

The status of the Pledge ① will show as "Registered."

Note: If there is an accompanying person, select which person’s information you wish to view at any time with the
“Person registering” pulldown menu ②.

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17 4.1 Vaccination certificate: Open

Please open “Pre-registration for quarantine procedures" screen, be sure your name is displayed in the “Person
registering” dropdown menu ①, and tap “Vaccination certificate” ②.

If an accompanying person is registered, each person must do this.

When answering, be sure the correct person's name is displayed in the “Person registering” menu ①, then tap
"Vaccination certificate" ②.

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18 4.2 Vaccination certificate: Enter

The “Vaccination certificate” screen will open. Please enter the following items.

Status of vaccination certificate: Select “Will submit” or “Will not submit”

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19 4.3 Vaccination certificate (when not submitting):

If you selected “Will not submit” under “Status of vaccination certificate”:

Tap “Next” and then “Register.”

Go to 4.7

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20 4.4 Vaccination certificate (when submitting): Enter information

If you selected “Will submit” under “Status of vaccination certificate,” enter:

① Japanese or English?: Selection

② Vaccine name and manufacturer: Name, Manufacturer
③ Third vaccination: Date (DD/MM/YYYY)

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21 4.5 Vaccination certificate (when submitting): Enter information

④ Tap “Browse” to attach the image(s) of the vaccination certificate, and confirm that the selected filenames are
Note: Accepted file formats are PNG, JPG (JPEG), GIF.

⑤ Is the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination certificate you are about to register the certificate of the person
registered with this app?: Your selection

Tap “Next.”

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22 4.6 Vaccination certificate (when submitting):

On the final screen, confirm that the content is correct.

If all is correct, tap “Register.”
To make corrections, tap “Back.”

Note: Input errors are displayed in red.

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23 4.7 Vaccination certificate:

When registration is complete, please tap “Back to top.”

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24 4.8 Vaccination certificate: Display screen

For vaccination certificate status ① the validity start date ② display will indicate a date third vaccination.
If you registered as “Will not submit,” the screen will be yellow and ① will show “Review completed,” but validity
start date will not be shown.

Note: Select which person’s information you wish to view at any time with the “Person registering” menu ③.

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25 4.9 Vaccination certificate: Review results

Review results are sent via push notification. Screen color of the app will change with status.

“Review completed” or "Will not submit” (vaccination certificate): Yellow

Otherwise: Red (unchanged)

When “Being reviewed” you can still register a test certificate.

If you receive a notification of return for correction, please confirm the reason and re-register your vaccination

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26 4.10 Vaccination certificate: Meaning of color of top screen

Top screen's color indicates status of person least advanced in processing among those registered on the app.

You can still use FastTrack if screen is yellow, but when boarding aircraft, entering Japan, etc., will be required to
show printed (or other) version of test result certificate.

Tap settings icon (screen's top-right corner) to open settings menu and view push notifications.

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27 4.11 How to check for push

All push notifications you receive are saved, so you can check them at any time by tapping "Information HistoryӴ
in the settings menu.
The title and content of push notifications will depend on the results of the review.

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28 5.1 Test result certificate for test taken less than 72 hours before departure: Open

Open “Pre-registration for quarantine procedures” screen.

Confirm your name is displayed in “Person registering” menu ①, then tap “Test result certificate for test taken less
than 72 hours before departure” ②.

Each person needs to do this.

When registering information, be sure the correct person's name is displayed in the “Person registering” menu ①,
then tap “Test result ...” ②.

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29 5.2 Test result certificate for test taken less than 72 hours before departure: Enter

The screen for “Test result certificate for test taken less than 72 hours before departure” will open. Please enter
the following.

Do you wish to do prior registration of a test certificate? Select Yes or No.

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30 5.3 Test result certificate less than 72 hours before departure (when not submitting):

If you have selected “No”...

Tap “Next” and then “Register.”

Go to 5.6

Note: You can still use FastTrack if you select “No,” but when you board the aircraft, enter Japan, etc., you will be
required to show the paper (or other) version of a test result certificate for a test taken less than 72 hours before

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31 5.4 Test result certificate less than 72 hours before departure (when submitting): Enter

If you selected “Yes,” please enter:

①Sample date/time
②Expiry of test certificate automatically displays as 72 hours after sample
③Test type: Select from menu
④Collection method: Select from menu
⑤Test results: Select from menu
⑥Tap “Browse” to attach image(s) of test result certificate, and confirm that selected filenames are displayed
Note: Accepted file formats are PNG,JPG (JPEG),GIF

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32 5.5 Test result certificate less than 72 hours before departure (when submitting):

On the final screen, confirm that the content is correct.

If all is correct, tap “Register.”
To make corrections, tap “Back.”

Note: Input errors are displayed in red.

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33 5.6 Test result certificate for test taken less than 72 hours before departure:

When registration is complete, please tap “Back to top.”

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34 5.7 Test result certificate for test taken less than 72 hours before departure: Display screen

For “Test result certificate” status① will show as “Being reviewed,” and “Expiry”② automatically shows 72hours
after sample date and time.
If you registered“No,” the screen will indicate “Review completed” but expiry will not be shown.
Note:If there is an accompanying person, select which person’s information you wish to view at any time with
the“Person registering” pulldown menu③.

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35 5.8 Test result certificate less than 72 hours before departure examination: Review

The review results are sent via push notification. Color of app screen will change with status.
If you receive a rejection notification, please confirm the reason and then re-register.

After "Current status" ① at the top of the screen indicates “Review completed,” none of the information can be

Note: Select each person’s information with the “Person registering” pulldown menu ②.

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36 6.1 Top screen after pre-registration is

When pre-registration and review is complete, screen is green and you can use Fast Track.
If you didn't register a test certificate, screen will be yellow, you must show it when you enter Japan.
When asked for QR code, tap “Pre-registration for quarantine procedures” button ①.
Note: Fast Track cannot be used if screen is red.

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37 6.2 Presenting the QR

Tap the "Pre-registration for quarantine procedures” button to display the QR code ① and status ②.
Note: If there is an accompanying person, select which person’s information you wish to view at any time with the
“Person registering” pulldown menu ③.

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38 7.1 MySOS app screen after entering

After entry, app changes from green/yellow (Airport quarantine mode) to red (Health Monitoring Center for
Overseas Entrants mode).
It then functions to confirm health condition/location during quarantine. Continue using it.
(If screen stays red in Airport quarantine mode, uninstall/reinstall.)
Until connected to HCO, you can still tap Fast Track for Quarantine registration procedures screen(s).

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39 7.2 Actions required during quarantine period

Refer to the following manual [06] - [07] for settings and installation.

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40 7.3 Actions required during quarantine period

The required steps during the quarantine period are described in the following manual [08] through [13].

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Pre-registration for QuarantineProcedures

About Fast Track Frequently asked questions

To Anyone Entering/Returning to Japan

Fast Track



1.1 App installation, account registration

MySOS 入国者専用URL

[01] MySOS app: Download and install【iPhone】

[01] MySOS app: Download and install【Android】

[02-1] MySOS app: Account registration(first time)

[02-1] MySOS app: Account registration(first time)

1.2 Using Fast Track with an accompanying person

[04] Registration and verification of an accompany

7.2 Actions required during quarantine period

[06] Set your smartphone to save location informat

[06] Set your smartphone to save location informat

[07] COCOA app: Install

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7.3 Actions required during quarantine period

[08] Check the home screen of MySOS

[09] Register quarantine location, report current

[10] Report your health condition with MySOS

[11-1] How to handle video calls with MySOS (AI au

[11-1] How to handle video calls with MySOS (AI au

[11-2] How to handle video calls with MySOS (human

[11-2] How to handle video calls with MySOS (huma

[12] How to update the MySOS app 【iPhone】

[12] How to update the MySOS app 【Android】

[13] How to use the COCOA app

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