Saptarishi Nadi VirgoAscendant-chart1Color

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Saptarishi Nadi

Virgo Asc - Chart 1

மப்஡ரி஭ி ஢ரடி
Yenbeeyes, India
Associate Editor: Saptarishis Astrology
Manuscript Supplied By: A V Sundaram
& Bhadoriya.

A Mission Saptarishis Initiative

கன்ணி஦ர னக்கிணம்
Kanya Lagna
Yenbeeyes hails from a Tamil family ஜர஡கம் 1
wherein he learnt astrology from his
grandfather who knew the entire BPHS Horoscope 1
by heart. He was first asked to learn by
heart the Sanskrit verses of BPHS & then ஜணணகரன ஢ிலன
was slowly taught astrology by his 1. 1தரி஡ி 2஥ரல் 3வ஬ள்பி 4ம஥டம்
grandfather who was his Guru. After 3
தங்கும஥ 5஢ந்஡ி஦ரக
years of teaching only BPHS he was then
taught Jaimini Sutras by the age of 23. 6அரி஦ிணில் குபைவும் புக்க 7ஆ஧லும்
Yenbeeyes is our author’s pen name and
he, having retired in 2007, has taken up மகது ஥ீணம்
to the cause of astrology full time and is 8வ஡ரில஬஦ில் 9க஦ிபொ ஥ரகச் சந்஡ி஧ன்
currently translating Jaimini Sutras into
10஬ில஠1 ஦ரக
Tamil. Saptarishis Astrology has observed
that Shri Yenbeeyes pursues this science ஢ில஧஦ம஬ கன்ணி வசன்஥ ஢ின்ந஡ரல்
with an unmatched discipline and
dedication which is praiseworthy. தனன்வசரல் வீம஧.

1. சூரி஦ன் (Sun) 2. பு஡ன் (Mercury) 3.

சுக்கி஧ன் (Venus) 4. சணி (Saturn)
5. ரி஭தம் (Taurus) 6. சிம்஥ம் (Leo) 7.
அங்கர஧கன் (Mars) 8.கன்ணி (Virgo)
9. ஧ரகு (Rahu) 10. ஥ிதுணம்
n the first verse the Rishis have stated the position of planets of the native and the chart
will be as shown below. In this Sri C.G.Rajan has given the balance of Vimshottari dasa
also though it is not mentioned in the verse above. The same is mentioned in Verse 49.
Astrological community remains indebted to Madras Govt & GOML to initiating this
project 5-6 decades back of bringing out Saptarishi Nadi along with commentary of Late C G
Rajan on some Ascendants. The entire Saptarishi Nadi is the discussion between Goddess
Parvati and the Seven Rishis (Atri, Agastya, Jayamuni, Songinar, Narad, Vashisht and
Vishwamitra.) wherein the Goddess asks explanations for each of the Lagna with specific
position of planets.

1. “Tell me the results when Sun, Mercury and Venus are in Aries, Saturn in Taurus,
Jupiter in Leo, Mars and Ketu in Pisces, Rahu in Virgo, and Moon in Gemini with Lagna in

The above is the chart as given in the book wherein we find the balance of Dasa also at the

2 12H if often said to be the house of Super Karma from Past Life. A BSP rule of 2nd from Jupiter was presented in March

2011 at ICAS, Secunderabad at Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan by Saptarishis Astrology. It states that ‘2nd from Jupiter’
something unshastriac or not the right code of conduct will happen, whatever be the state/sign of Jupiter. Note this
chart and see the results of the natives past life as given by the Rishi, the BSP will flower out. - SA Publisher.
Notes from C.G.Rajan3:

For the above Rasi chart the following positions in Navamsa will be apt:
Rahu in Aries, Jupiter and Venus in Taurus, Sun in Gemini, Mercury and Saturn in
Virgo, Ketu in Libra, Moon and Mars in Aquarius. Mercury and Venus are combust.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

To calculate the Navamsa position of the planets, one must know the longitudes of the planets or the
Nakshatra pada in which each of the planets and the Lagna are placed. Here except the position of Moon for
the rest of the planets nothing is known. For Moon in Ardra 3rd pada the Navamsa position would be
Aquarius. How Sri Rajan has arrived at the position of other planets in Navamsa is not clear to me. Also he
has not mentioned the Navamsa Lagna in his clarification.

Here is the table of Nakshatra Padas of Planets based on the above position of Navamsa given above:

Planet Rasi Navamsa Nakshatra Pada

Lagna Virgo
Sun Aries Gemini Aswini 3rd
Moon Gemini Aquarius Ardra 3rd
Mars Pisces Aquarius Revati 3rd
Mercury Aries Virgo Bharani 2nd
Venus Aries Taurus Aswini 2nd
Jupiter Leo Taurus Magha 2nd
Saturn Taurus Virgo Mrigasirsha 2nd
Rahu Virgo Aries Hasta 1st
Ketu Pisces Libra Uttarabhadra 3rd

3 The works of Late C G Rajan is lost, English reading astrologers would never know the greatness of this man who was

considered in the highest regard by even Dr B V Raman. Mr. Rajan’s efforts to bring out many nadis were noted by
scholars during that era and hence we departed from Gemini Asc translations to Virgo Asc where C G Rajan has given
commentary, reading commentary of greats such as Sri Rajan, can at times bring to light minimum one or two unknown
brilliant points in astrology which can never be found anywhere else. It is SA magazine’s deepest desire to bring to light
greats of the past like Sri C G Rajan and this is only possible by the select few who know Tamil language and would
translate for free for the world Jyotish community. – SA.
ஜணண஥ரண ஢ரட்டுச் சிநப்பு

2. அம்஥ந௃ம் மக(ழ்க்)கும் மதரது அத்஡ிரி ப௃ணி஬ர் வசரல்஬ரர்

வசம்ல஥஦ரய் ஆண்தரல் வசன்஥ம் வசணித்஡஦ில் கீழ்ம஥ல் வீ஡ி
஢ன்ல஥஦ரய்த் வ஡ற்கு ஬ரசல் ஢஬ிலும஬ரம் ம஥ற்கில் ஥ரரி
஬ண்ல஥஦ரய்க் குண்ட ப௃ண்டு ஬டம஥ல்தரல் கம஠சன் ஥ரரி.

Eminence of place of birth

2. When Goddess Parvati asked the Rishis like that (as in verse above), Athri Rishi started
telling that the child born will be a healthy male child. The native is born in a street
running east-west. The main door of the house where the child is born will be in the
southern direction. In the west side of the house there will be a temple for Goddess
Mariamman. There will be a pond which will be full (with water) to the maximum
extent. In the north western side there will be a temple for Lord Ganesha and Mariamman.

3. ஥ீணத்஡ில் ஈசன் கரபி ஬ிபைத்஡ி஦ரம் மகரஷ்ட ப௃ண்டு

ஆணம஡ரர் கு஠க்கி மன஡ரன் அரிமகர஬ில் ஢ிற்குவ஥ன்மநரம்
஥ரண஥ரய்த் வ஡ற்கில் ஓலட ஬஦ல்களும் ஡ங்கு வ஥ன்மநரம்
தரன்ல஥஦ரய்ச் சிற்போர் ஡ன்ணில் தரனகன் கங்லக ஬ம்சம்;

3. In the northern direction of Pisces1 a temple for Lord Shiva and a temple for Goddess
Kaliamman will be there and both will be wealthy2 temple. There will be a cattle shed
(where herds of cow, buffalo, oxen etc. are kept) and/or a temple3. In the eastern side
there will a temple for Hari (Lord Vishnu). We say that in the southern direction there
will be a brook and also cultivable agricultural lands. In a small village having such
qualities (as described above) in Gangai4 caste the native; (continued in next verse)

Explanations for the references given above: By Yenbeeyes

The Tamil word used by the Rishi is “஥ீணம்” the English equivalent of which is “Pisces”, the 12th sign of
the Zodiac. Pisces indicates the Northern direction. Hence I have given both the meanings in the

The word used in Tamil is “஬ிபைத்஡ி” which has two meanings – one is Growth or increase and the other is
prosperous, wealthy. I have taken the second meaning that it is a prosperous temple meaning that the
temple is having good income and is in a wealthy state. If we take the first meaning we have to conclude
that the temple is just coming up and is growing slowly in popularity.

The Tamil word used is “மகரஷ்டம்” which can mean a place where cattle are kept. If we take the pure
Tamil version of the word leaving out the Sanskrit alphabet “ஷ்” it will be “மகரட்டம்” meaning a Temple.
C.G. Rajan in his explanation has taken both the meanings and has stated that “there will be a cattle shed
and a temple.”

Gangai caste – readers who have read the earlier translations of Saptarishi Nadi-Gemini ascendant might
be aware of the references given for this community called as “Ganga” or “Gangai”. They are the
agricultural class of people of Tamil Nadu and are generally named as “Vellala Community”. The word
Vellala has its origin from “Vellanmai” - the two words Vellam + Anmai – „Vellam’ means cultivation, tillage
and „Anmai’ means management. There is a traditional story of the origin of Vellalas and is given in
Baramahal Records – Section II – Inhabitants (Government Press, 1907) wherein the name of Ganga
kulam appears. Kulam means caste or community. For want of space I am not going into the details
contained in the said book.

Astrological significations to determine the Caste or community: By


he caste system which is now decried in its present form by many as a great social injustice was
originally based on the classification of people by their natural propensities. The four castes that
were in vogue were –

1 Brahmin or Brahmana – People engaged in religious, philosophic and altruistic service. The two
Gurus – Asura Guru Venus and Deva Guru Jupiter indicate this caste.
2 Kshatriya – Those who concentrate on politics, rulership, fighting for the country etc. Naturally the
two aggressive planets viz. Sun and Mars are of kshatriya.
3 Vaishya – Those with an aptitude for agriculture, keeping cattle, trade and business are classified
under this category. Moon and Mercury control this domain.
4 Shudra goes to the service and labour oriented people and Saturn is the significator.

In order to fix the caste, we have to fix the planet whose has a dominant influence on the Lagna,
Chandra Lagna as well as its lords. The Pitru Lagna (the 9th house) is occupied by Saturn indicating
labour class. Its lord is conjoined with Mercury and Sun of which Sun is stronger. All the three are
influenced by Jupiter also. Pitru Lagna is also aspected by Rahu and the lord of the sign occupied by
him is Mercury and as such indicates Vaishya. Venus being placed in the house of Mars may take up
the role of Mars too. Hence we find a mixed influence on the Lagna Lord and it is difficult to decide on
this. Coming to the Chandra Lagna, it is placed in the house of Mercury and as such represents the
caste of Mercury which is Vaishya. Taking the placement of Rahu and Moon we can decide that the
native‟s father must belong to Vasihya community.

The native‟s father is said to be born in Ganga caste which is a sub-caste of Vellala who are categorised as

4. உ஡ிப்தணரம் இ஬ணின் வ஦ரகம் உபைந்஡ந்ல஡ ஡ர஦ின் ம஦ரகம்

஥஡ித்஡ிட துல஠஬ர் ம஦ரகம் ஬பைம்புத்஡ி஧ கபத்஡ி஧ ம஦ரகம்
க஡ி஦ினர ப௃ன்தின் வசன்஥ம் சரற்பொம஬ரம் ஢஬க்மகர பரய்ந்து
அ஡ிக஥ரய்த் ஡஬ங்கள் வசய்பெ ஥ம்ல஥ம஦ ஦ிந்நூல் ஡ன்ணில்.

4. (…the native – continued from previous verse) will be born. The Rishi addresses
Goddess Parvati as “the one who is doing the maximum penance or leading the most austere
life” and continues. We will examine the Navagrahas or the nine planets and will tell
in this treatise about the fortunes of the native, father‟s fortune, mother‟s fortune,
yogas applicable to siblings, yoga of wife, children‟s fortunes and also tell about the
genesis of the previous and the next birth of them.

ஜர஡கபைலட஦ ஡கப்தணரரின் கு஠ர஡ிச஦ங்கள் ப௃஡பௌ஦ண

5. ஡ந்ல஡஦ின் துல஠஬ர் ஡ன்லணச் சரற்பொம஬ரம் த஡ிவணரன் நரகும்

வசரந்஡஥ரய் ஆண்தரல் வ஧ண்டு ம஡ரலகபெம் ப௄ன்பொ ஡ீர்க்கம்
வ஢ரந்஡ிடும் ஥ற்ந வ஡ல்னரம் நு஬லும஬ரம் தி஡ர கு஠த்ல஡ச்
சந்஡஡ வ஥ரடிசல் ம஡கி ஡ரண஬ன் சி஬ந்஡ ம஥ணி.

Characteristics and other matters pertaining to father of the native

5. We say that there will be eleven co-born to the native’s father. Out of these two male and
three female co-born will have long life. Rest of them will die quickly. Now we will tell
about the characteristics of the native’s father. He will have a lean and long body.
(Meaning he will be tall and lean). He will be reddish in complexion.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

ne allied classification of the planets distinguishes them according to their effect on bodily fluids.
Sun, Mars and Saturn are dry planets which when configured with the Ascendant, tend to dry out
the body and make it thin.

Also according to Jataka Tatva – If the Lord of the Lagna be conjoined with a dry planet or occupy a sign
owned by a dry planet, the native will be lean.

Now the 9th house of the chart will be the Lagna of the father and it is occupied by Saturn which gives him
a lean body. The lord of the Lagna of father Venus has conjoined Sun, a dry planet and is placed in the
house (Aries) of a dry planet (Mars).

For the benefit of the readers I give the results pertaining to other planets. Moon, Jupiter and Venus are
wet planets, which tend to cause the body to gain or retain water or fat when they influence the
ascendant. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu have no significant effect in this respect.

Now coming to the colour of the body of native‟s father it is stated to be reddish in complexion. Two
planets – Sun and Mars are responsible for red colour, while the former indicates dark red, latter suggests
bright red. If these two planets are related to Lagna or influences Lagna or the Lagna Lord, then we can
verify the rule. Mars and Sun do not have any association with the Lagna. Lagna lord Venus is placed in
the house of Mars (Aries) and has conjoined the exalted Sun there. Additionally Jupiter is aspecting Venus
and since Jupiter is placed in the house of Sun, he acquires the qualities of Sun. Now Rahu also
influences the Pitru Lagna Taurus by its 9th aspect. Rahu‟s colour is black. But since Rahu is placed in the
house of Mercury it acquires the qualities of Mercury. Mercury has no say in the matter as he is already
conjoined with Sun and Venus and has to toe their line.

From the Chandra Lagna too we find the influence of Jupiter as the 9 th house from Moon is Aquarius and
is aspected by Jupiter.
6. ஥ண஥து க஬டு ஥ில்னரன் ஥ர்஥஬ரன் பேலக பெள்பரன்
சிண஥ினரன் அடக்க ப௃ள்பரன் சித்஡ி஧ வீடு வசய்஬ன்
கணப௃டன் ஬ரழ்஬ர ணரகும் கல்஬ிபெ ப௃ள்பர வணன்மநரம்
இணங்கபரல் வதபைல஥ பெள்பரன் இ஬ன்஡ர஦ரல் சீ஬ிப் தரணரம்.

6. Native‟s father will be without any intention of deceit, falsehood or fraud. He will keep
secrets in his mind. He will be an erudite person. He will be without anger. He will be
a modest person. He will construct a beautiful house. He will living with dignity and
honour. We say that he will be an educated person. He will be honoured by his
relations. He will sustain with the help of his mother.

C.G.Rajan‟s explanations:

Means of subsistence of native’s father: - Lagna of father is the 9th house of

Taurus. The karmasthana (10th house) for this Taurus Lagna is Aquarius. Jupiter [who
is lord of labhasthana (11th house) for Taurus] who is placed in Leo which is the fourth
house of mother for this Taurus Lagna is aspecting Aquarius. If we consider from Chandra
Lagna, Aquarius becomes Pithrusthana or the 9th Bhava indicating father. The
karmasthana (10th Bhava) for Aquarius is Scorpio. Scorpio is aspected by Saturn from
Taurus which becomes the Mathrusthana (4th house indicating mother) for Aquarius4.
Karaka for Jeevanasthana (10th Bhava) are Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Mercury. Jupiter
and Saturn as said above are already placed in the 4th house of mother (for the father of
the native); the native‟s father will be having his livelihood through his mother‟s

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

If we consider the Karaka for father as Sun, Sun is in Aries and the Karmasthana (10 th house) becomes
Capricorn whose lord is Saturn placed in Taurus and aspecting the 4 th house of mother (Cancer) from Sun
and is placed in the 2nd house of wealth indicating that the father with the help of his mother is likely to
earn wealth and his karma will be guided by his mother.
Also note that the Pitru Lagna Lord Venus, who is the planet fond of truth (नत्रे सत्य वच्) as stated in Uttara
Kalamritham, is conjoined with two satvik planets Sun and Mercury and aspected by another satvik planet
Jupiter explains the qualities of the native.

7. ஡ந்ல஡஦ின் ஆஸ்஡ி ஡ன்லணத் ஡ரண஬ ணலட஦ர ணரகும்

தந்஡஥ரய் ஥ர஥ ணரஸ்஡ி தபைகிடு ஥ி஬ந௃க் மக஡ரன்
வ஢ரந்஡ிடும் மதல஧க் கரப்தன் நு஬லுத ம஡சம் வகரள்஬ன்
சந்஡஡ம் தித்஡ ம஡கி ஡ரட்ச஠ி஦ன் கிரி஭ி வசய்஬ன்.

4 Readers are requested to re-read this part of explanation of C G Rajan.

7. The father of the native will not get the property of his father. But he will get the
property of his father-in-law. He will protect those who are poor. He will get the advice
of elders and great personalities. He will have a pitta constitution.1 He will be a
compassionate person. He will be doing agriculture.

Explanations of C.G.Rajan:

According to Janma Lagna, in the 9th house of father Saturn is placed. 9th Lord Venus is
combust and is placed in the hidden house of 8th. 10th Lord Mercury also is combust and
placed in the hidden 8th house. Hence native‟s father will not get the property of his
father. The 11th house of cancer is the house indicating father-in-law of the father of the
native. (7th from the 9th indicate wife of father and the 9th from that 7th indicate father of
the wife or father-in-law). Lord of this 11th house is placed in Gemini, the 2nd house of
wealth to the father of the native (Taurus) and 10th house of the native. Hence native‟s
father will get the property of his father-in-law (father of his wife). To put it in a nutshell,
if the 11th lord is placed in the 10th house, father of such a native will get the property of
his father-in-law.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

According to ancient Ayurvedic text, Charaka Samhita, Pitta functions in digestion, heat production,
provides colour to the blood, provides vision and skin lustre.

8. ப௄னச்சூ டுலட஦ ணரகும் ப௃ன்மகரதம் தின்பு சரந்஡ம்

ஞரனம்ம஥ல் ஢ல்மனர ணர஬ன் ஢ற்புத்஡ி஧ பைலட஦ ணரகும்
஥ரன஬ன் தத்஡ி பூண்தன் ஥பொவ஥ர஫ி ஦஡ிகம் கூநரன்
சரனம஬ ஡ந்஡ி஧ ஬ர஡ி சத்஡ிம஦ ம஥லுங் மகமப.

8. The native’s father will be suffering from piles. He will be short-tempered. But immediately
he will calm down. He will be a good person on earth. He will get good children. He will
be a worshipper of Lord Vishnu. He will not say much by way of answer (when
questioned). He will be a cunning person. Oh! Goddess Parvati! Listen to what we are
going to say more.

9. வசரன்ண வசரல் மகழ்தரணரகும் துநரலசபெ ப௃லட஦ வணன்மநரம்

கன்ணி஦ர் ம஥ரக ஬ரணரம் க஧஥஡ில் சங்கு சக்க஧ம்
஡ன்ணிமன ம஧லக பெள்பரன் சரந்஡஬ரன் ஥ர஥ி வ஧ண்டு
தன்ந௃஥ிக் கு஠த் ஡ரந௃க்குப் தரனக ணி஧ண்டரம் வசன்஥ம்.

9. Native‟s father will listen to the words of others and will act according to them. We
say that he will be a person with bad desires. He will be lascivious towards young women.
In his palm he will have the symbols of conch and wheel. (the lines appearing on the thumb
resemble that of a conch and wheel). He is a calm and meek person. He will have two
mother-in-laws. (Meaning that he will have two wives. Here the Rishi probably shifts back to
the native.) To a person having such qualities, the native will be the second issue…
(continued in the next verse)

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

In the book “Finger Print is a Replica of Religion and God” written by Sri A.M.Padmanabhan, we can find
images of the thumb with many kinds of such symbols formed by the lines on the thumb like – Arch,
Thiruneer, Accidental, Thirunamam, Whorl, Chakra, Om, Cross, Crescent Moon, Crescent Loop etc.

Notes by C.G.Rajan:

The Pithru Lagna (Ascendant for father) is the 9th house of Taurus. Kalathra Sthana (7th
house) Scorpio is aspected by Saturn. Kalathra Sthana Lord (7th lord) Mars is placed in
the 11th house to Taurus along with Ketu. In the 2nd house to Taurus Lagna, 3rd lord
Moon is placed. Venus goes to the hidden house of 12th to Taurus. The 2nd Lord Mercury
also goes in hiding to the 12th house and is combust. The 2nd wife for Taurus Lagna
will be the 9th from it which is Capricorn and its Lord Saturn is placed in Lagna
Taurus. Hence the father of the native has the yoga of two wives in a more pronounced

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

There is a ruling that if Lagna Lord is badly placed or weak and also the 7 th lord along with Kalathra
karaka Venus then there is a possibility of two wives. Here Taurus Lagna Lord Venus is in a trik house
and is combust and the 7th lord Mars has joined Ketu.
The father‟s house being 9th, his wife should evidently be decided by the 7th to the 9th house which
becomes the 3rd house of the native. Even though the 4th house is the indicator of mother, the wife of
father should be studied from the 3rd house. If this 3rd house or its lord is afflicted, that will show danger
to father‟s wife. In this chart the 3rd house Lord is Mars and co-lord is Ketu and both are placed in Pisces
(5th house to the 3rd house of the native) and having been placed in the house of Jupiter, they tend to
behave like Jupiter who goes to the 12th house. From Chandra Lagna, Jupiter again comes into picture
and its lord Sun (3rd House lord from Chandra Lagna) goes to the 8th house. Hence all the trik houses are
involved in the matter of wife of the native‟s father. Jupiter also owns the maraka house (Sagittarius) for
the 3rd house.

ஜர஡கபைலட஦ கு஠ர஡ிச஦ங்கள்

10. உ஡ிப்தமண ஦ி஬மண வ஦ன்மநரம் உல஧க்கிமநர ஥ி஬ன் கு஠த்ல஡

஬ி஡ிக்கிமநரம் சி஬ந்஡ வ஥ய்஦ன் ஬ிலபபுனம் ஬ிபைத்஡ி வசய்஬ன்
஡஡ி வ஢ல் தரல் ஦ிஷ்டம் வகரள்஬ன் ச஧ச஬ரன் கல்஬ி ஥ரணரம்
஢஡ிதன ஡ீர்த்஡ம் ம஡ரய்஬ன் ஢஬ிலு஬ரன் சிமனலட ஦ரக.

Characteristics of the Native

10. (…Continued from previous verse) [the native] will be born. Henceforth we will tell
about his characteristics. He will have a reddish complexion. He will be cultivating
the cultivable lands and that will be his livelihood. He is fond of curd, ghee and milk.
He will talk amorously or wittingly [The Tamil word „ச஧சம்‟ has got two meanings-
amorous talk or jesting]. He is educated. He would have taken bath in various sacred
rivers or bathed in sacred waters (usually in ponds) at places of pilgrimage. He is
capable of using rhetorical figures in which a word or a phrase is capable of a double
interpretation or in short pun with the words.

11. மதரசண சுகி஦ ணரகும் புண்஠ி஦ ஥ணத்஡ வணன்மநரம்

ம஢சங்கள் அ஡ிகம் வகரள்஬ன் ஢ீழ்஢ின ஬ிபைத்஡ி வசய்஬ன்
தரச தந்஡ங்க ளுள்பரன் தத்஡ிணி ம஢஦ ணர஬ன்
கரசுகள் மசர்ப்தர ணரகும் கணத்஡஬ன் சிமணகம் வசய்஬ன்.

11. The native enjoys having good and tasty food. We say that he will have a charitable
and virtuous mind. He will befriend many people. He will increase his cultivable
lands. He will be affectionate and will have affinity towards people and relatives. He
is fond of his wife. He will accumulate money. He will make friendship with big

12. தரல் ஬ிபைத்஡ி பெலட஦ணரகும் தனபைக்கும் உ஡஬ி வசய்஬ன்

சீன஬ரன் இப ஥ணத்஡ன் சீக்கி஧ம் மகரத ப௃ண்டு
கரபௌகள் ஬ிபைத்஡ி ஦ரகும் கரனரள்க ளுலட஦ ணரகும்
ம஬னலணப் த஦ின்ந ஥ரம஡ ஬ித்஡கி மகட் டிடரம஦.

12. The native‟s milk yielding cow and goat population will increase. He will help many
people. He will be of good manners. He will have a tender mind. He will get angry
quickly. His quadrupeds will increase in number. He will have foot-man laborers (a
servant who attends the door or carriage, waits on table etc.). Rishi addresses Goddess
Parvati as the one who begot the six headed God-Lord Subramanya and tells her to

ஜர஡கபைலட஦ சமகர஡஧ர்கள் (சமகர஡஧தர஬ம்)

13. இ஬ந௃ட துல஠஬ர் ஡ன்லண ஦ி஦ம் பும஬ரம் ப௄த்ம஡ரர் கரம஠ரம்

அ஬ணி஦ில் ஦ிலபம஦ரர் உண்டு ஆ஠து ஒன்பொ ஡ீர்க்கம்
஢஬ணி஦ில் ஥ற்ந வ஡ல்னரம் ஢சித்஡ிடு வ஥ன்பொ வசரன்மணரம்
க஬ண஥ரய் ஦ிலபம஦ரன் மச஡ி க஫பொம஬ரம் மகளு ஥ம்஥ர.
Siblings of the Native (Sahaja Bhava)

13. We will tell about the siblings of the native. We do not see any elder one to the native.
He will have younger siblings. One younger brother will have long life. All others
will die early. Oh! Goddess Parvati! We will carefully tell about the details of his
younger brother. Please listen.

Explanations given by C.G.Rajan:

Native does not have elder brother: 11th Bhava Cancer indicates elder brother. Lord of
this Bhava is placed in the 12th to the Bhava concerned. 11th house is aspected by Rahu
and Saturn. Mars aspects Moon. Karaka for the elder brother Jupiter is in the hidden
12th house. Saturn is also aspecting the 3rd house which will bring troubles to elder as
well as younger brother5. Karaka for brothers Mars is with Ketu. Hence there are more
problems with respect to elder brother. The house of younger brother is the 3rd house of
Scorpio. This house is aspected by Saturn and Rahu6. Lord of 3rd house Mars is with
Ketu. Hence there is problem with regard to younger brother also. But when we consider
from Chandra Lagna, in the 3rd house indicating younger brothers, Jupiter is placed.
Lord of Leo, Sun is exalted and is placed in the 11th to Moon along with Mercury and
Venus. These are good combinations. Hence it is stated that there will be one younger
brother. Saturn placed in the 3rd Bhava or aspecting the 3rd Bhava readers can refer to
Sambhuhora prakasa, 6th Adhyaya, 58th sloka. Here it is stated that there will be trouble
to both7 the elder and younger brother.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

Sambuhora Prakasa – 6th Adhyaya Sloka:

चन्द्रे खऱानाां त्रत्रतयेन दृष्टे भ्रातृप्रणाशो न शभु त्रे ऺतश्चेत।्

् ि कुजोऽनज
सूयोऽग्रजान हत्र ु ातान्पूवााऩरोत्थान्सहजान्यमोत्रह॥५८॥
Meaning: If Moon is aspected by three malefics and there is aspect of benefic on Moon then there will be
loss of brothers. The third Sun brings harm to the elder brothers 8 and the third Mars to the younger
ones and Saturn to both.

Here the 3rd Sun/Mars/Saturn means either placement in the 3rd Bhava or aspect to third Bhava. Now if
we read the above clarifications it will be easy to understand.

5 We have often mentioned in our writings and editorials that 3H is brothers and when division is to be done then 3H
for younger siblings and 11H for elder siblings. Any afflictions to the 3H will indicate trouble for both speaking in
general, and then karaka is to be taken that is Mars and Jupiter for 3/11 respectively. The master nadi astrologer Late
C G Rajan also seems to be indicating the same here
6 Rahu’s 3rd aspect has been taken into account. See comments below on Rahu’s aspect. - SA
7 Note the word both - SA
8 Note again this shloka - SA
Comments from Yenbeeyes:

Sri Rajan says the 11th house is aspected by Rahu. Rahu is in Lagna. Normally we consider the full aspect
of Rahu and Ketu on the houses 5th, 7th or 9th from them. Maharishi Parasara says:

सतु मदन नवान्त्ये ऩूण ा दृत्रष्ट तमस्य।

ु दशम गेहे चाधा दृत्रष्ट वदत्रि॥
Meaning that Rahu has full aspect on 5th, 7th, 9th and 12th houses and half on 2nd and 10th. The 11th
aspect has not been mentioned anywhere in the classic to my little knowledge. But how then such an
eminent writer has mentioned it so. Yes. He is correct. Here Rahu aspects Saturn through its 9th aspect
and hence influences Saturn. Saturn in turn aspects the 11th house and this aspect of Saturn carries with
it the effects of Rahu too. Hence it is correct in a way to say that Rahu influences the 11 th house in this
chart through Saturn.

Rahu’s aspect:

It is worth quoting here about the 11th aspect of Rahu mentioned in Pulippani Jothidam 300 of Rishi
Pulippani. Here is the sloka No 10 of Pulippani Jothidam which Saptarishis Astrology is currently getting it
translated since few months:

Sloka 10:
தர஧ப்தர ஧ரகுடமண மகதுவுக்கும்
தரங்கரண வீடதும஬ கும்தம் ஆட்சி
வீ஧ப்தர ஬ிபைச்சிகப௃ம் கடகம் உச்சம்
வீபைலட஦ ரி஭த஥து ஢ீசம் சிம்஥ம்
கர஧஧ப்தர தலக஦ரகும் ஥ற்மநழ் ஢ட்தரம்
கரண்ததுவும் ப௄ன்பொ த஡ிவணரன்நரம் வசரல்னரர்
ஆ஧ப்தர மதரகபைட கடரக்ஷத்஡ரமன
அப்தமண புபௌப்தர஠ி அநி஬ித்ம஡மண !

In the 3rd line from the last it is mentioned that Rahu and Ketu aspect the 3 rd and 11th houses from its

14. புத்஡ி஥ரன் சி஬ந்஡ வ஥ய்஦ன் பூ஭஠ம் மசர்ப்தர ணரகும்

சித்஡ம஥ ஥ர்஥ ப௃ள்பரன் சிமனலட஦ரய் ஬ரர்த்ல஡ வசரல்஬ன்
஬ித்ல஡பெ ப௃லட஦ ணர஬ன் ஬ிபம்பு஬ரன் கட்டு ஬ரர்த்ல஡
அத்ல஡஦ரல் வதபைல஥பெள்பரன் அ஬ர்கட்கு ப௃ரில஥ வசய்஬ன்.

14. Younger brother of the native will be intelligent. He will be reddish in complexion.
He will accumulate jewellery. He will have secrets in his mind. He is capable of using
words while talking, which will have double meaning. He will attain greatness and

9 Readers will note an article that was written by ‘The Kid’ around 2 years back derived from the teachings of Mr.
Ashok Upadhaya where 11th from Rahu was written about, titled ‘3rd from Dragon’s Head-A Master Key’ appeared in
Vol. No. 3- Page 251 in colour PDF – full version of Saptarishis Astrology. This article was written without the
knowledge of a text like Pullipani Jothidam and the beauty of it is it exactly matches with the verse of Nadi Granthas
– SA Publisher.
dignity with the help of his aunt 10. He will give preference to his aunt and will do his duty to

Comment from Yenbeeyes:

I n the Tamil verse the word indicating aunt is father‟s sister which is indicated by the 11 th
house as 11th is the 3rd house of siblings from the 9th house of father. Hence any
connection with the 11th house of a person will have the flavour from Aunt. So for the
native‟s brother which is indicated by the 3rd house of Scorpio, the 11th house becomes Virgo
where Rahu is placed aspecting Scorpio (as per above ruling) and also lord of Scorpio Mars.
Now from Mars the 11th lord is Saturn who aspects Scorpio. This might be the reason for the
influence of Aunt on native‟s brother.

15. சுகி வதரசிப்புலட஦ ணரகும் துநரலசபெ ஥ில்னர ணரகும்

தலக஬ல஧ச் வச஦ிப்தர ணரகும் தரல்஡஦ிர் திரி஦ ப௃ள்பரன்
வசக஥஡ில் புகள௃ ப௃ள்பரன் சினசின ஞரணம் வசரல்஬ன்
஬லக஦ரண பூ஥ி மசர்ப்தன் ஥பொவ஥ர஫ி ஦஡ிகம் வசரல்஬ன்.

15. Younger brother of the native will like good and tasty food. He will not have any bad
or wrong desires. He will win over his enemies. He is fond of milk, curd etc. He will
get good name and fame on earth. He is capable of giving advices on spirituality 11. He will
accumulate good lands. Whenever he replies, it will contain elaborate words or

16. ஥லண஦஬ள் ஒன்மந வ஦ன்மநரம் ஬ல஧கிமநரம் புத்஡ி஧ தரகம்

கணப௃ட ணரண்தரல் வ஧ண்டு கன்ணிலக ஒன்மந ஦ரகும்
அலண஦ம஬ ப௄ன்பொம் ஡ீர்க்கம் அ஬ந௃க்கும் ஬஦து பூர்஠ம்
இல஠஦ினர வசல்஬ ப௃ள்பரன் இ஬ந௃க்கு ம஥னரய் ஬ரழ்஬ன்.

16. We say that the younger brother of the native will have one wife. We will now tell about
his children. He will have two male and one female child and all the three will have long
life. He will also have long life. He will have unparalleled wealth. He will live in a better
position than the native.

17. தரக்கி஦ ப௃லட஦ ணரகும் தந்துவுக் க஡ித ணரகும்

ம஦ரக்கி஦ணரகி ஬ரழ்஬ன் உபொ஡ி஦ரன் மகரதி ஦ர஬ன்
஢ீக்கு஬ரன் அல்ப்தர் ஡ன்லண ஢ி஥ி஭த்஡ில் மகரதி ஦ர஬ன்

10 Younger brother will attain greatness and dignity due to his aunt, is it since 6H shows relatives and exalted Sun
along with Venus is placed in 6th to 3rd house? - SA
11 3rd house is Younger Brother and 3rd house also stands for Preaching (Upadesha), so 3 rd from 3rd will show preaching

of younger brother which is the 5H, the 5L is Saturn a Yogi planet placed in the 9H of dharma from Asc, hence
probably Rishi gives result that younger brother will give advices on spirituality. From Moon Asc, the 5L is Ven who is
with exalted Sun, but 3H from Moon has Jupiter in the 12H of spirituality is also not to be forgotten. Whenever we have
to see such details one has to see the basic house (3H here) to determine whole nature and also the relevant house from
the relative (3rd from 3rd here) - SA
சீக்கி஧ ஢லடபெ ப௃ள்பரன் வசல்஬ிம஦ ம஥லுங் மகமப.

17. Younger brother of the native will be a happy, prosperous and wealthy person. He
will be a master for his relatives. He will live as a worthy and honest man. He is a
person with firmness, an angry person, will avoid bad as well as unfit persons. He will
get angry within minutes. He is capable of walking very fast. Oh! Parvati! Please
listen to what we are going to say further.

ஜர஡கபைலட஦ ஬ி஬ரக கரனப௃ம் ஥லண஬ி஦ின் கு஠ர஡ிச஦ங்களும்

18. சர஡கன் ஥஠த்஡ின் கரனம் சரற்பொம஬ர ஥ீவநரன் தரணில்

ம஥஡ிணில் ஬டகீழ் ஡ன்ணில் ஬ித்஡கி ஬பை஬ர பரகும்
மதர஡ம஬ ஦஬ள் கு஠த்ல஡பெம் மதரற்பொம஬ரம் சி஬ந்஡ ம஥ணி
சூதுக ளுள்பர பரகும் துபைசரண ஢லடபெ ஥ர஬ள்.

Time of marriage of Native and characteristics of his wife

18. We will tell about the time of marriage of the native. When the native is of eighteen years12
old, his wife will come from the north eastern direction. We will tell about her
character. She will be reddish in complexion. She will have a deceptive mind. She will
have a hasty gait [She will walk fast].

C.G.Rajan‟s notes: Marriage time:

upiter Mahadasa, Mars Antardasa will be running for the native from his 17 years-
4 months to 18 years-3 months-6 days. Jupiter owns the 7th house of Kalathra
Sthana (House of wife/husband) and the Subha Sthana (Suka Sthana or house of
happiness) of 4th house. Mars is placed in the 7th house. Hence in the Mahadasa of
Jupiter and Antardasa of Mars when the native is of 18 years, it is stated that marriage
will happen. Since the Lagna Lord Mercury is placed near the 7th house, marriage at a
young age is possible. To know about the time of marriage readers can refer to Jataka
Tatva – 3rd Tatva – Sapthama Viveka – Slokas 125 and 126 and also Jataka Parijata 14th
Adhyaya (Chapter) 29th Sloka.

12 18th year as per BCP theory will be the 6th house of one’s natal chart. See the 6th House from Moon Asc, Venus Asc
and Natal Asc for marriage. From Moon Asc, the 6th would be the 3rd house of Bhagya of Marriage and its lord Mars sits
in the 7H of marriage linking Moon and Natal Asc, this linking of two Asc is often ignored. 6H from Natal Asc is
aspected by the 7L of marriage Jupiter who also signifies religious ceremonies and marriage is a religious ceremony.
Hence the 18th year gives marriage here, also the 6th lord is Saturn sitting in the 9H of marriage and other co-lord Rahu
is placed in lagna signifying bondage and fixed karma, marriage often is one bondage & fixed karma. This aspect of
the nodes has been oft ignored and hence not well used. 6th from Venus Asc is Rahu and in the 1H which is the house of
marriage of wife, thus the 18 year is solemnized to give marriage. If one takes all the 3 Ascs and see that the linkage of
Rahu Ketu axis is common among three, this cannot be ignored. Must add that some old astrologers have often taken
not just Venus but also Moon as significator of wife or marriage, the reason is Moon denotes one’s mind and one’s mind is
majorly on ones wife, also Moon is lord of 4H of grihasti (home life) and wife is a huge component of home life, Moon is
exalted in 2H of natural zodiac which is again family life significator and 8H of natural zodiac is where he is
debilitated, a very important house for marriage sustenance or longevity of wife. Moon cannot be ignored for quality of
marriage. – SA Publisher.
Comments from Yenbeeyes:
These two verses and their meanings are given hereunder:

Jataka Tatva – 3rd Tatva – Prakeerna tatva – Saptama viveka slokas:

१२५ दारऩसांत्रनत्रहतेऽङ्गेऩ े बाल्ये त्रववाह्।

If the Lord of the Lagna be close to that of the 7th house, the native will be married while young.

१२६ ऱग्नाद्वास्तात समीऩे शभु े बाल्ये त्रववाह्।
If a benefic be posited near the Lagna or the 7th house, the native will be married while young.

Jataka Parijata – 14th Chapter – 29th Sloka:

ु ोऩेतकऱत्ररात्रशऩदशाभत्रु ित्रववा ाहप्रदा

ु च ऩात्रणग्रह्।
ु त्रववाह् क्रमात ्
कमाायभु ावनात्रधनायकदशाभिौ
कामेशने यतु ् कऱत्रगृहगस्तत्पाक भिौ
ु त ु वा॥२९॥

Meaning: If the lord of the 7th bhava be associated with Venus, its Dasa and Bhukti may lead to marriage.
Failing that, the dasa and Bhukti of the lord of the Rasi occupied by the planet owning the 2nd bhava may
have marriage producing efficacy. The Dasa and Bhukti of the lords of the 10th and 9th bhavas come next in
order. Lastly, note the planet associated with the lord of the 7 th bhava or the one occupying it. During the
Dasa and Bhukti of one of these, marriage may take place.

Also, when there is a link between Lagna and the 7th house or Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord early marriage is
a possibility. Here the Lagna Lord Mercury is aspected by the 7 th lord Jupiter. Also the Chandra Lagna
Lord happens to be the same Mercury and its 7th lord becomes Jupiter.

Direction from which wife will come:

t is stated that the wife of the native will come from North East direction. While deciding about the
direction we have to consider the prepondering influence on the house concerned as well as its lord.
The direction denoted by the sign is also to be taken into consideration. Here Pisces is the 7th house
and it indicates Northern direction. Mars is placed in the 7 th house and is indicative of Southern direction.
The direction stated is North East which is indicated by Jupiter. Jupiter is the lord of the 7th house and is
the dispositor of Mars whose influence prevails upon and hence the direction given is justified.

19. சிண஥து வகரஞ்ச ப௃ள்பரள் ம஡஬ி஢ன் ஢டக்லக பெள்பரள்

இல஠஦ினர ம஦ரகசரபௌ இ஬ள் ஥த்஡ி஦ ஬஦து ப௃ள்பரள்
அலண஦ம஬ ஦ி஧ண்டர ஥ரது அணுகிடு ஥ி஬ந௃க்மக ஡ரன்
கணப௃டன் ப௃ணி஬ர் வசரல்ன கர஡பௌ மகழ்க்க லுற்நரள்.

19. Wife of the native will be with a little anger. She will have good conduct. She will
have incomparable luck. She will live up to her middle age. Then the Rishi said with
authority that the native will be getting a second wife. At this point, Parvati started asking:

20. ஋ன்ண கர஧஠த் ஡ிணரமன ஦ி஬ந௃க்குத் ஡ர஧ம் வ஧ண்டு

வசரன் ணீர்கள் ஬ித஧஥ரகச் வசரல்லுவீர் ப௃ணிம஦ வ஦ன்நரள்
஥ன்ணி஦ ஌஫ில் மகது ஥ங்கன ணி஬ர்கள் ஢ின்பொம்
துன்ணி஦ ம஦ம஫ரன் ஡ரந௃ம் சுக஥ினர ஬ி஧஦ம் துய்க்க;

20. Parvati told the Rishis “What are the reasons of your telling that the native will have two
wives? Tell me in detail about this.” Because of the placement of Mars and Ketu in the 7th
bhava and the 7th lord Jupiter becoming weak due to the placement in the 12 th house of

Comments of C.G.Rajan – In the matter of two wives:

Kalathra karaka (Karaka for spouse) and lord of 2nd house of family- Venus is placed in
the hidden 8th house and is combust with Sun and hence becomes weak. Further 9th
house is the house of 2nd wife. And its lord Venus is associated with Lagna Lord Mercury
and because of this; yoga for the 2nd wife is present.

21. ஓ஡ிமணன் ஡ர஧ம் வ஧ண்டு உத்஡஥ன் ஡ணக்கும஥ ஡ரன்

ம஥஡ிணில் ப௃஡ல் ஥ரதுந்஡ரன் ஬ிபைத்஡ிம஦ர ஢சிக்கும஥ர வசரல்
மகர஡ினர ப௃஡ல் ஥ரதுக்குக் கு஫஬ிகள் உ஡ிக்கும஥ ஡ரன்
சூ஡ிணரல் வகர்ப்த ம஢ரய் சுந்஡ரி ஥஧஠ வ஥ய்தும்.

21. We said that the native will have two wives. Parvati continued to ask the Rishi “Will
the first wife have issues and will they live long or die?” The Rishi replied that the first
wife will become pregnant but will be affected by pregnancy disease and she will die.
[Meaning there will be miscarriage and she will die].

22. ஋ந்஡க் கரனத்஡ிமன ஡ரன் இ஬ளுக்கு ஥஧஠ம் வசரன்ணீர்

ப௃ந்஡ம஬ கூபொ வ஥ன்ண வ஥ர஫ிகு஬ரர் அத்஡ிரி ஡ரந௃ம்
இந்஡஬ரர் ஥ன்ண ந௃க்கு ஦ிபைதத்து ம஦ள௃ ஆண்டில்
஬ந்஡஬ள் ஥஧஠ ஥ரகி ஥பொ஥லண உடமண மசர்஬ள்.

22. Parvati asked, “First tell at what age of the native his wife will die? Tell me first.” Athri
Rishi started telling that when the native is of 27 years, his first wife will die13. The second
wife will join him immediately.

C.G.Rajan‟s comments-Death time of native‟s first wife:

Saturn Dasa Ketu Bhukti will be running for the native from his 26 years 4 months and
12 days till 27 years 5 months and 21 days. Ketu is in the 7th house and Saturn is in the
9th house. Hence it is stated that the wife will die in Saturn Dasa and Ketu Bhukti. 7 th
house indicates first wife and the 9th house the 2nd wife. In this connection refer to
Uttarakalamirtham 4th Adhyaya 38th Sloka.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

13 27th year as per BCP will be the 3 rd House of death. Now 3rd lord Mars and co lord Ketu both sit in the 7H of wife and

also a maraca house. Its dispositor has also gone in the 12H of Exit, hence giving us a further clue that something will
happen. Now 3rd from Moon Asc contains the 12H of exit and also it is the 3H of death and there 7L Jupiter (from Natal
Asc) is placed giving us further clue that something will happen to the wife. – SA Publisher.
Sloka of Uttarakalamirtham 4th Chapter 38th Sloka:

ु हाद्भायाां ततस्त्वष्टमाद ्
आदौ सप्तम भावतस्तनगृ
ु ऩत्येवां मृता् स्य्ु खऱै्।
ु ऩनरत्र
द्वैतीयां च तथा ऩन्
ऱग्नादष्टमग ै् शभु ैन ा त्रह तथा जीवस्य योगेऺणात ्

सौम्य ैजीव यतास्त दीयतनयान वृ् त्त ां गणाद्यां
ु ्
Meaning: All about the first wife should be devised from the 7 th Bhava from the Lagna; the 8th Bhava there
from will tell about the 2nd wife; similarly can be found out the death of successive wives – when malefics
occupy these Bhavas. If auspicious planets occupy the 8 th Bhava from the Lagna, death should not be
predicted. The association or aspect of Jupiter and other benefics will denote the number of wives living,
their respective children, their character and other qualities.

In the above sloka it is clearly mentioned that the 8 th house from the 7th house which will be the
2nd house indicate the 2nd wife. However learned Sri Rajan has taken the 9th house14 as indicator of 2nd wife
not only in this verse but also in verse 9 while giving reasons for 2 wives to the native‟s father. He has
given the reference to this point, the above sloka which differs from the point stated by him. Hence it is left
to the learned readers to arrive at the possible conclusion. One possible explanation is that the 9 th house
is the 3rd house of Longevity from the 7th house of wife. Placement of a malefic or association of malefics
with the 9th house may bring about the death of the first wife and also make the native marry another

Another possible explanation is that 9th house is the 3rd house to the 7th house indicating younger siblings
of the first wife. So in that way it can be concluded that the 9th house may be taken to indicate the second
wife as long as the person proposed to be married in the 2nd occasion is younger in age than that of the
demised spouse. If we are to rely upon this, then if the person to be proposed to be married for the 2nd
time is elderly to the demised spouse we can look into the 5 th house as this will be the 11th house of elder

Prasna Marga also lists various rules for determining more than one marriage from slokas 37 to 46 in
Chapter XX. There is no mention of involvement of the 9th house in any of the rules.

Here is the quote from Dr. B.V.Raman

Q. 111: From which house or planet do you predict a second marriage?

Ans: Venus & the 7th house indicate marriage. If you are sure that the first will either die or separate from
the husband, take the planets in the 7th or associated with Venus. The strongest will determine the second
wife. In a female horoscope, take Saturn in the place of Venus (Prasna Marga). Some authors want us to
read the 11th house & this may also be adopted.

23. ஡ர஧ம஥ ஦ி஧ண்டு வ஦ன்ந சங்லகல஦ச் வசரல்லு வ஥ன்ண

கூபொம஬ர ஥ி஧ண்மடர வணட்டில் குபைவும஥ தரர்த்஡ ஡ரமன
வீரி஦ன் ப௃ன் வசன்஥த்஡ில் ம஥஬ிற்பொ அந்஡த் ம஡ர஭ம்
஡ீ஧஥ரய்ச் வசரல்லு வ஥ன்ண வசப்பு஬ரர் ப௃ணி஬ர் ஡ரமண.

23. When the Rishi said that the native will have two wives, Goddess Parvati asked the
reason for the same. Rishi replied that Lord of the 2nd house Venus, placed in the 8th house
is aspected by Jupiter indicate that the native has committed certain acts of blemish in his

14Chandra Kala Nadi has given at times 9H and 11H for 2 nd wife, we can be wrong as writing from memory, hence
readers are requested to explore the work Chandra Kala Nadi in detail - SA
previous births15 and is the result of those actions. Parvati asked the Rishi to tell about
those blemishes and the Rishi started telling it.

ஜர஡கபைலட஦ ப௃ன் ஜன்஥ம்

24. ப௃ன்ண஬ ணி஬ணின் வசன்஥ம் வ஥ர஫ிகிமநரம் ஡஬லப பெத்஡ி஧ம்

஡ன்ணிமன மதப௉ர் ஡ன்ணில் ஡ரண஬ன் ஬ன்ணி஦ ஬ம்சம்
இன்ண஬ ந௃஡ித்஡ர வணன்மநரம் வ஦஫ில் வதபை ஥லண஦ர ளுண்டரய்
அன்ண஬ன் திடரரி ஥ரரி அ஬ர்கலபப் பூலச வசய்து.

Previous life of the native

24. We will tell about the previous birth of the native. The native in his previous birth
was born in a big town in the northern direction which is known as the place where the
frog by worship got mukthi or Moksha. We say that he was born in Vanniar
community. He lived with his wife and worshipped Pidari amman, Mari amman.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

Frog getting Moksha by worship:

Here is the Puranic story of frog getting Moksha by worshipping Lord Narayana or Vishnu:

Manduka Maharishi (manduka in Sanskrit means frog) had a powerful gift. He could stay under water
forever, without coming up for air. This gift of his ability was due to the blessings of Lord Vishnu whom he
prayed incessantly. And he put the skill to more use of the same kind. Daily, he would go into the river,
immerse himself in the cold flowing waters away from the eyes of the world, offering his prayers to the
Lord. This became a daily ritual and the hours of his stay under water kept increasing. It was on one such
occasion, when Manduka Rishi was deep under the waters that Durvasa Maharishi came along. Known for
his extremely sharp temper and equally sharp curses, he was received and treated with respect wherever
he went, to avoid the misfortune of his displeasure. Knowing through his Gnana Drishti that Manduka was
indeed under the water, he waited for him to come out. Manduka on the other hand was so immersed in
his prayers that he hardly acknowledged the presence of Durvasa and did not come out. The angry sage‟s
temper soon reached its critical point and boiled over. “Hey Manduka. When you remain under water for so
long, you are no longer fit to be a human being. May you turn into a frog.” He shouted and in a huff,
prepared to leave. Manduka Maharishi realizing the gravity of the situation, jumped out and fell at his feet,
begging for forgiveness. Durvasa, easily sated as heated, smiled and told him, “I am sorry, but a curse is a
curse. Only when Shriman Narayana chances to come upon you, will you regain your human form. Long live
your devotion.”

Manduka Maharishi, with his new amphibian body, swims across to the holy city of Madurai. There by the
banks of the sacred river Vaigai, he engages himself in constant prayer to Narayana. Vishnu, pleased with
his unflinching bhakthi, comes down from his hilly abode in Thirumaaliruncholai (Called now as Azhagar
Kovil, Vrishabhadri) and grants him freedom from the curse. The Rishi back to his human form, praises
and sings about the gracious Lord at Thirumaaliruncholai and decides to set his ashrama along with the
hundreds of sage already occupying the place besides the holy Silambar.

15Very difficult to give commentary on the logic of previous life sins presented by the Rishi, but readers are requested
to ponder on it for days. Also one would note that Venus is not influenced by 2 malefics, an oft repeated dictum for
curses on internet forums (internet parampara formula is a planet aspected by 2 malefics is a curse, this is their only
formula as of now and some other formulas can crop up after this write up, yet readers must note that the intention
behind us writing this is not to malign them but to note that understanding curses is an extremely tough job & one can’t
keep on improvising). Sun can be a malefic but Mercury is always with Sun and is also with Venus so ‘can’ behave as a
neutral and not a dire malefic rendering curses to Venus. – SA Publisher.
Vrishabhadri denotes dharma in the form of Yama Sharma Rajan, on whose request Lord Sundararajar
came into being at Azhagar Koil. Also this place itself is considered as Thiruparkadal from where Moon
emerged. Hence Kallazhakar stepping in to Vaigai River on Chitra Pournami day (The full Moon day in the
month of Chitra – falling between April 14th to May 14th), the birth day of Chitra Gupata is important.
Moreover the highlight of this celebration on this day is about re-enacting the Puranic episode of Manduka
Maharishi who is relieved of his curse and given moksham by the Lord here.

So the place mentioned in the verse is Azhakarkoil near Madurai or we can take it as Madurai itself as it is
here that the Rishi in the form of frog got Moksha.

Pidari Amman, Mariamma are all local village deities and is akin to Kali worshipped to ward off evil and

25. தம்பு சூணி஦ங்கள் சுற்பொம் தசரசுல஬ ஬ினக்கு ஬ரணரம்

இன்த஥ரய்க் க஫ிப்பு மதரக்கு இ஬ந௃ம஥ வசய்து ஬ந்தும்
஢ன்ல஥ கீர்த்஡ி வதற்பொ ஢ர஦கன் ஬ரள௃ ஢ரபில்
துன்ல஥஦ரய் ஬ந்஡ ஊல஫ வசரல்லும஬ன் மகளு ஥ம்஥ர.

25. (Native in his previous birth) He learnt the art of black magic vidya and was driving away
demons and evil spirits. Moreover he was practicing the art of freeing a person of evil
spirits or malignant influences. Thus when he was living with name and fame, we
will tell about the bad thing that came upon him due to past deeds. Oh! Parvati, listen.

26. அன்ணகர் ஥லநம஦ரன் புத்஡ிரி அ஬ள் மதரில் ம஥ரகம் வகரண்டு

உன்ண஡ ஬ரர்த்ல஡ கூந உல஧த்஡ற் கிலச஦ர பரகி
இன்ண஬ள் மதரிமன ஡ரன் ம஦஬ிணரன் கபைப்தன் ஡ன்லண
஥ன்ணி஦ அ஬ளுக்மக ஡ரன் ஬ரல஡கள் வ஥த்஡ உண்டரய்.

26. He fell in love with a Brahmin girl in that town; he started talking to her using
amorous words requesting her to accept him. When she did not accept his words, he
instigated a little goblin (a little spirit or elf that is mischievous or malicious towards
people) or simple spirit on account of which that girl was subjected to many sufferings
and troubles.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

Meaning of goblin: one of a class of preternatural beings, especially from mountainous regions, with
magical powers, given to capricious and often mischievous interference in human affairs, and usually
imagined to be a diminutive being in human form; sprite; fairy.

27. சர஡ங்கள் வ஬பொப் புண்டரகிச் சத்஡ிபெ ஥ரண்டர வணன்மநரம்

ஓ஡ிமணன் அந்஡த் ம஡ர஭ம் உல஧ந்஡து ஦஬ந௃க்மக ஡ரன்
ம஥஡ிணில் ஦ின்ண வ஥ரன்பொ ஬ிபம்பும஬ரம் ஥லண஦ரள் ஡ங்லக
மகர஡ினர க஦ ரி஫ந்஡ மகரல஡ல஦ப் மதரகம் துய்த்஡ரன்.
27. She hated food and because she did not eat anything she died of starvation. This blemish
reached the native in his previous birth. We say that one more blemish also came
upon the native. Native copulated with the younger sister of his wife who was a widow16.

28. அ஡ிணரமன கபைவு ஡ங்கி அ஡ற்கும஥ அ஬ிழ்஡஥ீ஦

஬ி஡ி஦ிணரல் ஥ரண்டர வணன்மநரம் ம஥஬ிற்பொ அந்஡த் ம஡ர஭ம்
ச஡ி஦ிணரல் ஦ி஧ண்டு ம஡ர஭ம் ஡ங்கிற்பொ அந்஡ி஦த்஡ில்
த஡ி஦ல஡ ஬ிட்டு ஢ீங்கி தன஬ி஡ ஡னங்கள் வசன்பொ;

28. On account of which she became pregnant. To avoid the pregnancy, the native (in the
previous birth) gave her medicine. But we say that she died due to her Karma. This blemish
also fell upon the native. These two blemishes affected the native in his previous birth
during his last days17. Hence he left his place of residence and visited many pilgrimage
places, (continued in next verse)

29. ஬பொல஥கள் ஥ிகம஬ வகரண்டு ஥஧஠ம஥ ஦ரகிம஦ ஡ரன்

தி஧஥ணரல் ஬ல஧஦ப் தட்டுப் திநந்஡஬ ணி஬மண வ஦ன்மநரம்
அலநகிமநர ஥ிச் வசன்஥஡த்஡ில் அந்஡ ம஡ரர் ம஡ர஭த்஡ரமன
உலநந்஡ிடு ஥லண஦ரள் வ஧ண்டு உத்஡஥ி மகட்டிடம஦.

29. and encountered many problems, troubles and became pauper and died. According to
the writings of Lord Brahma, the native is born in this birth. Hence, because of the two
blemishes of the previous birth, in this birth he will have two wives. Oh! Parvati, listen.

30. தர஬ங்கள் ஡ீ஧ ம஬ண்டி தகபை஬ரய்ச் சரந்஡ி ஒன்பொ

16 It is truly difficult to understand how the Rishis used to come up with the logic of ascertaining the previous lives sins
and all that follows next is only one’s theory and not Rishis logic, this must not be forgotten. Previous lives sins deserves
a larger commentary and one must understand that some take 5H as lagna of previous life, some take 9H and some
take 12H and some take 8H. Let us take for a moment, 5H as lagna of previous life as 5H denotes Purva Punya ( good
and bad deeds of previous life and not just good deeds as if often misunderstood ). Now from 5H, Saturn is placed in the
5H of mantra and tantra. Saturn, as per the Guaranteed Astrologer S K Mehta’s book signifies Mantra Tantra himself.
So combining both 5H and Saturn one can probably get a clue that the native was involved in that. As per BSP 2/ 3
rule earlier published Saturn shows ones pending karma and the sins committed, the sign and house shows the
probable event. Saturn is in the 9H of higher knowledge and in the sign of Taurus, Venus. Many also take Venus as the
karaka for ‘effects of mantras’ as Shukra is Guru of Rakshashas (Demons). Taurus is the natural 2nd house which signifies
food, the woman died of starvation, note this. One can note that 7H is first wife and 9H is the other and he used black
magic and mantras to bring her (the other) in control. The result of it (difficult to explain in words) was he visited
pilgrimages (9H) and he became pauper (Saturn). 9H also signifies the 2 nd wife and in this life he got 2 wives, as this
was in a fixed sign and planet involved was Saturn, hence the Rishi says that no remedy will work in this life. Normally
it has been observed by this writer that when a native uses mantras and tantra to control people or defeat the enemies,
the result of it is very bad and no remedies work. Indians have a lot of these mantras in form of stotras and even
unknowingly do it. Saturn involved or aspecting the 5H or 9H is very bad and can show ill usage of the shastras to gain
ones ends in this life or previous life, there is no 99 % in this is what one old man told us, scientifically speaking it is
difficult to test the old man’s rules. At the same time the Rishi says that the native copulated with the younger sister of
the wife who was a widow, now 3rd from 7H shows ones wife’s younger siblings and that would be 9H and Saturn
incidentally signifies widows, thus you can see that Saturn is placed in the 9H, this is probably the logic of the Rishi. –
SA Publisher.
17 Last days of one’s life is signified by Saturn as per many. – SA
ஆ஬னர ம஦து வசய்஡ரலும் அம்஥லண ஦ி஧ண்மட ஦ரகும்
஡ர஬ி஦ ஥ி஧ண்டர ஥ரது சந்஡஡ி வசரல்ம஬ன் மகபரய்
மச஬னங் வகரடிம஦ரன் ஡ன்லணச் மச஦ணரய் ஬பர்த்஡ ஡ரம஦.

30. Parvati asked the Rishi to tell the remedy to get removed from these blemishes. Rishi said
that whatever remedies the native does, the blemishes will not get absolved 18 and he has to have
two wives. We will tell about the children that will be born to the second wife. The
Rishi addresses Parvati as „Begetter of Muruga as your son who has the flag with cock as
symbol, Parvati!‟ listen.

ஜர஡கபைக்குச் சந்஡஡ிகள் (புத்஡ி஧ தர஬ம்)

஡ர஦ரர் கு஠ர஡ிச஦ங்கள்

31. தரனக ணரண்தரல் வ஧ண்டு தரிவுப கன்ணி ப௄ன்பொ

ஞரனம஥ல் ஬ிபைத்஡ி வ஦ன்மநரம் ஢஬ிலும஬ரம் ஡ரய் கு஠த்ல஡க்
மகரன஥ரய் சி஬ந்஡ ம஥ணி குத்஡ி஧ம் மதசர பரகும்
சீனப௃ ப௃லட஦ர பரகும் சிந்ல஡பெம் வ஬குபி ஦ரம஥.

Native‟s children (Putra Bhava)

Mother‟s characteristics

31. We say the native will have (from his second wife) two male and three female child
who will have long life. Henceforth we will tell about the characteristics of the
native‟s mother. Mother will have a reddish complexion. She will not speak
deceitfully or sarcastically. She will have good manners and morality. She will have
an open hearted mind (a simpleton).

32. குடும் தத்ல஡ ஆ஡ரிப்தள் குன஬ிடும் தித்஡ ஬ரபெ

அடவுடன் வதரபொல஥ பெண்டு அன்புள்ப ஥ணத்஡ பரகும்
஬ிடம்மதரமன ஢ிந்ல஡ பெண்டு ம஥஡ிணில் ஥ரதுர் வ஧ண்டு
஡ிட஥ரண குடும்தி ஦ர஬ள் ஡ிபைத்஡஥ரய் ஬ரர்த்ல஡ வசரல்஬ரள்.

32. Native‟s mother will protect the family. She will suffer from flatulency caused by
Pitta. She will be a patient woman. She has a trustful mind. She will be reproached
like poison. She will have two mothers. She will be a housewife. She will pronounce
words correctly and distinctly.

Comments from C.G.Rajan:

Two mothers for native’s mother:

18This statement is very important to understand karma and to dispense with the normally accepted norm that Fixed
Signs Karma cannot be erased, see previous verses of the Rishi where he has taken Venus in Aries aspected by Jupiter
as the seed of the Curse and also to understand how remedies work or do not work. – SA Publisher.
The fourth house of Sagittarius is the house of mother for the native. For Sagittarius
Lagna Pisces is the 4th house of mother (Mathru Sthana). The presence of Mars and Ketu
in this house is bad. Further lord of Pisces, Jupiter is hidden in the 6th house from
Pisces. Hence native‟s mother has got the blemish from her mother. Hence, the native‟s
mother has got the combination of two mothers.

33. அ஬ளுட துல஠஬ர் ஡ன்லண அலநகிமநர ஥ரண் தரவனரன்பொ

஢஬ணி஦ில் கன்ணி கரமபரம் ஢ர஦கன் ஡ணக்குப் புத்஡ி஧ர்
த஬ப௃ப ப௃ன்ந௄ழ் ஡ன்ணரல் தபைகரது ஦ி஬ந௃க்மக ஡ரன்
஡஬சிம஦ ஦ி஧ண்டிமன ஡ரன் சரற்பொம஬ர ஥ர஥ன் மச஡ி.

33. We will tell about the siblings of the native‟s mother. She will have one brother. We do
not see any sisters for her. Because of the bad deeds in the previous birth, this brother of
her will not have any issues. Oh! Ascetic! (Rishi addresses Parvati). We will tell about the
native‟s uncle in the second part.

Comments by C.G.Rajan:
Native’s uncle has no issues:

The 5th house of Capricorn is the house indicating the maternal uncle of the native. Taking
Capricorn as Lagna, the 5th house of children Taurus is occupied by Saturn. This
created the Putra Dosha (Childlessness). Lord of Taurus, Venus is combust with Sun and
also conjoined with mercury in Aries. This will also create Putra dosha. In the 8th house
to Capricorn Lagna Jupiter is hidden19 which will also be a factor for childlessness. Hence
the uncle of the native has the maximum blemishes leading to childlessness.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

ccording to classics the 6th Bhava known as Ari Bhava indicates maternal uncle being the 3rd house
of siblings from the 4th house of mother. How C.G.Rajan has taken the 5th house as indicative of
maternal uncle is not understandable with the little knowledge I have of Jyotish. It is quite possible
to have the logic that 9th house indicates father and the 7th from the 9th which is the 3rd house indicates
father’s wife and the 3rd from the 3rd house is indicative of her siblings. It is left to readers to decide.

ஜர஡கரின் ஡ர஦ரபைலட஦ ப௃ன் ஜன்஥ம்

34. அன்லண஦ின் ப௃ன் வசன் ஥த்ல஡ அலநகுமநரம் வ஡ரண்லட ஢ரட்டில்

தண்஠ி஦ மதப௉ர் ஡ன்ணில் தரல஬பெம் வகபரி ஬ம்சம்
இன்ண஬ ளு஡ித்஡ர வபன்மநரம் இ஬ளுக்கு ஥஡லன பெண்டரய்
஡ன்ணிமன குடும்தி ஦ரகித் ஡ன்஬஧ன் வசட்டு வசய்து;

Previous life of native‟s mother

34. We will now tell about the previous birth of the native’s mother. We say that she was
born in „Thondai Naadu’1 (a specific region in Tamil Nadu, India) in a big village in Gauri

19 Note this - SA
community. She got children and she lived a house wife. Her husband was doing

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

1„Thondai Naadu‟ – This is a Tamil word. Naadu in Tamil means a country or state (Just as Tamil Naadu
meaning the state of Tamils). The area comprising the Thondai Naadu in olden days were in the North
Eastern part of Tamilnadu comprising the present districts of Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Vellore,
Chingalpat, Tiruvannamalai, Villupuram, Cuddalore, Pondicherry and Chennai.

Gauri community stated here is a division of Okkiliyan, named after Gauri, Siva‟s concert. Okkiliyan is the
Tamil synonym for Vakkaliga, the large caste of Canarese cultivators and the name is derived from
Okkalu, meaning cultivation or agriculture. In the Madras Census Report, 1901, the Vakkaligas or
Okkiliyans are described as “Canarese cultivators, who originally belonged to Mysore and are found mainly
in Madura and Coimbatore of Tamil Nadu. The caste is split up into several sub-divisions, and one such sub-
division is Gauri, Siva’s concert.”

35. தனபைக்கும் ஢ல்மனர ணரகிப் தஞ்லச ம஥பௌ஧க்க ப௃ண்டரய்

குன஬ி஦ ஥ரபௌன் தத்஡ி வகரண்டும஥ ஬பொல஥ ஦ின்நி
஢ினல஥஦ரய் ஬ரழ்ந்து தின்பு ஢ி஥பௌபெம் மத஡ி ஦ரமன
உனகிணில் ஥஧஠஥ரகி உலநந்஡ண சி஬மண வ஦ன்மநரம்.

35. She was good to many people and was compassionate towards poor people. She was
worshipping Lord Vishnu. She had not seen poverty and lived comfortably and died
because of dysentery and we say that she was born as in this birth.

஡ர஦ரபைலட஦ தின் ஜன்஥ம்

36. இச்வசன்஥ம் ஡ன்ணிமன ஡ரன் இ஬ளும஥ ஡ரித்஡ி஧ ஥ில்னரள்

உச்சி஡ ஥பொ வசன்஥த்ல஡ உல஧க்கிமநரம் கரஞ்சி ம஥ல்தரல்
அச்சு஡ன் ஡னத்஡ிமன ஡ரன் அ஬ளும஥ திர்஥ ஬ம்சம்
஥ிச்ச஥ர பெ஡ிப்தர வபன்மநரம் ம஬஠து சுகப௃ ப௃ள்பரய்.

Next life of native‟s mother

36. Native‟s mother in this birth will not experience poverty. We will tell about her next
birth. She will be born in a place of Vishnu (meaning that there will be a temple for Vishnu
in that place) situated to the west of Kancheepuram (in Tamil Nadu, India) in Brahmin
community and will be enjoying all comforts… (continued in next verse)

ஜர஡கபைலட஦ ஡கப்தணரரின் ப௃ன் ஜன்஥ம்

37. ஬பைகு஬ர ணி஬மண வ஦ன்மநரம் ஬ல஧கிமநரம் ஡ந்ல஡ வசன்஥ம்
உல஧குமநரம் ஬ள்ளூர் ஡ன்ணில் உ஦ர்குன ஥லநம஦ரன் ஬ம்சம்
வதபைல஥஦ரய் உ஡ித்து ம஥லும் பூ஥ிபெ ஥஡ிக ப௃ண்டரய்
஡ிபை஥கள் ஬ினரசம் பூண்டு வசல்஬ிபெ ஥஡லன பெண்டரய்;

Previous life of the Native‟s Father

37. (Continued from previous verse).. We say that she will live. Now we will tell about
the native’s father’s previous birth. He will be born in a place called Vallur (Now called
as Thiruvallur also in Tamilnadu) in the high caste of Brahmin in a dignified family.
Having got vast land holdings, blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, wife and children…
(continued in next verse)

38. அன்ணி஦ தரல஭ கற்பொ அ஧ச஧ரல் வதபைல஥ பூண்டு

஥ன்ணி஦ அ஡ிகர ஧ங்கள் ல஥ந்஡ந௃ங் வகரண்டு ஬ந்து
உன்ணி஡ வதரபைளும் மசர்த்து உத்஡஥ன் கீர்த்஡ி ஦ரகி
஡ன்ணிமன ஬ரழ்ந்து தின்பு சண்டன் ஡ன்த஡ிக்குச் வசன்நரன்.

38. (Continued from previous verse).. learning foreign languages (probably English),
executing with authority duties vested on him on account of his profession,
accumulating enormous wealth, living with name and fame, died and went to Yama
Loka. (It is the abode of Lord Yama, the God of Justice)

39. கஞ்சணரல் ஬ல஧஦ப் தட்டுக் கரலபபெ ஥ிச்வசன் ஥த்஡ில்

஥ிஞ்சிம஦ உ஡ித்஡ர வணன்மநரம் ஬ித்஡கி மகழ்க்க லுற்நரள்
஡ஞ்ச஥ரய் ப௃ன் வசன்஥த்஡ில் சரர்ந்஡ணன் தி஧஥ ஬ம்சம்
஬ஞ்சலண ஦ரக ஦ிங்கு ஬ந்஡ கர஧஠ங் கவபன்ண.

39. Native‟s father because of the writings of Brahma (general belief in India that the results
arising out of one’s previous karma are decided and written on the forehead of a person when
he/she takes the next birth meaning that it is already decided and recorded.) born as father of
the native in this birth. At this point Parvati asked the reason for the birth of the native in
this lower caste while he was born in a higher caste of Brahmin in his previous birth20.

ஜர஡கபைலட஦ ஡ப்தணரரின் தின் ஜன்஥ம்

40. ஥லநகலப ஬ிபைம்தரணரகி ஥ரணினம் வதரபைள் ம஥ல் இச்லச

உலநந்஡ ஡ரல் இச் வசன்஥த்஡ில் உ஡ித்஡ணன் கங்லக ஬ம்சம்
஡ிநல஥஦ரய்ப் தின் வசன்஥த்ல஡ச் வசப்பும஬ரம் மசது ஡ன்ணில்
஢ிலநந்஡ிடு ல஬சி஦ மச஦ரய் ஢ி஥லு ப௃஡ிப்தர வணன்மநரம்.

Next life of native‟s father

20 All nadis contain this sentence, especially when they are dealing with the caste one had in this life and previous or
next life. The reason we are writing this is since many of us who are born in upper or lower castes or different religions in
India, land up spending many precious years of our lives hating the other caste or religion without realizing that we
were of a lower or upper caste or of a different religion in a previous life. Inspite of the Energy release of the 11:11
Magnetic Grid Change, this hatred filled racism continues in India and especially in Jyotish or internet forums, and
thereby creates a lot of bad karma by astrologers. The ones who do not oppose this racism also land up creating much
bigger bad karma. One would easily notice that no astrologer in India that you go to consult ever removes this cobweb
of hate and racism from the minds of the clients. Astrology in the last several centuries has lost its spirituality is what
most genuine followers of Jyotish have concluded inspite of so many great astrologers coming and going. – SA
40. Native‟s father did not like the Vedas (in his previous birth) but was more fond of land
and money. Hence he was born in this birth in Ganga community. We will with our ability
tell about his next birth. He will be born in Vaisya community in a place called Sethu.
(Presently known as Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu)

41. வசட்டுக ப஡ிகஞ் வசய்து ம஡஬ிபெம் ஥஡லன பெண்டரய்

஥ட்டில்னரக் கீர்த்஡ி வதற்பொ ஬பைம஬ரர்க்கு ஥ன்ண ஥ீந்து
துட்ட஥ரங் கு஠ங்க பின்நிச் சுந்஡ி஧ன் ஬ரழ்஬ர ணரகும்
கட்ட஥ரய்த் ஡஬ங்கள் வசய்பெங் கர஡பௌ மகட் டிடரம஦.

41. Native‟s father doing business in large scale, had wife and children, got countless
fame, offered food to those who came to him, lived without any bad virtues. Oh! Parvati,
Doer of penance, listen.

ஜர஡கபைலட஦ ம஦ரகதர஬ம்

42. சர஡கன் ம஦ரகச் வசய்லக சரற்பொம஬ரம் கிரி஭ி பெள்பரன்

ம஥஡ிணில் புகள௃ ப௃ள்பரன் ம஬ண்டி஦ த஠ிகள் மசர்ப்தன்
஥ர஡ ஬ர்க்கன்த ணரகும் ஥ரபௌன்ம஥ல் தக்஡ி வகரள்஬ன்
சூ஡ினரன் ஡ிபைப்த஠ிபெஞ் வசய்஬ன் சுத்஡஢ன் ஥ண த்஡ரவணன்மநரம்.

Yogas (Fortunes) of the Native

42. We will tell about the applicable yogas (fortunes) of the native. He will be doing
agriculture. He will be famous in the earth. He will accumulate many jewels. He will
be dear to the ascetics. He will have devotion towards Lord Vishnu. He is not a deceitful
person. He will undertake renovations of temple . He has a good and pure mind.

43. சல்பௌ஦ ஥ில்னர ணரகும் சகனபை வ஥ச்ச ஬ரழ்஬ன்

இல்லன வ஦ன் பொல஧க்க ஥ரட்டரன் வ஦஡ிரில஦ ஢சிக்கச் வசய்஬ன்
வசரல்லும஥ வ஢நி பெள்மபரணரம் சுகப௃பரன் பூ஥ி பெள்பரன்
இல்னநம் ஢ீங்கர ணரகும் ஈலகபெ ப௃லட஦ வணன்மநரம்.

43. We say that the Native will never get into indebtedness. He will be living appreciated
and applauded by all; will never say no to those who are in need; will destroy his
opponents; He will follow the applicable rules; will have comforts; will have landed
properties; will not run away from domestic virtues; will be a charitable person.

44. திலநமதரன வசல்஬ ப௃ண்டு பூ஥ி஦ரல் வசட்டு வசய்஬ன்

Saturn denotes old and worn out things, it is sitting in the 9H of Gods and Temples. Saturn especially retrograde in
the 9H or aspecting the 9H, the remedy for the native is to reconstruct old temples or bring out ancient knowledge or
take care of old people and so on. If it is retrograde one has to be careful of the test that will be given in this life on the
situation, if one does not resort to truth or ahimsa, one will fail and carry on the karma to the next life inspite of all the
hard work (Saturn). Someone said to us that all combinations of Moksha in the chart disappear, if one whose 9H or lord
is aspected by Saturn and one does not total truth in his actions. – SA Publisher.
஡ல஧ ஥ிகத் ம஡ட ஬ல்னன் ஡ங்கிடு ஥டில஥ ஦ரள்கள்
குலந஦ினர ஬ரழ்஬ர ணரகும் கூநிண வ஥ர஫ி குன்நரது
அநந்஡லண ஬பர்க்கும் ஥ரம஡ அம்திலக ஦ரமப மகபரய்.

44. Native‟s wealth will be increasing like the waxing Moon. He will be doing business in
this land. He is capable of adding more and more lands to his wealth. He will always
have laborers. He will be living without any shortcomings. Whatever results we have
stated will not go wrong, Oh! Goddess Parvati – the embodiment of dharma and the one
who helps in maintaining and increasing the Dharma, listen.

஡ரய் ஡ந்ல஡஦ர்கபின் ஥஧஠ கரனம்

45. ஡ந்ல஡஦ின் ஥஧஠ கரனம் சரற்பொம஬ரம் ப௃ப்தரன் வ஧ண்டில்

தந்஡஥ரய்த் ம஡பின் ஥ர஡ம் தகபைம஬ரம் வகண்ட ப௃ண்டு
திந்஡ி஦ ஥ரதுபைக்கும் மதசும஬ர ஥஡ின் ம஥ வனட்டும்
சந்஡஡ம் கும்த ஥ர஡ம் சரற்பொம஬ர ஥ர஧ கங்கள்

Period of death of father and mother

45. We will tell now about the time of death of father. When the native is of 32 years, in
the month of Scorpio (Kartikai month in Tamil) his father will die. Eight years after
that, in the month of Aquarius (Masi month in Tamil), native’s mother will die.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

Month of death – Father‟s death is stated to be in the month of Scorpio. In Sanskrit it is called as
Vrushchika and the equivalent English month as per Souramana is from around 15 th of November to 14th
of December (The beginning and ending dates may vary according as the entry of Sun into Scorpio). In
Tamil this month is called as Karthigai. Aquarius month in Souramana is from around 14th of February to
14th of March (depending on the movement of Sun into Aquarius).

Comments of C.G.Rajan

Period of death of father:

At the age of 32, in the month of Krittika the native will be running Saturn Mahadasa,
Sun Antardasa. This Saturn is placed in the 9th house of father in Taurus. Hence he has
got the authority to kill his father. Pitru Lagna (Lagna indicating father) is the 9th house
of Taurus. Lord of 8th house from Taurus is Jupiter and he is in Leo whose Lord is Sun.
Out of the two planets Venus and Lagna Lord Mercury who are conjoined with Sun,
Venus (in Aswini 2nd pada) is the planet nearer to Sun (in Aswini 3rd pada) compared to
Mercury (in Bharani 2nd pada). [Here there seems to be some error as it is mentioned
Venus as Lagna Lord]. Hence according to Thuyya Keralam, 8th Bhava, slokas twelve and
twenty, Sun has got the maraka powers. Also refer to Jataka Parijatha 14th Chapter, 60th
sloka later part. Hence in Saturn Dasa, Sun Antardasa there is a possibility of death to
the father of the native. In the matter of Sun, also refer to the ‘Jothisha 300’ , 95th
verse of Pulippani Rishi.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

Thuyya Keralam is not known to the undersigned. This may not be Deva Keralam as it is not according to
Bhava as stated by C.G.Rajan.

Jataka Parijatham – 14th Adhyaya – Sloka 60 - Full Sloka:

नोचेदष्टमखेचरो यत्रद तनप्रु ाप्तेन सांत्रचियेत ्

ु मृत्रत्।
मन्दे ऱग्नगतेऽथवाऽष्टमगते तत्पाकभिौ
ु ग्रहो दुबाऱो
रन्ध्रेशोदयनायकौ सखचरौ यि

यस्तस्य द्यचरस्य ऩाकसमये भिौ ्
ु च मृत्य ां ु वदेत॥६०॥

C.G.Rajan refers to the later part of the sloka which states that if the lords of the 1st and the 8th bhavas be
in conjunction with other planets, then find out which of the associated planet is weak; and it is during the
dasa and Bhukti of this weak planet the probable death of the person concerned will happen.

In this chart for the Pithru Lagna (fathers asc) Taurus, Lagna Lord Venus is aspected by 8th lord Jupiter
and Venus is conjoined by Mercury as well as Sun. Since Sun is very near to Venus (a difference of one
pada only) as seen above, Bhukti of Sun gets the maraka powers.

Pulippani Jothidam – Verse 95:

Planets on either side of 9th house

ஆச்சப்தர தத்வ஡ட்டில் மகரள்கள் ஢ிற்க

அப்தமண அ஬஧஬ர்கள் வதரசிப்பு ஢ரபில்
கூநப்தர கு஫஬ிபெட திதுல஧த் ம஡டி
வகரற்ந஬மண கண்டந௃ம் ஬பை஬ரன் கூபொ
ப௄ச்சப்தர ம஥஡ிணி஦ில் வசம்வதரன் ம஡டி
ப௃க஥ிந௃க்கி ஥ர஡பைடன் கூடி ஬ரழ்஬ரன்
஋ச்சப்தர மதரகபைட கடரக்ஷத்஡ரமன
இட஥நிந்து ஢ிலன கூர்ந்து இ஦ம்பு஬ரம஦.

Meaning: If there are planets on either side of 9th house i.e. planets in 8th house and 10th house, the father
will die during the dasa of such planets. The native will earn much wealth and live happy with a fair
looking wife.

Hence we find that there is no mention of the planet Sun in the verse 95 as stated by C.G.Rajan.
Unfortunately I do not have in my possession the version of Pulippani Jothidam written by C.G.Rajan.
Because, there are different versions of Pulippani Jothidam – though the slokas are almost the same in all
the versions – the order in which they are presented by each one differs. Hence it is quite possible that the
Verse 95 referred to by C.G.Rajan which is supposed to say about Sun might differ from the other
versions. So for the benefit of the readers, I am giving below another verse of Pulippani Jothidam wherein
the placement of Sun is mentioned:

22 One may note that the legendary Late C. G. Rajan also referred to Pullipani Jothidam 300, many decades back and
yet it is not available in English, it shows communities contribution to world Jyotish community. – SA
Sloka 41:
கூமந ஢ீ ஈ஧ரபொம் வ஧ண்டு வ஧ண்டு
வகரற்ந஬மண தரக்கி஦ப௃ம் ஌ம஫ரடஞ்சில்
ஆ஧ர ஢ீ ஆ஡ித்஡ணிபைந்஡ர஧ரணரல்
அப்தமண அங்கத்஡ில் கரந்஡லுண்டு
சீம஧஢ீ வசரற்தணப௃ம் சி஧ங்கு கண்ம஠ரய்
சி஬ சி஬ர சிந்஡ித்஡வ஡ல்னரம் ஥ரகும்
கூமந ஢ீ மதரகபைட கடரக்ஷத்஡ரமன
வகரலன஦ிணர் தலகபெ஥து஬பைகுஞ் வசரல்மன.
Meaning: If Sun occupies 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 or 12, the native will suffer from over heat in the body, boils and eye
trouble. He will be haunted by bad dreams. He may incur the wrath and therefore the enmity of hired

Comments by C.G.Rajan:
About the death of mother of the native:

t the time death of the mother of the native, he will be of (32 + 8) 40 years of age.
[8 is added because it is stated that mother will die 8 years after the death of the
father]. In the Aquarius month at this age when the native‟s mother dies, he will
be running Mercury Mahadasa, Mercury Antardasa. The Lagna for mother (Matru Lagna)
is the 4th house of Sagittarius. For this Lagna, the 7th lord mercury becomes maraka.
Hence Mercury is capable of bringing the death of the mother. Refer to Jataka
Chandrika-Ayur daya Prakirna-22nd Verse.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

Jataka Chandrika – Otherwise known as Laghu Parashari

C.G.Rajan has stated that the Verse number is 22. Might be in a different version. The version which I
have, the Ayurdaya Adhyaya starts from sloka 23. In some versions it is given as No. 21. Irrespective of
the number, I quote below the said sloka:

अष्टमां ह्यायषु ् स्थानमष्टमादष्टमां च यत।्

तयोरत्रऩ व्ययस्थानां मारकस्थानम्य्च्यते॥

The 8th house from Janma Lagna and the 8th house from the 8th house that is the 3rd house are the houses
of longevity. The vyaya houses or house of loss which is the 12 th house from these two houses are 7th
house and 2nd house and are known as Maraka houses.

Principle of BCP:
a. Death of father:

32nd year represented by the 8th house as per BCP rule. 8th house is the 12th house of exit of father (9th
house). 8th house has the conjunction of Sun (karaka for father), Venus (lord of 9th house of father and
Mercury (lord of 2nd house of maraka of father viz. Gemini). Looking at another angle, from the dasa lord
Saturn, the 8th house represents the age 32. 8th Lord Jupiter (from 9H of father) is the lord of the 4th house
and as such is indicative of danger to father as per Nadi Granthas. [4th lord indicates father‟s death and
5th lord indicates mother‟s death as per some Nadi Granthas]. The dispositor of Jupiter, Sun is placed in
the 12th house of Exit to Dasa Lord Saturn. This explains the 32nd year exit for father.

b. Death of mother:
40th year represents the 4th house of mother. So something concerning mother is bound to happen in the
40th year. Sagittarius is the 7th house of maraka from karaka for mother Moon placed in Gemini. The lord
Jupiter is placed in the 3rd house of longevity of mother from Moon. Moon also happens to be the 8 th lord
of longevity of mother (from 4th house). The dispositor of lord of this 4th house Sun is placed with the 7th
lord of maraka Mercury (Lord of Gemini) and is also aspected by Jupiter. Looking from the dasa lord -
Mercury the 4th house representing 40th year is Cancer whose lord becomes karaka of mother and is
placed in the 12th house of exit of mother. Cancer receives the aspect of Saturn who becomes the 8 th lord
of longevity from karaka Moon.

BSP Rule 11:

a. Death of father:

Jupiter 5th aspect rule in 32nd year.

1. Jupiter will implement its 5th aspect in the 5th house from the place it is located in the 32nd year of
a native‟s life.
2. At times it has been observed that this 32 nd year implementation also can happen in the same

Jupiter is placed in Leo dispositing Sun (Karaka) to the 12th house of exit of father (9th house). Now
Jupiter‟s 5th aspect is on Sagittarius which happens to be the 8 th house of longevity of father (9th house)
and also the 4th house from Lagna of the native (indicating death of father as per Nadi rule above). So by
the placement as well as its 5th aspect Jupiter implements in the 32nd year of the native indicating death
like situation of father.

b. Death of mother:

Rule No: 35: Saturn’s 3rd aspect implements in the 40th year.

Saturn‟s 3rd aspect is in the 11th house. – 8th house of longevity from 4th house of mother

Rule No: 10: On the 4oth year of the native Jupiter influences the house it is located as well as
influences the 9th house from its placement by its 9th aspect:

Jupiter is placed in the 3rd house of longevity from the karaka for mother, Moon. Its dispositor has
joined the 7th lord of maraka of mother viz. Mercury and influences it. Jupiter also aspects the said

ஜர஡கபைலட஦ ஥஧஠ கரனம்

46. இன்ண஬ன் ஥஧஠ கரனம் இ஦ம்பும஬ரம் அபொதரன் ப௄ன்நில்

உன்ணி஡ ஥க஧ ஥ர஡ம் உ஦ர் தக்கம் து஬ர஡சி
கன்ணபௌன் சூலன஦ரமன கர஡னன் ஥஧஠ ஥ர஬ன்
தின்஬பைம் வசன்஥ம் ஡ன்லணப் மதசும஬ரம் இ஬ந௃க்மக ஡ரன்.

46. We will tell about the time of death of the native. When the native is of 63 years of
age, in the month of Capricorn (Makara – Thai in Tamil) [Period will be 14th January to
14th February depending upon the entry of Sun into Capricorn], in sukla paksha, dwadashi
tithi (twelfth day of waxing Moon) native will die on account of arthritic diseases like
gout. Henceforth we will tell about his next birth.

Notes by C.G.Rajan:

Time of death of the native:

When the native is running his 63rd year, in the month of Makara (Capricorn) Ketu
Mahadasa, Mercury Antardasa will be running. Ketu is placed in the 7th house along
with the 8th lord Mars. Hence, according to Thuyya Keralam 8th Bhava, verses 12 and 2o
and also as per Jataka Chandrika, ayurdaya prakirnam-22nd sloka, Ketu gets maraka
powers. Since Mercury is in the 8th house, in his Antardasa, he gets the power of
maraka. Hence it is stated that the native will die in Ketu Dasa, Mercury Antardasa.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

Thuyya Keralam – 8th Bhava – Verses 12 and 20 – Not in my possession.

Jataka Chandrika – Ayurdaya Prakirnam – Sloka 22 – Given above

Principle of BCP:

63rd year represents the 3rd house of longevity. 3rd Lord Mars also becomes 8th lord of longevity and is
placed in the 7th house of maraka and is conjoined with the co-lord of the 3rd house. Ketu the Dispositor of
both these planets, Jupiter goes to the 12th house of exit.
If we consider the dasa lord Ketu, 63rd year represented by the 3rd house is occupied by Saturn who is the
12th lord to the dasa lord. Lord of this 3rd house Venus is placed with Mercury who happens to be the 7 th
lord from dasa lord Ketu.

ஜர஡கபைலட஦ தின் ஜன்஥ம்

47. ஡ரண஬ன் கரஞ்சி ஡ன்ணில் சதுர்஥லந குனத்஡ிமன ஡ரன்

஥ரண஥ரய் உ஡ிப்தர ணரகும் ஬஧சணரல் சீ஬ிப்தர ணரம்
ம஡ன்வ஥ர஫ி ஥லண஬ி பெண்டரய் மச஦ர்கள் ஬ிபைத்஡ி ஦ரகி
ஈண ஥ில்னர஥ல் ஬ரழ்஬ன் ப௅ஸ்஬ரி மகட் டிடரம஦.

47. In the next birth native will take birth in Kancheepuram in a Brahmin community. He
will live with the assistance of the King (we can say that he will be employed in the
King‟s office or in the Government service). He will be bestowed with sweet tongued
wife and also children and will be living without any shortfall. Oh! Parvati! Listen.

48. அ஬ந௃ட குடும்தச் மச஡ி அலநகுவீர் ப௃ணிம஦ வ஦ன்நரள்

஢஬ணி஦ில் ப௅வநரன் தரன்ம஥ல் ஢ர஦கன் குடும்தம் ம஬நரம்
த஬ப௃ப ஥ண வ஬பொப்தரல் தரகங்கள் திரிபெ வ஥ன்மநரம்
க஬ண஥ரய் ஦ி஧ண்டிமன ஡ரன் க஫பொம஬ரம் ஬ித஧ ஥ரக.

48. Parvati asked the Rishi to tell about his family. Rishi started telling that the native‟s (in
his next birth) family will disintegrate after the age 18 . Because of misunderstandings
there will be a partition and we will tell in detail about that in the 2 nd part.

49. உ஡ித்஡ிடு கரனம் ஡ன்ணில் உ஦ர் ஧ரகு ஡ிலச இபைப்பும்

஥஡ித்஡ிட ஆண்டு ணரன்கு ஬பைந்஡ிங்க வபட்ட஡ரகும்
ச஡ி஦ினர தனலணச் வசரல்ம஬ன் சர஡கன் ஡ணக்கு ம஢ர஦ரம்

23 Note family and age 18 for next birth as given by Rishi. Now take 9H as Asc for next birth. Use BCP on
this Asc and
the18th year would be the 6thhouse, which means 2H from 9H of Asc of ‘Next Birth’, now see the 2H is family, 2L is
Ven and it is in the 8H of partition with Mars Ketu combo in the 12th from it, hence in the 18th year some event of
partition can happen. - SA
த஡ி஦ிணில் சுதப௃ ப௃ண்டு தரனகர் ஬ிபைத்஡ி வ஦ன்மநரம்.

49. At the time of birth of the native (Rishi comes back to the present life of the native)
balance of Rahu dasa was four years and eight months. We will tell the results
applicable to this period. Native will get disease. Auspicious event will happen in the
family. Children will be born in the family and will grow. Native will also grow.

50. பூ஥ிபெம் வகரஞ்சம் மசபைம் புகலும஬ரம் தந்து சூ஡ம்

஡ீல஥பெம் அணு கிடரது சினசின ஡ரணி஦ ப௃ண்டு
ம஢஥ி஦ில் சுகப௃ ப௃ண்டு ஢ிலணத்஡து ப௃டிபெ வ஥ன்மநரம்
கர஥லண வ஦ரித்ம஡ரன் ம஡஬ி க஫பொம஬ரம் ஬ித஧ம் வ஧ண்டில்.

50. Family of the native will come into possession of some lands. Some relatives will die.
There will be no evil happenings. Grains will also come in small quantity. His family
will also get comforts. Whatever was thought of will happen. Oh! Husband of the
person who burnt Kaman (Manmatha)! Parvati! We will tell in detail in the second

51. குபை஡லச கரனம் ஡ன்ணில் குனத்துமபரர் வ஥ச்ச ஬ரழ்஬ன்

஡ிபை஥லண கிபைகம் வசய்஬ன் வசய்஢ினம் மசர்ப்தர ணரகும்
வதபைல஥஦ரய்த் துல஠஬ர் ஬ிபைத்஡ி புக்கிடும் ஥ணக் கபிப்பு
஢ில஧஦ம஬ ஡ரணி஦ம் மசபைம் ஢ிகழ்த்தும஬ர ஬ித஧ம் வ஧ண்டில்.

51. When Jupiter dasa is running, the native will live with fame applauded by his
relatives. He will construct a beautiful house. He will accumulate cultivable lands.
Co-born will be born and they will grow. He will be happy. Grains will in abundant
quantity (Agriculture will prosper and yield will be maximum). More results we will say in
the second part.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

upiter is placed in the 12th house of Loss. He is lord of 4th house of property and 7th house of spouse
and relationship. Note the aspect of Jupiter on the 4 th house its own house. Jupiter is not aspected
by any other planet. Hence the aspect of Jupiter on the 4 th house becomes highly conducive to the
affairs denoted by that house. Hence the native could get property, land etc. which are all indicated by the
4th house. Its dispositor Sun who is the chief among planets in power and status gets exalted and is also
aspected by Jupiter. No wonder, the native was held in high esteem by his relatives and was given a high

From Chandra Lagna the 4th Lord Mercury is placed in the 11th house of gains. Venus the 5th lord also
conjoins him. Jupiter aspects this combination all these lead to the results stated by the Rishi.

General points observed in this chart:

1. This chart has got the much extolled Raja Yoga or Dharma Karmadhipathi Yoga. The 9th lord Venus and
the 10th lord Mercury are conjoined in the 8th house and aspected by the Kendra lord Jupiter. Effects of
such combination are well known to all the readers which are clearly stated in the verses.

2. I would like to mention here one more verse of Pulippani stated in his classic ‘Pulippani Jothidam 300’

Sloka 157
பூட்டுகிமநன் இன்ணவ஥ரபை புதுல஥ மகளு
புகழ் வதரி஦ ஈவ஧ண்டுக் குலடம஦ரன் ஢ின்ந
ஆட்டுகிமநன் அப்த஡ிக்கு தத்ம஡ரன் ஡ரஅந௃ம்
அப்தமண இலநம஦ரலணக் கூடிட்டரலும்
கூட்டுகிமநன் கு஫஬ிக்கு பூ஥ி வ஥த்஡
கு஬ன஦த்஡ில் மதர் ஬ிபங்கும் மதரக஬ரணரம்
பூட்டுகிமநன் மதரகபைட கடரக்ஷத்஡ரமன
பூ஡னத்஡ில் இலடம஦ரலணப் தரர்த்து வசரல்மன.

Meaning: If 10th lord from the house where the 4th lord is placed joins Sun, that native will own many lands and
he will be well known to all and will enjoy. Pulippani adds in the last line that this result has to be announced
by looking at the strength of the Sun.

In this chart the 4th lord Jupiter is placed in Leo. 10th lord from this house is Venus and is with the Sun. Sun
here is exalted. Refer to the results stated in verses 42, 43 and 44 above.

In another sloka No. 88, it is stated that If Venus is placed in the 8 th house, he will bestow on the native,
comfortable cot, bed, palatial house, wealth, agricultural lands, Government Job etc.

Note: I must place on record my sincere acknowledgements to Sri Nakeerar S. Natarajan, who has published the
Pulippani Jothidam 300 in Tamil and is presently translating it into English for Saptarishis Astrology and this
scribe is also involved in the said project. Whatever has been stated in this article with regard to the reference of
Pulippani, are from the works of Sri Natarajan.

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