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Daniel Edward Lopez Fricke

7129 Dana Drive

Palmdale, CA 93551
*818/335-8648 (c)
Summary of Qualifications:
* Over sixteen (18) years police experience as a Detective and Detective Supervi
sor (Investigations/Intelligence). Officer-In-Charge of the Criminal and Specia
l Operation Section of the Detective Bureaus. Responsibilities included OIC of t
he Officer-Involved Shootings Teams, SWAT (Spec Ops), Executive Protection, Spec
ial Problems Unit Gangs/Narcotic, Benefit Abuse, Internal Affairs, Backgrounds u
nit, Fraud Unit, and Intelligence.
* Comprised a Special Weapons and Tactical manual in Arabic for Counter Terroris
m Teams and Police Professional.
* Over twenty (20) years experience in Police and (Military) Special Operations,
both CONUS and OCONUS operations. Conducted training management and police supe
rvisors in Command Post Operations for a tactical response including crisis mana
gement and Intelligence. Developed a tactical protocol, informed COP of investig
ative procedures, preservation of evidence, Intelligence, and warrant procedures
for prosecution.
* "SWAT" Team Leader/Incident Commander. Conducted real world security operation
s both in military and police operations. This responsibility ranges from protec
ting HVT to organizing and facilitating the current operation. Also a tactical e
xpert for over 10 years in tactical procedures and techniques to include SWAT/HR
* Over fourteen (16) years as an international instructor for management, mid le
vel and entry level officers in the field of Counter Terrorism, Critical Sites,
Maritime operations, SWAT/HRT, Mobile Field Force, Community Policing Projects,
Community Preparedness, Executive Protection Details, Organized Crime, Counter
Intelligence, Human Intelligence, Interviewing and Interrogation techniques, Fac
ility Protection, and all facets of investigations.
* Well over fifteen (15) years experience in a training capacity for all facets
of Law Enforcement training to include, Community Policing, Investigations, Inte
lligence, Patrol Procedures, Facility Protection, Anti-Terrorism, and Special Op
erations as a US Army Officer.
Related Teaching/Training Experience:
Tactical Solutions International-Counter Terrorism Expert/Training Instructor-Pa
sadena California
As the lead trainer I will provide critical skills training for First Responders
, Executive Protection Teams, Security Professionals, and Military Personnel, to
ensure quick and effective response to any threat or incidents as they occur do
mestically and abroad. Working within a unique organizational culture, I will al
so formulate individualized training programs to meet the needs of the organizat
ion with specific requirements.
Responsible for all scheduling, job development, and personnel working abroad. S
pecialize in Executive Protection, Counter Terrorism Tactics, Firearm Training,
SWAT/HRT course curriculum, and investigations.

02/1981 - 01/01/2010 (Retired)

Police Officer/Detective/Sergeant/Detective Supervisor - Los Angeles (School Cri
mes) Police Department: Los Angeles, CA
Range of responsibility was the entire City of Los Angeles involving school crim
es. Responsible for developing a standard detective manual including the depart
ment's investigative section on policy and procedures. Lead instructor for "SWA
T" in field operations and tactics. Developed an approved basic "SWAT" Course in
cluding Executive Protection, Mobile Field Force, First Responder Active Shooter
Violence in the Work Place, Less Lethal Responses. Conduct training as the lead
instructor for various Police Departments. I have also presented periodical upd
ates on hardening various school sites, domestic terrorism, and response capabil
ities to high level officials.
Additional duties consisted of "SWAT" Dignitary protection and extractions. Also
involved in community projects involving young adults.
Responsible for tactical operations and investigation procedures for high profil
e cases including civil disturbances and Officer-Involved-Shootings.
The Officer-In-Charge- Criminal Detective tables to include Officer-Involved Sho
oting Teams, IG Complaints, Backgrounds, Internal Affairs, Surveillance, Intelli
gence, Gang Suppression, Narcotics, Crimes Against Persons (Gang Shooting), Bene
fit Abuse, Special Problems Unit, Anti-Terrorism, and high profile investigation
s. Have a working relationship with local Homeland Security Units.
11/2005 - 06/05/2008
Counter Terrorism Expert/Intel - L-3 Communications/MPRI/Kuwait Special Forces C
ommand: Kuwait
I was Responsible for real world operations and development of the Counter Terro
rism Teams for the State of Kuwait. Additional duties consisted of assisting in
Intel briefs and planning for current situations. Other duties consisted of ins
tructing and presenting to Senior Military Officials, on Crisis Management, HUMI
NT Intelligence, Terrorism Patterns, Monitoring and response to critical sites,
Command Post Operations, Special Weapons and Tactics, HRT, Breaching, Urban Warf
are, Maritime Operations, Homeland Security Response to critical incidents. Deve
loped a procedural and equipment SOP, to include a "SWAT" manual in Arabic. Supe
rvision ranges from a team to a battalion size element.
As the Advisor/Instructor to the Special Forces Battalion, Counter Terrorism Tea
ms. Part of these duties was to instruct and provide mission essentials to the V
IP protection teams who provide personal protection to various members of the ro
yal family and dignitaries. This instruction included marksmanship, CQB, body p
ositioning, sniper placements, vehicles placement and distances, reaction time,
air support, communication, staging points, recon of cold areas, intelligence of
high threat areas. I was involved on all ongoing missions given to the VIP team
s assigned to the Counter Terrorism Battalion.

03/2004 - 01/2005
Training Officer, CPATT - US Army - Special Operations Command: Iraq
Responsible for the Iraqi Police Service Training in Iraq. This included review
ing and instructing tactical Intelligence and tactical police missions. Trained
senior, mid level, and entry level officers in policing techniques, investigatio
ns, intelligence, and weapons qualification. Trained selected indigenous personn
el in responding to tactical situations in a combat environment. I was also res
ponsible for locating, designing and hardening police training facilities for th
e continuous effort to training the Iraqi Police Services. I was responsible for
a budget that consisted of 220 million dollars and was directly assigned to Gen
eral David Petreaus as an expert in IPS issues. I was also called upon to brief
high level officials on the progression and development of the Iraqi Police. Thi
s is to include all special police operations, critical sites, and tactical resp
04/1997 - 02/1998
Law Enforcement Cell/Intelligence Officer - U.S. Army; Civil Affair /Special Ope
rations Command, Sarajevo, Bosnia
I was called to active duty in Bosnia to restructure the Sarajevo Police Departm
ent. I was involved in all facets of police training. The restructure included p
atrol techniques, criminal investigations, mobile field force in a combat enviro
nment, and insurgency responses. My team was also responsible for HUMINT Intelli
gence collecting on organize crimes (Russian Mafia), Narcotics, Black Marketing,
and Special Operation planning procedures including "SWAT". Designed and author
ed several police training videos in Command Post Operations, Investigations, an
d Officer Survival. These videos were given to Jim Tillman from ICITAP and the D
epartment of Justice.
Officer-In-Charge/ PSD- Congressional personnel and family members.
As a Captain assigned to the Law Enforcement Team I had various tasking which in
cluded PSD protection. As team leader of the PSD detail we were involved in man
y protection duties. One of these assignments was to provide protection to the
families of various Congressional personnel visiting different sections of Bosni
a. This assignment was in direct support with US Embassy and State Department.
During this tour we have continuous PSD details for political, military, and cel
ebrities (Gen. Clark, Franks, Congressmen, Ambassador, Mr. Ganz, and Special Rep
resentative of the President, U-2, and other celebrities). This assignment laste
d 9 months not to include all law Enforcement assignments. This majority of thes
e assignments were in high threat combat environments with air support. All thes
e assignments were armed with various weapon systems in place.

Other key assignments:

2000 - Present - Special Operations Command (Major) CTU, Macdill AFB, Tampa, Fl
1996 - 2006 - "SWAT" Operator, Team Leader, Lead Tactical Instructor, Facility P
rotection Advisor, Executive Protection, Tactical Incident Commander for "SWAT"
Operations in Los Angeles.
1994 - 2000 - Law Enforcement Cell/Intel Officer U.S. Army, 425 C.A. Battalion
1994 - 1994 - Law Enforcement Cell/Intel Officer U.S. Army; C.A. Command-Spec. O
ps. Cambodia
1989 - 1994 - Intelligence Officer (LT/ CPT) US Army 12th Special Forces
International Experience:
* Conducted Crisis management training seminar for Kuwait senior officials. (200
* Trained senior officials and Iraqi Police in Counter Terrorism tactics and fie
ld operations for Iraqi Police. Created and designed the Sulayminaya (Iraq) Poli
ce Training Center under the advisory of President Talabani in Northern Iraq. (2
* Provided consultation on domestic violence, community policing in tribal areas
. (2004).
* Created a Police Equipment donation center for the Iraqi Security Forces. (200
Training Presentations for Senior Officials:
* Conducted presentations for intelligence and tactical operations for critical
sites in Kuwait, and Crisis Management for senior level personnel. (2005/2006/20
* Delivered numerous presentations for the international community on urban tact
ical procedures, intelligence, and crisis management. This includes the Sarajevo
police and the Iraqi police services. (1997 & 2004)
Security Clearance:
Currently possess a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmental Information Access, issue
d March 2005 by DOD.
California Narcotics Officers Assoc.
AUSA-Association of United States Army
National Tactical Officers Assoc.
U.S. Army Reserve Officers Assoc. - Advisor to Lt. Gov. Bustamante on Military R
eserve Bill.
Instructor Certificates:
2004- Police Management supervisory course.
2003- Peace Officer Standards and Training -Supervisory POST
2002- Peace Officer Standards and Training- Officer Involve Shooting School
2001 - Community Policing Resource for Supervisor
2000 - Advance "SWAT" Operations and PSD (Protection Detail)Instructor - Rio Hon
do Criminal Justice Center (LASPD)/ Hike-Stock and Shoot/LA County Sheriff's Spe
cial Enforcement Bureau
2000 - Threat Assessment Team Leader for "at risk" youths.
1998 - Handgun and Sub gun Range Instructor for Close Quarter Battle (CQB). - Ri
o Hondo criminal Justice Center (LASPD)/H& K instructor course on MP-5 and handg
1989- US Army Intelligence School
1996 - Advance Investigations - Behavioral Analysis Institute, California
1982 - Emergency teaching credential for secondary level education-expired - Sta
te of California Teaching Credential Section- Pasadena Unified School District a
nd Baldwin Park Unified School District
2008 - Pending Doctorate Degree in Homeland Security
2005 - Masters Degree- Rochville University - Criminal Justice
1992 - BS Degree - University Regents State of New York-Liberal Studies
1978 - AA Degree - East Los Angeles College-Criminal Justice
Mike Bowman- Deputy Chief- LASPD- 213-625-6631
Carlos Chung- Detective Supervisor- LASPD- 213-625-6631
Mario Delgado- Detective- LASPD- 213- 625-6631
Abdullah Al-Molah-CT Advisor-011-965-917-2777
Jeff Crawford- Deputy Chief-LASPD-213-625-6631
10 Oct 2008
Major, (Special Operations), USAR
Date and Place of Birth: June 19xx, Los Angeles, California
Mandatory Removal Date: Indefinite
Home Address: 7129 Dana Drive
Palmdale, CA. 93551
Home: 661-722-5789
Cell: 818-335-8648
Civilian occupation: Police Detective/Supervisor, Los Angeles School Police De
Enlisted Service:
USNR 15 September 1974-24 August 1985
Source of Date of Commission:
OCS, 19 August 1986
Total Years of Commissioned Service:
Over 20 Years
Total Years of Service:
Over 32 Years
Military Education:
Year Completed
Military Intelligence Residence Course 1989
Civil Affairs Advance Course (Resident)
Combined Arms Service Staff School (CAS3) 200
Combined General Staff College
Education Degree:
Year Completed
Rochville university-Enrolled in Doctorate program Pe
Rochville University-Masters Degree Criminal Justice 2005
New York State- BS Liberal Sciences
East Los Angeles College-AA Criminal Justice 1

MAJ, J-32
US. Special Operations Command


Decorations, Service Medals and Badges:
Meritorious Service Medal (1975, 1998, 2004)
Army Commendation Medal (1989)
Army Achievement Medal (1986)
National Defense Service Medal (1974)
Armed Force Reserve Medal (1994)
Ranger Badge (1991)
Parachutist Badge (1990)
Overseas Service Ribbon (1996)
Army Service Ribbon (1989)
Joint Service Commendation Award (1998, 2004)
NATO Medal (1998)
United Nations Medal (1998)
First Class Diver (1976 USN)
Humanitarian Medal (1975, 1998)
Expeditionary Medal (1975, 1998)
Armed Forces Service Medal with "M" device (1997)
Unit Citations (1975)
Bronze Star (2004)
GWTM (2004)
GWOT-E (2004)
Joint Service Achievement Metal (2004)
Combat Action Badge (2004)

Chronological List of Appointments:

2LT USAR 26 AUG 1986
1LT USAR 15 SEPT 1989

Chronological List of Duty Assignments: From: To:

US Navy-Active Duty Reserve
US Navy/USS Gridley DLG-21 1974 1976
Enlisted Service-Petty Officer 3rd Class
US Naval Reserves
Naval Weapons Station-Seal Beach
1976 1985
Gunners Mate/Scuba Section


Chronological List of Duty Assignments Continued: From:

US Army Reserves
Fire Direction Officer, 3d/144th Field Artillery 1986
Plt Ldr,140th MI Bn,
12th Special Forces, C/Company/Special Ops, Intel Officer 1989 1
425th Civil Affairs Bn/Special Ops, Intel Officer 1994
351st Civil Affairs Command Bosnia & Herzegovina 1997
- Law Enforcement Team/Special Ops Intel/
- Blk Marketing/ PSD/Organized Crime
- Restructure Sarajevo Police Dept. /ICITAP
- Training&Equipt Sarajevo Police/Special Ops
Individual Ready Reserve-IRR Status 1998 2000
US Central Command/Civil Affairs 2000
-Assistant Plans Officer/Sp Ops/ (IMA)
MNSTIC/ US Central Command, Iraqi Freedom
2004 2005
-Civilian Police Assistance Training Team
-Train & Equip Iraqi Security Forces- Iraq
-Special Ops / Counter- Terrorism
Special Operations Command
- J-32-Counter Terrorist Section
2006 2009
US Central Command
- J-2- Intelligence Section
2009 2010
Civilian Occupation:
Detective Supervisor/OIC-Los Angeles Schools Police Department
(School Crimes Division)
Scope of Duties: Overall responsibility for Detectives assigned to the Cr
iminal Investigations and Special Operation Section, OIC-Officer Involved Shooti
ng Team, Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Operational Commander, Operator, and
Military Clearance- Top Secret/SCI
MPRI/L-3 Communication/ Counter Terrorist Expert/Intelligence
Scope of duties: Counter Terrorism Tactics

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