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Step 1 - Recognize the Course

National Open and Distance University

Table of Contents



Profile update screenshot.................................................................................................................4

Screenshot of participation in the Social Interaction forum (Activity 3)........................................4

Screenshot participation in Skype groups.......................................................................................5

Article summary: Annex 1 - A greenhouse for Geniuses................................................................5



Our Technology Assessment and Negotiation course seeks through interaction and participation

in different environments, such as the course discussion forums and the Skype group, to be able

to interact with our tutors and colleagues in the collaborative group, in order to achieve between

all through interaction and debate the understanding of the terms, the methodology; as well as

allowing us to work with those tools that support us in the development of our activities every

day to grow internally and enrich our knowledge of technological innovation.


Recognize the protection of intellectual property as a key tool to develop technological

innovation within companies.

Profile update screenshot.
Image 1: profile update

Screenshot of participation in the Social Interaction forum (Activity 3)

Image 2: participation in the Social Interaction fórum

Screenshot participation in Skype groups.

Image 3: Participation in Skype groups

Article summary: Annex 1 - A greenhouse for Geniuses

(Velazquez, 2006). A greenhouse for genius. Latin Trade (English), 14(4), 37.

Based on the previous article, the contents outlined in the course syllabi, and your own

understanding of the concepts, using your own words, write a summary of the article,

answering the four proposed questions with a paragraph of 100 to 200 words each:
Paragraph 1: What does Parquesoft do?

We say that it is an initiative that seeks to generate business ideas and that it works hand in hand

with technological innovation to support the most needy societies by providing research tools

that allow technological and scientific development in order to be able to create new companies

that allow technological growth of the country, all under the empowerment of the

entrepreneurship of young creators and developers of new and innovative ideas, in order to

create new companies and contribute to the development and growth of science, technology,

information technology as a fundamental pillar to maintain active the bonds of knowledge,

knowing, doing, through the implementation and start-up of their projects.

Paragraph 2: How does Parquesoft work? In his own words.

Parquesoft works as a multi-sector provider of technology services that works with the support of

at least 50 technology-based companies, which, working together, generate a comprehensive

value offer, creating quality solutions.

Paragraph 3: What do you find interesting about the Immersion software? One of the

companies related to Parquesoft. In his own words.

I believe that Parquesoft plays an important and fundamental role in the innovation of

companies because it provides that starting point for young entrepreneurs through that window

open at the national level and to the world, so for Colombia as a country it is important to have a

hotbed for call in a way that works together and under clear guidelines, complying with

guidelines and scientifically supported in their business ideas in relation to computing and

technology; Colombian companies can support the development of these ideas and in the

process be participants in the implementation and development of these software or any other

technological product developed by the entrepreneurs, which ultimately is a mutual contribution

between the parties.

Paragraph 4: What do you think is the cause of the success of Parquesoft around the

world? In his own words.

For me, the cause of the success of Parquesoft is always focused on:

1.Passion for what is done: It is the starting point of any project or business plan.

2. Hard work: If there is that passion, therefore, there will be hard work, discipline and


3.Excellence: Passion and hard work will necessarily be the prelude to a product or service that

stands out from the rest for its quality and excellence.

4. Focus on the product: It is true that there are multitasking companies or services that are

offered transversally in various markets.

5. Know the market: Direct consequence of the previous point, the entrepreneur must know

perfectly the commercial field in which he aspires to operate.

6. Innovation: It has been shown that the most successful ideas are those that innovate and go

beyond the established parameters.

7. Perseverance: There are many obstacles that rookies will have to overcome on their long road

to positioning.

With the development of this guide, I managed to recognize the protection of intellectual

property as a key tool to develop technological innovation within companies and the importance

it has for a nation to allow and support the development of innovative ideas in order to add value.

and empower those business ideas that in the end are of great contribution to socio-economic and

technological development.

Velazquez, A.F. (2006). A Hothouse for Genius. LATIN TRADE, 37,38,39.

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