Mongolian Presentation

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Welcome to Mongolia

My friend
General information
General information
• Country name: Mongolia
• Country status: Democratic, Independent
• Population: 2.8 million
• Area: 1,566,500 sq. km.
• Land boundaries: 8,158 km, with Russia
• 3,485 km and with China 4,673 km
• The second biggest landlocked, 17th biggest
country in the world.

Mongolia has been inhabitated for

over 800,000 years.

Mongolia only became politically

important after iron weapons
entered the area in the 3rd century
Chingis khan (1162-1227)
• Chingis was born 1165
• Temujin’s father is murdered 1174
• Borte, Temujin’s wife, is kidnapped 1183
• Temujin emerges as local strongman 1200
• Temujin is enthroned as Chingis Khan
• Chingis wages his first foreign campaign
• Chingis destroys Zhongdu (Beijing) 1215
• Insults draws Chingis westward 1218
• Chingis takes Samarkand and Bukhara
• Chingis searches for immortality 1222
• Chingis wages his last campaign 1226
• Chingis Khan dies 1227
• 1264: Capital city of the Mongol Empire transferd to Beijing by
Kublai Khaan
• 1368: A rebellion of the Red Turban Rebellion began in China. Yuan
Dynasty fell. Ming troops oust the Mongols from Dadu - present-
day Beijing.
• 1372-1422: Ming Dynasty began aggressions against Mongolia.
Ming armies invaded Mongolia but were expelled each time in 1373,
1380, 1381, 1392, 1409, 1410, 1422 and 1414 .
• 1480: The Russians stop paying tribute to the remnants of the
Mongol rulers of Russia.
• 1502: The Russian Tsar, Ivan Vasilevitch (the third), finally declared
full and unlimited Russian independence from the Mongols, and the
last and most enduring part of the Mongol Empire ceases to exist.
• 1636 : The Manchu (Qing) empire conquers the southern Mongols,
creating Inner Mongolia.
• 1691: The Qing empire offers protection to the northern Mongols,
creating Outer Mongoli
• 1727: The Treaty of Kyakhta fixes the western border between the
Russian and Manchu empires, confirming Qing dominion over
Mongolia and Tuva.
• 1911:- The Qing dynasty falls and Outer Mongolia declares its
independence. Russia and the Republic of China recognise its
• 1919: The Chinese army occupies Outer Mongolia.
• 1920: Mongolian revolutionaries found the Mongolian People's
Party and open contact with Bolsheviks in Siberia.
Mongolian modern history
• 1921.07.11:- With Russian Army support, Mongolian revolutionaries
drive out Chinese and Tsarist forces and install the Mongolian
"people's government".
• 1924: The People's Party chooses Lenin's "road to socialism
bypassing capitalism" and renames itself the Mongolian People's
Revolutionary Party (MPRP). The Mongolian People's Republic is
• 1928-32: "Rightists" who want private enterprise are ousted.
"Leftists" who want communes are ousted. A "counter-revolutionary
uprising" against the confiscation of monastery property is
• 1937: Mongolian Prime Minister Genden is arrested in the USSR and
shot for spying for Japan. The Minister of War Marshal Demid is
poisoned aboard a Trans-Siberian train. Monasteries are destroyed
and lamas murdered.
Mongolian modern history
• 1939: Mongolian and Soviet troops commanded by General Zhukov
defeat an invasion by Japanese and Manchukuo forces in the Battle
of Halhyn Gol (Nomonhan).
• 1939: "Mongolia's Stalin", interior minister and new Minister of War
Choybalsan, is appointed prime minister.
• 1945-46: Yalta conference agrees to preserve the status quo - Soviet
control - in Mongolia. Mongolians vote for independence in a UN
plebiscite. Mongolia is recognised by the Republic of China.
• 1949-55 - Relations established with the People's Republic of China.
Railway built across Mongolia linking Russia and China.
• 1952 - Choybalsan dies, and is replaced as prime minister by
Tsedenbal, the MPRP general secretary since 1940.
• 1961-63 - UN Security Council approves Mongolia's UN
membership. Diplomatic relations established with the UK.
Mongolian modern history
• 1966-1986: Mongolia was Soviet buffer against China.
• 1990: Demonstrations force resignation of the MPRP Politburo.
Political system changed. Political parties are legalized.
• 1992: Mongolia's new constitution gives first place to human rights
and freedoms.
• 1993 - The first direct presidential elections are won by Ochirbat,
nominated by the National and Social Democrats.
• 2002 November - Dalai Lama visits. China denounces trip and
warns Mongolian leaders not to meet the Tibetan spiritual leader.
• 2004 January - Russia writes off all but $300 million of Mongolia's
• 2005 November - President George W Bush becomes the first
serving US leader to visit Mongolia.
Flag, Soyombo
Flame The three branches of the flame
stand for the past, present and future
Fire is seen as a symbol of prosperity and
to succeed a person.
Sun and Moon: These two ancient
symbols of Mongolia represent the sky.
The two triangles: a spear and arrow.
They are both pointed down to
symbolize the defeat of the enemy.
The two "laying" rectangles: honest and
right feelings and force
The round form : two fishes. Fishes are
supposed to never close
their eyes so they can always be watchful.
The two upright rectangles. Their image
represents firmness and strength.
The outer rim features a tumen nusan,
symbolizing eternity, surrounding a circular
blue field, symbolizing the sky. On the centre of
the field is a combination of the soyombo and
the wind horse (treasured steed), symbolizing
Mongolia's independence, sovereignty, and
spirit. Above the field is a chandmani, the
Buddhist Three Jewels symbol, which in
Mongolian folklore grants wishes, and
symbolizes past, present, and future. Below the
central emblem is a green mountain range, with
the wheel of destiny at the center. On the
bottom of the mountain range and wheel is a
khadag, a ceremonial scarf.
Base flower is lotus.
Political system
Political system: Parliamentary . In 1991 Mongolia has
moved into democratic system, it means multiple party
Parliament: The State hural (parliament) the highest organ
of state power
Members: 76
Election term: 4 years
The Sessions take place every 6 months Mongolia has
named “autumn, spring”
President: Mongolian President is symbol of head embodiment
of the unity of the people.
Minimum requirement: at least 45 years old, an indigenous citizen
of Mongolia and permanently resided as a minimum for the last
5 years in the native land.
Election term: 4 years

The biggest province

is Umnugovi. 161000
sq. km
18 province & town, 3 big city
• 3 million population (2011)
• 1 million people live in rural areas
• one person per 1.6 square km
• 68% of the total populations are young people under the age of
• The average life expectancy is just over 65 year
• The present urban population is above 1 million
• In Ulaanbaatar having 1000,000 inhabitants-one third of the
total population of Mongolia
• Khalkha Mongols(86%), Kazaks(6%), other Mongolian ethnic
• In addition, there are some 3.5 million Mongols in China (Inner
Mongolia , Qinghai , Xingjian), and about 500,000 in Russia ,
mainly Buryat from Siberia , but also some Kalmuk.
Foreign relation
• Mongolia joined UNO in 1961.
Russia India
• 144 countries with diplomatic missions
1921.11.05 1955.12.24

Afghanistan Sri lanka Iraq Laos Egypt

1962.02.01 1962.02.01 1962.02.05 1962.09.12 1963.04.02

Sudan Bungladesh Costa Rica Lesotho

1970.07.07 1972.06.28 1977.06.06 1985.07.02

Belarus Uzbekstan Tajikistan Peru El Salvador

1992.01.24 1992.01.25 1992.04.24 1997.05.30 1999.07.14
Mongolian Language
• Official language is Mongolian
• Kazakh population speaks a dialect of Turkish
• The Mongolian language belongs to the Ural –
Altaic language family. This included Kazakh,
Turkish, Korean and Finnish. Today more than
10 million people speak Mongolian. They live in
Mongolia , Buriat republic of Russian federation
, Inner Mongolia in China , Shingjan and Gansu
regions of China , Tibet and a few people living
in the State of New Jersey State in the USA .
• Cyrillic Script, 35 letters
National culture

Festivals and events
Naadam festival-11 July

Greatest fame wrestlers
grant choose opponent 5th round winners “falcon”
2 days 6th round winners “hawk”
512 wrestlers, 7th round winners “elephant”
9 round 8th round winners “gard”
9th round winners “lion”
Two time lions “champion”
Festivals and events
Naadam festival-11 July
Horse racing

6 age class horse

12-30 km
Top 5 horses earn title, gold, silver, bronze medals. Hors
rising master owns title.
Jockeys children 5-13 age
Festivals and events
Naadam festival-11 July

36 arrows
Men - 75m
Women - 65m
Winners granted “National marksman”,
“National markswoman”
Festivals and events
New Year-White month
Prepare plenty of gifts and food, in other words to
have one's hand's full.

Sheep back with the tail is

boiled and served on the table
for the entire holiday.

The oldest family member is greeted first. They are

seated at the north side of the ger –the most respected
side of the ger. The next oldest family member is the
first to greet. This member carries the hadag- a
beautiful piece of blue silk – across their arms. The
younger member has her or his palms facing upward
and grasps the older one's elbows. The older member
has palms faced down, and the arms are above the
Nomad lifestyle
Mongolian nomadic people move into
place to place 2-4 times a year as well as it
is depending on livestock's pasture.

Mongolian five animals. Mongolia is the land of livestock.

30 million livestock, including 13.8 million sheep, 10.2
million goats, 3.1 million cattle, 2.6 million horses and 322.3
thousand Bactrian camels.
Mongolian traditional food
Milk Beverages

Ayrag Tarag Isgelen Tarag

Fermented mare's milk Yoghurt Kefir

Mongol Arkhi- vodka

Light liquor made from
Isgelen Tarag (or Ayrag).
Mongolian traditional food
Butter and Cheese

caramelized Urum
"White Butter": clotted cream

Cheese of cows, yaks, goats or sheep. Eezgii
Aruul dried mass of cheese
dried curds
Mongolian traditional food
Soup, tea

Bantan Guriltai Shul

Flour soup with lumps Noodle soup with meat

Suutei Tsai Banshtai Tsai

Mongolian milk tea with salt Rice tea with Bansh
Mongolian traditional food
Meat Dishes

Chanasan Makh
Boiled meat and boiled innards
Mutton Back

Khorkhog Marmot or goat, cooked with hot stones in
Mutton cooked with hot the stomach.
stones in a container.
Mongolian traditional food
Pockets food

Buuz Khuushuur
Small filled pockets, steamed Large filled pockets, fried or deep fried.

Small filled pockets, boiled
Religion in Mongolia
Yellow headed Buddhism began to enter
into Mongolia from Tibet the second half
of the 16th century. Since that time mostly
Mongolians believe Buddhism. But
Mongolian Buddhism is different from
Tibetan Buddhism. Mongolian Buddhism
connected with Mongolian traditional
lifestyle. Before in 1930 40% of male
population was lamas (monks). Between
the communist purges 1930-1940 Russian
and Mongolian soldiers destroyed about
700 monasteries and temples. Until in 1990
any religion closed in Mongolia. After
democratic movement in 1990 all religion
reopened. Now more than 110 Buddhist
monasteries and temples and about 70
Christian churches in Mongolia .
Mongolian climate

Winter (Dec-Feb) Spring (Mar-May)

–20c 250 sunny days
The wind is 1.5-4.5m/s.
“Blue Sky”

Summer (Jun-Aug) Autumn (Sep-Nov)

+20c The average rainfall 200-220 mm

Average altitude: 1,580 m above sea-level

The highest point: Mount Huiten (4374m above the sea level)
The lowest point: Huh nuur (560m above the sea level)
Terrain: Vast semi-desert and desert plains, mountains in west and south-west,
Gobi Desert in south-east. Almost 90% of land area is pasture; 1% arable; 9%
The largest vast steppe: Menengiin Tal (250,000 square km)
Natural zones of Mongolia

3. Mountain forest steppe

1. High Mountain Zone. 2. Taiga forest zone To the south, about 25% of Mongolia
West Northern Mongolia is a mix of forest and grassland

4. Steppe Zone 5. Desert Steppe Zone 6. Gobi Desert Zone

Further south, the Steppe Zone South covers 20% South
is a ‘sea grass' covers 20%
Mongolia's Wetlands
7. Mongolia's Wetlands
glaciers, lakes, rivers, streams, marshes, oases

About 4000 rivers total length of 67,000km

Streams, fountains 7000
Lakes about 3500
The biggest fresh water lake in
the world - Baikal
The biggest lake – Uvs
The second biggest
759 м above the sea
fresh water lake in the
level, 3350 sq. km.
world – Hubsgul
1646,3 м above the
The biggest river – sea level, 2770 sq. km.
Selenge 136km length,
447 sq. km 37km max width,
The longest river – 267,2 meter deep
Orkhon 1124 km The most deep lake in
the Asia
Mongolian flora and faun
Flowering Plants: 3000 species , 975 species medicinal plants

Mammals: 138 species,

32 species of rare very rare,
8 species of amphibians and mollusks

Mongolian birds and insects: 457 species of

birds belonging to 200 genera, 60 families of
19 orders registered 81 species birds
permanently others migrate. 12500 species of

Fish of Mongolia: 75 species,

33 species of fish for fishing tour and sport fishing
Developing sector Mining

Erdenet copper explore industry. The one of the Ore

mining and Ore processing factory in Asia.
 Width 5 km, length 22 km
 51% shares owned Mongolia, 49% shares owned Russia
 It started its operation in 1978.
 6240 employers
Developing sector Mining

Oyu Tolgoi
One of the biggest
copper resource area in
the world.
“Ivanhoe Mines”
Canadian company
hold lisence.
Mounuments & Place
The biggest horseman Monument of
Chingis khaan in the word. 60 km
away from capital city,
40 meter tall
Fundament 1, 2 floor have restaurant,
There is a lift in the tail of the horse
and stairs along its neck leading to
the head where the surroundings are
Mounuments & Place
Oldest big temple of buddism- Erdene Zuu

Gandan temple

Budda garden

Chinggis khaan hotel

Government house Chinggis khaan


Zaisan tolgoi
Monument for Russian soliders Stone monument for song
Copper monument

Stone monument for

Capital city 360 age Monument for Monument for
National hero Sukhbaatar Mongolian Empire stamp
Archaeology remainder

Thank you for attention.

Hope you have enjoyed watching


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