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Doan Thi Diem Secondary School Name: ………………………… Class: 7……

Practice Test 1
I. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

1. My …….. has many different festivals and celebrations.

A. roots B. tradition C. background D. culture

2. Every year, they …….. races for the local children at the Highland Gathering.
A. hold B. join C. enter D. participate

3. The city …….. alive during the month of festivities.

A. comes B. brings C. turns D. returns

4. We hung decorations on all the …….. of the tree.

A. branches B. garlands C. wreaths D. ribbons

5. Every year, I …….. Christmas with my family.

A. honour B. celebrate C. commemorate D. remember
6. The celebrations usually …….. for five days.

A. last B. keep C. date back D. represent

7. Mike …….. his shirt while he was climbing a tree.

A. tore B. broke C. wore D. dressed up

8. There were thousands of people taking part in the …….. .
A. excel B. parade C. crowning D. highlight
9. I hope I don’t …….. anything on my new dress.
A. spill B. slip C. grab D. tear
10. The person who …….. the parade is always first in the procession.
A. watches B . leads C. looks D. faces
11. The Mexican army …….. against the French at the Battle of Puebla.
A. beat B. fought C. re-enacted D. defeated
12. During the parade it is very easy to accidentally …….. on somebody’s foot.
A. step B. fall C. grab D. hold
13. The town celebrates the anniversary of the battle every year …….. this day.
A. at B. in C. on D. for
14. I am very excited to join …….. the celebrations this year.
A. in B. with C. at D. from
15. We went for a ride across the snow on a(n) …….. pulled by dogs when we were in Canada.
A. kayak B. igloo C. sledge D. throne
16. Last year, we …….. presents with each other around the tree.
A. exchanged B. sent C. wrote D. chose
17. Last weekend, I …….. my brother’s graduation.
A. attended B. visited C. went D. joined
18. New Year’s Eve is a very important …….. in Scotland.
A. re-enactment B. parade C. procession D. celebration
19. The competition marks the beginning …….. the festival.
A. of B. in C. from D. for
20. The sound of the three pipe …….. playing together was amazing.
A. bands B. carols C. songs D. dances
21. Global temperatures have already …….. up by half a degree.
A. gone B. risen C. raised D. moved
22. I don’t like swimming in the sea because of the …….. water.
A. running B. salt C. drinking D. fresh
23. Even little things like switching off the lights can …….. a difference to how much electricity we use.
A. miss B. do C. see D. make
24. The mechanic has to get a(n) …….. part before he can fix my car.
A. spare B. scrap C. broken D. electric
25. The average …….. here in summer is between 25 and 35°C.
A. temperature B. level C. climate D. cycle
26.I …….. money every month to a charity that helps endangered animals.
A. offer B. donate C. receive D. save
27. Tigers are …….. danger of becoming extinct.
A. in B. of C. with D. at
28. I have a different …….. for each subject at school.
A. magazine B. phonebook C. notebook D. newspaper
29. …….. fumes from cars cause a lot of pollution in the city.
A. Exhaust B. Air C. Acid D. Fossil
30. Due to rising sea levels, …….. areas are in danger of flooding.
A. low-lying B. wide C. average D. long

II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Jon (be) …………… the UK for three weeks .
2. The people (light) ……………..a huge bonfire yesterday in Ha Noi.
3. I (take) ……………..a lot of photos to show you when I (be) …………… Devon next week.
4. ……………..your parents (ever/make) ……………..pancakes for you?
5. We (not serve) ……………..snacks yet.
6. She (know) ……………..Julia for seven years.
7. …………… (dress up) …………….. for the event last weekend?
- Yes, I (wear) ……………..a princess costume.
8. Jenny (not attend) ……………..the book fair last summer.
9. Tommy (never/ see) …………….. a fireworks display.
10. My friend and I (be) ……………..there yesterday.
III. Correct one mistake in each sentence below.

( Chú ý: Các con chỉ cần ghi sửa thành từ gì. Ví dụ: câu 1 sai ở hasn’t, phải đổi thành haven’t. Các con ghi
vào chỗ trống là haven’t )

1. She hasn’t received any good news since a long time. __________________
2. I haven’t had my hair cutted since last July. __________________
3. I am worried that I still hasn’t finished my homework yet. __________________
4. Have they yet been to London? __________________
5. My sister hasn’t listened to any music for yesterday. __________________
6. She has written three books and now she works on the fourth one. __________________
7. I bought a new computer game yesterday, but I didn’t have time to play it yet. __________________
8. The man got out of the car, walked round to the back and has opened the book. __________________

IV. Complete the following sentence using the correct forms of the words.
1. My tutor asked me to write a ___________________ of my favourite beach. DESCRIBE
2. It was such a hot night that I had a cold shower to ______________________ myself. FRESH
3. You mustn't ________________ new exercises - if you're tired, just sit down and start again. DO
4. She was taken to hospital with serious head ___________________. INJURE
5. The city is a ______________________ of old and new buildings. MIX
6. TV ______________________ have been writing in to complain of the false advertisement. VIEW
7. The film was so full of __________________ breaks that it was impossible to enjoy. COMMERCE
8. He entered for many ______________________, winning several gold medals. COMPETE
9. We have an average ______________________ of 4000 fans per game. ATTEND
10. She was so quiet that her ____________________ was hardly noticed. PRESENT

--- THE END ---

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