Ticket To Heaven Is Always A

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Ticket to Heaven is always a 'Returnable Ticket'

If a person goes to a country on "Temporary Visa" then that person can stay for a certain limited period
only into that country. After the expiry of the visa that person has to return back, otherwise that person
is deported back & the stay of that person in that country is considered illegal.

As per the hindu religion, when a person does the good & bad karmas in life then as a result, that
person goes to heaven (heavenly planet of Indra) or hell to enjoy the fruits of those karmas over there.
But the period of stay in this heaven or hell is determined by the quantity & quality of good & bad
karmas done in one's life. After enjoying the good or bad results of the karmas in the heaven or hell, one
has to return back to this earth to take birth again. On this earth a person again does good & bad karmas
in life & again goes to heaven or hell to enjoy the fruits of those karmas & again returns back to this
earth after enjoying those good & bad fruits over there. In this way this perpetual cycle of birth & death
goes on for that person. It is very clear that there is no permanent stay in the heaven & it's temporary
only. One can live over there just for the time which is determined by his good karmas done on this

The above said perpetual cycle of birth & death goes on for a normal person who has not understood &
have faith in God. As per Bhagwat Gita beyond this heaven is the abode of God where life is permanent.
Once a person gets permission to live in that Godly abode then that person need not come back to this
earth to suffer pain & sorrow in life i.e. one does not have to take rebirth again on this earth. Once God
allows a person to stay in His abode then that person is relieved of the cycle of birth & death. That
person living in God's abode achieves immortality & permanent bliss. Below are few verses of Bhagwat
Gita which explain that only.

"trai-vidya mam soma-pah puta-papa,yajnair istva svar-gatim prarthayante,te punyam asadya surendra-
lokam,asnanti divyan divi deva-bhogan" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Nine verse 20)

"Lord Sri Krishna said: Those who study the Vedas and drink the soma juice, seeking the heavenly
planets, worship Me indirectly. Purified of sinful reactions, they take birth on the pious, heavenly planet
of Indra, where they enjoy godly delights."

"te tam bhuktva svarga-lokam visalam,ksine punye martya-lokam vishanti,evam trayi-dharmam

anuprapanna,gatagatam kama-kama labhante" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Nine verse 21

"Lord Sri Krishna said: When they have thus enjoyed vast heavenly sense pleasures and the results of
their pious activities are exhausted, they return to this mortal planet (earth) again. Thus those who seek
sense enjoyments by adhering to the principles of the three Vedas achieve only repeated birth and

"yanti deva-vrata devan,pitrn yanti pitr-vratah,bhutani yanti bhutejya

yanti mad-yajino ’pi mam" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Nine verse 25)
"Lord Sri Krishna said: Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who
worship the ancestors go to the ancestors; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among
such beings; and those who worship Me (Lord Sri Krishna) will live with Me."

"yat karosi yad asnasi,yaj juhosi dadasi yat,yat tapasyasi kaunteya

tat kurusva mad-arpanam" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Nine verse 27)

"Lord Sri Krishna said: Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and
whatever austerities you perform—do that, O Arjuna, as an offering to Me (Lord Sri Krishna)."

"subhasubha-phalair evam,moksyase karma-bandhanaih,sannyasa-yoga-yuktatma

vimukto mam upaisyasi" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Nine verse 28)

"Lord Sri Krishna said: In this way you will be freed from bondage to work (karmas) and its auspicious
and inauspicious results. With your mind fixed on Me (Lord Sri Krishna) in this principle of renunciation,
you will be liberated and come to Me."

So Let's pray to God (Lord Sri Krishna) always in life so that we can go to God's abode than going to
heaven as we shall need to take rebirth after going to heaven while we shall get permanent life in God's
abode. Let's pray to God always so that He can bless us in this & after this life. Loving & praying to God
only can save us from the cycles of birth & death & from all types of misnday, April 17, 2011

Don't Judge the God Vaguely-

"Once a person came to a city & asked another person standing at the crossroads: "Sir, Can you let me
know the house of Mr. Sharma?" "That person pointed in front & said, look at that house, in front of
which a Cow is standing. That is the house of Mr. Sharma," The first person went away. He returned
after a few days and was bewildered to find that now no Cow was standing in front of the house. He
again asked a person: "Pl. tell me which is the house of Mr. Sharma?" That person replied: "See that
house with number 23, which is yellow in color, is two story's built & which is built in marble stone - that
is Mr. Sharma's house." Since that time he never had any confusion & never forgot the house of Mr.

Similarly the great ancient scriptures speak of God as the Supreme Origin of the universe. But this is not
enough. For, there are times when there is no creation at all but God still exists. Hence this is not a one
line definition of God. So we cannot define the God vaguely that God is such & such. God is having
infinite qualities which cannot be described in a few lines. That's the reason that some look on the God
as amazing, some describe Him as amazing, and some hear of God as amazing, while others, even after
hearing about Him, cannot understand Him at all.
Bhagwat Gita describes the God as unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. God is never born nor
dies at any time. God is manifest & un-manifest both i.e. He is there before the creation & also present
during the creation. He is omniscient (knows everything), omnipresent (who is present everywhere),
omnipotent (who is having all the powers & is all powerful), imperishable & indestructible. He is
invisible, inconceivable and immutable. He is having supernatural powers. He is Truth Absolute,
Knowledge Absolute and is Infinite. He is everlasting, present everywhere, unchangeable, immovable
and eternally the same. So here are some of the qualities of God described.

Below are few verses of Bhagwat Gita which describe these qualities of God.

"maya tatam idam sarvam,jagad avyakta-murtina,mat-sthani sarva-bhutani

na chaham tesv avasthitah" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Nine verse 4)

"Sri Krishna said: By Me, in My un-manifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in
Me, but I am not in them."

"avyaktadini bhutani,vyakta-madhyani bharata,avyakta-nidhanany eva

tatra ka paridevana" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 28)

"Sri Krishna said: All created beings are un-manifest in their beginning, manifest in their interim state,
and un-manifest again when annihilated. So what need is there for lamentation?"

"athakasa-sthito nityam,vayuh sarvatra-go mahan, tatha sarvani bhutani

mat-sthanity upadharaya" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Nine verse 6)

"Sri Krishna said: Understand that just as the mighty wind, blowing everywhere, rests always in the sky,
so do all created beings rest in Me (Universal Soul)."

So above are described few qualities of God as told in Bhagwat Gita. Yet these are few only while God is
having Infinite in nature & Infinite in qualities. So let's bow to & pray to such an infinite god.

Defeatism & Victory in Life

How many times in your life you have felt yourself depressed, de-motivated & dejected? How many
times you have felt yourself defeated in life? If one feels like a defeated person in life then the battle of
life is lost for that person. So we should not let our mind delve into the state of depression, de-
motivation & dejection. We should never let our mind feel defeated as then there is no positive meaning
of life. You can never succeed & be victorious in life if you feel yourself defeated at mind.

In the ancient Kurukshetra war, "Arjuna" the great disciple of "Lord Sri Krishna" also came into such a
de-motivated & dejected state of mind. In that war "Arjuna" refused to do his duty of fighting a
righteous battle as he got infatuated & started thinking of his enemies as his own near & dear ones. His
mind became week & highly de-motivated. He told his master "Lord Sri Krishna" that he is going away
from the war & do not want to fight on the battle field. Arjuna's mental health became weak & he got
deeply depressed. To overcome his disciple Arjuna's depression & to motivate him to fight a righteous
war, "Lord Sri Krishna" gave the great teachings of "Bhagwat Gita" to his disciple "Arjuna". After listening
to all these great teachings, Arjuna's mental health became well & he became motivated & energetic to
fight the war. Below are verses of Bhagwat Gita which shows how Arjuna became de-motivated & how
he refused to do his duty of fighting a righteous war.

"tatrapasyat sthitan parthah,pitrn atha pitamahan,acharyan matulan bhratrn,putran pautran sakhims

tatha,svasuran suhridas chaiva,senayor ubhayor api" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter One verse 26)

"Now Arjuna saw stationed there in the midst of the both armies, his fathers, grandfathers, teachers,
maternal uncles, brothers, sons, grandsons, friends, and his fathers-in-law and well-wishers as well."

"tan samiksya sa kaunteyah,sarvan bandhun avasthitan,kripaya parayavisto

visidann idam abravit" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter One verse 27)

"Seeing all these relations present there, the son of Kunti, Arjuna was overwhelmed with extreme
compassion and spoke these words in sadness."

"arjuna uvacha,drstvemam sva-janam krishna,yuyutsum samupasthitam,sidanti mama gatrani

mukham cha parisusyati" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter One verse 28)

"Arjuna said: Krishna, at the sight of these friends and relatives present before me in such a fighting
spirit, my limbs give away, my body quivering and my mouth is parched."

"vepathus cha sarire me,roma-harsas cha jayate

gandivam sramsate hastat,tvak chaiva paridahyate" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter One verse 29)

"My complete body shakes & my hair stands on end. The bow Gandiva is slipping from my hand, and my
skin is burning."

"na cha saknomy avasthatum,bhramativa cha me manah,nimittani cha pasyami

viparitani keshava" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter One verse 30)

"My mind is reeling & I am now unable able to stand here any longer. I see the omens also inauspicious;
only causes of misfortune, O Krishna, killer of the Keshi demon."

"sanjaya uvacha,evam uktvarjunah sankhye,rathopastha upavisat

visrjya sa-saram chapam,soka-samvigna-manasah" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter One verse 46)

"Sanjaya said: Arjuna, having thus spoken on the battlefield, cast aside his bow and arrows and sat down
on the chariot, his mind overwhelmed with grief."

"sanjaya uvacha,evam uktva hrishikesham,gudakeshah parantapah,na yotsya iti govindam

uktva tusnim babhuva ha" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 9)

"Sanjaya said: O King, having spoken thus to Sri Krishna, Arjuna, again said to Krishna, “Hey Govinda, I
shall not fight,” and fell silent."

Below are verses of Bhagwat Gita in which Lord Krishna gave sermon to Arjuna to do his duty of fighting
a just & righteous war & motivated his mind.

"sreyan sva-dharmo vigunah,para-dharmat sv-anusthitat

sva-dharme nidhanam sreyah,para-dharmo bhayavahah" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Three verse 35)

"Lord Sri Krishna said: It is far better to discharge one’s prescribed duties, even though faultily, than
another’s duties perfectly. Destruction in the course of performing one’s own duty is better than
engaging in another’s duties, for to follow another’s path is dangerous."

"karmany evadhikaras te,ma phalesu kadachana,ma karma-phala-hetur bhur,ma te sango ’stv akarmani"
(Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 47)

"Lord Sri Krishna said: You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the
fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached
to not doing your duty."

"yoga-sthah kuru karmani,sangam tyaktva dhananjaya,siddhy-asiddhyoh samo bhutva

samatvam yoga ucyate" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 48)

"Lord Sri Krishna said: Perform your duty equi-poised, O Arjuna, abandoning all attachment to success or
failure. Such equanimity is called yoga."

By the teachings of Lord Krishna, weakness of mind of Arjuna was gone & he became motivated. Below
is a verse of Bhagwat Gita in which Arjuna acknowledges that his weakness of mind has gone & that he
is now motivated to do his duty of fighting a just & righteous war.

"arjuna uvacha,nasto mohah smritir labdha,tvat-prasadan mayacyuta,sthito ’smi gata-sandehah

karisye vachanam tava" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eighteen verse 73)

"Arjuna said: O Lord Sri Krishna, my illusion is now gone. I have regained my memory by Your grace. I am
now firm and free from doubt and am prepared to act according to Your instructions."So it is seen
above, how the defeated & de-motivated mind of Arjuna became good & motivated by the teachings of
Bhagwat Gita. Similarly we can also come out of the state of depression, de-motivation & dejection by
reading the teachings of Bhagwat Gita. These teachings show us how to do our duty properly & how to
lead a good life. So let's all follow the great teachings of Bhagwat Gita as told by Lord Sri Krishna Himself
to Arjuna. These teachings are as much relevant in fast day to day life of ours today as these were in
ancient times.Infinite God.eries in life
One God in All Religions.

God is one but different religions & faiths of the world depict Him in different names & forms. People
call God by the different names like Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, Gobind, Shiva, Waheguru, Allah, Jesus etc.The
great Indian saint of Bengal, Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa also saw & taught about one God in all
religions. As per him:

"I see people who talk about religion, constantly quarrelling with one another. Hindus, Mussalmans,
Brahmos, Shaktas, Vaishnavas, Shaivas, all quarrel with one another. They haven't the intelligence to
understand that He who is called Krishna is also Shiva and the Primal Shakti, and that it is He, again, who
is called Jesus and Allah. "There is only one Rama and He has a thousand names.". Truth is one; it is only
called by different names. All people are seeking the same Truth; the disagreement is due to differences
in climate, temperament, and names. Everyone is going toward God. They will all realize Him if they
have sincerity and longing of heart."

In Bhagwat Gita Chapter Ten, Lord Krishna also says that He is the source of all beings & of different
gods. Not even that as per Lord Krishna, all these universes & creations spring from but a spark of His
splendor only. As per Him, He is seated in hearts of all living entities. He Himself is Lord Vishnu, Lord
Shiva & Lord Brahma. He Himself is Sun, Moon, Wind & Fire. He Himself is Rama God too. He Himself is
Lord of wealth - Kubera. He Himself is Spiritual word Om. He Himself is river Ganges. Among women He
Himself is manifested as Goddess of fortune (Lakshmi), Goddess of wisdom (Saraswati) & other
Goddesses of fame, memory, intelligence, steadfastness and patience. As per Lord Krishna His opulence
is limitless.

Hindus likewise believe in only one God. They glorify and praise His thousands of qualities. For example
when God is love, He is symbolically represented by Lord Krishna, God as virtue is represented by lord
Rama, God as power is represented by Lord Hanuman, God as wisdom is represented by Goddess
Saraswati etc. etc. So these different aspects of Gods represent spirituality, purity, power etc. of the
Ultimate One who is endless truth and bliss.

Below are some verses from Bhagwat Gita which explain about various manifestations of One Supreme

"aham atma gudakesha,sarva-bhutasaya-sthitah,aham adis cha madhyam cha

bhutanam anta eva cha" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Ten verse 20)

"Sri Krishna said: I am the Super Soul, O Arjuna, seated in the hearts of all living entities. I am the
beginning, the middle and the end of all beings."

"adityanam aham vishnur,jyotisam ravir amsuman,maricir marutam asmi

nakshatranam aham sasi" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Ten verse 21)

"Sri Krishna said: Of the Adityas I am Vishnu, of lights I am the radiant Sun, of the Maruts I am Marici,
and among the stars I am the Moon."

"rudranam sankaras chasmi,vitteso yaksha-rakshasam,vasunam pavakas chasmi

meruh sikharinam aham" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Ten verse 23)

"Sri Krishna said: Of all the Rudras I am Lord Shiva, of the Yakshas and Rakshasas I am the Lord of wealth
[Kubera], of the Vasus I am fire [Agni], and of mountains I am Meru."

"pavanah pavatam asmi,ramah shastra-bhrtam aham,jhasanam makaras chasmi

srotasam asmi jahnavi" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Ten verse 31)

"Sri Krishna said: Of purifiers I am the Wind, of the wielders of weapons I am Rama, of fishes I am the
shark, and of flowing rivers I am the Ganges."

"yac chapi sarva-bhutanam,bijam tad aham arjuna,na tad asti vina yat syan

maya bhutam characharam" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Ten verse 39)

"Sri Krishna said: Furthermore, O Arjuna, I am the generating seed of all existences. There is no being—
moving or nonmoving—that can exist without Me."

"yad yad vibhutimat sattvam,srimad urjitam eva va,tat tad evavagaccha tvam

mama tejo-’msa-sambhavam" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Ten verse 41)

"Sri Krishna said: Know that all opulent, beautiful and glorious creations spring from but a spark of My

"atha va bahunaitena,kim jnatena tavarjuna,vistabhyaham idam krtsnam

ekamsena sthito jagat" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Ten verse 42)

"Sri Krishna said: But what need is there, Arjuna, for all this detailed knowledge? With a single fragment
of Myself I pervade and support this entire universe."

So lets see One God in all human beings & in all the religions. We should not fight on the basis of
religion & understand the view point of different people in different re

How to Manage Stress in life?

Stress at work, Stress at home, Stress in relations, Stress in family life, we all suffer from some or the
other form of stress in life. Stress has become the most common word in our fast day to day life. In our
daily life everyone suffers from stress at some point or the other. Stress can be due to workplace
pressures, tensions in relationships etc. etc. Stress normally disturbs our physical and mental health.
Due to stress a person fails to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism.
Common stress symptoms include irritability, muscular tension, inability to concentrate and a variety of
physical reactions, such as headaches and accelerated heart beat. Otherwise stress can also cause
backache, insomnia, fatigue, hypertension, eating disorder etc. So it is very clear that STRESS can create
havoc with your life.

So it is imperative that we need to be cool & calm in life. Stress needs to be avoided in all cases in life.
Now how can a person remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances so that he/she never
experiences any stress?

If we want to come out of stress in life then first of all we need to change our lifestyle. First & foremost
thing is that we need to be peaceful at mind in all circumstances. For that we should be satisfied with
what we have at present. Let's try to be happy & try to enjoy what we are having at present. Do not
hanker your mind always after those things which are not very easy to attain in life & are beyond one's

Other than that just try to make harmonious relations with the people all around you. Be friendly with
your relations & people around you at workplace. Once you are able to do that then you shall find that
you are better off & much peaceful.

Other than this, just ENJOY your work. If you shall enjoy your work than considering it a burden, then
also most of your Stress shall leave you as a person's mind engrossed in work has little to think about
other things in life. Once you are peaceful at mind then stress shall leave you.

Finally as per teachings of "Bhagwat Gita" we need to be happy with our present state of life & should
not hanker after the material desires. We need to have faith in God & should do our own duty as while
doing one's own duty only one can be happy.

"Yoga-sthah kuru karmani,sangam tyaktva dhananjaya,siddhy-asiddhyoh samo bhutva

samatvam yoga ucyate" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 48)"

"Sri Krishna said to Arjuna: Perform your duty with an equipoise mind, abandoning all attachment to
success or failure. Such equanimity is called Yoga."

So just do your work with your 100% involvement & dedication & derive pleasure out of doing such
work. Other than that, we need to learn some relaxation techniques such as meditation, doing deep
breathing exercises, listening to soul soothing music etc. Having a long simple walk, doing some physical
exercises, massaging the body can also help in reducing the stress.

Labels: Bhagwat Gita, Inner Strength, Lord Krishna, Management, St


Once a student came to his Master and complained: "Master, I have an ungovernable temper. I get
angry every now & then. How can I control & cure it?"
Master said, "Oh! You have a very strange problem, Just show me & let me see what problem do you

Student said "Just now I cannot show it to you."

O.K. "When can you show it to me?" asked the Master.

"It arises unexpectedly," replied the student.

Master said, "Then, it must not be your own true nature. If it were, you could show it to me at any time.
When you were born you did not have it, and your parents did not give it to you. Your true nature is Soul
nature in which all the calm & peace is there, just think over it."

We all know that getting angry is not good in our life but all of us get angry at some point of time in life.
Why at times our mind gets violent & anger is expressed in our nature? In a state of anger we hurt our
near & dear one's mind by speaking angry words. When anger gets out of control and turns destructive,
it can lead to problems for oneself, as well as, for others also. In the state of anger we are at the mercy
of an unpredictable and powerful emotion which if not controlled by us does harm only to our life. If
anger is not controlled, it can lead to physiological, as well as, psychological problems in our life.

Now how we can control this anger? Basically, to control anger is to first control & calm your mind. If
your mind remains in a state of calm then no negative emotions can arouse in it. To be peaceful at mind,
the easiest way is that we let our mind delve inside our own inner Soul nature rather than hankering
after outside worldly objects i.e. we should daily do some meditation, as in meditation mind becomes
peaceful. If mind continuously runs after outside worldly things then it gets disturbed when the thing of
desire is not attained. When the mind gets disturbed in this way then anger arouses in the mind & it
leads to negative consequences only. When you close your eyes in meditation, you start delving inside
your inner nature. What is your inner nature? It's nothing but your Soul inside, where you delve in times
of meditation & attain peace. In Soul, there is peace only. Now your Soul is nothing but part & parcel of
Universal Soul only. Universal Soul is nothing but God only, who is ultimate peace.

Below is a verse from Bhagwat Gita which explains why we should avoid anger:

"tri-vidham narakasyedam,dvaram nasanam atmanah

kamah krodhas tatha lobhas,tasmad etat trayam tyajet" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Sixteen verse 21)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, There are three gates leading to the hell — Lust, Anger and Greed. Every
sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the Soul."

So let's avoid arising of negative emotion like anger in our mind. A mind free of anger remains calm &
peaceful.ress, tensionligions..

God is there in your heart. It is immediately proven by the fact that when you go to a temple or church,
you just close your eyes & start praying with closed eyes, while you are in front of your revered God.
Simply you feel God much closer to your heart inside yourself than in the standstill figure or statue in the
temple or church. Yes, God is there in your heart who is sitting silently over there watching you & your
actions. This aspect of God is called "Antaryamin".

"Antaryamin means the one who can observe & know every thing of your heart without you being
explaining anything to Him. So God is called Antaryamin as we need not explain to Him about any of our
problems. In this aspect He is Antaryamin & He knows what we want."

So God is seated in all beings as the Antaryamin. God is also everywhere as the Omnipresent God (Sarva-
vyapi Bhagavan). In Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Thirteen, Lord Krishna explains about the Body & the Soul. As
per that this body is the field, and the Being (Soul) who is seated in this field is called the Knower of the
field. Lord Krishna says, "O Arjuna, know Me to be the Knower of the field in all the fields i.e. I am the
Soul present in all the bodies". In all other creatures & animals also, Lord is there in their bodies as
Antaryamin God. God is the beginning, the middle and the end of all creatures.

Below are few verses of Bhagwat Gita explaining that God is the Spiritual Reality (Soul) in all the

"kshetra-jnam chapi mam viddhi,sarva-kshetresu bharata,kshetra-kshetrajnayor jnanam

yat taj jnanam matam mama" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Thirteen verse 3)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, you should understand that I am also the knower (Soul) in all the bodies, and
to understand this body and its knower (Soul) is called knowledge. That is My opinion."

"bahir antas cha bhutanam,acharam charam eva cha

suksmatvat tad avijneyam,dura-stham chantike cha tat" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Thirteen verse 16)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, The Supreme Truth (Super Soul) exists outside and inside of all living beings,
the moving and the nonmoving. Because He is subtle, He is beyond the power of the material senses to
see or to know. Although far, far away, He is also near to all."

"avibhaktam cha bhutesu,vibhaktam iva cha sthitam,bhuta-bhartr cha taj jneyam

grasisnu prabhavishnu cha" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Thirteen verse 17)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, Although the Supersoul appears to be divided among all beings, He is never
divided. He is situated as one. Although He is the maintainer of every living entity, it is to be understood
that He devours and develops all."

"aham atma gudakesha,sarva-bhutasaya-sthitah

aham adis cha madhyam cha,bhutanam anta eva cha" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Ten verse 20)

"Sri Krishna said: I am the Super Soul, O Arjuna, seated in the hearts of all living entities. I am the
beginning, the middle and the end of all beings."

So as God is there in your heart in "Antaryamin" aspect, you can always find some time from your daily
routine & can pray to Him while closing your eyes. Daily praying to Him like this shall make you more
peaceful & shall make you feel more closer to God. A deer who is having the Kasturi (Musk) in his body
only, searches for the cause of fragrance all over there in the wild, while that sweet fragrance comes
from the inside of his body only. Same is the case with us that we are searching for the God outside
ourselves while He is sitting in our heart only.

Devotion Is The Easiest Way To Get Close to God

As per the Bhagwat Gita, devotion is the easiest method to know the truth about self knowledge / soul
knowledge & get close to the God. In "Bhagwat Gita", Lord Krishna Says that if a person is devoted to
God only then God rescues that person from ocean of Birth & Death i.e. that man becomes eligible for
permanent life beyond death forever with God. God is very clear that once a person comes in God's
refuge, then all his problems are solved & God becomes his protector in this life & life beyond. God
assures that his devotee never falls again in life as He always protect him.

God himself declares about the glory of devotion in Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eighteen verse 65 & 66 which
are here given below.

Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eighteen verse 65:

"man-mana bhava mad-bhakto,mad-yaji mam namaskuru,mam evaishyasi satyam te

pratijane priyo ’si me" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eighteen verse 65)

"Sri Krishna says to Arjuna: Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your
homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very
dear friend."

Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eighteen verse 66:,"sarva-dharman parityajya,mam ekam saranam vraja

aham tvam sarva-papebhyo,mokshayisyami ma suchah" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eighteen verse 66)

"Sri Krishna says to Arjuna: Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver
you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear."

Also as per (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter XII verse 8) God says that:

"Fix Your mind on Me (God) and establish your reasoning in Me (God) alone; thereafter doing so you
shall abide in Me (God) only. There is no doubt about it."
So as per assurance given by God in Bhagwat Gita, Lets all be devotees of God only & let's pray for Him
(God) daily. So lets have devotion in God. Let's all worship the God so that he canprotect us always.

God is yours, so devote yourself to Him

Who is dear to God? One who is devoted to God is dear to God. Sri Radharani was a Gopi who was most
near to Lord Krishna’s heart. Sri Radharani's devotion and dedication towards Lord Sri Krishna was
complete that is the reason that she was most dear to Lord Krishna. Sri Radharani was always full of
devotion towards the Sri Krishna & never thought of anyone besides Lord Krishna.

Similarly if our devotion towards the God is complete then there is no reason that God shall not be with
you. God says in Bhagwat Gita:

"ananya-cetah satatam,yo mam smarati nityasah,tasyaham sulabhah partha

nitya-yuktasya yoginah" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eight verse 14)

"Lord Sri Krishna says: Whosoever, always & constantly remembers Me with undivided mind; by that
person, I am easy to obtain, O Arjuna, because of his constant engagement in the devotional service to

Other than devotion towards the God, let's chant Lord's name as God is always present in His name.
Chanting Lord's name is the biggest sacrifice as described by Bhagwat Gita & it purifies oneself:

"maharsinam bhrgur aham,giram asmy ekam aksharam,yajnanam japa-yajno ’smi

sthavaranam himalayah" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Ten verse 25)

"Sri Krishna said: Of the great sages I am Bhrigu; of vibrations I am the transcendental Om. Of sacrifices I
am the chanting of the holy names [Japa], and of immovable things I am the Himalayas.od so that He
can protect us always.

Wish Fulfilling Tree (Kalpa-Vriksha)

We have all heard of "Wish Fulfilling Tree". In Sanskrit it is called Kalpa-Vriksha. It is a mythological Wish
Fulfilling or Boon-Giving tree. It is a tree that has mythological significance in India and elsewhere. As per
mythology, if you wish anything from this tree, it fulfills the wish of that person. Considered as sacred
among Hindus, the tree is believed to have been one of the nine jewels, which were churned out of the
sea (Samudra Manthan) by the demons and gods. Here below is a story about that "Wish Fulfilling Tree".

"A man was sitting under the shade of the "Wish Fulfilling Tree". He wished to be a king, and in an
instant he became a king. The next moment he wished to have a beautiful damsel with him, and the
damsel was instantly by his side. The man then thought within himself, that it is a remote area & is near
a forest, what if a tiger came and devoured him. Lo!! and alas! in an instant he was in the jaws of a tiger!
Similarly God is like that "Wish Fulfilling Tree". Whosoever, in God's presence thinks that he is destitute
and poor, remains as such, but one who thinks and believes that the God will fulfils all his desires,
receives everything from the Lord. So from the God, whatever, is asked for, God provides that to his
devotee. God is so kind that he provides everything to his devotee even before asking as God reads the
mind of His devotee. If you have firm faith in God & your wish is pure then God shall certainly fulfill your
wish. "

The essence is that, whatever you want, material or spiritual, you can get it from God by becoming His
devotee. God Himself declares in "Bhagwat Gita"

"ananyas cintayanto mam,ye janah paryupasate,tesham nityabhiyuktanam

yoga-ksemam vahamy aham" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Nine verse 22)

"Sri Krishna said to Arjuna: But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on My
transcendental form—to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have."

"man-mana bhava mad-bhakto,mad-yaji mam namaskuru,mam evaishyasi satyam te

pratijane priyo ’si me" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eighteen verse 65)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your
homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very
dear friend."

So it is very necessary that we have firm faith in God & we have Positive Affirmations in our mind. Every
thought we have in our mind & every word we say is an affirmation. So let's always have positive
thoughts in our mind so that "Wish Fulfilling Tree" called God can fulfill our life with all the positive
things. Let's never have negativity in our life or our thoughts as same shall then be present in our life. Do
not let the tiger of negativity devour you & let Infinite God


Infinite simply means “Without Limits”. When we think of God as infinite then we just think of Him as
limitless, Omnipresent & the one who fills this limitless space. Such an Infinite God exists everywhere &
is not limited by time or space. In all the religions of the world God is designated as a singular, universal
Supreme Being who encompasses all this creation. His all the attributes such as power, wisdom, love,
compassion etc. are limitless & hence Infinite. Let's all pray to that one Infinite God.

The God who is present everywhere in space & creation is called Omnipresent God. There is no place in
creation which can be without the presence of God & He is present there at every point of time and
space. God fills all the space & places in heaven and on earth.

God has existed since time immemorial and will always exist as He is eternal. God has no beginning or
end. There was never a time that He did not exist & there shall never be a time when He shall ceases to
Here below are few verses from Bhagwat Gita which describe about the infinite nature of God:

"sarvatah pani-padam tat,sarvato ’ksi-siro-mukham,sarvatah shrutimal loke

sarvam avrtya tishthati" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Thirteen verse 14)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, Everywhere are His (God's) hands and feet, His eyes, heads and faces, and He
has ears everywhere. In this way the Super Soul exists, pervading everything in this world."

"mattah parataram nanyat,kincid asti dhananjaya,mayi sarvam idam protam

sutre mani-gana iva" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Seven verse 7)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, there is nothing else besides Me in this world. Like clusters of yarn-beads
formed by knots on a thread, all this world is threaded on me.

Here below is a "Hymn to that Universal, Omnipresent Infinite God". It is from "Svetasvatara

"O God,

You are the Ancient One & the Lord of Shining Light,You dwell beyond all the darkness and the night;

knowing You alone can a man cross over death,There is no other path for him to take."

All heads are Your heads, all faces Your faces,You dwell inside the heart & also in all hidden places.

Through the whole universe, You have extended Yourself.You are Shiva, the auspicious, the ever-present

With hands and feet everywhere, eyes and ears,Everywhere, heads and mouths everywhere,

You have filled up every corner of the space.,Smaller than smallest and larger than largest."

Present are You in the depths of our heart.When free of desires and unshaken by sorrow, we

Seek for You only, then by Your grace,Your Form and Your glory stand clearly before us

"O Lord, Creator of even Brahma, the creator,Revealer to him of the knowledge called Veda,

To You, I come in my longing for freedom;,To You, for refuge, with reverence, I come!"

So let's pay our obeisance's to such an Infinite God. Let's also think that God is always near to us & is
always in our heart. Then He too shall never give you up or never depart. God is always with you & shall
always be with you if you think Him to be supreme. So always have trust in your life that God is near you
though He is present in all the creation.

How to become Immortal?

We human beings are generally called mortal beings as every person on this earth is born one day &
shall leave this earth in future after living here for certain years. This cycle of birth & death is a perpetual
phenomenon of all the earthly beings since time immemorial. There is no person on this earth who is
born to live forever on this earth. So the death of a person born on this earth is a certainty. But can we
become Immortal? Can we achieve a state in which death is not possible?

Let's first understand something about this body of ours. Our body is made of nature's five gross
elements which are Earth, Fire, Water, Air & Ether. There are other subtle elements of nature called
Mind (including the senses), Ego & Intellect. Our human body is made up of five above mentioned Gross
elements & other subtle elements of nature. Our true nature is that we are the "Immortal Soul" who sits
within this nature born body. This Soul is different from this body of ours. Now the difference is only in
the perception & belief of ours, whether we consider our self to be this "Body" or the "Soul" within this
body. If we believe our self to be a "Body" then we shall die one day as death of a body is certain. But if
we believe our self to be a "Soul" then death of an Immortal thing is not possible. So just have a firm
belief that you are that Immortal Soul. Then there shall be no death for you & then you shall live even
after the death of this body. Below is what the Bhagwat Gita says about this aspect.

As per 'Bhagwat Gita', one who is born, shall die one day & whosoever shall die, shall be reborn again
certainly, though the embodied Soul in this body is Immortal. As per 'Bhagwat Gita-Chapter Two Verse -
23', Immortal Soul cannot be cut with any weapon, fire cannot burn it, it is impervious to water & it
cannot drench it & neither air can dry this Soul. As Soul is beyond this visible nature elements of Fire,
Water, Air, Earth etc. so these nature elements cannot cause any damage to the Immortal Soul.

"nainam chindanti shastrani,nainam dahati pavakah,na chainam kledayanty apo

na sosayati marutah" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 23)

"Sri Krishna said to Arjuna: The Soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, can never be burned by
fire, can never be moistened by water & can never be dried by the wind."

"acchedyo ’yam adahyo ’yam,akledyo ’sosya eva cha,nityah sarva-gatah sthanur

achalo ’yam sanatanah" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 24)

"Sri Krishna said to Arjuna: This individual Soul is unbreakable and insoluble, and can be neither burned
nor dried. The Soul is everlasting, present everywhere, unchangeable, immovable and eternally the

If a person becomes firm in that belief only that Soul inside his body is Immortal, then too he attains
immortality as then that person goes beyond the visible nature elements which has formed this visible
body of ours.
Now what is immortality? This Soul of ours wears this body made of nature elements. After karmic cycle,
depending on the Karmas of our previous life, Soul drops this body at death & takes on another body
based on the Karmas of our present life. Again we do Karmas in our next birth & that becomes the basis
of our further next birth for this Soul. So this cycle of wearing different bodies goes on for this Soul.

We all feel pleasure & pain in one's life, so can't it be possible that we can avoid this pain that we feel in
our body. As per 'Bhagwat Gita-Chapter Eighteen Verse - 55', when we go to a perpetual divine life,
which is beyond this nature, which forms this body then that life is beyond all this pain & is a blissful life.
To attain that we have to establish our self in our Soul. For that we need to have a firm faith that we are
that Immortal Soul & not this perishable body. As God is the Supreme Soul from whom all these Souls
have emanated, so worshipping him constantly & believing oneself to be a part of that immortal Soul,
one shall attain to a blissful life which is beyond the pain & suffering.

"bhaktya mam abhijanati,yavan yas chasmi tattvatah,tato mam tattvato jnatva

visate tad-anantaram" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eighteen verse 55)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
only by devotional service. And when one is in full consciousness of Me by such devotion, he can enter
into the Kingdom of God."

"sarva-karmany api sada,kurvano mad-vyapasrayah,mat-prasadad avapnoti

sasvatam padam avyayam" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eighteen verse 56)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, Though engaged in all kinds of activities, My pure devotee, under My
protection, reaches the Eternal and Imperishable abode by My grace."

So let's change our thinking & have belief that we are that Immortal Soul & not this perishable body.
Once we do that then we shall be free from the cycle of birth & death & then we shall become immortal.
Then we shall live permanently on a Godly planet where there is no death & life is permanent. When we
believe in our Soul nature then we shall have belief in that Supreme God also who is the Lord of all the
Souls. He is also called the Super Soul having all the almighty powers & Infinite Bliss. Let's pray to that
Super Soul who shall bestow us with Immortality & Supreme Blisse positivity always be on your mind &
in your life.

Emotions of a Devotee

It's good to have knowledge of God. It's good to have all the knowledge of Vedas, Puranas & all other
religious texts but if there is no Devotion to God, then all this knowledge is of no use. Here below is a
small story which shows that just having the knowledge of God is of little meaning, if one is not having
Devotion to the God.

"Once upon a time there was a Devotee of Lord Krishna. That Devotee once came across a very Learned
man who knew about all the knowledge of Vedas, Puranas & all other religious texts. That Devotee of
Lord Krishna was holding a copy of the Bhagwat Gita in his hand, and his eyes were full of tears. The
Learned man thought that the Devotee was weeping & having the tears in his eyes, as he is unable to
understand some of the teachings of the Bhagwat Gita. He came to the Devotee and told him that he
need not weep as now he has come to help him. Now if he likes he can narrate each shaloka of each
chapter of Bhagwat Gita to him, if he finds it difficult to understand the Bhagwat Gita.

To this counsel of Learned man, the Devotee of Lord Krishna responded, “Sir, I am not crying because I
cannot read & understand Bhagwat Gita but tears are coming into my eyes as I see the Lord Krishna
right in front of me. I see Lord Krishna on every page of Bhagwat Gita. Every page I turn to, I see Arjuna’s
chariot. I see Arjuna’s charioteer, Lord Krishna. These are my emotions towards Lord Krishna which are
coming out as tears in my eyes. At hearing this, the Learned man came to understand that Devotion to
God is superior to having just the knowledge of God."

Lord Krishna is also the Lord of Love. He is love infinite. If you shall love Him, then He too shall shower
His unconditional love upon you. "Gopis of Vrindavan" fell in deep love with Lord Krishna. Though Lord
Krishna is almighty, all powerful God & everyone prays to Him but "Gopis of Vrindavan", including
"Radha Rani" fell in deep Love with Lord Krishna & in their case there was a burning desire in their mind
to meet Him. In their case too tears of emotions used to come in their eyes due to their Love for Lord

So let's also love Lord Krishna like the above mentioned Devotee & like the "Gopis of Vrindavan". If you
shall love God a little bit then He shall love you ten folds, as God is hungry of love & devotion only.

Below are few verses of Bhagwat Gita which tells that Lord Krishna too loves His devotees & always
fulfills their desires & always protect them:

"ananya-cetah satatam,yo mam smarati nityasah,tasyaham sulabhah partha

nitya-yuktasya yoginah" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eight verse 14)

"Lord Sri Krishna says: Whosoever, always & constantly remembers Me with undivided mind; by that
person, I am easy to obtain, O Arjuna, because of his constant engagement in the devotional service to

"samo ’ham sarva-bhutesu,na me dvesyo ’sti na priyah,ye bhajanti tu mam bhaktya

mayi te tesu chapy aham" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Nine verse 29)

"Sri Krishna said: I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all beings. But whoever renders
service unto Me in devotion is very dear to Me, and I am also very dear to him."

"ananyas cintayanto mam,ye janah paryupasate,tesham nityabhiyuktanam

yoga-ksemam vahamy aham" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Nine verse 22)

"Sri Krishna said: But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on My
transcendental form—to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have."

So let's have full devotion towards Lord Krishna. As per the "Bhagwat Puran":

"Once the mind of a person is full of surrender to the lotus feet of Lord Krishna & the mind is full of
hankering after Lord's qualities, then that person shall never encounter Yamarâja (Lord of death) and his
superintendents, or even in one's dreams meet his servants carrying the ropes to bind, because doing
such Devotional service to Lord Krishna is the right atonement for all sins.

How to get rid of Pain & Suffering

If you want to get rid of "Pain & Suffering" from your life then here below is a small story which shall
show you the way to it :

"In the olden times a businessman had to cross a jungle. That man took a donkey to carry his baggage &
heavy luggage. He put all his baggage on to the donkey's back; and also loaded an empty tin container
on donkey's back. The donkey was burying under the heavy load and stopped moving forward. The
businessman now removed that empty tin container from the donkey's back and threw it away. On
seeing this the donkey felt mentally relived & felt that the load on his back had been greatly reduced
and started moving through the jungle without having any further regret. That poor donkey was happy
with the false feeling that load has been reduced from his back while he was carrying all that load."

In this world we too are getting deluded similarly by the delusive energy of God called Maya. She puts
our minds through the pains and sufferings of life & we all our life feel these regularly. Our mind is
always full of worries, anxieties, pains of day to day life, diseases and mental sufferings. Sometimes that
delusive energy of God called Maya removes a little pain from our life & gives us a small happiness &
pleasure. We at that time feel that we have got fully rid of all the problems & miseries of the life & we
again rush with more vigor towards the jungle called life. We forget that all those miseries & pains of life
are still there & if we do not find the true answer to get rid of all these sufferings then we shall always
feel the same way all through life & shall get reborn again to live a life of pain & sufferings. To get rid of
all these pains & sufferings permanently, is to know your true self which is your Soul & Supersoul (God).
Once you know your Soul & Supersoul (God) then all the miseries of life shall go away from your life.

In "Bhagwat Gita", Lord Krishna Says that if a person is devoted to God only then God rescues that
person from all the miseries of life. Lord says:

"ye tu sarvani karmani,mayi sannyasya mat-parah,ananyenaiva yogena

mam dhyayanta upasate","tesam aham samuddharta,mrityu-samsara-sagarat

bhavami na cirat partha,mayy avesita-cetasam" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Twelve verse 6-7)
'Those people, who worship Me by surrendering all their activities unto Me, are always devoted to Me,
always meditate upon Me, Having always fixing their minds upon Me, O Parth - to them, I swiftly rescue
from the miseries of life & also from the cycle of birth and death i.e always protect that devotee.'

So let's move towards God & always worship Him. By doing this He shall take away all the sufferings &
miseries from your life & shall show you the true light.

When God Laughs

In this world God is all-powerful; almighty; unlimited in power & has all the ability to do anything but still
we in our ego think & believe that we are the doer of everything & controller of all the events. But it is
not so as God controls everything & manages all the events in the world. In His all powerful form God is
called Omnipotent. Omnipotence is the attribute of God which describes His ability to do whatever He
wills. No one or no force or happening can frustrate or prevent God from accomplishing his designs.
God's Omnipotent power is sufficient to fulfill all His purposes and promises, including His promise of
"Eternal life" for His devotees.

But still there are many people in this world who do not believe in all such powers of God & think
themselves to be the master of everything. On such fools God laughs & feel pity for them. For such
people Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa says:

"God laughs on two occasions. Firstly God laughs when the physician says to the patient’s mother,
‘Don’t be afraid, mother; I shall certainly cure your son.’ God laughs, saying to Himself, ‘I am going to
take away his life, and this man says that he will save him!’ The physician thinks he is the master,
forgetting that God is the Master.

On second occasion God laughs again when the two brothers divide their land with a string, saying to
each other, ‘This side of land is mine and that side is yours.’ God laughs and says to Himself, ‘The whole
universe belongs to Me, but still they say they own this portion or that portion of land."

God is supreme & we should consider His supremacy in all the events. In this world even a leaf does not
flutter without the God's will. Bhagwat Gita also talks about God to be Omnipotent. Below are some
verses regarding that:

"yad aditya-gatam tejo,jagad bhasayate ’khilam,yac chandramasi yac chagnau

tat tejo viddhi mamakam" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Fifteen verse 12)

"Lord Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, The splendor of the sun, which dissipates the darkness of this whole
world, comes from Me. And the splendor of the moon and the splendor of fire are also comes from Me."

"bijam mam sarva-bhutanam,viddhi partha sanatanam,buddhir buddhimatam asmi

tejas tejasvinam aham" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Seven verse 10)

When Robbers Were Reformed

Spiritual practice can reform all types of persons including the one's who are involved in antisocial
activities. Even people such as thieves, robbers etc. can be reformed with the spiritual practice. Even if
you are the vilest of all sinners, when you turn to the spiritual practice & turn towards the God, you will
be reformed. Below is a story in which two robbers were reformed with the spiritual practice:

"Once there were two sons of a rich & high class Brahmin (Hindu priest). Due to bad company, they got
into the lustful ways and ran out of their wealth, fortune & good luck in no time and suddenly became

Having nothing to do & nothing to fed for themselves, they were not able to maintain their daily needs.
They were somehow not able to keep their body and soul together. Out of misery & frustration they
turned to highway robberies and hiding in jungles overpowered stray travelers, killed them and seized
their possessions.

Once a sage happened to pass by them. Those two robber brothers also subjected this saint to the same
inhuman treatment & were about to kill him. The sage did not cried & kept his calm. Sage through his
spiritual vision saw that these two robbers are from a high caste Brahmin family. He gave the two
robbers wise counsel & advised them to lead a life of spiritual practice. He asked them to turn toward
the God & leave this wrong way of life. Through his spiritual counsel he was able to change the minds of
robber brothers. He took them to his ashram where these two fallen brothers started worshipping the
Lord and started offering prayers to God daily. In this way in the end they were able to attain salvation &
finally went to Lord's beautiful abode to stay with Him."

In Bhagwat Gita also God says:

"api ced asi papebhyahsarvebhyah papa-krt-tamahsarvam jnana-plavenaivavrjinam santarisyasi"

(Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Four verse 36)

"Sri Krishna said to Arjuna: Even if you are considered to be the most sinful of all sinners, when you turn
to the spiritual practice & turn toward the God, you will be able to cross over the ocean of miseries."

"Lord Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, know that I am the original seed of all existences, the intelligence of the
intelligent, and the prowess of all powerful men."

"yo mam evam asammudho,janati purushottamam,sa sarva-vid bhajati mam

sarva-bhavena bharata" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Fifteen verse 19)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, Whoever knows Me as the All powerful Supreme God, without doubting, is
the knower of everything. He therefore engages himself in full devotional service to Me."

"kasmac cha te na nameran mahatma,gariyase brahmano ’py adi-kartre

ananta devesa jagan-nivasa,tvam aksharam sad-asat tat param yat" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eleven verse
37)"Arjuna said to Lord Krishna: O great one, greater even than Brahma, You are the original creator.
Why then should they not offer their respectful obeisance's unto You? O limitless one, God of gods,
refuge of the universe! You are the invincible source, the cause of all causes, transcendental to this
material manifestation."

"tvam adi-devah purushah puranas,tvam asya vishvasya param nidhanam

vettasi vedyam cha param cha dhama,tvaya tatam vishvam ananta-rupa" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eleven
verse 38)

"Arjuna said to Lord Krishna: You are the original Personality of Godhead, the oldest, the ultimate
sanctuary of this manifested cosmic world. You are the knower of everything, and You are all that is
knowable. You are the supreme refuge, above the material modes. O limitless form! This whole cosmic
manifestation is pervaded by You!"

"pitasi lokasya characharasya,tvam asya pujyas cha gurur gariyan

na tvat-samo ’sty abhyadhikah kuto ’nyo,loka-traye ’py apratima-prabhava" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter
Eleven verse 43)

"Arjuna said to Lord Krishna: You are the father of this complete cosmic manifestation, of the moving
and the nonmoving. You are its worship-able chief, the supreme spiritual master. No one is equal to You,
nor can anyone be one with You. How then could there be anyone greater than You within the three
worlds, O Lord of immeasurable power?"

"aham sarvasya prabhavo,mattah sarvam pravartate,iti matva bhajante mam

budha bhava-samanvitah" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Ten verse 8)

"Sri Krishna said to Arjuna: I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates
from Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all
their hearts."

"yad yad vibhutimat sattvam,srimad urjitam eva va,tat tad evavagaccha tvam

mama tejo-’msa-sambhavam" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Ten verse 41)

"Sri Krishna said to Arjuna: Know that all opulent, beautiful and glorious creations spring from but a
spark of My splendor."

So let's consider God to be all powerful, Omnipotent God. Let's know that God is able to do anything
that is logically possible for Him to do. Let's know that God is able to do anything that it chooses to do.
Let's know that God is able to do absolutely anything, even the logically impossible. So let's pray such a
powerful, Omnipotent God.

Let's Shed Our Ego

Ego is nothing but to feel oneself more important than others, to feel different & superior to others.
Such a feeling of finding oneself different from others is nothing but the ignorance & such an illusion is
called ego. We all are part & parcel of the Omnipresent Soul & that one same soul is present in all of us.
So if we are able to realize that soul within all of us then we cannot find ourselves different from others.

"Ego is nothing but identification of oneself with their body than Soul."

Under the influence of ego a human being forgets the truth about God & thinks his/her identity to be
different than others. Once a person knows this knowledge of God, then the delusion of "Maya"
disappears & that person shed his / her ego to become one with God again.

Human beings generally crave for Name, Fame, Pleasures of life etc. which satisfies one's ego & these
are the Idols in one's life which a person adores very much. But these Idols do not do any good to one
self as it obscures one's real 'Soul nature', which is divine with unlimited powers & is always blissful.
Such craving for Name, Fame & Sense pleasures drowns one's self respect & obscures the divine being
from our sight. These worthless temptations destroy one's reputation & always give delusion by which a
person is not able to know his Divine Self.

Below is a verse of Bhagwat Gita which tells how an egoistic person behaves:

"ahankaram balam darpamkamam krodham cha samsritah

mam atma-para-dehesupradvisanto ’bhyasuyakah" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Sixteen verse 18)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, Bewildered by false ego, strength, pride, lust and anger, these egoistic
people become envious of the Supreme Lord, who is situated in their own bodies and in the bodies of
others, and blaspheme against the real religion."

Below is a verse of Bhagwat Gita which tells how surrendering one's ego one can achieve the God:

"tam eva saranam gaccha,sarva-bhavena bharata,tat-prasadat param shantim

sthanam prapsyasi sasvatam" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Eighteen verse 62)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, surrender your ego fully unto the God. By His grace you will attain
transcendental peace and the supreme and eternal abode."

As a rope that is burnt retains its shape intact, but has become all ashes, so that nothing can be bound
with it; similarly, the person who feels one with everyone & is devoted to God, retains only the form of
his egoism, but not has any idea of vanity (Ahamkâra).

So Let's shed our ego & not be egoistic, as it shall not do any good to one self. Let's surrender our ego in
the Divine feet of the God & adore Him only so that He can give us a blissfull.
Just Cling to God

Just see the left picture here. In the picture the digit one may be raised to a figure of any value by just
adding zeros to the one; but just remove that one from the beginning, zeroes by themselves have no
value of itself. Similarly God is that one in the picture & we all are that zeroes in the picture.We all have
no value unless until we cling to God; as all men, women & all things get their value from their
connection with God only. So long as you shall cling to God, Who is the value-giving figure behind this
whole world, and do all your work for Him, you shall gain more and more thereby; on the contrary, if
you shall overlook God and add to your work many grand achievements, all done for your own
glorification, you shall gain nothing much from there.

So if you shall put God first in life before anything then your horizon of thinking shall go on expanding to
infinity. By having such thinking & devotion to God, you shall be able to understand the God better. As
everything in this world has originated from that single source called God only so to keep Him prime &
then make your life secondary to God, shall make everything valuable in life.

So you should first gain God in life, and then gain wealth; but do not try to do the contrary. If, after
acquiring spirituality & turning your mind towards the God, you lead a worldly life, you will never lose
your peace of mind.

Just when you go to a new city, you first secure a comfortable room for your rest at night, and after
keeping your luggage there, you feel free to go about the city for sightseeing. Otherwise you may have
to suffer much in the darkness of night to get a place for your rest. Similarly, after securing your eternal
resting place in God, you can fearlessly move about doing your daily work. Otherwise, when the dark
and dreadful night of death shall come, one shall have to encounter great difficulties and sufferings.

Below are few verses of Bhagwat Gita also explaining that God is supreme:

"mattah parataram nanyat,kincid asti dhananjaya,mayi sarvam idam protam

sutre mani-gana iva" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Seven verse 7)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, there is nothing else besides Me in this world. Like clusters of yarn-beads
formed by knots on a thread, all this world is threaded on me.

"yac chapi sarva-bhutanam,bijam tad aham arjuna,na tad asti vina yat syan

maya bhutam characharam" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Ten verse 39)

"Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, I am the generating seed of all existences. There is no being—moving or
nonmoving—that can exist without Me."

So let's Cling to God & have faith in God. Let God come first always before any other thing in our life. As
God is supreme & controls everything, so in this world everything has meaning because of God only.
Let's all pray to that supreme, divine, all powerful God only. In this way God shall deliver us from all the
miseries of life & shall protect us always in life.

Attachment & Gautama Buddha

Nature of our mind is so that it gets attached to some object, place or person badly. In such a state our
mind is swayed by the emotions than the intellect. We always think of that object, place or person &
without it, our life seems impossible.

"Gautama Buddha" was born a Prince but he left his kingdom, family etc. in search of the truth. In the
"Jataka Stories" there are many accounts of Gautama Buddha's previous lives in which he was born
among humans, as well as, animals kingdom. Here below is a story from Jataka's in which Gautama
Buddha teaches that too much attachment in life is not good.

"In olden times there was a Potter and he had a wife and family to support. In their nearby place, lay a
great natural lake & next to that lake was a great river. When there were rains & there was much water,
river and lake used to merge into one; but when the water was low, river and lake used to be apart.
Water born fish and tortoises know by their own instinct, when in the year there shall be rain and when
there shall be a drought. At one time, the fish and tortoises which lived in that lake knew that there
would be a drought; and as at that time lake & river were one water, they swam out of the lake into the
deep river. But there was one Tortoise that would not leave the lake & go into the deep river. He said,
"As I was born in this lake, and because I have grown up here, and here is my parental home, so I cannot
leave this lake. That Tortoise lived in that lake only"

Then the hot season came & all the water of the lake dried up. That Tortoise dug a hole in the lake and
buried himself, just in the place where the Potter used to come to fetch the clay for making the clay
pots. One day the Potter came to get some clay & he started digging the dry lake with a big spade. His
spade cracked the tortoise' shell & turned him out on the ground as though he were a large piece of
clay. In the pain & agony the Tortoise thought, "Here I am, dying, all because I was too fond of my home
in the lake & never wanted to leave it!. As I was born in the lake & I lived here in the clay but now the
same lake & clay are going to take my life. If I would have thought properly & have went with the other
in the deep river, I would not have gone through this pain & agony.
So he went on and on, talking to the Potter, till he died. The Potter picked him up, and collecting all the
villagers addressed them thus: "Look at this Tortoise. When the other fish and tortoises went into the
great river, he was too fond of his parental home to go with them, and buried himself in the place where
I get my clay. Then as I was digging for clay, I broke his shell with my big spade, and turned him out on
the ground in the belief that he was a large lump of clay. Then the Tortoise called to his mind what he
had done, lamented his fate and expired. So you see he came to his end because he was too fond of &
deeply attached to his home. Take care not to be like this tortoise. Don't say to yourselves, 'I have
money, home, I have a son, I have a daughter, I have numbers of men and maids for my service, I have
precious gold'; do not cling to these things with craving and desire. Simply do not get attached to
anything very much that you cannot leave it.

**** In the above story Potter was Gautama Buddha himself in his one of the previous births & the
Tortoise was his disciple Ānanda in that birth."

Too much attachment to anything is also called Infatuation & it is the cause of most sorrows. Infatuation
is something that we get attached to some object, place or person very badly. We are always thinking of
that & without that thing, our life seems impossible. Due to such Infatuation our mind always wanders
about that & forgets other important things in life.

We too find our self in such situations many times. Say you have very lovely children & you love them
very much. You always think of them & little separation of them from you worries you a lot. But say one
day your son gets admission to some foreign university & he has to leave you for quite many years. You
find yourself so much attached to him that your mind gets troubled at just thinking that he shall go away
to such a faraway land & you shall not be able to meet him. Similar thing happens when your daughter
gets married. So in all such cases if your mind is attached to them greatly, great shall be the pain to the
mind during separation from them.

Same applies to other material things like your home, car, money etc. So if your mind is attached to
these things greatly, so great shall be the pain to your mind during its separation.

Bhagwat Gita also teaches us to live in this world like that without getting attached to anything or any
being. Just like a drop of water on Lotus, where though it is there on it but it is not attached to it.

"brahmany adhaya karmani,sangam tyaktva karoti yah

lipyate na sa papena,padma-patram ivambhasa" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Five verse 10)

"Sri Krishna said: One who performs his duty without any Attachment, surrendering all the results unto
the God, is unaffected by sinful action, as the Lotus leaf is untouched by water."

So we should not attach our mind greatly to any material thing, place or human being, as one day we
shall have to leave these or these shall go away from us. On that day, if you have great attachment to
these, you shall feel great pain, otherwise it shall be a normal life for you. So let us not allow our mind to
be INFATUATED by any thing, which can lead us to sorrow

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