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28 May, 2011

Hon. Mr. Ban Ki-moon


United Nations Headquarters S-3800

New York, NY 10017


Dear Secretary-General,

Today marks the eighth anniversary of the Depayin massacre in Burma on May 30, 2003 that is
also known as the Black Friday. The attack was coordinated and executed by a regime-
sponsored civilian organization, the Union Solidarity Development Association (USDA), in
cooperation with local authorities. The USDA entered the 2010 sham election by transforming
into a party (USDP), backed up by the military junta, then became the leading political party that
set up the new government in 2011. Thus, it is obvious that those responsible for indiscriminate
killings have not yet been brought to justice.

The Depayin Massacre and the ensuing crackdown has been the most ruthless and bloodiest
attack on the democracy movement in Burma since the 1988 crackdown on nationwide
demonstrations. This brutal attack was the regime’s response to the unwavering support shown
to the NLD during Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s numerous trips throughout the country, following
her release from 19 months of house arrest in May 2002. According to the NCGUB (The
National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma), at least 70 people were killed, two
hundred were wounded and a considerable number of people went missing.

However, the day after the attack, the SPDC blamed the NLD for the incident and the regime
closed the offices of the party nationwide. A total of 256 people were arrested in relation to
Depayin Massacre, on the day of the event and the subsequent months. As Special Rapporteur
Sergio Pinheiro mentioned in a report to the UN Commission on Human Rights “there is prima
facie evidence that the Depayin incident could not have happened without the connivance of
State agents”. It was a clear premeditated state terrorism bid which has several features of
regime-sponsored nature.

The Ad hoc Commission, as well as the UN Secretary-General and several US senators, have
called for an independent tribunal to investigate the attack, however, the junta ignored. Together
with the crimes against humanity committed by the military junta and USDP, the Depayin
massacre clearly shows the need to set up a commission of inquiry. We strongly believe in the
legal maxim of 'Justice delayed, is justice denied'. For Depayin Massacre victims, they have not
been in a position to assert their rights and receive a fair and effective remedy. It has been 8
years on. Justice Denied.

We, therefore, urge you, Mr. Secretary-General, to establish a commission of inquiry to

investigate allegations of crimes against humanity including Depayin Massacre and adopt
effective measures to restore democracy, freedom and justice in Burma.


People's Campaign Forces of Burma

(1) Denmark (2) Norway (3) Netherlands (4) United Kingdom (5) Canada (6) United States

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