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This study focused on waste separation. Separation of waste means separation of biodegradable
substances into non-biodegradable substances. Why do you need it? If the waste is not properly
separated, it will mix in the landfill and seep into the groundwater to contaminate it, so it is necessary
to separate it. It may also release highly flammable methane gas. This gas is also a greenhouse gas that
ultimately leads to climate change and drought. The impact of climate change on the world is already
visible to everyone. Many materials in everyday waste are recyclable. If the waste is not separated, it is
difficult to select and recycle these materials. This wastes a lot of valuable resources. Toxic waste can
penetrate the ground, pollute our water supply, and sometimes cause widespread illness. Even non-
toxic waste causes pollution that contributes to global warming and generally has a negative impact on
public health. According to an EPA study, global warming could make the planet almost uninhabitable by
the end of this century. Thus, waste needs to be properly separated to prevent the dramatic effects that
can be caused by improper waste disposal. Waste separation is very important. This is a good waste
disposal benchmark and, when run by humans, can free the environment from toxins and pollution.

One of the most significant aspects of waste minimization is waste reduction. By avoiding the wasteful
use of resources, there are fewer wastes to deal with. The goal of waste reduction is to prevent trash
from being created in the first place. Reusing waste material in its original form is the next most cost-
effective method of reducing waste. Reusing an item prevents it from being thrown away and ending up
in a landfill. It also means you won't have to buy a new product, saving energy and resources that would
have been needed to manufacture the new product.

Composting is a natural process that breaks down plant and other organic wastes naturally to produce
nutrient-rich material. Put yard and kitchen garbage in a bin at home, such as leaves, grass clippings, and
fruit and vegetable leftovers. This will disintegrate over time, yielding a mixture that can be utilized to
improve soil in individual gardens. Waste can be treated in the same way by municipalities. One of the
most effective waste management methods is recycling. It aids in the reduction of pollution, the
conservation of natural resources, and the conservation of energy. Newspapers, plastics, glass, and
aluminum can all be recycled to save money. Other materials, such as tires, batteries, asphalt, motor oil,
and so on, can be recycled to reduce pollution (otherwise these would end up in landfill). It is necessary
to eliminate garbage in order to reduce pollution.

The Province of Abra, Municipality of Bangued consented to approve City Ordinance No.12, series of
2008, commonly known as the "Municipality of Bangued Ecological Solid Waste Management
Ordinance" which has goals, provisions, and purposes that are substantially similar to Republic Act 9003.
This was part of a campaign to raise public awareness about the need of environmental preservation
and conservation. Biodegradable, recyclable, compostable, and reusable materials must be collected,
separated, and recycled by the barangay.
Brgy. Macray Bangued has adopted this ordinance. We conducted a community service at the barangay
hall of Brgy. Fatima to segregate the garbages on the landfill. We sorted the rubbish into biodegradable
and nonbiodegradable categories, and we also cleaned up the area around the barangay. We can begin
to practice good garbage disposal in our own homes and communities.

Waste can be separated in a variety of ways. Garbage segregation can make our streets cleaner, it can
help us recycle things, reduce the use of certain raw materials and hence in making our country and
planet a better place to live in.

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