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Unrevealed Usage Of Karakas Via Chara Dasha

An Original Observation
Roberto Velicaz, Italy.
Editor: Muhammad Imran, Pakistan

[Roberto is a young astrologer with a humble research oriented mind, his first maiden article deserves
great applause and encouragement. Additional applause to M. Imran for being the Editor in piecing
together this original research in a very lucid and presenting it in a classical style. Roberto remains
indebted to K N Rao for revealing Late Vemuri Sastri’s Chara Dasha. The examples illustrated are
not for the spoon fed astrologers. - SA]

hara Dasha is an important predictive technique in Jyotish. It is basically a sign-
based Direction and usually ranked top among Phalit Dashas (periods of good-bad
2 3
fruits). Both Parashar and Jaimini maintained a fair amount of discussion about
Chara Dasha. Yet, controversies over its calculation and utility still exist. The
first reason is the highly terse and complex formation of ancient Jyotish texts and the
second reason is dozens of their commentaries and annotations. On the other hand, modern
living authorities on Jaimini Phalit Dashas, have abstained to decode the codes of Chara
Karakas and Chara Dasha (at least in their published stuff). That is why, choosing a flawless
path has really become hard for today’s Jyotish learner.

This writ-up intends to highlight an untold aspect of timing adverse events through Chara
Dasha. According to scribe, there is a direct relation between occurring of adverse event and the
running Chara Dasha having Gnathikaraka (GK) in 1st or 6th there from. The particular area of life
should scrutinize from relevant divisional chart (Varga Chakra). Before properly establishing the
mentioned above thesis, let’s first understand the Gnathikaraka (GK) and Varga Chakra.

There are many types of Karaka (signifying planet or indicator) in Jyotish. Among them
Chara Karaka is a special scheme of planetary arrangement with respect to their celestial
longitudes in zodiacal sign. But there are three main schools of thought about total number
of Chara Karakas. First propounds that there should be 7 Chara Karaka (from Sun to Saturn,

1 Chara is often pronounced as ‘Char’. In Sanskrit, चर means dynamic, moving, mutable, living, passage, agent, and
2Brihat Parashar Hora Shastar: Santhanam Translation, Chapter 46, verse 158-166, and Chapter 50, verse 1-97.
Whereas, in G.C. Sharma’s translation, Chara Dasha computation is given in Chapter 48 and its results in Chapter 52.
3 Maharishi Jaimni Sutram: Quarter III and Quarter IV of Chapter 2.
and Rahu should never be used). Second school teaches that Chara Karaka can be 7 or 8
depending upon the longitudes of planets. Whereas third cult believes on 8 Chara Karaka
and emphasizes to always include Rahu. Following the teachings of B.V. Raman and K.N.
Rao , scribe simply considers the 7-planet Chara Karaka scheme. They are as follows:

1) AtmaKaraka (AK) means: indicator of soul

2) AmatyaKaraka (AmK) means: indicator of minister

3) BhratruKaraka (BK) means: indicator of brother

4) MatruKaraka (MK) means: indicator of mother

5) PutraKaraka (PK) means: indicator of son

6) GnathiKaraka (GK) means: indicator of paternal cousin

7) DaraKaraka (DK) means: indicator of spouse

These 7 labels of planets do not compel us to assume just 7 people or 7 areas of life. About
the utility and significations of Chara Karaka, this is a widely prevailed misunderstanding,
and it should be addressed. That is, whether a Chara Karaka only signifies the matter it is
named after, or it can also indicate other relevant areas of life.

Historically speaking, every ancient and medieval Jyotish text (in its preliminary chapter)
entitles certain name to houses as well as planets. Say, First House as Tanu Bhava, Second
House as Dhan Bhava and so on. But the name or title of Tanu Bhava does not imply that
First House merely rules over body of native, and Dhan Bhava only indicates wealth.
Obviously dozens of other significations also fall under jurisdiction of Tanu Bhava, for
instant; appearance, knowledge, colour, nature, strength, comfort and discomfort. Similarly
Second House deals with various matters, say assets, means of getting wealth, place of
securing money, grains, food, joint-family, learning abilities etc. Thus, despite many
significations, Jyotish authorities labelled First House as Tanu Bhava or Lagna Bhava. Same
is the case with planets as well. Following this logic behind naming, AtmaKaraka (AK)
should not assume to only rule Soul, and AmatyaKaraka (AmK) should not consider to just
rule Minister or Ministerial Position.

Studies in Jaimini Astrology by B.V. Raman, Motilal Banarsidas Publications.
Predicting through Jaimini’s Chara Dasha by K.N. Rao, Vani Publications.
Let’s come to the subject of this article, i.e. Gnathikaraka (GK). In Sanskrit, Gnathi6 simply
means paternal cousin. But as explained in above paragraph, this label or title does not entail
that GK only signifies cousins. In fact, GK simultaneously shows other significations of 6th
house from ascendant. Why 6th house? Because, counting downward from Atmakaraka,
Gnathikaraka (GK) comes at number six. If all the 7 Chara Karakas should arrange with
respect to decreasing longitude then they are amazingly analogous to significations of First
House to Seventh House. Thus Gnathikaraka shows other indications of 6th house,
including; enemy, rival, accident, illness, dispute, mishap, litigation etc.

Basic Rules
First Step

a) First look at the rashi chart (D1 - natal chart) and check to see if Atmakaraka (AK) is
situated in the 6th, 8th or 12th house from the running antardasha. Atmakaraka (AK) represents the
1st house and its significations, the individual concerned.

b) Check next to see if Gnathikaraka (GK) is situated in the 6th or 8th house from the
antardasha running in rashi chart (D1 – natal chart). Also check if GK is in the 1st house from
antardasha or aspects the 1st house of the antardasha.

Second Step

If any of the two conditions (a) or (b) mentioned in the first step are met, we next check the
divisional charts. We look at each individual divisional chart to see if Gnathikaraka (GK) is
in the 1st or 6th house from antardasha running, or GK is in the house from the antardahsa
which represents that particular divisional chart.

Third Step

If step two is also met we can identify a particular area of life that may present difficulties to
the person e.g.; D9 Marriage, D10 Career, D12 parents etc.

Gnathi is also spelled as Jnaati or Gnati. Some modern translators explain Gnathi as community, kith and kin, and
cousins. But B.S. Rao in his commentary of Sri Sarwartha Chintamani (vol.2, page 644-645) maintains that Gnathi in
Sanskrit refers only to paternal side and never to first or remote cousins on the maternal side. J.N. Bhasin translates the
Gnathi as people of one’s community. In either case, 6th house signifies Gnathisthana in horoscope.
As far as divisional charts (Varga Chakras) are concerned, Parashar’s teaching and
computational criterion are followed in this article.

Varga Notation Main Signification From Chara Dasha/Antar,

Houses to look for GK

Drekkan D3 Sibling 1st, 3rd, 11th, and 6th

Chaturthamsa D4 Landed Property 1st, 4th, and 6th

Saptamsa D7 Children 1st, 5th, and 6th

Navamsa D9 Spouse 1st, 7th, and 6th

Dasamsa D10 Career 1st, 10th, and 6th

Dwadasamsa D12 Parents 1st, 4th, 9th, and 6th

Shodashamsa D16 Vehicles 1st, 4th, and 6th

Given are some examples using horoscopes of famous people to aid the readers

Chart 1: Rajiv Gandhi

7 A divisional chart, say D3 or D9, can be erected in various ways and used for various purposes, and so as for other
Vargas. But for the sake of ease, area of life given in BPHS’ chapter 7 on Divisional Charts i.e. Shodasvarga Adhyayah
is followed. This understanding is widely accepted and practiced.
Former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi lost his younger brother Sanjay Gandhi in an
air accident. This mishap in Rajiv’s life occurred on June 23, 1980. As per Chara Dasha, Rajiv
was going through sub period of Capricorn-Leo.

The D1 (rashi chart), antardasha rashi Leo has GK Sun. AK Mercury and GK Sun are in
Leo, being – the antardasha rashi – it is 8th from dasha rashi Capricorn. Looking in D3
(drekken), GK Sun is in antardasha rashi Leo.

Chart 2: Richard Nixon

8 His Time of Birth as per ADB is 21:35 with a AA Lois Roddens Ratings, source ‘T. Pat Davis in MH 4/1977 quotes a
photo reproduction of the B.C.’
On November 8 1960, American Republican candidate Richard Nixon lost election to John F.
Kennedy. The sub period of Aquarius-Virgo was active in the nativity of Richard Nixon.
From Sagittarius, the Gnathikaraka Mars casts rashi drishti to antardasha Virgo. In D10 (dasamsa),
GK Mars is in the 6th house from Virgo antardasha.

Chart 3: John F Kennedy, Sr

On August 12 1944, Joseph Kennedy, elder brother of John F. Kennedy, died. The antardasha
of Capricorn-Aquarius was running. GK Saturn occupies in 6th house from antardasha rashi
Aquarius. In the D3 (drekkana) GK Saturn is again in 6th house from Aquarius antardasha.

On May 13 1948, Kathleen Kennedy, younger sister of John F. Kennedy dies. Pisces-Taurus
was running in the chart of John F. Kennedy. In D1 (rashi chart), antardasha Taurus has AK
Mercury in 12th house from antardasha. In the D3 (drekkana) GK Saturn is in the 3rd house
from Taurus antardasha.

Chart 4: Jacqueline Kennedy

9 Note in Rasi chart GK Saturn is in the 11H of elder brothers. - SA

10 Note GK Saturn is in the 3H offering a good clue that something to do with brothers will happen in the life of
brother, one would debate that 3H is younger brother but the event was of elder brother but one would note that in
classics 3H has also been given as signification for siblings in general which means all siblings elder or younger. This
chart is indeed a beautiful example, GK Saturn in 11H in Rasi and in 3H in D3. - SA
On August 9 1963, Jacqueline Kennedy’s 3-day baby son died . Chara antardasha of Pisces-
Aries was running. In antardasha rashi Aries has GK Moon. In the D7 (saptamsa), GK
Moon owns the 5th house from saptamsa lagna, and abodes in antardasha rashi Aries in 2H a
maraca sthana.

Chart 5: Bill Clinton

11This is a classic example to show that retrograde planet is powerful but powerful to do what? And to examine the
dispositors dispositor theory as revealed by Late J N Bhasin in his books ‘Dispositors In Astrology’. Now see it’s a female
chart and 9L of children is Mer combust with Sun (note Mer is behind Sun, dispelling many theories on forums that a
planet behind Sun will not be combust), this 9H of children is aspected by Retro Saturn which is yogakaraka and has
given what? Then see that 5L of children Saturn is aspecting its own house the 5H and has given what? And its
dispositor Jupiter is in the 8H of death (dispositor’s dispositor) and her child died. - SA
On December 16 1998, former US President Bill Clinton is impeached by the House of
Representatives. Aries-Leo Chara antardasha was running. The D1 (rashi chart), antardasha
rashi Leo has GK Sun. Whereas, in the D10 (dasamsa) GK Sun is in the 1st house Leo.


t is to underline again that discussed thesis and illustrations are only scribe’s
observations and as such need further research and investigation on many horoscopes.
One must always remember to use the rashi chart (natal chart i.e. D1) as the focus point
and the Vimshotarri Dasha with this technique.

This predictive technique was used on various charts of scribe’s friends and scribe gained
very satisfactory results. Yet, 100% guarantee cannot be given. It is up to the intelligent
readers and researchers to test this technique and send their feed back.

Finally, a note about the computation of Chara Dasha seems indispensible. Reader may find
different Chara Dasha outcome from different programming routines and software. The
reason is consideration of different ‘strength criteria’ and dual lordship of Aquarius and
Scorpio used by various Jyotish software . Never assume software’s output as flawless, at

12 In the special series of articles appeared in Saptarishis Astrology (October 2010), author K.N. Rao lists Chara Dasha
for natal chart of Queen Elizabeth II (see Chara Dasha – My Approach, Part 1, page 8). But Editor of Saptarishis
Astrology intimates that JHora outcome does not match with K.N. Rao’s dasha calculation. The reason is the ‘Jaimini’s
planetary strength criteria’ used by JHora. Yet, there is another confusion of stronger between 1st or 7th rashi for all
signs. In Queen Elizabeth chart, Rahu is stronger for lordship of Aquarius, and Mars is for lordship of Scorpio. If one
least for the calculations of Jaimini’s rashi dasha. It would be fruitful to manually recheck
the stronger between Saturn and Rahu, and Mars and Ketu. For correct antardasha sequence,
the stronger between 1st and 7th from each rashi should deduct intelligently.

manually changes the ‘lordship’ and ‘exception’ in JHora through ‘OPTIONS’ button in ‘RASI DASA’ tab, then JHora’s
outcome becomes identical to K.N. Rao’s calculation. On the other hand Parashar Light software does not provide rich
options for Chara Dasha. So, it is tough for a new learner to reach a correct Chara Dasha sequence. For special rules of
Scorpio (Mars/Ketu) and Aquarius (Saturn/Rahu) lordships, readers should peruse page 44-45 of Predicting through
Jaimini’s Chara Dasha by K.N. Rao (2005).

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