P2 Exam Uts

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The media influence a wide array of their users' perceptions, attitudes, values, and
behavior. Advertising promotes gender role stereotypes and sexual objectification in many way.
The gender role stereotypes the concepts have been portrayed the stereotypical ways in
advertising in multiple platforms of media. These advertisers concentrate on gender relations and
making it convenient for advertisers to use this theme throughout their work. Gender role
stereotype in advertising are not only just influence the brand-related attitudes and behavior of
consumers but it can also contribute to the non-brand related and social effects. In advertising
promotes the gender role stereotypes the way that characterizes the masculine and feminine side.
Like the advertising on the masculine side, they show the image of men that shows the strong,
powerful, and independent side. And the advertisement for feminine shows the sexy, timid and
beautiful, that shows the image of women in our society. This advertisement is normalized
gender role stereotypes. Most of the media shows the gender role stereotypes and that is accepted
by society to geared towards the children.

The sexual objectification in advertisements and media are showing that the person is the object
in the advertisement. A person as an object is the concept of these advertisements that shows the
men and women as sexually objectified to sell products. Most common concepts of advertisers to
use women's sexualized body images to sell products. Sexual objectification use men are so hard
to see those advertisements. The images for men’s bodies showing the masculine characteristic
like in the gender role stereotypes, while women in sexual objectification in advertising showing
that women sex objects, sexual desire for men and passive. It clearly shows that does not equally
show the gender role of male and female, most of the advertising like this is showing the male
dominance in the female. Many females negatively criticized this type of advertisement because
it is the wrong image of female that shows in this type of advertisement. The children will think
it is just a normal image of women so that this sexual objectification in the advertisement harms
the children. The usage of this advertisement becomes a problem and damages the image of the

This advertisement we can always see in social media, commercials, magazines,

billboards, and other types of media. I always see those advertisements in social media like
gender stereotypes that always have a good image of male and female. The scenario is the
women are showing their beautiful side and good characteristic, I always see this scenario in
advertisements on Facebook. The advertisements in sexual stereotypes are so minimal that to see
this concept of advertisements. In the scenario that I see the woman has a nice body in a piece of
cloth, she walks in front of men and every man turned to her. The gender role stereotypes in
advertising are always shown in media because of the acceptance by the people's beliefs. In
contrast, sexual objectification in advertising has some advertisements like this, and many
countries in this concept in the advertisement because of sexual.

The media is the most common factor that affects beauty perception. The media will
profoundly impact the well-being of young people. The media broadcasts its idea of what is
appealing and young people are likely to experience the consequences of it. The marketing
strategy of this product advertisement to attract to buy this by women and many women will
think the products become perfect. The media can alter the perception of what people believe is a
normal body image. Women are mostly affected by media in beauty perceptions they tend to
think that they see in media are the perfect beauty in reality. We always see these advertisements
showing women being thin like in magazines and billboards. Makes the women believe that
beauty perception is being thin like the models and celebrities that are shown in the
advertisement are the perceptions of beauty. These media become to define the beauty in thin
body and the women will believe that it is the true beauty perception. Because these
advertisements affect the self-esteem of women and the confidence to be beautiful are becomes
low. The women felt that they have worsened body images, which leads to body distortions and
body dissatisfaction. They tend to think that men will not like them because of their weight.
Some women imitate celebrities that they think it is perfectly beautiful but they tend to be failed
in imitating it and they just worsen their body image. Because of this, they think all they have in
the body are not perfect.

They become more profoundly in their ideal body image that they see in advertisements
and become a skewed self-image that could lead to eating habits, depression, or an unhealthy
fascination with working out that may be established by young women. Therefore, media has
become the dynamic factor to change the true beauty of perception of the women. Making
women aim to be perfect and this not a real definition of being. Many said that beauty is a pain
but risking healthy is bad. The real beauty comes to us on accepting ourselves, not because of
size and age.

The beauty pageant is a contest that traditionally judging the traits, intelligence, and
talents. The very women who can attract the judges will demonstrate their elegance, confidence,
skills, cleverness, and intellectual. This competition allows all women who want to show their
abilities and develop their self. The beauty pageant empowers women and it's all about women
who want to display their beauty and it gives them the confidence to be a woman. Beauty events
that concentrate on reflecting the national and regional pride we have. Not just the beauty part
can be seen in this completion but the brain she has. The beauty pageant is a platform that helps
all women to be confident I showing the thing she got. Every year the concept of this pageant,
like the miss universe is to be confident in who they are.

This gives them self-esteem and confidence in many women that have low confidence.
Because of this competition, women feel like they are treated well. Every beauty pageant
advocated women's empowerment in this way and they have advocacy for women. These
competitions have been seen by all fans of pageantry as a celebration of women or female
empowerment and in many respects, as a failure to adhere to those cultural and religious values.
These contests also inspire other women to take the initiative to take part in the contest, so that
they can take part in very social activities and share their own opinions. The beauty pageants
have an impact on women's empowerment because give a platform for women to be a voice on
different levels, and it gives them places in leadership and mentorship roles. The beauty queens
of these pageants advocate women's empowerment to show the things they got and being
independent. Beauty pageants may inspire many women because the women who joined this
competition have many experiences and the women can stand up on their own feet.

Therefore, the beauty pageant is promoting women's empowerment not the beauty
objectification of a person. Concepts of the beauty pageants are to be beautiful own way and
make the voice of women to show that there is unity on women in times of problem. Every
beauty pageant is focusing on women empowerment and feminism that characterizes by women.
Beauty pageants are such a good platform that makes people inspired to watch it. Women
empowerment aye not in just beauty pageant can show it but in supporting the women to be
confident on who they are and voice out the rights of women. Some may see it as a beauty
objectifying but the main purpose of this is women empowerment.

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