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Look at the pictures and write your predictions for next years;

I Think that………

I Think that technology takes time to arrive in Colombia

I Think that the war will not end in our country

Complete your own predictions about 2050 using ‘will’ or ‘won’t’.

1. Shopping online_will be more popular than traditional shopping.

2. People_will have more free time.
3. Cars_will be able to fly.
4. Robots_won`t /will serve food in restaurants.
5. People _won`t live longer than 150 years.
6. There will be/ won`t more traffic on the roads.
7. Smoking will / won`t be illegal.
8. Computers_won`t cost very little money
How will the world be in the future?

Kusi, 22, Bolivia.

I think the future will be brighter for the world. People will learn how to take care of the natural
resources and new eco-friendly technologies will be developed. I really hope that the environmental
education in my country will be improved. It will be nice to see more people interested in taking
care of the environment.

Min, 17, Myanmar.

I think the world won’t change a lot. I think that there will be more contamination, so people will have
to wear special devices to help them breath. There won’t be many trees, so the air we will breath
won’t be so pure. I don´t want this to be a reality, but it seems like the most probable scenery.

Harold, 67, Australia.

I’m an old man that wants a different world. In a few months, I’ll attend to a
congress about strategies to create conscience about the melting of the poles. Polar bears will be
very happy to know we are planning to save their home. My friend, Koha, is also an activist, and
she will start to give conferences at schools and universities to create debate about the preservation
of koalas.

Natalya, 25, Ukraine.

My grandma was a survivor of the Chernobyl accident. I’ll be part of a new world, that’s why I’m
studying nuclear engineering. Nuclear energy will change the world, it is eco-friendly, if you are
careful, and it is more efficient too. More countries will implement this kind of energy source, you’ll

Match with the correct opinion

Kusi a. The world won’t change.

Min b.His friend is interested in koalas.
Harold c.More countries will implement nuclear energy.
Natalya d. People will learn to take care of the resources.

Write your opinion about the future

My opinion about the future is that we are going to have more technology every day, but there will also be animals that will
be extinct, the depletion of some natural resources, such as pests or diseases, will be more noticeable in our society every

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